xt72v6988z3d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6988z3d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1979 1979 1979-09-17 2020 true xt72v6988z3d section xt72v6988z3d i
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Vol. Lxxn. No.21 l 2 “film‘s: '12::ng
Maggy, Segue-bu, 17, I!” an independent student newspaper ' y
. as - . 1- '“ a,» -'s ,‘f" ”’ "
Season ’s opening football game *ftigsgeissg‘swgr - «,4,
. is“ 1.. '1‘» " '.
l l 7g 1‘! 1x1 ,‘ bras, K 1}; . {y J b . .
a series of typically crazy events was. « .. . ~ ..... av - ' 0 S EXIST
ta'fv‘” law ‘? ‘ . . “. 7‘ is .
. . .. 3/ «. e m ‘
By JOHN CLAY didn't need to see the game films. said. . . . .1 t‘I . 3‘ . . . . . ‘
SP0“! we. “There was no question about it (the “That‘s his P°tht 0t "CW." Reed ‘ ‘ . " ' 1" . f 2 ,V‘ _ _ . s‘
clip)." Reed said after the game. “it said. - 'I 5"” " f 5 '1" ' - f I. . ,i. w” » -
Afterayear‘sabsence, if anyone had was flagrant. right in front of us. I After scoring. there was the two- a, o . Ir . -. . 3 .. " fl - ,
forgotten just how wild and wacky didn't know if they would throw the pornt conversion by the Redskins. ' ) . , . .
college footballcould be,UK‘s season- flag or not.“ Hauck. not known for beinga runner, ’ t t. “I " . * V ' it "
opener Saturday afternoon against But hey, that was just one play, and ducked his head on an option play and “ . . . f . 9“; . , . . mduates
Miami of Ohio gave the 57,800 at although ultimately the most dived into the end zone for the tw0 , . f . \ , 2” ‘ V,
Commonwealth Stadium a cruel important. there were plenty more. points. V . . I ’m ,W V-- a . I , a! , M .g .
reminder. To start things off Miami, “It was a sprint—option and the w ' h i) . . , 4” - . By JIM CAGEY
UK coach Fran Curci knew the supposedlythe more experienced team defensive man went straight for item” ' .-. , . VV . ‘ I) " ' ' .. 1‘ Reports,
ingredients for lunacy were there. of the two, fumbled on the first Play of (running back Mark) Hunter. so fora " i- t” as W _ 2.
“We're going to make some of the the game, setting up the Cats' first second there l just thought of Miami m ' ' a..- ’ This lstlteflrstlnathree-part series
_._.__——————— touchdown, Pride." Hauck said. “i thought “will 7- {257'}; . " 7 % 'Ei _ of articles on (In college-graduate [ob
. Then there was Mike Shutt, whose how we had come this far and we .z .. " ' .. . " market.
commentary unintended bounce passes to receivers deserved to win SO ljust stuck my head m g I I5. ’:" ”a . . . >11"
—-———“————— through the first three quarters would down and went,”said the fast-thinking w. . ,. _ jinggjgi .ft ..
most glaring mistakes you‘ve ever seen make only Joe Hall proud. Then with quarterback. WWW ) ' . . M a , . z “The professional job market is not
just because we're playing freshmen," time running out and the Redskins up Hauck had already surprisingly ‘ fi’eyuysfzfi‘m 1 I ., ’ 2 ~, 5 too crowded for new college ,
Curci predicted before the season. by one, Shutt magically drilled bullets made problems for the UK defense by . ”MW/9% - ' 'I ' graduates; some areas are just more
“But you also can see a lot of things to wide receiver Felix Wilson to set up riddling what was supposed to be the _.,_.I. ,2... 2w%{{%%%9 . , competitive than others,” said Harry
happen that shouldn‘t happen that are Jones‘ run and the official's flag. most experienced part of the team. the t b .5 *v it . _ _. . ' Jones of UK's placement office. ’
good, too.“ Thenthere was the interference call defensive SCCOndaTY~ Of course, that ' ti fitfigfl‘” 5 ” We , in his optimistic appraisal Of the
A "it Of crazy things happened against UK‘S GYCS Motley that kept happening W35 JUSt about par for the 0.. ‘ V 315 it” 1 tight professional job market. Jones
Saturday afternoon to Curci and his the Redskins winning drive alive. With day. g yhfiéenggfl i. -I__ " ‘HV said jobs are always available. A
Wildcats in their heartbreaking 15-14 a third~and-nine on their 48 yardline, But it was a day that Fran C urci and s ' WWW;,§W.IW 6% :3 ’ . graduate's greatest obstacle in finding
loss to Miami, and in the end the good quarterback Chuck Hauck tried to hit the UK fans won‘t forget for quite V.»”’?t.,e V j ’ . a job is his own lack of confidence.
