xt72v6986k4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6986k4w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2006 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 77, no. 3, Fall 2006 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 77, no. 3, Fall 2006 2006 2006 2012 true xt72v6986k4w section xt72v6986k4w [ `
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 I # . » ; I
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O     l1II1I11...__....._-
  Fall 2006 • Volume 77 • Number 3
q ~  ‘ ·    Y I l
  ==·A   {   Rob Hill: Juggling Several Careers .
  V»__ E   __ Self—employed and tackling a mélange of interests — two books, a media
    a marketing company, film production and more — this 1999 College of Law
. `'``   » ‘$····=’···· ` i T   graduate has found a happy balance of work and family.
On the Cover: By Robin Roenker
Rob Hill ’99 LAW combines an entre-
preneurial spark with his many special _
interests,.   UK Healthcare Campus
Photo: @2006 David Crenshaw ofthe Flltlll`€ - Now! _ . ' _ _ _ 4;* 4   
I The new $450 million University V,;,_,;>E'E E.       `
of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler »:    QQ `     SU; e·.
Hospital, scheduled for completion         T Eq il
· in 2010, as well as a new academic {ij ·.,,..L<      S A Z V;``   ·r       ‘ **’;       I   1
  . _ · -   1 = `7 ___. H   1     :~ r` ·"*»—-+   .     - .
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(.I·1tt1;;11. III _ _ _ _ _ _ /
,,,, ,,,,,;,,1, Each year the UK Alumni Association sends the Ke1zmcl*I> ]\Y('IIIll(`/(V A/1111111i Sept. 9 Texas State A i` ' r 1   . 6 p.m.
  1,1. It 1 11 _- _ ». .
it/1~11t'1i1;1·j1j\ f11jji5’;ji;11111111 HIlI4Q(IZIII(' li`('[('(}I}I(’S S€p[_   Ole Mlss 6 p_m_
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xy _;L‘..~’;~j1j>HH, ; 4/1111)] [[5 }‘(*11([1_'I1¥ X/I(H`IIl_£{     Central Michigan   S  
,1, `,1 ,     i-. ,,11 I/l('iI‘ ir/t·11_s· uml r1 2i11ir111.s‘ · _ ~ - 1- `
j*·?I1'11 11/1; j1I{···1»'111i1»11 1-1··14 ljwm fh ,},1 I , l_jH(,-Y Oct- 7 S0- CBYOIIHH (GWS* RGUHIOH) 7  
T,1'T,"”'*’ji‘}’;.' ’J}"' ’i.' ', ‘'.i é,`,, 2 mm H, (I (mi" ` Oct. 14 Louisiana State University 1 TBA
1..1..-1. 1.. »1-1 .-,1.1.1 1....1 1- .11.1 HHN hc mm] Oct. 28 Mississippi State TBA  
}I,’CZ”.C',`{ "' `/N 11111/111i1j· II('('(/if('([ NOV- 4 G€01‘g¤¤§H0m€¤0¤¤¤g) . 1 Pm-    
§\111:I1j.i·i I1'1j111111 H),-[(1HQI/INN!] Nov.   Vandcrbllt   ‘ `1,i* I
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711111 1s11111]11;111111\. (·/111*j[·\·_ ,1\1]{1[/ ](·[[(·1·5 NOV.   LOUISIHHH " Monroe        
 .‘J.’1.i‘;1’1,.. 111 Ilvfmflil Nov. 2n Tennessee TBA  1 I ··
l.`}"l(`/T`;. UK llllllllli /l.\‘xr1t’i11[i(111, _ _  X 1   ni ’.
  ,,,, A/',`,’, H ]\·mAL; fmmmi llrjukwy BOId= C0mm011weulthSta4Iium· V _ _ j `       ,, _.
