xt72v6988z65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6988z65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1981 1981 1981-11-11 2020 true xt72v6988z65 section xt72v6988z65 ' ' e. '-" . E V . ‘ , . ' ' , ” it?! i“~.~i2-;’?f7‘32.3“.’i’t¥3‘:9Wit gll’voi'li Hi:
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Todaywillbemuchofthesameasthe ~
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‘ —————_-——-_—_——————_———n—_— "I
. E Vol. LXXXIV. N032 An independent student newspaper since 1971 University 0‘ Kentucky 5
Wednesday, November 11, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky I
‘ v . ‘2 '; “wwmmm ' . _ _ ~ _. I II H II I II— 7
E , -- 3-. ,{Ezgig‘fi' W Mtg 3*: . ~
l ”£913 ~ : EH E 5‘3“" n "89%
-—-———-— upatleastsomeofthedefidt,the ,
, 2x523?“ swtg' president said he will not decide that
‘ issue until January.
’ ' ——————— The president also signaled there
i ‘ WASHINGTON — President my u soy-n9 changu ahead in fig
' .. ' Ream said yesterday the Republic Medicaid program, contending that
i / faces “hard times forthenext few levyinggchgrgemumewmmeme
‘.‘ i o ,, ' . months" hit VOW“ to stand fast W1 Mam mydiscourage “ova-me,"
3 . , ' ' - hi8 acorwmic prosram and veto any Health and Human Services
: ° , ' i. , $1 ‘5. . bill that exceetkhisbudget. Secretary Richard S. Schweiker,
‘. , 4. j . ~ 9 . .. w .. Reagan, assailed by Senate under orders from Budget Director
3 e. ' "E 'E .. ”X . E l I "i“ g ' Democrats as a president promOtiM David Stockman to cut S billion from
. , . 9 ; i0: _ the “Hoover borne-lee that proepeiity his 1933 budget, has suggested cuts of
‘ ‘“ ‘ a , "sh »- “ is just around the comer" said $2.9 billion in Medicare and seoo
. * . ' E ' " recova'y would come by spring or million in Medicaid to the White
3 "M . a ‘9' summer. And he shrugged off those House.
' . a" erities as politicians dying to blame Reagansaid they areoptions hewill
‘ , ~- ~ ..... ' ' himforthemeostheycreated. corsider,buthepledgedtomalresurc
; " 4 . ... >_ _ 8 . K 5 g r _ 'l‘hepresident, inhisflfth nationally that they would not “hurt people we
“15%" 0% 3M " - _ . ‘ ,_. m . broadcast newscmference, conceded don't wanttohurt.”
‘ dill“ r? {a ‘ Q. j / . . , -, . . ‘ it is unlikely that he can meet his goal Reagan complained that Congress
1 ix. _ ,3? ,. otbalancmgthcbudget by less. has not yet sent him one appropria- .
“5“- , ' . ’ ' g t: But he said he was determined to tions bill for the bookkeeping year .
f 3 ii . ‘i, ' . p . ’ . i? f;- keep thesovermnent headed toward that began Oct. 1 ~ and the money .
», or ~i' , ‘ . i ’ the elimination of deficit spending. measures nowpending would exceed .-
l age,‘ ~ - , EEK . . saying it "th stiffen its spine and spaitliligtargets. , '
f e‘ 2'" , .- -. g . . not throw in the towel." llotise Majority Leader Jim Wright, .
«r T On that score, he complained' that D-Tex., retorted that 11 of the 13
‘iederal spandinsisstill rising far too regular appropriatiom bills are tied
I. rapidly” despite the $35 billion in up in the Republican Senate — and
i budggt Gill-S 8mg :l‘fifl' in ti: the two which have not already pas- .
i year yConsrees. pmmised edthellouse are being heldupfor
. ByFRANKSALVINO/Kerncl Staff veto any bill that exceeds his spen- White House comment.
Up In Arms dins targets and “abuse- the limited “I stand ready to veto any bill that -
resourcesofthetaxpayers.” abuses the limited mources of the
Members of Kappa Alpha fraternity and Delta Zeta sororlt do their own ren- art of the “Ni t at the Oscars r am held last at t. For more lctures 0" a” ““3“ Whey “m" Ream mymt" ““8“" ”‘d- “1‘ is m“
dltion of Grease. Although there were no Travolta's or gem-John's, the llind astory tumsro page 4. p 081' Sh P repeated an earher cm: that that those who Md have us assume
group did receive a standing ovation for their efforts. The performance was stirred an uproar m Europe, “m blame for this econonuc mess are the
heslill thinks it is possible that there oneswhocreatedit."
I I I I might be a battlefield exchange or Earlier in tile day. several Senate
Program honors Depressmn essmg n... m n... on... W... m... a» m...
