xt72z31ngj0r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72z31ngj0r/data/mets.xml Taney, Mary Florence. 1893  books b92f451t1618932009 English Press of R. Clarke and company : Cincinnati, Ohio Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Women --Biography. Frontier and pioneer life --Kentucky. Kentucky --Biography. Kentucky pioneer women, Columbian poems and prose sketches. text Kentucky pioneer women, Columbian poems and prose sketches. 1893 1893 2009 true xt72z31ngj0r section xt72z31ngj0r 
   robert clarke & co., cincinnati, Have pleasure in announcing the following contribution to the COLUMBIAN YEAR.

Kentucky Pioneer Women,


A handsome square 121110 volume, printed on antique laid paper and bound in white, with title embossed in gold upon the side.

Price, $2.00.   Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price.

This book contains sketches of the life and character of

Rebecca Bryant Boone,

Keturah Leitch Taylor,

Susanna Hart Shelby,

Mary Hopkins Cabell Breckenridge,

Henrietta Hunt Morgan,

Susan Lucy Barry Taylor,

Mary Yellott Johnston,

Margaret Wickliffe Preston, and other noted Pioneer Women, with a commemorative Poem following each sketch. The Capture and Recovery of the Boone and Callaway girls and the famous incident of the Women carrying a supply of water to the garrison at Bryant's Station, are recounted in prose and verse. Also commemorated in the dedication are: Jemima Suggett Johnston, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, Esther Devee Fowler, Mary Blair Rice, Sally Shelby McDowell; and in the opening poem and sketch many of the historic families of Kentucky, including the Todds, Dandridges, Callaways, Floyds, Harrods, etc.

The work appeals to all Kentuckians, but especially to the descendants of the early pioneers, who are thus commemorated in the sketches of a few of their number. History has been busy with the pioneer men, but it is very rare that any attempt has been made to do justice to the women.

The edition is limited to 500 copies, printed from type. As most of the edition has been subscribed for, those wishing a copy of this desirable work will please fill up the inclosed blank and forward by mail to



columbian poems and prose sketches by mary florence taney

   Copyright, 1893, By MARY FLORENCE TANEY. 

The Rustic Parliament,                    - - 13

Rebecca Bryant Boone, - - 21 Capture and Rescue of the Misses Callaway and

Boone,          -        -        -        - -    29

Women Carry Water to the Fort, 44

Keturah Leitch Taylor,         -        - 53

Susanna Hart Shelby,         -        - - 62

Mary Hopkins Cabell Breckenridge, 73

Henrietta Hunt Morgan,   - 82

Susan Lucy Barry Taylor, 85

Mary Yellott Johnston,     -        - 91

Margaret Wickliffe Preston, 95 
   3Eo f  c ffiemorp oi

Mary Hopkins Cabell Breckenridge,

Susanna Hart Shelby,

Keturah Leitch Taylor,

Rebecca Bryant Boone,

Jemima Suggett Johnson,

Elizabeth Callaway Henderson,

Elizabeth Cook,

Esther Devee Fowler,

Ann Harrod,

Betsey Montgomery,

Jane Montgomery,

Mrs. Wm. Coomes (the first school-teacher),

Nancy Hanks Lincoln,

Mary Blair Rice,

Sally Shelby McDowell   

Types of the Pioneer Women, whose names a grudging history has handed on to this generation   who established homes, founded families, introduced refinement and culture, and made civilization and sound morals permanent occupants of our State.

To them and their descendants, and to the descendants of their co-workers, the good women of Kentucky, this little work is reverently and lovingly dedicated. 

Among the kind and generous friends to whom the author is indebted for historic facts, accurate dates, encouragement, and oftentimes inspiration, pre-eminent is Colonel Reuben T. Durrett, president of the Filson Club. Early in the preparation of the work the writer visited the famous Durrett Collection of Kentucky Relics, which are not surpassed, if equaled, in historic interest and variety by any collection in the United States. Portraits of Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton, and other of the hero pioneers look from the walls upon ancient relics which were their contemporaries

   6 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

and mute witnesses of their deeds. Among the interesting relics of a nearer and more personal nature, preserved with loving care by her distinguished son, is the saddle upon which Elizabeth Rawlings Durrett, the mother of Colonel Durrett, rode over the mountains from Virginia to Kentucky in 1810, by the classic wilderness road, so graphically described by Captain Thomas Speed.

