xt72v698920t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v698920t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-02-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 19, 2002 2002 2002-02-19 2020 true xt72v698920t section xt72v698920t Aching to get away from Lexington for a weekend? Hit the slopes. | PAGE 5



forget eam
tonight's UT

game | a



February 19, 2002


Celebrating 30years of independence

I remember hiding from
the cops behind a couch
in the lounge of the
journalism building that








Noted author returns
to Where it all began

Pushing the pen: As she returns to UK,
Mason reflects on her years as a student

By Tracy Kershaw

She traipsed around cainv
pus in Italian sunglasses and a
chic. black raincoat tied around
her thin waist. In 1958. when
most female UK students duti—
fully wore skirts to class. she
wore jeans.

She wrote satire for the stu-
dent~run newspaper poking
fun at university policies and
the Greek system ~ and broke
the 10 pm. dorm curfew.

Even students who had
never met Bobbie Ann Mason
knew about her.

Mason. who at 61 is one of
Kentucky‘s most prominent au-
thors. said. “I tried to be

It worked Her former

Literary legends

classmates remember Mason as
a witty and sophisticated un-
dergraduate. adjectives that
still define her and her writing

Since writing her first
short stories in UK creative
writing classes during the late
‘50s and early '60s. Mason has
established a presence in the
East Coast literary scene. WI‘li‘
ing about Kentucky and its peo-
ple. She has published several
collections of short stories.
three novels and a Pulitzer
Prize finalist memoir. She also
has the distinction of being the
first author to use the word
"fuck" in the New Yorker.

She and her husband
moved back to Kentucky in
1990 and live on an Anderson
County farm. In July. Mason

mcuwoao l KIRNELSTH?

Mason appeared with teller authors Ed McCianahan, James Baker Nail,
Gurney Norman and Wendell Berry at a tall reading on campus.



returned to [K for a fivevyear
stay as the university‘s first

She has yet to decorate her
campus office; the off-white
walls are bare. the shelves

"This reminds me of my
dorm rooms. I never decorat-
ed." she says. opening the
blinds to at least add light to
the barren room on the English
department floor of Patterson
Office Tower.

She didn't spend enough
time in her dorm room for it to
merit decorations. She was too
busy bouncing on the spring
board that would launch her
from a small Western Kentucky
farm town to the literary world
of the north.

'Bobbie in the center'

IfK English Professor Gur-
ney Norman was one of those
who knew of Mason before he
ever met her.

“By the end of her fresh-
man year. I had just begun to
notice there was a lively person
around." says Norman. who
was a senior during Mason's
freshman year. "Even as a
freshman she was a bright

Norman didn‘t meet Mason
until the fall of 1939. when a
burst of laughter drew him into
the Kentucky Kernel

"I walked by the Kernel of-
fire and heard all this uproari-
ous laughter." he says. "I went
in and it was Bobbie in the cen
ter of it all. generating just the
best jokes "

It was because of Norman
that Mason was standing in the
Kernel office at all During her
freshman year. she read the hu
mor columns written by Norr
man and another student. Hap
(‘awood Their satirical styles

inspired \lason to begin writ
ing her own humor columns for
the Kernel. pieces that Norman
recalls as "very witty."

“It was thrilling to get your
stuff in print. Working on the
Kernel validated your identi-
y " Mason says. "It gave you a

Plus. it was “just a whole
lotta fun." Her coworkers
would stuff her onto the dumb—
waiter that carried the proofs
from the upstairs office to the
basement printing presses.
Once she and her roommate
and partner in crime. Kyra
Hackley stayed out all night
at the Kernel. breaking the 10
pin. dorm curfew.

"I remember hiding from
the cops behind a couch in the
lounge of the journalism build-
ing that night." she says. laugh-
ing. ”There was a lot of
nighttime activity in that

Along with the antics. Ma-
son and her Kernel coworkers
worked hard. She remembers
when the staff was allowed to
stay all night at the paper to
cover the 1960 presidential elec-
tion. "that was the most excit-
ing time I spent at the Kernel."

Later. she covered
Kennedy‘s speech at UK for the
paper. Hordes of students and
faculty crowded around the Ad-
ministration Building to hear
Kennedy speak. Mason can‘t re-
member what the young presi-
dent talked about that day. but
she can remember how striking
he looked to the college stu-

“He made a strong visual
impact on me." she says. "He
had on blue. and the color of his
hair was unique a sandy

Mason made a strong visus
al impact on the campus. too.