8|0bl|l war. tion of deliberately deceiving the na-
Andheinsisted that despitereports tion about the economy. Sen. Ernest
By ALEX CROUCH Clark said. “Also one of my pro- of years. When I left Iactually never graduate school, history department ofdisalrayanddiscord amounts top Hollings, D-S.C., said Reagan was
Arts writer tensors at Ole Miss (University of expected tosee UK again." and library assodatcs, the Karmiclry foretell antidefeme slime-e. ”l‘bere pursuing a program that amounted-to
Mississippi) stimulated an interest in Clark went on to Duke University Historical Sodety and State mum-y is noblckenns or backstabbins going the “Hoover nonsense that prosperity
_— *— history. But l’d always hada littleyen fa' doctoral work. After he finished, and Archives, began with a sym- m. - .Wearea veryhappy amp . is jllt around the corner let wait
Thomas Clark toyed with being a forit,” however, the Depression had closed poslum team-mg comments and Reasan 881d he’Wihlld dill” until until Spring." _
lawyer or an ensineer in high school. “About 1927 I ran into the up the job market. scholarly ”pm, January thenbilllm in tax increases And Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo., said ’
30‘ he Chile history imtead and chancellor ofOle Miss on my beat as “His coming to UK was the only Over lOOpeoplecrowded intoacon- ”d ’2 “.1110" m benefit 9““ he had W's program 0f_ cutting WES.
worked at "I“ discipline {‘1' W8 50 reporter for thecampus paper,and he blessing the Depression conferred on ference room on the 18th flow of Pat- sought "“3 year, but he “"1“ “k 00‘" raisulg defense spending and MG
years. homemade UKhistorypre said he’d just seen Dr. McVey of the the Bluegrass," Otis Rice, history terson Office Tower to hatch to the Ems to make M effective In 1838 ms the budget.“never was gone to
{388% University of Kentucky. He (McVey) professor at West Virginia Instituteof symposium. Mary Hargreaves, 192- ““83” added that he still “’0“- "lsn't 80198 towork.“ .
“1 srew lip with old Cordederate wanted a scholarship student to UK Technology, said yesterday at the history lit-steam, presided. “Clark wantedmwmmywm Reasan_achiowledsed thathissoal
. veterans in Mississippi. so there was from Ole Miss. So i went as a program honoring Clark. represents allthelrindsotscholarship 1? Wt N“ In Wilhelm W- of balanemc the federal budget by
an ““308! in that part Of hlStOl'y" mduate student and stayed a couple The program sponsored by the UK see “CLARK"onpage 5 mglflthemmmw- 1% has become “an unlikellhood '
, Noting that his economic program because of continuing high mflatlon.
I hasbeenineffectforndays.3eflsan Hedeclinedtosetanewtargctdate,
said, “You can’t cute 40 years of prO- sayilu, “I don’t think that jlst the
' wasn a blelminthatshort time."Buthecon- balancing of a budget could jmtify
tallied be had set the foundatim for any means to attain it. You could
‘ recova'y in 1%. always balance a budget if you put it
- I ' ' 'nloughsomeofReagan’sadvim outhebacltsotthe ewithtax'ln-
An eyewrtnecs account of the countdown of scrubbed shuttle mission snmsmorsssxssm W W »
, -————-——- Columbia, and the launch Will be the shuttle would be used “not as a said, “I see (the shuttle) as feasible. Ex Mini" head
‘. By HUGH J‘ FINDLAY unleashing her W81 force here. weapon, but as a tool toa weapon." If they'd get the thin in the right 9
j 3990"“ Partial cloud cover grams He mentioned the possibility of set- hams. Private industry, that is. _
i ._______——. 3 mm- We enter Y pace ting up satellite lasers in space, You’ve got toshowaprofit." II t I I
one one Show on w... i. y... as -.. is... t. a. W. n... i. with... .. WI no appea remova
Editor's note: This commentary about 8.000 spectators 0n the west them up there? The shuttle. There's government circles. Even though . . .
