xt72v6986j00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6986j00/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-03-24  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1931 1931 1931-03-24 2012 true xt72v6986j00 section xt72v6986j00 Best Copy Available








Brady Is Impressive in
Current Guignol Drama






Feature of Plan

Religious Emphasis week, sponsored by the Y. M., and Y. W. C. A.,
cabinets of the university, will be
observed for the first time by the
student body during the week of
March 25 to April 1.
The movement will officially open
Wednesday, when speakers will address groups at all fraternity and
sorority houses on some religious
Thq observance of this
week will include the annual
March 29, at
which time all students are urged
to attend some church, and the
pastors will deliver special sermons
for the occasion.
The program will be continued at
7:15 o'clock, Monday night, when a
Joint discussion ,group of students
will meet in the recreation room of
Patterson hall to discuss student
A general university convocation
will be held at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, April 1, as the closing
feature of the week's program. Dr.
Charles Welsh, pastor of the Fourth
cnurcn in
Avenue Presbyterian
Louisville, will be the speaker. He
will speak on the subject, "Men
Mightier than God."
Programs for the week are being
arranged by Miss Margaret Lewis,
secretary of the Y. W., and Bart
Peak, secretary of the Y. M. O. A.
Miss Martha Carleton is directing
the organization of the sorority
group, and Robert Gilmore has
charge of arrangements for the fraternities. The two groups of organizations have expressed their
willingness to cooperate with the
Y. M. C. A., and every sorority and
all except three of the fraternities
have agreed to take part in the program.
Details far Religious Emphasis
week were worked out by Mr. Peak
after his return from the Y. M.
O. A., convention in Detroit in December. Although this is the first
year that such a program has been
carried out at the university, a
been observ
ed ior several years.






Prof. L. Cass Robinson, as Banquo; Wayne Hafller, as Macduff; and Dr.
George K. Brady, as Macbeth in a scene from the Shakespearian
tragedy, "Macbeth," which opened at the Guignol theater last night
for a week's ran.
Some wiseacre has said that
Shakespeare cannot be produced
today so that a modern audience
would enjoy it but we refer that
learned individual to the Guignol
theater this week to see "Macbeth,"
which opened a week's run last
night to an audience that applauded the production to the very echo.
"Macbeth" can well be .classed with
the little " theater's- - greatest successes.

Directed by Frank Fowler with
Dr. George K. Brady in the title
role, '''Macbeth" stands as proof that
Shakespeare can provide perennial
theatrical entertainment.
Here is
one so called "artistic" production
that needs no ballyhoo about its "educational value" to make it attractive.
Practically everyone knows the
story of ambitious Macbeth and his
wife. How the Scotch
nobleman rose to be Thane of
Cawdor and thence to the throne
of Scotland and the resultant
chaos. As portrayed by the excellent Guignol cast, the tragedy lives
before us in flesh and blood, not as
an animated picture.
The famous witch scenes are given
the most effective bit of presentaradio program to be picked up tion in the piece. Director Fowler
directly from the dance floor will has visioned the weird sisters in an
be presented at 10:34 Saturday
night by the (university's remote
control studios through WHAS, the
and Louisville
Courier - Journal
Times, in Louisville. This is the
first time that a broadcast of that Woman's Athletic Association
Concludes Basketball
nature has been attempted nere.
The Pi Kappa Alpha formal dance
is being given on that evening and
arrangements were completed yesApaches and Kaws tied for
terday by the staff of the local first place in the girls' inter-trib- e
studios for the air presentation. basketball tournament which was
recently heard concluded last week.
Edward's Collegians,
Each team
from WLW, in Cincinnati, have played to games in the contest,
been engaged for the dance and which was preceded by several
their radio program, lasting 41 min- weeks of dally practice in the
utes, will feature collegiate dance women's gymnasium.
favorites. The radiocast will end
In the tourney, the first game was
at 11:15 o'clock.
forfeited to the Sioux team by the
It has long been the desire of OJlbwas; the Apaches won from
WHAS, according to officials of the the Crees, 26-and from the Hopls
station, to present university social
The Kaws defeated the Crees
functions as special features from in a close game, 0,
and won by
its Lexington studios. An orchestra forfeit from the Sioux. The Hopls
of the calibre of Edwards' Colleg- took the last game of the tournaians was considered an ideal organ- ment by forfeit from the OJlbwas.
ization to use as the initial air ven- High scores were made by Back,
Apache, with 14 points and Illff,
Special equipment will be installed Kaw and Fort, Apache, with 8
for the pickup in the Euclid avenue points each.
gymnasium under the supervision of
With the conclusion of the basketH. M. Sullivan, chief operator of ball season, the Woman's Athletic
the university studios. Thomas L. Association has begun its spring
Riley, university head announcer, season of sports with tumbling pracwill announce the air presentation
tices in the women's gym at 4 o'clock
which will be directed by Elmer G. daily. Archery will begin immeSulzer, director of the local station. diately after spring vacation and
tennis and baseball will commense
about the middle of April. All coeds are eligible to participate In
4 o'Clock the sports.

