xt72v698918z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v698918z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 2000 2000 2000-03-10 2020 true xt72v698918z section xt72v698918z m

Useless into


In the Middle Ages.
chicken soup was
believed to be an


The ostrich has only two
toes. unlike most
birds. which have
three or four.

The fairy tales "Puss in
Boots," "Little Red
Riding Hood,"
"Cinderella," and
many others were
first written down by
Charles Perrault, who
also helped design
part of the Louvre.

The Dieri tribe in
Australia has strict
laws regarding who
can marry whom. For
example, a man can
legally marry his
mother’s mother's
brother's daughter's
daughter. He can also
marry his mother’s
father's sister's
daughter's daughter.
Go figure!

Some more names for
groups of animals: a
bale of turtles, a
clowder of cats. a
charm of goldfinches,
a gam of whales, a
knot of toads, a
streak of tigers.

Domesticated (farm
raised) turkeys
cannot fly. Wild
turkeys can fly for
short distances at up
to 55 miles/hour.
Wild turkeys are also
fast on the ground,
running at speeds of
up to 25 miles/hour.

Camels have three
eyelids to protect
themselves from
blowing sand.

The classic toy wagon
was designed by
Antonio Pasin, who
founded his company
in l9l8. Pasin wanted
to give his wagons a
modern flair, and
chose the word
"radio" for what was
then a new form of
communication, and
"flyer” for the
wonder of flight -
hence, "Radio Flyer."

Gasoline has no specific
freezing point - it
freezes at any
temperature between
-l80 and -240
degrees Fahrenheit.
When gasoline
freezes, it never
solidifies totally, but
resembles gum.

Temperature and crime
are correlated. Many
more crimes are
committed in the hot
summer months than
in the cold winter

In one year, hens in
America lay enough
eggs to encircle the
globe a hundred

A hippopotamus has a
stomach to feet long
and capable of
holding 6 bushels of

source: www.useless


MERE to, 2070“" ‘ “

Mozambique devastated
by Widespread flooding



Above, a boy who lost his parents during
the recent floods stands at the Cbokolane

refugee camp some 150 kilometers (90

miles) north of Maputo Tuesday. Aid work-

arriving in the camps don't know where

their parents are following Mozamblgue's

devastating floods.


destroyed bridge across the Limpopo

River, near the provincial capital of Xai-



No relief: Torential rain
continues in flood-
ravaged African country


Heavy rains drenched flood-
ravaged southern Mozambique to
day, soaking hundreds of thou—
sands of displaced people
crammed into aid camps, hamper-
ing relief operations and raising
fears of further flooding.

The floods — the worst on
record in Mozambique —— have al-
ready killed hundreds, and the
toll may reach into the thousands.
Officials with the United Nations
World Food Program were plan-
ning an assessment mission to
day, to establish the status of an
estimated 20,000 people spotted
moving en masse along a railway
line running near the upper
reaches of the Limpopo River.

The group was first spotted
by a US. plane on Wednesday

near the town of Mabalane, 150
miles northwest of Maputo, the
capital. The reason they were
traveling along the railway line
was not known.

There were displaced people
also in the Save River delta, said
US. Air Force Capt. Alex
Carothers. who inspected that
area by air Wednesday.

“Within five to seven miles
off the coast, there must have
been 2,000 displaced people — and
those were only the ones we could
see,” Carothers said.

The groups would add to the
estimated 250,000 people displaced
by the floods.

A US. Hercules C-130 cargo

plane took off from Maputo‘s air--

port early today to inspect a dam
on the Limpopo River near the
town of Massingir, close to the
South African border. The dam’s
water levels were a cause of major
concern, us. military officials

Two US. helicopters lefi
South Africa early today for the
central Mozambican port city


Beira to join German. Malawian
and South African forces in dis-
bursing aid to tens of thousands
of displaced people. U.S. Maj.
Mike Young said. ;

While the effect of the new
rains was not immediately appar-
ent, they forced three aid heli-
copters to temporarily return to
Maputo early today.

“The rainy season is not yet
over". said Getachev Biriba. a
World Food Program expert. “The
concern remains that the soil is so
saturated that any rain could pose
a threat."

Francois Engelbrecht. a fore
caster with the South African
Weather Bureau in Pretoria, said
on Wednesday that there was a
definite danger of renewed flood-
ing south of Beira as the rem-
nants of Cyclone Gloria. now
downgraded to a tropical low,
slowly moved inland.

