xt72z31ngp8n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31ngp8n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1940-10-dec10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-10-dec10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1940-10-dec10. 1940 1940-10-dec10. 2011 true xt72z31ngp8n section xt72z31ngp8n 



     Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, December 10, 1940.

     The regular December meeting of the Board of Trustees, Uni-
versity of Kentucky, was held in the President's Office, Tuesday,
December 10, at 10:30 a.m.     The members of the Board present
were Governor Keen Johnson; Judge Richard C. Stoll; Harper Gatton;
H. S. Cleveland; Louis Hillenmeyer; Lee Kirkpatrick; Robert P. Hob-
son, and Judge John Cooper.   President Cooper and Secretary D. Hi.
Peak were present.                                                v

     1. Approval of Minutes.   The minutes of the Board of Trustees
of September 17, 1940, and the minutes of the meetings of the Execu-
tive Committee of October 18, 1940, and November 22, 1940, were
approved as published.

     2. Financial Report.

     The Business Agent submitted financial report for November,
1940.   The report was ordered filed, and a summary thereof was
ordered published in the minutes.   The summary is copied as fol-


                         GENERAL FUND

                      Operating Accounts

     Budgeted Income                            - - $1,495,673.74

     Salaries and Other Commitments                  1,113.260.19

     Available for Expense, Supplies,
        and Equipment                                  382,413.55

     Expended to November 30, 1940               -     192,278.58

Unencumberd balance   - - - - - - - - - - -

190, 134.97



               Special Appropriations

Library Equipment
Expended to November 30, 1940  
Unencumbered balance  - - - - - - - -

Scientific Equipment - - - - - - - -
Expended to November 30, 1940 - - -
Unencumbered balance -

Home Economics Equipment  - - - - - -
Expended to November 30, 1940 - _ _ _
Unencumbered balance - - - - - - - -

Engineering Equipment - - - - - - - -
Expended to November 30, 1940 - - - -
Unencumbered balance  - - - - - - - -

                   Patterson Hall

Budgeted Incorme-- - - -
Salaries and Other Commitments     - -
Available for Expense, Supplies and
Expended to November 30, 1940      - -
Unencumbered balance    - - - - - - -





- - - - - -   -

99, 980.00


Budgeted Income - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Salaries and Other Commitments - - - - - - - - -

Available for Expense, Supplies and Equipment -  
Expended to November 30, 1940

Unencumbered balance   -

Budgeted Income                               - -
Salaries and Other Commitments  - - - - - - _-

Available for Expense, Supplies and Equipment -

Expended to November 30, 1940

Unencumbered balance - - - - - - - - - - - - - --









- - - - - -
- - - - - -

- - - - - -

- - - - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -

- - - - - -
- - - - - -



     3. ?rusidcnt's Qu.artcrly Rcport.

     President Cooper presented and read the quarterly report of'the
President on the state of the University.   On motion, seconded and
carried, the resort was ordered published in the minutes.   It is
copied as follows:

                        December 10, 1940


     When the Board held its last meeting in September the regis-
tration of freshmen was in progress, and at that time no report or
estimate of enrollment for the first semester could be made.   As
of October 1 the total enrollment was 5703, a loss of .6 per cent
compared with the enrollment of last year as of the same date.   In
the Education Digest, November, 1940, there appears the following

     "The annual New York Times survey of enrollment in the
     colleges and universities of the nation indicates a .4 per
     cent loss over the enrollment for 1939.   Eastern and cen-
     tral colleges showed a 1.3 per cent loss, while western
     colleges showed a .1 per cent gain, and southern colleges
     had a gain of 1.7 per cent,   A total of 106 representa-
     tive colleges were polled. "

     Sixty-one students have dropped out since the beginninr: of
the semester.   Of this number 46 wero men and 15 women,    This
seems to be a normal loss, but the Euronortion of men lost is not
in the same ratio to the enrollment.   This difference may have been
due to a number of causes: the defense program may possibly have
caused some increase in the loss of men students.

