xt72v698900q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v698900q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-10-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 25, 1984 1984 1984-10-25 2020 true xt72v698900q section xt72v698900q  

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 52


Established 189‘


er nel

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since I971

Thursday. 06°60'21"“


Student campaigners clash in election forum

Senior Staff Writer

Campus Democratic and Republi-
can groups locked horns last night in
a candidate's forum in the Student

Eric Kupferberg. a member of
Students for Mondale-Ferraro. and
Larry Bisig. chairman of Students
for Reagan-McConnell. fielded ques-
tions in a forum which was spon-
sored by the Kentucky Kernel and
the Student Government Associa-
tion. The candidates were asked six
questions each from which they had
three minutes to reply. The format
did not include rebuttal.

Higher education was the topic of

the first question, Kupferberg and
Bisig both came out fighting. as
each criticized the position of their

Reagan‘s economy has allowed
students to subsidize their educa-
tion. Bisig said. He added that gov-
ernment assistance was still avail-
able under the president‘s
administration and in fact had in-

“The United States of America
has a strong friend in higher educa-
tion and in President Reagan.“
Bisig said. “There are no students
that want to go to college in the
United States that can‘t because of

“I was really hoping we‘d have a

Singletary discusses
retirement proposal ,.
with Senate Council

Senior Staff Writer

PreSident this A. Singletary met
yesterday with the University Sen-
ate Council to discuss the implica-
tions of a report on faculty retire-
ment alternatives.

The report. compiled by the Ad
Hoc Committee on Faculty Alterna-
tives. contains recommendations for
the L'niversity administration in
case of sudden budget shortcomings.
Also listed are long-term sugges~
tions for expanding retirement alter~
natives for faculty.

“It‘s a very good report." Sin-
gletary said. "it's thoughtful and
wellconsidered." he said.

The report outlines three early re»
tirement plans and two severance
pay options. along with recommen-
dations which would allow faculty to
be reassigned to other departments
or to work in research,

In case of emergency early retire-
ment. one severance pay option
calls for “two years of severance
pay at the salary in effect at the
time of the retirement decision."
with fringe benefits continued for
one year The report also states that
current admmistrative regulations.
which require faculty to be notified
12 months before any termination.
could be expanded to allow faculty
to receive a year's severance pay in-

“l‘m not sure that we can give a
year's severance pay." Singletary
said. "We‘d have to run that through
the legal office. but there's no ques-
tion of the merit of that proposal."

L'nder one retirement plan out-
lined. faculty could retire between
the ages of 62 and 65 and receive
premiums based on the remaining
years before normal retirement age.
Another plan would base premiums
on the faculty members salary at
the time of retirement. and fringe
benefits would be continued up to 10
years or until the age of 65.

Singletary said the administration
would study the statistical and fi-
nancial backgrounds of such poli-

“What we've got to do now is find
out what it's going to cost." Sin-
gletary told the Council. He said re-
questing additional state appropria-
tions would meet with resistance. “l



“It ’s a very good
report. . . . What
we’ve got to do now is
find out what it ’5 going
to cost. I don ’t think
there’s a chance in the
world for increased

funds. ’ ’
Otis A. Singletary
University president

don‘t think there‘s a chance in the
world for increased funds.”

Singletary explained that the
funds would have to come from in-
ternal sources. "There's no secret
pot out there. it still has to come out
of what we've got."

Expanding faculty options to in-
clude departmental transfers for
faculty. as opposed to being termi-
nated. is also discussed in the re-
port. Singletary requested that this
be "broadened , “

“A change of faculty to other aca-
demic units can only be done when
the person who wants to make the
move is welcomed by the unit." he
said. Need within the department
and existing financial resources
would need to precede the transfer.
he said.

if the state legislature decided to
abolish a school within the L‘niversi-
ty. or in case of a department termi-
nation. Singletary said there could
be no guarantee to reassign all af~
fected faculty members. “When
they cut you that way, they take
your money.“ he said. "We can‘t be
put in the position of guaranteeing
positions to everyone . “

The report states that the recom-
mendations should be mutually
agreed upon by faculty and adminis-
tration. Robert N. Bostrom. Council
chairman. proposed a special meet-
ing to allow faculty input into dis-
cussion on the report. A time and lo«
cation have not been announced,


chance to have rebuttals . be-
cause this first speech is a prime ex
ample of where he‘s misreporting
the facts.“ Kupferberg said.

