xt72v6989090 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6989090/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-11-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1992 1992 1992-11-17 2020 true xt72v6989090 section xt72v6989090  

mil”: .


, warm-n...






. -.~....m. .-..~r~«m-w"¢,‘«


Vol. XCV No. 57

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky





Nadxiieli Fugazzi of the Central Kentucky Blood Center draws blood from English sopho-
more Wendy Johnson yesterday in the Student Center. Officials said about 70 people do-
nated yesterday. Big Blue Crush, 3 blood drive competition with the University of Tennes-
see. continues today at the Commons Cafeteria. The drive‘s goal is 2.200 units.




independent since 1971

Kentucky Kernel

Tuesday, November 17, 1992

Greek organizations slowly
moving toward integration


By Graham Shelby
Senior Stall Writer


l'l\'\ ill PIL‘iii‘llllllJllli} \\lll|L‘
:‘ii‘i'k ili§:;lili/.lliilil\ i‘l‘.l\l ‘Jlltl

llflill ill lllim lllilllllii-_ .lli‘

llj:ilti'\ lili i.l\| \i'lll\\l\l \ili"i\

li.lillllilllilllji \\illl\ gliik ilig'.illl/.i
lli‘ll\ llliiklllg \ilix \lilgclxli l|l\‘\k'\
lil\\.iiil lillcyiiillilll
ll.lli'illlt} [llcxlilcllh .lll \l.
\li'li'ililli' .tll)\\||t‘ \\i|i‘ \\.ll|!\ lil by .l
lll\‘ll|i\‘l llli‘ (li‘t‘l\ .lii' illlili iilkW
\.l\ iilL' lllillllcill l\ lll.ll ilil ilili'
'.\.lii\\ ill

hiliiliilx .lilil


iilll\\ Illnlil‘i. glii‘xliliill .-l l‘l
i\.l[‘[‘.l \lplm “Kl.” ll.llil||ll~ ~.ilil

lilili l‘lll ill ""’ [iiilpli \‘iilil \ lllli

iillitll‘fil llli‘ ll‘lltlllllfx Hl\ii 'il|\
\\ ll i'lii \\.I\ i‘l.lil

iii ‘Ilti llml ii i llliil \i'lliiili
ilill iliilili li iliiilpi. ii llil"ill
iliiili \lllllt lill~l lli III the l‘l“.llll
,ulliilll. 'Ailliil llil\\il\ \.Ilii lx

kllilml lull i‘i.lii.i‘.liill|:' liliil
lllL' [\Ii‘ilgi‘\ \illil ili‘lld illi'i‘l llli li.i

lli- \.llll lllillllli-ix iliijjlll ‘lli
.lll.llil lil ill.lilill.l|| ll lll.ii ii llliilz'i I.
I ll linii ill .lllllihiillg llii‘lllillii'il
lll.li\t‘ ll\ ih‘l

'll ‘.l-lll|il lllili.


l J

l \7
1 w

1 n-—o--—~...
, .‘,‘._. /
‘ -- s.

i V —~.4—' _‘ .—

Show in ajimnpim .itri'u.

l.illl " lli' \llii “ll lizlllx ‘.\illli\1 ”

lliixiili \llii \\lllli ”iii-i. illi liil

thi‘ l'illii'ixlli .lilllliili~ll.illilii lil .lilil
lll.ii'k lllt‘llli‘t‘l\

/.l‘.li‘l|\ \\\‘l\‘ lt'L‘illlfi paviiilt

"l lllilll. iii'i. {.ll
flili'il lil lt'i'lllll lilt‘ i‘iilki‘.\ l‘lll i
ililii'l lliiilk lllt‘ \iillc t‘llll‘il.l\l\ l\
pill illl llli'ill." ilL' lllillli
i\i"li lcclill}: lilii‘i'il iig'lll ilil\\ til -'il
lil lll.ll illli'iliilil l’allll. ili lll Illii
iX‘lll" lllii‘iil ..