was written by a student who was pre- concourse bank of the Indian River, a one W right tl'lere." Presidalt Reagan’s budget cuts have The mblhve cost of legal fees, A report by a national committee of
seat at the aborted attempt to launch much better view of the shuttle than Sefcilt said he thought it may be us- not hurt NASA — the space mam 810"! with bans cleared 0f charges of scientists, which was released by
the space shuttle. it is an account at fromtheMerritlsland Bridge. Across so as a mass emit system during fared better than any outer fade-a] defraudihs the University of Ken- Sligletary Oct. 23, praised Huberasa
the feelings and reactions of others theriver, theshuttle shinesabrilliant his MeMe. “It’ll be your his to the agency except the Pentagon — the tucky W111 keep _Dl'-. Gary L. Huber scientist, but criticized him as an ad-
who waited In the early hours of the white. nearest space platform, to the newest future looks shaky, despite the fact from ammmwmum‘ ministrator. '
morning onlytobedlssappolnted. The A direct line to Launch Control is colony, which is feasible tlley say in that each timetheshuttle flies it costs tor of the UK Tobacco and Health Charges that Huber had defrauded
launch has been rescheduled for 7 broadcast over a PA system, inform- thenextmyears.” legs per my“. Budget director David Researchlnstlhite. . the university by overcharging ion
. a . In. tomorrow. ing the buzzing crowd Of a problem Jim ”Moonshot" Moore, 42, of Stockman wants to shave $387 million In ' 3m by The WWW" ""0“ moving “9811508. and tampered Wlth
with the liquid oxygen tank valve. A Paducah, Ky, is a UKalumni. He got from NASA's 1932 as billion bticiget Huber said that an appeal to the UK researdl data havebeen dismissed by ‘
f , Wedfle'dly. NOV-4. la-m.0urfil'st few minutes latertheproblem iscor~ his nickname from working on the and possibly more for ImaMlm. board 0‘ mm would cost an Fayette County Commonwealth At-
view of the Space Shuttle Columbia is rected by slowms the pump. No Apollo ll as a launch team member. Elaine Latz, 42, of 'l‘itusville, Fla. ”mulled 90'0”“ , . ”W L8"? Mr and “Ye." “.m
from the Merritt Island Bridse. scan- delay. Allsystems Go. ' He said “011cc it gets in your blood, whoworlrs for Rockwell International UK presxdent Qtis Smaleiary. who ed inappropriate and malicious [by
fling Cape Canaveral Air Force Sta- Scheduled to launch at 7:30 am_ you can’t get it out of you. (The shut- in configurations management, has announcedHuber sf‘lrlnglnanOct. 23 the. scientific commlttee which
tion and Pad 39A where the second EST, themissionisslated tolast five up) is the mag: ambitious m- Wmmghume mtg, NUDE 0‘ the bound of trlstees ex- l-evrewed Huber.
launch of the magnificent metal bird and-a-half days with Commander Joe ing theworld has undertaken.” Moore As a weapon, sheagreed the shuttle “mm" with”: 33'“ "N Huber The amount of money um Huge,
will occur. Eagle and pilot Richard Truly to land compared watching the launch on TV has great potential. “Any ofour space Ndbztfmngmufx 0:13 figured a,“ with form, mum dim
Spotlights spray the Columbia as the craft at Edwards Air Force Base and actually being there to being on vehicles—satellites, shuttles—could mm . Huber has {id thtaythe Val Porchay are alledged to have
she stanth in wait and up throw: in California Monday, Nov. 9 at 8:40 the rail gt Keeneland and seeing the be." As a tramportation vehicle, she would Elm"! the “all to the reca'ved illegally was not released
whatseemstobeahalf-miledclm am. PST. races on TV, “It’s an unbelieveable said, “That’s what it's supposed to aim“ Lemov tak the but SUSHI”. in a letter to Huber
' and night sky. Scores of sightseers The launch is a critical test for experience' be.” mutt; intothe a Haven e 1”! month said that Huber would
are here to view this historic ascent. NASA. The first launch. Apn‘l 12. pre Moore said he would like to see the Laura and RH. Howell, oz and as ”The “mm“ ,3“ amW-ad_ umke mam“. ., to the amount of
They line Up in campers, trailers, ved the draw on the blackboard shuttleasamilitary weapon, but “not respectively, are from Davenport, minisn-ative in naytune and I no which is righu’uuy due the Universi-
tentsandincarswheretheyspendthe wouldwork.Butthissecondflightwill in the near future. 'lhough we‘d be Fla, and retired. They have been to relation to either ‘08“ or scientific ty.“
nisht. Anxiety fills the area allowins pmve the purpose of tliose blueprints foolish not to take advantage of such both shuttle launches and said they mm "sud Singlet"), He said According to W, Hm pm.
little, ifany,sleep. — a reusable spacecraft capable 0f technology." He said recent problems feel tbatasa military weapon, "It's a that ”w“! w” dismissed for an “un- ed two lie detector tests, and
Securityistigllt. Guard boats crawl carrying cargo into space. If it goes in the Middle East were a possible gooddeal." satisfactory administrative Mm cooperated in taming m his finan-
. c throughthelndlan and Bananarivers as planned, Kennedy Space Center gmdtowu, “SHUTTLE"!!! :93 mm" cialrecords.
‘ ‘ swiveling inteme search lights and will be launching 19 Shuttles per year As a [m u'allsport system. Moore See 9' ‘
.. dashfrombanktobankofthega‘ysu bylm. The is! erish . I . - I
they spot anything out of or- 3:30am. excitement ev f d Id II t h
on. mew-momma» Jed Smock m 8 war unw: mg 0 c ange
1:10 am. Mm fuel into the 11- malt ordinarily passed away in
quid oxygen and liquid hydrogen slumber. Some do try to sleep. But _ tual community. tied-ins should be outandboldlylreacbedthemel. anything...butthen-uth. .
