xt72v6989019 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6989019/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1985 1985 1985-09-23 2020 true xt72v6989019 section xt72v6989019 w '
Vol. LXXXIX. No. 19‘ lot-NW I.“ University of Kontucky, Loxlngton, Kentucky IMO“ 19'" Monday. Soptombor 23. 1985 '
. .
Jlld e acce tS . ’ H t f M t  
g p Jury s 1 e sen once or or on _
2 ' . V ' j V, . -
If." STEPH5M$WALLNER laboratory where she had been “There can be little doubt that the not believe that the law allows me to or innocence and the judge ought to think he did not expect to be given . ' ,9, f4", Ix
(ontributingWriter working. death penalty. if ever appropriate. doso.“ set penalty " me ' '. 4 3.] :
V Morton was out on parole for a would be appropriate in this case." Lewis said after the sentenctng. He said the inconSistency in appli- V V n d . ' ' '_. .' ," " L
V6512: ltdlfiandtflhrllgghlhgnvtval-i'in' prior rilhpe conviction when be com- he said. “Obviously I am very pleased With cation of the death penaltv needs to [this .VilsoVVVsrain ihart ht’rhlfirdjr ’. . ,V ' '4'. 'V.
C le 1 . l y mined emurder. , _ V V what thejudgehas done be cleared u Larson 55m of the expresset To 1- ole t V4,VV ‘. VV VV
for the 1984 murder 0‘ a .UK grad- He will serve 20 years each for the Angelucci had b?“ investigating . . . half dozen capital cases tried here ”H“ “a“ pdmmk‘rh ”flowed be 4 ‘f'a '.'l .' 1'"
.3 ‘t d t Lh Che u. /Ph . whether Kentucky statute allows the "I think unes alone Should be a]. p . 4 'h h’ (1 .y- m . V .‘ . . r
“d e 3 l1 ?h m e mls y . y sodomy and rape charges and serve ' - , J . . onlv one has resulted in a sentence “use“ 9 d M ” .' ' . 4 t‘
. . l , . the court to impose death in capital lowed to m n e n 1.19 or death - i .3 z x, i.
“CS BU! ding. He was 3150 00““th a consecutive life sentence for the 4 se 9 c ‘ a fd 3, 1 4i «. ._ .
ofraoeandsodomy. murder without ibilit of arole punishment cases and overrule a deCision." he said “l‘llgo with com- 0 ea Monahan Motion 4 other attor . V V V. x.
. mss y p Jury-‘5 recommended sentence mon folks USIng thelr common 'I'he Kentucky Supreme (foul-t has ney‘. S'dld, .'\> .1 practical matter. V“ Vu‘ '. :V Ht... ',
Morton escaped the death penalty for25years. .. . l' \l , ;- , t _ x, . .. V (.14...
'lfter Fayette Circuit Court Judge At the original July sentencmg sense never dean ”my mm W Issue ifiugdimm m Heller (W )9 re 2" ‘ ' " " " ‘2
l ‘ “ ' . . ' '_' s. ‘> l '. ,'v'f‘.' ""
Armand Angelucci ruled that the .Th‘s eras one of the most Vbrutal hearing. he requested briefs from LeWis said only three states. Flor- AngelucCi said [:dgsetouzhhrtpplgilllur ( l m going _ P. '. .‘V-/
“will could not override the jury‘s gm” ° 431:? ca.“ “3'3; ‘1’“ l Prosecutors Kevin Horne and Ray ida. Georgia and Indiana. have stat- Larson said he would call the at» ‘ ‘ '4‘.7«f”-' 5'
recommendation and impose the 58:88 grills defaesndaugtgehccorglenuctc; Larson and getense attorneys ErWln utes allowing the emu-t to overrule a torney general‘s office immediately The Jury .‘llld court iilst) recomx JV. E ."“ L: {of},
death penalty, evidence "58an to this court Eiur- lems and deard Monahatho ad4 jury's decision in a capital punish- and pursue certification of the law mended that ylormi: never be pa- VV' V-xV 1-,;
V , . P dress the issue. The Judge said Fn- ment case. "An elected offiCIal through the Court of Appeals. Re- roled froiii pl‘lsttr. l will further - 2- -’,'.' t . «I.
Morton. 82. was found guilty of the ing the trial, stalked her, raped her. da . h “1d t » . . j . i , , . , r , - 4 - .. . . ..
lune 9 1984 murder after a three- sodomized her and then strangled )t 9 9° th' "0 "“9059 3 5mm" should not be able t0 say those 12 gardless of a possmle appeal. the t'emme‘V’Vnt “Vt“ ”‘1‘“ d Pd" Of this ' ~t 4_ 2,- , '.'4
‘ ' ‘ ' ‘- - 4 " . . ‘ rt sil"t' . 't " -'.«
.44... mm ending May 21. we The her to prevent her rrom testifying 5°“ 4...... ”he >d“‘”'°“d°‘“°”"a"e’ “8““ WW“ have “° “rm” “‘9“ 53:15qu 3....2.”r..i.’.‘.”.3i’.”'.."i$§.£ 3: =44 ’- - . '
. body of hivaictim. Lin-jung Chen. against him." Testimony . also “i cannot impose the death penal- Assistant Commonwealth‘s Attor4 on the Mortoncase. be 1.14” ' 1,111,434., ca...» 1 have 5 '.
was found ithhVe third-floor bath- showed Morton held her head in the ty where the jury has not recom- ney Ray Larson however, said. "1 "Elzie is obviously pleased." now done all I l.ll‘. do under the "I . 4 ' ' . "1'
85 room of the building across from the mum to make sure she was dead. mended it,“ Angelucci said “1 do think the jury ought to deCide guilt Lewis said. “Elzie wants to live 1 law V' '.' '
V I . ' . ’ i; 'VVV“..V‘.
2 5- Afrlcan Higgs touchdown
pleads for .- .4. .r .. , ‘ .- » . - - -_4 . -
' "b " V» glves a s lrst Win
student aid ‘ 4 'i ‘ 2 , . . . I j
'-.*‘ “ ”'5‘ v . ‘ “FMLUL ”12“" on the day hi? running back Mitch .V " x'. |. V.V- '
B.‘ (‘llRlSTY MOORE ‘ aw ‘t . ‘ .fl V m“ ‘f Sports Editor Doze in the end [one _V' 3 _ _' ' . .
('ontributl Writer 3 ex — ', _ 2 ‘ ‘ It looked like a replay of last «VV. ' ‘
ng . We; !‘ ' -- ' j! ‘ ' JUSt after he had darted 20 yards week. when Kentucky lost to Bowl- 3 «. ' . J, ~‘
V , t . . 4 ,4 , . ,
\‘aomi 'I‘utu-Seavers ed UK t ' l ' 4 ' for a [OUCthWh that put Kentucky ing Green on a touchdown pass in - -~ - -7
4 t 4 urg - . a ’ 9’” r ' ahead of Tulane for good Saturdav 4 - ‘ h. i4 . ' 5 i ‘ "s
students to donate not only their V” ~ ks 4 V V _ .~ thefinalminutes oft t game . . . V , 4 .-
time. but books and other supplies to V _V,_, v / tailback Mark . Higgs strutted the "We Just looked at each other and . g . ‘ .
the anti-apartheid movement in 1 1 W" ‘- SlddV‘mfi hlgh’thhg teammates and said we had to haie it said quar» .- ' . 4 ' _« -. ‘
SouthAfrica ~’ ‘ ‘ I *‘Q‘ smlllmg from arrear d 'th h' terback Bill Hansdell. who hit on 22 . ' ' . . .
‘x 4.. is c.an W1 im '»~‘-\r27£\' . .
“r“ ”W ... "e“ ‘ - ‘ at 2 We... xxcxxxxxxn raver .. .. £235.23 _ 4 I. 4.. a
material aid. especially educational t . V - ,' , 1 last week's [055 to Bowling Green, . . th' tw' sthe drive i ' ‘ ‘2 .“ .’
matenatsx” Tum‘seavers said at a , ‘ A The 5-foot-7 l88~p0und tailback. Curitieabhnti nd i iii-rck chris Derry ' ' ‘ 5 " ‘
lecture Friday afternoon. About 150 , who some doubled would play this . ‘ .er 4,' l g “7’“ ' ‘ ' - ' " . ‘ ‘ "
4 1 -4 .. . . . 4 for a yard and tight end Mark 4V - .
990919 attended her speech. the ”St . . (f season after he severely injured his Wheeler Mr 4-, mnn. Hansdell hit ‘ ‘ - .’ 1»
m. a series "fled “South Africa “ 9 (I ‘ """ 31'- knee last spring. carried the ball Derry a ..,r Am“ time on a short - ‘ '. '
Ttmets RunningOut.“ . . '5‘ 1 ‘ ‘1 % nine times for 50 yards and two screen 5;». The AW). 2234pound .~ ;. ,4 ..
VTPtU’SeaVet'S- a May graduate 0t .4 "k ' . , " 2 . .. ' touchdowns to spark the Wildcats to senior weaved the m“ 3:. yards to ‘. .. .4 .. V V
”:15 Patterson SChOO] 0t Diplomacy ' \ . ' V V .4.’ ‘ a lt‘rll win over Tulane University the Tulane 21. with Just over two i ,