The university band will accompany the football team on two trips
next year, it was decided at a meeting of the music committee of the
university last week. One is to be
the trip to Washington for the Maryland game and the other is undecided, but will probably be either
the Alabama or the Florida game.

Radio Program
Will Be Feature


Apaches and Kaws
for First Place

Ffrst Battalion Holds
Parade at

Monday Afternoon

The first battalion R. O. T. C.
parade of the year was held at 4
o'clock Monday afternoon on the
parade grounds in front of the Administration building. The review
Monday was the first of a series
which will be held during the semester.
The reviewing stand for the
inspection was at the flag pole on
the parade ground. The review was
in charge of the officers of the university R. O. T. O. unit, and was
reviewed by them.
OOcers of the first batalllon are:
CoL L. O. Cleveland, and second
lletutenants, B. XL Chandler, J. O.
Pasco, and second lieutenant, R.




William Ardery Elected
President of Press Group





Paris, Junior in
Berea, Western Reserve, and
the College of Arts and Sciences,
Vanderbilt Remain on
was elected to the presidency of
Spring Schedule

to Open Officially
With Talks to Campus


General Convocation, April


Votes for Mortar Board election are due at noon today in the
ballot box In the postofftce. The
women students of the university
are urged to vote for 15 women
out of the eligibility list which
was published in The Kernel lost
Friday. Selection of the names
should be made with a view to
honoring those women who have
given the best services to the
university, and who are recognized as leaders on the campus.
Personal likes or dislikes should
not enter into the balloting'.

entirely different guise and setting
than usually accorded them.
Dr. George K. Brady gives one of
the very finest performances that
we have seen in the Guignol. His
interpretation Is real, vibrant, impressive, with full realization of
dramatic value found in the soliloquies. The Guignol did well in casting Brady in this role, for through
him, we get an impression of one
of Shakespeare's greatest characters
that fewof us would have otherwise
Second only to the male lead is
Lolo Robinson as Lady Macbeth.
This role has been given many interpretations and Mrs. Robinson admirably displays that her role was
astutely ingrained into her being.
Her Lady Macbeth is cruel, unrelenting, and aggressive. Her sleepwalking scene Is given an unusually
fine, and unique, presentation.
Horace Miner does well as Duncan, the King, as does Donald Pratt,
as old Angus. John Noonan brought
many laughs with his drunken
The three witches are
adroitly played by Neal Cain, Hugh
Maqulre. and Robert Binford. Prof.
L. Cass Robinson is seen 'as Banquo
and Wayne Hafller is Macduff.
Virginia McVey plays the small role
of the gentlewoman.
Other members of the large cast
include: George Whitfield, Carl
Howell, Perry Kraatz, Duke Johnston, Morton Webb, and Woodson
Even though it is played by an
excellent cast, "Macbeth" is vastly
improved by the costumes created
by Marion Galloway. The lighting,
for the most part, Is exquisite. Several of the scenes resemble the fine
old medieval paintings In their color
However, at times, the lighting fails
to bring out the richness of the
costumes, which Is a lamentable
"Macbeth" will be a
production. Lovers of the literary
Shakespeare will probably hdld vari
ed opinions as will tnose wno Know
theatrical Shakespeare. Regardless
of those points of view, "Macbeth"
will provide one with an evening of
rare entertainment.