See MASON on 3



in car accident

Friends mourn: Undeclared sophomore
‘always put a smile on people's faces’

By Jimmy Nesbltt

STAFF Will“?

A UK sophomore died in
a head-on crash Saturday
when his Acura reportedly
crossed over into oncoming
traffic on Leestown Road and
struck another vehicle, Jef-
frey Foley. 20. died of multiple
injuries and blunt trauma as
a result of the crash.

Foley was on his way
back to lexington after a brief
visit to hometown of
Louisville. Pi Kappa Alpha
member John (‘ooper was
waiting for his fraternity
brother to arrive.

"We were going to do
something Saturday night."
said Cooper. 21. a political sci-
ence junior.

When (‘ooper found out.
Foley had been involved in an
accident. he called hospitals
all around Lexington. but
couldn't find out anything.
(‘ooper later talked to Foley's
family. They told him what
happened and that Foley had

Cooper met Foley during
rush last year. He chose him
to be his little brother. “I
chose him because he was the


most charismatic tout ot the
group)." he said

“He had more heart than
anyone I've ever met.”

Jessica Till‘lllo. 19. an ele-
mentary education sopho
more. laughed as she remem-
bered Foley. She described his
personality in one word'

“He would always put a
smile on people‘s faces "

Tardio became good
friends With Folev this year.

“The last time I saw him
was on campus." she said.

Fraternity brother Ron
nie Doak. an economics se~
nior. thought highly of Foley.

“He was a great man. had
a lot of heart." he said.

“He died too young."

Foley was almost home
when the accident occurred.
“He was just to minutes be
hind the people he was follow
ing." Cooper said.

The more he hung around
him. the closer (‘ooper and
Foley got. “He was more like a
real brother than a fraternity

It has not been deter-
mined whether alcohol or
drugs were involved in the

Sprinkler systems in
‘good working order'

By Rebecca ideal


When Lindsey French
awoke early Friday morning
to the fire alartn in Blanding
Tower. she noticed more than
just smoke in the hallway.

"Even with all of the
smoke. the sprinklers never
went off." said French. an un
declared freshman.

The sprinkler system
should not have gone off. said
Garry Beach. UK fire marshal.

The early morning fire in
Blanding Tower. which
prompted the evacuation of
residents for two hours. was
too minor to activate the
sprinkler system. Beach said.

“There just wasn't enough
heat for the sprinklers." he
said “The fire simply burned
itself out.

“While a fire is dangerous
no matter how small it is. this
fire was a minor fire ”

Two bulletin boards,
three doors and a trashcan
were damaged in the fire.

Most sprinklers are not
activated until a fire‘s temper
ature reaches between 1&3 and
180 degrees. said Bruce Mor
gan. acting chief deputy for

the Kentucky Fire Marshal‘s

Beach said that just be-
cause the sprinklers were not
activated during the Blanding
Tower fire did not mean the
sprinkler sy stem is inade

”The sprinkler system is
sufficient and in good working
order." he said.

After the 1998 Murray
State dormitory fire that
killed a student. Gov. Paul
Patton mandated that all state
university dorms four stories
and taller must have sprin-
kler systems

Beach said only Kirwan I.
II. III and IV are not equipped
with sprinkler systems. but
the installation of sprinklers
is set to begin within the next

In addition. the sprinkler
systems in lazer and
Keeneland Halls will be i
graded this summer All con-
struction should be completed
by August. Beach said

A sprinkler system saved
the Sigma Chi fraternity
house from major damage
when a fire broke out in its
kitchen last August