“There are going to be heavy
falls of rain. It’s not going to be as
bad as the previous event. It will
be more of a localized feature."
said Engelbrecht.

”Emiliefighters ambushed by d



-Ron Norton

won its er

5.3 4.1

Party cloudy, but
nice. Enjoy your break.



News tips?

Call: 2574915 or write:



Firefighters responding to a house
fire Wednesday were ambushed by an off-
duty Memphis firefighter who stepped
out of the garage and began shooting. au-
thorities said.

Two firefighters and a sheriff‘s
deputy were killed. and a woman was
found dead in the garage.

The suspected gunman. Fred
Williams. was wounded and was in criti»
cal condition early Thursday after under-
going surgery. Police Director Walter E.
Crews said.

A bystander also was wounded. but
not seriously.

“We don‘t expect this. We're here to
fight fires." Fire Chief H.J. Pickett said.
“You want to say it‘s part of the job. but
it's not."

Williams did not live in the house.
and his relationship to the victim in the
garage was unclear. Crews said.

On its web site early today. The Com-
mercial Appeal newspaper reported that
the woman was Stacey Williams. the sus-
pect's new wife. Citing police sources. the
newspaper also reported that Williams

had been arrested in October following a
domestic disturbance involving the two.

A court date on the case had been set
for March 16.

Firefighters Lt. Javier Lerma and
Pvt. William Blakemore were killed.
Sheriff‘s Deputy Rupert Peete was shot in
his patrol car as he responded to the re-
port of the shooting. authorities said. His
car crashed through a fence and ended
up next to the house.

Memphis police officers then arrived
and tried to get the gunman to put down
his weapon. When he refused. “one of our
officers got into a gun battle and the sus-
pect was shot." Crews said.

Before firefighters arrived. neighbors
reported seeing smoke coming from the
house and alerted the suspect. but he said
everything was fine. according to author-
ities. Soon after. deputies and firefighters
arrived and were ambushed.

“It‘s a tragic thing for the city and for
the families. The firemen. police. they put
their lives on the line a lot but they don‘t
expect to be shot at the scene of a burning
house." President Clinton said during in-
terview with CNN.

CU later UC

Martin out for
season with
broken legl

‘flhttpw Miami“

Group discusses
womens rights

A long way to go: Discrimination on
campus, elsewhere focus of group session



We've come along way. but studcnts and faculty at UK say
we still have a long way to go bcforc women and mcn arc sccn as

The Baha'i Association and Advancement for Womcn (‘omr
mittce sponsored a group session ’l‘ucsday. International
Women's Day. to discuss thc discrimination of women from the
aspects of people frotn different countries.

LulaMac Fragd. an assistant professor of English. said shc
has noticed sexual discrimination on campus.

“In the academic community. women are less likely to re
ceivc tenure. 'l‘hcy'rc callcd on to do the ‘gtunt' work and some
departments don't ITiin' fcmalc faculty members." she said.

Those frotn around the world can relate.

“Women are educated forcyor that they are weak." said I‘llda
Dede. from Albania and organizcr of the event. "We want to
break the cycle of womcn being the delicate flower."

In Albania. llcdc said womcn arc seen as girls and called
girls (as opposed to women) before they have children.

()thcrs said they hayc sccu the same type ofdiscrimination.

Melody Hickman. a sociology graduate student. knows all
too well the horrors ofdiscrimination of women. Shc said her
mother. aunt and others were abused by their husbands.

“This happens." shc said. "It's a cyclc of yioicncc. but we
hayc to look forward.”

At first glance. the pcoplc at tho group session may sccm Iiko
men-hatcrs. but that is exactly the image they don't want to pro

"That song "I‘hcsc Boots arc Made for Walking‘ and ‘l‘m go
ing to walk all oycr you' is not true- and not good." Dodo said.

She emphasizes the importancc of unity. "like two wings ol‘a

"()nc wing is the man and the other is a woman." she said.
"Unless they're equal and balanced. they can‘t fly."

()f the five or six men who attended the discussion. onc said
he had noticed discrimination in the classroom.

"'I‘hcre's a tendency for teachers to look over all the girls in
the classroom with Ihcir hands up and call thc one boy who is
awake during class." said Rick ()lcson. a Baha'i Association

Ii‘ragd said this was a result of the teachers simply bcing
products of society. which has taught thcm to act lll that man»

Right now. seycraI countries arc signing (‘EDAW ((‘onycn-
tion on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women). which would end discrimination in cducation.
strengthen scxual harassmcnt laws and have allirmaliyc action
for women.

of handful of countrics that haycn't signcd it. tho United
States is one of them.