Also, to Judge William B. Kinkead for interesting reminiscences of pioneer life while the writer visited Lexington, going over the files of the Gazette for 1784 to 1792, to get in touch with the spirit of pioneer times; to his two daughters, Miss Nellie Talbot Kinkead and Miss Elizabeth Shelby Kinkead. Also, to Mrs. Judge James Mulligan.

Among the historic portraits of great in- 


terest to the author was that of Mary Hopkins Cabell Breckenridge, wife of Hon. John Breckenridge, and the progenitor of the distinguished Breckenridge family. The sweet, strong face, firm and fearless, impressed the writer strongly as to the characteristics of this remarkable woman. The writer held for a moment, with reverent and loving touch, her little white satin wedding slipper of London make.

Also, to Prof. N. S. Shaler, of Harvard University, and lastly to the descendants of the pioneers, the ladies of Kentucky, for their sweetness and cordiality, their goodness and beauty, which were ever a source of inspiration.

Also, to the following members of the Filson Club:   Reuben T. Durrett, Thomas 
   8 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

Speed, Edmund T. Halsey, J. Stoddard Johnston, Richard W. Knott, Horatio W. Bruce, John B. Castleman, Basil W. Duke, Andrew Cowan, William H. Whitsett, William J. Davis, and James S. Pirtle. 

Every state takes its character very largely from its first settlers. They establish and form its first institutions. They organize its society and give it tone. They form the nucleus around which growth is made, and the growth is arranged and permeated by their spirit. They transmit their qualities to their children, by whom subsequent accretions are directed and controlled. They fix the mold for coming society, cut the channels for law /y and history.

W The spirits of Boone and Callaway, of h Henderson and Dandridge, of Slaughter and

   io Kentucky Pioneer Women.

Jouett, are as potent in our state as if they still walked the earth clad in complete steel. ^ Our system of laws is but the expansion of the Acts of the Rustic Parliament. The influences that control society and direct public opinion,. are only a multiple of the influences set in motion by the handful of settlers in the wilderness.

It is therefore fitting and appropriate that we revive their memorials   hold their virtues in remembrance, and acquire some degree of elevation by our appreciation of their work and character.

Any effort, however humble, in such a cause has the sanction of a good purpose, the praise of a noble aim.

I can not, dare not, assume that I have written worthily; but if my feeble effort shall 
   Introductory. 11

suggest to any one, whose lips have been touched with sacred fire, that a theme worthy of a noble poem has lain neglected for many years, I will have accomplished a worthy purpose. If such a one should be inspired to sing into the people's hearts the character and achievements of the founders of our State, I will have realized my highest wish. 
   The Rustic Parliament. 13

the rustic parliaa1ent.

Among all the incidents of the early settlement of Kentucky none is more significant than the Rustic Parliament which convened at Boonesborough, May 24, 1775. Seventeen delegates from as many settlements met, without other warrant than a common reverence for justice, through established institutions and public law. Without authority from King or Parliament, five hundred miles from organized society and civil government, scattered so widely that they might assume to enjoy unrestrained natural freedom, they speedily bound themselves by legal contracts 
   14 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

and laid the foundation of an organized State.