TheSiudentNewspaperatthe University of Kentucky, Lexington

got you
ways to
the ice
| 4
















M I IHE mm £115 phone. A student discount is otfered to those stu-
dents who charge by phone and have a valid ID.
Call 257-TICS.
Ihe Low-down '
Women's Studies hosting bag lunch rl er 0 a
The Women’s Studies program is sponsoring Continue
CAMPUSJiEWS a brown bag seminar from noon until 1 pm. Fri-
‘ ' ‘ day. March 8 in Breckinridge Hall Room 107.
3mm“: The seminar is called “A Seminar on Promotion Norms
a was and Tenure: Concerns and Strategies.“ Lynda ‘
Gender and race scholar comma to UK supposed t0.“ a Brown Wright. an associate professor in the De— u igomm
. llK announced Monday that Patricia Hill peaceful. private partment of Educational & Counseling Psycholo- B’s-l .
Educatlon Collins. a leading scholar in gender and race gathering of the gy‘ and Chris Havice, the associate dean of the P903;
is when studies. will be joining UK's faculty this fall. West Coast hip- College of Fine Arts, will present. w01 Sh:
d “We're excited that she has agreed to accept the hop community on 0
your” ff“t ‘ ‘ N t l"'d “so h . nder- partyc
the fine o (I o Join us._ ie ze sai . e as a wo . Thursday turned the mo
. iiil reputation in her area of scholarship and it into a heated four- u u , b ,
print. will be a real enrichment for our campus." hour open-mic Great 1.036th Awards IIOIIOI' SIX E. :Vf-‘c
Experience will“ fail“, (f‘ollms W111. ht; 56‘1““: fist 3’} assembly domi- UK‘s Alumni Association will honor sixé‘ac- n ng
is what ent owet c air or one year in e epai men $0 nated by two very ulty members with its Great Teacher Awar . at . . ‘
on at if Vlomms Studiesand African-AmericanStudies- ammo sermons: noon today in the ballroom ormo Helen a. King Confronting controversy: Washington Post $33?
Y g . ( ollins is the'chair‘ and a professor of soc1010gy at one from Minister Alumni House on 400 Rose Street. This year's re- , , Ma
YOU don L the [liiivelrisity .91. L lilClélnail. 1She i‘fiseiarc‘hes Louis Farrakhan cipients areleouglas D. Damm. professor. Col- COIUITmISt, Staff writer to Speak WEdneSday made l
Pet 135119: SUE . d5 1M9. gen 8F dm >001 €555.35 and one from lege of Dentistry. J. Robert Gillette, assoc1ate to mar
- am. they speCitically relate to black women. Lollins Death Row professor. Gatton College of Business & Econom- F‘ h' t 'b t' t th who a
folk Singer received her bachelor‘s degree and doctorate in Records founder ics; Clair L. Hicks. professor. College of Agricul— gyluffflhflllfs or . 15 CO“ H u .10n5 0. e N
sociology from Brandeis University. Her first Marion "Su e" ture; David Lee Miller. professor, College of Arts sun WRIIER Post 5 Stylg $3030.": Milloy OHPT]
book. Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, . q and Sciences; Susan J. Scollay. associate prot‘es- . . has feature ce e rities rang- 1
L" . .o . .. ) . ~ Knight. Tempers . . . . He s been seen in the mg from Bob Marley to aware
onstiousneos. and the I olitzts of Empowerment. 50h College of Education, and lelfoms Stama— ' ‘ . y . ~. .
won the Jessie Bernard Award of the American 23”? :t t-tl‘le West tiadis, associate professor. College of Engineer- ggihggtfigf} [3051 He 5 been Muhammad AIL. . would
Sociological Association for significant scholar- 5°35 .t'P :9 ing. The honorees will be presented with cita- And this ‘ Wclzshingtomarh Mali/filling ge ~uhps
ship in gender and the C. Wright Mills Award of mm: ”‘5' e tions, plaques, and cash awards of $2000 for W d d 3 iecent y wrote t at 1 0y NHC‘.
the Society for the Study of Social Problems. A the 905“ ballroom their accomplishments ,9 nes ay takes readers to places most . (,a
reception will be held for Collins Monday. olthe Four ' night he 11 be Washingtonians never go spired
Seasons Hotel 599" 111 UK. and finds pockets of hope on for the
when Knight H9 5 .COUl‘t' the trash-strewn landscape. was re
, , spent much of his W land MIHOY- people doing good against the Mason
Limestone parking garage to expand time at the , The Man odds.“ . wonde:
Parking and Transportation Services an- podium insulting “ll , ”“5191” Chester Grundy. director marlin;
nounced plans to expand the Limestone Street everyone "‘0'" , 511:1; Jf‘lemléll: 0f mg ogfice XffiAfilcan'filfiem' t ng‘
Parking Structure (PS #5) located next to Dr- Dre, Eminem Student says FBI BCCUSEd 0f terrorism and ' UK‘ s can “1 ent airshslai e IS .2; l