outnumbered the bad. tight end Tom Parrott, but Motley awhile. - . . ..,/ x . . .- a; DON szyMANSKY/KuneIS‘m “A person seeking employment
However, the ironic part was that batted the ball away. Only one Asked if he had ever had a more must be able to identify his own skills
the mistakes were made by people who problem, the official ruledthat Motley bitter loss? Curci replied, “l'll Senior tight end Scott Peterson rejoices _ for the moment anyway — and aptitude for alternative types of
aren‘t supposed to make errors: the hit Parrott first. probably have some in the future. But freshman running back Chris Jones' 12-yard ."m for the touchdown that jobs," Jones said. He told of a recent
veteran players and, in the opinion of “i know that penalty in front of me I can‘t think of any in the PaSt" would have put the Wildcats up over the one-point Miami of Ohio lead. The psychology graduate who was hired in
Curci, the officials. wasn‘t interference. That was very And that is where Saturday‘s game officials ended the fiyfisecond premature celebration by charging the UK the computer science field. “This
Curci questioned a number of the well-played defense. 1 thought,"Curci is now, firmly in the past. team with clipping. young lady happened to have 20 hours
officials‘ calls the most important of , , s of computer science. And, by virtue of
which came with just five seconds left ' this minor area, she was given 20
in the game. UK halfback Chris Jones -' recruitment interviews. l8 job offers,
had crossed the goal linefrom 12 yards 3" _ and was hired in a short time. She
. out with what appeared to be the ' " simply hadn't considered the
winning touchdown when, from out of 5 «6" possibilities outside psychology.”
nowhere came a flag and the Wildcats / .5- ; 2647;, . Jones, who assists in developing
were charged with clipping. I . I I; @&r .. UK‘s job recruitment programs, saida
" “The whole damn thing was " f ”' " (:19? graduate must go beyond naming his
criminal,” Curci said afterthe game. “I . b 3'“ \- \’ ”“ng major in identifying interests and
think we deserved to win the game.“ . V > it . i as “ {53‘ goals.
Later he said, “I can't say that we had X -' c.“ ; ’5’ V $33 Jones said the individual who
the game taken away until i see the a _ . V demonstrates the communiution skill
, films." Saturday's game was one of raised ‘ ' ' M v.” ‘ it” - ‘ ' to determine those goals will find the
""’ Curci went overthe films andto him spirits and dashed hopes when it ‘ ' ' -. ‘3 job he wants. -
it was a horror flick which deserved an looked at least twice during the game , ' ‘ . , ‘ . ‘ “Communication skills are most
R rating— for robbery. According to as if the young and inexperienced "V K _. , ,, , .l‘ . - - important in successful job hunting,“ .
the coach there was no clipping. Wildcat football team pulledavictory _. V . 9 ' 532;. .. . ;' Jones said. “The most common ,
And yesterday Curci said he was away from the thought-to-be-better he,“ . [i] I- gag, ' lintz. g ' complaint among recruiters who visit -
' going to do something about it. On his Miami Redskins. Torn Liston, left, an 1 I ' ._ , a. I ' . .v - " i 3 this campus is not that a college senior
weekly television show, the Wildcat accounting freshman, and his friends ( 5: ”it, 1“ . . Vv . g ' " has 3" inadequate background in his
1 mentor said he will ask the Jeff Moll, a visitor from Louisville' ‘ ' 1i x j- - i V , t. field. but that he lacks basic Skills in
Southeastern Conference to fire the fit Collins and Philip Moll, also it t ' it _ 3 . speaking, listening and translating —
official who made the clipping call for freshmen, raise arms in celebration * V \I 9 I ,, Iii-VI ‘ a skills that al’PtY to all PTOtCSStOhS'
being incompetent. during one of the game's exciting ‘ ~ ’ A» V ,fi 4 . “There are plenty of jobs if we take ‘
A UK spokesman told the moments. . a. a. ,_ , i '. ‘ h:“\ : off our blinders," Jones said. “We
Associated Press that the official was i t. . . .. l i ' "'11 i la? t h. don‘t examine what jobs are, and we
linesman Norbert Ackerman — from .. '. g ' . .2; ’ gist: . use our words incorrectly. Students .