tanks onbothsidesoftheahuttle Mmmmdwmfiw BySOM'TROBINSON bueduthecututoflhvim.“ WhenwetatlfyasJesudlduthe Kme'vebeulacct-edddsplay-
' begins.’l‘heywlllpropelltintothe onbychildrenenjoylmachanceto “mmun‘wfiw on hisstyleotpreseuatlea. 'nle apostlesdld,weflndthewu'ldlalm- lngselt-righteounaaflowdoyou ,
I mandmofpartlcularconcernto stayupallnidlt. __7 presentation of those views Is the willingtochame.'fllcywanttocm- mpond? g,
Shuttle hunch antral. for the Our companion and mentor, Jim “gunner“ ital-net's aim. tinseln their sin. It‘s malty of the iszotlr righteouneu is not of cell. ,
Medina of tile-warm” liquid- may Setcik.m.dCIe-mter.l"le.-ttend- lut: You've bscnacctised ofslandsr- au-lsusn to expose sin (reed John Only God is righteota. Ronni- tell. 3
h'eecerainontheoutsideskinofthe edthetirstlaunchflesaldhethmmlt Nm;mmdmmm it; passer-shy. making up Bible is).(l!youdothlsltheworldhstes mthatthcelsnonerlghteoummnot '
. . traveling evangelbtJed Smock. who “.mwmmm yet} one- 0: rigbteot-n. ll in JOI- ‘ .
May’s-ammo.“ bydeclaflngltinthewayyuldo. trodbasalwayssentmelaengu‘ M,andltlsllethstwewantto . .
I 5' e “madfiemmm,h You'vebeenaccuedolcondsmfll' whulslnabounded ln a nation. mt- ; _ »_
intended as a M: [m arbitrarilyandnotm“bmth¢- M‘reslwaysmochedandnjected. Andantrecmtlysaldtonn.”lhat 3 . .
Ma- et the views be ex- lyleve.” llwdoywdetendyour Anhaputl-iuMmmoeked. siblotsyourcrutch.ldon'tnoedyou~ l - ..
Columnist Richard McDonald recalls the 1975 homecoming when M m I. . Ins “Mu. at- M‘! numbed, W. NONI. and Blfle. [can make it flu in my m.‘ ” _ ,
. moles entered the homecoming queen contestant! were threatened with m. JO: My w my scan my “My mm became they Manama-mum. . g. ,
- violence-Subunit mmhnmflnmy lull-ml in lighutv‘ofdmary ammonium-humane mglueummamyamabJ ‘ ' .
mm'fl-fldfly evangelismdn scripts-th‘s . sml man, you” .4
. amusement-ea: mm-hhm.mm WMbmWM'W duped-um God- _ , ;.¢_~
s l s v is t ‘9 . 3 l
‘ E ‘ fifiuh
I 2' , "-13.
gt . . , , .0 w-Wm...mw . ‘ 1”me ‘V E " ‘ ' - E ' 7 ‘ 7 ‘ 3‘ 7. E I. ~ ..r ~ 7.“ mi 5 {'33
. t’ ' ‘ ‘" “w" ""‘""‘"" ’ . ‘ ‘ ’ : . . - . "- . , .s -. * g‘ e. ’ ,, if; . i”, “let. we
~ 7 ~ . 3‘ 3‘ 2‘ v i 7. iii-‘tr-I‘ir’fiii"
. . ‘ . » ‘ -. , ' ‘: _ -*- ‘ ”95‘1'3‘9’3t3‘ ire “‘1'me
' ’ \ i . . ‘ ' ‘ — ' ‘ .. . . . - .~ ‘. . - r '- .~ test??? “21;". isms ‘3 ,2; .-
. ' . it , . . ‘. ' for .2311. .' . » , , ‘ . ' . ‘ - . ,» A." at. *‘ ' .« he ”EMT-“2c: 2:.- * iii “their: ‘-
. \ ‘ .. .. 1.". ‘ ‘ . o g ‘ ., .' . pagan-elf" . . . .‘ . ,. ' a . < . e

 *I‘rgfiflvnfifirigiatfifiwt; r. , .. : . , ‘ . A" "I y‘ s, - x 'a , . .' ~ _ ' , _ ,. niarupr‘t‘vv ”xiv", .‘ t Tip"; ) v 5 .' ‘ , ., . . - . . V ‘ , , " . 4 M , 3i"). it)“:
«that .. - :. . ‘ ' “ ‘ ,5 - = r “ . r - -- : a -‘ ~ . . , :,. . _ 5, 1 5 5 t.
’1 ; 3,5,};51" A ween..-” .. .4 _. m... man.
go 333% ‘
:stg‘it‘ffié'; ‘ . —’“ * '"'“ ’ *' ' ""”"“"“' ‘ 5“ t " ' ‘
I . Bill Stride“ Chris Ash Pam a.“ AnneCharles Lilla Wallace M.Chandlerlella 7
. ‘ g . Editorinlhiet mm“... mm J... 3". Harris Spnrta Editor Enurtainnwlt Editor Photo later '
’ * ersuasw - .. “at“ ‘
_ . 5 : Jam "ltd ‘ unimaba mm“... Steven w. mum Lealle Michelson “9'5““
_. Ame-W WW * 09> Copy Editor Asa-mot Sports Editor Assistant nourishment Editor M W
_- Kernel Ken Altinr mam
.1 ' 3 Associate Editor \eus
J, . :5’ ____. . _..--___
, ; 3 I I ° ,
t Student Center addition puggle®
:i - - You I w it“ at
: . . . . . BREAK
_ - ‘ When Italian architects designed and built when they decided to build the annex in the T M ~. 80 ac l
.-: . 'the great tower in Pisa, they had no idea that it first place. More forethought can be called for ' I, 3 I ‘7 In ° ‘ ’ A l;
I ' would lean. Likewise. when the architects at but it’s too late to plan the funds for the IX lTu : ,'
,:- _ .UK designed and built the Student Center am building when the superstructure is already , 5,: l ’ ‘,' .
