xt72v698923k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v698923k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 2004 2004 2004-11-16 2020 true xt72v698923k section xt72v698923k Tuesday
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Celebrating 33 years of independence


Dolce and Kabbalah?

Page 6


UK uses rats to study cocaine addiction

pelletsandafteritmasterspiessingthebar, itis injected dailywithcocaine. After
thefinal injection, the rat detoxifies. When the detox period ends, the rat is placed

8y Marli Howard
THE minim mm.

UK professors and stu-
dents are learning about the
addictive properties of co-
caine in humans by studying
how rats respond to the drug.

Michael Bardo. a UK psy-
chology professor, is looking
at how the exposure of co-
caine later affects the desire
for sugar. Although final re-
sults are still forthcoming,
this research will lend much
insight on the effect drugs
have on the brain’s limbic sys-
tem and how it may affect an
appetite to sucrose.

Bardo. also director of
UK’s Center for Drug Abuse
Research Translation, see
cured a $23522 Fellowship

Grant from the National Re-
search Service Award
through the National Institute
on Drug Abuse to study co-
caine and sucrose cross-sensi-
tization in lab rats.

The limbic system is a
walnut-sized section of the
human brain that regulates
mood. appetite. sleep and mo

“If previous drug experi-
ence sensitizes the brain to
the rewarding properties of
sugar. it could indicate that
recovering drug addicts are at
a higher risk of excessive
weight gain due to increased
consumption of sugary foods
or binge eating." said Emily
Klein. a psychology doctorate
student and Bardo’s lab assis-

If the inverse is true (that
sugar sensitizes the brain and
makes cocaine more reward-
ing). then it could mean that
individuals with a diet high
in sugar could be at a higher
risk of becoming addicted to
cocaine. Klein said.

The rats are first pre-
trained on a task ~ in this
case. pressing a bar in a
process called operant condi-

When the rat presses the
bar. it is rewarded with su-
crose pellets. The rat learns
that by pressing the bar. it is
rewarded with a sweet treat.

Once the rat has become
adept at bar-pressing. it is giv-
en daily injections of cocaine
for 10 days. After the final in-
jection, the rat is lefi alone for

10 days to detoxify. When the
detox period ends. the rat is
placed once again inside the
operant box.

Rats. much like humans.
have a difficult time coming
off the cocaine. At very high
doses. according to Bardo. the
rats may become irritable and

Results show that. after
the cocaine binge and detox
period. the rat pushes the bar
much faster and much more
often. This means that its de
sire for sucrose has increased.

“Our results indicate that
at least part of the reason for
this may be that cocaine en-
hances the activity of
dopamine-rich brain areas in-


See Rats on page 2


International week lauds
city's multicultural heritage

By Danielle Kornis

Students from across Fayette
County filled the President's Room
at the Singletary Center yesterday
morning for UK's first celebration
of International Education Week.

Nationally. this is the fifth year
the week has been celebrated in a
joint US. Department of State and
Department of Education initia-
tive to encourage international ed-
ucation and exchange worldwide.

Mayor Teresa Isaac said inter-
national study or travel is an “ex-
perience that every student should

Isaac said her world “opened
up" when she first traveled to Eu-
rope at age 17 and since then she
has traveled all over the globe. giv-
ing her an different perspective of
the United States.

The International Education
Day also featured UK professors
and administrators who spoke
about oncampus opportunities for
foreign language and study abroad

Many student attendees were
from area high schools. while oth-
ers were exchange students from
different parts of the world.

David Bettez. acting director of
the Office of International Affairs.
encouraged students to "start early
and go often" to places outside of
the United States.

“We live in a global society" he
said. “It's important for students to
be aware of this. even in Lexing-

While Lexington may not typi-
cally be thought of as an interna-
tional community. Isaac said Toy-
ota is a large employer in the area.
as well as German-owned Ken-
tucky-American Water Company

Also. Lexington has four “sis-
ter cities" in England. France. Ire-
land and Japan. Sister Cities Inter-
national is a non-profit citizen
diplomacy network designed to in-
crease global cooperation and pro
mote cultural understanding. Isaac
said Lexington has internship pro
grams with all of its sister cities.