guess where —— Knoxville, Tenn. ‘ . , ' ,. ix. Ij ‘; "‘ _ t, . should learn to market themselves as .-
Of course Miami coach Tom Reed 3, DAVID McCREARY/Kemel Staff Continued on page 4
Faculty committee to h I UK ’ Rhodes applicants
By KEITH WELDON concern for society and athletic interest and achievement. This is why the committee drills the applicants on various thSt 0t the IICSSOhS at Oxford are Id°h° 'h °Vh°‘°h'°h° . .
Reporter And the applicant must appear before a Rhodes questions. The search committee may ask the applicant to d'SChSSIOhS With faculty thh students papers being read to . .
' Selection Committee which closely questions applicants discuss the relationship between Shakespeare and science, the ththtIitOTS- . . . . . . ,
University of Louisville‘s had a couple. Transylvania about their academic and personal traits. for example," Betts said. BCttS 531d UK is typical ofIlaIrge universities °h5¢35¢d Ithh ’
University had one two years ago, and UK was honored And after the grueling application process, only 180 are UK‘s faculity committee will drill the prospective SPOTtS- “Many [NSC “h'VQt'StttCS place 50 much emphasrs 0" . ,
with one in 1922, 57 years ago. selected to study in England and just 32 of that total come scholars in order to develop this skill. Betts said lack of this sports that thIh YOU think 0f NOtTC Dame you think 0t '
. Although requirements are stiff for the two-year, all- from the United States. skill among UK students isthe major reason the University DIES" Phelps. . . _ ‘
expenses paid scholarship to study in Oxford, England, Betts established a committee of several faculty members hasn‘t had a Rhodes scholar in 57 years. Betts said he t? workth hard" to bnns some or the Q
- Raymond Betts, head of UK‘s Honors Program, thinks an to prepare UK‘s applicants for the Rhodes program. "At UK, there is less emphasis on oral delivery and “excrtement back tht° academics. . . .
institution with the size, faculty and facilities of UK should Betts cites several reasons for UK's absence of Rhodes presentation, less discussion in class." Betts said verbal at"; m the Chd he '5 at a 1055 to explain Pt’CCtSCIY why UK V
. have more than one Rhodes scholar to its credit. scholars. participation needs to be encouraged in classes and the doesnt have more BhOdCS SChOifll‘tt- I .
To be selected, one must show not only academic “The Rhodes committee puts a great emphasis on being University needs more programs to develop this skill. “lt‘s "0t a reflection 0" thC quality 0t edklcatton at UK ,
excellence, but also strength of character, interest and very articulate. The applicant must be able to speak well. The Rhodes program searches for that quality because i'm "Ot 5““ exactly what the "3350“ are. .4
oday————————————————————— .
there isa“lack of precise and reliable information concerning information about the hydrogen bomb were published h°t'hh' balloon stitched together from bits 0t nylon hhd
state the risk to human health andIthe environmentthatiIs posed by yesterday in a special edition of the Madison (Wise) Press bedsheets. ‘ . . V . W .
the generation. transportation, treatment and disposal of Connection. The group, made uP Ott‘VO tamth” “Chthh two Chltdmh I‘
DEMOCRATIC ; industrial hazardous waste.“ The letter — written by Charles Hansen, a computer escaped th 3 l2-rInile,I20-minute fltlht th't Chit“ in N'tht‘ I: i
GUIERN ATORI AL V I, . y Both the federal and state governments have not adequately programmer from Mountain View, Calif. figured in a West Germany 9" "“1“ from the border. Th°“' leader. 'h ’.
