xt72v6987d9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6987d9k/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1945 journals 2_11 English Lexington, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Kentucky fruit notes v.2 n.11. text Kentucky fruit notes v.2 n.11. 1945 1945 2014 true xt72v6987d9k section xt72v6987d9k I`(}i.l()I)
could .
liiiaga Vol. J MAY, 1945 No. 11
5_per· .
:e1ve Mme; The Same fate (40 percent nicotine) per 100
ietit-A . gocfk for lcpalr PBYT5 and repair gallons), and in small-plot field
ty oi “'0 · _. tests DDT at 1 lb. per 100 gallons
naw i i All needed materials for the 1945 gavo muon boitor Control than tho
, from _ crop should be ordered and accepted Standard load araonato program
-rnotl~  ‘ at Once Baskelsr f€Yt’hZ€rS· Fmd (4 and 3 pounds per 100 gallons).
ian in i some spray materials, if stored in a HDDT . if . i
rovoij i good, dry barn or shed, will carry t 1Sfa‘;?frY 9 ectwe SuP!i’_i€'
,quii.o  — over to 1946 in good condition and naeéldqr Or iiymg Egent “i eg
Yayino Q will be on hand when needed. To a 9 tm Sma .qu?ntm€i_;S to Ea
or th; ` meet present demands and condi- ariianaebor Igqolnit €ir_:t%m{€·
ooonii 1 tions it is becoming more and more   ganf Q us'; nm Ep 1 SC 6 u ei
naar · necessary to place orders well in T Q; O   0 Owmg $prayS 0
V félil  f advance of time of use. This applies tea .i arS§nd Q im mgiouge .b€n'
éiiiie  » *0 Us ¤“· \$?Sif‘ nn§%2r  §’n§°“X»?lK
iu .· I bordeaux mixture,
Tpiiiiii  1 KENTUCKY STATE HORTL "Owing to variations in the
i nin  _ CULTURAL SQCIETY pliysicfalDIlgr&`operties dog diiietrent
- o s o recerve or es in ,
plapik  if The 88Ul allnllal lll'€€U¤g Of UW the results have varied considerg-
S ·“‘ r Kentucky State Horticultural So- ab1y_ Much rgnjalns to be done
}F wf g. ciety, the College of Agriculture and to dgyelop formulatlorls most
   ; iiiiriniie tEi\eIo1io_ni§sKcociperiiiting, jvas suitable for codling moth sprays.
’i°ll<‘$ i  u;rya18. `Ti‘in—ge §‘EeE‘r;’er°i1rgi¥i`§ ic"gii_ggl‘igizlCgg§$g€S migie ragga
Hmm-  Q interested fruit and berry producers Dgr is Vaio ioiiilg igoimcggtagt
no Oi ~ were on hand, and entered into the pi_adat0i_S Or the Eumpagn rad
ere,  .· d¤S¤¤SS¤¤¤S; Di`- M; —l— Dmet Pfklre nine and ere   rirri on ree spider.