Isaac said she would like to see
more students travel.

“So few students in Kentucky
travel out of their community." she
said. Fear of the unknown and
cost are often two deterrents. she
noted. but both can be overcome.

Sayre School junior Chris Car»
son attended the event because he
says he‘d like to go to Spain some-

“I‘d like to use my Spanish
speaking skills and take it further.“
he said. Carson was in Spanish im-

By Dariush Shafa
iii? iiruiiiciii iiEiiiici

A Lexington police officer injured in an
accident on Tates (‘reek Road was released
from the hospital yesterday. but police said

that he needs surgery:

Another officer injured in the same acci-
dent was treated and released from‘the hospi
tal Saturday but will probably be on leave for

mersion programs in elementary
and middle school and currently
takes Spanish classes.

“In the future. people are going
to be lost if they don't know how to
speak Spanish." he said.

Dunbar High School senior
Kelly Rayens said that students
who don‘t travel the world or learn
a foreign language are selling
themselves short.

“You aren't really fully aware of
what the world has and what peo
ple are like." she said. “I don't
think you can be complete without
having that."

E—mai'l neiL'Sicikj'kernel.co/n



l. lslarnabad is the capital of which coun-

a. Afghanistan

b. India

c. Pakistan

d. Sri Lanka

2. Which Caribbean country, whose capi-
tal is Santo Domingo, has recently experi-
enced one of the fastest economic
growth rates in the Western Hemisphere?

a. Costa Rica

b. Haiti

c. Trinidad and Tobago

d. Dominican Republic

3. Fire walking is traditionally practiced
by natives of the Fiji Islands which are
located in what ocean?

a. Pacific Ocean

b. Atlantic Ocean

c. lndian Ocean

d. Arctic Ocean

4. Acupuncture, an ancient medical
treatment using needles to relieve pain
and treat diseases. originated in which
Asian country?

a. Japan

b. Malaysia

c. China

(1. Indonesia

5. Vientiane is the capital of which
Southeast Asian country where most of
the people are subsistence farmers?

a. Japan

b. laos

c. Malaysia

d. China

6. In India, pilgrims travel to the sacred
city of Varanasi, also called Banaras, to
bathe in the waters of what river?

a. Yamuna River

b. Ganges River

c. Sarasvati River

d. Godavari River

Answers: 1. c; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. b





Dobbin Road on to Tates (‘reek into their
paths. Both officers were unable to avoid the
collision and Sullivan struck Thomas“ vehi-
cle. Ball's vehicle was struck by the .letta.

Sullivan. Hall and Thomas Were all taken
to the UK (‘handler Medical (‘enter Sullivan
was hospitalized and listed in serious condi
tion but was upgraded to good condition yes-
terday before his release.

Hall was treated and released the same

several days due to a back injury he suffered. day:

Officers Thad Sullivan. 38. and John Ball.
34. were riding their police motorcycles be-
fore the UK Vanderbilt game on Saturday
when a Volkswagen .Ietta driven by Gloria
Thomas. 59. of Lexington. pulled off of Old


Thomas. who was wearing her seat belt
and was uninjured in the accident. was taken
for observation and then released.

Sgt. .lay l’ostlewaite. an accident recon-
struction officer. said officers are not fre-

(left) Albert Einstein, played by Fonzie Geary, (middle) Gaston,
Picasso at the Lapin Agile, which runs Thursday, Friday and Sat


Powell one of four toresign

By Stephen Barr

THE wisuincioiiTosi

House announced yesterday that
four Cabinet secretaries would de-
part. bringing to six. at least. the
number of Cabinet chairs to be
filled. Of the departing appointees.
Secretary of State Colin L. Powell
will probably be the one missed
most by federal employees.

“He brought this tremendous
ability to lead." said Louise K.
Crane. a vice president at the
American Foreign Service Associa-
tion. She said. Powell “used his
enormous credibility" to get ade-
quate funding for hiring and train-
ing of employees and for improve-
ments to embassy security

John W Limbert. president of
the association. noted that Foreign
Service officers volunteered to
serve in Iraq in numbers that ex»
ceeded Powell’s request. “That is a
direct result of loyalty. He shows
loyalty to his ixople."l.imbert said

New York University professor
Paul C. Light said federal employ
ees across government. not just
diplomats. will miss Powell. “He
represented a breath of fresh air
and a deep commitment to public
service." Light said.