Kupferberg said Reagan had actu»
ally cut student aid. The claim by
Bisig that student aid had increased.
he said. was because of inflation.

The representatives clashed in re-
sponse to questions on arms control
and the deficit. with both sides
claiming their opponent did not
know what they were talking about

”If you vote for Walter Mondale.
you are assured of at least the Sovi»
ets talking to us.“ Kupferberg said
“Whereas. you vote for Reagan. you
are assured of absolutely nothing



Every single president since the ex—
plosion of the nuclear bomb at Hir0<
shima has had some sort of verifia-
ble arms control agreement
enacted; the Reagan administration
has had none."

Bisig countered by saying that
Mondale would make the United
States a weaker nation. "i wish the
world were made of popcorn and
balloons and cotton candy. but. un-
fortunately. it's not that pretty This
is 19%. and you don‘t defend your
nation with bows and arrows.“ he

“Let‘s first examine the nature of
the Soviet L‘nion before we jump

into any treaty signing." Bisig said.
He said the Soviets had continuously
violated prior agreements.

Bisig said Reagan had inherited a
large deficit from the Jimmy Car-
ter-Walter Mondale administration
and that Mondale's plan to raise
taxes would be a burden on Ameri-
cans, “A vigorous economy com-
bined with cutting waste from your
federal government will keep the
deficit under control and eventually
will decrease it." he said.

Kupferberg countered with the fig-
ure that under the Carter adminis—
tration the deficit was $29.4 billion
while it grew to $196 billion under


-. . ,.
AI AN l I“!(. ki'wvx. \'

Jim Running. a former state icprcxcntznnc and gubernatorial candidate. speaks to GOP supporters at a
Reagan-Bush rally at the Student Center yesterday.

Debate team wins tournament

Staff Writer

The L'K debate team talked its
way into a first place finish in the
Harvard University Invitational De
bate Tournament this week

Mike Mankins. an economics so
nior and Ouita Papka. a political sc1~
ence junior defeated the top team
from Bates College on a 30 decision
to claim the victory on Tuesday

After winning seven of their eight
preliminary rounds. they defeated
the University of Redlands. West
Georgia College. and the University

AIAV 1mm. Kernel Stuff

of Massachusetts enroute to the final

"I wasn‘t surprised that they won.
but was very pleased with the 3-0 de—
cision." said JW. Patterson. debate
coach. "I've said all year that Mike
and Ouita are one of the top two or
three teams in the nation.

"They (Mankins and Papka) said
that although the semifinal decision
was 30. the debate was closer that
the decision sounds." he said.

“This means a lot to ()uita and me
because it puts our ranking higher.
We‘re probably No. 1 in the nation
now.“ Mankins said.

“It has taken so long to get to this
point. but we'll have to continue
working hard. We can‘t just coast
through," Papka said.

Mankins and Papka also captured
individual awarcb. Mankins won
second place speaker honors despite
having no voice during the last four
rounds. “He had to whisper." she
said. Papka finished in 10th place.

"Mike and Ouita have improved
considerably in the last year." Pat-
terson said. “They have matured as
debaters. They make better deci-
sions during debates and know their
strengtls and weaknesses. "

Sec DEBATE. page 5

UK begins annual quest
for Miss Christmas Seal

Senior Staff Writer

UK has a unique charitable tradi-

The “Miss Christmas Seal" con-
test originated at UK 35 years ago
as a part of the American Lung As~
sociation‘s annual Christmas Seal
drive. And the tradition continues as
the contest officially gets under way
Nov. 1.