hmm .  Horticulture Department, University Under favorable- weather condi
`   of Illinois, and Prof. L. F. Steiner, · _ · 7 "
ls uw  °‘ Federal Entomologist from the Vin- ;;_iCi?; 1% ilgggxspriiy Edb lglgts Ugg
Wlwll   eennes, rnerene, Codling Moth Lab- amaigagi deja Cgfia ui ii ilp .° i
’i?m‘ ‘f oratory were the two featured out- i_oCOi_d_bi;€akiri Liima 9 Q S m
Img f· of—state speakers. Dr. Dorsey gave __ _ g ‘ _ _
lis i"  .  zi very interesting discussion of DDT ls V€I`Y €iT€€il\’€ €¤lg€lll'l$i `
m‘*l*_"  ’ Some peach production problems. A HPD]? TGQTTTOPPEYS and has Shown
l0C€>1  _ general wrltaup of his talk is pub- promise in the control of several
mu"   lished in this issue, and each peach SPGCIQS Of GPPTQ ¤Phld$·
.motlr  ii man is urged to I`C&ld il €¤¥`€TUTl§’· "Much more experimental work
  Prof. Steiner gave e report on lrlllstliéiglge l¤<;l¤r_¢ aergeral adep-
- their 19-14 experiments with DDT UGH 0 T by gl0\\€l_S 15 dQS11`-
' against codling moth and presented ublQ· Them um _ no lndlcdtlons
 — some other veineeie eeeirnganetir- tllqtu S¤r>r>l>* will l>e,_av¤¤l¤l¤l¤
3 Control inform;rti_on.   summary of lm gcncml use in 1945
 i Prof. Steiners discussron iollowst A iiiiiioi discussion was iad by Mia
"The new insecticide DDT has W. W. Magill, which brought out
l» been extensively tested against some good pointers on brush thin-
i the codling moth at Vincennes, ning of peaches, picking fruit on a
g. Ind., during the seasons of 1943 bushel basis, pruning. spreading

 it fertilizer, rodent control, and op- factors in detail, so_at this time. l`
portunity for early apples in South- primary elnphasis wlll be placed V \
western Kentucky, pointing out the upon those which lead to the ex- V i
high returns of early ripening fruit cess crop. *
and the shorter fight necessary Under normal conditions, most t l
. against codling moth. peach varieties produce more buds I
Dr. P. O. Ritcher discussed the than are necessary for a crop. Thls t
fruiiyjnggct situation Of 1944 and excess is carried through to full {
warned that actual results in in- bloom whenever the frult bud kill- ·
sect control were usually in pro- mg hZ1S b€€¤ light- Whcn UW {Tull 1
portion to the actual effort and bud set has been heavy, winter s '
wisdom used in applying cgntrgl killing. up to as much as 50 per- _
rneasures cent of the buds, may not be very
W_ Dt Arnistreng discussed the evident at bloom. Then again, an
1944 and 1945 spray service nre_ exceptionally heavy bloom, \\ll(‘ll r
gram aaa are 1944 results wltll COHGIUOOS ND De1hD¤¤DD ··D<1
rerniate spraying fer tne eentrei fertilization are unfavorable, may .
Of duinee rust and cedar annie rust not result in as heavy a set of ffllll _
on apples. The rarlaara sprays gave ee A hshter erep ef Dude The eee l
excellent control of these two dis- result ef rr hcavr bud scr er J heeu  `
eases that are often bothersome in b1OOm· he-’e~Ve1» Cannot eeehv De V
Orchards having wiid red eedar foretold untll the three natural
trees near by. The material is drepe are prerry well OV°r· At the ,
available only in small quantities end of the thrrdl ee ·ru.“C_drOp· mr .
in 1945·b“““‘°*°lr‘*SSh°*‘1d ee emele §§BXi§r°i? 3.‘;"‘§r;i, ‘§&£Bs§£;“E5£li  V
lréggoruiigigartviilgcréassed ragrae gltagsemto deal with that particular  tt
Erlgvgge gggg dgzggtsci/Eigrr` rlglaiici t_ After a leareful revliewlpftthe rela- _
tucky, Mr. B. L. Karcher, Jefferson- was lpf tri Wrrrl , lit tiemrnrr tr"' V
town, and Mr. O. Piper of Clinton, gacrry O th 6 .1*E* fd? tm ae 8 ION
Kentucky, three of Kentuckys Out- b€t_W<}€¤ $$5126 Qttiui tag, nbunr
eteiediee feet erewere eee here- s§€a3st2§“a€i£§‘ riliias A‘§a§§{‘
cu turists. ’ . . `
T Me Heemee YeDD· Pedeeeh Kee- “¥‘“ll§Er§Ef“”i"§B3 S2?££Es UE? SEC
tucky, was re-elected president, Mr. pmx .- y- ’ D ._ p · e
· · . . at matullty IS a safe tlce load. Wlth
William Fegenbush, Loulsvllle, Ky., · _ , ,
this number as a base, the grouer
and Dr. D. W. Doran, Mayfield, were · 1 . .