Patricia McGinnis. president of
the (‘ouncil for Excellence in (lov
ernment. cautioned that the extent

swerve and avoid.“

tion. he said.

quently involved in accidents.

“They're sporadic. We spend a lot of time
driving so our likelihood of having an acci-
dent is higher." he said. ”Sometimes we're
able to avoid it. sometimes we're not."

Postlewaite also said that avoiding acci-
dents is something that motorcycle officers
particularly focus on in their training.

“The majority of motorcycle riding is ac-
cident avoidance." he said. adding that it al-
most worked for Rail. "He was nearly able to

Avoidance is so important to motorcycle
officers because a car provides more protec-

of the turnover
among President
Bush political ap
pointees "re-
mains to be

The building
wave of depar-
tures will ripple
through the sub-
Cabinet over the
next several
months. leading
many appointees
to leave or trans-
fer jobs inside the

Longtime fed-
eral managers
and employees
know how to keep
swimming. But “there are a lot of
waves on the seashore." as Light
put it. and federal employees need
to be careful so they “don‘t drown
in the rip tide,“

Although most career employ~
ees safely float through the transi
tions between presidential terms.
the shake~up in Bush's (‘abinet will
probably have some impact slow
ing efforts to carry out policies and

Colin Powell was
unanimously con-
firmed by the US.
Senate and sworn
in Jan 20, 2001.
Powell was a pro-
fessional soldier
for 35 years, dur-
ing which time he
rose to the ranlt
of 4-star General.

making it more difficult for agen;

cies to fend off spending cuts.

“It is unsettling when your boss
takes off. unless you consider your
boss a blithering idiot." said Light.
who headed a bipartisan study

In“! sun i sun
played by Kyle Weisbaai”. and (right) Suzanne, played by Hayley Williams, perform in
urday at UK's Guignol Theatre. in the play written by actor Steve Martin, Einstein
and Pablo Picasso come together in a Parisian cafe just before the scientist transforms physics and the painter introduces cubism to the world.

group from 1999 to 2003 that exam-
ined the presidential appointments

Robert M. Tobias. a former fed-
eral labor leader who studies feder»
al policy issues as head of an
American University institute, said
that “whatever is under way will be
interrupted" by the transition to
Bush's second term.

"Very few carem' employees will
continue to proceed until they find
out what the new person wants."
Tobias said.

The Senate will probably move
quickly to confirm Cabinet secre-
taries. McGinnis said. but some
lower-level replacements may not
get hearings for several months.

The Presidential Appointee Ini-
tiative. which was headed by Light.
found it takes an average of 8.7
months for a nominee to clear the
Senate and take office.

White House spokesman Scott
Mct‘lellan said yesterday that de-
parting t‘abinct secretaries “are
committed to making sure that this
is a smooth transition and that the
change in who is heading that de-
partment will come about in as
smooth a fashion as possible."

But Light said that “first to see-
ond-term transitions are very in-
tense'and may be more so this time
because Bush has no heir apparent
to help unify appointees for a sec-
ond term.

Police officer injured at UK game released, needssurgery

nice. metal box around you." he said.

Both Sullivan and Ball's motorcycles were
severely damaged in the accident and PostleL
waite said it was likely that both would be a
total loss. The motorcycles cost 317.779 each.
more expensive than the standard Harley-
Davidson 2003 motorcycle because of the po-
lice upgrades. said Brian Marcum. acting di-
rector of person in the Lexington-Fayette Ur-
ban County Government.

The bikes also came with a clause that the

dealership would buy back the bikes and sup

“You don‘t have the luxury of having that

ply the police with brand new bikes at no cost
after one year of ownership



 PAGE 2 | ruesday Nov. 16. 2004


Continued from page i

volved in non~drug rewards.
like palatable foods. It you
can‘t have one type of reward.
you‘ll take the other." Bardo

Klein said the studies also

never receive cocaine. but are
injected with saline instead

"In this way we can corri-
pare the performance of ani-
mals that received cocaine
with those that did not."
Klein said.

