xt72v6988z9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6988z9x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1983 1983 1983-10-10 2020 true xt72v6988z9x section xt72v6988z9x K KEN' l 'UCKY l
giwfi .,:. . ,, . , , , \ rife 3c,;:si.§7'*,h;<¥§gg}“u.f H. fifisfi‘y in. . . _ , _, A -
WNW“ . W ._ N... . 4,: . Kori v uni-om m.” is. was
Cl 1 1] f l ' ' hd
— ,-__- - U. Senate proposa ca s or ess time to wrt raw from class
By STEPHANIE WALLNER (after classes start)," he said. Brad- Christopher, who introduced the by the course number and course Bradford also said if students dr- mom to m.“ in part time tench
Senior Staff Writer ford said the last day to drop a class proposal, said the new restriction description well enough to avoid crde to stay in a class. thru- things on it the pronoun goes well
. without receiving a “W" is now 15 would help "free-up" classes in Mrs schedulingthewrong classes could happen to them The) ciuld Awarding in mmngmfl in.
The option to (two a class Up to daysafterthestartofthesemester. and the College of Business tr Eco "It's mainly going to hurt fresh \nlhdrlih and receive a “it". they part time {acuity pruninm timid hr
, . two weeks after the start of the se— Donald lvey, Senate Council mem- nomies that are traditionally over man They don‘t know what‘s going could fail, and they could pass. he Pluntnalfliut‘lm urn-tiriflni
master, may beagle 05°19“? gel: ber and a professor of music, said requested. on." Bradford and said (MSW also and mum \a‘lifii
proposal before University he 0pm the m], "1 don’t . mi “When studentsdropa class in tlitn _. _ . , from the program mum go lah
ate passes today, David Bradford, think it's going to solve the prob- m?:udmtsalldtsufdm time to two-week period, other students “hm" °""‘ “UN" “5 'r“ m“ ' equipment. additions: fai‘ulti .mtl ii
i Student Government Assocratlon lems they think they have in (the decide whether they want to keep can‘t take advantage of that." serious problem. (WW and \._n,.).dmhfl mt
, president, said. College of) Arts a Sciences," he the class “If you have a My Christophersaid “‘0“ ‘1“ N I i" "‘0" limit “l‘m not cuntnua‘. out i. going
Bradford, also a member of the said. Thursdayclass you've probably had "Students always “a” mm] W, getting them. but there doesnt have u, u“. am much mm“ m“,
Senate, said the proposal calls for According to John Christopher. u twice and '1 don-t mink that; last minute to drop." Bradford said ”be ftrd said
the last day to drop and add a class A&S associate dean, the pin-pose of enough to see if you like the class or “How can they add when you-n, Christopher and the pom}. change thmtupher said ahnul i am sin
to be on the eighth day of the semes- the proposal is to better accommo- not "hesaid dropping atthelast minute“ Ls partly an economrc move "We dent; drowed clams last hit ill
ter. date students at lower level cm ‘ ' . Christopher said students could could probably drop 1) sections or ”it "Hit and ' 1m lcwl mum or
“The way it is right now, you can and tosave the University money by Christopher, however, said stu- wait at the add drop table and add classes that don't fill up," he “id Fullsh hench htainn ninth phi
add a class tip to the seventh day eliminatingsmall classes. dents should be able to judge classes thedesired classasit is dropped Christopher estimates ii "Vim: at knophy Inti‘l}t‘hn10fl)
Oktoberfest s ~ 2. 2 t n “n ‘9... ' ‘ 5‘ on W 3“ resrgns '5 0 we 9
f h .t '5' ., x .. \   . .- :- 3, o.» . says e ime as come
or [‘1 ' ' “s i‘ 43 ~ ’ “no" ‘ ‘ 't
C a y ’ " "$1133. 4,», ‘ .‘_ .4 «,- ;“"‘ » 2 .,, ‘ .‘ wnsmxcmx iAPn 2 Interior tor t‘mulnrd .. -.. lil.u‘k u
” 5:1: 31:4,: a1 4, V . . A ’7; 7'! "' . ‘~ ' Secretary James Watt. ('lith women. lqurwi antlrt t'ripplr
By MARTHA REEDPERRY fix” 2 3' x M ' ‘ r. 4 for nearly three weeks over his re- The remark prmnptt-d wwrnl Re
Reporter ;..:§’;"_‘ 4 4 Iii,“ ‘ g . 3 mark about a federal advtsor) publican senaton to (it'lttuliti his res
‘ ‘glsfii M ~;i , ' - V . panel. resigned yesterday but will aviation and led muti- Minority