‘   ]A(,_\.m¥mH. KY GWS = Class 0fZ956. G0/den WzIdcqt‘S0cicty Reunion. andprtprayears (
111-1 .1111 _j1j_;1j(,_(j]j()_- All times are ESTand subject to Chaflge. _ ._ j _ 'V   ‘   -1 ` ‘ » I
r- ·‘<,;v2- 1 . . · ~ “   .- - .4* K.,  
1,,   ,, ,».,   .,,,.,   I "·‘ "’ **5;) · ·` Wl · Jom us for Wildcat Warm-Ups at the UK’AlHmm.T€Ht’St3ftlHg ’ · 1 1
1..1 1,  111, 1¤.‘ II' '·IIl II · ' - " 5*- · '
g ,,,,, ‘;’;.' ,, ,, ,.,f,,“ ' _‘ ‘ , _ 2.5 hours before knck off of every home game.   .   1
11 ·‘ ’‘‘‘ " ‘ 11/tu/11111<<111/\_x·.t·t/11 . . -- _
2 KliN`l`ll(`KY.#\|.l'\lNl

   r The UK Alumni Association Introduces
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lt is hard to believe it has been five • We have made tremendous progress Plan, a comprehensive analysis of    
years since I came back to my alma in our billion dollar capital campaign, what it will take to build a Top 20  f
mater. Looking back, it is gratifying bringing our total from $408 million university. It is the first plan of its , i t
to see how much this university has to more than $900 million, with nearly kind for a public university in the U.S. i_Q    
grown and progressed, thanks to the 80,000 different donors supporting us The university took the plan — and our ‘  I I
work of our faculty and staff and the since I took office. » goal to elevate-the quality of life in    ,
‘ support of our alumni and friends. • 0ur endowed chairs have grown this state — externally. We discussed {   ?
from 69 to 95 and our endowed . the plan with the General Assembly,    
_ • We have increased the size of our professorships have grown from 124 outlining the need for the state to ,     _
first year class from 3,000 to nearly to 210. commit itself to helping us achieve this  .  L
4,000 students, while improving goal. Those conversations resulted in     .
student quality. · We accomplished all this during both_ the best budget in decades for the JQ    .
• Our graduation rate jumped from good and difficult economic times. entire postsecondary system, including .  L
55 to 60 percent, the highest among As impressive as these statistics a firm financial commitment from the I ‘
public universities in Kentucky. can be, I have been more excited state to fulfill UK’s Top 20 mandate, Q  ·
• Research grants and contracts with how this university — and this beginning in 2007-2008. ‘ p  3 I
have increased from $173.6 million state — have embraced our legislative At the same time, we initiated a ‘  ‘
to more than $274 million and challenge to build a Top 20 public campus conversation about what we Q ,
approaching $300 million this year. research university. are willing to do to transform this    
_ • The university endowment has About a year and a half ago, we institution. We are in the midst of a <  ·} 
soared from $420 million to more decided it was time to force serious campus-wide conversation about how —  ·
than $773 million, the highest among conversations about whether this state we become even more efficient and · _
public universities in Kentucky. and this institution are serious about effective in managing our resources _ ‘ I
_ building a Top 20 university and what and how we identify the strategic _
achieving that goal will mean to the investments we need to make. Those
people of Kentucky. I conversations build on the $40 million ? .
We developed our Top 20 Business we reallocated over the last 5 years. °

 " I I   . in , 1 .     » ;  »   · V              
2 . ;;.     V   _ 
I I V · ._§;.,  .
  l .
I;  I t 4 Most of all, we will continue to talk V These efforts and initiatives have administration. But more than
· Al~°i 3 { with Kentuckians all across the state positioned UK as an activist university anything, these five years have been
f  l I · about the kind of economic future this for the Commonwealth and a national about building a solid foundation for
A A.   _   state wants and needs. We will continue leader for our analytical approach to the next 14 years as we move from
`  ;  ‘ to talk about the types of jobs that will attain our Top 20 dream. Your alma the dream of a Top 20 public research
   ,  V _ exist in a dynamic 21 st century mater has been featured in USA Today institution to its reality. _
    r economy and how this state’s flagship, and in a cover story in the Chronicle on We will be judged on our
g    - land grant research university will create Higher Education, the nation’s leading progress toward reaching that goal
  g j those types of economic opportunities. journal on higher education issues. and, as importantly, how that progress
»   g - _ For example, we recently unveiled We have also talked at length with translates into being a catalyst for a
   ‘   the Commonwealth’s Medical Campus The New York Nmes, The Wall Street new Commonwealth.
I   I of the Future, which will feature a new Journal, and Business Week.
1  , I $450 million UK Albert B. Chandler We’ve accomplished a great deal   J
y j Hospital and a $120 million pharmacy during the first five years of my .
g  · building for ourTop 10 pharmacy .
f  · school. These facilities will allow UK
‘  ‘ to create the type of academic medical ,
A  , center we need to improve health care -
Z  l and research across Kentucky.
