xt72z31ngp97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31ngp97/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1991-06-aug20. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1991-06-aug20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1991-06-aug20. 1991 1991-06-aug20. 2011 true xt72z31ngp97 section xt72z31ngp97 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, August 20, 1991.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00
p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, August 20, 1991 in the Board Room on
the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus.

       A.    Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered

       Mr. Foster Ockerman, Chairman, called the meeting to order at
1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Professor Raymond F.

       Mr. Ockerman announced the new appointments and the
reappointment to the Board of Trustees and asked Mr. John C. Darsie,
General Counsel, to administer the oath of office to the new members,
following which they were given a round of applause.

       Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell appointed by Governor Wallace G.
       Wilkinson to replace Judge Julia K. Tackett. Her term will
       expire December 31, 1996.

       Mr. William E. Burnett, Jr. reappointed by Governor Wallace G.
       Wilkinson for a term to expire December 31, 1996.

       Mr. C. Frank Shoop appointed by Governor Wallace G. Wilkinson
       to replace Mr. Tracy Farmer. His term will expire December 31,

       Mrs. Marian Moore Sims appointed by Governor Wallace G.
       Wilkinson to replace Mr. Ted B. Bates. Her term will expire
       December 31, 1996.

       Mr. Ockerman welcomed the new members and expressed
appreciation to the retiring members of the Board for their dedication
and service.

       B.    Roll Call

       The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the
call of the roll: Mr. Foster Ockerman (Chairman),. Mrs. Kay Shropshire
Bell, Professor Raymond F. Betts, Professor Carolyn S. Bratt, Mr.
William E. Burnett, Jr., Mr. Scott A. Crosbie, Mrs. Edythe Jones
Hayes, The Honorable Walter D. Huddleston, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether,
Professor Judith Rhoads, Mr. Jim Rose, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Mrs. Marian
Moore Sims, Mr. William B. Sturgill, Mr. Daniel C. Ulmer, Jr., Mr.
Billy B. Wilcoxson and Judge Henry R, Wilhoit, Jr. Absent from the
meeting were Judge Robert F. Stephens and Mr. Jerome A. Stricker. The
University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Peter P. Bosomworth, Robert E. Hemenway,
and Ben W. Carr, Jr.; Vice Presidents Joseph T. Burch, Edward A.
Carter, Donald B. Clapp, and Linda J. Magid; Dr. Juanita Fleming,
Special Assistant to the President for Academic Affairs; and Mr. John
C. Darsie, General Counsel.


- 2 -

       Members of the news media were also in attendance. A quorum
being present, the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for
the conduct of business at 1:06 p.m.

       C.    Minutes Approved

       Mr. Ockerman stated that the Minutes of the June 18, 1991 Board
of Trustees meeting had been distributed and asked for corrections or
additions. The Minutes were approved as distributed.

       D.    President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Wethington reviewed the following items in his report:

   1. Twenty-four new faculty members at the University toured their
       "new Kentucky home" August 12-16 as part of a program initiated
       by Chancellor Robert Hemenway.

   2. A year-long study of the economic impact of Kentucky's horse
       industry was released in July. The study showed that
       Kentucky's horse industry generated jobs from 79,820 people
       with related wages and salaries of $1.3 billion a year. The
       study was conducted for the Greater Lexington Chamber of
       Commerce by the University's College of Business and Economics
       and the College of Agriculture.

   3. Business-Industry Technical Assistance Centers will be
       developed at Elizabethtown and Madisonville community
       colleges. The purpose of the centers is to help create jobs by
       providing assistance to new and existing businesses and by
       helping individuals through skill development, entrepreneurial
       training and counseling.

   4. The popular Saturday Seminars series, held before UK's home
       football games, will be offered again this year.

   5. Myra Leigh Tobin, a 1962 UK graduate who is managing director
       of an insurance underwriting firm in New York City, has been
       elected president of the University of Kentucky's National
       Alumni Association.

   6. Citizens Fidelity Bank and Trust Company of Lexington has
       donated $100,000 to the UK College of Business and Economics
       "Program for Excellence" scholarship fund.

       President Wethington asked that the members review the other
significant items in the report at their leisure.