Against Prohibition Amendment Is Last!
Action; Spring Banquet


Will Be Held
A resolution to the effect that the
Henry Clay Law society be consider-

ed dead, useless, and disintegrated,
and that the members "disband
this once illustrious society and bury
it In effigy at the Law school banquet in the spring" was passed by
a vote of 20 to 5 at a meeting of
the society at 7:30 o'clock, Thursday night in the Law building.
Previous to the passing of these
1. . I i
tTnM. Dtnmnnn
Junior in the College of Law, was
elected president of the society. He
took office before the resolutions
were introduced.
Another resolution the last act
of the now defunct society, putting
the group on record as opposed to
Eighteenth Amendment also carried.
This resolution was based on the
fact that the American Bar Association at a recent meeting went on
record as opposed to this amendment by a vote of 2 to 1.
The resolution:
(Continued on Page Four)

Winners Defeat Tolu, Ashland, To Gain Entrance
into Final Tilts


16 ON

Subject of International Debate of December, 1931,
to Be Announced
Negotiations with the National
Student Federation of the United
States instigated by Prof. W. R.
Sutherland, for a team of international debaters to meet the university forensic squad here In December, 1931, have resulted in arrangements for a team of debaters
from Oxford University, England, to
include the university in their itinerary. Debaters from this university
in 1926 were the first international
group to meet with the University
of Kentucky team.
The complete itinerary of the Oxford debaters Includes Michigan,
Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Minnesota, Iowa,
Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
In addition to the Oxford team,
the National Federation, which
sponsors international debates, is
bringing to American universities
and colleges teams of two men from
Turkey, Holland, and English University. The Turkish team will tour
the states of the Rocky mountains
and the west coast; the English
team will debate in the states of
New England and the Atlantic
coast; and the Dutch team will
meet with debaters In states of New
England and north central United
The four teams will arrive in the
Unied States in October, 1931. Subjects of the debates have not been
announced at the present time.
Intercollegiate debates which remain on this semester's program of
the university forensic squad are
Berea College, today; Western Reserve University, at Cleveland, Ohio,
March 31; and Vanderbilt University, here, April 23.
A team from Western
Teachers College, Kalamazoo,
Michigan, met John Kane, Clyde
Reeves, and Sidney Schell, of the
university, In a debate' on "Unemployment and Social Insurance" last
night. No decision was, given. This
subject has,
foe the
majority of intercollegiate debates
of this spring and next fall, and
will also be used by debating teams
of Kentucky high schools during
the school year of 1931-3- 2.
Representatives of Brea College
will debate the university team on
the question of free trade in the
United States at 4 p. m. in McVey
hall today. Kane, Schell, and Reeves
Kentucky's representatives, will take
the negative side of the issue.

Heaton to Be Speaker
At Sunrise Service
A union sun-riEaster Service
for young people will be held in the
amphlteater of Memorial hall, Sunday, April 6 at 6:30 o'clock in the
morning. It is sponsored by the
Young People's Religious Council of
This organization is
made up of representatives of all
the churches in the city.
The Rev. George Heaton will be
the speaker for the occasion. Special music will be furnished by a
male quartet from the university.
The service Is being sponsored on
this campus by the Y. M. C. A.,
Y. W. O. A., and Pitkin club. All
students are invited and groups are
expected to attend from Sayre College, Hamilton. College, Henry Clay
High, University High, Transylvania, and the University of