. 2%
V I 
I [Dream. Chez//enge. Succeed
—  ’ www.uky.edu

 A A » . ’ l     “ · . . ` ‘ ·  ZZ  ·;;  ,     ` ‘;   Y         · i       ·A. “   -» '   .
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j K - UK Opens ‘Fact0ry uf the Futurc’ l
I Y jj if     ·r""` sg ` l I The new $17 million UK Center- for Pharmaceutical Sci-
‘     _   l ’ ’ . ence &Technology facility is unique among others world-
" 7 J . , Q wide as it becomes the first pharmaceutical manufacturing
` _ » `   ,   F, ; facility to produce cytotoxic and non—cytotoxic drugs in
·_ V Y t   , the same room at the same time.
` Q Current pharmaceutical industry practice dictates sepa-
E --t. · is rating cytotoxic (toxic to cells) and non-cytotoxic drug
ki , ‘ ‘~‘‘ r manufacturing by entire buildings. By using custom-made
W \ t'   v- mobile isolators, the new facility is able to manufacture
3%   _, _A ·   potent and more conventional drugs in the same room
E A C   r   at the same time while eliminating the risks of cross-con- ·
,   tamination.
Q § Located at the UK Coldstream Research Campus, 25
j E _ _ _ professionals working in the CPST provide analysis, for- j
i Jlrh l—hrhpp· lerr aeeeelere hrereseer lh the Deharhhehr er mulation, manufacturing of sterile drug products for early
i lilecmcal and Computer Eng'rl€8rmg· Speaks Wllh UK Bngmehr phase clinical trials and sterile liquids for injection, plus
?€SEl“El?S§?0l.”"" M“C'“” at G*“"’“ °“r‘"‘“"" "“’°“l he me capabtitty to rmi-. dry rnjmbies, it smc., rarely
' found outside of large pharmaceutical companies.
. B the ear 2011, annual revenue forecasts redict
Kentucky StUdEntS TD Bulld, CPS/T operations will bring in $15 million andpemploy up
Launch Satellites For Research to 100 scientists, engineers and professional staff at annual
_ _ _ , _ _ _ earnings ranging from $50,000 to $150,000.
UK is part of a coalition of state universities and organ- '
izations that created KentuckySat, a joint enterprise _
to design. build, launch and operate small satellites for   RBGCIWBS TDP   lh Heart
education, research and economic innovation purposes. '  
KySat is a cube—shaped satellite with a mass of less Research Fundlng _ _ _
than one kilogram. Once in orbit, KySat will be made UK ls rrrhehg rhe rep 20l¤S¤l¤l1¤¤S reeervlhg heerr re'
available at no cost to Kentucky students, teachers, Search rhhChhg_
schools, and universities for educational and research rrehl rhe Alherr
uses. which include communications capability, temper- eeh_r`reerrASSO` A I A A in     hui,
attire monitoring, current, voltage and science sensors, eleheh (AHA)» hay -   , ·j__. A A i  
and photography using an onboard camera. Whleh repvrts   -     l
ln addition to UK, the KySat partnership is com- $384 hhlheh lh   glrli  Q;. i ,.
prised of lead institution Morehead State University, rlerlYe grrlhrs I     ll,   l ; 3 _; ei s·
l\/lurray State University, University of Louisville, rer hre‘SrlV‘     `.i` jn l     V 1
Western Kentucky University, Kentucky Space Grant lhg research at   Qi _‘_‘     l   ~ A " r
C`onsortium,Council on Postsecondary Education. rhere lhflll 330 r a    ; ·     j » -  
Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation and research lh$rlrh‘   . jr .  ,j E  l_ j   a 
the Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation hehe lllls Year- ‘   f3,. ‘.‘·i _ i   gl Y‘ _
which is the managing partner, _UK l$ Whrklllg   _ ‘”'”"”‘"’l" {  
Lead mission partners include Stanford Space and Wlrh $5 rhllhhh ig  EQ¤ _ j ’j      f
Systems Development Laboratory (SSDL), NASA rrelh rhe AHA   · g ,   l
Ames Research Center, KatySat ("Kids Aren`t Too r0l` re$C?ll`Cll llll0         lj;  W 
Young for Satcllites") and California Polytechnic State hhderelrlhrhhg  l;f~·j   -5 ` ,
llniversity, which will serve as the launch integrator. hew herrrr rhS‘ " V   3
Kentucky Virtual University is the virtual network ease 0eehl`$~ HS — t     L
partner maintaining remote communications among Wcll as how le
the pmmcl-S_ treat and prevent `
/\n actual flight model is expected to be built in Ken- lllls lerlrhhg erlhse Or derlrh rllllrmg KelllU€l·                
  ’‘·%AV fl' `   °   ·   afs  `P ,  I T ` .         . Y***1E
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  ‘;' s » e   A ·V.,   -    ~   i      T `:···  t t   »,i,g »,   .. ~ ~        is       
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  .        ¤ at »¢v- =  iis  K     il `· lY?i¥e»¤;'       lf   ( -»~; if  ·     TF? ei l lg { E      l T
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              “4 »4  .     zé  -        ”       i   `  _.