CANDIDATE John Y. .1 5 addressed the issue. Brown said. “I will insure an aggressive Saturday night ruling by a federal judge in San Francisco, “ItPhth‘ thCChhh'C- told reporters thIey hlId prepared for the
. Brown Jr. pledged I I V. IV“; program m do” a“, gap and put forward an effect,“ who issuedatemporary restraining order barringthestudent- trip fortwo months,sincetheyfarledinthelrfirstattemthuly I
yesterday .0 “close the t a; program. . . I . run Daily Californian of Berkeley from publishing it. 4- . . .Iy‘ _
Ill)" which exists between I V f 1' ' . 5. Ia BIroert said It ts essential that producers of hazardous waste As published in the Press Connection, Hansen‘s Ill-page The mechanic, Wilt? {Shed thlt none 0fth¢ItIf namesbeused,
. federal and state . . ,3 . - a? be identified and “expected to provide information about the letter is about half technical information on what he says is “td they “Cd t0? Pohtmt reasons, because It W noIlonger ‘
. regulations concerning the I5? _, I / : wastes they produce." how to build and trigger a hydrogen bomb and half social possible for “ISItO he to 0‘" Chttdl‘eh”'hd Pt" “P thh the ,
\ 3 handling of hazardous ' ’ " .., aha commentary on the need of the American people to have the 1’0“"cal C°h¢htl°ht "1 El“ Gennany. I‘ ‘
wastes. _I , .i a information so they will understand the weapon‘s destructive it w“ t’t'hWCd to be the first ttthc "t“Ith‘ft used ' .3
ln . position paper .. .-. na‘flon power. balloon to Icross the closely patrolled border, which Is strung ,
"M from his ' . The letter also complains that several scientists have “"3 Stuttlgt’dntegffiuthd“std-M1: . th 'ddle fthe " -
‘ Louisville it _ . released secret data related to the bomb and have not been “h“! e 'l . ° c t Iren " e 'h c h“ ° «
I I Dr own t "mzfilqifizfgi Vizt’ri'fmelsjesmzi‘peyopie'f}gtliofpihgigucrhiidrfrf‘iigmy: prosecuted, while free-lance writer Howard Morland, who B°hd°"- 'h l8-square-foot “'0" plate, lhd "ht huh“? ’ VI .
. . the Public's concern over small and overcrowded fishing boat in the South China Sea. I wrote an u-yet unpublished article 0" the bomb, “d others around bottles of I“ M to fuel . fire that heated arr mt e i
i the management of such Navy spokesman reported yesterday. working from those documents have beenthe target of Energy 5,230~cubtc-yard ““00“ .
Wastes and called for “a The 7th Fleet spokesman at the Subic Naval Base north of Department “m“ th
‘ : complete regulatory M . Manila, Philippines, said 26 children and Ill adults were wea er .
i {nmfiork and a ’ it aboard the 24-foot boat. It was first spotted by a Navy patrol w 0 fl d ~ -
C 8 I IV ' . ' ' ‘
I III ":0 thalediml';.::dr:: JOHN Y "tow" I" 5:: that guided the frtgate to it Saturday. the spokesman CLEAR AND SUNNY WEATHER will continue “I the
i the “M" ' ' EIGHT :xsr GERMANS, INCLUDING four children. Bluesrm ma today with hishs mIthe upper 70" Tahiti". . ‘
“ t I Whtt‘ many Kentucky industries need and depend upon a A DIAGRAM AND THE COMPLETE text of a floated through the night skies over Germany and across the cool temperatures are expected wtthI lowIs tn the mid-50s. . I
. .t stable Mnrdowwu management system, Brown said. controversial letter that the government says contains secret “death strip“ border to the West yesterday in a homemade Tomorrow should be partly cloudy with highs near 80. ' .
. i i
"‘ -~ ~ 0 D d. — O s." .““'""I"" ’ ' '” " ‘ ". ' ' f ""‘.'>% 0 o-ro-wn-v- o‘o‘**w0-u—hi W4)mlc.ww.u< samnfit-a....“.-mp. chute,“ (“mane m.,,.,.\-. ~“‘"'“‘m"¥‘ia‘d"““/‘iv“w"“" so a» - or» was .p "r, 4v . ‘ ' . i
r . a \

KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel Jay roe-m Sim Mun! Mus Green Tho—s Chet Gary Lenders
er 6 Editor in Chief Campus Editor Tee. Young PM Mull Eniertainmerit Editor Director of Photography
Associate Editor I“ W
Cary W“ Li- Don-rd (1“! “(Cu John (by David May-rd
Managing Editor Editorial Editor Copy Editors Spam Editor Photo Manager
0 O “In lid“
edltalals & ccmmnts Assistant Sports Editor .
l ‘W h t
/ I I ' / the,
\ Wildcat Band’s artistry helps :
”uh/(VI t UK,” .