They were nominally within the jurisdiction of Virginia, as they were nominally subjects of the British crown. They had not heard of the battles at Lexington and Concord, and the Declaration of Independence was yet hidden in a swift-coming future. They had come to the wilderness without a charter, and under the popular imputation of fleeing from the control of law and the restraints of orderly society. But the fountain of justice was open to them. They had higher authority than charter or enabling statute. They replied to their calumniators by the enactment of laws for the establishment of courts of justice, for the common defense, for the collection of debts, for the punishment 
   The Rustic Parliament. 15

of crime, for the restraint of vice, for the encouragement of good husbandry. The best work of their descendants has been done by building upon their foundations. They held their sessions under the "Divine Elm," the lonely giant, standing "on a beautiful plain, covered by a turf of fine white clover which made a thick carpet of green to the very stock of the tree. Its first branches sprang from the stem about nine feet from the ground, reaching uniformly in every direction, so that the diameter was a hundred feet. Every fair day its shade describes a circuit upward of four hundred feet in extent. Between the hours of ten and two, a hundred persons could comfortably recline under its shade."

Nothing in the situation or surroundings, 
   16 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

or in far-reaching effects and influences, is wanting to the picturesque beauty or the historic significance of this memorable assembly. It has been justly said that Marietta, Ohio, is the gateway by which law entered the great North-west Territory; but the fact ought not to be overlooked, that law entered the Mississippi Valley by way of the mountain passes, carved by the headwaters of the Cumberland and Kentucky rivers, and set up its perpetual standard at Boones-borough.

Equally suggestive is the other service held under that "Divine Elm." Those pioneers were not learned in history or philosophy, but they knew the full meaning of the word " duty," and their courage and resolution  reverently bowed  before the mighty 
   The Rustic Parliament. 17

power above them. They had not sophisticated themselves into the belief that God can be ignored, or his laws safely dispensed with. On the Sabbath they met in " God's first temple," and in prayer and praise acknowledged their own dependence and gave thanks to the Giver of all good.

In both respects they are an example; laying the foundation of a State reverently and in righteousness.

The names of the seventeen delegates, worthy to be associated with the "pilgrims" who ordained civil government on board the Mayflower, with the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the noble company of wise founders of States, are as follows:

Squire Boone, Daniel Boone, Samuel Henderson,  William   Moore, Richard Callaway, 
   18 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

Thomas Slaughter, John Lythe, Valentine Harmon, James Douglass, James Harrod, Nathan Hammond, Isaac Hite, Azariah David, John Todd, Alexander Spotswood Dandridge, John Floyd, and Samuel Wood. 
   The Rustic Parliament. i



Canopied by the majestic, sheltering elm, God's promise and foretaste of bounty to this realm, A chamber for council, a temple for praise and prayer They adored their fathers' God in love and fear; And in His name framed their just and equal laws, And craved His gracious favor for a worthy cause.


Divine Elm!   Its stately beauty graces all the scene, Its circling shade moves noiseless on the broidered green Its pliant, trailing branches drink the morning dew, Its towering crown reaches far in heaven's blue, Nobler far than Bashan's Oak, or orient palm, By night or day, in heat or cold, in storm or calm. 
   20 Kenhicky Pioneer Women.


Far from lands of law, they firmly held to all that's just, And builded quick the stately dome of equity,

To shield and guard the innocent, and smite to dust The haughty crest of heartless tyranny. 
   Rebecca Bryant Boone. 21

Rebecca Bryant boone.

Rebecca Bryant, who married Daniel Boone about 1755, in the Yadkin settlement in Western North Carolina, and her daughter, Jemima, are said to have been the first white women to become residents of Kentucky. Perhaps no woman of our State ever had a more varied experience of the hardships, privations, and tragedies of pioneer life.

In 1773, in company with her husband, who had previously visited Kentucky, she set out for the new Canaan. In Powell's Valley they were joined by five other families and forty  armed  men.    Near  the Cumberland 
   22 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

Mountains the company was attacked by Indians, and six of the men were killed, among whom was her eldest son.

They retreated to the valley of the Clinch River, where Mrs. Boone lived with her remaining children until September, 1775. During this period, her husband, under employment of Governor Dunmore, had conducted a surveying party from tide-water to the Falls of the Ohio, a distance of about eight hundred miles. He also visited Central Kentucky, and took part as a delegate in the Rustic Parliament, held in May, 1775.

He returned to the Clinch River and brought his wife and family to Boonesbor-ough, arriving September 8, 1775.

