xt72v6986x50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6986x50/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1939-03-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1939 1939 1939-03-28 2013 true xt72v6986x50 section xt72v6986x50 Best Copy Available

The Kentucky Kernel



beautiful campus where everyone,



students and faculty, greet

everyone else with "Good morning, gentlemen" or "Good afternoon, gentle-

men," where students tired of carry- FOR
ing books, overcoats, drop same on
campus, go oft for two or three
hours, come back to find nothing -

A eedS


where most buildings
contain a small counter with cigar- ettes and candv bars with a box for
money but no salesman.
Astounded at the perfection of
the honor and friendliness on the
campus. UK delegates asked how
it all started. This is the story:
Some years ago. a rather elderly
man and hU wife visited W. & L.
In walking across the campus, they
came upon a group of sophomores
studying in the shade of a large

The elderly couple stopped, asked
about some of the buildings and
about Lee's tomb, at which one of
the students jumped up and offered
to show them around. The student
was unusually polite in supplying
the answers to all questions and in
conducting the couple over the
campus. Finally, the visitors asked
If they might see the president, and
were shown to his office where the
tophomore excused himself to rush
to class.
In the office, the couple praised
the university highly, especially the
attitude of their student guide, and
said that they really wanted to do
something big for the school but
unU that time they would like to
express their appreciation with a
check for $50,000.





limeC 10


oJol oMlItv
uuinvuii uioumij
Officials Say







a story with a moral, but
don't let that scare you away because It is also rather interesting.
Brought back by ODK delegates
who attended the national convention at W. & L. is this impression

..u nas
declded to maintain
Gamma Tau Alpha. Jewish social
for at
fraternlty, on
T T Jones said
leat a
afternoon wnen asked
,h. Tjniversitv will sanc- put Tensilon Pi.
iinn afniaUn
naticnal society.
that the
national fraternity had voted to
receive the local grouo as a member chapter, and that the traveling
secretary was at the University last
week seeking their admission.
"However." he added, "we must
be sure that the group is able to
maintain itself as a local for at
least a year before national affilia-

, ia!


Military Pictures

Will Be Taken
By This Schedule


Kentuckian military pictures
taken Wednesday and
Thursday on the steps of the


will be

to anLibrary,
by Lieut. Col.
Howard J. Donnelly, head of
the military science department, yesterday.
All Juniors and seniors are
expected to be present at
their respective drill periods
and will be checked in at
Brewer armory and will march
to the Library in a group.
The schedule follows:
Co. A and B 10 a. m., Wednesday.
m., WedCo. C and L 11
Co. E 2 p. m., Wednesday.
Co. F and G 3 p. m., Wednesday.
Co. I 10 a. m., Thursday.
Co. K 11 a. m., Thursday.
and battalion
staffs 4 p. m., Wednesday.- All sponsors will be photographed in a separate picture
at 4 p. m., Thursday.


This Season



and the freshman, and
a medal to the senior, who scored
the most points in the livestock
Judging contest last Saturday.
Mrs. Virginia Croft Snoddy, authority on home economics, Charlottesville, Va., will deliver the principal address on "Home Economics
What's It Good For?" Mrs. Snoddy
received her degree In heme economics here in 1920.
The following pledges to the Sco-ve-ll
Chapter of Alpha Zeta, honorary agricultural fraternity, will be




Legal Fraternity
To Initiate Today







Work Pushed On Four-Stor- y
Wing Of Biological Sciences Edifice


Prof. R. D. Mclntyre, instructor
in marketing and salesmanship, was
named national treasurer of Omicron
Delta Kappa, men's honorary lead-

ership fraternity, at the national
convention of that organization last
week at Washington and Lee University.

The Kentucky circle presented a
model initiation in Robert E. Lee
chapel on Thursdas', the first day of
the convention. This ritual, which
was rewritten by Professor Mclntyre, was subsequently adopted by
the convention as the official Initiation of the fraternity.
Members of Nu Circle who participated in the ceremony were Ed
Muehsler, Arthur Plummer, Campbell Miller, William Duty, William
Tudor, and Professor Mclntyre. William Young was the official delegate
with John Morgan as alternate.
Other members from the University who attended the national
meeting were Sidney B. Buckley,
James Quisenberry. James Palmore,
Ralph Edwards. Sherman Hinke-beiand James S. Shropshire.
Included among the 275 members
from 45 circles were nine of the 15
original founders of the leadership
fraternity. The next convention
will be held at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La.
On Friday a bronze tablet was
placed in the corridor of the Washington College building to commemorate the founding of ODK on that
spot 25 years ago.