\ll‘.‘ ‘1

ll Iii.ll\ llli‘ i.l\l i\'i "i ll 3!.lliiil
‘.\.i‘. ill.iiliillill ti»: =!.. lillll‘lili.
i.t|||[‘ll\ \.ll\i llliii .ii. i|1\il'ili.li
‘..i\i-ll» \‘.il.

illi i|l\llll\ ill ilill \lKlill
lil.lz \"

ltj'.llli‘|l i|.|\ ill‘l i‘.i .1 .lil Ll'
lll.liii iilllllllilillli
llk llii‘ll .lli lll\lllll|l\lli ill iili .llili
iililllillilllli "

\lllllIh ill ill llli

Ili‘ \.llii ‘.\|ll[k“ lli‘i'il lil lll.lki‘ [ilt'
i‘llilil lli‘iillsi‘ ‘.\illi\‘\ i.lll Illi‘li‘ hi»
llj» t"l\l lll .lll i Illiili.l|l\ ill‘illi"'ill\'
\‘ll‘ ill\ll\‘llllltll[ ‘ll l\ lllilll i‘i‘\\l

lll; lil! nihili [lllilllli' Ill iili\ iilllll|l\

lil llil‘ii ‘-Iii|i.li- in ii ,il.li
[‘Kt']\i\ i‘i ll. H I'li.

\liul. i ;i
[‘il.l i)\ii.l l' ii i. \l‘ 'l.
\ili iii‘i\l l
‘ill‘.iil1"\li“lii ' llllii i i t l
ii’l. ‘.‘.illlt 'liii .. ‘.t:l‘

ixii ll.:-ill. ,illil‘i.
l‘lli illilli. vi '
ii Iii lilii‘ll it '14 il.. ii. I..:l_'
il_l‘. iil’xll i'll‘li.

Iiilxilliillli l‘ni ill um.
i‘\1 illil'l.illu l.
\‘ l lillilli'il ll ! ‘ il‘, \\ i.
ll ii \\i l ’ l' l‘iil H

Nllllu ‘~.‘lll " .l:
l lililll l"‘ it
ll ixl ii i

ii.ii} l i |

lll i ll ill
lil .‘zii ll l
i. l

i\‘i\li\‘l \,l|li li I liil l
iillilisili lil 'ililil'llil‘1“'1
ill“i‘ii.li‘ii 'i ilill» l'lli ll.i l
.i\ illll‘ilhfl ill \‘i‘liiihi. iii. i.l
.lllii liii' li\ .i\ .‘liii .l‘ ill. ‘I.lll\ illll
liil\‘l.lli ii! i'1ll Elli ll lili
it lllsi

\i .l ti ll‘.._ I Eli i r.’ iiilli.

“zl lrWHlTE “ii r l‘l ;.

SGA holding convention to vote on changes to its constitution

li/l/il \ \ il'i lll’v"
ii’ lllil-[lli'll' \t lli \ i'l l’li’i‘ ii i. l/I'l

Ill Illi' WM i'illlilllli/ll ll:

'\ "lil 'lll’ 'I


By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor


Milrc lllilll l\\il liiiilillcil iciii’s
zigil. our forefathers hclil :l constitu—
IltlllJli i‘ilim‘iltlilil ill l’hlliiilclphizl lil
cxlilhllxll it act ill l(l\\\ ll) \illii‘h illii'

Il.illilil ilillllll tli ;.'i- .iliiil ilxti
llllli'. i'llililgiw i|.l‘~'\ tliili lll.lili il‘
i'llllillli‘c lllc illiillill ill lli.il ilili'll

Sililil. [K “'1“ hc \UhlL‘L’l til ;i
i‘ililxclitlilil ill its il\\ll til iillpimc
tllc ililcillllcill lllill (‘\'L‘r\L‘L'\ the “Mir

iliilg ill illii \llltiClll gilWiilillcill

The Constitutional L‘UllVL‘llllUll ill
l'K l\ \ct till Ha I illlil l)ci ‘) lil
\illc ilil lL‘\'l\lllll\ ililii lli'lilg.‘ llliiili'

in thy \lilili‘lll (.ii . l1"!li lil \“lKi
.llli‘ll\l‘lhllllllll‘il \l'ill‘ '.ill Illl‘
lllt' \( !.\ \\‘|1.l[t“~\lii \i'ii \‘ll\lil|l"
LN ill.iili‘ ll) [hr in l\l\‘l| illillilllllcc