Intercollegiate Press
Association at the final business
session of the annual spring convention which was held at 10 o'clock
Saturday morning in Dicker hall.
He succeeds Richard
Georgetown College. Wesern State
Teachers College, Bowling Green,
was selected as the convention site
for the fall convention of 1931, with
The College Heights Herald as host.
Miss Mary Jo LafTcrty,
of the Crimson Rambler, Transylvania College, was chosen
of the association with
Harold Prim, Eastern State Teachers College, secretary, and Joe Johnson, Georgetown College, treasurer.
The new officers were formally introduced at a luncheon in the University Commons at noon, Saturday,
when their term of office officially
The Kernel was awarded first
place in the contest for the best
advertising and The Eastern Progress, Eastern State Teachers College, was awarded a loving cup as
the best newspaper in the association. These contests are held annually by K. I. P. A. Cups are
given by Alpha Delta Sigma and
The Lexington Leader.
Plans are formulated at this convention for yearbook and magazine
contests, the first of which will be
held at the next meeting of K. I. P.
A. William Ardery was appointed
as chairman of the contest committee.
features or the
convention included luncheons Friday and Saturday, and a dinner
Friday night, all of which were given In the University Commons. Miss
Virginia Dougherty and Prof. Enoch
Grehan welcomed the delegates at
the luncheon Friday. Dean F. Paul
Anderson spoke at the dinner Friday night on "Experiences I Have
Had with Journalists." S. A. "Daddy" Boles provided passes for the
delegates to the high school tour- -

Fourteen: Groups Will Be
Represented in Contest at
Hall Thursday
The program for the
women's sing contest to be held
in Memorial hall Thursday night at
8 o'clock has been announced by
Lois E. Neal, president of Fifteen
new sophomore women's honorary
which Is sponsoring the contest.
Drawings for places on the program
were made at a meeting of the
sorority at which representatives of
all the participating groups were
Fourteen groups will be represented at the sing, 11 sororities on the
campus, a group of town girls, one
from Patterson and Boyd halls, and
one from Smith hall. Each group
will nffpr turn snncK anrt mav oflfpr
a third original song. A silver lov- - j
ing-cudonated by the Woman's!
Self Government Association, will
be presented to the winning group.
Prof. Carl Lampert and Miss Josephine Parker, of the musical department and Prof. R. D. Mclntyre
will act as judges.
The program:
Alpha Gamma Delta: Rose Song,
Serenade, Original Song.
Delta Delta Delta: Shrining, Installation, Original Song.
Zeta Tau Alpha: Every Z T A,
Pride of My Heart.
(Continued" on Page Four)

Enthusiasm of Audience Greets
Marcian Thalberg's Piano Recital
' composer,
Mr. Thalberg

There was something of the old
school, both in the manner and the
will power, In Marclen Thulberg's
piano recital at Memorial hall Sunday afternoon. Mr. Thalberg came
to Lexington from Cincinnati to
play under the auspices of the Phi
Ltn miuii m,H rfmmnti,. fmtorn.
lty, of which ho is an enthusiastic
patron in the Conservatory in Cin
The once rotund figure and rosy
cheeks had lost much of the prime
that his friends here In Lexington
had known before, and this was
accentuated by the fact that he has
been ill for the last few days, and
came heie to play contrary to his
doctor's orders. However, the keen
wit and friendly disposition that
have endeared him to his many
pupils was still much in evidence,
and charmed the guests who had
the opportunity of meeting him at
the faculty tea in McVey hall given
In his honor at the close of the program.
An unusually large audience, and
a most appreciative one, filled the
chapel and followed enthusiastically
the various moods he translated
through his magic touch on the
piano keyboard.
Opening with the "Brahm's Rhapsody in B minor," Mr. Thalberg immediately displayed his mastery in
the clear cut way he brought out
the sudden changes from heavy bass
to light overtone in this piece. As
if in contrast to this heavier num
ber, and to show the variety of the

played as
his second selection the Brahms'
"Nocturne in E major," to which
he gave the tender translation of a
Then followed the mighty "Pre
lude in D minor," of Chopin, and
"1Lr um uw - accuse, oy me
same composer, a light, dreamy

song. As the closing selection before
the intermission he played Chopin's
"Sonata in B ilat minor," putting
into its varying phases the strength
and vitality of a youth, instead of
veteran that he
the white-haire- d
is. This number Included the well
known "Funeral March," and proved to be so popular that an encore
was demanded, to which Mr. Thalberg graciously responded with
Chopin's "Raindrop."
Opening the second half of the
program with Debussy's interesting
"Ballade In F major," Mr. Thalberg
followed this with Ravel's "Jeux
d'eau," in which he succeeded in making the ripples themselves
play over the keys. Rachmaninoff's
"Prelude In M minor" served aptly
In leading up to the even more powerful Liszt, "Polonaise in E major,"
with which Mr. Thalberg closed his
program. This final selection was
the most impressive one on his program and held the audience rapt
with its spontaneity and climatic
For an encore, Mr. Thalberg played Rubinstein's "Barcarolle In O
minor," and so concluded his second
recital In Lexington, but, his friends
hope, not his last.