     When registration for the first semester was completed it
was found that 116 of the 120 counties in the State were rei)resent-
ed, 42 of the 48 states sent students; and seven foreign countries
and possessions also were represented.   At this time there were
54 students fewer than at the same time last year, of which number
37 represented the loss from outside the State of Kentucky,    The
enrollment figsures at the close of registration wore as follows:

                Graduate School      531
                Arts & Sciences     1481
                Agriculture          658
                Engineering          439
                Law                  108
                Education            162
                Commerce             505

There wore 2463 men enrolled and 1271 women,



Student Conditions

     It is my impression from teachers as well as students,
that instruction is going on rather well.  The attitude seems to
be somewhat more serious.  World conditions must have some effect
upon student thinking.   The various phases of the defense program
are necessarily of vital interest to men students, and there is an
interest shown upon the Dart of the young women to do something in
the way of preparation for work which they might do in the event of
war coming to our own country.

The Selective Draft

     To date, the selective draft has had no appreciable effect up-
on the personnel of faculty and students.   Only one member of
the staff has been called, and he has not yet gone.   Very few stu-
dents have left college because of a desire to enlist'.  Registra-
tion of students and staff members within the prescribed age tooX
place in the University gymnasium October 16.   A total of 1340
men were registered between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 pim., the
whole procedure going forward with no confusion.   The work of or-
ganization for the registration was done by W. Gayle Starnes, :dllin,
iXosistant, -and by Colonel Donnelly and his staff.  The efficient
planning of this group is responsible for the satisfactory way in
which the registration was accomplished.   Many students and faculty
members served in the work of registration.

Finances and the Support of the University.

     The requirements of the first of the year always make a heavy
demand upon the income of the University,   As nearly as can be
estimated at the Dresent time, the income will be slightly less
than it was a year ago.   However, the budget as authorized by the
Board is being strictly adhered to and I am sure that deficits will
not be incurred.   The financial situation is made somewhat more
difficult because the proposed expenditures in July were based upon
an anticipated balance larger than was actually received,   Each
college and division is living within the budget assigned to it.

Operation of the Cafeteria,

     At this meeting of the Board the matter of the purchase of
equipment in the Student Union Cafeteria owned by the College Cater-
ing Company will be presented for action by the Board,   At the
last meeting of the Executive Committee temporary arrangements were
made for the ooeration of the Cafeteria subsequent to the expiration
of the Company s lease, and this matter will be presented to the
Board at this r.meeting. In the report of the Committee appointed
to look into the matter, a recommendation was made to the effect
that the University should undertake the operation of the cafeteria,



A competent manager is to be appointed, and the accounting is to be
under the Director of the Student Union Building, and all funds
'aid into the University Business Office,   it is hoped that the
institutional operation of the Cafeteria will be satisfactory,
There should eventually be something in the way of profits and at
the same time food should be provided at reasonable prices and a
service given to students and staff.

Out-of-State Travel.

     During the past several years arrangements have been made so
that the University of Kentucky could provide for expenses for
official business of the University.   The expenses for travel in
this connection by members of the staff are requested by those
representing the University and if approved by the President are
certified by him and by the Business Agent.   The Commissioner of
Finance accepted the certification, and it worked out very well.

     A small sum of money was set aside by the Board for attendance
at meetings of learned societies, where members of the staff were
to participate in such meetings by the presentation of papers, and
the like.  The provision made by the Board was one of great im-
portance to the staff, and highly valuable in maintaining the morale
of scholars.   It gave the contact with scholars and research men
which the staff must have if they are to bring to the students and
public the highest service possible.   The sum allotted so far is
too small to meet the requirements of a staff as large as we have
at the University of Kentucky.   Nevertheless, it has worked out
very well,

     Under date of December 3, 1940, a telegram was received from
J. Dan Talbott, Commissioner of Finance, which reads:

      "Under direction of Governor Johnson due to opinion of
      Attorney General, I am withdrawing my approval on
      out-of-state travel requests for the following until
      you secure Attorney Generalts opinion. . , . ."

Following receipt of this we have applied to the Attorney General
for expenses of P. P. Boyd, W. S. Taylor and L. M. Chamberlain for
attendance upon the meeting of the Southern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools.   This is a most important meeting, and one
in which the failure of attendance by members of the University
staff may result in the arising of many difficulties.    It should
be clear that institutions of learning do not stand by themselves.
It is through affiliation that they reach general conclusions re-
garding matters of policy, accreditation, and curricula, and so
progress,   It is through such association and reciprocal action
that students are able to transfer from one institution to another
without loss of credit.   If the State is to be served, the Uni-
versity must have provision whereby it can participate in regional
and national conferences that affect education,    Otherwise its



services will become Provincial, and nro-rcss that has been made
will be a4ffected.  This is a matter to .- hich I hope the Board will
give consideration.