Silli'c lllc \lilll ilt llli-
llli‘llll‘th ill .lll llllk'i ill.lll\i|i\ ill
S(i.l\ l‘i.i~.t llii'll xxillklll: illl illlil.il
lllg, i‘lliiiigliig .lilil iii-.lilil; .l ”C“
i'islilil till the M M \‘(llhlllllllt‘ll and
tilt pilu Cl' it :Jl'illlh illll \liiilclll liniil


\(l\ i ill

ill\'li, lllii ‘|\l\'ll
l‘iill ".\.l|il.il
Milli ll. l~i'il ilil|‘\ll[ll
llilil '.\lll lllll‘lil.i \l I \. "till it ~ lll‘

\illil lll.ll
\lli‘\lllll|t‘ lili fgililil liniili'ixllitl“ lli'

\lgix iilili ~liiilillli i.lll . illicit li-
xi'i. illiliiyix ill iil‘i iilii~llllillilll lli
clililc i.lillpll\
flillll/ilililll ill

i‘li‘i’llilllx lllc tuilr-
\(llllllllllt't‘\ iil .ill
lllillli'lli'\ illlti illi|tlxlllli'||l\ Ill lily Ptlr


li-mai/ (l(/(/I’(’.S‘S(’.S‘
included in books


By Erica Patterson
Contributing Writer


lhc 1002A“ \(llllplh lclcpllililc (ilv
l‘ci‘lill'lcx ll;l\'c :il'l'iwil

l: ’l' iil'i
iili.l, .il iiil ' , i‘l..l-
llll ll. ililili-ilil . ‘ 'lliil. ‘
l 'i ililli ‘ '
'll‘l ' i l i
ll. il»;.i lil
lllilll.illiill.i' lil .li 1‘ lil
lllli “\ii"|.ll\il|[ l‘ ..i. ii. i‘
|l|.llllil" ll--I \l"ll ii; ' llil Ili
ililli'ii‘ill [‘ll\"l.|l‘l- ll .i:lttiii:l'.
.tiillll“-lilll« lt‘t‘lllli”. iii \i‘lliiii
lll -'ilili! \l.l||iilll" \|.lill' ,- li~‘.|-‘
lllll\| .lilil llli' tililii,ill ll.- ill” l
llillll lllil.‘
liliil'lllllli'llr’i il 'iill.l|1-
liillllliii ‘lllii \ ii ‘iil.t?
‘Kill‘l’i‘ lllltl \“l” . fllf'l. i
\i‘l‘ llli'li' .iii' t‘iki‘l‘i illlill
lil! il"|l‘ll ~rli.li.ilil'l ll"lll
\‘illi ilil‘lllil l. :: :ililll‘
l‘l ~l.llll- i‘lll mi l ii ll li'
Civil STUDY ’ l li i‘ i ‘I

state senator delayed m

llcr illlill'llC}. Rii‘llili'il Slilkich ill
(‘il\'iilg1lilil. \illtl \Vcnwi’ l11l\ ilill :ip»
pcurCil hcl'ilrc il grililil jury or been
\ilhpilciliicil Ili' ilci‘liilcil lil ~il_\' il’
Wrilwi' \iiis thc \llhlL‘Cl ill iiiiluii‘)‘
h} the lilil "Yilii‘il hilvc til ilsk
lllilsc lillkx." Sliikii‘ll \illil.

(lunch. :I |)i'illilcrzit whil WINC—
\L‘IIIUI tllc lilil ”hind ill Mc( ‘rili‘k-
i'il, liiilliiril :lilil Miirxhiill L‘illlllllL‘\
liiltil \llc \\ll\ ilclciitcil Ill l‘Nll. “its
lil hi‘ \cillclli‘i‘il ill I’ 8 District
('illii‘l )i‘xtci‘iln} ll \\iliili| hinc hccil
thc llrxl \ciltcili‘ill: ill thc cight pcil»
plc \\h(‘ lliiii- plcuilcil filllll} lil thi‘
liilpliilt lilii'\li;.'.lliilll

Bill llhl \i‘cck. li‘ili‘l'ill pl’tmcclllilh
iixkcil lllill lhc \ciltcili‘iilg hc ilc«
lil}L‘il llillil lililliilr}. il llli)\‘L‘ Sillciil