. . can determine the excess crop he has
also re-elected vice presidents. Mr. t - - ~ - · - , .
o deal with ln thlnnlng oy counting,  _
Wendell Van Hoose was elected the Qachas On 3 t teal tree
E/icg president in the place of his p yp `
at er, t e late Hon. Fred C. Van · ·  E
Hoose; Mr, W. W. Margin, L€xing_ Bloom Tl1lllHl}lg.v€fSUS Later t
ton, Ky., was re—elected secretary- Th¤DD¤Dg  *
treasurer- On account of the shortage of labor  f
’j during the last two or three sea-  _,
PRODUCING AND HAND- ?§i‘§la;€"€;€r§§iai°.‘;§“ll§§“S:§?;;r;;  
LING THE PEACH CROP costs. Experimental attemptsd have _
l ln· .=
M- J· DORSEY llgrgdlmmlry trhgegcrrtrallgrrl lnrrrigh Ltrllllr  S
Department of Horticulture ning method, or by cutting the ex-  _
University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill. §}‘iS$J€I`0P dd0WD NW3 Utcbcxwur gl X
e une rop lS GVl en y varlo s -
Judgment is required on the part limb-tapping devices. Either of  1
of the peach grower to properly these methods can be used to reduce
handle some of the variables which the excess crop load, but under g
occur in harvesting the peach crop. northern conditions, especially when ,
We are familiar with most of the the bloom period is early, most »
extremes encountered. There are growers would probably be reluctant -
variables ln the bud set, ln the to thm as early as bloom. However.
winter killing of the buds, in the while blooln thinning shows great
quantity of fruit buds removed in promise not only in reducing costs, {_
pruning, in the set at bloom, and in but also in enabling the grower to "
the drops, to mention a few. It take full advantage of an early rc-
_ would take pages to treat all of the moval of the crop excess, we need ‘
2 :

 lme_ more experience with this method, rises as the fruit matures to tree-
lced variety for variety, in difTerent sec- or even soft-ripe peaches.
•2X- tlons of the eot}ntry· ln the late In order to obtain greater carry-
$l?l`l¤G frost reglonel tne llnll)‘taP‘ ing capacity and thus reduce the
nost Plng method has some advantages loss between thc packing shed and
nuds beeaose ol the greater eertalntY of the retail counter, there has been a
This rednelng the erop load tv the Proper heavy reliance upon picking peaches
lllll limits. It may be predicted, however, lllhell they al-e more Ol. less lmma_
kill- after more experlenee Wltll these ture thats is when the background
fruit new mrttwds vt tl¤t¤¤t¤gl that thc color is stiii greenish instead of
nter Old nand methods Wlll bc greatly yellowish in cast. While this prac-
pel__ improved upon._These new methods, tlce has been Of lallly lbhg stahd_
very tltereford promlse to become mark' ing and has seemed to be necessary
_} all egbadvanccs in rcduvmg Dr0du€t1tl¤ for the lbagkell trade, it should not be
s ien ` ` ·· — over oo e t at carrying capacity in
and The Excess Crop peaches can also be obtained or in-
may ,. _. . , . creased through temperature con-