In February, 1778, he was captured by the Indians while leading a party attempting 
   Rebecca Bryant Bobiie.


to secure a supply of salt. He was carried north of the Ohio River, and adopted by a noted chief, through the ceremony of plucking out all his hair except the scalp-lock, and a thorough washing in a neighboring brook.

His wife hearing no tidings of him, naturally supposed that he had been killed, and taking her children, returned to the Yadkin, in North Carolina. In June, 1778, at extreme peril of his life, he escaped, pursued by Indians, and returned to Boonesborough to notify the station of a coming Indian raid. "I left old Chillicothe," he says, "on the 16th, and in four days reached Boonesborough, a distance of one hundred and sixty miles, having eaten but one meal during that time." 
   24 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

In the following autumn he joined his wife and family, and returned, bringing them with him, to Kentucky in 1780.

In 1782, Mrs. Boone was again bereaved by the death of a son killed in the memorable massacre at Blue Lick Springs, where another son was seriously wounded. Her later days were spent in Missouri, where she died in 1813. In 1845 ner remains, with those of her husband, who died in 1820, were returned to the State, whose history they had so signally illustrated, and buried at Frankfort. This was done in pursuance of concurrent action by the citizens of Frankfort and the legislature of the State.

Like a majority of the greatest heroes, Rebecca Bryant Boone has had slight notice   from   history.     Glimpses   of  her are 
   Rebecca Bryant Boone. 25

caught only as her famous husband opens the door to come or go. But it requires little imagination, and little loving sympathy, to restore her to view. Her lonely and heroic life, her long, wearisome waiting for the return of husband to wife and children, her heart-rending bereavements, her endurance in perils and journeying, her patience and equanimity by which she could sustain such efforts, until she had passed the allotted three score and ten, confer upon her a much higher distinction than the accidental one of being the first white woman to take up her abode in the State.

They mark her as the most complete type of the wife and mother, who made the pioneers settlers in homes, and not mere bush-rangers, who pass and leave no trace.   She and others 
   26 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

like her were the complement of the adventurous Saxon, who always came to stay, to subdue the land, to build the home, to inaugurate the family, to enforce justice, and over all to spread the beneficent canopy of established order.

   Rebecca Bryant Boone.




September's sun with mellow beam smiles upon the plain, All is silent, save the south wind rustles in the cane, And the wood-pecker beats the hollow-sounding tree, Or the ivory-bill screams his piercing minstrelsy.

II. .

Down the trace, through the cane, strides the mighty hunter, Boone,      , '

Homeward, shod with silence, as the sun touched the noon;

Wife and child, eager waiting, greet him at the door, And the hero's heart leaps as he clasps them o'er and o'er. 
   28 Kentucky Pioneer Women.


Then a vision of the Yadkin, where first they met, And the shining of her eyes he never can forget; Of the home she had left, to become a faithful wife, And glorify the wilderness with the blessing of her life.


All within is neat; brightly shines the puncheon floor, For Rebecca had been trained in useful household lore; And the simple table, piled with nature's gifts, was spread With bear steak and wild lettuce, and venison for bread.


The wild plum, and pawpaw, and the grape crowned the board,

And freedom, love, and health, beyond the miser's hoard; All honor to Kentucky's primal mother, wife, The worthy harbinger of coming love and life. 
   Capture by the Indians.


Capture of Elizabeth and Frances Callaway and Jemima Boone by the Indians.

The capture and recovery of Elizabeth and Frances Callaway and Jemima Boone, is a striking illustration of the dangers amid which the pioneers lived, and of the promptness and intrepidity with which they met and overcame them.

At Boonesborough, on Sunday, July 14, 1776, late in the afternoon, these three girls, aged sixteen and fourteen years, were amusing themselves in a canoe on the Kentucky River.    Suddenly five Indians rushed upon 
   30 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

them and made them prisoners. The girls fought desperately, one of the Indians being gashed to the skull by the blow of an oar in the hands of Elizabeth Callaway, the elder of the three.