The air filled With the sound 0f g ‘ 45 3i“ . " r ' .4 ' . , . remain in office until President Rea [I‘M Robert (' Hint Ii it in to
music and the smell of roasted pig a” 2% §' ' _ g \» 2 ., 4. . gan names his successor propme a formal rmiltlliiin calling
yesterday afternoon as the fourth .25.“ j . ‘ ' Q‘ i ' '_ _ ' if ! Watt made the announcement in a for Wait to resign
annual North Campus Oktoberfest ' “ 4;; " n ' ,, ‘ . ‘ » ‘ . cow pasture ata ranch where he has As recently in his! unlimiuy
got underway to benefit the United ”in . - ’ 2 . ; "i 1 '5 ‘ “he; been vacationing near Santa Barbs Reagan was defending whit tirt‘lar
Way. . , “ it; ' - . ' It "ii - ~ ;,»“‘ . \' ra. Calif. telling reporters "the time trig that hut atalcnlctll was .I \lu
“We’ve raised up towards $1,(X)0 in ' . ‘ ' \fi 25% ,A " . i has come"tostep down ptd" remark but was not all ”lips-a
the past,” Bob Clay, assistant dean " . .- - ' . ‘ - -. ‘ 9 7 e- ; Reagan accepted the mtgflallm chable attenu-
of students said “I expect about 1 - 2- 6“" “‘0 W 3 ,2 “it - . i ». ' 3 5?“ " . X. ‘ ‘ .2 ' ’ ' r‘ ‘ with reluctance and said Watt had
000 people during the day, but not ail h s ...- "9 H w 5?” . ’ a,» f‘ x 5 i . ,3; "l." . ’ I', l ‘i done "an mummg )0!) as 3 mm, till Wall's support continual to
at once." . '“ i, «s x ‘ \ . ' i, -- ‘1 ‘ i; Y , f ber of my Cabinet and in his stew deteriorate ‘" 0‘" I’i“l“1”"“i*"i“'n
The Oktoberfest, held in the North :. . 3K ’ . . is“: . . . . ardship of the natural resmirces of WIN firm-tr Mali-nu Irwin-r
campus courtyard, featured music ,. f ’.‘; “a?!” ;»‘ my . _, " 3 J the nation " ”“1"" ”it” " Tm" W" h'
by NerVOts Melvin and the Mistak- ’- --’_.:..'-:i»" 3.513%” ‘&n f \‘A‘: i K 3 A .. ‘ 1.. " i i Reagan said Watt “has initiated a (“dd "0‘ pr "fl“ “ “‘4' "n “i "5"
es, booths set up by various domis, . ' “a ‘ ., ‘ I \ h; i “ "~ '1 careful balance between the needs ”Mum" MW (“mm "who
a pig roast dinner, a foot race and a ' ,. , .. “W“ s 3 , . n , ‘2’ _ l of people and the importance of pro " t" P.” “3".“ m Wm" “WM hi!"
femalemudwrostlingcompetition. . . 4 hugs: f“ 3' .9? ’ "u ‘ ' . i tecting the environmait His Mon. b0?" 8 hum'llfltmfl "WNW" 04
'dThte fgod boothfwlgslrun bxylatiile gei‘s- .. ” ,° ‘ s ,9. ’fii‘ ' . , *‘ ‘. -' ‘J ti‘onhto puglic service and his (:ch on?“ ““9" 5 ”hm" WWW“
sers o omos . e ' " ' “WW" “C “ '" ‘ in sec tar'
piznrozstw dinner included barbequed "““"‘”“ iiiiniofrwilllxgbererrfiemyben-d '~ Wait. public 909'") \‘o i o. the
porri‘kshops’ baked b88115. chips and Jill Farmer, undecided arts and science sophomore. pins her opponent Michele Rogcrnia political science h Redigan said Watt infgrrned himiof QWSIwgiZfiifliii fights;
dr‘l‘lt’s' a tasty way to help the Unit— freshman, during the first match of mud wrestling held yesterday during the North campus ()ciohcricu “lime cifioi‘noifiu'fzig 5irl’nmng a te e and me “Wm” “M... hi- “I,“ M
ed Way," Thomas O’Daniel, electric Watt said he resigned because “so they hm‘ W" "W "W"
cal engineeringfreshman, said. uate, won for the closest pre-race as- “Our assistant hall director, T.J. Brahant. mathematics junior. said “our usefulness has come to an b‘m‘mp "zinmmw f“ ‘3‘; 413:“? ”‘
“Coca-Cola of the Bluegrass do- timateofhisactual time. Hester, suggested it half.jokjng]y“‘ “lthmkitshwsimagmatmn " end Hrs letter of resignation was ““931 th‘- "f" ‘ 1*“ " M
nated beverages for this event. “It was“ man that com ,_ Powell said, “and it just caught on “It's not a bunch of people run. hand delivered to the ornament at s "W" 0m" . Mimi" in
enough for 800 to 1,000 people.” Ste- itive .. Todd Switzez an agricultlilere andsnowballed." ning around With beers in the" P-"‘ A.- Wall's decision in quit (kw
ven Powell, mechanical engineering onb . 'unior stiid “That’s the hands," Klasemer said “It‘s just 3 There was no immediate word on mm we”. 'nvmmnmumu
junior and Holmes Hall resident ad- feicrst $2: i’ve a,” run in and it “I. think if guys can do it, we can nice get-together.“ Wall's successor. But White "0‘80 and they would no. “W“; m, d...