Students Are Hurt
In Rifles Hell Week

Two University students, Gilbert
Cheniae and James Coffey, received
minor injuries while on the Pershing
Rifles overnight camp Saturday.
The camp, a yearly event coming at the end of "Hell Week," was
held at Camp Daniel Boone on the
Kentucky River.
The injuries appeared to be the
result of more than the usual
amount of roughhouse, both on the
part of the actives and the fresh
men. Cheniae had four stitches
taken In his right cheek at the
Good Samaritan hospital and Coffey was treated for a sprained

To Show Pictures
Of Union Buildings
Pictures of all Student Union
buildings in the United States will
be exhibited from March 29 to April
5 in the Music room of the Union,
Jimmy Wine, student director, announced yesterday.
Over 200 life photographs are in
the exhibit which is in charge of
the art committee of the Union.
Lounges, dining rooms, ballrooms,
club rooms, terraces, and barber
shtps are somu of the pictures

Should Be Completed
For Fall Term

Extension Makes
April 8 Dates
For Vacation



Competition Is Set For
April 28, 29

Kentucky Circle Holds
Model Ceremonies


"L Mt L."wriwr








by Robert Rudd, presi-

rell Noffsinger, Estill Noffsinger,
Robert Griffith, and William Hardin.
Grace Silverman, president of the
Iota Chapter of Phi Upsilon Omi-crohonorary home economics
fraternity, will likewise announce
the following pledges: Mary Byrd
Kendall. Betty Jeanne Mulberry,
Jennie Mae Trigg, Jane Ellen Allen, Helen Hcrlacher, Agnes Clark
Messersmith, Nettie Lee Riggs, Mary
Louis Braddy. Janet Ann Fergus,
Margaret Schnacke, Marjorie Hay-deEva Rowe, and Beatrice Monk.

Smashing tiiree records and placing winners in seven of the nine
events. Kentucky's undefeated swimming team captured the state intercollegiate title for the fourth
successive year Saturday night at
OiJy three teams, Kentucky.
Eastern Teachers College and Berea
College, accepted invitations for the
fourth annual state aquatic meet,
with the pool-leWildcat team
ferrying off 75 points. Second place
went to Berea with 43. while Eastern carried off show money with a
total of 39 points.
The first record to be overhauled
was for the 220 yard freestyle when
Begley of Berea pulled the route
in 2:46 to better the previous low
held by Kentucky's Jack Lewis by
2 seconds. Frank Roberts
the first record for Kentucky when
he barely defeated Lloyd Ramsey
in the 100 yard freestyle with a
clocking of :57. The time bettered
by three-tentof a second Ramsey's
record for the event established in
last year's aquafest.
For the third time this season
Jim Scott reduced his own state
record for the 150 yard backstroke
by churning the distance in 1.53 2
Captain Herb Hillenmeyer. swimming one of his best races, finished
a close second. The Wildcats' 4iw
yard relay team of Eddie David.
Austin Triplett. Ramsey and Roberts completed the revolution against
records by reducing their own time
for the event to 3:545. Kentucky
further added to the ducking by
placing first and second in four
events, the 50 and 100 yard dash-s- .
the 150 yard backstroke and the
diving exhibition.
The meet marked the fina! siar.d
of the season for Kentucky
During the regular schedule the Cat
mermen were undiuiked In 9 meets,
rolling over Eastern twice. Berea.
Maryvtlle. Tennessee. Georgia Tech.
DePauw. Butler, and Loyola of Chicago in succession. Including the
state meet. Kentucky entered 89
events and stroked to 70 firsts for a
total of 540 points to the opposition's 250. In all but two meets.
Loyola and Georgia Tech. the Wildcat scored over 50 points and for
the entire season averaged 54 points
per meet to 25 for their opponents.