: .nex they had no idea that it might not beused. moan at ' as on DC
, : But the fact still remains that the tower does Either way, the bookstore will probably be / as},
j_ lean and the annex may not see much use. moved into the new building and at least , an). % I
. : Rising interest rates and a lack of finan- students will have a chance to see what their ea 8 . . , »
4,. cial resources has drained the original increased activity fee has helped to provide. ,1 We ,
; ~ operating budget. In 1976 when the project was No plans can be made about renovating the old / its 1‘ ,
: initiated, UK took out a loan to pay for the bookstore for student organizations to have a / ,fi in§.vfi{W;_,-,fim qt. g
: bull‘ mm at 7 percent interest. Currently, the place to “hang their hats” until the economic __ “xxhfishétfigiehg tithh’ttvc, " t
. . . . . . 32:22; 5 :3: ¥fig¥$§afiwxfi$ .‘fit'h- fi‘z‘K‘sh: '
. interest on a temporary loan is between 10 and Situation is known. ggggga- ,_ aegtsggwgwggg -. . 5 page? 1
. 11 percent, and UK’s business office isn’t sure Drastic changes could take place in the fizf"‘:,::fi,,,,. 1 3:13;???" 33th: '
‘ what the final interest rate will be. economy, money could flow a little more free. t” “ 4*
. With a prime lending rate at 17.5 percent na- ly, the prime interest rate could go down, or ‘: é
tionally, more and more of the original funds state revenue could increase. But the chances . em ;,,.;.~.§;_g-,ggz.z=~- “m" ‘3‘ e
are going toward paying interest imtead of of that are highly unlikely. Most probably, the , + Alta
financing the operation of the new building. economic situaion will get worse. g at. , .......:.2==.==s'~.>. W, -=::-::=-‘( ..a~
. This could mean that when the annex is The annex will probably not be completely 33$" ’ V \
completed in July 1982, most of the space that used for some time. The “one chance in 30” of / V i p ‘
was considered “necessary” in 1976 will not be the annex not opening at all could become a , .:
used. If, however, the General Assembly pro- reality, After all, Kentucky is used to r x f
Vida additional funds W the annex throush loneshots- a... . <
“was“ appml’mms ‘° the University the But "0 matter What the outcome. the ~ . a it
“needed” additions of office space and a new Italians survive with their leaning tower and .- ,ii‘c .
cinema could be provided. UK will survive without all the added benefits 6 I 5 / ,Rt _-.. l
Planners of the annex are “unsure” of of theannex. © W to}
what parts will be opened and when. Ap- If nothing else the building will accent the
parently, they are more unsure than they were flag plaza. _ I _
. . , . . Sen. Hatfield now ill position
Remembering a different era 8 attitudes. ,0 wk W. .
w implementing
I h ' d ' ' I ' ' l
_ ma e omecommg can [dates faced wo ence cuts Ill Reagansdetense budget
The news story was brief and light. just because it has traditionally been writes: “The ova-indulgen' t lici-
> 'l‘hestudents at Danville High School awoman's role.” ty that the Kernel has been gagin- Sen Mark Hatfield, Rm" 3
had elected a male homecoming " e e g e e Appellsays,“l’mnotninningto ingfol-tliedisglistilig,so-called‘gay lumtmemmddm m i
queen. slap the face of the university. We community’ , _ _ could cause rapec- m- Ordinarily, this would . ' 3 . l
“All I really wanted." the paper titude—takeastqiintotheunknown manonsezdstcontcstmnditlrim, same people to want . , , n i. not a five the administration as much '
quoted homecomna queen 'Mark —get out thereand campaign for lthinkitwillopenthedoorforalotof quadonoftoleratialfitisaqueation NWBWEW‘MS'MW Hatfieldthinksthatanadditimal
”Smasfim-“Wasmndew whatsuapemnsoodam «human-Sanmhastodoitflrst ofprotectingan'socialmoresfrom Amy “8 mmmm'md‘w minimumolszhillloncanbealicod
topotacarmtheparadedownmam toheboineconurgqueenanyoldday theinroatkofasickminortanthe “Wk"m- _ byloppingottusmlllionworthot
- Street. and to set to walk out on the of the week, even if you’re not any “I’m sure i will be discriminated lower animal kingdom, such N009“ them dltfdvm- public relations specialist, not to
“mull fisld Iillst wanted t0 prettierthanthebacksideofGl-and- against.lwon’tbesuprisedifalotof deviates ape rudely eradicated by from WW3 90hIt 0‘ mention a as million helicopta
upsettradition. . ‘ dad’s m_ peopleareangry, but it’s my right to their own species. Human society view,ofhavmga quublican Senate that can't fly, a $15 minim rattl-
. Whlle Preston W85 upsetting tI'ti_dl- “Who knows, maybe someday, run and I don’t think anyone should tolerates them — in their place, ‘5 that Hatfield, the "w“ m” system that doan't work and «to
hem ".' DallVIUe. he was stirring somewhere, someone will put a bemadaboutit.” obscured... dove in tlle'pesident's Mi 1‘” llistorianaandmmelnncuratua.