trttg elirnilasxsa€slssirs·se(sIt. lsiitiipegliiliisitsoazt tml ljftttg. is dttttlrt¤¢¤t¤¤1>l<> SlZe$‘T_·e—» eerralhly _ah‘}Ve On February 21-22 the National il
2 Ol' even 2*45 1¤€h0$Z (2) l>l<`kml-{ _l’t·at·li Council held its sccoiirl annual n
, should not bc started bcfore_thtv l.lmlCl.lsm.C lll SL llmlls Nlm.l(.(.ll ll
haesr advaheed i>¤=·<‘h¤S are hrlh‘ peach-producing states were rc-pre- ll
r]Pe‘—l·e·— “'heh_ the haekgrihlhd sented by one or more- mt-n. '1`hesc t si
~ eeler Or Elherta TS asshlhlhg a (ha` states were Arkansas, (`oloi·at1t»_ "
` hhet Yehewrsh east? ahd (31 Taklhg California, North Carolina, South
greater advahtage er adequate tem' Carolina Illinois Indiana Ken-
perature control in shipment or in lucky, Mtlyylnndv ltlichigaii, Mis-
Sterage _ souri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio. r
These are the three hasre ap' Pennsylvania Tennessee Virginia ll
r>r<>¤¢h<=S to l¤¤¤d1i¤e rhs peach vw West ` viisinia, and vvtistiinsteiif , r
because small peaches are r·¤<1¤¤¢_<1 These states iepiesent tippiesiintne. . ¤_
te a hhhTmhrh» greater advehtage TS ly 86 percent of the average national “ T
taken Or the rrpehrhg Swell Or the peach crop or 50 million bushel< r
reach ahd thus the Thereaaed vi¤1d» out of the aiverage total of 58 million r
and finally, public acceptance is lmsllcls 1
more active with firm-ripe, tree- Tl Q lvl _` _ l·k_l l_ _l l. _ t
fipa OT wen S¤ft·¤¤<=· Pssche the ‘{ie$°‘2i§§§“;§et"§iseiitseii"ittsfii- Q
‘_" features of thc peach industry. The
LITTLE TEACHES EXr’EN· Elfs§3?e£}iig§?$piEiii1"°€t£?e"'F$$}` 2
SIVE aidered gave evidence that the Q
Thinning time will soon be upon gmup 1% Yselly h_eu°h“] Trl nature
Us We Wm have to at it dm 2?dp‘5sEi§"}§i2E f$$ei“‘§e`?i2i}nl‘§I—Eriili i ~
s m w . If h e ch s ‘ ~
seeeidineyie pi$eEi,pti$’eie $$5i psfta <><>¤¤l$y Ow`- It was lj·g¤`¤¤d M ‘
i.gI.sps_shOtn_ Cmp unless lt ls poac clonsumption se country.
thinned. Some work was done at s>~s¤¤¤L1dh12€h1¤¤I¤€·S9 ghermehsh -
. South Carolina Experiment Station lf rlperr 1% :qu_eht.§ lrrht “elr" F
_ in Food Industries with the idea m°“’ g€““¤‘> *31 ablf T0 ‘}“  .
that there may be a great increase eehsumerj liccsgit fists ? mlfe fhfh  ,
in canning of Eastern freestone rultellleri lie}? la C T‘¥l’°T that al S
peaches after the war. Some of the ‘l_ hg wh PULL lh pre elemr    °
findings may be of interest to grow- ramen p?°i°h°i‘ Tw spqllagc _“  4
srs sslllng peaches for home Cam also less in tie 1ipe_r`lgruitsvlb_ciaust y
ning. It was found that it required they mfhed Oht Ll“‘° cls “ The th" .
more tlms to prspsss less ssmslng greener fruit was not ta cn, and re-
stock as the size of the peaches be- m°‘m°d_ m Shrh CL _ ‘
came 5mg]]9r_ That vvgs ngthlng .Tl1C lI'l1pOl‘tHYlCG of _h€lVlflg 111011*  .
new, but the figures are interesting. ll1gl1·€l\¤¤l1I>l,D0¤€h \l3F1§2€$t Sfélilllll
For exam le, it re uired 150 man- 1650 VHF10 105 COU HVH1 8 0
hours to plack 100 gases (24 No. 2% tc $li>Y€3d the P€¤?h $085011 0V€i` il _
cans each) of 2-inch peaches, but greater period of time, wasstrcsscd.  .