dent: James Ramsay, John Clore,
Benjamin Butler, James Coots, Ter-


For Prom Bids
Today At Union

Blues Count 9 Wins
And No Losses

How It Will Look


Wagner Bill
Ends Term's

Juniors To Call


For Fourth Consecutive State Title

Acknowledgement of the outstanding senior in the agriculture college
and winners of the livestock judging contest will be made at the
banquet, to be held
at 6 p. m.. Thursday, in the ballroom
of the Union building.
Dean Thomas P. Cooper will
present the Alpha Zeta award to
the senior, chosen by the advisory
committee and three Junior members cf that fraternity, on a basis
of scholastic standing and achievement in the field of agriculture.
Cups will be awarded to the





In Union




For Thursday Night

Dorn, Xi President,
Transy Members,
On Committee




Wildcat Swim Team Breasts Waves

Annual Dinner Slated

tion may even be considered.
"If. after the expiration of that
time, the local organization can
reasonably strong mempresent
bership and a satisfactory financial
standing, the University will have
no objections to its being admitted
to Phi Epsilon
of the group, who will
sprve for thp nMrh srhnnt vpar vrf
elected Wednesday. They are:
Gerald Greenfield. Winchester,
SOt Ward Limit
president; Harold Freedman Ash-re- - land, vice president; Jack Golden-ceive- d
though two letters were
concerning last Tuesday's berg. Somerset, secretary, and
the writers agreed to let old Baker, Lexington, treasurer,
one suffice because of length. From
now on. all letters of over 200 words
will be subject to cutting. This is
absolutely necessary in, fairness to
Kadell Dorn. president of Xi
ell rather than to a few.
chapter of Chi Delta Phi, is a member of a committee on arrangeThe Other Side
ments for the honorary literary so"Evidently the editors of the Kerciety's national convention which
nel have In a most reprehensible
will open Thursday afternoon. April
manner, allowed themselves to fall
6, with registration at the Phoenix
prey to a
bit of Jourhotel.
nalistic misinformation. In reprintOther members of the committee
ing the editorial from the
are Katherine Orwin, president of
not only has a new low for
Prcf. Carl A. Lampert directed the the Transylvania Alpha Iota chapthe caliber of reprinted articles University philharmonic
orchestra ter, and Virginia Beeler, of the
been established, but also the edi- tors of the Kernel have been guilty and combined Glee clubs In an all Transylvania alumna.
The first meeting cf the three-da- y
ot helping to spread vicious, bi- - .w"ner T?L
convention will be held Thursased propaganda in a manner en- - ,rt Memorial hall. "With his concert
e season s vesper programs were day night when the entire group
tirely incompatible with a fair- will meet at the Little Theater at
minded quest for information, and concluded.
Wagners music, since first pro- Transylvania.
Incidentally quite incompatible with
A luncheon will be held Friday
the 'on the fence' vacillations of claimed by Nietzsche as necessary to
the usual tone of the Kernel edi- all culture, has been the better mu- - at thd Lexington Country Club, and
sic of all people. His operas attract in the afternoon the delegates will
the largest audiences throughout be taken on a tour of Bluegrass
being arranged by
tne world,
The imported editorial attacked, uninformed, and hold informedby and farms, which isBoard cf Commerce
unlike enthralled
the the Lexington
in glowing gutter-typ- e
the peace policy proposed by the mighty music pictures presented. under the direction of Mrs. ElizaAmerican Student Union a policy Lexington gave a fine audience to beth Simpson.
Saturday's program Includes a
whose leading proponents have Memorial hall Sunday afternoon to
been President Roosevelt, former hear selections frcm "Rienzi," "The business session, a book exhibit dis
Secretary of State Henry L. Stira-ao- Flying Dutchman," and "Lohen- played by Mrs. Katherine B. Schry-ve- r,
a representative of the RanSenator Barkley. Anthony grin" well performed.
The program opened with the dom House publishing concern, and
Eden, and countless others whose
names may strike a faintly responoverture to "Reinsd," which was a banquet Saturday night where
sive note in the astute brain of our followed by the "Chorus of Roman John Jacob Niles of Lexington will
deeply informed Mississippian com- - Scldiers" from the same opera. If be the guest artist.
Chi Delta Phi was founded at the
mentator. In all fairness to the the accusing finger of fault were to
writer, he was probably in earnest be pointed, it might Indicate the University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
the worst possible reflection on cornet section, whose tempo wa at October 31, 1919, and is an honorary
his clarity of thought is that after times ahead of the orchestra. The organization of college women whose
three or four years of collegiate oornctists, too, seemed to have vary- creative writing merits recognition.
study, he doesn't know any better ing ideas as to pitch as well as Its purpose is to stimulate college
than to smirk so blithely at stu- tempo, for the latter part of the writers to purposeful study and