M0"? (0': some people at UK- paper bag over your head and say: Oct 15 —Cary Junkin, GSC presio “Sympathy you (homosexuals) become m oftheSenate A? _
This umvemlty once had a male ‘Smile, you’re our new MW MLWMIWJHMM may get became ya] are sick’ hit mum Committee, whee 1! He ‘3 “30 hill! aim Ct an “x
homecoming queen candidate. He queen-person.’ " hours since annolmeing his can- recognition as normal and natural? '8 In an excellent P081500 '10 d0 M31034 bomber.
wanted to upset tradition. too. What Oct. 6—TheGay Student Coalition didacy. has received 2? harassing No, until hell freezes over. This is MW ‘0 the ”0‘40“" m- ”
bedld. Instead. wasputhislifein asksthesnidentSenatetoendoi-se phonecalls.fiveofwhich tllreaten lilreaairingatriendtopunchbimselt mmm- _ mmhih‘w Winn"
dangerandsetinmotionanasty itsdrivetogainuniveraityrecogii- luslife,thatofhisroommateor inmmwhflemavuywhig hatfleldmna‘samwotm f fumo‘mmm‘
chamofevents thatwereanembar— am The Kernel 5W Gx’g ef— Junkin’s. One caller identified walletcoblow." 810ml prayer breakfasts, ll Ee- g“ desk with an “Mm
mange-It to everywns 2: university forts. lt declares in an editorial: m “gulf“: meg): of It: Nov. 24 — Josie Dunlap, an arts “36% "“8“ rd”: w ”emit”
shoal represai. ~...llthesuident5enatedeniesux mt n, a 881 wall and sciences sophomore, sa ina 3“ "m" 3“ 0", ° "‘ .. accola- and
Scott Amen was UK's man who gay saidems support, it is nothing slmt Apps" if he showed up for his letter: ya wmtfms ”m ”' m of stemmmguggm: 1
wwld be queui- His story shoddn’t shortoffascist.” candidatglntervleW; “Scott Appell is leaving the Swami ’ “d h‘ my “1 We are weakening our ethicatiai l.
beforgotten. _ . Oct. 7 — The senate paces a in addition, 5m ”Y3: several UniversityofKentuckleehasbeen {M policy was {W in h“ syatem — they want to cut the I
Some people main question that resolution in support of GSC. In an “with“ mm m wen forcedtoleave. Hehaaboenbarrau- MW- Fulbright program in half; we are 5
mm- There was the WW editorial oommtulatim the senate. tackedontothedoor “599°11'35““ ed, provokedandthmatened beymd AN'VY officerinWor-ld War ll,he endangering health care
Whamtheflmhtoftheevenlsflm dieKcrneltakesnoteoftheopposi- mmfmmmmed endurancel-lecannotstepoutofhis waaamongthefirstAmel-ioamto tramportation resotneemanage: 3
3M Appell's hid it? become tion to the resolution. “Hopefully, miderthedoordurimthenight. dorm, eat a meal or go to class enter HanoiaftertheJapaneaeleft ment.Whatwe'areaaylngiathatwe 5 i
lumecohnnsqueetwrotemaletta' suidentswili neverburnmat on. lG—‘l‘hehomecoming eom— without fear thatat any mommthe ”d “3 mud“ “m H” C” cantetltdetcrioratebecameweare ! ’
totheeditor: “Who but woody Allen “may; mittee votes to exclude male can- mybeapproachsdandattacked by mm W“ 1' '1?“th W‘” building more bombs. out if we ‘ '
culldconceiveofsometlnngsoutta- Oct. la—TheKirwan dormitory didates.Driversayshemlderim hrationalpeoplewhofeeltheymmt calldbeafnend. Also, ”Ffm don’thaveaatrongooonomyanda
ly luthm 8} the notion thlll thtfl‘e cameil announces the results of a starting 1881 action mttllecom- protect themselves from the subver- himelf among the "m“ in strong people what is our natiaial
. mahmmwhocwldove door-to-door poll conducted on the mittee. siveforoesofhunoeemality. inroshima—heknewthebombhad security?" ’
a shit" about the hornecormng mg Senate’s m_ It found 31, Appell says, “I’m really disap- “How can intelligent collqe raved his life hilt wondered about
ween? peopisoppmeamtnemoluummd pointedlwon'tbeinthecontest,butl students withanimdentandingol thew“ ‘0 "mm-Ind” madam-newline
Mm7Pu’hapa.'Buttlieex- gunman-11.9mm. think some of the hassles will justice allow tins travaty to as film“ 1°“ ‘0 the W" a" nmeklndot“lllmltl~”umm
trane behavior to which we will dent, who helped m the poll, stqi.”lle reveab tlnt thiring the perpetrated? lam aaharned to W‘VWWWM- they made, to little avail,
rated to u-ulate somettnns _as says, “I don’t feel they (gay weviom night he received more saylamastudentalacampusof mhwwmu‘mm WWVMWDW“
trmal the election 0‘ a WWW students) arementally fit.” threatening calls, including a repeat such close-minded and W POO- Illei Well he “wearily” Opposed.