V um \ ) ‘l( v . 1 . . ‘ .
said students should come to the as- g 4 {ail-'2' V ‘ I Higgs scored his second [OUCh’ palttrrlt‘l‘ . it‘llsttds‘tgiilv’iyr.irjtlhc‘l‘ln hie “:2: I t _l ’ '.
sistance 0f the refugees, especially I J V ‘ k '“ I down 0f the afternoon w‘th just over l'K's third leading receiver, caught I. ~ ' '1 . ' '
Since many Of them areillt024. .s ' - ' ‘ two minutes left in the game which “we.“ pas”; Mr M. yard5 mmm " .V . " ‘ -

Tutu-Seavers said the BtShOP Tutu - ‘ ‘ _ L55 gave UK. now 1-1. its first win of the I," ‘4”.pr plays '. ‘.rr' \e 11", i didn't ' ; t .
Refugee Fund. the group she serves ' I ”:24. season. get‘a screen at all Ilkl'l'V said I ' t '. .
as president. needs material g00ds “ ‘ xxlfiggs was impressive," Tulane “This vear (m. p11“. 11ch dé53gn9d . ‘ ' . V
such as blackboards and textbooks . fl . . ' Coach Mack Brown said. "We knew for me." ' ‘ . , , '
to donate to the 750‘“ refugees that . y ‘I ’ he was good. To have a great team. And the next one ‘.\.i.s designed for : . . . ‘
have fled South Afnca. . ‘ ' , ‘ you must have a great runner and ngg.‘ . ., , 2 4