Dill‘erent mammals have
many of the same brain
structures, llar‘do said. There
fore. results found in rats
cross over relatively well to
humans. Rats are preferred
for economic reasons. but rab-

bits. monkeys and even dogs
have been used.

Data from past experi
rnerrts conductul by other sci-
entists suggests that Bardo's
findings are correct

Babies exposed to cocaine
through their mothers while
still in the woirib have been
found to prefer a sucrosecoat-
ed pacifier: Klein said.

news .1 A‘ykeriie/mm

include a control group that

Fallujah battered,



FALLUJAH. lraq , The aluminum shut-
ters of shops on the nraiir highway through
town have been transformed by the force of
war into mangled accordion shapes. tlat. sharp
slices of metal that no longer shield the stacks
of pots. the plastiewrapped otlice furniture. the
rolls of carpet. These things would be for sale.
except there are no traders. no customers. hard
ly any people at all in the center of Fallujah.

U.S. Marines searching for insurgents in the
Jolan neighborhood in the northwestern side of
the city yesterday did see two elderly men
emerge from a pile of rock. The men. who
looked too old to tight. pointed to their stom
achs. They were given brown. plastic pouches
of military rations and disappeared back into
the rocks. the Marines recounted.

Smoke rose from buildings across the city
as U.S. artillery continued to bombard rebel po
sitions and weapons bunkers a day after coin-
manders declared the city had been liberated.

And if the brave holy warriors are living
long lives. as graffiti scrawl proclaimed. they
were not doing it at the deserted Arch of View
ry Square. its metal monument arch and paint-
ing of Saddam Hussein crumpled months ago
by a roadside bomb aimed at a US. convoy:

Eight days ago. U.S. and Iraqi forces bar-
reled through a nrud wall thrown up around
the city Using tanks and Bradley Fighting \‘ehi-
cles, they charged through the center and sides
of the insurgent-controlled city. Most of the
250.000 residents had fled in anticipation of the
attack. the largest operation since the U.S.-led

quiet after battle




rmicii J. ucoomr l LLTINES
U.S. Marines cross a flooded street as clearing
operations continue around the city government
complex in central Fallujah, Iraq.

invasion of Iraq in March last year:

US. commanders say they now control the
city except for a few pockets of resistance.
mostly in the southernmost part. There. the
crack of gunfire could still be heard yesterday.
as American forces battled the last of the rebel


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Outrageously energetic. with his routineiam-packcd full
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have no break in between laughs. Hahn is a very talented
performer and has appeared on several shows including
"(‘cdric the Entertainer". ”Star Search". and "Late Night
w ith Conan O'Brien"



Nov. 16. 2004

Jeff Patterson
Assistant Sports Editor
Horne: 2574915 | EM: Warn


H it )1 mi .l. \'_( )1 tear x )K

Banged up seniors never quit in ‘courageous’ performance

by Jeff Patterson


After hobbling into the
interview room. Ellery
Moore made a confession.

"The pain is killing me
now." Moore said after UK‘s
win Saturday “If i wasn't in
front of these cameras I'd be

A week after severely
spraining his ankle. the se-
nior defensive end recorded
three tackles in the Cats‘ 14-
13 Senior Day win over Van~

“I didn't think Ellery had
a chance to play.“ said defen-
sive coordinator Mike

Earlier in the week. UK
head coach Rich Brooks said
Moore and fellow senior line-
man Vincent “Sweet Pea"
Rurns wouldn‘t even play be-
cause of severe ankle

Burns and Moore
other plans. however.

Last Tuesday in practice.
Burns and Moore dressed in
full pads to walk through
practice. The next day. they
practiced in full-contact

“It's just heart.“ Moore
said. “We do it because we
love UK. we love our team-
mates. our coaches. and our


fans who show up no matter
what our record is."