“We should certainly commit ourselycs to this important is-
sue." said Michael Razceq. a business librarian at I'K.

Volunteers Sarah Arias, top. and
Sarah Gustufson 16, bottom, lis-
ten to a speech at the Cross-
roads Women's Center in Los
Angeles Wednesday. The event
was held to launch the "Global
Women's Strike," a one day
global strike and protest in
defense of mothers and other
women doing caring work, tak-
ing a stand against poverty, vio-
lence and inequality that contin-
ue to afflict women globally.


idem" L‘iS

" ‘ i A
An unidentified Memphis
fireman places a helmet
on the body of a slain
Memphis firefighter
Wednesday afternoon in
Memphis, Tenn. Firefight-
ers responding to a house
fire Wednesday were
ambushed by an off-duty
fireman who stepped out
of the garage and opened
fire, authorities said. A
sheriff's deputy and two
firefighters were killed.







The Low-down

I never
I’d grow
up to be
the person
who is
the good
fight so
that ‘fart’
could be
said on the
but if that
is my
mission in
life, so be

- Narc stem.
“South Park:
Bigger, Longer
and Uncut" com-
poser, on the R-
rated, Oscar-
nominated song,

"Blame Canada."
to Reuters.

Nasdag ends at 5,047.39; Dow surges

NEW YORK The Nasdaq composite index
soared to its first close above 5.000 yesterday as
the technology stocks that dominate its ranks
lifted the entire market and pulled the Dow Jones
industrials out of a slump. The Nasdaq rose
1.30.11; to close at 5.047.119; the Dow rose 154.20 to
end at 10.01073. ()n the NYSE, gainers led losers
1.689 1.29:3. The Nasdaq reached its latest mile-
stone just 46 sessions after it first closed above
4,000. So far this year. the Nasdaq is up 24 per-
cent. while the Dow. which has been depressed
by industrial company profit worries. is down 13

Bradley, McCain halt campaigns

WEST ORANGE. NJ Bill Bradley quit
the Democratic presidential campaign yesterday
and Republican John McCain suspended his can-
didacy. Both Democrat Al Gore and Republican
George W. Bush emerged from the Super Tues-
day primaries with their nominations assured.
Bradley said he will support Gore despite their
sometimes bitter rivalry because "now it is time
for unity." But Bradley said he will not release
his 412 delegates because they had earned a voice
at the Democratic National Convention. In Se-
dona. Ariz.. McCain pointedly offered Bush his
“best wishes." but not his endorsement after a
bitter campaign.

Bush turns attention to Gore

ENGLEWOOD. Colo. With John McCain
out of the way for now. likely Republican presi-
dential nominee George W. Bush turned his at
tention today to Democratic rival Al Gore. The
Texas governor criticized the vice president and
certain Democratic presidential nominee for
talking about eliminating unregulated “soft mon.
ey" in election campaigns while at the same time
there are reports that Gore will headline party ef—
forts to raise millions in soft money that will help
his presidential campaign.

Senate approves controversial judges

WASHINGTON - Californians Richard A.
Paez and Marsha Berzon yesterday won Senate
confirmation to seats on the federal bench. end~
ing years of contention. Berzon. a San Francisco
lawyer. was confirmed in a 64-34 vote. Paez. a
judge on the US. District (‘ourt in Los Angeles.
was approved in a 59-39 vote. Senate conserva
tives have blocked action on the two. claiming
they are too liberal anti that they would add to
overly activist tendencies of the 9th Circuit U.S.

David Arguette.
recently seen
lending off a
crazed killer in
“Scream 3." Is
set to play a
postal worker In
the comedy
"See Spot
Run," with
shooting to
begin in June.
character takes
in a stray dog
that turns out
to be a refugee
from the wit-
ness protection
program and is
a pooch with





The Oscar-nom-
inated song
Canada." an
song about cen-
sorship from the
"South Park"
movie, has put
ABC's censors
and the produc-
ers of the
Awards in a
quandary. ABC
has told produc-
ers they need to
either clean up
or bleep out
profanity in the
tune so that it
can be per-
formed with the
other nominees.

Court of Appeals.

Missing Fla. girl found in store

GAINESVILLE, Fla. —— A 10-year-old girl
turned up in good condition at a department
store yesterday. three days after her mother re-
ported that she had been abducted when she got
ofl‘ her school bus. Doctors say Jessica Rodriguez
is in good condition. Police are searching for the
suspect. who they described as a man about 6
feet. with brown eyes and brown hair. They say
the suspect may be driving a 1999 blue Chevrolet
Lumina with Florida license plates.