only 81 hours to pack a like amount Progress 1¤ _d€Y010Dm§ €¤Fl1€¥`i high-  :_
of 2*/2-inch peaches. Also, 2-inch quality varieties by several states ~_
peaches produced only 32.6 cases and UW U· S- D€P€1Yim€¤t cf Agl`1·  
per ton while ZLQ-inch pggchgg pro- culture was rcportcd, and the nn-  .
duced 435 cascs pgp mn On thc pression was thatlfurther great im-  
basis cf 1942 wages and pyicggy it provemcnt in varieties could be ex—_  l
cost $1.77 to put up a case of 2-inch l>€€i€d 50011 Tim 1YDP0Fl€¤¤€€ UT  
peaches and $1.37 ree 2%-inch high standards in grading and pack-  
peaches. It was stated that use of {Hg f1`_U1_t WHS SU`<§SS€d HS H ¤0€€$$1lY "
small fruits for canning is justified H1 gaming, k€0D1¤E€» and Cxwndlllii
only when price is low enough to COHSUUWCY Ccniidence.
off-set increased labor costs and ,
smaller output of canned goods. Cmp 0“tl°°k for 1945 _
Usually the larger, better-grown All states reported a medium to
fruits have been much better qual- heavy bud set with no winter injury ~
ity. Maybe these figures show why to date, and prospects for a very t
the housewife prefers larger peaches heavy peach crop in 1945 if favor-
for canning.—Mary1z1nd Fruit Grow- able weather prevails. All states
_ crs’ News Letter. also reported commercial plantings
· 4

 ji], had been getting excellent care re- A NEW BULLETIN
cently and were in fine condition. ( _1 _ l _ . .
The labor and supply situation was   éiwt .‘m°r€St tcaoaur tljlgkglg
· ···‘hed as serious for 1945. In D-°‘lw_mCn T 3 new 1 'pdgc ·u g`
’“‘*l ‘l°“H 4 . '_ tin lust published by the Illinois Ex-
“‘*‘l m(‘St $li‘l"” “`("`m mw .l°l‘lmml=” pcrimcnt Station, Urbana, Illinois. ‘
een l1{\(l l)(‘(‘ll t*lI(lll.[Zl1 lil. lllitllllillll lllf’ Tho HUC   ··TI.(l(l Conditioning the
DN`- normal production, with some state.; l`l(.a(.h Cmpo {md it is Written by DK
“`S" showing it tilt? 1¤<'¤`¤t Of t . bangs.
  Cg¤lg[¤¤1.¤¤d Muvgmvlll R·rM‘U°"~ The scarcity of farm labor makes
tm to O ¤r¤¤Sb¤¤g· · "·· VNS m` it necessary for every workable
njm.}, elected secretary-treasurer. Ken- Shortcut to be used However, it ls R
very lucky I`€Pi`€$0¤t3UV€$ at the COMM" just as important as ever, or more
favor- ence W€i`€ MI`- Fumk Slmet Of so, to actually do the things that
states H€¤d€1`S0¤, Ky., imd W- D- Amt- will promote high yields and high
utigigs $U`0f1g, Princeton, Ky. quality rather than to let things

 1; drift and get smaller yields of small will also be seen that early Juno  - .111
‘ berries. barring-off is much more fruitful 1 Lo
` The Tests   gliasrg) 1§·I1z111tii1guur1tildz1 month ' ra
. z   .· s 4 ~> w . -
The lflsls have been lllllllcll Sllllplc Where cultivagiotli xxllirk il; started ?r
°°mPlll`lS°“$ of lllllee g°¤€*al types immediately after harvestl it is I ic
¤f after-harvest Smwbefry Cafe much wary to do before tile usuil °“
mainly .lll€ lollolvlllgl (ll Scratch drought weeds and grass have made  Y  
cultivation of rniddles Just after QUC11 11110.11/y $111.1 " l·
harvest and continuing through the ` B usigr cm_°1_11h 1 CS Of 1 1_ lg
summer with no real, effort at nar- y _l> ‘ . _y.l° Ol?   _ lll
rowing the fruiting mw, (2) heavy one can start cultivating the mid- 1 tt-
barring-off of the fruiting rows to a -glSiC1;llll1l;10L1§14L1fll`Sl_ 1§°5ll°V1_{lg1 _lll_" "l
6—inch width followed by cultiva- b ‘ _°ll°. 3 um ._S ll‘l“i Pl
. . erry producer adjusted his neu _
tion the remainder of the season, and ,1 _ _ . _ _ . _ .