viser, said. “That really helped us was 'ust what it said it was ’__ a fun d0 lt."_ Sheri Klasemer. btsiness “We really appreciate the student aides have said for the past several riure
outalot.” run ,1, 1“??leth and computer freshman, effort toward the United Way cani- days that candidates included for pa
Jewell Hall sponsored a two mile ‘ said of the mud wrestling. “I’d be in paign," Clay said. “It hasn't been mer Sen. Clifford Hansen, R-Wyom- “I Will be sorry to on Jim whit
“Fun Run,” in which 18 pimple par- Switzer. a Hassin Hall RA. said there if I didn‘t have this cast on." that long ago that student suoport mg. J.J Simmons, 8 black Demo go." said Rinse-ll pclmm, pruu
ticipated. Mary DaViSr 8 junior En- prizes were donated by JOhH’S Run- Klaserner was hurt recently playing wasn't there. We appreciatt that crat. who works at Interior, and dent of the National Audubon Sucre
8115b major and Jewell Hal] RA. ning Shop and J09 30108118'5 Restau- football. when weasked.the students come Energy Secretary Donald Hodel. a ty “it is likely that Reagan will re
said Jenny Martin. 8 sophomore rant. “The last couple of yrars. the former interior Departmentofficial place Watt With a mm subtle
nursing major, won the women’s di- A mud pit was constructed next to Several who attended the Oktober- money the students raised has made The controversy was touched off interior secretary who could do
vision, Carey Zegart, a psychology Holmes Hall for a female mud writs fest said they enjoyed themselves it possible for the University to meet Sept. 21 when Watt told a dumber more damageina shorter time-
senior, won the men’s and Shawn tling competition. The event was “I think it's a nice kind of thing to its goal," Clay, who is also a mem- of Commerce breakfast that an lnte Peta-son said that Reagan "is the
Bay, business administration grad- sponsoredby Holmes Hall. do on a Sunday afternoon," Torn berof the United Way cabinetsaid nor Department advisory commit malJames Watt “
A TTENDANCE Brown praises dental school plan , m
. '.‘-y": , ,
at 5...... cm Theaters as: talks about education to scholars ~ ~ :3“ ....:“...." ,1:
332 . . . . V “I '0. III HUI-ill.
- :.‘...‘._._.:._.:.:,:.'.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:.j.:.311: By ANDREWOPPMAAVN merging both UanerSltla' dental Brown and the high ”hm. “u ‘mmn‘.
50 000 ' Editor-in—Chief schoolstosave money. dents assembled for the Governor‘s ; ' ' ,
’ 1977-78 Brown, who was on campus Fri- Scholars Program. designed for rice. {1‘ 'E “It“! “I” fl,
_ , Gov. John Y. Brown Jr. lauded the day as the featured speaker for the demically superior students in Ken. * ’, . g .‘ ' ' I I! dh
40,000 .W‘F‘R , recent proposal to keep the dental Governor‘s Scholars Program, said tucky high schools, that they should cut” m” '.', b
figflgfl‘fiflfgh‘), schools at UK and the University of in an interview after his speech that be proud of themselves for their MW} fl ” M .,
.egyéflzggél‘gfigg}; briuisville open, saying the presi- the Singletary-Swain proposal was achievements ‘ ‘-"’ ’3}. 3‘47“.” d.-- ~ “A"
30’000 M591" dents of the state's two major uni- an indication of “some compatabili- “School is important.“ he said gwy-g 2- _
'§:§§3:§:§:;:;:;:;.';:;:'.".":':‘.":':'I'I$2.... 1.35:5? 1982 83 versitios are communicating with ty that was very much needed “You are setting a standard and s
'§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§Eff33?}?EI3151§:§:§:§:§:§:5.w ' each other“as never before." among the leaders in higher educa- trademark for yourself that should
20,000 -5:g:5:5:5:3;g;g;;;g;g;55332355335553555555512.55:; «om tion.“ follow you for the rest or your life
IigigigEgigégigigfgigfgE;S;E;Eg§;§:§:§:§:§:§:§ [:ng grfifl‘ifi‘i‘, President Otis A. Singletary and “I like the fact they are commu— "I‘m saying to you today or your .4 my ,
10 000 §:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:f:f:§:§:§:§:§:§E§§§§§§§§::.4, Donald Swain, president of the Unl- nicating and working together as governor that you have a very arcit- i_-. n‘ fl‘fl'” = '2
’ 3555555333333355353355333333351553?'-."15131E3312111LT'::::::::::-"-'-Veflity 0‘ LOWSVHIC. issued 8 RI‘OPO- never before.“ he said. “The prob lng future." Brown said. "You talk E9“ ' it“, ‘h ,
2325:}:E:E:§:::§:;:555555555553353555:5:5:- 3333333333:E'§:§:E:E:E:5: 881 on Oct. 5 to keep both facilities lem of higher education is they 111- about the good old days But the s ivy-as , ,
'"3'35353533'31333331333333523$555,2- "F’113i3i‘33-3331323231' open in response to a P990" autho ways compete with each other. I‘m good old days are the days like 3’ '- «.3. "" 'hmoflefld
{3 Mr riled by the Council on Higher EdlI‘ glad to see a resurge of communica~ today that you face." i" ””442? ‘ ;.‘; , ‘ 1;; ,‘ff"