Bagkgygund Buzz As a Commonwealth Collaborative, UK’s emphasis on health care is a Kentucky
_ _ _ _ _ priority, producing solutions for injuries and diseases to extend and improve ly’e, in-
Thls selles Wlll hlghllght crease access to health care, improve knowledge and practice, and reduce costs. UK
23 Pl'0j€€tS 3iH1€d at is pursuing these health care initiatives in conjunction with a wide variety of Com-
solving the "Kentucky monwealth universities, state and local govemment and community agencies, public
Uglie5" by improving school systems, and clinics:
:)(§;;ll;;l;l;El§2:;°;°lS’ Lethal Cancers. e l · ·
‘ _ ’ • The Marty Driesler Cancer Project: strengthens the ability of regional and local
, ehvlmhmehtv health hospitals in the Fifth Congressional District to detect lung, liver, and esophageal
ehle and lltestYles· cancers at an early stage.
'5`;c:l;;£;l§)fl$§:v$;;lth • Developing and Testing a Lung Cancer Vaccine: explores immunotherapy to
§ _ ” treat lung cancer using each pat1ent’s own white blood cells to spur the develop-
· Chllhhhlhhveh 3 ment of dendritic cells (one of the most potent immune inducing cells) to reduce
? term that portrays the the risk of recurrence or maintain remissions following definitive treatment for
p3l'tH€l'Sl1i[1 billdillg non-small cell lung cancer.
UK’s researchers, K-12 Neurosciences
zggazgggizlggggilzignt • African American Dementia Outreach Partnership: increases the use by.African—
, ’ , American patients of the programs and services of the UK Alzhe1mer’s Disease
entrcpmncum mdusthcst Center in the Sanders—Brown Center on Aging.
‘ local government officials . . . . .
and private citizens who • Discovery of Biomarkers to Facilitate the Development of Neuroprotective
. . . . Thera ies for Traumatic Brain In ur : tar ets ost-traumatic brain dama e and the
will participate in —- and p· . l y g p g .
benefit from _ these beneficial effects of cyclosporine A, a drug that appears to reduce post-traumatic
  _ t brain damage by reducing oxygen radicals that exacerbate the initial injury.
prqlcc S` Access to Health Care: promotes health in underserved populations; the Good
The five main categories Samaritan Nurse—Managed Center provides nursing staff for existing community-
of collabomtiveg nre; based clinics in Fayette and surrounding counties, serving children, adults, and families.
° ehvlmhmeht Substance Abuse Issues: provides information on the problems and issues of sub-
' h€3ltl1 €3l'€ stance abuse, defining local problems, and developing action plans using community
• economic development assets and the resources of the university and partners so that communities can imple-
• education ment action plans.
° qhhllty etllte Oral Health and Group Prenatal Care: provides group prenatal care at UK
and rural clinics combined with treatment for persistent periodontal infection in preg-
nant women to help reduce the number of preterm, low birth weight children born in
Kentucky; improves health and reduces health care costs for mothers and infants, cur-
rently estimated at $20,000,000 annually.
Pharmaceutical Health Costs: PharmacistCARE, a pharmacist—administered
patient care service, will help to improve the health of persons with diabetes and re-
duce health—care costs.