Another way Tutu-Seavers said _ 1 ‘ Higgs is that. He made a differ- L ’ . C ‘;I
the L'niversity can help is to offer ‘ " ence.“ Higgs' took the handoff from Rans- 0 V ,. _ ' _‘
tuition waivers to South Africans . ' ' . _ _ V dell and cut sharply around the right ' ' - .- ‘
who Wish to attend school in the .j V . ‘ V[ K led 103 heading mm the tthat side and carried the hall to the end ’ ‘- .V ' , _
United States Although UKdoa not " ‘I (Q ‘2' 2 mne minutes 0f the game when zone to put Kentucky ahead for 4’ ' ‘ . "
have such a program. TuturSeavers ,3, *1, $ ‘4’ My 4.. .. (“freon Wave quarterback Ken good - ' . 2 V
said some universities have imple- .4 ' i '4 Karcher completed mne passes 1“ ’d _, . . , th , dd . - . . .’
mentedth li . . 1 12-play drive, which resulted in a ”n ‘h‘ t'r-‘t “’U‘ "’“h l ' ht - ’; ;

em C) n . 3 , l 3 , H . . . ' - , .

. . ‘ touchdown pass to flanker Tony feel d-‘ 340"" f" L“ ‘1’2Vt’nt' ‘ggh _x . '4 "

for more information on the refu- J1.,“mum“.....,,...$,... Wright. That touchdown pulled 'l‘u- said am“ h“ 31‘2”“ ’nt’UCthW" ~ ' i , 4 - 'V .
gee support programs. students can Winners, CirCIe lane to within a point. with 352 re- early in the second quarter "The V V' . x'V '.
contact Chester Grundy. director of maining in the game. last one was farther out and it made i 4V4 V xV; . ._
theOfficeof Minorithffalrs. Wildcats-—— clockwise from top left, Brian Wil- third-down situation in the first half of Satur- Opting to go for the win Tulane me {8911le) LN ‘er i i

During the lecture. Tutu-Seavers liams, Jeff Kremer, Jerry Reese and Steve day's game at Commonwealth Stadium. UK, then went ahead “.30 ona two-pomt Mien l'Ks tvxopoint converSion VV. '. _V‘V
stressed that the liberation Mazzo — rejoice after stopping Tulane on a now lxl , won 16-11. conversion when Karcher. who com- W35 dlsahhwvtt tX‘t‘iiUN‘ ”t an offen» ' " ‘. .. . " '1'.” ‘3

sccAII).pagc8 pleted 27 of 42 passes for 236 yards set-“Is page} . 4 -‘, V; .27
Ceremon makes dream S Af ' n old ' ’” “I
y - . rlca 8 ms

of cancer center reality “ ‘ ' *' “ d 'd A l
By SMLAJA MALEMPA" “It is not let a gift to the Univer- _ - - 1 1 a , f‘f 3- ;4
Staff Writer sity of Kentucky. but to the people of By JAMES F. SMITH (ape Province atld near .lohannes- . . .' V,V V. .
Kentucky."hesaid. ' Assomated Press burg,but no deaths . V V' . . .'I

The dedication of the Lucille Par- The cancer center was the ”culmi- V V The South -\fricans said they 2 V 4- . 4 _ 4V V
ker Markey Cancer Center Friday nation of efforts of thousands of peo- , - 3 .4 . JOHAENNESBLRG. South Africa stormed into Angola last Monday to -‘ , ' .
was the culmination of a dream and ple not only in Kentucky but around W . " .-. . —- A ~ ' t "E “ “(H' ‘“ Nearly 5“) SOUKhV African troops attaCk an estimated '10” to 800 guer‘ . ' . .V r, '
years of hard work by many people. the'world "Rouch said 4 ’ , " yesterday ended their weeklong _in- rillas of the South West Africa Peo . . ' . '

' "We are standing in the lobby of a In 1978: the McDowell Cancer Re- IANDALWILLIAMSON xemisxau vasion of Marxist Angola after kill- ple‘s Organization. or SWAPO V « -.

dream — a dream of many, many search Foundation was formed to The Lucille Parker Markey Cancer Center, near the UK Medical ing lSVguerrilVlas and capturing 49. Constand \ilyoen. the Chlet Of the ' - ' " V _ .‘ l .'
people." said Brownell Combs. "we fund a cancer center to serve the Center on Rose Street, was dedicated Friday. the military sa‘d' . "l 1 defense tom” 3““ _‘h" guerrillas . ' , V ‘ ‘
chairman of the McDowell Network. commonwealth. The strike achieved arge-sca 9 had planned attacchs on military .' . V V