0 G cation. The CHE in July suggested tion." $«DIOWV,pagc2 Emotion-r -.
Source: John Herbal. director of sludeltscllvmes DAVID PIERCE/Kernel Graphicx d I] . d f t f I I b t . t
Student Center theater Rans e misse a e u p ay, ut not oppor am y
o o '.‘ " -' s? I , ’ By MICKEY PATTERSON lb cusp (k grace directly to the UK
ranks fifth in countr .. . ' . 1 . o 5mm «awn-nun
., ‘ ’ t A, ‘ ‘ " _ Unlike games past when Jenkins
mum... your“ “m: cm ... ' ‘ ~-’ ~ It 3' $3.2“; ammm‘: t: m.'....'“.mm"mm‘2
at nee to e sai . - -
Reporter hewouldliketosee. « , a. ’ ‘2; 9‘. ‘ nfi‘ positions in football. They stand on slight cmm Ranadell. much to
though ttenda f- “I have some market' We § _._ 1 h J ~ a , the sidelines, esga'ly awaitim their his own chagrin, dial't even see the
hat: droppedalately fiwgm working (It the “an?!“ “id. ‘ ’ -i‘ ‘5’ r 5 ‘ .4 ' .v b I '. -’ chance (lily to h “WW. It'l flay
Theater ranks among the best in “We‘re considering raffling off KKK I, Q, ’ 9 J 7‘ a lrtstrating situation "I“ C!" 80 00 ”I didn‘t 9"!" we him In 60W"
the nation, John Herbst, director pains.ni‘tfltliunwhiie we're gigolo ‘ ~4 - " \- ~ g for wall; ,- 0! 3:1 I m - fut-dell mo. "mil-ow w
of studentactivities, said. 35 imeter market can ‘ k n, - } 9 ”5“?" “M, - W M W.
“Few students realize that. for obtainawider rarigeoffilms.” Ii .t; g”; . o ‘ . ‘nlis type of situation has held true would fit hack in) like he s dine tie-
a cinema Warn run by stu- Last year's attendance was 18.— " "' : .4 ' ( , , ii); mil 5‘;ng W?‘ 33" ms": with timeto W 4 not
dents. film distributors rank it 000 compared to a peak year like i 3 ~ r ' ‘ Implayingl “Mug! Win his. rel - the "0 y “Wm . 1'3““
' ‘ " 1 ~78 'n hi , AW. _‘ ‘7 2* 5 ye" ' "a' mu "
“prim? at: top five nationally, ‘17] we1 lochfiorainmrevenue is his ' (f , v ' ‘ '2‘ lercoaster career at Micky, Randell was literally "'0'“ into.
5a.. A ‘ ' Ranadellhaaaceeptadhisroleam liai’sdenknowwntheaevenui-
“I believe it could go head to enough to keep the [rograrn - ‘ , ‘ D 4 . ranked def
head with any theater in the state, alive." Herbst said. \\ ., prided him-d! on was hi-‘mind .. Moi-ii noon '3‘”
hesaid“ Herbst cited other factors re- -——- J in the game even thraigh hes not livas very naval, Randell
“mt - 'ble ftl' an W m .w “ ‘ k " s playir', said. "I cumin oval thirt strain“,
me We more is our Spoon - . . t . ,
main problem," Steve Edelstein, thrice. “Many people have seen . . _ . A; But. mgr“! know it. ill; the ills". m Tn“: is:
chairman of the cinema commit- to cable TV and some people we Li.» . f 1 ,r; it / “mm he mind wand: ”ram “VI mfiwflflt m the “-
tee \of the Student Activities fertospwdtheirleim—timedot . “Hg «‘ some. walled, on I w or"-
Board, said. The committee is in lam playing video game." Resi- ‘ , 5‘ ' A - ‘.'-Zea" , 021 la. Saturday mg)! to No 7 «id tall to cairn down. but I was
mammmmufw deneehalhareinthepoeessof ._4 IMF-:4»- 1 ,. -» 2". M1 ‘AIIXI'I'I. . MWWMumlm
ahowninthethea “n‘n'ngfm-auem , g .a‘ _W .. 4 , -~r - - . ‘ , With three m left in the first attire.
filrmtobe ter. ' "i ‘ ‘ ~ “ ““ ' ”V J halfandAim UK!” Ramdallhadsomebasisforbetq
Promotion efforts for the the .Edelstdnated“GantIli (corn- on» ‘ P'f' 2.. ‘p ‘ Jenk'ms W Be a. m m had
ater include ark. four color poct- "VENOM”! )'IlmdtMIe- ,t “at; n- , » g . i lore mwmmnuzepm'm WW.” too m
”1.3.?” “ml ”a"; ammme .. oufindtmvt ' ‘ ““W ' ”m“ "M "" 8m 1m are d the insurable Walsh: isyarth
c.nitwio "The movieealenrhr ' lh‘zenlght Mike the M' UK quarterback Bill Ransdell scrambles away from AUbum" 0‘" nun-«Mair. at the M' b- All enlist! salt. Randall inali-
iOMcopla."Edehtdnasid. “min".mfi injured Randy Jenkins and threw for I85 yards on 12 of 2| at- m va “Hardb- P“. u of 2! PIC. (a m y“
' ' "’ , tempts. muwmw suing";
Q . -

‘ Continued trommeone
, :2 ’ J at. , Oneotthekeyelanentstosucoels' di " —
I ’ THE BOTTQL‘LQNEW r Resumes? ‘ E ' wngulenmyh-vetuaoumema. " mm '
7 7 _ 7 W“ “ e ve almostgiwnsh otdisci " chil-
3 , , , ,_ . a . A Big, Questlanfar. Yan?.. W , grim.“ . Wellmmtwanttol’noumplll‘bmqim '
6' :Vétzr;';00¥£;:wxfisu2 Get all the information }’ "’ -_ ,( niheqifltgnmfimolm m‘”' W"
M d 9d 9 e inthe 1 lleuidityotmgpeopledecidetogotosclnol,they
on 91“” [nadox “ . n . should so to class and work hard toward an attention.