. . - ractor cultivatoi, or tiller, so that . .
(3) no cultlvallon at all' Wlth weeds two shoes would run to each middl · ? ll
moweci illglléi l§Sr1sI§llal¥1?§rgga§g;ntS working two middles at it time. Bil * gl
Sevella l g ‘ running the tractor two trips per g1
Table 1.-1943 and 1944 and 2-Year mid¤II¤» ¤ 11¤1S11¤di¤1> was perfvrmw I b·
Average of Renovation Plots in without handling any old mulch. _ 11
24_QuaI.t Crates pol. Acro In this way strawberry work was ` C1
_ 1s».;.%..__ done tink a fciw liours thlat {would . 1,1
L iave a en a mos a wee o ard
l Yleld Il`$°I mule work. I Sl
Treatment   zig? In addition to simply cultivating _ S
1943119.14 ;¥ the middles, close mowing of all I
| I1·< A sgrawbfrry foliage immediately p
 "`?`“l_l`"*"`"" a ter arv t d = lt· ` ,
N0. 1 Mi<1c11is   I 1 I 1942-43. M?nyg;loix*§x;OalshLilsebthlil; S
etiildditea l 159I iw iaooiealum- ggggglgls Qllgolslggcsl ‘;§l15grO¤ $01111*  » O
1 | I lzirre , ' ’ ` 3 GSS ltis ·
No. 2 Heavy   J I I B come up thick in the heavily mowed  _  
g?fTjl§1y 12 I   1 plots and caused trouble.  ’
and Culs I I i l In summing up, this work shows .
liwieti I 122I 1131 URI L=1¤`H¤ to date that simply scrateh—cultivat- é
· Y0 .1 Y0 cu111_ §   I I ing the strawberry middles, starting Q
-‘ ` ` '-1;- - '; 1 l · immediately after harvest, is apt to
iiihiiliiig _1 9, _l Ol _ 1 promote the heaviest yields the fol-  ;
weeds only 14-1 lll; 1.,01, Small lowagg yoaro Heavy baI,1.1ng_O1~f and 1
I ., 1 Q l g wor ing out requires a great amount o C
  off 1 13__ 1   I lg of labor, anfd summer drouths, often  
me I ‘* = ·“` Q resu ts in ailure to re-establish a
I I I I · · 2 I
 ————»———-##4-—— good fruiting row. The later the >
These records show the scratch- gllllltll is $l¤F1¢¤l11l1¤ glcglfl llle lei  { I
cultivated plots to be far ahead of till llzll lg yle Cl· ll%l‘lr)· l-·€llllll1 ’ ;
the barred-off and also the noncul— f C Sfgllw hclly plll°_ $-0 llll°lll°‘  lt ·
tivated plots. While berry size was Oll al ell illlvcsh °l$C°¥l§ fog 1*994  ’ ·
largest in the barred-off plots, those ll}°lglllg2 llcbllgcls fiCl`lOllP Y l Q SW1  1
of the scratch-cultivated were O. 1d€l11lll€1§ lgh O 1Cll gllfs €l ml?}1. 1·
almost as large and a high percent- yle lg Cl all l°’lVY Elll`lllg`° · .