JonBenet Ramsey BA to leave office

DENVER v Boulder County District Attor~
ney Alex Hunter. often criticized for his handling
of the unsolved JonBenet Ramsey slaying. an-
nounced yesterday he will leave office at the end
of the year. Hunter. 63. said the Ramsey investi-
gation influenced his decision not to seek an
eighth term. No suspects have been named in the
threeyearold investigation.

NATO denies spy leaked Kosovo plans

ANKARA. Turkey 7- NATO Secretary-Gen-
eral Lord Robertson yesterday denied reports
that a spy within NATO headquarters passed in-
formation to Serbia on planned air strikes during
last year‘s Kosovo campaign. A BBC program.
“Moral Combat: NATO at War." claims that an
internal classified report prepared for senior US.
defense officials concluded that the Serbs had in-
formation on air raids. allowing them to move
troops and equipment away from intended
NATO targets.

Gas prices are worse OVGI'SEOS

HONG KONG — Americans who worry
about paying as much as $1.80 per gallon for
gasoline are lucky they don‘t fill up in Hong
Kong. where unleaded gas costs around $5.40 per
gallon. Fuel prices have risen quickly in the past
year as crude oil prices soared amid a global pro
duction cutback. French retail gasoline prices
have risen by about 30 percent to the equivalent
of $4.50 per gallon. The English pay about $5 per

Saint Louis 68, No. 1 Cincinnati 58

MEMPHIS. Tenn. —Top-ranked Cincinnati
lost its best player. Kenyon Martin, for the rest of
the season because of a broken right leg. and
then lost its postseason opener. 68-58 to Saint
Louis. Martin. a candidate for player of the year.
got hurt three minutes into the game when he got
tangled with Justin Love of Saint Louis.

Compiled from wire reports.

assocum 7533

New York City police officer themes Iiese, at right. one of three
police officers charged with conspiring to conceal their role in the
bathroom torture of Abner Louima arrives with an unidentified at-
torney, left, at Federal Court in the Brooklyn borough of New
York, last Thursday. During their second day of deliberations, lu-
rors asked to be read a transcript of the cross-examination of
Eric Turetzky, then a Brooklyn patrolman who helped arrest
Louima during a street disturbance in the summer of 1997.





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Matt Mulcahey


Assistant Scene Editor
Phone: 2514915 | E-nuii:lernelart®yahoo.com



What are the chances?


Ill graduate stu-
dent Dabble
Delaney (left) and
Alecla Whitaker
star in the UK the-
atre “flflfllflfl's By Amanda Yorli
my; P'mtctlw may?“

O atom “5.
Written by Lam. . We all have moments in our
ton "fly. Am lives where we have a chance
Hutton, Brie! meeting with someone and it im-
Encounters con- pacts you in ways you won't real-
,m; “g ‘h one act ize until later. No matter how in-
plays and two significant these encounters may
mono“, all seem. they could be life chang-

_ mg.

0:: chance meet The UK Theatre Department

demonstrates how brief encoun-
ters play a part in all our lives
with their production. aptly
named Brief Encounters.

Brief Encounters. a presenta-
tion of six one~act plays and two
monologues by Arlene, Hutton.
exemplifies tnany situations we
face in contemporary society.

Rhoda Gale l’anck. brofes-
sor of theater and director of the
play. said she chose to group the
plays together because of the va-
riety they offered.

“What appealed to me is
what it's based on." she said.
“There's a variety of serious and
comic pieces. and i like having a
variety in one evening."

Pollack also said the plays.
written by Kentucky native Ar-
lene Hutton. had never been per»
formed the way the Theatre De-
partment has chosen to perform

The six plays all have the
central theme of chance tiieeting
with strangers. Pollack said. She
also said the audience should be
able to relate to the plays be-
cause they exemplify situations
faced in our everyday lives.

Another interesting aspect
added to the play by the director
consists of monologues per-
formed during the intermission

vacuum: I mutt


its fun as

By Matt Mulcahey

What planet were the people who thought
this movie would be funny from?

Although the flimsy premise might have
held up for a 30 minute sitcom or a couple of Sat-
urday Night Live sketches. the often used fish-
out-of—water formula runs of steam very early in
Mike Nichols‘ newest film.