THE PINCH Career Advancement Portfolio. . ,_ Making A's are as important as catching a football
Thursday available at gig, , . mmahdhave grown up with a bureaucracy of r
ARMAGEDDON (from Chicago) 5 x . .~ . 2min.“ when everybody is afraid to question the sys-
(Reggae) ' i- . . .
(origina' a Rock_n_R0”) . 1 f ‘- t - to graduate a snident from college?‘ No one could an- ‘
Saturd | - - ' swer. hagglet me ask another question. Has anyone
9! , '- . evera question. . . .
USUAFlMfiufiPECTS G2. JOHNNY 9 i .5 \ “minim sang no. amen-nan, “you .
( oc ) t PRINT ‘I . IARIAIA RICHIE/Kernelsut‘r amwm ldmsmlfikymmacy‘”
° - —T— . . s". W '°°°“°'“ ' "mm“
HAPPY HOUR. 3 1 Dally 9 . on snow . GOV. JOHN Y- BROWN JR- a primarily agricultural cornsmunity hi (fie centei-otimhin '
(All Night than.) (0)) industrial activity. Higher education, he said, will have 1°“
Well Drinks $1.00 ' 547 s. LIMESTONE ”he?“ in line With "w” techn°l°3yn t° adapt ‘0 “"3 itiine
Also: OYSTERS~.25¢ 25‘4“” 6 e» a c "8‘ Au
SHRIMP-(at our cost) _ ms no» in am i -_ _« ‘ 5 prov
shaman“ . ,1 245 students attend at;
Karolyn Kirby A” 9 “if"
Morehead State University DOMINO’S ‘i SChOIarS conference ihani
, , er
Student Association gee - Some of Kentucky's outstanding high school seniors ‘0"8-
Presents « ’ are concerned ab0ut the future of statewide secondary B“
TM anghhigherfieldéi’i‘cation. Poi“
e 245 ' school seniors, ho t' ' ted ' Go - “0 '
Q” A RTERFL ASH DELIVERS LUNCH WITH THE ernor’s Scholars Program Frid‘ii’y al’allif‘szere silectgd Cam
FREE DY KAT S frog; throughout the state for their academic excellence ’
an eadership.
_ I LA Dun'ngth‘ "ttoUK,th hi The
WI 'h DFx 2 ___________________ i‘al lecturaseiirndwseminars on 513mm fighting: “89
. # 5 UK the Commonwealth. from
as an opening ad for ~— m~——~r Among the speakers was Edward Prichard, attorney tackl
Homecoming 1983 l - I .0 V5 End gunman)? htigdPi'ichard Committee for Academic 32m
xce ence. 'c ’ h, “Ed t' d K -
2 <1 Loyala Marymount tucky’s Ifiiture," told shesgfscdents melllinlgnwzg nowento On
Thursd 8 ‘6— ':n of California coast tit: zany years of neglect education has .a- 3?:
cy- P'mC — ceiv In es e. ’
. Tommy Stratton, ' hi h hool hid t f 100‘“
October 13, 1983 0 am 12 ”0°" ' Tuesday ' October 11 Owensboro, saidheulase 51:; theg scislglar's Erogilalm 2:: M
Academic Athletic Center 1 UK Faculty & Staff Free Sitting mtgg‘" 55f” 2” the State is ”83“” 3:;
mine a o ' ' 't'
33:33“ 2;"; "Mgr-"v I M “affirm? aczgemcsmwwfimmemam '°" ‘° it:
n: or one... Q een c a y, a senior 'gh school student from ' '
Edg 00d, ‘d h t ' ed 5“
PUbllC WEI? 320.00. Concessions Will Be Open higg‘edcuiationsifofigsiirlizirgvogfiih‘cthe fizzéaahyytfig play
i- a EA-L-BE-A-L-g-i‘; _ HOME 8:") 3111;62:2- #83314 NEAYTIONAL $53081;ea tI mikngfigtsuacléy s dedication to education is not :1,
Tickets may be purchased in the Student As- I - I by_
sociation Office, 2nd floor Adron Doran Univ I The Specml “Te.“ deal." I / mum be! :
versity Center, The Big Store on First Street, I includes 3.12 pizza “Hm I ! TheSmart 213‘ A'Pha x. Dan“ A“
. . any 2 toppings and two 1 ~ -\ . < -
and the Musnc Den in the Trademore Shop- I 16 02. bottles of peps, I ’ MOVE! Nicholosvllle Lynn SPOOI‘CMOI'O - a s . rati
ping Center. No telephone or mail orders. I _ y for only $6.79. One I e3 '1”, W m Rd. ONGRAT t: J elite
Allremaining tickets will be sold at the i . . u) c°“°°” 99' pizza. , ' '93. ' PHONE' ULATIONS! ‘( .