I a] ‘ h -‘ W t
turn football defeat to triumph await i
(1.7+ W M. -\ 3 3
it was a sad day for the Wildcats Saturday band in step. but their music actually could beheard in JK ‘
afternoon. The clipping penalty called against Jim the upper levels of the stadium onthe students‘side— ' '
' Campbell stifled the victory yells of the 58,000 fans in even though the band did not play one selection in our ”1 . '
the stands. and destroyed what looked like a happy direction. /_ I; it. . _
ending to the hFSt game 0f the 5.5350“ _ Why the decision was made to play to the alumni / - 3:; in. i; Vi W
There were several COhITOVCTS'al calls made during section and give the students a “backstage view.”we‘ll hi3 % . \ l
the game. ht" if UK had “’0" those “”5 would have never know; still. more of the students paid attention \ \\ C Wt / ~» . ‘
been described as “fair" by the fans. Despite the loss. to the halftime showthis yearthan in the past. in other . ‘ . . l _ £3. T
there are several 300d things you can say about the days. a spattering of applause from the students was ‘ _ 3" , "I, / " 'Q ‘ .
game and one concerns the halftime performance of the best the band could hope for. ‘ f '. o i J ,g ’\ i * h" _
the Wildcat Marching Band. S t d ft th _ 't fth t d t . p. ri'if.‘ -' I . . I . ~ \ \ [it .
Before school began and during rush week. the a ur ayta ernoon. e majori y o e s u en 3 it i‘ Iiiit'tit'w‘ I \‘N/ \ {T ‘
. h b d b k' . were watching when the band marched across the . hi" it”, ill KM \Q at
campus was spotted w“ an . mehm' ers wor :18 m field. They were rewarded for their attention. because l a ' it i X i K ' v‘
tam".citizens:it;mains b... it i i \i W a
passing students could see and hear how they were again, people and the halftime show was lOOpetcent. { ‘K/I’ I; t \ . i
progressing each day. Congratulations go to the members of the Wildcat . ‘ t / ( ii E
The full-band practices began badly. with band Marching Band and .Gordon Henderson. who is ‘ «1/ . t
members hitting sour notes. forgetting which ‘1‘"th thls year Whllc the "Shh" dlYCCtOR Harry *5 ‘Y “(at L’W—T‘J r 1 Mn? i
direction they were supposed to step next and often Clarke, 0“ sabbatical. ’ £1 fk‘a‘wb‘) W“ W it I ;
playing one 50118 in several different tempos. Let‘s hope that the halftime performances continue "“‘-- “t “”9 w ,c.’ ‘J:% 3" . I x ': (Lies: i
However. the repetitious drilling and dedicated to be of this caliber. One request though, could you ‘ u ,1)» ‘ ’ i
practice paid off. play one short selection to the students during “2‘1””; , '
During the l2-minute halftime show. the Wildcat halftime? We shouldn‘t have to graduate to have the I ‘
Marching Band performed as a unit. Not only was the our own Wildcat Marching Band play to us. . ...____.___________..._ ‘
'i \
' ' 1,;
Being a studentmeans getting . City .
., 8 J/ . l i .
._ 1 - ‘._' A . .
g ' ’ .5" \ ‘ 7"!“ D 0 u c
‘ ' ' 00 f; for“ ‘ “m -
InVO V8 In 00 age COIN/"UNI .. a, ,. .
r m. .‘ ‘; :fi,‘ .t k. . 3-,- 1:54;; ,
By DALE MORTON ‘the president ofaclubororganization. Preseneei wrote: “The day is ‘flm “é.(\: i . EL” \‘fiJ-sl‘ifiii'fff :.
.l. L. Ruby. an lowa farmer who beginning. shining and new. yet to be \ “(3’) . .Q‘1\ _ ~. “’7‘?- dfi ‘ .
devotes himself to others, once said lived in. 50d made it for you ‘ this is L“ ~ ~ W I . i‘ (’5‘..- i ‘ .