Their capture was made known only by their failure to return, and it required no prolonged inquiry by the experienced woodsmen to decide upon the fact, or to ascertain the direction and route taken by the Indians. Callaway and Boone, the fathers of the captured girls, and three young men, namely, Samuel Henderson, John Holder, and Flanders Callaway, their affianced lovers, set off at once on foot in pursuit. They were soon followed by William B. Smith, Catlett Jones, Bartlett Searcy, and John Floyd, on horseback, who overtook Boone and his compan- 
   Capture by the Indians.


ions before nightfall about five miles from Boonesborough.

It being impossible to follow the trail in the darkness, the pursuers were compelled to halt during the night. From the first clear light next morning to the last glow of day, they swept on in the pursuit, following a trail as clear to them as the king's highway, but indistinguishable by untrained senses.

The captive girls, not doubting of pursuit, contributed broken twigs, bits of cloth or any other token to mark their way, though threatened with instant death, and sometimes menaced with the upraised tomahawk.

The pursuers were compelled to halt for another night, but not long after starting on the third morning, they came upon the camp they had so eagerly sought.   Their great fear 
   32 Kenhicky Pioneer Women.

was that the girls might become too much wearied to keep pace with their captors, and be murdered to secure their scalps as trophies.

The Indians and their pursuers each saw the other about the same time. The latter knew the extreme need of instant action, lest the Indians might murder the girls to prevent their recapture.

Four of the pursuers discharged their guns instantly, and all made a rush for the camp. The Indians fled without resistance, and without securing any thing but a shotgun without ammunition. The effect of the firing by the whites was never known, but it was afterward learned that but one of the Indians ever reached his tribe. The pursuers were too intent upon rescue, and too 
   Capture by the Indians.


well satisfied with their success, to hunt to the death the fleeing Indians.

The following incident of the capture has thrilling'interest:

Elizabeth Callaway had a dark complexion, which was rendered more swarthy by fatigue and exposure. Sitting by the roots of a tree, her head bound with a red bandana, she comforted her younger companions in misery, who reclined with their heads in her lap. One of the pursuers, mistaking her for an Indian woman, clubbed his musket and raised it to dash out her brains. Another of the rescuers who had recognized her, seized his arm in time to prevent the horrid tragedy. The narrow escape, with its suggestion of terrible possibilties, gave a melancholy tinge to their rejoicing. 
   34 Kentucky Pioneer Women.



'T was late one quiet Sabbath day, The westering sun hung low;

Three maidens fair in joyous play

Were floating in their light canoe.


All nature seemed at perfect peace, The water mirrored back the hills,

The stately trees with quiet grace,

Looked down upon the sleeping rills. 
   Capture by the Indians.


The sun aslant sent down its beams To tint the waters with its gold,

They feared not man nor wraith upon the stream, Until the yell that made them cold.


Five savage men on serpents' trail,

Into that scene of peace had crept,   

Their hideous yell, the maidens' wail,    And hills and trees in horror wept.


The cry for help went out in vain,

The cliffs sent back a mocking sound,

In vain they battled might and main, Worthy the hero blood they owned. 
   36 Kentucky Pioneer Women.


Across the stream, and o'er the plains

Through wood and brake, o'er hill and brook, In captive bonds they dragged their chains,

Their way in savage thrall they took.


The sun went down, the woods grew dark, The pitying stars look dimly down;

Kind nature seemed to feel and mark Their rayless sorrow for her own.


Exhausted nature called surcease;

The captives, held with cruel care, Sank down to rest, but not in ease,

For doleful sounds disturbed the air. 
   Capture by tfie Indians.


Another day,   a summer's day,

Through forest drear they northward sped, Till darkness barred the hopeless way,

And night brought naught but grief and dread.


With wakeful hours and fitful sleep,

The night was passed in doubt and fear;

Why should they painful vigils keep?

Why should no help or friends be near? 
   38 Kentucky Pioneer Women.