door. Morehead State University is located I l l 2 ‘1 gustomeggiy’sageposn, I g ”y: " ' 1" Woman Chief JUIflCO ' “ «L. Sion
60 miles east of Lexington on l-64. I l . ,i i :1 wires. - I F tau” 276-5419 of v! v t \ first
I [9, , a g E Q Fast. Free Delivery" I L.) Prepare f o r J-Board \ '5‘ ‘ Fm
I “225 3223018")! Lex 0910" I E LSAT DOC. 3rd Exam In U°K° ”bio”! I I UK4
- - - — - - - - - - - - - - - ' CUSSEi‘FOmm: (3::593 s'." inAtijil
-. . .. . — 5 Keen
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' '9‘ '5‘ 20‘ ’0‘ 'o't‘ “’6
s .1 t ’4 Wk;
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0 t t t t
Health \ t; ’0‘ , ll ti $3
Insurance J N 4 lg t’t “Net
3 the 7 ’3‘ '3‘ ’l l we '
. e ms, 8 UK STUDENT GROUP INSURANCE {ti-“M1 {t1 9::
news DEADLINE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 18. 1983 {t :1 . g ,3 ,3 ,.
4 t , 1, e y )4
‘1“? if :1 $1 [ff/[[0]] [fill’ it it :3
l t a l‘ N
. if 9,: Lexmgton, Kentucky t: it
. 1 t
t A. O ——————————————————-——— :0 A. ’0‘
M d it . . .
Due to the act that the new insurance com any did not et the all )‘t '. ’4 Parents Of Unit/61's” 0’ KentUCk StadentS! H,“
. . . . p ‘ g t O —-————-—-—-—-—-—-—'y—-——'— :0 ’0‘
sunwster information. mailed prior to the start of the semester. the :4 g Alumni of University Of Kentucky! t. t.‘
enrollment and continuing payment deadline has been extended to :0. a ——————————""‘—' ’0‘ ’0‘
th-mhor 18. I983. ,: 9, R931 Estate [me-“013! if it:
t i o
To Enroll in the UK Student Insurance Plan: if: .9 ’l l. A. ll
_ .. ti '6' he ultimate solution for owner and occu- :0 '0‘)?
Pick up a packet form the New Enrollment Packets" sec- '0‘ h t 0d t 'l bl f h f- 9. fl
tion of the pamphlet rack to the left of the elevator at the ’4 h . pan ' ' ' apr ”C: now ava'a 6. or t '6 "3t .. )‘t
third floor of the Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Serv- t’t h time near the UNIVCTSIU’ 0f Kentucky In Lexmgton. :. :0,
ice Clinic). Follow the instructions on the packet. The rates )3 % Benchmark/Atlantic Company, the nation's t: tzt
are on the back of the application form which is part of t.‘ a leading developer of university-oriented con- i. l.‘
the brochure. Your application and payment must be 5‘ ‘9 3‘ d m- - t t 130 - l. g. l.‘
mailed in as specified on the application and MUST I! f.‘ '6" 0 inlum opal” men s, announcesa new fin" l. '6‘ l.‘
POSTMARKED IV 000.“ 1.. ".1 t; 3t offering, Brighton Close. Scheduled for Fall 1984 oc- t. i;
if if: cupancy. preconstruction reservations are being t. :0:
To Continue Your Participation in the UK Student Insurance f: it takennow. :: ll
Plan (formerly Blue Cross/ Blue Shield): :0' '9: TWO bedroom, two bath Garden apartments and :0 ’6‘
t t 4 N
If you have not received information from the new insur- f: "a two bedroom. two‘ and a ha” ba'th TOWHhOllSC ’. *
once company or if you have lost that information, pick up 5‘ '0 5‘ apart ment5,are available, fully furmShed' 'nCIUdmg ’. l:
a packet from the "Continuing Payment Packets" section :6 '0‘ a” aamnes' at $69500 Nathjng else to buy!90% a it.
of the pamphlet rack to the left of the elevator at the third ’0‘ '9‘ financing is available to qualified purchasers :0 ’0‘
floor of Medical Center Annex 4 (the Health Service Clin- :t' ’6‘ .f ’9‘
ic). Follow the instuctions on the packet. The rates are on :0: :0: .0 if.
the back of the application form which is part of the bro- ,f. ,f, l’ :4
chure. Your application and payment must be mailed in as yo. g, MW m "mm, by CALL COLLECT f. 3’
specified on the application and MUST II POSTMAIKID ): t: 3‘ @mark Atlantic 0(6067)0276.5:,7i :: t.
m , n a a 0
IV OCTODII 1.. 1m. :é 3: [08 Stone mid. Suite B, lexington. Kentucky 40503 pe ys cc :0 :0.