We are called .19 learn. Each 0f us this about leadership actions: your moment, only believe itwhatever . '\ . t) _ c t W‘ ‘
has a rcsPomblmy to achieve an “L d h' ‘ ' our heart‘s desire- ou can achieve it " ’ " i . V's .— h . ‘ 3
education; after all. that‘s why we‘re ea ers lp m action seems to mean y - - .y - ' 4 ".3 (‘9 K x “ ‘ ii '- j
here at UK. Learning however isn‘t to rhany people the type of action With all this unwersrty can offer, \ t 1.. ‘. \ /'-_,;/. / ‘. t
everything ' ‘ carried on by “come on, let‘s do it' both academically and socrally, - ‘ ': r 3% I):
' persons. apathy should never be allowed to A , 1‘} ” '\\ - ,, i
Each person has a role to play. 13h" —-———-_ grow. So saturate yourself with all the ‘ ‘ A I, " ' flit". ' , .
Of course. refering to involvement. "1 information this university can offer. E ”I I. ‘ I i A", ' i .
mint? 0? 5:.2th2‘aszitxn (:2: Staff - . then lay down Your books and 8e! . h ~ .7" ‘ ’ t
l l - ' ' t i
educational institution. opinion mVOIVCd' b ) ‘w'vA' I .. Ii .» '
Lying around a dorm room. E j ‘ \ x _. ,‘r’lr- ‘ 6;: if" 7.5.”, I
‘ surrouniing yourself-rim, a inmCthf 1‘ aSSumes that the rest of us are Dale Morton is s Joumslism ’3 - " t: ’ 4/3753» ,1- I 433;??55 ‘3: , ”1'5???" )F‘t‘ .
”“5 an manua 5 W' “01 a 0‘" 0' followers, leavin out in the center 80 homore. Thisisthe first insseries ‘ , - ' 4,, : L": ’ “ ‘ 33.2",2'5241115 Q
very much social interaction. The great numbers, who ‘unwept. ofpstnfiqyrmen columns on varied - @W » Lg“) \ - ‘ 5
American Youth Foundation unhonored and unsung.‘ are far more subjectswhich will sppesrregularly on \YLLW W m7 TALK ”K; MT To His W WHQi SHE-[RES TO HELP” 2
represents a balnced life as havmg four than followers.” this In". ' 3‘
components 01’ aspects: physical. Columnist Sidney J. Harris wrote. _ ....._______—————-—————————-——————————--————— ‘
mental. social and religious. For me. “1 wish i had known at 18 that the '
this balance characterizes a perfect life worst sins are committed by l
8031- indifference, not by vice." Letters to the Editor .
_ How then. do we accomplish such a Potential for greatness is implanted
feat in this mini “global village" (as within each of us. “Nothing ventured. i
Alvin Toffler calls it his book Future nothing gained.“ quoth the cliche. but M \
Shh“? “'5 really “0t very difficult to there-in liesa profoundness each of us FUll'time grads with registration fees, which could to appreciate the deeper aspects of if the fountain were to be rebuilt on '
get involved. forthe simple reason that should frantically try cmmulatc. By allow part-time graduatestudentsfull- “Nancy."Take heart, t-shirt wearers, it a larger scale it could serve as a '
campus activmes are geared toward not involving the self, one wastes that in their careers at UK, most time student rights. At the very least. is never too late to begin to think. combination fountain/aquatic center. _
students. which is bred inside us. namely graduate students take three semesters allow part~time students to buy tickets “Nancy" like Shakespeare appeals to By merely enlarging the pool of the f
With little effort. one should be able involvement. of course work and spend their fourth during student distribution times at a the full spectrum of human intellect. fountain to 50 meters by 25 yards, not ;
to locate an organization to join, be it Can not involvement be as writing a thesis. The students register reduced rate. We are students too! As from engineers to English majors. only would UK have the largest
Greek. professmnal. athletic or social. necessary to life as oxygen? Today is for H) research credits in their final it is now. we are priced out. fountain of any university in the ',
Just as one enters into a career choice. not too late to begin. semester. This means they are counted English major of the Ernie Bushmlller nation. it would also have an aquatic t.