During the ceremony. attended by Since that date the trustees of the state's money was used." Combs care in the middle of November disruption 0‘ the command struc- bases and towns in south-West Afri- . .‘
nearly 100 movie. the newly built foundation have raised more than said. “We hope to provide the best possi- Pure and 5‘1th “"6 0? rebels fish'- Ca4 . - L r
patient care facility was presented :23 million for the cancer complex. Among the many donations the ble care for cancer patients." sain thSVSWthVAmcth rule "1 South-West Angola charged the invaSion was ~ ‘
to the University. “We hate to give The first phase of the complex has foundation received. “the most illus- Dr. Gilbert H. Friedell. executive di- VAfnca. 53“ Mal Gen. George Meir- aimed at propping up South Afr-man. ‘ 41
it away. but it is a pleasure to we been completed with a total expendj. trials (was) $5 million from Lucille rector oftheMcDowell Network. ‘th . .- backed Angolan guerrillas belea- V ‘
sent it to the University of Ken- [mofsg‘smmion Parker Markey.“ Rouch said. “She .. 4 4 - The Angolan ”ltd provoked “‘de' guered bv the Angolan armv‘s - ' ' ~

.. 4 - . . , Patients Will also benefit from 5 read condemnation from Western . . . . 4
tucky. 531d Ben th chairman . - - wanted to do something tor fellow ~ p . strongest offensive against them .
oftheMcDowell Foundation. It conswts of 28 private. patient Kentuckians Countless families will the convenient access to the cancer governments. South Africa also was ~ - .

. . . ._ rooms; an ambulatory care area; . ‘ .. research facility.“ he said. ”They criticized after admitting it had we ~|-‘R|('A\.pagc.‘ ~ ' ‘

President Otis A. Singletary offi . . . . benefit from her benevolence. . . _ . . t
cially accepted the gift for the Uni- “cum” for the Hopeline, Outreach. Many others must of whom were Wt“ have ““55 t0 the latest re- aided antrManust rebels in Mozam-
versity. “Many times when higher and card" (12,591“: “TB; er0- honored at the ceremony. also do search methods.“ bique. the region‘s other former ‘ .
education is concerned,V 1 get the ganglaNetfivorkmsd-Sdml‘agoratori; [med money and time for the com Boyd E. Haley. a scientist who Portuguese co‘lonhla in Violation of a
feeling we settle fothoo little and do fDormc'linical investigations pletion of thefirst building. will be working in the new research peace treaty with tcountry.
not set our aims high slough" he ' No more buildings are planned. lab. has transferred from the Uni- Within South Africa. police heads _
said. "Thats not the case in this fa- The center has been totally paid including a $10 million laboratory fa- versity of Wyoming because “1 had quarters reported sporadic anti- It . mg "m. . 1W
Cility. It is first class from below for by private donatiorm, and "not cility, V . the feeling that they (the cancer apartheid rioting in black towmhlps words. the“ you an find . we,

STOWOHUP one dime of the University's or The center Will open for patient centeriwere going somewhere." in the Cape Town area. the eastern “,0“! 5.3mm” UK win we, Tu-
. . lane. For a photo spread of the
Involvement essential for rights group leaders say ...................
9 II the Hollywood “do. of se- V
By TIM JOHNSON are against penalties of death, but it it. non-partisan group which covers leased that the letters helped tre- rested jmt for the way they walk. “u“ “d :9” WWW”? ”a
Senior Staff Writer in hard to tell the ldi Amins and the the geographical gamut, has asked mendously. We mod a lot of people‘s help. not W“ "m“ M'MI'? " m
Khomeinis of the world not to kill the Soviet Union to release any pris- “One prisoner, who was kept in their apathy, because we're helpl'm _ m UK M u” m “n“ i“ '0

Apathy is just as prevalent on the when the most industrialized coun- one: in bad health and allow fami- South Korea, said the jailers alotofotherpeoplc." months. F“ u“ ““3“ "‘ DIVID-

international scene lls it is on the trylnthewa'ldstill kills." lie of deceased prisoners to receive laughed after receiving the first few Sarah Tarpey. last year‘s Wt‘ SIGNS.pog:4.

UK campus. And if the United RoseAvila. who appeared on cam- thebodies for burial. letters. saying. "these letters mean dent of UK's Amnesty International.

States does not take a “more active Ill Friday to M" plaan With _ . . . nothing.‘ But they stopped torturing said ignorame about certain organi-

role.“ the efforts of Amnesty lnter- local and campus uranium“ for 3081le In 0Ct0bel'. he said. him.“ he said. “Mm four weeks of nation leads to apathy for most peo-

national will diminish gently, said Amnesty": new campaign with the WW WI" Wt V689" 0“ the 50' letters, he was given access to his pic.

MagdalerlOWRnoe-Avih.soufll- Soviet Unim.sald. “Any violationot “9! Union to me! Its ”angst-s4 family. He was then released and ”A lot of the h k of n. .

em regional director for the organi- human rights is important um um Its “most effective to“ 0t given nfepnmgetothoUS" t' has lo(do it: . pa ":3 Tod-y there is o 70 percent and!

nation. for us to get involved." but the Sovi- pmm—wnhmletm4 . 9‘ ‘°"’ .‘” PM” . of rm... mi .n and
et COMING“ looms large because of Rose-Am: stressed the need for Amnesty International. she said. ” low . M

"A country such as the United the We. it will hm on W“ “We write lo, loo, i_ooo letters to anyone interested in "helping edu- “If people decided just to listen, "' "'" ' w :‘W
States mint take 1 mm active role othercolmtrla fillers, prlsmers and nmbom- ate the saver-time“ and the people they would gain a lot of wider-stam- 9. 'm'" p‘m’ m'
in our dforts to free prisms: of ‘ don“ he said. “We hear stories that most of true W are in- in, but rlght now they‘re jut filled “mum”
clinician." Rae-Avila said. “We Alum“? Intern-donut. a non-prot- from prim who have been re- accent citizen- who have been u- wlfllapathy."