dent attempts to combat 'the hor- overture was slightly marred by this creative activity in all phases of
rible barbarities being practiced by section.
National officers who are expected
the Spanish Insurgents' or to speak
The high point of the program
so lightly of the necessity for 'buy- seemed, in the opinion of all, to be to attend the convention include
ing two loaves of bread' as he so Mary Louise McKenna's fine inter- Hazel Selby. Riverside. California,
ably put it.
pretation of the appealing "Santa's president; Montague McMillan. Gaf-neS. C,
Ballad" from "The Flying DutchSarah
"The past few days have demon- man."
Although Miss McKenna Gillespie, Salt Lake City, Utah,
strated that an aroused madman, seemed a little uncertain at the beCharlotte L. Shock-leflushed with power, can grasp al- ginning of her solo, she quickly acCincinnati,
secretary; Ruth
most at will whatever people and customed herself to the orchestra Merrill Jones, Berkley, California,
territory he finds it ex- background and gave a most accur- treasurer; Mrs. Schryver, New York
pedient to possess. Bromides con- ate and fine performance despite an City, editor, and Goldia Cooksey,
cerning racial integrity or restora- irritated throat.
Norman, Oklahoma, chapterian.
tion of previously owned land do
All alumnae of the organization
"The Sailors Chcrus,"
not hold any longer. The Czechs "The Flying Dutchman" also from have been invited to attend sessions
was pernever were, and never will be Ger- formed by
the combined Glee clubs of the convention.
mans In any sense of the word.
orchestra, as a
part of
Fascism has advanced in the case and program. The fourth
boisterous chorof Czechoslovakia, in the case of the was sung
with exactness that
Spain, and even in the case of us
regions within American did not sacrifice too much for percertain
boundaries, and will continue to fect description.
Selections from "Lohengrin" repBreckinridge Inn of Phi Delta Phi,
advance whenever the democracies
allow it to advance. Only this week resented the final numbers, with the international legal fraternity, will
have the world democracies, fol- orchestra doing its finest work in hold its spring initiation at 5:30
lowing the plan first suggested by the familiar preludes to acts I and p. m. today, n the courtroom of the
the horn Court of Appeals at Frankfort. IniPresident Roosevelt and subsequent- III. Credit may
ly reiterated by Anthony Eden. section, and the brass section in tiation exercises will be followed by
Senator Taft, Alfred Landon and general for its improvement during a dinner for all actives and pledges
countless other world - reknowned the course of the pre gram. "The at the Capitol hotel.
figures, begun to form a united front Bridal Chorus" was the concluding
Student pledges are James Clay,
of democracies against the bloody selection and employed the com- Paintsville; James Stephenson, Pike-villbined glee clubs and orchestra.
inroads of Fascist aggressioiL
Perkins Hamilton, Somerset;
Howard Trent, Maysville; Eugene
prob"We are faced with a real
Webb, Pembroke: Paul Durbin, Fullem a problem which cannot be
ton; Preston Young, Owingsville;
"King of Kings," a picture of Charles Dolby, Columbus, Ohio; and
blandly palmed off as a 'stinkeroo'
Jesus of Nazareth directed by Cecil M. G. Alley, Major Gardner, and
or as 'crackpot' war is much too
close for such gibberish to hold B. DeMille, will bd shown at) 3 p. m. Robert Stilz, of Lexington.
sway. When the American Student Sunday in Memorial hall. The pic- King Swope of the Fayette Circuit
sponsoTTa by the YM-YUnion asked for student support of ture is
Court, will be initiated as an honthe Spanish government forces it There will be no admission charge. orary member of the fraternity.
immas seeing beyond the limits
Alumni who will attend the
posed by the enterprising editorialist.
and dinner, include Dean
It was looking with fear at the
Alvin E. Evans and Professors Frank
pillage and murder
Murray and Frank Randall, of the
by Fascist troops all through EurCollege of Law; Robert Tyler, provope and Asia. It was observing the
ince president,
Columbus, Ohio;
impetus to Fascism in America proLeonard Crawford, president of the
vided by the European successes.
Kentucky Stale Bar Association;
For each victory for Hitler, another
Bids for the Junior prom
Judges Fulton, Stites, Perry, and
Kulin arose; witli each added sucill be distributed from 9 a. m.
Ratliff, of the Kentucky Court vt
cess one more Winrod or Coughlin
4 p. m. today at the Union
Appeals; Owen Keller, assistant
was encouraged to spread antiroom on the first floor
General; and Frank
across from the information
Dailey, Frankfort attorney.
around them. At attempts to block
bids, either stag
desk. Two
Paul Oberst, president of the losuch dangers to our institutions
or date, will be given to each
cal chapter, has requested that all
and Ideals does this writer mock.
junior and one to each senior.
actives and Initiates be in Frankfort
Does he realize tliat in so doing
by 4:30 this afternoon.
(Continued on Page Four)