“A newspaper reporter at the Lex-
ington Herald and l came up with
the Miss Christmas Seal idea.“ said
William Mcbendon. regional direc-
tor for the Bluegrass Region Ameri-
can Lung Association of Kentucky.

As a result of the contest's success
other states have taken the cue from
UK and started their own cantata.

Although other states have copied
the idea. Melendon said the UK
Christmas Seal contst is the only
one of its kind in the state.

“We look at the University as
beim a statewide organization." he
said. “Basically UK is statewide.
Students come here front all over

Julie Anderson. left. a marketing junior; Darlene Jones. a Spanish junior; and Kris Calvert. a commu- the state."
nications freshman. discuss plans for the upcoming Miss Easter Seal contest yesterday.


students to contribute to the goal of
the Christmas Seal drive —— provid-
ing funds for the fight against lung

According to Mclendon. the con-
test is open to the entire UK cam-
pus. The association contacts all the
fratemitios. sororitie and residence
halls. and then they can nominate
someone to represent the organiza-

“We make no selections at all.“ he
said. “It's strictly up to the campus
organizations to make a selection."

“Once the candidates are selected.
they begin contacting friends. rela-
tives and busim askirg for votes
in the form of contributions,"
accordim to a press release from
the American Lung Association of
Kentucky. “Each dollar contributed
ed to contribute to a contatant. "

Mctendon aid the means of get-
ting contributions are q) to the con-
testants. Some may go door-todoor
or what the aid of family and
trim. he said. “If they get sorori-
ty am. Month to help. it's all the


Reagan. “What does he mean the
Carter administration left him with
a large deficit? lt's hardly large ‘ln'
comparison to the sums of three dig-
its." he said. “Raising taxes is an
unpopular move. but yet he iMon-
dale) said it's the only thing that
can solve our problems “

The event ended With a closing
statement by each partiCipant Kup-
ferberg said the deficit. arms con
trol and Reagan‘s “egocentric" ap~
proach to the world were reasons to
vote for Mondale. BiSig finished by
saying the economic growth of the
country was the main reason to vote
for his candidate. The forum was at
tended by about 50 people

Campus rally '

shows support
for GOP party

Staff Writer

About 250 boisterous Reagan sup-
porters were present to listen to Jim
Bunning. Lawrence E. Forgy Jr..
and Al Arbogast speak at a Students
for Reagan-Bush rally yesterday in
the Student Center Ballroom.

All three guest speakers stressed
the benefits that the Reagan admin.
istration has offered to students.

Jim Bunning. a 1983 gubernatorial
candidate and former state rep-
resentative. said that the Reagan
administration offers an opportunis-
tic society that young people can un»

"Larry (Bisigi told me that 1.003
people are registered on this cam.
pus and that 97 of them are Demo-
crats. If you wonder why. just look

“Reagan is going to win." Bun-
ning said. “because not only are in-
dividuals better off than they were
four years ago but this country is
better off than four years ago.“

Running also said the debate
made the best choice obvious

“One person said we have to be
the leaders in the world in a sane
manner all throughout the debate
while the other said 'No. we can‘t do
that.‘ Reagan is a man who says
'Why not'?‘ “

Bunning encouraged students to
vote the Republican side of the bal-
lot on Nov. 6.

Larry Porgy. chairman of the
Reagan-Bush campaign. said "In
our polls in Kentucky. people be-
tween the ages of 18 and 24 are sup
porting Ronald Reagan and George
Bush by 77 percent. That's not sel-
fishness. that‘s intelligence . what
young people want in this country is
opportunities. not government-regu-
lated dictatorship.“ -

Porgy said that the Reagan ad-
ministration has increased social
programs by 38 percent and that un-
employment and inflation rates have

He also attacked the Mondale def i-
cxt plan.

"Hearing Mondale talk about the
deficit is like hearing Jack Daniels
preaching about the evils of whis-
key.“ Forgy said.

Like Bunning. Forgy said that
Reagan is the obvious choice.

“We‘re going to beat that fellow
(Mondalei by 100.000 vote in the
Commonwealth of Kentucky.“ he

A] Arbogast. a Republican running
for state representative of the 75th
District. said he had a lot of support
on campus.