       E.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       With President Wethington so recommending, on motion made by
Professor Rhoads, seconded by Mr. Rose and passed, the routine
personnel actions in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end of the


- 3 -

       F.    Physical Development Plan (PR 3A)

       President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the
University of Kentucky Physical Development Plan. Professor Rhoads so
moved, and her motion was seconded by Mr. Burnett. President
Wethington then called on Dr. Clapp to make a presentation to the
Board on the Plan.

       Dr. Clapp said that it is important to understand the intent of
the project.  It is not to articulate each opportunity and to document
each solution to a problem. It is to raise the awareness of those who
design the future campus, to articulate concern and to instill an
understanding of, and sympathy for, the critical issues involved. He
emphasized that it is not meant to be a final, definitive,
unalterable, end product. It defines guidelines and processes
developed from university strategic and planning goals to provide a
direction for university land use and development. The Plan is meant
to be continuously updated to reflect the university's changing needs
and resources.

       Following a review of the concept of the document, he reviewed
the goals and objectives that were established in the Plan:

       1.    Space needs.
       2.    Diminish pedestrain and vehicular conflicts.
       3.    Redirect the university's parking strategy.
       4.    Develop and integrate pedestrian circulation systems and
       5.    Enhance the university's image and historic character and
                further develop the campus identity.
       6.    Integrate the Medical Center and Lexington Campus growth
       7.    Limit infill in the academic core of the campus.
       8-.   Develop student service and activity spaces.
       9.    Maintain and enhance open spaces on the campus.

       Through a series of slides, Dr. Clapp elaborated on the three
basic parts of the Plan:

       1.   An assessment of the campus as the consultant found it at
                the time of the study.
       2.   A concept that the consultant put together to deal with
                the problems identified as a result of the assessment.
       3.    Specific recommendations for the implementation of the
                concepts that the consultant identified.

       He stated that the most important point about the assessment
made by the consultant is that the university has reached the end of
the line in terms of the current space available on campus; the
alternative is to find a way outside the current boundaries for the
continued growth, development and support of programs.


- 4 -

       In conclusion, he reviewed concerns about property
acquisition. He noted that the University has used the power of
imminent domain to prevent development of larger scale housing or
other commercial activities around the campus. The University has
rarely, if ever, used it to take a single family residence, and there
is no intention to adopt a different pattern. He said that the
administration stands ready to talk with individuals about the
university's interest in acquiring their property.

       Mr. Ockerman asked for questions from the Board, and Professor
Bratt expressed concern about the proposed extension of the
acquisition area on Columbia. Dr. Clapp said that having access to
the area off Columbia would be a significant advantage for the
University. He indicated that it would be a green, open space.

       Mr. Ockerman called for a five-minute recess and said that Mr.
Jack Stephenson, an attorney representing the Aylesford Neighborhood
Association, who had requested to appear before the Board, would be
given 10 minutes following the recess.

       Upon return from the recess, Mr. Stephenson expressed
appreciation for the opportunity to make a brief presentation to the
Board. He stated that he is a resident of the Aylesford Neighborhood
as well as the attorney for the Aylesford Neighborhood Association.
He said that the Association is not negative about the entire Plan.
There are some aspects of it that the Association is very excited
about; however, they do have a considerable difference with the Plan
in closing Rose Street and finding an alternate route. They are also
opposed to aspects of the campus extension into the Aylesford area for
purposes of additional housing. He then reviewed their reasons for
opposing the additional housing and asked the Board to consider the
neighborhood, the town and setting of the University, and any plan
that is ultimately adopted through the developing stages that reflects
the interest of the city and the needs of the neighborhood. In
conclusion, he asked (1) that the Board maintain a review authority
over the development of the Plan (2) that any proposed development be
done in conjunction with city planners and in consultation with the
people off campus who are affected by it, and (3) that the Board
exercise restraint in the acquisition of additional real property.

       Mr. Ockerman asked for questions from the Board. Questions
were asked regarding planning and zoning regulations and the schedule
to review the Plan.

       Dr. Clapp said that he appreciated Mr. Stephenson's comments
and the concerns that he and others in the neighborhood shared with
the administration about the Plan. He noted that all the options for
addressing the Rose Street problem are before the administration as it
attempts to implement the Plan. He said that he accepted the three
points presented by Mr. Stephenson for serious consideration. He
noted that the University is already addressing the first two points.


However, in his opinion, it is not in the best interest of the
University or of a number of neighbors to refrain from the acquisition
of property until the University has to have it.