"This Is



Pershing Rifles,
crack drill team of the University
ROTC unit has been invited to
participate in the Third Regiment
drill meet to be held April 28 and
Ind., military
29 at Bloomington,
department officials said yesterday.
Since the company is not a mem
ber of the Third Regiment the Kentucky team will not be eligible for
competition for the regimental tro
phy, but it was announced that a
separate trophy will be awarded to
the best drill unit on the field, ir-

respective of regiment.
Other schools taking part in the
meet will be Ohio State University,
Western Kentucky State Teachers
College, and the Universities of Indiana, Illinois. Tennessee and Michigan.
The First Regiment drill meet, cf
which Kentucky is a member, will
be held May 12, at Dayton. Ohio.
This event which has been won by
Kentucky six times during the past
seven years, will feature drill teams
from Ohio 8tate University and the
Universities of Cincinnati, Akron,
Dayton and Kentucky.
The entire Pershing Rifles unit
and the Confederate Squad will
make bo)i trips. FbHowintr the
Dayton meet, the Kentucky unit
will make an inspection tour of
Wright Field.

Spring vacation has been
extended one day. the Registrar's office said yesterday.
Vacation begins at I a. m.
Thursday. April 13. and ends
at 8 a. m. Tuesday. April 18,




Ulster Eire Union Is
Current Question








Ireland's greatest problem

today, according to Professor Ellery
Hall, of the English department,
who discussed "Ireland's Political
Troubles" Thursday with Pan Pcliti-ka-


backGiving a comprehensive
ground of the island's recent history,
Professor Hall revealed that agitation for independence from England
did not become national until after
the Easter Rebellion of 1916. when
Britain's harsh treatment of the
ringleaders aroused public indignation.
At the close of the World War. a
strong Irish revolt was terminated
by a treaty giving home rule and a
standing of dominion to Ireland.
Still unsatisfied, leaders fought for
a completely sovereign state, which
was won in 1937. when the sovereign
state of Eire was established. Ulster, in the north, voluntarily remained with England.
on Eng"Because it is
Third College Night To Offer land for marketsdependent defense."
and for
Musical Compositions
said Professor Hall, "the Irish will
By 4 Students
never achieve a complete separation." Nevertheless a revolutionary
army, the I. R. A., has formed in
students will be the feature of the Eire to obtain immediate and entire
third College Night to be held from release of Ulster from Great Britain.
8 to 9 p. m. Thursday in the cafeBecause it is uncompromising, and
teria of the Union.
has been outlawed, the I. R. A. has
Power Prichard. Bebe Chauvet. taken to terrorism, and initiated a
Anne McDuffte, and Jamie Thomp- series of bombings in London and
son will have their compositions other British cities.
played on the program. During the
intermission a model of Kay Kyser's
Kollege of Musical Knowledge will
be held with questions being answered by students.
John Morgan is director of the
program and Alan Vogeler is master
cf ceremonies.
Chi Delta Phi, national honorary
literary fraternity will hold pledg10
ing services for five women at 4:45
p. m. today in Room 2U5 cf the
Bids for engraving, photography,
and binding of the 1940 KentucThose to be pledged are Betty
kian art due at noon, April 10. In
the Kernel business office, the Wells Roberts. Lexington; SlaughBoard of Student Publications has Hume, Harrodsburg; Ruth
ter, Fulton; Nellie Rash. Paris; and
Petitions for positions of editor Sarah Elizabeth McLean, Lexington.
Professor Grant Knight of the Engand business manager of the Kerlish department, is advisor of the
nel and editor and business manager of the Kentuckian fur next chapter.
Requirements for membership are
year are due at the same time and
a two standing and six credit hours
of English, and the acceptance of
an original manuscript. ,The purTAYLOR TO TALK
pose of the organization is to stimuDean W. S. Taylor of the College late college students to purposeful
of Education will speak before the study and creative activity in all
Pierian club on Friday, March 31. phases f writing