 2-KENTUCKYKEMEL Mendy, m2: 1“
Information on this calendar of events ls collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center. University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
ities Office.
m s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
- day preceeding the publications date.
, . . 0 Workshops Cardiopulmonary
‘ ' i Resuscitation (CPR) by Rosemary Veach
' ' ' 15 Memorial Hall; 8 a.m.-Noon. Call 7-
. .- ~ .. I . , 1851
. ' " . ' Homecoming. “tome-coming Royalty Voting: . Other: Homecommg ROYOI'Y VO'mg 0' The . Mov'es: Beverly H'Hs Cap: 5‘ W UKID; I Concerts: University Orchestra: Phillip Miller, conduc-
'I .' . Ml ng 4 7 p p Commons Cafeteria, 4_7 Homecoming Fashion Show, SC Ballroom, 8-10 Worsham Theatre; 7:30pm . . . tor:CFAConceriHoll:Sp.m..Coi|I7-4900 . . .
_ . I ' I D 'T‘ Classroom le9 93 p m. Student Cen- p.m. ' Sports: UK FootballI ticket distribution for l 0 :cademiIcIs: LIost tgay forbziltgg 0" OPP'KOM" "‘ <0"
' . a ter 9 3 m 0 Other: Homecoming Fashion Show. SC game against Cincinnati; Memorial Coliseum; ’9' °°"’° "° °".’ “9'" r “3'“
. . _ p 0 Other: Homecomrng Wildcat Roar; Commonwealth Sta-
. I~ __' . .‘ 0 MOvleS Chino Syndrome Si .75 w UKlD: Grand Ballroom; 3 PJTIT; Call 7-8867 9'4 p.m. . . . diumI a p_m_; Call7-8867
. . .I .. . -I ' Worsham Theot e 7 30 p m_ . F'IMSI AShlond Kiwanis C'Ub Film Series 01 ° Meel'n953 conce" Committee meeting; 228 0 Other: Homecoming Parade begins at Memorial Cal.
. -. , . ‘ e Sports Ul‘ Football “(Ref distribution for Ashland7cagmmuniéy Ifgélega $3.50; ACC Audi- SC; 5 p.m.;Call1-8867 I h H GI gnadabgroceeds to Commonwealth Stadium; 7:30 p.m., Call
.. . '. . , - . torium; : .m.' a 9- 999 0 Seminars: ' inetics o t e epatocyte u- -
_ . , game against cincinnat Memorial Coliseum; 8 p ’ . - ‘ *
V s ' " ' . . a in 8 p m 0 Movies: China Syndrome; $1.75 w UKID: cagon Receptor' by Ms. Rapti Madurawe: Rm. 5 'I5P°;" 5""CY fi‘gg" '°' '""°'"”'°' "Wk “99': ‘35
II‘I .I . ' . . . econ, p.m., a -
I‘I. . _.' ”J ' Other \piii‘y for Oct 2l~ Oct. 25 on-com- Worsham Theatre, 7'30 p.m. . . . MN 463' 4 pm . I 0 Meetings: TOPs (Twenty-One Plus) Movie: ‘lt's a Wonv
‘. . . ‘. ‘I pus ,merm‘“ 201 Matthews Bldg. 84:30 ' SportsI: UK Football ticket distribution for ' Meetings: Food for Thought discussion derful mar w Jimmy 5,9wor,asupIpe,sewedI 2‘ 8 older-
:' .- ‘- _ . DJ“ game against Cincinnati: Memorial Coliseum; group: ’Strategies for Dealing w Role Con- K-Hausei412RoseSt;5:30p.m.;Call254~1881
. . - '.' . . _ ' '. . . _ 0 Meetin 5 NOW. Emer ence- A Feminist Women's
'. .I . - I; o WorksI‘ierS Careers in Business 103A 9 :pMm' t' . SAB P bl' R l . . “li's' 119$C,INoon, Ca||7 3:9: . . t W . pressmeeiigg:1095c7;3op,rgIIc°|1231.7935
. ‘. I . Matthew 3.39 3 304 30pm Iee ings. u ic e ations Committee Meetings. Emergence- eminis omens . Meetings. UK Fencmg Club mee'ingI tree ”‘anch
' .. , .. ' . meeting,- 115 SC; 4 p.m.; Call 7-8867 Press: 106 SC: 6 p.m.: Call 231-7985 n equmen, provided Alumni Gym: 7.30 p.m.. Call 233.
- , . . . 0 Other: Apply for Oct 21-25 on-campus in- 0 Meetings: National Organization for 5201
.I . . . . , terviews;201 Matthews Bldg: 84 p.m. Women meeting; 106 SC: 5 p.m.: Call 231-7985 .. Sports UK Baseball vs. Georgetown at home Shivley
: . . x . Workshops: Resume Writing: 103A Mat- . Other: JOIN THE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS “9” 3W": C°,"7’5°°‘ , .
‘ V h i . ”I . ' Concerts Out to Lunch- free noontime concerts-
. . . t ews B dg., 2-3 p.m. !N WELCOMING TIM PHILPOT TO UK. ., 228 SC, bands featured: As-ls: between SC 8 5_ Limestone: 12.
. . 0 Other: Sept. 30- Oct. 4 Interview Priority 6:30pm.; Ca|18~6109 130p.m.Call7-8867
. . . Lists Published: 201 Matthews Bldg. 0 Other: Sept. 30- Oct. 4 Interview Priority 0 Lectures lelng Through Personal Crisis ”Anne Kaiser
' ‘ g » I . - 1 . _ . 1th l . will speak Free. Center for the Arts; 8pm.. Ca 7-3145
'. ‘ '. ‘ L15 5 Sign up, 20' Ma ews B dg 0 Workshops: interview Techniques: 100A Matthews
. .~ . I .' Bldg: 56 pm
" I . . V' " V. 0 Lectures. Current State of West German Economy by
