xt72v6987f8j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6987f8j/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1928 journals kaes_circulars_001_3_159_02 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 159 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 159 1928 1928 2014 true xt72v6987f8j section xt72v6987f8j Extension Division
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
The Peach Borer and the Paradichiorobenzene
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The rihu ·»1i I'. I>. ii. ri-zuiy to ho il4·;;u of Agrin·uIturi·. i`x1i\1·rsity <·i` Kentucky,
with thv l`. N, iit'|\I\I`lHll‘iIi of A;:ri¤·uitur<~, uml iiistriiiutomi iu fl|l`IilL‘l`1lHC€
of the work ]ir·»vi1>11t 1*, i111·l11·s 1'1··»111 tip 1·· tip ··t` tl1·- >111`¤·i1ll
wings. The 111:1l·· is :1 little- s111z1ll1·1‘ :11111 its wings ;11·1· t1·:111s1>;11···111.
Eggs are 1l1>p1>sit121l on tlic l>z1s1e of tl11~ t1·1·1· by tl11· iltlllll f1~111z1l0
"Hy" T.hI‘UOl1t UIQ S\lI11I1i<*1‘, but. 1~sp1·1:i;1lly in August 411111 S1·]1l1‘llll¤‘l`-
WIITJIH two \\'CCks tlié tags l1z1t1·h 11111] tho y1~1111;; 12ll`\'ill‘, 111‘ QIHUN
begin feeding 011 the l1;11·l; just 11111le1· the ;1‘<»111111 l1~v1~l.

The Peach Borer and the Paradichlcrobenzene
The l’eaeh 'l`ree liorer dt·stroys lllUl`(' peaeli trees annually in
Kentucky than all other insects l‘llIlll)lIlt'(l. 'l`r<·eS of all ages are sub-
ject to attack, The injury is done hy the horer. or "§ll°lll),n whieli eats
and burrows i11 the sof`t inner hark, or Vlilllllllllll, at a11d helow the
crown of the tree. Young tr<·t·;; 111ay he girdletl completely and older
trees so injured that their vitality is loweretl and tl1eir fruitfulness
'I`l1e first intli<·ation of horers usually is the appearanee of il
jelly-like g11111 exuding l`l'tbtll the trunk of the tree. near the grotind.
Until recently the main depentlenee fo1· the control of the horers
_ has been the lahorious process of digging them out with knives and
other appliaiiees, i11 spring and fall. a niethod which often fails to
destroy all the pests.
Common l1o111e remedies of control eonsist of using lye soap
around the hase of llll‘ tree, wood ashes around the trunk. white-
washing the tree trunk, etc. Sueh reiiiedies eannot he depended on
and in many eases two or more horers have heen found i11 trees so
Amatetir growers often are alarinetl at the sight of from a few to
W several hundred transparent worms, the size of a Dill and three-
my fourths of Fill ineh long, working in the wax around the hase of the
UGG, thinking they are young horers. These worms need vanse H0
eoncern for they live only i11 this jelly-like ntaterial and never eause
ale llljttfy to the tree. They are not the young peach borers.
_ A new and effective control has heen found in the use of a cheni-
lcal compound known as paradielilorohenxene.
Paratlichlorohenzeiie t1’. D. 1%. for shortl. is il white. crystalline
substance tl1at has the appearaiiee og coarse salt. with illl odor re-
sembling that of lllOfll*l)illlS. The 1`umes front this material, while
harmless to persons. are poisonous to insects. Being heavier Illilll
the zur, the P. D. B. fumes readily pernieate the soil.
P. D. B. should be applied i11 lientueky hetween September lst
  OctOb€l` 20th—preferahly tho iirst half of Septeniher. At this
mai   EES; l11l\’e been laid and the. young larvae or ".L’l`tlbS'E GTE _
Umlmmutslli dce., vwhere they are easily killed hy tl1e gas. Hit the
will h 1S`tlel.15etl until ·late t)etoher oi- Aoventher the ·}ll`llUS
Hve ahead) eaten quite :1 portion of the hark. especially on
. s . · l

 F` t `
4 1{ttt/ttcky 1J.t·/t‘nxt`tnt ('t`rt·ttIttr Xt}. I.-$.0 p .
. young trees, untl, too, ut this lntt- tt tlutt- tht- soil tcutttt-rulurt-S um
not high enough to cuuse tht- P. l). li. to volutilizt- sutticit-ntly to kill `
the borers. The peuch trt-os shoultl ht- trt-utt-tl t-vt-ry t`ul!, hut only `
one treutntent is net-tlc-tl unnuully.
` Scrupe the gruss untl wt-t-tls uwuy trout urottntl tht- trttnk of the
tree, leuving the grountl smooth Zi or »t incht-s in ull tlirt-trtions trtun
the trunk. After the scruping proct-ss. tlruw in u tt-w incht-s or t'rt-slt ·
soil urountl tht- trunk of tht- trct- so tltt- grountl It-vt-l ut tht- trct- trunk
i is un inch or two uhovt- tht- surrountling grountl lt-vt-l, A ttutnbcr oi
. instunct-S ot poor control hurt- ht-t-n ohst-rvctl tlurittg tltt- pust st-usott
where P. D. B. wus upplit-ti ut too low u lt-\‘t·l.