age of them graded No. 1 berries. --1 ·‘
On the other hand, the nonculti- 1
vated plots produced very small THE_WINTER OF 1944`45 ·
berries with practically the whole Th€ W1¤t01`_11HS been Wet and g€11· ’
crop grading No. 2 after the first GFQUY cold 1n Kentucky but not
pjckjng_ Hgwgvgry yvhgrg berries S€V€I`C. Tl'1€ cool \VQHtl`tCl` COI1tlI1L10fI
are sold for quick-freeze purposes, thF0U§h Fébfuafy and held f1‘1111
size is not as great a factor as yield. b11€l$ back 111 P1 VGYY d0I`1'1'1311t C011·
Either early Qf lgtg b3_I*I*ing-Off d1l.lO1'1 IT1l1Ch lOI`lgCI` than L1SL18l. Due
required by far the greatest amount to the Z1bS€HCC of sub—zero' weather
of labor both at the time of the g€11€1`€1llY WQ1`? WBS DFHCUGSIIY 1111
initial working and for the follow- f1’¤1I3 bud k1U111€ 011_Q€€1€h€$, 1101
up cultivation. Crabgrass was also h¤$ 1h€Y€ b€€n 021116 _k1ll1ng on 1‘¤Sl1·
much worse in these barred-off b€FF1€S Of b1¢¤1€kb€FY1€S.
plots; for by reducing the shade, _ The alternate freezing and thaw-
the grass came in more readily. It ing caused considerable heaving
‘ 6

 flullc and spewing in unmulchcd straw- as burlap around apple trees to
ultful . berry fields, and the frequent hard catch the codling moth larvae that
llomll , rains caused much soil loss by were looking for places to cocoon.
‘ erosion from these fields. The near-, More recently growers used strips
tarted zero weather of December also of tar paper or corrugated paper. ·
It IS ‘ caused considerable injury to un- Since these bands were untreated, it
usual . mulched strawberries. Additional was necessary to go over the bands
made _ harvest records will be taken in every 7 to 10 days and kill the
1945 on the mulch project compar- worms, otherwise they would pupate
t0QlS. ing early December mulched plots and the moths emerge.
mid— 1 with plots mulched in late March In the lest 15 years treated cm--
C the r or early April (the latter purely a mgeted paper bands Have been de_
itrthxxe picking mulch). ‘ veloped that will kill almost all the
) nillt The unseasonal and continuous larvae entering them. Beta-napthol
uddi; warm rainy weather during the is usually the killing agent used.
e Be fn0St of Mafeb caused one of the Such bands are good for one season
_S‘ I most rapid flower bud and leaf only and should be removed and
Drnriéi V growths in years. Peaches started burned before the following spring.
nnlcn  ‘ bl00m¤¤g in the 50utbe1'n_ Daft of Beta-napthol is a caustie rnatenal
{ Wa; the state by March 15 and in north- and will burn skin or eyes if it comes
woulg 1 ern Kentucky by_ March 25. Apples in contact with them. Handle treat-
- har. i were generally in bloom over the ed bands with canvas or leather
G 2 state by April 1 with some plantings gloves.
Venn,. ‘ almost ready for the calyx spray For banding to be most eaectlve,
Of aj} . by then trees should be well scraped to re-
nateni _ The fruit bud set on peaches, move other hiding places for the
nts in L pears, plums and cherries is heavy worms and force them to seek
ge thie  . and the blossom set on apples is shelter in the bands. All_ rough
Some · somewhat scattered from orchard to bark should be removed, using tools
, me ’ orchard and between varieties. If such as a short hoe or a_mower sec-
qnwnn .  the weather cooperates, 1945 could tion fastened to a short handle. A
` g be a heavy fruit year in Kentucky. canvas should be spread around the
h __ Z base of each tree to catch the scrap-
Ftigllf 2* ‘“"— ings which shorfild then benfolhectelcg
  ` Z and burned. 0 scrape e run
artmg ° C0DLlNG'MOTH BANDS and scaffold limbs of the average
aph llc . p_ O_ RITCHER tree ought not to take over 20
E? OC; Y minutes.