Sillclll \Jllil (much I\ ill
lli'illlll lli‘i‘nlixi- ill :i \tiilkc \ilk' \llli
lci'cil and communal \li‘i‘~\ IN ”lili'
Illicilti'illilg.‘ ”

Pt it ‘I'

(iilricll um i’ll;lt;_‘cil \\llll tiikiilgj :l
9.00“ hi‘ihc lil lilllllk‘ni‘k‘ hilf‘sk' lili'r
lllf.‘ ik‘fllxlillltlll hilt hi'r iliilllc hiis
hcctl llL‘ll illilii‘ ii'i‘clltl) til the Hit»
llliiilii lllillli‘i


.l plm :ljjii'cilli-lll \ljJilL‘ii
(iiiiii'll i‘illllil
:l\'i\iil lilli l-.li il alli‘ i‘ililrli‘rzlli‘\
\\Illl iil\c~iij:.ilill\ Iilk' lllilll liglllil
i‘llgli‘jJi‘ \llt' |l|i~.iili‘il L'llllll lil itilt’liw

plil\t‘i‘lllill \.

:l pillcilligll ll\i \i'.ll\ Ill [‘lhltll

Axki'il \\'\l\'lii.l\ ll llliil
illcilt |\ \H“ lll illti-il. I'S .\lliliilc_\
.lilxcph \Vhillli \illil. "lili Ilii lllllL‘
hi‘lilg. }k‘\ "



nighttime ticket. Review. Page 3.


games. Story, Page 2





Francis Ford Coppola's 'Dracula‘ is a movie worth the price of a

UK coach Bill Curry says he can sympathize wuth soonto be
ex-Tennessee football coach Johnny Majors. Story. Page 2
Students may pick up tickets to the two men's basketball exhibition

Partly cloudy today; high between 55 and 60. Partly cloudy tonight; low
around 45. Partly sunny tomorrow: high in the mid 509

Sports ................................................


..................................................... 4
...................................................... 5

Viewpoint ...........................................
Classifieds .........................................

..................... 2





‘u’wid'si '_
. ..- ‘ t
T. I
t‘, . 'i ‘A
O s
',,I_ . .‘s, \
z. -iu'l ‘

2 - Kentucky Komot. Tuesday, November 17, 1992

Curry says Majors an example
of recent national firing trend


By Ty Halpin
ASSIstarit Sports Editor


IL'Illlt\~~t‘t‘ tootlmtl \l‘.l\II Ii'IlIlll}
Mziiors uoii‘t II.t\L‘ th.ii Iiilt ititieh

longer Ihe \\Il(NII hits Iiirtieht out
his eoiititiet, .iiiil .\I.l|t'l\ mil he
(UIICIIIIILI his Itist Iti'llle etiiiie

Ligtiitisl I‘I\' .‘LIIIIHIIH ttt Kiiitnille
I‘K CililtIl IIIII ('tiii'. Litmus ‘.‘.Il;lI

Minors is some IIIIt‘ll"Il (iiit)

\ieIiI IIIIIIIIL'II It -.ititil.it \IIIIJIII‘II .il

Ihe ilIeIIM IIlIiIlIli‘Il.lII\ oi tiot.
hlllItI\ itp sitii.tIioiis th.it t".L'III|l.III)
letiil It' Iiitites,( lll!\ ~.iii| \t'\Ii‘liI.l_\
:It lits net-LI} ptess hint heoti

I‘\‘_'III II‘ he


":\ \tlll\'e'lt\ll\ killl
hitilt tip hj. the ttieili.i illltI it's
the itietlt.i's IIIIIII It's hot .lII\I‘IlI\ "s
IiiltIle” he \IIII

"People e\pett IIIIUl'IllIlIlHil .thoiit
.i eeitttih stIiiitioit_ iIIIII so ll \oit
IIoit't writ; IlI‘i‘III ll oi liiIk ,thotil it

Hi: guilt: tsetisI, lhett \I‘II it not
AIIIII:II1_ ~l t. III.II toil titti It‘ he
I *i: ‘ti'._ ti .ltt I: lie
I s' It .1 L_|I,IIII poplxls