. - ' -‘ Dr. Michael Richtstein W. German Embassy 230 SC 11-
' . Noon Call7-4642
."' ' ' ' 0 Meetings. Students for America meeting 115 SC 7 30
. y , . '- p.m..Call7-1411
’ . 0 Meetings Commuter Cats meeting, business of imporr
- ‘ I I - tance:1155C:5 p.m. Call 7-6598
‘I . ' . ' 0 Other Homecoming House Displays 0 Sports: Homecoming Football game: UK vs. ° Workshops: A Cross-Cultural Workshop for ' Other: Sign up for Teacher Ed. Interviews:
. ' . o Other Calloquim in Social Philosophical Univ. of Cincinnati; Commonwealth Stadium: awareness of cultural differences 8. similari. 166 Taylor Ed. Bldg; 8-430 p.m.; Call7—7971
. . ». .' Studies in Education 131 Taylor Ed. Bldg.: 3—5 1:30 p.m. ties: Natural Bridge: 4p.m.' Call 7-2755 ° Exhibitions: lsnardi Exhibit: Rasdall Gal-
' i ‘ 1 - P 1'“ CO“ 74795 ' Workshops: A Cross~Cultural Workshop for 0 Religious: Sunday evening fel10wship- lery; Call 254-6026
I . - . . 0 Mowes Beverly Hills Cop; $1.75 w UKID: awareness of Cultural differences 8 similari- worship, dinner 8. fellowship at K-House 412 ' Movies: Goldfinger; $1.75 w UKID;
_ ' , ' Worsham Theatre 7 3O p.m. ties; Natural Bridge; 8 a.m.; Call 7-2755 Rose St..' 5 p.m.; Call 254-1881 Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
. I‘ ' . e Qiher Trip to Cincinnati Reds game- bus 0 Concerts: Graduate Recital: Steven Chicu~ 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. KY Wesleyan (2) at 0 Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for
' . . . leaves the Student Center parking lot at 5 rel, piano: CFA Recital Hall; 3p.m.; Call 74900 home; Shively Field; 1:30 p.m. game against Clemson: Memorial Coliseum: 8
pm Tickets SiSat 102 SC Call7-8867 0 Movies: Beverly Hills Cop; $1.75 w UKiD: “"138 p.m.
. ‘ ' . . ' Sports. UK Baseball vs. Ohio Dominican (2) Worsham Theatre; 7:30p.m. ° Other: Sept. 30' OCL 4 Interviews 0P9"
‘I - - ' athome' Shively Field 2 p.m. 0 Concerts: Pete Fountain in concert (New Schedule SiQWUPi 20' Matthews Bldg.
. ' Lectures Organizing the Anti-Apartheid Orleans Jazz): Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.
' . i ' . Movement ii“ the U S. by Charles Barron; 230
1 ' . ‘ SC 8;) TY‘ Call 255-5641
. 0 Other Engineering Alumni Reunion
‘ ~ Classes Luncheon SC Grand Ballroom: Noon:
. * .' Call 7-1622
. -\ '4 'i
II ; I. . . . . Q 23 Chr’1CSy71dTOl'T‘e $1 75w lJKlD Worsham Theatre. 7 309,“ 9 26 DU, '0 Lunch- free noontime concerts band featured' As~ls: between 9 23. UK Football ticket distribution for game against Cincinnati; Memorial
. ‘ . . 9 24 Ch-na Syndrome S‘ 75w UKID Worsham Theatre:7.30p.m. SC andS Limestone 12-1 30p m,: Cal|7.8867 Coliseum:80.m.-8 p.m.
' . . 1 o 25 Bever‘y Hills Cop $1 00w UKID. Worsham Theatre. 7:30pm. 9 28- Graduate Recital Steven Chicurel piano. CFA Recital Hall 3 p.m. Call 9 24-25: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Cincinnati; Memorial
. '- . - 9 26 Bever‘vH 'lsCop $1 75w UKID Worsham Theatre 730p.rn 749“) Coliseum. 9'49"“-
'. . . 'I. I' o 27 Beverl, HilISCop $1 75». UKID Worsham Theatre 7.30pm. 928: Pete Fountain in concert (New Orleans Jazz); Center for the Arts; 8 9 2° ENVY deadline for intramural TTOCR M99" ‘35 Seaton; 4 P-'"«I C0” 7-
I I’ , ; .. 1' 9 28 Beverly Hills Cop $1 75w UKID Worsham Theatre, 7:30pm. pfl’L: 3928
', ' . . o 30 Gcidfir‘ger $1 75w UKlD Worsham Theatre 7-30p,m 9/26: University Orchestra: Phillip Miller conductor; CFA Concert Hall: 8 p.m.; 9 76' UK Baseballvs.Georgetown athome; ShiVO'Y Field. 3pm.
: .- .I .‘_l II -_ I . I. Call7-4900 9 27 UK Baseballvs. Ohio Dominican at home; Shively Field: 2p.m.
- ~ I ; . 9 30thru 10 18' lsnardiExhibit RasdalIGallery:Call254-6026 9 1’8 Homemming Football game: UK vs‘ University of Cincinnati: Common-
.’ . ‘ '. ; ': wealth Stadium; 1:30pm.
I I . .. i II 9 29 UK Baseballvs.KY Weslevan (2) at home; Shively Field; 1:30 pm.
III I X . .' . 9 '30: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Clemson; Memorial Col.
. . . _ . .' .. iseum:Ba.m.-8p.m.
- .t t .
y ~ .-.' . SPECIAL svems com.