Death of fir. M. J. Crutcher.

     The University suffered a great lose:s in the death of Air. Maury
J. Crutcher on October 5, 1940.   i.;r. Crutcher camI- to the Universi-
ty as Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds in February, 1925.
It was during his incumbency that the large growth in buildings& grc
took place.   His known interest in the development of the physical
plant and his love for the natural beauty of the campus made him
alert to every opportunity proposed and nresented by the President
of the University a.nd the Board of Trustees to bring the University'
buildings and grounds toihair present fine appearance and good con-
dition.   He was more than ordinarily gifted in vision and adminis-
trative ability, and his loss is felt by his many friends here on
the campus and throughout the State.

Improvements and Repairs

     In the last few months the Department of Buildings and Grounds
has done many things to improve the appearance and efficiency of the
University plant.   Among the improvements made are:- the construc-
tion of sanitary sewers serving the Wenner-Gren Aeronautical Labora-
tory, Bangs Laboratory, and the Experiment Station residence on
Rose Street; the re-surfacing and curbing installed at the rear of
the Experiment Station along East Virginia Avenue; the surfacing of
parking areas in the rear of the Biolor-ical Sciences Building; the
construction of new concrete walks from the Student Union Building
to Limestone and the entrance to the campus; the finishing of trim
on all inside doors, and the painting of the base and stairways of
the Home Sconomics Building; the painting of corridors, classrooms,
and offices of the first and second floors of LcVey Hall -- not
yet completed; the placing underground of the electrical services
to Memorial Hall and the Agricultural Building; the re-surfacing
of the playing floor in the alumni Gymnasium, which included sand-
ing, filling and sealing, and the painting of white lines and an
attractive blue border.

     The Sandwich Shop, which was about completed before the opening
of the first semester, is now in operation, and the work in Barker
Hall furnishing additional office space has been completed.    Exten-
sive gutter and cornice repairs to Miller Hall (Old Natural Sci-
ences Building) are about finished.    Work is now in progress on
the installation of temperature control units at the Administration
Building, White Hall, Health Building, Miller Hall, Neville Hall,
Museum, and the University Club Building.

     Shop work on equipment for the Home Economics building is still
in progress, as is the case in the matter of equipment for the De-
p)artment of Art.



    Under the direction of the campus committee a number of trees,
evergreens and shrubs have been planted on the campus.  For the
first time the court formed by the men's halls has been landscaped,
and there is now an attractive anD;roatch to the buildings,  If it is
to be kept presentable, a playground adjacent to the halls should
be provided.

     In order to raise the temperature in the soda grill and barber
shop to a higher temperature than that maintained in the rest of the
Student Union Building, blower type heating units have been in-
s talled.

Need of Museum.

     There is great need for a museuin on the campus large enough to
house the various collections scattered over the canpus in various
buildings.  Undoubtedly some Kentuckian might be interested in mak-
ing a gift for the erection of such a building, in view of the val-
uable collections now on hand and not sufficiently protected, and
which cannot be adequately displayed. If the University had a mod-
ern, fireproof museum, it might encourage the gift or loan of many
valuable specimens for its various collections.

General Education Board Gift.

     The gift of the General Education Board to the College of Agri-
culture for the study in Rural Population was reported to the Execu-
tive Committee.   This represents the third gift from the same
source for agricultural studies, the other two being for research ir.
Agricultural Economics and in Rural Sociology.

     4, Prepared Statement of Business for Board Action,

     Governor Johnson suggested that a typewritten statement of eacl
item of business to be presented at meetings be prepared for use of
each member of the Board or Comrittee,  This suggestion was ap-
proved by the Board, and President Cooper stated that he would en-
deavor to have such a statement prepared for each meeting.

     5. Cafeteria in Union Building.

     a, Temporary Management.