“Ihe proph»
eIs \ei) oIIeii
:tte Ilie [Tlll‘-L'}'





lII\ tlI iIi'iIlll.

who hejiitt lo

pi‘ethet soiiie— t
oiie‘siletiiisetil / 7 /
.1 little ‘.\IlL'II

there ietill)

shouldn‘t he MAJORS
IIii'II mpeelii»

Ili‘lli“ he s;iiil "Ihtit. tltiil tltIlI\ to
the demise III the pioetutti heeziitse
thtiI elletts the p|.i\ets .itiil i'eei‘ttiIA
tit-J .ttiil .tll those Isiiitls oi IIIlle_'\ "
he iltiesit't \\.ttil
pI.t\ets to
gel e.iii;fht tip
\\llIi his ioh sit




“I'\L' l.III\I'iI
to them tII‘illll
p|.i\Iii;: tot
\oittseIt .itiiI

pi.t\iti§._' hethise


\i‘II \‘III\“\ II

I‘tttlll\\ \i‘il

ilotit :11 pie. tulle-'t Ioothzill
ietx Iivtir” \I.|||‘I\ \iIIII


I :isI met .ietiiiist Memphis State.
the Miners listeneil to Mint .\I.i|oi‘s
s;iitl. .tttiI ht \Hh hgipp) to see his
Ietitit peiloitit under the cloud oi his

"I etieotit'tigeil llieiit to go out tiiiil
pl;i_\ tot iheitiselxes titiiI have it
good titiie illltI L‘lliii) it “IllIL‘ the}
out.” he soiil "Ihe) played it good
htiII ggitiie ”

('tit‘i') \(lltI he hits settt these sitti-
:ttioiis I‘L‘Ittle hitt isitt itiloiitietl on
one”; Mint is lt.ippeititt-__' .II I ' I

"I'll lieu! l.llk .tI‘iIIll .t spe‘e‘ilit
sitiitittoii othei IIItllI I'lll\ hee.itise I
don‘t kiiov. though to |t.i\e tlplli'
toiis tihoiii iIiIleitttt \Illl.llli‘ll\ htil
its HI‘\Iirll\ tItttl tilt is lost .‘I \etj.
\ol.iltle Illl\ll|'e'\\.“ he \.tiiI

Ilte \ItltIL‘l|I\ tire the ones him h_\
these \lllllllliills. ( ‘iit’t; stttiI

"Its iitttottitimte IIeetitise toit'u‘
got )oiiitg peoples Il\L'\ Itt\oI\etI.
.iiitI the \IIII‘IIII} ol their L'tIllt'JtllUllilI
pi'oeesses." he \tIII "II's \ei'} IIIV
tiii'hitte "

-\|ittiitii rlIIII l—uvsteis tit ‘IIIIL'II\‘
\tIIllL'IIIIIL'\ [‘hswlh iIIIIILIH‘ iIiii‘k
tots itito IIIIIt"\ wt tinithes into [es
IL‘IIJIII‘IIs ( IzII. slut

"“Ileit IIle I'IIILII\ I\.IIII I\‘\L'\,








Pookie Jones throws a pass during UK‘s 17-13 loss to Cincinnati Saturday. Jones is within 36
total yards of breaking the UK record for single-season total oftense.

thett theit s Lice." he stittl. "It's lltII
titst .l tti.tttet ot is;i_\itigi. '\\LII.
get I u ish oiii tezitii hritl \Hlll. tttiil I
Iiopt then II ilo hettei’ next “eek'
Ills t.i:'t_ .ittiI tl's illi'eClL‘tI til \Uiiie-
hot} It L.II| he ;i player II can he ti
\l .tth Il t.iii he It spoi‘tsiiiiiei'.”