000151—memeth Octu—Nomalannoimcethey eallfm“Bill,"whotoldAppellhe ple.lamanbarrasaedthatAppeu he'l’l’hellfthe"trlclcflaw"iritiur' 'l‘heonlyreaaonanyonemight
oursdvea .— from change goes are candidates for mm hed“aiemogec|nnee," mudemeW forelmpollcy:“thenotion ...that flylflmflmmthlseradlncreaa-
beymdludimlnaoommmntyof taleeli.Appell,amemberofGSC,ls University officials chance AP- judloeofKenhicky thatwehave mansuperpoweeanaanehow ed, M M W -»
Weswedlystnmforttuth. wppa'tedby theFreeUniva'sity. poll's telephone number and con- Wkedwlmtomte,__Ap. mmmt-formm- Whmlum“
: ltlsbothhjishtemnsandsaddemns. naryinriveriatbecandidateotrbi dduelvtnshlm-ometypeotspecl-l pdlhaslostnothinginleavtngux_ WWQWW "'1“- “d “Wm mwvh‘
__ So bee in Scott Appell's story. We AlphaDeltmalegalfl-ata'nlty. protection UKhaaloatita “will" cultures with ever more hit I W chance 0‘ IIIHII lt 5
.. oanlearnfromit. [five a”, “ltliinkitwillbealot Says Appell: “1 expected a little W331i“? gator. We IM-
u_ :. o of fun. But ”My. 1 m it may trouble, blltnottOthlam." Richard McDonald la a aeoond-year are y ha “I " "Id allla -—
1 It was the fall meats- of 1975. to be pointed out that men should not Oct. 25 — Herbert Harry Billions. medical student and former Kernel ht embraces this notion, but ”congrats who‘mfhtl“II :1:-
2‘ The atmosphere of the UK campus he MW in m m an ethicatiai graduate abident, mana‘ln‘edmr, becameofourstahn '1 theworld'a «mhlffa'aim'omlflh mm
~T “match-reed“: W'de'“h"“ latheirhaaiugainsttheadatlmal
* 3: A“ W“ 9".“ ”'3 5" BLMM COUNTY m '3?“ "q'm'a'm‘ ‘° "' domestic cute demand by use
\ _. StudaltaCoalitionmrlglnallynamed mlneit- NM ,3 a, m d p...
,5, .; theGay liberation hunt) was conti- Wlft’ FIX IT Wt wlrt .vouk m DID you . mac: W, at “1' W‘“‘ W ‘1‘“ m ‘1' been w“
i" I; ailing its efforts to become a “Wm, $302:sz wfiwuémo ”R W? 1. 55min? RACK Hatfidd. When asked in an lntc- '
_'; momiaedsuident organization. lna FIX ME A ' Mdomy pup; mm mm ' - ' gfifiofif‘figggg‘g viewwlth Middle Eastenapecialiat Hatfield la in diam now which
f, 7» case that attracted natitmal attai- / I 'M new. SERVED. now. m I/ more 3075 , Trude Feldman about Him»! that he can tell a“. who
it. —' tlon,theU.S.ethCircuitCtln'topr- STEAK. \ " 2 ' o ‘ w“”m'h°wm"fl° m
-. / ;.. a wlahtoathibllllanformpo
,, .paalanilodan-tngthcannmerthat I n -.. “wwmmm-m mailman-immune
:3- ii'um‘ymmmmm /?8 “(n-AS ’6: ‘ 71? AG AQ believeatheworldwouldbebm mountain-item 3
ii :. manmmmm-d \\ ‘ .- 3: a ‘ f \ l‘ M olfwithoutarlm." m
lg - lemony-om. ‘ s. . . \ a» f . NF.) ’ ' ,-= 7- Almost any othe- aenator, pm ”at
' I.‘ TheERAwaaafrshtopiclany -, _ ‘.' -‘.H" ,“ “5‘ dallarlyamanbcdthanrwly
g m-Mm_sflumm — =— ’ £2 :_: J E -. ;-T—~B y...)- ”'1‘:\, WW.MNW.t “fawn“. mw V
; j-itwulldhem. ,2: I.’ was “gm e76 5. . "' l, o .3 .. ‘ themathathewaaaclaet Amd"mm5.