       President Wethington commented that the University had sought
input from virtually every group interested, including neighborhood
groups, Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, and realtor
groups. Issues have been identified, and the University has been
responsive. The Plan has had a very good reception in the University
community and a generally good reception outside the University
community. He explained that some of the major issues have been
resolved, and the Plan is a framework for future development. He
emphasized that the Board will continue to be involved in major
decisions affecting the University, including the Physical Development
Plan, and noted that the Plan would be a part of the Biennial Budget
Request.  The University will continue to seek consultation between
and among neighborhood groups and Urban County Government. He
indicated that he had met with representatives of the neighborhood
associations and had found good interest on their part in some ongoing
relationship with the University. He said that there would be
communication on a regular basis between the president of the
neighborhood associations surrounding the University and some of the
major administrative officials of the institution. While the Plan may
not satisfy everyone, it is, in his opinion, a good plan. He urged
the Board to pass the Plan and give the administration a framework
within which they can develop the physical space requirements of the
University in an orderly fashion.

       Mr. Sturgill stated that the University is on the threshold of
becoming a great university. The student population growth has
happened , and the budget has increased to the point that the
University can accommodate the growth. Space, however, is the one
thing that has not been provided. He said that this is a
comprehensive plan to provide the space, and he called for the

       Professor Betts said that he found Mr. Stephenson's first two
request very reasonable; however, he suggested that anytime the
University intends to move into an acquisition area, the Board be
informed before the acquisition is made. He expressed concern for
individual and social well-being.

       Professor Bratt pointed out that the University is bigger in
population and geography than a lot of communities around the state.
She agreed that the University needs the best land use plan that it
can get. She stressed the importance of the University being a good
neighbor, and applauded President Wethington for putting the Plan out
into the public in March 1991.  The fact that the administration was
open to making changes and that changes were made illustrates the
University's good faith. She asked that the Board establish some kind
of a mechanism that will guarantee an open and fair dialogue with the
University's neighbors. In her opinion, Mr. Stephenson's first two


- 6 -

requests were legitimate. She recommended, however, that a committee
of the Board be appointed to talk to the neighbors and come up with a
solution that would guarantee that their concerns are heard by the

       President Wethington stated that he believed that the Board
meeting was not the place to construct any kind of a group. He asked
the Chairman to ask the administration to pursue the issue with the
presidents of the associations.

      Mr. Ockerman called for a vote with the understanding that the
President pursue working with the neighborhood associations and report
back to the Board at the October meeting. He said that Mr. Sturgill
had called for the question. On a vote being taken, the Physical
Development Plan was unanimously approved. (See PR 3A at the end of
the Minutes.)

       G.   Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 4A)

       With President Wethington so recommending, Professor Rhoads
moved that the degrees specified in PR 4A be awarded to the persons
named, upon certification that the requirements for those degrees have
been satisfactorily completed. Her motion was seconded by Mrs. Hayes
and carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.)

       H.    Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 5A)

       Professor Bratt moved that the President be authorized to
confer upon each individual, whose name appears on the list presented
to the Board, the degree to which he/she is entitled, upon
certification by the Registrar and approval by the University Senate,
that the individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements for
the degree for which application has been made. Mr. Shoop seconded
the motion, and it carried. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

       I.   Capital Construction Report (FCR 1)

       Mr. Ockerman, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that
the Finance Committee had met and recommended that the Capital
Construction Report for the twelve months ending June 30, 1991 be
accepted. The motion, which was made by Judge Wilhoit and seconded by
Mrs. Hayes, passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

       J.    Report of Leases (FCR 2)

       Mr. Ockerman stated that the lease agreements specified in
FCR 2 do not exceed $30,000 in value and the Finance Committee
recommended approval. Mr. Burnett so moved. His motion, seconded by
Professor Betts, carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

       K.    Approval of Lease (FCR 3)

       With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Ockerman
recommended that the Vice President for Administration be authorized
to enter into a lease between the University of Kentucky Maysville


- 7

Community College and John B. VanMeter, 201 Edgemont Road, Maysville,
Kentucky for 4,000 square feet of office/classroom space at Duke of
fork Street and Marshall, Maysville, Kentucky, at a rental rate of
$42,000. Mr. Crosbie so moved. The motion, seconded by Mr. Burnett,
passed. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