\1‘I\‘Ie \‘I‘le

purple It.i\e

pouei met
tines I‘\L.I|I\t’ l‘I II'

II.lII\I.lI tu‘itttlis I Iill\ \.lIiI

1III,|II \li ‘

I:'I\\‘ iott .l tiliI

Ili'l! iIi Hit“ A \.II .IIliI II it'll IIIIIIII

eti IIII oi Iliis git}. the outlines
th.it heeoiiies :i \el_\ hi;

httsittess ileetsioii." he sititI


(till) stittl “Ilell people hot
this pimei‘. the_\ etiii decide to tire

.i eo.teh

"Noiiiehotli \iho‘s given It Iot iit
tttivtiej. is It It lll‘sel. .lIIII Ill.l_»I\‘ IIH
\i‘.l\II tIIiIlI I hill the pI.i=. III ‘.‘..ittl
wt iIhIlI I [‘I.li III il:'It'


this "lI\ ' III

\II It‘ \.lII

\.l\\ I III

p|.t_'.I ts till? Iii

-‘iiiili.i ‘ 1 iI-l wt


It ,\I.iiois “its IIII\Il'L‘.IIe\I.( Illl‘x
s\\‘IlIiI he one III eiilite IiI his it s

I He. he sittiI

"I get \el) IIeleilsne .ihittll
titeiiiheis ot oiii pl'tllL‘\\liIlI th.ii iIlL
itiitiisiI} Il’L‘illL‘tIi” he s:titl

s.iIiI Iie ie.t|I/ s III.II

(iitt'. ItIsiI

llt_. titt IIIIII\I \l‘IIII.I\I stx Iliel.
sItiIIEItI I‘t it‘elt Ii'kIIIILI‘III


it-It.l.ltI\ \I' ~'\ It

ltiiilms ll‘ st ti IIIe‘_

lint gitttf

Lady Kats face two question marks against Hungarian National Team


By Lance Williams

0..“ “
:1 '1


r va


.._‘1,"s ‘.t.tIeItlt[‘ I‘eI'AL'L'II IIiL‘
i-L: s -.;t: the IIIIIISJI‘IIIII \It»

sIt'll *ililiI‘e‘iI III.

it '. \Ilk‘lIl‘ka

lIoIitIes .i Iei’t’IhIe he.ttIItehe.

I\\o hi; questions “I” he Illi‘
sueteil Ii‘ttijlhl

Q'ttwltttrt MI /.' What kittil ot
tetttii “1” the IIiiiigiti'ititis hi‘iiijg’

I_‘.‘ll'\t'I/’II \V' _‘ 'III 1/ Hit llt‘ w’ w.-
/Ir truth. \\'h;it kititl ot ltiIetiI iIl‘ the

I.ttl. Kins It;t\e .igtttiisi ottisttk




sponsored by the Commuter Student Office lor all students

”Communicating With Faculty"
Panelists: Jane Vance, Faculty/UK. Honors Program/English,
and Bill Rayens, Faculty/Statistics
Wednesday, November 18, 1992 - 3:30-4:30 PM. - 119 Student Center





’W\m Us”

II to 3

Wow that

5 to II

(:71 and. Sat
5 to I







Applications for Co-chairs for:
0 Balloon Race



Special Activities

Taste of Lexington

Arts & Crafts Fair

Pick up an application at 203 Student Center 257-8867




"We're not goth; to see this te.itti
ittittI Mottilni night." (‘tnieh \Ilitlilll
Iiiittiittg stiitI Iiotttij: the Iiitl ot iIl'
Ioi‘itizitioti il\.lIItlI‘Ie' to I'Ix' .lI‘irllI
ilie ||iiiig_':iii;ttis

III‘e iIIItei
-~lII I‘liHL I\‘ IK‘ IIIL' lllihl iiIIiIL'iItltL'

lIIltlIl\\\L tetl titk \Ilv 'il


the [erllii Itititiiii; s.iitI she
‘s\tIIIiIL'I\ him her pl;i)eis \\III i‘ettel
't- t.ieiti:' plums othei thtiii theii



I’Ilt pit hlettt lI!.l' te.titis some

it 'tliItIIIJIIt‘IIIII toittpetttioii
LI“ ls III. IIIIIeitittL III IIIt \I)IL i'I

[‘Im I‘tl‘nt‘tll the ,\I V \ \ .IIIII itttei






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littlltlllt‘ll i'iiles. ||o\\e\et. this is one
pt'ohleiii that \wti't he Ll\ tiineh ot .i
eoiieei‘ti to the I .iiI} Kots

i-\ toiit oi I'IIIIIIIIII :ttitl I \Ii‘lllrl lit
the spring h;ts pt'epnieil the te.ttti
lot tilteitiittiotiztl eotttpetitiott