Burns. who injured the
ankle Oct. 30 at Mississippi
State. wanted to play last
week against his home state
school, Georgia. He probably
shouldn‘t have played
against Vanderbilt. But
Burns absolutely had to play
in his final home game.

"We weren‘t going to keep
him out of this one." Archer

Burns recovered a fumble
early but he couldn‘t finish
the game.

“It caught up with me a
few games ago." Burns said.
"Every Saturday. we came to
play. No matter what the
score turned out to be. we al~
ways played hard."

After the game. Archer
told his younger players he
expected them to learn from
their effort.

“These guys have never
quit." Archer said. “Their ef-
fort was very courageous.“

Fellow seniors remember
Williams on Senior Day

All but one of UK‘s 21 se-
niors participated in Senior
Day festivities Saturday

Senior safety Mike
Williams was suspended for
the remainder of the season

two weeks ago for violating
unspecified team rules. He
was not allowed to partici-
pate in Senior Day festivities.

But Williams' teammates
made sure he‘d be honored.

0n the bus ride from the
hotel to the stadium. senior
cornerback Earven Flowers
left a message for Williams.
telling him the team was go-
ing to win for him.

But that was just the be-

As the 20 seniors stood
with their family, they could-
n‘t leave Williams out of this

After the seniors left the
field with their framed jer-
seys. Moore returned hoist-
ing up Williams’ framed No.
1 jersey

“Can’t let anyone forget
about him." Moore said. “I
wouldn’t have had to do that
for the fans to remember
Mike Williams. But I did that
to let him know I was never
going to forget him."

Many of the underclass-
men had no idea Moore had a
plan to honor Williams.

“I didn’t know he was go-
ing to do it." said junior safe-
ty Muhammad Abdullah. a
roommate of Williams. “But
when I saw it. it touched me
to my heart to know that

Ellery would do that for

“Don't forget Mike on Se-
nior Day because he couldn't
be here."

lniury updates

The bye week will afford
UK enough time to get sever-
al players back for the season
finale Nov 27 at Tennessee.

Among the players who
should return are freshman
running back Tony Dixon
(ankle). redshirt freshman
quarterback Andre Woodson
(ankle). junior running back
Andrew Hopewell (thigh).
Flowers (hip). Moore and

Freshman receiver Dicky
Lyons Jr. who broke his
shoulder blade Oct. 30 at Mis-
sissippi State. may also re-

Freshman linebacker
Wesley Woodyard may be out
for the season with a high an-
kle sprain.

Jeff Patterson covers UK
football for The Kentucky Ker-
nel. This article contains his
observations and opinions. He
can be heard Sundays at 9
pm. on “The Big Blue Re-
view"on WRFL. 88.1 FM.



Snowcats want students to fill the slopes

By Meredith Kinkead

fit Kentucky KERNEL

On a snowboard in Aspen.
Cold. Katy Evans started fol-
lowing a man with strange
hair She caught up to him
and asked for his autograph.

The man was none other
than the rapper Coolio. and
he joked about Kentucky‘s
fried chicken and how he had
It girlfriend there. too.

Evans. a biology junior.
went to Colorado with the
Snowcats in 2003. and she left
with that story and the auto-
graph to prove it.

The Snowcats will travel
to Breckenridge. Colo. this
winter and still have spots left
for interested students. How-
ever. they must contact the
club and pay by Nov. 17.

Every winter a large
aroup heads west to ski and
snowboard at places in Col
orado. such as Aspen. Steam-
lioat Springs and Vail.

“The difference between
the skiing in Colorado and
Kentucky is amazing." said
S'nowcats President Jenn

Last year more than 170

students traveled to Copper
Mountain. Colo. This winter‘s
trip costs $499 and includes
lodging. lift tickets and trans-

“We have 159 people
signed up so far but we can
take up to 200 if people get in
touch with me soon." Bros-
nan said.

Snowcats meetings are
held on Wednesdays at 8 pm.
in room 245 at the Student

The Snowcats do more
than ski. They participate
throughout the year in paint-
ball. camping. white water
rafting. ski diving and indoor

For those who want to ski
but wish to save a little mon-
ey. there are options closer
than Colorado.