The settlers, busy with their toils and cares,

Felt no concern and knew no cause for fear,

Like soldiers trained, with peril long acquaint,

They felt at ease though danger might be near.


The hallowed hour of quiet evening came,

When all things harmless seek for safe repose,

The absent ones sought out their sheltering homes;

But three came not, and deadly, sickening fear arose.


No witness saw the jewels rapt away,

In vain the eager quest, the loud halloo;

Alas! the cruel truth was plainly told, By the drifting, tenantless canoe. 
   The Pursuit.



One house bereaved, had lost a first-born son,* Who fell before the hard, relentless foe,

But this dark captivity is harder yet,

Surcharged with all that men call grief and woe.


No time to weep,   action instant and alert,

This is the creed of men who built our state;

Stern duty, rescue first; then loving tribute,

All that pours from generous hearts, with joy elate.


Two fathers, three lovers, husbands yet to be, Seize their trusty rifles, enduring no delay,

Stride forward, keen as wolves and fleet as deer, On the trail, with lingering light of day.

* Fbone's eldest son was killed on the first attempt to reach Kentucky with his family. 
   4-0 Kentucky Pioneer Women.


"Who rides may follow," rang their bold farewell,

Time hastens, and love ne'er waits for man or horse.

They '11 track the fleeing savage while they may,

And leaving tokens on the trail, mark their course.


Into the forest dark, scanning every leaf,

And twig, and blade of grass, and ground between; They swiftly follow, without halt or doubt,

Like "hound sagacious on the tainted green."


Darkness hid the trail; they waited for the day, As men cast away watch for morning light;

Their burden dire of mercy and of wrath

Allowed them nothing but the horrors of the night. 
   The Pursuit.



The livelong day they kept the dim-marked trail, Another night of dismal doubt and fear,

But faith and hope were kept aglow

By tokens left in hope by those most dear.


But hearts of oak and thews of finest steel

Shall win and wear the victor's oaken wreath,

And high-bred Saxon vanquish savage men,

And love is stronger still than hate or death. 
   42 Kentucky Pioneer Women.



On Tuesday morn, as daylight touched the skies,

The little band in haste took up the obscure trail,

With rapid stride, and piercing watchfulness, Fearing their urgent zeal might sadly fail,

Or time misplaced make free their deadly foe,

And dearest friends consign to unknown woe.


Soon their joy was full,   joy stern and deep, As when the hero, generous and brave,

Forgets his hardships, dangers, struggles, toils, The helpless and the innocent to save;

And wreak just vengeance full and free

Upon the devotees of cruelty. 



The clear rifle's ring, the soul-stirring cheer,

The headlong rush, the craven, coward flight,

The joyous hail, the tender, sweet embrace,    Sorrow turns to joy, gloom to purest light.

Courage and love had won their victory,

The foe had fled, the captive maids were free.


Their lightsome homeward march in safety sped, No conqueror e'er won such goodly fame,

For homes were filled with love and life,

And gratitude and love hand down their name.

From all there came the gladsome sound,   

The dead is alive and the lost is found. 
   44 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

Women Carry Water to the Fort.

On the night of August 14, 1782, Indians estimated to be six hundred in number, surrounded Bryant's Station. Their approach was so stealthy that the garrison had no intimation of their coming. On the morning of the 15th they showed themselves, and made demonstrations on one side of the fort. The men able to bear arms had been mustered, ready to march to Hoy's Station, from which a rumor had arrived the evening before, bringing an announcement of danger from Holder's defeat. If the enemy had remained concealed a few hours the fighting 
   Women Carry Water to the Port. 45

men would have been gone, and the fort would have been scarcely defensible.

The source of supply of water was from a spring at the distance of several rods from the fort. It was soon observed that every thing was quiet in that direction, though in the opposite direction the enemy was aggressive and noisy. It was readily concluded that an ambush had been prepared, and the enemy hoped to attract the garrison to give battle outside, while those concealed near the spring might storm one of the gates.

Mr. McClung, in his " Sketches of Western Adventure," has preserved an anecdote of female intrepidity connected with the siege.