" \t
p|;t}ul Hi this stttt.tttt-ii, so the;
\\lII he :i little more ;iiIitistetI to it,”
l-iititiiitg stiitl. " I'Iieti' Itist L‘tlllle \\;I\
rlg'illlhl :tti ititei‘ti;ittoti.tl Ie‘.tl|i siv
the} \i. lII i‘etiiettihet ll "

Ietisl .1” the giils h.i\e

I’he toiii' Ill .\Iti_\ Ititltiileil ttxe
etiines tigttiitst tetttits like the | illit-
isli Iiitiioi‘ Ntitioiml IL‘iIIIl :tth I s
poo t’rom I‘llllzllliI Ihe I this Kins
I'Itiishetl 5-H tliiniig: the hip mei-
setis. tutti Fanning.v stiitl that the e\-
pet‘ietiee htts fll\eii them It elitiiiee


Staff reports


Stiiiletits rim) IlhIs iip tttkets to
I'K's Iuo e\hthitiott II.I\I\CII".III
)J.liliL‘\ this week :ii the Meiiioiitil
(‘ohseiitn ltekel \\Il|iIi"-\ hetmett ‘l
:ttii tiiitI-Iptii

I'K pl;i_\s Ilij:h Il\e \tiittitn
Ihiii‘siIti} zititl the I'kthtii \.itioii.tI
Ietitii iiex'l Iiiestlttj» Iloth jJ.lIlIe\
IIIL' sehetluletl tit "’ 1" p “I .it Riipp

I:;teh stiitletit tiiitst ht'ttie it I 'I\' II)
illltI .telt\tl) e.iliI hi pitI.
IieIer ‘\ \Illilelll L.|II pltl. iti‘ .lII e \.
IItI Ilthk‘l h} hint-xiii}: .IlliIIIIei slit

lll‘ illlx'

tittit‘s Iligtitil .tttttit; mitt
\Iltttttttsttiitxe \et

Hus I\’i~iI|Ie_‘» \ltles s.itiI IIIIIlillII I\'I

Illitelill I‘I

to It.iiit him the totei-Jtt teziitis


"‘i'ott e\peel tili§sie.il
eitIs I'sii;illii lIlI'eiIl.tIli*Il.lI te.ttits



iiiit tItL stilehtie I‘II.II\ 11 lot.
ptish the hilt \Il"~\Il the thin! hid

the; I‘.i\\ \\L'IIIHI.IIlIiIIl1f\tl!

I.ttitiiitg_' soul the I‘l":'\'\3 itIiitsl~
itieiil eoiiItI eotite tIeIettsIqu .is
the I :ttl} KJII\ tittisl .t'xiiti ht It'iItI\

lot the liit'eljiti otle Its_ s

”\\'e C\PL\I htill itto\e»
iiiettt titiil shone. phxstenl j_'ii‘Is
thzit \\lII tttke the hill .it pro ” I titt-
iiiiig s;iItI "It‘s going to he more
oI it [the test ot I|}lll‘,‘ to uoi’k
eoinhitiittiotis :llitI tht I| iiisi seeing:
how everyhotls pl.tjt s ”


‘ Exhibition tickets available

II|\ liist IIII_\ ot tItstttIIiiiiott jstsiet-

«Ito \\;is light IIII‘I th.tt IIIL‘IL int

Ihe litsI \IlIiI‘eHI Ilkhel’ II-tlti} It‘l

ol eooil st tits it lll.lIIllI|:,‘

Ik‘jllllill' seitsott L'.tII|t\ is silieiliIIeiI

lot Nm 3" .II \ Illll tII the tilllr
\L‘llllli Itekets Ii‘i jJIIIIILN Iiettttist
\Vi'ljllll \tttte 'I)\\ 3' tieoigtn

Hick} (IIL‘t \l \\tII he iIIslitI‘ltIeiI

pi'otiipt heetiiise the iIHHh \\lII he

Ieeli iliee ‘1 rIIliI I.l\IilI|

ll\I\I\L'tI stttiIeiits to he

L'Ii‘seil .II -\'I* .I III .ittiI IItiise \\Iii\
.ite Iiite :~.t|| I|.l"\ lit . .III IIIIIII .ilIei
tht toilet; to put III‘JIII lilll‘llIIIII‘L'

tIIL Il.l Iitlsets ills

II\I\I\ I'Ii.tl IIIL'\I limit


the lottetx

Tomorrow in the Kentucky Kernel...