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3.32 Last year UK kept Auburn out of the endzone, but still ’9 ‘ ‘ __ ,. ' ' " }.., \in» 'i» » fut: k
rill have lost 18-3. In a game marked significantly by momen- . 1:1 ‘. / .. . \ .' an n. .w ~ w .L..- . .. . .
t to the turn, the Wildcats could not keep Auburn out of the end- ,, ., f" , f o ‘ s. ,- \ I e w .5 »-:n.- .. w; «_.. . ‘. _.. i i . .
zoneenroutetoa49-21lossSaturdaynight. 3" » » M5“. ( ‘ .i ‘ A, ,w ~ ., 'tw rat-w.» »: {Tot .u... < ;.-\ - .'
Auburn head coach Pat Dye saw a marked im— we “I "" ' 9 '5‘" Li: um: t l'.‘ . - ». . . ,,
g provement in UK over last season, but he was also ”i! "“‘ “ _ ’ 3st. 9&0} ,1 -_ , .mr r ”W .i's‘. .-: mgr: . n . ~ a. ' . ,
glowing over his team’s devastating running game. The Ira . .' . ,v“ 75:33 - _J‘ ‘ __. lbw in ~.i a. art-1 admin-i... it it. s. it". . .
Tigers rolled up :34 yards on the ground. although the - * fa ‘ .13”: ‘ 3%“ ., ' ’ ‘ ; ' til-x! '. Y‘i..t-.n'h imam.» \gm 9, t.
leadingrusher,BoJackson. was“held"t063yards. reef Egg,“ / ‘ 4" 3:3 l 1," '. ,. . ‘ name, ...n swam 1.”. w - . _ - ' .v
'e “There's no question they are a better football team ‘ , .. {a} ,1 . fr; . ...;_L» , s55 4‘ ' «fv " . ltd: .g. . tinny.“ .I,.,. W. . A. .. .. , ,
than a year ago," Dye said. “We may have been a bet- , "‘3‘ 36.1" - w“ 399‘ . ‘éfi‘gw . 53%;, .» - . ”Hm. «1 I’w amt
ter football team tonight than we have been all year .,f‘f“?i , . ”‘3‘ 43,3 tad-nip. ‘ . .3, ‘3'" ’ ' \,,.- \ iinstt\,\q~ .-v,.. -. ”_.. s .5 ,t ..
seniors long." I 5-3;; I‘: y" 1":7’.‘ I. III a" .,Ir'h ‘1'; i“... s :- a .' M .ii‘. Chinllu'l‘tt l!.l“. 1.|',.:I 3,... u , . . i . I
condary But what was the difference ina close game and a m ,ffi'axfia . ‘ » 4:5,... s {“33“ J ..‘ . __ , -. ‘ - a .55“ I. ,,I. .. :3 mm, in. », i~--~"~ , ., . A
point game? They were the unexpected performances; _f“. - hfi’ffifi’,“‘s sHI‘,-V‘IT 11,3: ~»“ .» ‘. ». ' ‘ i--. \ .2 n: it.” mi:
in Gov- not by Jackson or sidekick Lionel James, but by Randy . . 1 AN " ’29; “3995.334 ,J :5, 9, “a; ‘ $7 14‘. ‘ v '. .P I" l"'\ we iws m .' 5w" " «- '
selected Campbell,ClaytonBeaufordandDavidKing. new r: . ‘ 'j .‘ ,1 "xi _' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' - ' .. \i'il'la" “~in ,' .. x; » ._ w: .s - l-‘ ii..-.
:ellence Beauford may have been the biggest surprise. collect- a5 ‘ 4"“ as“, 3‘.- L. ' .. - j , .* ' vi». ..~ t..n»...i.-:: e. -1 in.» “a: i...“ ‘. ii- , ,.
ing 53 yards on two reverses from his split end position. m‘ ,. “4°; ,. , - ' - ‘ ”‘ x . n-z ». a.“ willing e.» um. in i ‘l amt» ;\. _.
rd seve- The 5—11 junior took a pitchout from Campbell on the ,g "I y . .. m If,» ,5,» , ‘Ig,’ “Ifrs‘ ,7 , ' ' K . ‘ w . .‘ \i. 'llik utml ilii". v..\.« a n. ,.,. -, a. g .
ation in ’I‘igers’ second possession of the game and sprinted 1"“ $5‘t1'49'I W 4;",I;:-.,,,s“ ...‘. '~.L.§‘2'b;fla ‘4 ”’;fg,"_"" ' f 1 ruin“? and my l mum in» .mr .i . '- .7 ..