your major. one also expresses an To make use of anothercliche. “You as part-time students. They are not ‘Scott Diilman Society faciltity capable of meeting the needs '
interest in some . outSIde activity. only get as much out of something as eligible to take part in activities. like Geology graduate student of its students and faculty. ’
making a mild hid towards social you put into it.“ The key to rooting for the Wildcats, unless they P I lfo "tain? Alsotherewouldbenoneedto build
involvement. involvement is effort. and God knows pay Sl0 for guest tickets. Living on E88 strikes back 00 u costly divingstructures. Diving boards
There is no necessity for one to be it doesn‘t take much. student budgets. they cannot afford to Since the University is going to COUld be placed 0“ the t°°f 0f the
suave. macho. or a flashy dresser to When you involve yourself. you in pay that much. is it fair that graduate As a recent convert to the Ernie invest $63,000 in fountain repair why Classroom building and the office 7'
become a part of campus activities. it fac1 include yourself as a member, students, who spend more time Bushmiller Society, I feel a moral not solve another campus problem at tower roof could serve as 8 diving f
doesn‘t even require an excessive awareness of what is going on around working at school than most obligation to reply to that group of the same time? platform.
amount of aggressweness. you becomes second-natured. your professors or undergraduates. should hedonistic juniors who believe in The ancient pool in Memorial If built. the fountain/aquatic center
Even if you have never held an club self-image increases drastically and be excluded from student activities? reading “Nancy“ “solely for Coliseum is incapable of would be a beautiful addition to UK‘s
office. or actively participated in a personal worth reaches into the Graduate students engaged in full- enjoyment." I too was once caught in accomodating the recreational needs campus while also providing it with
group or organization. you are still a proverbial double figures. time thesis research should have the the traps of skim reading and and water sports of a university of this decent aqautic facilities.
potential leader. lt‘salot easier to give up than to get same rights and privileges as any full- Monarch Notes. I giggled my way size. However, the problem could
Each of us influences others in involved, but when all the ballots are time student. Graduate students, with through Alice in Wonderland and easily be remedied along with the Matt Williams
various ways. both good and bad. in, the results prove the value of letters from their graduate advisors chuckled through Gulliver‘s Travels. crumbling fountain. Biology junior
Friendship . is a perfect example. interaction. proving eligibility should be extended Even “Nancy” amused me. Guided by .
,Sometimes' it takes a better person to Minnie Maude Macaulay. a lady full-time student privileges. At least the Ernie Bushmiller people through v
be atrue friendthan it does to become who influences others simply by her make an optional activity fee. paid long hours of intense training. l began . r t
. Letters DOIICY i
5st..wotbiai are CihmR.cHd«P..... . a r IWTHNKHEml-ZN
_ ~‘4 . ' The Kentucky Kernel welcomes all contributions from the UK ';_
WK A PIECE OF m (P g \’\ ‘ THE GUM W5 Lmbm'“ community for publication on the editorial and opinion pages.
GUM W'Ti'i SEQ“. HAW '. I |~ ~» Letters. opinions and commentaries must be typed and triple-spaced. 3'
. m ,\’ e; . and must include the writer‘s signature. address and phone number. UK '3
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 7 77w 7 \
THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. September l7, "79-3
T I I I I I I | i I
g g . ~ I _ . “9:53 D I
CHARLESTON W. Va. without. at this time. the Appalachian Regional to flooding in mountainous use federal iorphan land funds ' diilllIIV PUblls ers
(AP) — The US. bepartment authority to designate private Commission. areas. . to correct potential”slide areas 11" N; .