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Dracula (Gary Oldman) holds Mina Harker (Winona Ryder) in
Francis Ford Coppola's adaptation ot “Dracula."

Tennessee Williams’ comedy a real Winner at public library


By Jennifer Minton
Contributing Critic


Phoenix (iroup Theater has a
goal -— to present classic plays tn
which the audience can identify
with the characters.

This goal has been reached tn
their recent production of Tennes»

tn Wot). Both couples ire at dille rs
ent points iii the their marriages anti
are experiencing problems.

Although this play has a very co-
medic tone. it ts also touching iii the
way the characters interact with
each other.

Ralph Bates is a World War ii
and Korean War hero who is wait?


Dracula sucks in $32 million in first weekend


Starring Gary Oldman, Winona
Ryder and Anthony Hopkins

Columbia Pictures


By Chip Sebastian
Statt Critic


Hey. hey! He‘s creepy and he‘s
spooky. He's really. really ookyi
And just a little kooky.

He's Dracula, and he‘s back after
many strong filtiis and many fail-

ln Francis Ford Coppola‘s new
“Dracula.“ a new vision is brought
to the tale that is worth evett the
price of a nighttime ticket. And. for
those who love to see a llllll be true
to its book, this film will be lor

Gary ()ldrnan, front "Rosencrant/
and (iutldenstern Are Dead." plays
the dreaded count. ()ldinan breathes
a new kind of life into eath of the
Dracula appearances. The old atid
frail Dracula was extremely impres
sive, with Oldrnan walking slowly
with a hidden strength and the voice
of a viper.

Winona Ryder takes a breather
trotii teenie—bopper roles and pttts
on a fresh face as Mina llarket. op—
posite Keanu Reeves as Jonathan

his wife Dortliea. has left him alter
five years of marriage,

Kevin Hardesty, a UK graduate.
is excellent in the role of troubled
(ieorge. lie is able to comes it Hi)-
lent intensity one moment then suds
denly become subdued. The charac-
ter of (ieorge has a condition III
which he would shake uncontrolla-


llarker. her husband. Strands of
their love are strewn all through the
film, until the powerful presence of
Dracula overwhelms Mina. remind-
ing her of her role iii a previous life.
when she loved the count. She is
made a creature of the titglit.

The character of Lucy Westenra
is play ed by the beautiful and baw-
dy Sadie Frost. She. too. falls prey
to Dracula‘s charms.

Now, something tttttst be said of
Anthony Hopkins. The acting is un-
reall l‘rofessor Al‘rdlt‘dill Van llels-
ittg is the foremost on rare diseases
attd becomes the chiel witch hunter
wliett he is called by one of liis ptt—
ptls. who could not help Lucy iii her
dtletnttta of becoming a creature.

Hopkins adds a strained madness
to the character that was displayed
tn the book. bttt never on him. llop-
kins. who won an Oscar for playing
Hannibal “the Cannibal" Lector in
19"] 's "Silence of the lambs."
gay e a polished look to the film. He

Francis lord (‘oppola has been a

bly itt nervous situations. llartlesly
uses great skill iii portrayttig this so

l.isa 'l'honias, another lTK gradu-
ate. is the tttost humorous person iii
the play iii the role of lsabel. Her
last talking combined with a Texas
accent and her wonderful facial ex-
pressions are perfect for the part of



trig at home for the arrival ol his old
war buddy. (icorge llaversttck.
(icorge arid his new wife, lsabcl.
show tip with all their troubles tti
tow. Meanwhile. Ralph is dealing
with problems of his own because


”9 “‘3” E‘”"“’"“) SpeCtoltst in Foreign Cars
“)Rnfli“ (AR And TlUCkS Including:

see Williams‘ only comedy. “A l’e-
riod of Adiusttiient."

The play takes a hilarious look
into the lives of two married cott-
ples on Christmas“ live in Nashville



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Classes are closing

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Kentucky Kernel, Tuesday. November 17, 1992 - 3

film director sin