Covington High, Betsy Lane
Forward Win Sportsman-

ship Trophies


nament games Friday night after
the dinner.
Tom Wallace, editor of the Louisville Times and Robert J. Breckinridge, general manager of The Lexington Herald, were selected as
honorary members of the association.
Seven colleges were represented
at the meeting, which was in charge
of Miss Frances L. Holllday, convention chairman. Delegats were Joe
Lofferty, Charles Patterson, A. J.
Beeler, Frank Peterson, and J. Fu-qHartford, Western State Teachers College; Mary Jo Lafferty and
Nancy Turley, Transylvania College; Richard Watters, Robert Harvey, Charles Billips, and Jo Johnson,
Georgetown College;
Frances Barbee and Virginia Walz,
University of Louisville; Kenneth
Marshall, Harold Prim and William
White, Eastern State Teachers College; Corlnne Lowry and Harry
Heath, Murray State Teachers College; and
Frances Hollidav. William Arrtprv
and Coleman Smith, University of

Brethren! Sis tern!
Elizabeth A. Lockwood


trar at the University of
Is a member of Chi Omega.

Tom Conally United States
Senator from Texas, is a member'
of Phi Delta Theta. He is one
of the four U. S. Senators who
are Phi Delts.
Max Gardner Sigma Nu, is
Governor of North Carolina.
Florence Patterson g,r
niece of Mrs. Abraham
Lincoln, is a member of Alpha
Gamma Delta.
Marlon R. Klrkwood Dean of
the Law College at Stanford
University Is a Delta Chi.
George Ade famous author, is
a member of Sigma Chi.
Merle Thorpe editor of "Nation's Business," Is a member of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Arthur L. Dean Phi Slpma
Kappa, is president of the University of Hawaii.
Branch Rickey
and business manager of the St.
Louis Cardinals, wears the badge
of Delta Tau Delta.
Walter Dill Scott president of
Northwestern University, Is a
member of Sigma Pi (Commerce.)
Dwight W. Morrow ambassador to Mexico, is a Beta Theta
James R. Angell president of
Yale University is a member of
Delta Kappa Epsilon.

Initiation Is Held by
Education Fraternity
Dr. Cotton Noe Gives Lecture
on Women Characters
in Bible