Kennedy‘s Bookstore. Construction is scheduled and Master P NEW YORK W A Jordanian student testi- A fr 1 C a n . Mlllov gglllfigted to have M oy come 9 a
58 36 to begin on Marchll and last approxnnately sev- to Janet Jackson, fied Monday that FBI agents accused him of be- A m e r i c a n “Milloy engages some of
H. Lo en months.- resllltlllg in two additional levels of women andlhomo- ing one of the Sept. 11 terrorists after saying he Studies and Research Pro— the most critical issues of our From
. . parking with approxunately 4b5 spaces. Con- sexuals. Knight's failed a lie detector test. Osama Awadallah. 21, gram are presenting a lecture time .. he said “L
Ram. rain 00 struction Will displace a large percentage of indi- tirades prompted said agents told him he would be freed, but after . ' , . . . . . - l
. . . . ~ - . - - by Milloy as part of a serles 0f Milloy is the also a com- and 1 r
away... and stay Viduals parking in PS #0. particularly from mid- a few outbursts he had completed a voluntary polygraph test events during African-Ameri- t t f BET‘ N t k - ..
there. April until ear-1y August when more than half of and resulted in Sept. 21. They said it proved he had lied and had can History month Milloy a trilien a ord or f' s e wor thlng‘
the existing spaces will be closed. For additional several pe0ple advance knowledge of the attacks on the Penta— Washin rton Post columnist ews. an 15 a requent guest lege. ye
information. o to ' t gon and the World Trade Center. “‘You did it. 53 . . . commentator on the channels Spr mg
g storming Wt ° ' ' and staff writer Will deliver a bl aff “Le d
.i. . . wwwukvedu parking p55 expansionhtm. th 0 You were one Of the terrorists. Awadallah said . . DU 10 airs program. ,a Bu
‘ ' 9 room. he , th speech entitled The African- Sto -
__ woman a former he was told by one agent. You knew ey were , i . . ry . _ ' satisfie
VOL #109 . D th R rt' t going to do it.” The student at Grossmont Col- Amemcan Legacy. Facmg the Perry said ‘Milloy s Mason
Comwv caravan canceled tomqht ea owa '5 lege. in El Cajon. Calif. who is free on $500,000 21St Century. _ speech will most likely be a matl
ISSUE “97 (‘omedv Caravan will not be held this week named Jew'ell, bail, said he denied being a terrorist and re- . Carla Perry, an lnStFUCtOI‘ non-traditional. about
"‘ "_ ‘ because Of'the game tonight. The show will re- screamel. ' sponded: “I tell the truth all the time." On Sat: in the department of commu “He‘s very introspective." she sa
ESTABLISHED IN turn next Tuesday Feb 26 at8pm cannot S't here urday. FBIpolygrapher J. Antonio Falcon teStl‘ nications. 531d M1110y W111 she said. “He'll take some- gasbor
‘892 ‘ ' ' ' ' and let the dew fied that the results of Awadallah’s polygraph bring a fresh perspective to thin on the surface and make
. . . . 8 for a l
'"DEPENDENT . do his business," examination “appeared to be conSistent with de- African-American issues. it deep." man y‘
SlNCEl971 SAB Sponsors bIOOd drive and ignored ceptionf' Awadallah has been charged w1th . “He'll bring a different named
The Student Activities Board is sponsoring Knight's pleas to thCGlYlflg to? New York grand Jury about Ms view to controversial issues her int
the Central Kentucky Blood Center Points for debate. "If assoc1ation Wlth two 9f the alleged terrorist hi" on campus. if he's being him- If M 00 “H
Pints blood drive from noon until 6 pm. Thurs- Farrakhan can be Jia‘flkegrshlg the gr find 1:1? agipfigrmfigeshét‘zggili self." she said: . . , me ., 51
Call 257.1915 or day. in the Student Center Room 206. Donors re- here and Suge gazilni ul :0 Etemlgsg buffigniegzltcno 5v in asso- . In 1983. Milloy began Wl‘lt~ Courtland Milloy WI" orous
e-mail ceive a free Tshirt. Knight can be ciate thlid Al-Mihdhar g ‘ mg a regular column for the speak at 7:30 pm.
kernel®uliyedu here. all these cm” "in We reports Washing?“ P0§t‘S.Metr0 590' Wednesday Feb. 20 in _
Tickets for Singleton, Smith on sale otherquvs can be “on dealing With 1551195315“ Memorial Hall. Admission leJ
T' , , . , here," Knight said. affect “African-Americans. and . f
ickets for the hevm Smith and John Sin- profiling life in the nation‘s IS ree.
gleton events go on sale March 1 and can be pur- capital city twice every week.
chased through Ticketmaster or by charging by