The movie opens with promise: an alien race
made up entirely of men seek to take over Earth
from the inside. To do this. they send one of their
own (Gary Shandling) to Earth to impregnate a
human. Because they are so highly evolved and
technologically advanced. the race of men have
evolved past the need for emotion and reproduc-
tive organs.

So when Shandling must deal with emotions
and having a johnson for the first time. it pro-
vides some funny moments. It‘s a humorous no-
tion that being an alien is just like being human
male: distant. emotionless and uninterested in
women for anything other than sex. However.
it's not enough to sustain a feature-length film.

This kind of movie has been made before.

but what's disappointing is the level of talent
that went in to creating this dime-a-dozen come~

Director Mike Nichols was a magnificently
talented filmmaker at one time. but he lost his
edge years ago. This sure isn‘t the movie that
brings him back to form.

in succession. Nichols made Who '5 Afraid of
Virginia Wolf). The Graduate and Catch~22. in the
decades since. he‘s made Working Girl, Wolf and
The Birdcage. While not terrible films. they’re
not on the level of his earlier work. What Planet
Are You From? is just another example of his de-
terioration as a front-line director.

And what is this cast doing in this movie?
Shandling comes off best with his detached goofi-
ness. and Greg Kinnear gets some laughs as his
womanizing. sleazy co-worker. The rest of the
cast isn‘t so lucky.

Annette Benning should fire whoever told
her to follow up American Beauty with this
turkey. John Goodman. Ben Kingsley and Linda
Fiorentino are also wasted in pointless subplots
that don‘t advance the narrative an inch.

Despite a promising beginning and a good
cast and director. What Planet Are You From? is
a disaster of cosmic proportions.


Gary Shandlinq reacts to the
reviews of his newest film.








New play follows the sometimes significant
effects of chance encounters with strangers

The monologues will air during
the intermission through a pro
jector aitd will also be performed
live after the intermission by the

Gioti Del’rancesco. professor
of theater and scene designer.
said he wanted to keep the set

“I wanted to keep the set
cleati and fresh to match the dia
logue." llt’h‘l‘illlt't‘st'll said.

l’ollack also said that when
designing the set they tried to
keep the simplicity of the dia
logues iii mind

“The language is sparse atid
there is a feeling of minimalism
iii the play. We tried to bring that
to the \ isual elements of the
play." she said.

The characters in the plays
consist of eight actors who use
their acting skills to play a tnyt‘i
ad of characters. Pollack said
this combination of plays al
lowed the actors the ability to ex-
pand their acting skills.

"it's unusual to see six plays
and two monologues in one
evening. It‘s a wonderful oppor~
tunity for actors because each ac-
tor has the opportunity to play
different characters.”

Brief Encounters
Mar. 10, it, 22. 23. 24 and 25 at 8

Mar. 24 at 4 pm. and Mar. 26 at 2
Tickets are available at the
Singletary Center for the Arts or by
calling 2574929.

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Way to go. padre!



pardon for
St. Patrick's

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -
Catholics in a
Wisconsin diocese
are getting a break
on the Lenten
regulation of

' } abstaining from meat
' on Fridays. so they
can enjoy corned
beef and cabbage on
St. Patrick's Day.

Bishop William Bullock
has granted a St.
Patrick's Day
dispensation for the
Madison Roman
Catholic Diocese.

Bullock suggested that
Catholics who make
use of the
compensate by
performing another
form of penance.
such as acts of
charity, prayer or
alms given close to
March 17, which falls
on a Friday this year.

“We're pleased that
Bishop Bullock has
granted the
dispensation for
Catholics this St.
Patrick's Day so they
can partake in the
celebration," said Ed
Lump, executive vice
president of the
Wisconsin Restaurant

Say what!


The Korean
proprietor of a
convenience store
foiled a robbery by
pretending he did not
understand English.

After activating a silent
alarm, Meng Choi
confounded the
would-be robber until
police arrived at the
H 8 M Market.

"Don’t try anything, just
give me the 5100,"
Choi recalled the
robber demanding.

"I say, ‘Why? | no
understand what you
want,"' Choi said.

“Just give me the $100.”
Choi said the robber

"What you want $100
for? l have no thing
that cost $100,” Choi

The storeowner was still
playing dumb when
police officers
arrived and arrested
Eric Sollie in the
Monday night
robbery attempt.


from school

- A 3-foot-long
python earned the
nickname “Houdini"
after escaping from
an elementary school
aquarium for the
second time in as
many weeks, despite
padlocks securing a
screen cover.