       L.    Exchange of Property with Alice Lloyd College (FCR 4)

       Mr. Ockerman recommended that the President be authorized to
execute an Exchange Agreement between the University and Alice Lloyd
College providing for the exchange of real property owned by the
University at 444 and 446 Rose Lane for certain property owned by
Alice Lloyd College at 433, 435 and 439 Clifton Avenue. The
authorization is subject to appraisals which indicate comparable
values of the properties to be exchanged and an agreement in form and
substance satisfactory to the University's Legal Department.
Professor Bratt so moved. The motion, seconded by Mrs. Hayes,
carried. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

       M.    Long Term Disabilitv Plan Revision (FCR 5)

       Upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee, Mr. Ockerman
entertained a motion that the monthly income benefit provisions of the
Long Term Disability Plan be amended to eliminate the current $3,000
limit on monthly benefits. Professor Rhoads so moved. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Rose and passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the

       N.    Patent Assignment (FCR 6)

       Mr. Ockerman reported that FCR 6 is a patent assignment that
routinely comes before the Board, and he entertained a motion for
approval. Professor Bratt moved that the Patent Assignment be
approved. The motion, seconded by Mr. Crosbie, carried. (See FCR 6
at the end of the Minutes)

       0.    A Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $11.250.000 of
University of Kentucky CommuEnity CoQleue  Edujcational Buildinge
Revenue Bonds, Series I. Dated September 1. 1991. of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentujcky (FCR 71

       With the Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Ockerman
entertained a motion that the Board approve a Resolution authorizing
the issuance of $11,250,000 of University of Kentucky Community
College Educational Buildings Revenue Bonds, Series I, dated September
1, 1991. On motion made by Mrs. Hayes, seconded by Mr. Wilcoxson and
carried, the Resolution was approved. (See FCR 7 at the end of the

       P.    Report of Investments (ICR 1)

       In the absence of Mr. Stricker, Chairman of the Investment
Committee, Mr. Wilcoxson reported that the Committee had met and
reviewed the Report of Investments. He moved that the Board accept


- 8 -

the report of changes in investments for the University and its
affiliated corporations for the three months ended June 30, 1991. The
motion was seconded by Mrs. Sims and passed. (See ICR 1 at the end of
the Minutes.)

       Q.   Meeting Adjourne

       There being no further business to come before the Board, the
Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:11 p.m.

                                        Respectfully submitted

                                        Edythe Jones Hayes
                                        Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 4A, and 5A; FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; and ICR 1
which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)



                                               office of the President
                                               August 20, 1991


Members, Board of Trustees:

                          PERSONNEL ACTIONS

Recommendation: that approval be given to the attached appointments,
actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and
that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
approved by the administration be accepted.

Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have the President's concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. These items of report follow the recommendations requiring
Board approval.

Action taken:  Approved    I      Disapproved          Other

Date:  August 20, 1991




                         CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION



                 Graduate School

                 Middleton, Ernest, Associate Professor (with tenure),
                     Curriculum and Instruction, College of
                     Education, appointed Associate Dean, Graduate
                     School, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.

                 Wood, Constance L., Associate Professor (with tenure),
                     Statistics, appointed Associate Dean for Academic
                     Administration, Graduate School, 7/1/91 through


                 Graduate Center for Biomedical Engineering

                 Shapiro, Robert, Associate Professor (with tenure),
                     Health, Physical Education and Recreation, College
                     of Education, joint appointment as Associate
                     Professor (without tenure), Graduate Center for
                     Biomedical Engineering, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.

         C. CHANGES

                 Communications and Network Systems

                 Crutcher, Benjamin T., from Communication Services
                     Manager, to Director of Communication Services,
                     effective 7/1/91.

                 Marefat, Daryoush, from Communication Systems Manager,
                      to Director of Communication Systems, effective


                  Procurement and Construction - Stores

                  Short, Harlan C., Sr. Storekeeper, after 17.25
                      years of service, under AR II-1.6-1
                      Section III.B, effective August 30, 1991


                  Publishing Services

                  Barker, John W., Director, Publishing Services, after
                      25 consecutive years of service, under AR II-1.6-1
                      Section III.A.1, effective 8/31/91.



                  University Libraries

                  House, Thomas M., Librarian IV (without tenure),
                      Special Collections Department, effective 7/1/91
                      through 6/30/92.