The P. D. B. is upplit-tt t-vt-nly in u t·irt·ttlur huntl, t-tttircly urottntl
the trt-t-, tturt- ht-in: tukcn thatt tht- huntl is not closer than 3 4 inch
nor farther than 3 inches 1`ront tht- ttt-t- trunk. tSt-t- titlt- p;t;:t·.» li
the P. D. B. is 3 ittt·ht-s or tnort- uwuy frtitn tltt- trt-t-. ttttsutisl`.tt·tory
C0l1l1't>l 1I1ll}` rt-still. l·`t>t‘ t‘ttlt\‘t-ttit-ttt‘t· in Illl‘il$llI`illyL tht- ttt.ttt·t‘iztt ]tl‘o-
vitle u sntull woottt-n or tin hox thttt holtlg tht- propt-r utnonnt tor
the size of tht- trt-t- ht-in; ttt-utt-tl. .·\t`tt-r sprt-utling tltt· P. lt. lt.,
niottutl up tht- soil urotttttl tht- trt-t- to u tlt·pth ot thrct- int-ht-s so ;tt ttl
bury tht- cht-tnit·ul. untl puck tirntly with tht- huck ot` u shovcl. I
· Amount to Use. 1. l·`or trt·t-s It to T. yt-urs oltl. ust- ont--hull' to
ttttt- ttlttlt·•· pt·t‘ tt‘t·t·.
ZZ. For tt‘t·t-s ti }'t‘;|l‘$ or ttItlt·t‘_ Ilst‘ I to Ii;
0ttltt‘t-s tht-y lt‘t-t-,
Treating Yeung Trees. lixtwt-ritnt-nts with I untl 2-yt-ur-oltl tit-1uit
orchurtls in I{t-ntncky untl zttljoininn sttttt·s intlicutt- tltut l'. lt. ll.
~ tnuy ht- ust-lt without injttry to tht- ll‘t·t-s. .\ tnujorily ot rt-liztltlo cont-
— nit-rciul growt·rs in lit-ntucky utt- using ont·»thirtl ounct- on l—y·-itr-oltl
trees. untl tltrt-t.--t-ightlts ottttct- on two-yt·;tr-t»ltl tl’t-t-s. 'l`ht·y lt;tvt-
rt-portctl t·on1plt·tt- t·ontrol ot tht- hort-r_ with no injury to tht- l!'t‘t‘5.
on th- st-rt-rul thottsnntl trt-cs tt-stt-tl. t`;tt·t- shoultl ht- ust-tl in ull
tcuscs in ut·t·ttrutt-ly wt-iuhittu or nwttsttrittu tht- inst-t·tit·itlt-, t-spt-t·iull)'
for young trt·t·s. As tt t`ttrtht·r prt-t·zttttiott uuuittsl possihlt- injury to
‘ the yottnxt-st trt-cs. it is utlriszthlt- to rt-mort- tht- ntottntls ull--t` ttllll
weeks. After tht- tnottntls urt- rt-tnort-tl. t`rt-sh t-urth shoultt ht- rt--
Dli1(‘€tt ltI'tlllIItt tht- hust- of tht- tt‘t-t- to nroitl wintt-r ittjttry to tht- t’X·
posed hztrk.
Spring Treatment. Spring trt-uttncnt with P. I). li. hus not givt-tt
sutist`ut·tory hort-t· conttol in l{t-ntnclty. It; ortlt-t- thut tht- tttutt‘ti¢tl
IIIHY volutilizt- or tnukt- sttt`t`it·it-nt t`tttnt-s to kill tltt· hort-r, tht- soil
tetnpcrutttrt- shoultl ht- uhovt- tilt tlt-grt-t-s. ’l`his. itt turn, nit-uns that
. the ntzttt.-riul cunnot ht- upplit-tt t-t't`t-ctivt-ly ttntil ut`tt-r Nluy Ist. BY
this titne the horers nrt- wt-ll grown untl hurt- t-ztttst-tl st-vt-rc tlutnugt
to tht- trees. \\'hcrt- P. I). li. is not upplit-tl in tht- t`ull, it is 1·t·t·ont-
inentletl that the hort.-r ht- ting; out with u knitt- tluring t-urly spring.
Lute full trcuttnt-nt st-ltlont givt-s sutistutetory control.
P. I). Ii, can he purtzhust-tl front tnost tlrug stort-s or front tht-
various firms thrttottt tht- stutt- who huntllt- orchurtl spruy inutt-riuls
. and clit-tnicals. In stnull ttuuntitit-s tht- tnutt-riul costs hetwt-t-n 40
and 60 cents per pountl, untl itt Iurgt-r ttuuntitit-s, 20 to ttl ct-nts pt-r
_ l °..iJ.t.I!.