xt72z31ngq13 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31ngq13/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1862 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1862-01-jun24. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1862-01-jun24. 1862 1862 2019 true xt72z31ngq13 section xt72z31ngq13 


OCTOBER 15, 1855   Jun. 7. 1887

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Ketuocky University

of June
24, 1862

dlent I s
read &

The Report
of the
Genal Agent
and Treas-
urer read
and rofer_
Report of
the Exec.

     At the regular Annual meeting of the Curators of Ky. Uni-
versity, hold in the meeting House of the Christian Church at
Harrodsburg on June 24th 1862, the following Curators were
present at Roll Call.
     John B. Bowman                       John Aug. Williams
     C. T. Worthington                    G. D. Runyon
     A. H. Bowman                         P. B. Mason
     D. W. Thompson                       R. I. White
     W. T. Moore                          Jno. Shackelford
     W. L. Williams                       A. T. Vivian
                       A. G. Herndon
                       R. C. Ricketts
                       J. J. Rogers
                       Z. F. Smith
                       R. T. Latham
                       B. C. Allen
After Prayer by Dr. Richardson and the Reading of the minutes
of the last annual meeting, the official Report of the Presi-
dent of Ky. University was read and on notion of J. B. Bowman
the same was received and referred to a special Committee of
three with instructions to report at 2 o'clock P. M. whereupon
the President appointed J. B. Bowman, W. T. Moore & R. C.Ricketts.
     The Report of J. B. Bowman as Gen'l Agent and Treasurer
was next called for, reed, received and upon motion, the Report
of the General Agent was referred to Z. F. Smith, J. J. Rogers,
E. White the report of the Treasurer was in like manner refer-
red to Dr. Shackelford. D. W. Tkoapson, W. L. Willians with
instructions to Report at 2 P. M.
     The Report of Ex. Committee was Read & on motion receii.d
and referred again the Executive Committee with Instructions
to Report at 2 o'clock P. ,.
     On motion, the Board adjourned to seet at 2 o'clock P. M.




June 24, 1862

Report of
Con. on
Treasurer' s

Report of
The Tress-
arer adop-

Report of
Coo. on Pres.
Publi ca-
tion of
standing of

Degree of
A.B. to be
Degree of
LI. D. to be

Sa'l1 Poyntz
released from

     The Board net 2 o'clock P. M. pursuant to adjournment. The
Committee on Treasurer's Report, through the Chairman Dr. Shace.
elford, Reports as follows&
     The Committee upon Treasurer's Report beg leave to recommend
that the estimate on expenditures for the ensuing year be based
upon 6 per cent income securing from invested stocks and such in-
terest as may be collected on unpaid donations.
                                        Jno. Shackelford
                                        D. 'W. Thompson
                                        W. L. Williams
The report of the Treasurer with the above recommendation of the
Committee was on motion unanimously adopted.
     The Committee on Pros. Milligan's Report submitted the fol-
lowing, which on motion was received and the various articles of
said Comitteels Report were considered seriation            the
     1. That so much of the report of the President as relates to
the standing of candidates for graduation be published as a part
of the Report of the Zx. Con. & that this be required annually.
     II. That C. F. Uhlrich be & the same is hereby appointed
Principal of Taylor Academy & Teacher of Modern Languages with
Salary. Unanimously adopted.
     III. We fully endorse the policy recommended to keep the
University free from all political & sectional alliances.
     IV. That the Degree of A. B. is hereby conferred on the
persons  recommended in the President's Report.   Unanimously
     V. That the Degree of LL.D. be & is hereby conferred upon
Hon. Jeremiah S. Black of Washington City, late Att. Gen. U. S.
unanimously passed. The following young gentlemen are recommended
by the Faculty as qualified to receive the Degree of A. B.
     Thos. Jefferson Gore Bloomfield, Ky. George Gatewood Mullins
Richmond. Ky. Francis Marion Green.
     Faculty authorized to confer the Degrees on Wednesday June
25th, 1862. The III item of the above report was a notion laid on
the Table.
     Committee on General Agents Report was allowed further time
to Report.
     Dr. Shackelford moved that Mr. Samuel Poyntz of Mason, in
view of the peculiar circumstances of his case, be released from
the payment of his subscription to Ky. University, on his paying