DuPont Manual Training High
school of Louisville won the state
championship of Kentucky last
Saturday night, by defeating Tolu.
class B champs, 34 to 23 In a slow
and uninteresting game in the Euclid avenue gymnasium. Tolu won
over Betsy Lane In the afternoon
to take the state class
B crown.
To win the title, Manual won four
games. In the first encounter, the
crippled Heath team was easily defeated,
Manual then nosed
out the great Central City team,
tallying the winning goal in
the last half minute of play.
The Red Menace then took the
floor against Covington. The Falls
City lads tied the score with two
free throws in the last minute of
playing time and won 14-in an
overtime period.
The Woodburn girls, champions
of class B, defeated Ashland, class
A champs,
in the finals of the
girls' games. The little misses from
were too clever and
shifty for the Ashland crew.
To advance to the finals. Wood- burn defeated Maysllck, Slick Rock,
and Oddville. Ashland won from
Hazard, Horse Cave and Hardlns-bur- g.
Other winners were Horse
Cave over Arlington, Jamestown
over Campbell County, and Hard- Insburg over Burnslde.
Central City was not expected to
furnish much opposition for Ben-haThe mountaineers had previously won from a great Hazard
five and were favored to go far in
The boys from
the tournament.
western Kentucky easily won by the
score of 9,
and in the Manual-Centr- al
City game it was only Lady
Luck that gave Manual an 18-victory in the last 40 seconds of
Blackford, a favorite with ians,
defeated Car Creek,
Jetting during the entire game, and
having little difficulty with the
eastern Kentucky boys. They were
no match for-To- lu,
however, and
were trounced
University High, playing without
the services of veteran players, lost
to Betsy Lane, one of the finalists
in the class B competition,
Kemper Glass and Little starred
University boys.
for the
The tournament was replete with
thrills In the girls' games but; the
boys' contests were for the most
part mediocre affairs. Kavanaugh,
Covington, Central City, and Ashland presented great teams but
Lady Luck was kind to an, indifferent Manual five, which "showed
little class during the entire" tournament.
Kavanaugh had a combination
built around Borries. Covington
stopped the great center and hereby
hands the tale of the Kavanaugh
defeat by the northern Kentucky
Tolu presented a great team to
reach the finals and were favored
by many to defeat Manual. Manual
started out with a bang, and soon
assumed a 0 lead. From tthis
point of the game on, it was easy
for the Louisville boys to outscore
the greatly demoralized Tolu team.
teams picked by 15
sports writers who attended the
tournament, with the number of
votes received are : Boys : Crura, Betsy Lane (6) ; McCann, Ashland (5) ;
Judy, Manual (7) forwards; Born,
ries, Kavanaugh (12), and
(10) Manual, centers; Anderson, (13) Covington; Hardin,
(13) Tolu;, and Hickman, (9) Central City, guards.
Girls: Young, (14) Ashland: D.
Chaney. (14) Woodburn; W. McFar-lan- d,
(13) Jamestown:
(13) Horse Cave; Chapman, (9)
Woodburn, centers; Van Hook, (8)
Oddville: W. Chaney, (8) Wood-burand Bays, (7), Hazard, guards.
NOTE: The Kernel dashes to
explain that Its Friday edition was
unable to carry any appreciable
(Continued on Page Four)

Kappa Delta Pi, honorary education fraternity, held its spring initiation for 19 initiates at 5:15 o'clock
Friday night at the Lafayette hotel.
The Initiation was followed by a
banquet in the red room.
Dr. Cotton Noe, of the College of
Education, gave an illustrated lecture on portraits of the women
characters In the Bible.
Those who were initiated were:
Mrs. Emma Bell, Sarah Sietz, Maud
Berry, Mary Griffith, Margaret
Stucker, Catherine Rogers, Catherine Brock, Margaret Myers, Margaret Wilson, L. M. Chamberlain, S. G.
Crayton, Watson Armstrong, Leroy
Paul McBrayer, Lawrenceburg,
Keffer. Ruth Rogers, Elsie Lock-mir- e,
guard In 1930, was apLouise Wilson, Marjorle Leon- pointed coach of the Kavanaugh
ard, Mary Palmer, and J. B.
High school basketball team. McBrayer succeeds Earl Jones who has
been at the Lawrenceburg school
for three years.
Kavanaugh High school is one
of the state's leading schools in
basketball. Last year the Anderson
county lads won the Class A title
All persons interested in takThis year, Kavanaugh was favored
ing part in the forthcoming
to win the state crown, but lost? to
Stroller Revue are hereby called
to report at 3 p. m, Wednesday,
"Mac" played for two years on the
March 25, at room 111 in McVey
Kavanaugh High school five and
hall. This call includes people
won wide acclaim for his work. Mo
in all lines, chorus girls, chorus
also was captain of the 1930 Ktti-tucmen, dancers, singers, comedians,
basketball squad.
performers, speclaly people, writMcBrayer played In 1928-2- 9
ers, stage hands, electricians,
'30 on the Wildcat varsity. He wofa
actors and those desiring prowide recognition as a floorguftfd
ducing positions.
and was awarded the position! oh
team in 1930.' Paul
is still in school and will prabalftr
Production Manager.
play first base on the basetell

Paul McBrayer
To Coach Tigers
Of Kavanaugh


� r

Best Copy


The Kentucky Kernel



National College Press Association
Lexington Board of Commerce

K. I. P. A.
the Student! of the University
of Kentucky, Lexington
year. Entered at Lexinftton, Ky.,
Subscription 12.00
as second class mall matter