_; The lam 'Wufll activist" ap- h ‘ i 2 .II . M. ' Iii .ii : ‘ “.! inflated dlaarlnc. Bil Him mmdhwuh
' :pliedtopeqileothclhanmanbu'a ’ “ ' Mashedforlhreactiumeued habowmtbm
‘ ;at the Your Denoun- or Your: sum-thwum- W Dani. liatllold will in-
. gm: h d m by Bel-lee Breather! i” I M“ II a“ famflmthathaean’thvebdh. .
' 'MJIKOMIIIWM, Hruo’nvnmu.’ ”SSWWNGW , l. “I"! m mattu. Th. m
- ' : editorials and lattes to the stator of "“5 5,033,”, mm“ “W“ W" m rm“ WWJé‘fimm, Mt h- m or II- mu“- mmmhh: «$1.:
‘ ~ - “K“: M ' 1M 10” “WONTW'T MUM...” M 9 WW... ”lib“
_ Amplmmuonume “WWW-457W! wrumemm wmr. memes WWII” «amt-MMIIII
,._ - septa—nemesis. mewme... mwghflmmfl't’ mm. / MM" “WWW-“m“ mhmhtmhfi
:aaaidvot-toanumai-touc _ / "V5 “Y I am ‘ monuments-manila- Mm.umnmd
“‘55,, :tha M cps-l cult-t. 1‘ / -- / cutalnceum- film mumm,bua
élgt’.‘sts¢é :w m ”3 I‘ll- l_ i ”A ‘3'. . ' ”Lg ,_ “Mammal-inch NHBMMhh-b
n :M an: "lam penile acct-a it . 3‘9 ‘ '. . b . - “1, mutational-emblem ”3";
new , (to cue-t) «mu-in. llatia . ' i ; Y . {fi’ “I Mfr 0' W all"
' a .la-ownbu ladpodtlvehad- ~— ,- , . 5' " " - . . WWII-WWW communism
5‘s SWIDMafln-a. . . \‘i g -\ ‘ ‘ ' ‘53, /'k “a, shin gird I?“
. g 3 age. "—0-” Dev-y ; - ‘ *- —=-= ' -‘ “I“ “I ill. 1" m “can" won e m at."
. ’i :wvanaaeulaeafl-Jat'a I &: ‘V‘: , . , . mumumm hr mm M M a. *1
1 g ,p . quit sad usual he * ‘ “'" “ ‘" ’ hMUK‘l-MV- ~ weir.
~ . A24, t u U l, ‘ ,i . , i
. 5 ~ . . , , WWW??? .. ”is a. “lites t out : “W” ‘ 3 W‘s ~ " . '
. ’ figazg‘, . 5 [3335“: a"; lx7yiriigéh;~1§f:;%%fglfi‘ggugfaijrhg’coki'yttffgt‘ §§$fig€§f§i§ xjtgéégrggvijégfigt’?&fingf‘fifig‘féqg ». V i . ‘ 3 ‘ ’v .: fitflfrtés": f L, ’ “3;“! .r a ‘ Ll . _; . _ _
‘ . ' '. ~ , t" ”he?“ twigs t ti West @333 W . 5 .. ' ’ - t“ ' ,, . __..
- ' _ ' - . it. ‘“‘rt,l¥%a.§ . ' .. - . , . . “W :1 : rs
' ~ ' ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' . fl ‘ ' . ' a. - 1 heme. r .. . ., 5 ' .5 ' . = We

 no ,i . , , 1 h : j;-.;~,i.:_.:r‘ 5“:-.-;f'.i“.;-'~§i'?§;3’7iilii."“£' its";
‘ ' ‘ ‘ '. . . ‘* . , .. ‘* " :5: , : is ”soft?
‘ E I I ammo-www.mwwveaaum ‘3‘ “Lamas. . . 4 _ , , . ‘;L U V‘» V. ' Ev tau/ll"; [W'ujt‘ggéé’éif
. . , _ . .e. .. . . ".495!” rag“
\ ism
. THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. Novembgrg‘lfl-mlW-La _,.,_ _, _,____ g g _, .____--H- mm, __ Jail
__ I, “WE—“‘h—w E 3"}:
- 'news roundu ”" " ' "
l -.__._.c__.___-_.______,*mweflflflflmm..- _ .__-____-_-____ _ _
l premiums written in Kentucky yearly and WASHINGTON —lnflation at the wholesale 3 . '
1 Sta *9 amounts currently to nearly $40 million, accor- level bumped upward at a moderate 6.8 percent t
dim tostate police. annual rateinOctober, with auto prices speeding ‘ . - h ,
_E DOUISVILLE —Thirty [SD-soaked stamps The fund is set up to distribute money to in- ahead but food and energy prices fallilu, the .
, confiscated in Jefferson County were not con- jut-ed workers. pay expenses of lawyers in con- governmentreportedyeoterday.‘ ,2 . . E
2 nected with any schemes toinvolv