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 O'T‘2 1m.” 9 7mm A t. . ’ J-


'Boolr of Mormon Clm, 1200. Student Center Rm


'UK Fominlot Alliance Mmlng, 8 000m Student weds
Center Rm 106

'lnotnmo, 12 00 p in Student Center. Rm 231

'Ahunnlvc Spring Brook Prob“. 3.30 Student

Center. Rm 117

‘Toblo Fromlu, Froncn Communion Group 2 30

a 009m Blazer Hail Rm Private D-nm Room

'Encoumor. 7 000m, Student Center m 230

'UK Equootrlnn Tom. 8 300m, Ag North, Rm A8

‘SAB 6 009m Board Meeting 7 30 Commmee Meetings Rm 206

'Foliowonlp ol Chrini-n am... 9 009m Christian Student Fellowship BritldunglCSFl
A [C

'Moth Tutoring. ll 00am~ l.00pm. 065 Classroom Bldg
'Moth Tutoring. 3 00 5 000m. 065 Classroom Bldg.
'Moth Tutoring (MA ‘13). 8 0040 00pm, Ktrwan Tower
‘Moth Tutor-ing. 6.008 009m, Holmes

‘Hlstory l107l108/109), 7.30‘10000m. Kirwsn Tower
'Chomlnry Tutoring. 7 00 IO‘OODm, Kirwan Tower

‘Fllm Bari” 7pm 9pm. Aurlltonum oi WT Young Library

'UK Judo Club. 5 6.30pm Alumni Gym


‘Froohmon Focus 7 ’-" '- 89-» '.h it»

'Lambda Moo'ing,‘ in Ltmlrwi 3mm. 0., f?‘

'Amnony International Mmlng. 2'er Shiite“ Zen'e' Thu rs

‘ "Solflv Beyond Racial Profiling" :"if: F Elli, ‘

MK. 19'" Lv’tw 3* " . i ”.w‘le' '* eater ‘ven


'Moth Tutoring / i- l e i ”In" “r'r' C-assv w r' 8 1.:

'Mnth Tutoring 5.3 MM W ‘ 'war Bard eq‘ ’r‘riex -* 7 ‘ ,l '
'Hlutory Tutormgl‘lOT‘IOB/‘IOQI. “)0 3300-" '(nwar “imam: ’ ~

“ . Ear-Joe”

'Biology Tutoring ‘ ll" 7‘ lfit‘n (”war Eiacqu "rt-“toe- it ‘


'Kompo Soli-Dofonsn, r i- n' * a. )w'" ."


'Koppo Dolto's Fifth Annual B-filo of tho Bonds. H 3t, '

is $4 .7 noun 3‘. r tum


'An in Bloom. =

it ,‘i A"‘r‘.sei"‘
’UK Symphony Orchestra 1, "fit ~ 3 'qle‘ia'. '-~'u


'lnurnauonol Christian follow-hip: Friday _
Follow-nip. ,7 30pm. 9t Augustine 5 Chapel Rose Street Fr.

‘ "Nothing Fancy” a lecture by Li? Swanson ‘3 30 D on

Pence Hail College. of Architecture. Fvee.‘


‘Moth Tutoring. 2 0041 009m. 065 Classroom Bldg


'Fronoh Woo. 50m 69m Basement of Keeneiand Hall

“Notional Pnddflng Flinn finely-l 7 300m ‘0 009m 9003?“ 6 000m Health Sciences
Learning Center Rm 20! Admission two ‘ridav 312 Saturday

'lntmflonol Tnlom Night, 70 m , Memorial Noll 33 m advanrn $4 at the tum ticker"
available in ‘lm 705 Bradley Hall


'An in Bloom, noon 59 to. UK Art Museum

'Nlloo Outcry kn Soon. Plano i2 00 Noon unis ‘me. Ans Lumen 9m Nlif!
Gallery Open to. Public‘ /

'UK To. Kwon Do Club. C. 309m 7 009m Alumni ern ma


'Cotholic Mon, ‘4. CCCF" 320 ‘3 tsp .'~

'Notion-I Plddiing Film Festival 7 3ft?“ '7 Tm a
3503:» F. 30cm Hnaltr 3. ”we,“ [Mm sq fwd“. c: ..

Zi‘ Air“ ‘90" tum " .13. 5‘2 Sat .rdau



= .oo Arena

'Kompo Solf—Dolonoo, E‘Elfevr Awmo- ~3vrr Lott

'Art in Bloom, nor," in o J A." VI-JSHII'T‘

’Golo Portormonco, UK School 0! Music ‘3 it‘s v

Mp”, n‘r


'UK Too Kwon Do Club "er ’2 305!“ A a”


'Cotnollc Mon. 9003M H 304mm. SflOom.

8 30pm. 320 Rose Ln sun
'Unlvmlty worship om. 8’12pm

Southwde Church of Christ, Rm Auditorium

‘UK 0M Scouts 59