“We‘re out there working and. by
golly. we‘re going to win this thing."

Arbogast discussed his radio talk
show on 'hiesday night with his op-
ponent Ernesto Scorsone.

Sec RAI l \ . page 6


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omen’s tennis looking



Staff Writer

Undefeated in dual match play and looking for re-
venge. the UK women‘s tennis team is set to storm into
Louisville tomorrow to battle in the Kentucky invitatio-
nal tournament.

The event is scheduled to be played at the Triangle
Park courts at the University of Louisville. in the event
of rain. the matches will be played at various indoor
courts throughout the city.

UK will enter the tournament as a heavy favorite.
The squad is 64) this fall with victories over national
powers Duke and North Carolina as well as two Ken~
tucky Invitational participants, Murray and Morehead
State. U of L, Eastern Kentucky, and Western Kentucky
complete the field for the tournament.

Going into last year‘s tournament the UK squad was
looked upon as the highest rated team in the field. Fate
must have followed for UK finished dead last. Coach
Mike Patrick said the team was down last year after
one player was suspended for disciplinary reasons and
the tournament came at the wrong time.

Fate might fall upon the team this year because the
team won‘t be at full strength this weekend. Mary
Wood, after gaining the No. 6 singles position. suffered
cartilage damage in her knee and isn't expected back
until the spring season. Steady senior Clare Kuhlman. a
first team All-Southeastern Conference selection as a ju-
nior, has a strep throat and her status is questionable.
according to Patrick.

“We‘re kind of beat up right now." Patrick said. "The
weather hasn't helped either."

The persistent rain this week has forced the team to
the sanctuary of the Lexington Tennis Club. Patrick
said he would like to practice outside because practice
time indoors is limited.

With the possible loss of Kuhlman for the tournament.
Partrick is faced with his lineup. particularly at the
doubles pairs. Kuhlman and Missy Reed are a formida»


.. 'i. 0.

Andy Dun-tort
Sports Editor

Ken Me
Assistant Sports Editor

more than tournament win

ble doubles combination sporting a 5-1 record for this

“l‘m just going to wait and see about that," Patrick
said about possible changes in the lineup. “We’ll have to
shift our doubles around if Clare doesn't play but our
singles lineup won't change all that much."

Freshman Tamaka Takagi will play at the No. 1 sin-
gles spot while Lee McGuire and Beckwith Archer will
play at No. 2 and No. 3 singles positions respectively.
After those three. Patrick said he will make some
changes should Kuhlman not play.

Jamie Plummer. who is having a spectacular fall sea-

son with an 8-1 win-loss record. will move up to the No.
4 spot normally occupied by Kuhlman while Allison
Evans will play at Plummer's regular No. 5 spot. The
confusion ends at No. 6 singles where steady Missy
Read will play.

Being at top strength is important to Patrick for the
Kentucky Invitational and for a dual match tournament
the following weekend in Nashville Tenn.

“We have two tough weeks in front of us,“ Patrick
said. UK plays national power Vanderbilt along with an
always tough Tennessee team and Tennessee—Chatta-
nooga in the Nashville tournament.



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Gary More.
Arts Editor


Actors Guild does excellent job with difficult ‘Jimmy Dean.

The Actors Guild of Lexington has
launched a very ambitious season
with a definite winner. “Come Back
to the Five and Dime. Jimmy Dean,
Jimmy Dean“ is well-acted and
well-directed, and that equals a very
entertaining evening of theater.

The plot of “Jimmy Dean" cen-
ters around a reunion of a group of
disciples of James Dean exactly 20
years after his death. Set in a Wool-
worth's dime store in a small Texas
town, four members of the original
disciples gather to pay homage to

Mona, played by Melanie Sowder.
is the mother of a young man she
claims is “the only begotten son“ of
the late actor. Sissy (Carol Spencei
also has a claim to fame. at least lo-
cally, for having a larger bustline
than Marilyn Monroe. Stella May
(Patty Heying) has married rich.
Edna Louise (Judy Streng) is work-
ing on her seventh child and Juanita
(Candice Coxi runs the store. Soon a
beautiful stranger (Barbara Ennsi
crashes the party.