Dr. Sas'l
Hatch ex-
one rated

Report of
the Commit-
tee on re-
and condition-
al acceptance
by the Faculty
of 1st Scheme


one more installemnt Provided the action of the Board in this
case shall not be referred to in future as any precedent for a
change of policy on collecting outstanding claims and that Stock
be issued for the amount paid.
     On a vote, the motion was        by decision of the Chair.
On notion of Col. Kyle the above record was amended by declaring
that the action of the Board was in reality an agreement to com-
pound with an insolvent Donor on his payment of all he could as
fully made known to the Board.
     Prof. White, on behalf of Dr. Hatch Committee in case of
Dr. Hatch appointed at the last annual meeting, reported as the
cause of the disoripancy in the old Bacon College, a slight neg-
lect of form in the Legislature of Dr. Hatch and that this Board
are fully satisfied of the integrity & connection of Dr. Hatch
in all the whole affair & that Prof. White informed Dr. Hatch of the
the action and sentiment of this Board.
     Report received adopted & Committee discharged with these
     Ix. Cos. reported as before in substance i follows, that on
the 3d July last they rec'd a letter from the aculty accepting
the Firgt scheme of Retrenchent submitted at the last neeting
of the oard with the following conditions.
     "1. That the sums mentioned in the scheme at least be paid
to them respectively during the ensuing year.
     2. That should the income of the Institution exceed the
above estimate of $9000 such excess shall be likewise paid to the
members of the Faculty in the ratio of the above appointment as
far as such excess may go or be required in order to make their
salaries equal to those assigned to them during the past session.
     3. Should the amounts thus accuring to the Faculty fall short
of those awarded to them as their salaries during the past year
such deficiency of salaries shall be made up and paid to each
Prof. respectively as soon as the income on resources of the Insti-
tution will admit of it-I" and that they assented unanimously to
this arrangement.
Further, that they had elected Prof. Ulrich as principal of the
Preparatory Department at a Salary of 500# with privileges of
Teaching Modern Languages & receiving the fees thereof.
     On motion the Reports was received Pending the discussion of
a notion to adopt, a motion was made to postpone till evening &
carried & the Ex. Cos. instructed to confer with the Faculty.
On motion Board adjourned to meet at 8 this P. M.



Report of
the Ex. Com.
consi dered
& adopted

Report of
the Com. on
the Gen'l
Agents report

Ambrose Dud-
ley is added
to Investing

tion for
next session



Board net 8 o'clock P. M. Tuesday Zvening pursuant to adjournment
C. T. Worthington being absent, Dr. Shackelford was callod to the
     The subject of the adoption of the Report of the Ex. Cos.
being in order for discussion, the Executive Cos. & Faculty were
called on for explanations touching the correspondence between
them in reference to salaries for the last year, so far at least
on  the action of the Ex. Cos. created an indebtedness to the F1.
culty on the part of the Board. After full discussion, the Repor
of the Executive Con as submitted, was unanimously adopted.
     The Committee on the Gen'l Agent's report submitted the fol-
lowing recommendations, to witz
     "That the Gn'1l Agent go on to collect all the money due the
Endowment iVnd and in-vest the same in stocks with the aid of the
Investing Committee according to the regulations of the Charter."
Z. F. Smith, Chairman.
                The report on notion was unanimously adopted.
On notion of R. C. Ricketts, Mr. Ambrose Dudley was added to the
Investing Committee of Ky*. University.

On notion the Ex. Comr. & Bro. Bowman & the Faculty decided to
6onfer and Report some plan of organization for the ensuing year.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 8 a. a. tomorrow

                      June 25, 1862

Board net 8 o'clock Wednesday morning pursuant to adjournment.
After Prayer by Prof. Pinkerston the Committee appointed to
confer with the Faculty to report, which was granted.
     On motion of Dr. Shackelford said Committee was instructed
to report upon the propiety of detaching Taylor Academy from
Ky. University.
     Curator J. Rogers offered the following Resolutionss
     Resolved that a Committee of five be appointed who with
the Faculty shall examine into the condition of the College
Buildings and report at the next annual meeting, whether it is
practicable to repair the building for continued occupancy & if
not to report all information brought before them as to the
elogible location for the University Buildings. Pending this
notion the Board adjourned to meet at 4 o'clock P. M.