"The more experienced of the garrison felt satisfied that a powerful party was in ambush near the spring, but at the same time 
   46 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

they supposed that the Indians would not unmask themselves until the firing on the opposite side of the fort was returned with such warmth as to induce the belief that the feint had succeeded.

"Acting upon this impression, and yielding to the urgent necessity of the case, they summoned all the women, without exception, and explaining to them the circumstances in which they were placed, and the improbability that any injury would be offered them until the firing had been returned from the opposite side of the fort, they urged them to go in a body to the spring and each of them bring up a bucketful of water. Some of the ladies, as was natural, had no relish for the undertaking, and asked why the men could not bring the water as well as themselves, ob- 
   Women Carry Water to the Fort. 47

serving that they were not bullet-proof, and that the Indians made no distinction between male and female scalps.

"To this it was answered that women were in the habit of bringing water every morning to the fort, and that if the Indians saw them engaged as usual it would induce them to think that their ambuscade had been undiscovered, and that they would not unmask themselves for the sake of firing at a few women, when they hoped, by remaining concealed a few moments longer, to obtain complete possession of the fort. That if men should go down to the spring the Indians would immediately suspect that something was wrong, would despair of succeeding by ambuscade, and would instantly rush upon them, follow them into the fort, and shoot 
   48 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

them down at the spring. The decision was soon made.

"A few of the boldest declared their willingness to brave the danger, and the younger and more timid, rallying in the rear of these veterans, they all marched down in a body to the spring, within point-blank shot of more than five hundred Indian warriors. Some of the girls could not help betraying symptoms of terror, but the married women, in general, moved with a steadiness and composure that completely deceived the Indians. Not a shot was fired. The party were permitted to fill their buckets, one after another, without interruption, and although their steps became quicker and quicker on their return, and when near the gate of the fort, degenerated into a rather unmilitary celerity, attended by some 
   Women Carry Water to the Fort. 49

little crowding in passing the gate, yet not more than one-fifth of the water was spilled, and the eyes of the youngest had not dilated to more than double their ordinary size." 
   Kentucky Pioneer Women.



Husbands, wives, and helpless little ones, Were roused from sleep at break of day

By roaring guns, and savage shouts,

To find their fort beleagured, and the fray

With foes whose touch is cruel death,

Was loudly told with every passing breath.

. III.

And yet from one direction comes no sound,

But silence there proclaims to all The hidden foes, and deadly ambuscade

Prepared for those who come at morning call, To bring from out the dell, the day's supply Of water, without which all there must die. 
   Women Carry Water to the Fort.      51


To disappoint the lurking, savage foe,

And overcome with wiser guile, To save their warrior men for greater need,

And gain sore needed time the while, Matron and maid were marshaled at the gate, For daring enterprise, defying fate.


Equipped with pails, instead of guns and swords, They took their usual trodden path,

And naught in voice or gait betrayed their fears,

Though well they knew they walked with death.

They safely passed the deadly ambuscade,

And safe returned,   their stout hearts undismayed.

;, V.

The little fortress now secure and strong, Defiant shouts go out afar, 
   2 Kentucky Pioneer Women.

The valiant men, and maids and matrons brave,

Make ready for the shock of war; No hope of mercy weakens their resolve, From victory to death their thoughts revolve. 
   Keturah Leitch Taylor.

Keturah leitch Taylor.

Born, Keturah Moss, September if, 1773, in Goochland county, Virginia. Her father, Major Hugh Moss, formerly of the Revolutionary Army, died while she was a child. In the spring of 1784, she, with two sisters, aged fourteen and ten, was brought to Kentucky by an uncle, Rev. Augustine Eastin, her mother having previously married Captain Joseph Farrar.

During this journey, at nightfall a party of about forty emigrants passed Mr. Eastin's camp, disregarding his invitation and warning to remain until morning.   About daybreak a 

Kentucky Pioneer Women.

woman with an infant in her arms aroused the camp with the horrible tidings that India