All these characters. with the ex-
ception of Edna louise. have secrets
that are revealed during the show.
Some of these are revealed during
flashbacks, when Patty Jones plays
the younger Mona. Marilee Evans
plays Sissy. and Paul O'aycraft
plays a friend named Joe.

big dadQ



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Barry J. Williams has
done an excellent job
of directing this rather
difficult show. He also
in terwea ves the past
and present very well,

sent would have added a bit more
believability to the character.

Spence is delightful as Sissy. in a
role that can easily lapse into cari-
cature. she breezes through the
show without hitting a false note.

Another good job of avoiding the
pitfalls of her character is done by
Heying. The boisterous, bounding
Stella May is given life with her hi-
larious portrayal.

and has done on St . I . r,

. . reng gives a g owmg pe or—
excellen’JOb OfcaStmg mance as Edna boiuse. She skillful-
(heparafle/ r0185. ly delivers the much more quiet

Barry J. Williams has done an ex-
cellent job of directing this rather
difficult show The blocking is quite
good and the actors for the most
part blend easily into their roles. He
also interweaves the past and pre-
sent very well. and has done an ex-
cellent job of casting the parallel

Sowder does a fine job of handling
the restrained. proper Mona. Her
handling of Mona's fantasies has
just the right touch of pathos.

Cox handles her numerous inter-
weavings between past and present
without ever dropping a line or
missing a beat. She does a super job
with the role, though a change in
posture between the past and pre-

comedy of her character.

Enns turns in her usual profes-
sional portrayal as the stranger,
Joanne. She is perfectly effective in
a scene describing a chance encoun-
ter with Sissy's ex-husband.

Both Jones and Evans have fine
moments as the young Mona and
Sissy, respectively. Jones does a
good piece of work in showing
Mona‘s insecurities. Evans has
some fine comic moments as the
bouncy Sissy. particularly in telling
what she‘ll do to her boyfriend the
next time she gets her hands on

The only performance that is not
up to par is (‘raycraft‘s His Joe

372 Woodland Avenue
Lexington, Kentucky 40508

never shows the polish the rest of
the actors exhibit.

Kenneth Sanders' set shows fine
attention to detail as he successfully
recreates a small town store.

Also very much worth mentioning
is the little “Passion Play" prelude

to the show. Rich Hamilton. Eric
Johnson and Barbara Price Sallee
combine in a funny little skit before
“Jimmy Dean“ begins. Johnson es-
pecially will surely not be lacking
for conversation before any play he
attends after this.

“Come Back to the Five and

Dime, Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean"
will be presented at 8 pm today
through Saturdat at the Theater
Downunder in Lexus Restaurant on
Main Street Tickets are $4 for stu
dents and $5 tor the general public
For reservations. ('u11233-l512




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lndopondom SIM. I 971


Establlohod 1.94

John Voeliuhl
Editor in Chiet

Stephanie Wollnor
Managing Editor

James A. Stall
Editorial Editor

Ellzoboth Caro:
New> Editor




New technologies
bring both benefits
and moral questions

In this brave new world. apprehension seems to creep
in the back door whenever new technology knocks at the

The recently established UK Center for Reproductive
Medicine is the embodiment of an idea whose time has def-
initely come. The center will provide a variety of services.
and will treat birth defects. abnormal puberty. premens-
trual syndrome. menopausal syndrome and even offer es-

UK ’5 center for reproductive medicine creates benefits and ethical issues




‘Cyanide ’ students feel misunderstood

trogen replacement therapy.

Probably the most important — and potentially contro-
versial —— service the center will offer is in vitro fertiliza-
tion. a process by which human eggs are removed from
the ovary. fertilized with sperm and then implanted back

into the uterus.