Original Numbers

Will Be Presented

National Honorary
Will Hold Pledging

For Five Women


Bids Due April


With one wing of the new science
building completed and occupied,
work cn the tower and right wing
sections is now being pushed to have
them ready for occupation at the
beginning of the fall semester.
This will be the fulfillment of the
dreams, calculations and plans of
the bacteriology, anatomy and physiology, art and zoology departments
one of the finest science buildings
in the south.
The section already completed
contains a pure culture room where
no bacteria may enter, huge refrigerators and incubators, laboratories equipped with hot and ccld run
ning water, high and low steam for
sterilizing, compressed air. suction
pumps, and electricity.
The first floor houses staff offices
and private laboratories, a balance
room where chemicals, food and culture ingredients are weighed, and
Two redry steam sterilization.
search rooms for graduates doing
individual work are located at the
south end of the floor, with professors' offices beside them. Huge plate
glass windows separate the offices
from research labs so that students
may be supervisee at their work.
A stock room for chemicals, the
pure culture room, a photography
room, incubators at various temperatures,
a glassware sterilization
room, with a dumb waiter for the
whole department, a kitchen for
the preparation of culture media, a
chemical reagent room where bacterial stains and chemical reagents
are concocted, an autopsy and animal inoculation room for the examination of research animals, a
tank for distilled water, and refrigerators.
Two large labs for undergraduates
located on the second floor, are each
equipped with a series of incubation rooms, sterilization rooms, wash
rooms, and media kitchens. There
is space for other labs and lecture
rooms to be equipped as the need
for them arises.
Devoted entirely to the physiology
department, the third floor contains
offices and laboratories for members
of the faculty, an advanced physiology lab complete with apparatus,
animal rooms, a laboratory room,
and a store stock room. There are
also lounges and wash rooms for the
faculty and students.
In the basement of the new wing
there will be complete anatomy,
ecology and photographic rooms for
the use of the zoology department.
The ground floor will contain the
aequarium and museum, a row of
offices for Dr. W. D. Funkhouser.
head of the zoology department and
dean of the graduate school, and
ttie graduate department, and two
large general labs which will ac-- !
commodate 150 students.
Embryological laboratories, lustol-- i
ogy rooms private research labs for
graduate workers and recitation
rooms will be found on the first

Government Plan To
Be Submitted
David Griffin, sharecropper anil
organizer for the Southern tenant
farmers union In Arkansas, will be
the speaker for the second forum
of the series on "Are We Training
Ourselves For Democracy?" sponsored by the YM-Yat 7:15 p. m..
Tuesday in the Y Rooms of the
Immediately following Mr Griffin's talk, the committee on student government appointed at the
last forum will submit a tentative
plan for better organization of student government on this campus
Don Irvine, chairman of the committee, asked that any student interested in making suggestions to
the committee or to the forum be
present at the meeting The committee itself has met three times
since the last forum and will ha.e
some definite suggestions to mak
to the group, he said.
In his address. "The Truth Alxmi
Dixie." Mr. Griffin will disciu
sharecropper problems in the South
He is touring Kentucky during National Sharecroppers Week to speak
at various colleges.