James River Elementary
School teacher Steve
Mills added the
padlocks after the
snake escaped the
first time when
someone left the top
unlatched. A teacher
found the snake
under a recycling bin
in an adjoining
classroom a week

The snake managed to
escape from the
classroom again over
the weekend.




«moat/ff” Sommers
St. Patrick's Day:





Spiritual reflection. communion with God.
homage to the saints and green beer ~ oddly. all
these things represent St. Patrick‘s Day to different

Somewhere amongst the green-dyed lakes
of New York and the green beer served
throughout the world March 17. the true ori-
gins of the holiday. which pays tribute to St.
Patrick. are often lost in the gaudy festivities
of the Western world.

I wanted to write a humorous column for St.
Patrick‘s Day that would answer the question. "What
is Saint Patrick's Day. anyway?" In an effort to find
an answer. I decided to do a little research to see
what I could come up with. What I dug up on the his
tory of the day. in light of today's celebrations. was
indeed quite funny.

Despite the modern leprechaun slant. the real pot
of goch at the end of the rainbow is that St. Patrick's
Day is a religious holiday. Not intending sacrilege.
but green beer doesn't exactly strike me as a
beverage that a church party would serve. *
So what is the deal? How did we get from ‘
praising saints to pinching nonwearers el‘m
of green each year‘.’ '

Saint Patrick was born in 385 AD. I.
in Scotland. Ilis birth name was
Maewyn Succat. Kidnapped at 16 by a
band of Irish raiders. Maewyn was sold
in Ireland as a slave. ()1' Patrick didn't
have it easy. During his enslavement.
Maewyn began to believe in God as a source
of comfort and as the only possible savior from
his present circumstance. Approximately six years
later. Maewyn received a vision. which directed him
to a boat on which he escaped to France. He then took
refuge in a monastery. Assuming the Christian name
Patrick. he went from being a deacon. to becoming a
priest. and finally to becoming a bishop - hardly a lep-

Pope Celestine believed St. Patrick's calling was
in the country of his captivity. and sent him to
preach the gospel in Ireland. His journeys and kind—
ness were well known. The cities and towns that hear
his name can easily map the path of Saint Patrick's
travels through Ireland.

Obviously many religious figures
contributed to their faith. but few have a ’
holiday in their honor: thus we have the

()ne Irish legend about St. Patrick
speaks of the amazing day he drove all the
snakes from Ireland. Delivering a sermon
and perched on a hill in Ireland‘s rolling
countryside. he denounced the snake and
with God‘s power. cast them all into the sea.
Many view this amazing event as an end to
paganism in Ireland. as snakes have traditionally
been revered as symbols of sin and deception.

Many also think of St. Patrick for his mass con-




Edltorlal Board

Christopher Emmick. dialogue editor
Mark Vanderhoft, editor in chief
Chaz Martin, asst. dialogue editor

Kimberly Glenn. editoriaiist

Gory McCoiIum, senior staff writer
Candice Jackson, editoriaiist
Scott Marchend, editoriolist
Lance Pearson, editorialist



green beer

versions. It is believed that in a single effort. St.
Patrick converted thousands of warriors. Through
their conversions. it is said. he had the ability to end
conflicts and wars dead in their tracks.
St. Patrick used the shamrock as his primary
tool for sharing his faith. The three leaves
helped him explain how the Father. Son and
Holy Spirit exist as three separate elements of
the same object. People began wearing sham-
rocks as a visible sign of their religious faith. To-
day. it is viewed universally as a source of good luck.
Whether or not you hold faith in the stories. St.
Patrick. through more than 30 years of diligent ser-
vice to the church and the world. became a legend
without the help of any miracles. He died March 17.
Al). 461 and was buried with St. Bridget and St.
Columba in Downpatrick, County Down. The present
location of his remains is in question. however. due
to the numerous grave robberies that occurred
throughout the Middle Ages.

- St. Patrick has also left his mark. His jaw-

bone. of all things. was preserved in silver
- and kept enshrined in a church in Ire-
\ land. It is believed to give health and
-; fortune to ailing children.
. Celebrations of St. Patrick‘s Day began
‘~ as solemn days of prayer and mass. cel-
ebrating the life of the patron saint of
‘ Ireland. As the Irish migrated. the heli-
day was spread across the globe. The
:’-' first St. Patrick‘s Day celebration in the
United States was in Boston in 1737.



tion of March 17 lost out to the skewed. oft-misin-