Perfect North Slopes and
Paoli Peaks in Indiana are
both about 90 minutes from
Lexington. Many Snowcats
ski at both places.

"(Perfect North) has be-
ginning to hard slopes.“ said
Nicole Kavanaugh. an ac-
counting junior who had her
first experience skiing at Per—


Slti with the Cats

0n the Web: http://wwwultsnow-

E-maii Snowcats President Jenn
Brosnan: jennbrosnan®hotmaiicom

Perfect North Slopes:

Full-day/rental: $75

15 or more students (with reser-
vations) and rental: $47

Friday and Saturday 9:30 pm. to
3 am. with rental: $65


Paoli Peaks:
Full day with rental: $55




fect North. “It's worth the

Perfect North offers dis-
counts. including night ski-
ing. On Friday and Saturday
nights. Perfect North offers a
$10 discount on rental equip-
ment and lift passes.

“Night skiing is fun."
Evans said. “just because it‘s
all college students."


sports a A‘ykernelcom 9



NCAA snubs men's soccer

The UK men‘s soccer
team will not make back-to-
back trips to the NCAA tour-
nament this year.

When the NCAA unveiled
its tournament field yester—
day the Cats were not in it.

The Cats were considered
a bubble team with an 11-5-3

They did win the Mid-
American Conference regu-
lar season title. but fell in the
semifinal of the MAC Tour-
nament after losing 1-0 to
Western Michigan on Nov. 7.

Golf team eliminated from
Hooters Tournament

Fla. » The UK men's golf
team was defeated 3-1-1 by
Penn State in the third round
of the Hooters Collegiate
Match Play Championship
yesterday: UK defeated Pep-
perdine 3-1-1 earlier in the

; day

The Cats begin spring
play Feb. 5—6 in Gainesville.

COMPILED mu sm-r
mo ux Amtmcs mom












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'Ioptiot Studont Union‘o Enolloh Conversation Ciooo.

6:00pm. 429 Columbio Avonuo

zhtiot Otudont Union TNT. 7:30pm. 429 Columbia

'UK Cocoon Ilbio Study. moons-9:00."... Studont

Contoe. loom 1 13

' UK Chondlor Modicol Como: Foil Numonitlos Footivol, 3:30pm-
4:309m. in tho "capitol Auditorium PIG-61 1.
'UK Voorbook Plcturoo, 9:00om-51009m. Studont Cont". Cot'o Don

"Mind. Wldo Opon." Monday-Friday, 11:00pm-6:00pm, Roodoli Art
‘UK Anlmo prooonu Lupin Night: First Contact, 6:00pm, Studont
Contor, Contor Thootor


'MCL. Froncb Division's Toblo Francoise. Fronch

Convorootion Group, 3:00-4:30pm, Studont Contov, Wed
'Lovondor Socioty Mtg” 7:00pm, Studont Contor,

Room 228

'Cota For Christ Mtg.. 7:009m. Studont Contor, Room 230

'UK Followahip of Christian Athlotoa Mtn., 8:00pm. Upatolro of tho
Common: Morltot. South Campus

Groolu building o solid Ipirituol foundation- ono atop an o tlmo
'Luthoron-Epiocopoi Campus Ministry's Worship and Dinnor, 7:00pm,
8!. Auguatlno'l Chopol on Halo St.

‘Collogo Ropublicon Mtg., 8:009m, Commons Morkot. Room 306


°"Mlnda Wldo Opon," Monday-Friday, 1 1:00pm»5:OOpm. Rood-ll Art
Gollory, Studont Contor

'Crootivo Writing Cornor. 6:00pm-8:00pm, WJ’. Young Librory. ertlng
Contor. 5th floor Woatoldo. lor moro information coll tho Writing

Gollory. Studont Contor

Room 206

'Boptiat Studont Union "Tho Rock". 9:00pm, 429 Columbia Avo.,
'UK Voorbook Plcturoo. 9:00am-5:00sam, Studont Contor, Cot'a Don
Contor at 257-1356

'Hooloy Foundation Foouo Wonhip, 7:309m, Studonl Cor-tor. Contor

'Chrlotion Iludont Foliowohlp prooonta 'Synotgy',

8:00pm. CSF Building on tho comor of Woodlond and 1 8

‘UK PM Alpho Dolto Pro—Im Mtg., Szoopm, Studont Thurs
Cont", Room 208

'Dl'll Fonoing Club. 8:009m-1o:00pm, Buoll Armory on Adminlotrotlon

'Clllolln-Do Club Mag, ozooooopm, Alumni Gym Lon, see on
motor foo
'Dvoooogo Toom Mootino, 5:00pm. Btudont Coneov, Room 11!