     President Cooper reported that the Cafeteria in the Union
Building had been placed under temporary management of James Shrop-
shire for period of December 1, 1940, to close of University for
Christmas holidays,   Mr. Shropshire was authorized to take an in-
ventory c' food supplies on hand and make purchase of same from the
College Catering Company.   This was done, the inventory amounting
to $1782,81,   The inventory was supported by affidavit of the



Company's -resident that the College Catering Company was free from
indebtedness on the supplies inventoried.

     The action was approved and bill for inventory was ordered

     b. Equipment Inventory of Collepe Catcrinppz ComDany.

     President Cooper then presented the following:

           (1) Invoice of equipment made by College Catering Company,
stating the capital account, supported by capital account inventory
as of November 30, 1940, indicating a net amount due the company of
$23,741.84 and affidavit of the President of the Company containing
a declaration with reference to credits on merchandise.

           (2) A review of the College Catering Company's inventory
and report thereon made by request by James Shropshire and D, H.

           (3) A review of the College Catering Company's inventory
and report thereon made by E. B. Farris by request made through
Dean Grraham.

     President Cooper asked that a committee of the Board of Tons-
tees be appointed to review the inventory and the reports.    There-
upon, on motion seconded and carried, a committee composed of Robert
P. Hobson, Lee Kirkpatrick and President Thomas Cooper was appointe&
to review the reports on inventory and to make audit of the capital
account of the College Catering Company.   The committee was given
full power to act for the Board of Trustees and to make final set-
tlement with the College Catering Company,

     S. Cost of Electric Service.

     irb. Gatton said that a statement wtlas rustde to him that the cost
of electric current at the Univcrsity of Kentucky was excessive,
and that thereupon he oralde inquiry of the cost of electric current
at the University of Kentucky and at other state educational insti-
tutions,  He stated *.hat the Business Agent of the University of
Kentucky reported *that the cost of the electric cu-rent for the
month o I Se.)termber 1940 Was .ol845a2 cents Ever kilowatt hour, the
cost varying sli-hi'tly according to quantity used.  Two other state
educational institutions re-ported a flat rate -)aid of two and one
half cents per kilowatt hour.



     7. Out-of-State Travel.

     President Cooper submitted copy of telegram from the Commission.
cr of Finance, J. Dan Talbott, dated Docernber 3, 1940, which reads
in part as follows:
               Under direction of Governor Johnson due to
               opinion of Attorney General, I am withdrawing
               my approval on out-of-state travel requests
               for the following until yoW secure Attorney
               General's opinion.

     With this he also submitted copies of the correspondence be-
tween the Governor, the Attorney Gencral and the Commissioner of
Finance which were sent to President Cooper by the Commissioner of
Finance.   The following paragraph is quoted from letter to the
Governor by the Commissioner of Finance:

               It is my opinion and advice that in the
               future the Commissioner of Finance will
               withhold all approval on all requests, re-
               gardless of the importance of the trip,
               until the Attorney General, personally, in
               writing, has approved eqch request, stating i
               that he considers it necessary and legal.

     Therefore, further requests for allowance of out-ofCstate
travel expense by the Commissioner of Finance were officially order-
ed discontinued,

     Following the suggestion of the Commissioner of Finance, Pres-
ident Cooper submitted to the Attorney General request for allow-
ance of travel expense for staff members of the University to meet-
ing of the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools
to be held at Memphis, Tennessee,   He submitted letters from
Jesse K. Lewis, Assistant Attorney General, refusing approval of
the request, enclosing therewith opinion on the question given to
President James H. Richmond, of Murray State Teachers College$
which opinion concludes that such travel is illegal.

     The question of the legality of payment of out-of-state
travel expense and a study of the opinion of the Attorney General
were referred to Mr. Hobson.