:I'I' I 9 26 Living Through Personal Crisis Anne Kaiser-Stern will speak. Free. Cen. 9 26 Last day for filing an application in college dean's office for a December 9 28- A Cross-Cultural Workshop for awareness of cultural differences G simi-
‘ I‘I -. f 'I 3. tor for the Arts 8 p m Call 7 3145 degree larities, Natural Bridge; Ba.m.; Call 74755
I, a, J I' I f 9 26 Cover" State at West German Economy by Dr, Michael Rich'syeu‘ W. 9 7‘ A5h’°“d K'WGV‘IS Club Film Series at Ashland Community College. $3.50. 9 29. A Cross-Cultural Workshop for awareness of cultural differences 8 simi-
y .--ii , . I: l I. Germ“ Embassy 230 SC leroon Call 7-4642 ACC Auditorium 7 37 p m Call 3292999 larities; NaturalBridge. 4 p.m.: Call7-2755 .
'I- : I . v, ". 9 27 Organizing the An’l'ADOV'held Movement in the U S by Charles Bar- 9 23 thru 9 25 Homecoming Royalty Voting, MI King library. 4-7 p.m., Com-
.' I.I . I , 'on 230 SC 8 p m Cal' 255 5641 mans Cafeteria. 4-7 p m Classroom Bldg, 9-3 p.m.. StudentCenter. 9-3 p.m.
. '. I: . . ~I 0 24 SAB Public Relations Committee meeting. 1155C 4pm.; CaII7-8867 9 23: App” ‘0' Oct 21-25 onAcampus interviews. 20‘ Matthews Bldg. 8430
~; 'I ,i I 9 25 Concert Committee meeting 228 SC 5p.m..Call7-8867 p.m.
. I; .' ' , . Ii -. 9 25 Food for Thought discussion group Strategies for Dealing w Role Con- 9 2" HO'T‘ttmm'fig novelty Voting at the Homecoming Fashion Show. SC Ball-
I . .I ; . . . iiicts 119 SC Noon (01173295 room:8-10pm Cali7-8867
'. .5 I . 9 25 Emergence A Femmist Womens Press meeting; 1% SC' 6 p.m.; Call 9"2‘: Homecoming Fashion Show SC Grand Ballroome.m.:Ca|l7-8867
. .‘ . 23] 7985 9/24: Apply for Oct. 21-25 on-campus interviews; 201 Mat-thews Bldg. 8-4
: ’ - 9 25 National Organization for Women meeting lmSC Sp m.. Call 231.7985 p.m.
.I _ I, 9 26 YOF’s ’Twen'Y One Plus? Maine ‘its a Wonderful Life' erimmy Stewart 9:2" Sept 300“ llnterview PriorityLists Published: 201 Matthews Bldg.
; . . , I gswwsewd 21 some, .(House “,Roses,I 5.309,“ ““25““. 9'25: JOIN THE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS lN WELCOMING TIM PHILPOT TO
’ . ' v. I 9 26 N O W Emergence A Feminist Womens Press meeting. 109 SC. 7:30 UK'!!:228 SC' 6’30p.m.. Call8»6109
' . 'I_ p m Call 231 7985 925. Sept. 30-Oct. 4 interview Priority Lists Sign-Up, 201Mat-thews Bldg.
. , . - .‘ ' 9 26 UK Fencing Club meeting- free instruction equipment provided; Alumni 9 26* Homecoming Wildcat Roar; Commonwealth Stadium; 3P1“; COIN-8867
. Gym. 7.30pm .Call233-5201 2’26: HomegormsinngParade begins at Memorial Coliseum and proceeds to
2 ' ' 9 26 Students for America meeting 1155C, 7:30pm.; Call7~1411 °mm°"w”' '0 'Um- 713°P-"1r
. ,2- . 9 26 Commuier Cots meeiing bus-ms oi imporionco: us sc: 5 p.m., Call 7. 9/” "°"‘“°'“'"9“°m 0‘89“": LOOKING AHEAD
. . . I. 6598 9'27: Colloquim in Social Philosophical Studies in Education. 131 Taylor Ed.
. ' 9 25 Kinetics of the Hepotocyie Gluca n a.“ ,0, b M . R f . Bldg.. 3-5p m., Call7-4795
I I . "I“ MN ‘63 4p m 9° 9 v s api Madurawe, 9/27 Trip '0 Cincinnati Reds game-bus leaves m. Student Center parking lot 10; 1: Entry deadline for Intramural Swim Meet; 135 Seaton; 4 p.m.; Call 7-
: _ . at5p.m.:TicketsSlSathQSC;Call7-8867 392°
, . 9/27' Engineering Alumni Reunion Classes Luncheon; SC Grand Ballroom; ‘0/3- "“9“" R"Y"‘°"d 9"": distinguish“ P'°“"°' “"0"; CPM“ '9' ""9
Noon: CaII7‘1622 Arts; a p.m.: Call 7-5823
: - 9/30404- Sign-up for Teacher Ed. Interviews. 166 Taylor Ed. Bldg. 3430 10/3: UK Theatre Department Production: SS-Pub.: SJ-Stu.; Gulgnol Theatre; 8
p.m. p.m.; Call 7-1385
. 9/x: Sept. 30-Oct. 4 Interviews Open schedule Sign.Up; 20) Matthew: ”ng 10/5: UK Football vs. Clemson at home; Commonwealth Stadl-um
9/29: Sunday evening fellowship-Worship, dinner I fellowship at K-Hause/Al? '.
’ Rose St.; 5p.m.; Call254-1881
9/23: Careers in Business: 103A Matthews Bldg; 3:30-4:30p.m.
9/24: Resume Writing; 108A Matthews Bldg; 23 p.m. -
9/26-27: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) by Rosemary Veoch; 15 Memori- 3
alHall. Barn-Noon
9/26: interview Techniques 103A Matthews Bldg. S~6 p.m. . \