                  Martin School of Public Adlninistration

                  Blomquist, Glenn C., Professor (with tenure),
                      Department of Economics, College of Business
                      and Economics, appointed Acting Director,
                      Martin School of Public Administration, 7/1/91
                      through 6/30/92.

                  Procurement and Construction

                  Manthey, William Alan, Administrative Staff Officer III
                      effective 6/20/91.


                  Graduate Center for Biomedical Engineering

                  Brown, David R., Assistant Research Professor, Center
                      for Biomedical Engineering, 7/1/91 through 12/31/91.

                  Threlkeld, A. Joseph, Assistant Professor (without
                      tenure) Physical Therapy, College of Allied Health
                      Professions. joint appointment as Assistant
                      Professor (without tenure), Graduate Center for
                      Biomedical Engineering, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.

                  University Libraries

                  Molinaro, Mary H., Librarian IV (without tenure),
                      Computing Labs, effective 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.

                  Whayne, Laura L., Librarian IV (without tenure),
                      Kentucky Transportation Center, effective 7/1/91
                      through 6/30/92.




                      COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



              Elizabethtown Community College

              Judd, Mildred L., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), 8/21/91.

               Prestonsburg Community College

               Madden, Darrell E., Associate Professor in the
                    Community College System (with tenure), 8/21/91.

               Somerset Community College

               Rogers, Sharon K., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), 8/21/91.


               Hopkinsville Community College

               Wheeler, John H., appointed Dean of Student Affairs,

               Paducah Community College

               Wood, Paul D., Professor in the Community College
                    System (with tenure), appointed Chairman, Division
                    of Humanities and Related Technologies, 7/1/91
                    through 6/30/94.


               Transfer from Maysville Community College
               to Hopkinsville Community College

               Lynch, Joe R., Associate Professor in the Community
                    College System (with tenure), 7/1/91.



               Ashland Community College

               Besmark, Tracey, Instructor in the Community College
                    System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.



Chapman, Patricia, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Elswick, Terry Ann, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Flannery, Karen, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Hilterbrand, Angela, Assistant Professor in the
     Community College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Humphrey, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Kizhakekara, Aphrem,, Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Napora, Joseph S., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Spencer, James E., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
St.Clair, Philip, Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.

Elizabethtown Community College

Ashman, Allen B., Librarian IV in the Community College
     System, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Collard-Hornback, Carla, Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Eveland, John F., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Hart, Judy A., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Kantlehner, Judy L., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Lamphere, Robert L., Assistant Professor in the
     Community College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Nusbaumer, David D., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 12/31/91.
Reimann, Russell, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Warren, Donald R., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Williams, Richard, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.

Hazard Community College

Boatwright, Teresa G., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Davison, Patrick S., Librarian IV in the Community
     College System, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Frink, Jon Eric, Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 6/1/91 through 6/30/91.



Lawson, Winston, Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Napier, Anna Sue, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Sizemore, Elizabeth J., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Terry, Homer, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.

Henderson Community College

Jackson, DeLisa R., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.

Hopkinsville Community College

Belek, Marilynn J., Assistant Professor in the
     Community College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Dean, Lesa Kim, Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Embry, Leesa S., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Martin, Antoinette, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Montgomery, Frank W., Instructor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Morgan, Darla K., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Solomon, Patrick, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Thomas, Judy B., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Thomas, Sue T., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 7/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Wilson, Ted H., Assistant Professor in the Community
     College System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.

Jefferson Community College

Boykin, Michele J., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Bush, Reid, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Chieffi, April L., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Dockstader, Brita, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Duncan, Carol, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Eastham, Yvette, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 7/15/91 through 6/30/92.



Elder, Ann K., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Ewing, Shirley R., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Foster, Tonja F., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Garr, Joyce M., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Ginsberg, Michael, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Hayes, Gerald D., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Hill, Dale, Instructor in the Community College System
     (voluntary), 8/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Jones, Richard C., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Kaufman, Gerald R., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Kugele, Carolyn F., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
LeCompte, Sheri, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/4/91 through 12/31/93.
Liles, Sandra, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Lude, Stacy, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through 12/31/93.
Mattingly, Robert, Instructor in the Community College
     System, 8/1/91 through 6/30/92.
Miller, Karen M., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/91 through