‘UK Vooebook Ploturoo. motions-Cm, Studont Come. Cot'o Don

"Mind. "Ho Opus.“ Weld", "zooms-0:00pm. Ioodoil An
. meow

'Piooooo at tho Lupin Aollo by Itovo Monin, 8m. Fino Arto
Building, Ouijnol Thom. Tlcltoto on $041!, coll 257-6020 for mono
'lmoroon DIM. 3:00pm. om Iotirooan, Ctr-done Como:

'UK Too Kwon Do Club Mtg” l:30pm—6:309m,

Alumni Gym Loft. coll 351-731 1 lot movo into F ‘

'UK Hockoy Va. Mlchigon Stoto. Midnight. Lo-lngton l’l

lco Contov, ‘I'lckota on $8.00


'Compuo Mlnlotry lntornotlonol pro-onto Hold On To Mono. 7:30pm,
Studont Contov, Wonhom Thootor

'UK Yoorboolt Picturoo. 9:00om-3200pm. Studont Contov. Cot'o Don

’"Mlndo Wldo Opon,‘ Monday-Friday. 11:00pm-5:00|om, load-ll Art
Ooiiory. Studont Contor

‘Plcoooo at tho Lopln Agilo by Stovo Martin, 8:00pm. Flno Arto
Iulldlng, Oul'nol Tho-tn, Tlcltoto ovo 08—318. coll 2374920 for moro

'Plcoooo ot tho Lapin Agilo by Stovo Month. 2:00pm.
"no Am Iulldlng. Oulonoi Tho-no. l'lcitoto on .8-
I1I, ooh 1.7-4.2. '07 movo iMo





Nov. 16, 2004

Emily Hagedorn, Editor in chief

Andrew Martin. Opinions editor

Ben Roberts, Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal, Asst. managing editor for news



Steve lvey, Managing editor
Josh Sullivan, Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham, Projects editor
Iim Wiseman, Sports editor

Once-a-week garbage pickup has drawbacks

The Lexington-Fayette Urban County
Council last week tentatively approved to
start cutting trash pickup services to once a
week beginning in 2005.

A final vote could come Dec. 2.

In a cost-cutting move that could save the
city at least 3400.000 a year. the ordinance
amendment would nix twiceweekly pickup of
Herbies — the big green trash cans on wheels.

At first blush. picking up trash twice a
week seems a bit excessive.

Cutting back on trash pickup looks like a
good start to removing any waste from the
city‘s expenditures. especially when public
safety services such as police and fire depart-
ments are in desperate need of more funding.

But Penny McFadden. an administrative
officer for the Department of Public Works.
said the city would begin assessing fines to
any resident who overflows the Herbies or

lems persist.


drags extra trash to the curb.

McFadden told the Kernel the city rarely
enforces fines now but will
be forced to once trash
pickup services are re-
duced and overflow prob—

If residents overflow
their Herbies. McFadden
said. the city would drop
off another container and
charge them $60.

That‘s a one-time fee.
but the extra Herbie will
result in an additional fee
of $4.50 in each resident's
water bill be-
cause workers will have to empty two contain
ers instead of one.

Finally. if the extra Herbie still doesn‘t al-

The Urban County Council
should be lenient with
garbage fines and enforce
them fairly across
the entire city.




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The election aftermath rolls on and on.

Angry losers are generating all-new conspiracy theories
about how Bush and Karl Rove and the Illuminati stole the
presidency again

They proclaim the president doesn't
have a "mandate" because not enough peo
ple voted for him. and denounce his sup-
porters as stupid. ignorant and worst of
all. religious bigots.