Sports Edltor .
Johnlwy '
Auutont Sports Editor
A!!! -. ' ‘ I , am ‘ . . _ y ,, . ’ - ' ‘
0 ~ — -
UK unveils In ' "’ "" Defense reflects renewed zeal r T
. it! i. . . y .. V
, . Wildcats’ ass rush k l t ' ' G W ' ' ' ' i ' '
new I e 6 1-. P a ey e emen in wm over reen ave . . ¢ _ -.
i r.» ‘ ' . fl ’ By BRETTHAIT pressure," defenSive and Steve Green Wave 1-: first downs for the . , ’
ootwear 3 ‘ :. v. ‘ Staff Writer Mazza said "We had the pressure game. compared to '2 given up ,. ' '3 .
. - ~- . ' on vKarcherI. and that was a big againstBowling Green ‘ .’ ~r' '. ' ,'
By USA CRUCCHER - There‘s a phrase 1" football that plus for us. We didn't do anything "We had a lot more excitement.‘ r. ",r y'fi ' , .
Contributing Writer I , A , ' I: :29 . many coaches hve by: Offense sells different than we did against Bowl- Dumbauld said. "and the hitting ; - 1- ,t ' 3
fl ~ " tickets;defensewimgames. ingGreen.wejustgotafterthem " was heads over what It was last I - 7 "" ',
To any avid sports fan, the word \\‘\ - fl . Never was this more true than at Defensive captain Jon Dumbauld week " ”,3 '. ,~ "7
“SWOOSh” immediately brings bas- ' (Y . N Commonwealth Stadium Saturday said 'I‘Iilane‘s offenswe strategy Defenswe guard Torn Wilkins ; : (If .1- .‘
“Ch ketballtomind. ‘ ”we . A n U C t‘ “ afternoon. In beating Tulane 15.11. may have helped Kentucky‘s pass credited a team meeting held last j,.-_,r.' .2135"
H 7' This year that ho“. swerving 108° \\‘ f . the Kentucky Wildcats showed JuSl rush ”They run more, so perhaps Monday for the defense s renewed ’. 1‘ ;.-_ "51"}.
will sweep onto Wildcat shoes after :2 I - . . K how ““53““ defense can be. they're not as good pass blockers as enthuSIasm ‘I think we grew up in It. I i: 1:! 5-"
”“ the team sported Converse hight0ps ' v ‘ . \‘ It was 8" there defensively for the Bowling Green was." hesaid that meeting. Wilkins said I think it, .5 1 y: H.
i for 55 years, ’fi .' ’ . fi - ' Wildcats Saturday —— good pass cov~ The con3istent pressure Ken» everybody's intensity was about '13.",4'5 . ,' .',.l .
0. “There has been a lot of anticipa- \ § . , a ‘ r . erage. sure tackling and a relentless tucky‘s line put on Karcher also three times what It was last week " ' 1-5] ,‘.‘,"‘ 2'4 “5':
t‘ bo t the new shoe.“ Coach *‘ . ' ssrush. he] the defensive backs in cover- , I’,t'1‘.f.l;“-.'.}"'
m. EE‘dldieaSult‘ton said Friday at a press \ “"WW “We 51a“ pa”! was pleased by the contact of ingfiane‘s receivers All" 1‘9"“th “0m ahead for ‘5 ,1}; 9 _ ,_ L‘
at conference held to unveil