from the UK 38'yard line to the four before being «“33: «$4., ': x: .. " f1_"'a.sm‘“1i° ’ «1.1” v " . " fit. . ‘ ‘ ' I“, (f x '9‘ ~ :~. A". i‘ tllllllt!1‘|x.l\111;j lrllir l .i5:;lil-t :‘mnt {1 .' L
ittorney tackled. But on the next play, Jackson scored the first i; “a, 7 ’1 *3“ f,- .{:m “g. ’ .s. I___':II~‘_‘ ‘_ ~‘-. , a..-" II " II d ‘ ‘ ,., . ,, Mm”. w“ ,,., .I, . ., ,I, . ,I .!, I
‘ademic of his three touchdowns on a one-yard plunge and Au- .NNMHW,‘ . \s'l‘tw'lil lliiw-nl z». NW, ,,,, ,,_ “It,
d Ken- buanhzidthtiearlyleatd. l l . th f th te Auburn quarterback Randy (‘uiiiplicll liirns Uf'flcld iitlci gelling il blotk lli‘lll tight end it! \\ : l k “ " \‘ll‘ll'l‘ l"s"'s""t' 3‘ ' ”“4"“ ‘7 '
MW to names an 8X30 repay eary m e our quar r, Stac Burrell. Cam b H k n; l‘ ' 1’ "Cl ll . . ' ". u ; 9 w , ,, ,I .. .I iig! '. i-iiil till .i H mull l0‘\l‘l\l‘ ki‘i'in'i fit m.‘ i. :v. .1!ll‘.|.l .
has re- Beauford swept down from the UK 20-yard line to the y p e u i\ 1“ Us iii t in mg M ligii \ \\l\hb0llk ilii kiwi-1 _l it it; .. k lv. 1i llHlll‘ III, ”N “N ,Im. H, .,H. JIM h” .II, ,I‘
one, but once again Jackson scored, and the 35-21 deficit wt .1 again girl . ind-i inn. lull «AH-nan.” \
n from loomedlargerat42-21. _ lld' \.iill lil' ‘~l.l‘ .iliil‘ in vim l'\f‘l\ min: v: '.,- ‘,i. x
,m was Momentum was a deciding factor in the game and .241,- wnmi \Nr tin-lk‘d‘ n. ;.i..~. ‘ '9. ;.,.,...- I.
begin- was definitely in Auburn’s favor after King stepped up . OSS mum win.- nun-l: ‘ilt‘ll‘i gm: im n.» ., .
ition to and picked off a Randy Jenkins pass and sprintedI40 im- plan-d Hill-1‘ q’lldlll'tthtl k\ t ”mm;- within.“-
yards untouched and suddenly UK found itself trailing (‘ominuedl‘rompageone |‘..! \Lixlilnglul. and llllllul \im» \i..i.. ‘.\.' . “in“
t from ”'7‘ ., _. . ~ «as ribbing tor w \.iiwt~ on nit: timid" 1.! u: may.
ry and After UK cut the Auburn lead to 35-21 on the second and a touchdown despite being sacked a bone crushing and Wheeler outrun the Auburn (lt‘Yt'liN u l minim- .. tin: or mitts and \tn tat-m . » .' .-,.
nytime play 0f the fourth quarter, the momemturn swayed back six times by the colossal Auburn defensive line award scoring pla} \ ..i ii,
”5 not in the Wildcats‘ favor. But that momentum was short- Ransdell received his first college degree a bit early “ll was a pass we had llt‘xlgtiml a.» fir! vi..- \ nun, \ .mi _.gi. .tmn 4A. tlir \i..i-..i:..i y... ._ 'i. o .z i- ..
liIved when “Little Train" James showed why he is con- at the hands of an Auburn front four that. at times. «cutting across the middle: 1 just twin-d to it. lllillllii elm titl-iittwl itn- \‘Illlt'df‘ ::< , inn l k . .. .u-n, \Lll'iil'
Sidered oneofthe most dangerous players in the nation seems ready to secede into the National Football and saw Mark,“ Ransdell said ’i \\.f\ mm.) "in. it.“ pLiiisknhl‘l .\. III-l mm .n. \. u m ”in. \ o.--,:
by receivmg the kickoff and dashing 45 yards before League. Hereafter, the Elizabethtown native holds a dc» got there, I saw a linebacker coining tip uni-i, l :liiisa goals that was the lilil\ gain. or TM )l‘l. i .iz:.;....,~i.
being stopped by kicker Chris Caudell. greeintheart of getting sacked Without getting killed the ball but Mark Just madea great run that iin- “at High-x .ini n..i ,. in. .. m.“ mint:
, . “They (the UK coaching staff» Just said to stand in Ra .d H d .t .d (“K .. l l I ~ t lm- uni lla- «i in» f'livt‘ trim-v ll ,- .- , - I h ,
Auburn scored seven la s later and the Cats 5' - .. ‘ n5 9 ”9‘ ‘ t” " “mm “”““""‘”' ”“‘ ‘ I l ' ‘ ' " \'
rations for an upset and, page among college {magi} there and throw the ball. he 531d "“19” (IlefenSivc lint: ning late in the third quarter on Ult‘ l'h’ it “it! lllll' H.- l>lllli .iniiir .iiid LN \mi ~ Am the i...“ at v... ' am... it
elitewaspostponed,atleastuntilnextweek. :vsasI real strong tonight. they put a lot of pressure on Eompmm passes to (:IlIiu-r IVIVhiteI (iv o looms, ,Hni ,, ll.‘ VintI itn- iIiiIlltmIi-k i‘ lln- kl“. 9., \lllilil! tin v a la»!
- . 180m: gaining 27 _Var S lot 0 -\ii itirli fllll‘ ‘vv .lll‘ l’l