Managing Editor
Assistant Managing Editor
Dramatic Editor






Elaine Bonnell

Margaret Cundlfl


Virginia Nevlns
Daniel Oodman

Virginia Hatcher



Newa Editor
Sue Dickeraon
William Shafer





Society Editor
Polly Reese
Binllr Hardin

Sports Editor



Totsy Rose
Woodson Ktilght
J. D. Adams
a. L .Curtis

Ralph Johnson
Edgar Turley
Marvin Wachs



Horace Miner
Jack Keyser

Mary E. Price

W. D..Bohon

Lrwrence Crump
Bill Luther


Fannie Curie Woodhead
Oertrude Evan

Edythe Reynolds



Harry Varlle
Buford Upbam
Turner Howard
Malcolm Barnes
Gilbert Klngsberry
William Martin
Beiina Mathls
Gladys McAtee
Emmett Whipple

Eleanor Dawson
Mary Prince Fowler
Galloway Griffith
Mary Virginia Bailey
Cameron OofJman
Marv Alice Balyeri

O. B. CofTman

Harriet Holllday
Martha Adams



8TAFJ-- '

Biuness Manager
Grant Campbell

w Sacra

H. P. Kirkman
James Morgan




Advertising Manager
Ircl Hodges
Jimmy Randol
Circulation Manage

Limitations and restrictions are placed on
practically every activity of the average college
student. Freedom is ceasing to be a reality.
Thought is even limited to the absolute opinions
of the students' professors. Activities, the only
outlet for energy are now being limited; or
ganizations have long been limited to those who
are not of the politically chosen few. Condi
tions are becoming acute.
Rebellion In one form or another has been
sweeping through the colleges of the nation.
Two college editors have been expelled from
office for voicing their opinion of students, for
being frank in their rebellion. Strikes have
swept, the middle western universities when
regulations restricting women students have
been further extended.
In Canada collegiate war is raging with a
university faculty regarding a statement to the
effect that the majority of college students were
athiests, while in another section of the dominion, college worrien are fighting for their rights.
There is an undercurrent of disapproval rushing through all institutions of higher learning
regarding undue publicity which has been Riven
to "the Michigan affair" and to the liquor ques- -'
tion in connection with college people. Several
colleges in the East and in the South have
published opinions resenting political influence
which is employed in the choosing of members
for campus honoraries, and for campus respon- slbillty. These opinions have caused a great
deal of uncomplimentary comment on current
political machines. Editors of several papers
have been compelled to refuse responsibility for
the insertion of such article in their
College people are awakening from a dazed
condition to learn that they have not had the
authority placed in their hands which should
have been placed there. The restrictions binding them have been so strong that they have
been able to overcome them and defend their
own rights only at the expense of being automatically expelled from their schools. Through
the medium of college newspapers institutions
have benefited through the tribulations of others and hav"e felt more capable of standing up
for their student bodies.
In this day of rapid transportation, colleges
from one end of this continent to the other

different from his fellows. Therein lies the
weakness of youth.
One does not protest, of course, against the
desire of the young to look alike and dress
alike. The passing for sameness In dress Is not
so extraordinary nor so deplorable as a curious
tendency manifest In standards of
thought and action. Modem youth desires
freedom of thought, yet his fear of being unlike
others holds him fast and hinders achievement
of intellectual liberty. In college he seems
abashed of academic distinction, and conceals
any interest In things of the mind that would
brand him as different from the average student. He scoffs at Phi Beta Kappa when others
scoff, and often conceals artistic ability that
others do not also exhibit. He models his manners after the popular standard regardless of
his own Ideals. On every hand he stoops to the
Inferior, a slave to his fear of being different.
It is this unwillingness of youth to admit a
gift or to confess an aspiration not shared by
the rabble that seems to be the most menacing
aspect of our contemporary tendency. Individualism Is being swamped by mass standards.



Journalism as a career has been the answer
to many a collegian's prayer. Newspapers are
employing many college trained men whereas
office trained men used to receive preference,
The value of the cultural background which
is assimilated by college people and their ability
to make contacts, to meet and mingle with
many types of people, are recognized and are
granted as essential factors in successful Journalistic work. That s