One in every seven couples is unable to have children
by natural means. and this technology is a Godsend for
them. By any ethical standards. no one should be denied

the ability to ha vc children

About 50 such reproductive centers perform in vitro fer-
tilization iii this country. a small number compared to the
number of couples plagued by infertility. Dr. Emery Wil-

son. director of the LR center

. said the facility has already

received numerous requests for the in vitro service. and
between 50 and 73 women are now candidates for the pro-


This University l> to be comn'icnded for serving at the
cutting edge of reproductive technology.

Unfortunately . that edge cuts both ways.

While many will applaud this service. many others will
argue that humankind is treading in the pathways of God
when we induce reproduction by any means other than nat—


There are as many moral and religious arguments
against in vitro fertilization as there are valid physical and
emotional reasons for providing the service.

No great imagination is required to see that this process
is a political time bomb waiting to explode. perhaps out-
classing abortion as the most emotionallycharged issue of

our political lives.

The issue is not limited to the process itself. According
to Wilson. the clinic has received a few requests for in
vitro fertilization from single women. adding a perplexing
new twist to an already cloudy scenario.

We are familiar — perhaps even comfortable — with
Brave New World paranoia which suggests the possibility
of growing babies in fluid-filled bottles. endowing them
with specific traits and abilities and permanently locking
humankind into the ultimate caste system. Those fears
seem far away. if not so far-fetched.

But there are political and personal problems surround~
ing artificial fertilization which even now are much closer

than most of us care to believe.

In fact. they happen to be in our own back yard.

The student health services at
Brown L'niversity may soon be
stocking an interesting alternative
to the omnipresent Sudafed.

We're talking cyanide.

The student body at Brown recent-
ly voted on a referendum that re-
quested that ”suicide tablets be
stocked at Brown's Health Services,
for optional student use. in the event
of a nuclear war. "

The referendum passed by a 60
percent majority.

The referendum is not binding on
the L'niversny. and I think it‘s safe
to assume that there will be no sui-
cide pills available at the health

But the so—called suicide referen-
dum has caused some controversy.
After all. the word suicide is packed
with negative connotations.

Some people have called it a cyn~
ical move. They argue that it re
flects a defeatist attitude. Surely
university students in the prime of
life would not want to give up on
halting nuclear war. And. to many.
the suicide referendum represents
that type of surrender. This crit-
lClSIII may be valid on face value.
but that's only because the group‘s

ideals have been misinterpreted and

Early this week. I received a
mimeographed letter from a mem-
ber of Students for Suicide Tablets.
the Brown group that sponsored the

The letter was intended to set the
record straight about the referen-
dum. It included the following pas-

“This is not a suicidal or defeatist
approach to the threat of nuclear
war. It is aimed at dispelling the no-
tion that we could survive such a ho-
locaust. Suicide pills negate civil de-
tense. In a nuclear war. there is no
defense iunless. perhaps. you are a
general or a president, with access
to deep underground sheltersl. Hop-
ing for survival is dangerous be-
cause it makes the idea of nuclear
war more acCeptahIeFand thus in-
creases the‘chancus athat it could

There is no doubt the referendum
was intended to be a bold symbol.
And there’s also no doubt that the
issue of nuclear war deserves bold
symbols. It‘s not a matter of life and
death — only the latter.

As a symbol for this situation. the
Brown referendum is exquisite.

However. as a symbol for an atti-
tude. the Brown referendum is
lomy. And that‘s the nature of the

The Students for Suicide Tablets
intended to demonstrate that the
world's current course toward nucle-
ar war is deadly. It is.

No doubt the referendum symbol
has caused many people to think.
It‘s given people pause to consider
that a nation that builds nuclear
arms is on its way to self-immola-

But once that consideration has
been communicated, the suicide ref-
erendum can serve no useful pur~

lts effectiveness as a symbol re-
lies on its shock value. It is little
more than a scare tactic. It's a darn
good scare tactic to be sure. but a
scare tactic nonetheless.

After that initial scare has sub-
sided. the concept of planning for

suicide in the event of a nuclear war
must be discarded. To