     8. The Sloan Foundation Fund,

     The following Was presented:



                                          Bureau of School Service
                                          University of Kentucky

   .ade Possible by a Grant from he Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

     During the spring of 1939 a suggestion was made to officials
of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation concerning a project designed to
help people of communities in the less favored areas to improve
their own economic conditions,   The study is an effort to see to
what extent the providing of economic information will improve the
economic conditions of low income families.   Since the diet in
these areas is known to be inadequate for maintenance of health and
physical vitality, it is believed that economic information con-
cerning this basic problem, if made available to the people, will
improve the general economic condition.   Thus the purpose of this
study is to be accomplished by focusing the educational programn of
the one-teacher schools upon the problem of diet,   Techniques are
being developed to determine to what extent the dietary practices
of a community may be changed through the introduction into the
elementary school program of inexpensive instructional materials
relating to diet,

     Tentative plans for the study were formulated early in the
summer of 1939,   By December of that year experimental and control
communities had been designated in Estill and McCreary counties and
the programs had started.   The control communities were selected
in order to make possible comparison between the experimental situa-
tions and similar communities which have the "usual" educational
programs.   The results of the cxlperiment are to be expressed in
at least four ways:

     1. The changes, if any, which actually occurred as a result
        of the experimental program;

     2. The amount of time required to secure the changes in the
        dietary nractices of the community;

     3. The instructional materials and techniques which are efm
        fective in producing these changes;

     4, The ways invhich these one-teacher schools and. other public
        agencies cooperate in such a program.

     No effort is made to expand or improve the facilities of these
experimental schools except with regard to instructional materials.
Thus, if the experiment should reveal that such an emphasis pro.
duces economic improvement, other schools could start similar pro-
grams with no change exce )t the securing of the instructional mam
terials and the ado Dtion of similar techniques of instructions and



    By December 1, 1940, the following activities have been con-

    1. An advisory panel has been organized and has met three
        times.   The eighteen members of the panel represent the
        leading educational agencies and interests of the state.

    2. Four control and four experimental schools have been

     3. Achievement and mental tests were given to the pupils of
        these schools in January and again in August.    These
        tests have been scored and the results have been analyzed.

     4. Checks of the pupil lunches at school and of the dietary
        practices and food storage in the homes have been made,
        The data from these surveys have been tabulated.

     5. New instructional materials wifch have been developed in-
        clude four readers for lowerelementary grades, two large
        charts to accompany one of these readers, two manuals con-
        taining suggestions as to the use of two of these readers,
        a detailed analysis of some of the state adopted textbooks
        with respect to materials relating to diet, and two incom-
        pleted readers dealing with poultry and gardening.    Plans
        have been made to develop fourteen other bulletins by June
        1, 1941.

     6. Plans have been made to secure during the school year,
       1940-41, a check of the health and physical conditions.
       This phase of the study is being conducted in cooperation
       with the Kentucky State Department of Health.

     Consultant services of Dr. Harold F. Clark, Professor of Educa-
tion, Teachers College, Columbia University, have been made avail-
able to the Bureau of School Service by the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
tion,   This Foundation granted to the University 82,850 for the
period of December 1, 1939 to June 30, 1940, and $7,075 for the
period frbm July 1., 1940 to February 1, 1941.

     It has been generally agreed by the officials of the Foundation
and those in charge of the project that this experiment should ex-
'mnd over a relatively long period of time, since it requires many
years to determine the effects of such an educational program.



     On motion, seconded and carried, the project as outlined in
above copied report was approved, and It was ordered that the funds
received from the Sloan Foundation, being trust funds for specific
administration by a designated member of the University of Kentucky
staff, be carried as a separate account in the Sundry Ledger and
not remitted to the State Treasurer of Kentucky.

     9. Judgment, Sour Mash Magazine Company vs Bill Costel et al.,

     James Shropshire presented a statement of a judgment recently
rendered. in the Fayette Circuit Court in the above-styled actions
the Judgment and costs amounting in the aggregate to $234.91.   Ex-
planation of the Sour YIiash incident was made in detail, Mr. Shrop-
shire stating that the judgment is chargeable to the University of
Kentucky, He stated that he (Shropshire) had paid the Judgment,
and he asked the President to recommend that the Board of Trustees
make reimbursement of amount paid.

     The matter was continued on account of the absence of Mr. James
Park,who acted as attorney for the defendants.

    10. Superintendentls House - Use as Cooperative Home for Girls.

    President Cooper stated that following the authority given him
at the October meeting of the Executive Committee, he recommended
that the house formerly occupied by Superintendent of Buildings and
Grounds be used as a cooperative house for girls.   He proposed
that the house be operated under supervision of the Dean of Women
and the Department of Home Economics, a reasonable rental to be
charged the occupants.