of the Interior has dealtablow lands ““5““‘513 for mining." Paul Sheridan, “90k“m‘“ A representative 0f the and 9th" hazards. he wd' 1 outlet
to those who would prohibit Heine said. for the Tug Valley RCCOVCW 8'°“Pi Mary Pignon. ”3““: Heine addcd'that he thinks
strip-mining in the Tug Fork The Tug Fork River Center (TV RC). said he Would then thatthe Tug Fork basin “is the surface miningoffice could
River watershed. watershed serves as the not comment because he had a particularly fragile area “5010"! forces Will‘ "‘3 b-S- NEw
But Walter Heine director boundary between West not been told of the decision because of the steep terrain. Army Corps of Engineers. The
. of m; U.S. Surface Mining Virginia and Kentucky. yet. lleine said. the purpose of corps is conducting a long-
. ; Office said Saturday it was the Heine said he discussed the The TV RC requested in July Friday‘s meeting was to discuss range study on flood-control B o 0 KS
opinion of the department‘s situation Friday during a that Undersecretary of the with congressmnal and federal prglem "1 the "Cl
‘ I solicitor that the interior meetingwith WestVirginia and Interior James Joseph ban offICials what the surface be churscd that .3 lolngéof“
. . , . . . . - - _.- tacquiring an or
eta has no authorit in Kentucky congresSional staff strip-mining in the valley. At mining office saw du ingatour mil e 8 _ . 0
fitting", y members. He said also present the time. Joseph was presented of the valley in August. hOUSIng for people who live in Up ‘0 75 /0 below
‘ “The view of our solicitor is were officials from the US. a 50-page study. designed to “It seems to usthat we could the flood plain. Heine said. regular feta" pflce
. that the secretary ofimcrior is Corps of Engineers and the show that strip miningis linked .
, O . 2,.- ,, A. ~ ,. ,, A growth through learning course...
§ $57 i ,4 ' " ”W'- t» ' I H '
. g g / h ~ - i... . s "Dlacoverlng a New You 145 Burt Rd. Unit 4
' " w .' . I» ,i * . ' A i. . A course designed for mature women preparing _ '
a // .. ' 'V 4f. w - W .‘I '= - to enter an educational program or the world of Off NlChOlaSVIHG Rd.
, . ‘1 “I; ;. u -.- f, _. at it“ work. Participants will be involved in assessment .
. A ‘ ' ' , ‘ of vocational interests. personality traits. values. (across from Zandale Shopping Center)
I 4”; ‘/ ‘ ’ L. " a ', . and past experience relevant to decision making
,. . .. : ‘1 z i 1....1 _, V and career planning. 10230-6 M-F 276-4013
_' ' ' ,5 , ’ it}. Thursdays only Sept. 27-Nov. 1 10-5 Sat.
.. ' . y ' . .. we“ 7:15-8:45 pm. CB 346
I I ' i i d , ,1:;.. '7 M" ‘ CB 346 Instructor: Peg Payne
. ; r , . ( Fee: $30.00
‘ ' By GARY LAl‘lDERS/Kernel sun For more information call 258-2751 Kernel Crossword
' Sponsored by:
. PerfGCt day for a parade Continuing Education for Women
: Lexington celebrated the International was watching the parade and received a ., HHHHHNMMW
Year of the Child Sunday withaparade down friendly greeting from one of the clowns on . A1033: 49 <32an m... \ .. m. Wu.
l Main Street. Ashley Howard. four years old. hand. 0 9 M 5 png 50 Box
‘: 103 am 53 To Scot 7*? e ._ . 4 N r"
l ' l l I C llf . W a 14 Wcront: 54 Dismantle 7% E». u‘
15TV epeat 58 Kind oisauA _ i . i n i i . c gnu
i Firefighters arrive In a I ornla / 16 Hailtboy sage is e. t, RI 5 o c r, a s
E 17 Gen Brad- 61 Bestowed "A w A v e A ~ it t .
i - f bl ley 62Bathsriver ”MED
‘ 18 Aerie 63 Won by _ “ " ° ‘ "agii.
i to battle ser/es of orest azes A H m. _. . Q.
~. 20 Magnate 64 indians G o p u o N
. , . , . . . 658 d r , a. y
Assocmed press Angeles air basm. The heaVier forests. and ali. industrial Pizza :3 32:5“:122' 66 £2ng E 2 : E r a s ,. “A S H
‘ particulate matter. however. operations involvmg welding. .l-lut volcano 57 Me A u _ A _ E M , A a ‘L
. Firefighters from as faraway does fall into the valleys. blasting. burning or the use of 24 Stabbed DOWN s e u 2 8*: : I; 2 : ‘fii?
as the East Coast were flown to An air inversion ‘ is an heavy eqUipment were banned. U . . it; :Zatslei'ke part 1 pmon 3; c i .
California yesterday to aid atmospheric condition in The state department of “IverSIty 30 iniimaiing 2 Lake — i9 Aii—in - 2 words
weary crews battlinga series of which cool air is trapped by a foreStry has o