moiign  i It cannot be emphasized too Since many larvae spin-up in
Often E Stmngly that g1`0We1`S cannot ex- punky wood and in split branches
nsh ,l J pect to control _codling moth in prob- and ci-Otches, some pruning and
T the ·  lem. Orchards in Western Kentucky other work will be necessary to re-
ne I-e_   ay SPrayl¤g_ 3l0¤¢- Th01`0\Jgl`¤ Bnd move these hiding places. All prun-
emne timely $l?¥`3>’1¤g With tbe best mate- ings should be removed from the
acaregl - rials available is important, but this Orchard and burned, as well as any
Weed . must be supplemented by 0tbe1` Con- other debris and litter on the
Q Siu trol _measures such as screened ground, such as old baskets and .
total packing $b€d$, Obenlng up trees S0 picking crates, fertilizer and 1n-
qg-O{{ Spray can P€¤€tY8te. l0We1`1ng the secticide sacks, and large weed
‘ ‘ tops of tall trees. thinning off de- Steins `
fective fruits, breaking up clusters, In Kentucky, bands Should be put
45 Scraplrlg trees and banding- on trees by June 1, if we are to
ig€n_ Right now is a good time for catch the first worms leaving the
t not growers to give some thought to apples. Bands should not be _put
inucd ’ banding in connection with their on young smooth-barked trees,s1nce
' fruit D1`0gI‘am for 1945. Not only is this a there is some danger of trunk 1n]ul'y
_ com good idea for_ those with problem by the Beta-napthol. ..
* Duc orchards, but it is also a profitable Qne band should ordinarily be
aathcy pracadare Where codlme moth is not suiricierit for- one tree. Use 2-mch
ly no vet scrl0lls· Many grawars with the bands if codling moth is not severe,
; my cleanest orchards find it profitable 4-mCh bands if codling moth IS a
iraqi). l° scrape and band the Orchard real problem. The band should be »
` regularly- placed around the trunk about 18
theme Bending is one of our oldest sani- inches to 2 feet from the ground
{Wing tary COl'1tr0l measures. Many years and fastened 1n place Wltll staples
ago, growers were tying sacks such or tacks. Too many growers try to

 '= get by with one fastener. Bands has reached optimum maturity helps ‘
’ should fit tightly all the way to obtain the full benefit from in-
around. This means several tacks creasing size and quahtyw as the
or staples to snug the band into »fruit develops t0 maturity.
depressions in the trunk.
. Growers will be amazed it tge
number of worms caug t in an s. t 4 Y ··
Sometimes as many as 1,000 or HINIS AND OBSERVATIONS
more worms will be found in a BV W_ W_ MAGILL , -
single band. Even 10 or 15 worms ” V _
per band is well worth while when Peaches were in full bloom m tht-
caught in the early season, since Experiment Station Orchard at Lex-
each worm destroyed then greatly ington, on April 4, in 1944. Apples
reduces the number of second and were showing tight bloom_clusters
third-brood worms. on Red Delicious. That night tht- -
temperature reached 16 degrees, a<·· gy
1; cording to a maximum-piinimum d
LET TRANSPARENT APPLES %l?§;.“"£€"&?§;` t’£3S§;“iii12igti.’*;;i§».€2 3
MATURE BEFORE HARVEST felé sevdrall times ;lui}ng the niglht u
R- V· LOTT giiouiiel   1if21xi¤iiilof)niiiIgi)\\\\fenhaffi a
University of Illinois a good crop of all varieities of E
caches, a les, cherries an ums. ~
"Satisfactory prices will probably p This 8.5.pOf 1945 wchcg vim in ?,
prevail throughout the Transparent hl] y ` . .' p °. ` ,.  
. 1 bloom on Mareh 26. apples xxeit
harvest Season TO Obtain thc in full bloom on April 5 That night
gggiggit Sliiggi? £1i?§&_ lzie Cgggi