School Problems
Will Be Discussed


The two top floors of this new
section will be devoted to the art
department, now, located on Euclid
avenue, while the tower will house
the live experimental animals, anat- -'
omy and operating rooms, library.
and large auditorium.
The entire structure will be air
winconditiuned, with


and central heating


The Bluegrass School Executives
Club will hold its second dinner-- I
meeting of the year at 6.15 p m.
today in the Union building. The
program will be built around the
theme. "School Problems Facimc
Kentucky in 1940."
Speakers will include Prof Thi.ni-a- s
Farrell of Eastern Kentucky
state teachers college: Mr. H. B
Schuerman. president of the state,
organization of school board members, and Lee Kirkpatrick. superintendent of schools at Paris and a
member of the University Board
After each address a
of Trustees.
short discussion will follow
Any members of the Uiinersi'v
faculty who wish to attend may do
sii hv f&llintr Dr Jevt E. Aiiams of.
rice. University 61. to make theu
rickets for the dinner


50 centos

� best uopy Available

Pjgc Two
An elective subject
fssarv evils whit h





m th Post Ofiic? at Lxinfrton. Kntirclv.
An of Marrh J. 1871.
i.mitrr m.Vr i
K Murk? Interrollff ialr Prr Anrintinn



Board ot Commerce




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II kk



tZJtn One Yrxr
Edilor-iti-C.hii- 'j

1iimi!hif Editor


'r;r Editor
Hmitirss Miinnyr

M. Smiiii

Sports Editor
Society Editor
Art Editor
Assistant Art Editor
Advertising Manager


us ii


ril.lin lilt fnin




never have Iteeil
;n ctnliargo on aims and aiiimiinii ion lo the
"Spanish l.ovalisi government is now hut an aa- U
issue, lor Spain has deliniielv fallen inio
the hands of a government ruled l a li laior
who promises no lender inert ies lo oponents of







red-hea- d.

On Campus Politics


What'g Happened, Princeton?
An Outdoor Pool?

Cold Drinks




self-eviden- t:

cross-sectio- n




















There is now under way on this campus an embryo re'We should like lo remind those who adhere
form wave, the object of which m to procure more
lo lie Hsiiion that ii was good xliev lor the
student government, put an end to the present "dirty
S. to t nloiie an embargo against ihe Spanish
politics." The ideals involved in the movement are good; the
methods, not quite so satisfactory. The reason for this is
ol the following faels:
vovel iiment
the group involved has yet to show that it repre"I. 'Ihe Spanish ltalisi government was
of student opinion here at the Universents a
lei led in l eliiii.nx. I'.'.'l'i.
ihe overwhelming
in.iorii ol lie Spanish jxople as the legall
The professorial anecdote, we think, is losing
It seems to this writer that the evil in current campus
oiisi ii tiled government of Spain.
ground. Students no longer convulse them- politics lies not in their "dirty" aspects, but in the fact that
J. I he lelx llious lattion of the ariuv (led l
selves with pa row sins of laughter ai everv stoiv they are rapidly dividing the stu- I laiioi) was haiked hv the landed arisitMiacv
Hung at them with humorous intent. Thev are dent body into two hostile camps. they will refuse to break away, vote
for a party which stands on its own
.nid the (.aiholit hierarh (see Lawreme
demanding thai the story be funnv before thev In the immediate past there have feet.
in "Koreign Affairs." Ot loiter. I9S7).
laugh. Not a had thing either, come to think of been three or four parties in
race, with few voters bound to supExit The V. F. W.?
a small minorilv of the Spanish
i. We've noticed on several txrasions that the port any particular one. Recent
Campuscene wonders what has
pioiile. and a(piiiing the vast preonderan e of ( lass reeated the
of a storv right along events have, however, caused mer- become of the organization
lis arms, and iii.un ol its soldiers. Irom ltal and
wilh the professor. ( This alwavs detrads. some- gers and disjunctions, until today Princeton university known as the
( .el
how, Irom die humor of anvthing.) We tan 'i there are two formidable groups, Veterans of Future Wars. The organization had as its platform the
".'!. Ihe Neuiraliiv Ad on (he staniie Ivxiks tpiiie figure it out. Professors