     On motion, seconded and carried, the recoramendation of Presi-
dent Cooper was approved, and he was given authority to fix the
rental charge.   The house is to be used as a cooperative house for
girls, subject to further orders of the Board of Trustees.

     11 Gift of BarU Bingham _ Tathan Sprinrs.

     President Cooper presented letter from IMir. Barry Bingham which
is copied as follows:



                                          Nover.mber 25, 1940

    Dear President Cooper:

         I have had several conversations recently with Mr.
    Bryant and Mr. Whitehouse in regard to the property in
    Washington County known as Tatham Springs.   We have dis-
    cussed the Possibilities of developing this property into
    a summer camp for 4-H Clubs.

         The idea ap-?eals to me very strongly, and I hope that
    a real community center can be established at Tatharn
    Springs, which will be adaptable to a wide variety of uses.
    In order to put the project into operation, I am prepared
    to turn over the sum of $10,000 to the University of
    Kentucky, on The understanding that the University will
    take title to the property and supervise its continuing

         I will be glad to make at least $5000 available upon
    notice from your Board of Trustees, and will advance the
    additional $5000 not later than sixty days beyond the date
    of the first payment.

          I hope the trustees of the University will be inter-
    ested in this proposal, and that they will see constructive
    possibilities in the developmenti of such a camp.

         With kindest regards,

                               Yours sincerely,

                                         (Signed) Barry Bingham.

     On motion of Judge Cooper, seconded by Judge Stoll, the gift
of $10,000 offered by Mr. Barry Bingham Was acceptod,the chairman.
of the Board of Trustees being authorized to write a letter of
acceptance and thanks to Mr. Bingham,   It was ordered that the
President make the purchase of the property known as Tatham Springs,
the deed to be made to the University of Kentucky without quali.
fications, the property to be paid for and improved by the funds
donated by Mr. Binghan, and that the camp be named for the father
of the donor, Robert Worth Bingham.   It was further ordered that
the property be used by the University of Kentucky for the A4H
Clubs, for a community center, and for such other use as Flay be
desirable from time to time.

     The property is located 12 miles from Springfield, Ky,, and
includes about ten acres of land,



     12, Portrait of Henry Clay.

     President Cooper submitted the following cormmunication from
Dr, F, L, McVey, together with the portrait:

                                 December 9, 1940

     My dear President Cooper:

          Yrs. Jaimes Ben Ali Haggin he-s placed in my hands a
     portrait of Henry Clay by Matthew Jouett.   The ,portrait
     is one made by the artist about the year 1820. It is
     in excellent condition and she trusts that the University
     will acce-t it and give the portrait a ,)lace in the Uni-
     versity Library.   The portrait will be delivered to you
     in time to present to the Board of Trustees at their meet-
     ing *Dec- 10th.

                     Sincerely yours,

                                     (Signed) Frank L. L..:;cVey,

     On motion, seconded and carried, the gift was accepted, and
Judge Stoll was requested to write to tMrs. Margaret Voorhies Haggin,
expressing appreciation and grateful thanks of the University for
the fine and valuable gift.   The portrait will be hung in the Uni-
versity Library, and a record will be made, on the back thereof,
giving the history of the portrait, the name of the donor and the
time the gift was made.

     13, Permits for Withdrawal of Alcohol.

     The Federal Government requires certain papers to be signed
for permission of the University to buy alcohol, tax free, to be
used for University purposes, and on motion of Judge Stoll, second-
ed by Judge Cooper, the following resolution was passed:

          Whereas it is necessary to execute certain papers
     from time to time to be filed with the Federal Government,
     such as provide for application for withdrawal of alcohol
     and various other masters with relationship to the depart-
     mernts of the Federal Government, the Board of Trustees here-
     by authorize Thomas P. Cooper, Acting President of the
     University of Kentucky, to execute for the University of
     Kentucky such papers as it may be necessary to file from
     time to time with the Federal Government.



    14, Report of Publications Committee - Books Published under
Hagpin Grant.

    a* Transmittal by President TceVey.

                                December 6, 1940

         Dr. Thomas P. Cooper, Presidnrit
         University of Kentucky

         Dear President Cooper:

               I am transmitting herewith the report of the
         Publications Committee under