Medicaid Pharmacy Outcome Analysis: uses a software program to analyze
the usage of prescribed pharmaceuticals by Medicaid recipients, ultimately improving
or maintaining Kentucky Medicaid patient outcomes and satisfaction while signifi-
 bXtI_a cantly reducing pharmaceutical costs to the Commonwealth.
ll `" The Preservice Health Training Project: trains future physicians, nurse prac-
Fn/’ details, irish? m!rw1f.nltj.’. titioners. physician assistants. and dentists how to communicate with and provide care
i?r~”tmtf1?/tK?tEW2ieaffltcatti.{tim to patients with developmental disabilities and their families.
Child and Youth Well-Being: serves as a clearinghouse for activities ranging
from research and service in pediatrics, education, public health, dentistry, social work,
psychiatry and nursing, along with efforts involving economic development and the
environment, to improve the condition of youngsters in low-income circumstances.

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  Student Selected as   eli_ _ gw
Astronaut Scholar   ‘     . I
UK senior Ryan Fischer has been _·   a pi I J    'i"\ I
selected as an Astronaut Scholar by     ·     j I
the Astronaut Scholarship Founda— i ' `   `
tion. The foundation named Fischer ‘ Q *1   I ,
as one of only 18 Astronaut Schol— /     _     I
ars for 2006-07 and awarded him   . * Q [  
a $10,000 scholarship.The presti-   I VV     ,,   ‘  
I gious scholarship is presented to I     ,”',°° 1,; g I
I dynamic undergraduates or gradu—   Mir * é  
I ate students who exhibit motiva—     ‘ V g
I tion, imagination, and exceptional   Yjitijij.   / E I
I performance in the fields 0f sCienCe       . E I
’ and engineering.     / gt Q * _ E
  Fischer, majoring in agricultural l -   , gg
  biotechnology and biology, is a   I_ V E
I Singletary Scholar currently work-   _ _ _ I
I ing in cardiothoracic research under I   1 ,5 MIIIIOH   St|‘B|1gthB|15  
I tl]? gumancc Gt Dr VMQY F€"*mS~ UK has received the most broad-based gift in the history of the univer-
I €··'l,H¢¤¤ Insmum CO‘d'f€CtOY’ sity from class of 1937 alumnus Dr. E. Vernon Smith.The gift, made in
I thc FYICY Gill PY0f°S$OY Ot Vascular   the name of Smith and his late wife, Eloise C. Smith, totals more than ,
I Sufgcly and Cmd Ot Cmd'OthO' $11.5 million including matching funds and will create scholarships in .
m°‘C_S_“lg€rY m the UK COH€g€ Of the areas of nursing, medicine and band; professorships in history, busi- I
I M€d'°‘“€ Dcpmmlem Of SE”g€fY» ness, nursing and macular degeneration research; and endowed chairs in I
I ““d_S“"H‘{“ F€“€‘“S= an awsmnt macular degeneration and Alzheimer’s disease research.
I PYOIQSSOY ln Cardlothomclc Surgery The largest amounts of funding, $4 million each, will go to establish
m the Department Gt Surgew the endowed research chairs. Smith has been diagnosed with macular
I I degeneration while Eloise Smith passed away in 1997 of Alzheimer’s
disease. UK already has strong programs of research in both areas, and
the Smith gift will further UK’s efforts to research, understand and bet-
ter treat both diseases.
‘ I A native of Greenup County, Smith has designated medical and
.. I, — r~ nursing scholarships specifically for students from his home county.
in r   __ Smith, himself, is an internist in Cincinnati, Ohio. He has a keen interest
I _ “ i L/z . in American history and etymology, and played saxophone in the UK
    I marching band and the university symphony orchestra while a student.
I _ I a ` 1
  , _ ,_ _   _; Center for Rural Health Offers
8 eg   · . 4; I New Academic Program
E       =   :1 Fr , I The UK Center for Rural Health now offers an academic program to pre-
§ I     I pare health care professionals in southeastern Kentucky for management
§   $*3     roles and responsibilities.
°” * ··rr ·‘ srt· Y The Clinical Leadership and Management program is for current pro-
viders who have an associate degree in a health—related discipline and at I
I least one year of employment experience in a health care setting. Program
· graduates receive a Bachelor of Health Sciences degree from UK and will
be prepared to assume greater responsibilities at their current jobs, be bet-
ter qualified for job promotions, and positioned for graduate studies.
This degree completion program accommodates transfer students for
many allied health disciplines, including radiological technology. respiratory
I therapy. dental hygiene and nursing.
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