xt72v6986h7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6986h7j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-11-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  2, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  2, 1923 1923 1923-11-02 2012 true xt72v6986h7j section xt72v6986h7j The Kentucky Kernel









No. 6

















Pigskin Classic Attracts Thousands to New Colonel

Fields Friday, Both to Large

Presidents, and Vice Presidents
Elected by Vote of Their




Winn Faces Real Problem in
lecting His Starting

Inadequacy of Chapel and Equipment Realized by Candidates

Remainder of Offices to Be Filled
at Class Meetings

The students of the University last
week heard the next governor of Kentucky, a former student at the University of Kentucky, address the student
body in the chapel. Of this every one
is sure, but whether the next governor
spoke on Wednesday or Friday will
not be known until after November 6.
Last Tuesday morning at the fourth
hour the students were addressed by
Charles I. Dawson, Republican candidate for governor. In his speech General Dawson spoke confidently of his
election to the position of chief executive of the state and pledged himself
that if he is elected the University of
Kentucky will receive some of the
things of which it looked so badly in
Mr. Dawson spoke of the crowded
condition of things as they appeared
to him and of the needs of the University as consisting of more recitation space, larger endowment appropriations for maintenance another
girls' dormitory.
He recalled some of his earlier experiences as a freshman at the University, leading the greenest trjshnia.i to
hope that he may become a candidate
for governor some day, as the present
candidate acknowledges that he spent
one night walking guard at the entrance of the University, unsuccessfully trying to keep the students from
straying from the campus.
In his speech Mr. Dawson extended
the Wildcats his best wishes for a
successful Centre game and requested
that some one wire him if the Wildcats beat Centre Saturday.
On Thursday morning at the fourth
hour, William J. Fields, Democratic
candidate for governor of Kentucky,
addressed the students. In his speech
Mp Fields did not allude to his campaign for governor either directly or
indirectly. He spoke of his desire to
see Kentucky stand among the highest in education. Mr. Feilds stated
afterward that he did not want to im- -

Sidney B. Neale, of Fishcrville, Ky
a senior in the College of Law, was


It has come! The time for which
Kentucky fans have waited for patiently since 1916 looms close at hand.
In short, itomorrow afternoon will
mark the annual
controversy, with the Cats, for the first
time in many a moon, having an excellent chance to win.
When Jack Winn took charge of the
Cats early in September he fell heir to
a crop of gridders that would do jus-- 1
tice to any school. Hampered Iby numerous injuries that have kept some of
his regulars out of every game, Winn
has whipped into shape, a combination,
which he thinks will make the "Praying" Colonels bite the dusft. Ho took
an eleven that contained scarcely a
man who was not injured and held
Washington and Lee to a 6 tie, the
Cats staging one of the most brilliant
rallies in the las)t period that, has ever
been pulled off on Stoll Field. .Now,
with all of his regulars in excellent
shape with the exception of "Big Bill"
McFarland, Winn faces the problem
of handing Centre her first defeat by
a Wildcat eleven since 1916- Whether or not the former Princeton star will be successful in his first
attempt to down the Colonels will be
tomorrow afternoon.
Winn and his men are confident, not
They are confident
that ithey will put out every effort to
win, and if defeated will have given all
that they have and will go down into
glorious defeat. They are determined




(Continued on page 5)






Candidate for Governor



Students 'Respond
Calls For


For the benefit of those who will
be unable to see the Wildcats defeat
the Colonels at Danville, this Saturday, the game will be shown, play
by play, on the
board in the Palm Room of the Phoenix Hotel. Mr- Kramer of the Phoenix has donated the use of the room
in order to accommodate the students
and backers of the team who want
to keep up with the game every minute. The admission will be fifty cents
and all profits will be used to send
the band to Georgia Tech.
The board was used to show the
Cincinnati game at the same time the
freshmen were playing Eastern State
Normal and created as much interest
as the game itself. All who saw the
board declared it to be the best thing
of its kind ever shown here. All the
plays are easily followed, and the direct leased wire by the Western Union gives every play as it is executed.
.Play will start at 2:30 and it is expected that the Palm Room wil be




The firslt issue of "The Meow," a
new student publication, will appear
on the campus on Thursday or Friday of next week, according to Raymond Kirk, editor. This magazine,
the first of its kind ever launched at
the University, will be largely devoted to humorous work of the students,
exchanges, etc. It will be fashioned
to a great extent along the lines of
Bowl," "The
"The Punch
Cow" and other collegiate publications.
capacity of the
The subscription
students was tested carefully by tentative subscription blanks before it
was fully decided to put thru the
publication. These blanks were signed with such enthusiasm that the entire circulation is estimated at more
According to the manthan 3,000.
agement, eight issues will be put out
during the school year and will retail
on the news stands of the city at 30
cents the copy.
The staff of "The Meow" is as follows: Raymond Kirk,
Clarence Mosely, business manager;
Wickliffe Moore, art editor; and Marshal Hail, JaspCr McOlure, Arthur
Givens Martin, Gardner
Bayless, Tom Ballantine, Carl Rief-kiDan Morse, Percy Beord, Thomas
Duncan, Ted Brewer, Robert Lawless, Jack Greene, Eugene B. Moore,
Joe Roberts, Emmet Bradley, Margaret Lavin, Virginia Kelly, Elizabeth, ElKs, Betty Batbour, Ljbuise
Council, Ed Munich, associate editors.

Every Play in Great Contest To
Be Seen in Phoenix Palm




Kentucky buttons and blue
and white ribbons for individuals and blue and white ribbons for automobiles will be on
sale Friday and Saturday on the
campus and on the special trains
to Danville. Be sure that you
have the blue and white on before you enter the stadium. Decorate your machines for the pep
meeting tonight.


Continued on pag


Students, your third payment
for the Greater Kentucky campaign was due on October 1. If
you haven't paid it yet drop into
the Alumni office and leave a
check with us the next time you
are passing. You can see for
yourself the good work they are
doing down on the basketball
building, but those concrete mixers are calling for some pay.
The third payment is needed to
keep the wheels turning. It takes
a lot to get up steam if the engine dies down. Let's keep 'er
going. Make check to George
BCarey, Treasurer.
Alumni Secretary.


Candidate for Governor






Teams Meet in Cafeteria to Make
Reports on Subscriptions
The campaign to raise the fund of
$40,000, the quota of the freshman
class, was started Tuesda.y October 30,
and will end Friday. Forty teams of
two persons each comprised the working force to put the drive over and
with all the freshmen interested, there
is no doubt but that the campaign will
go over "big." The campaign workers
held their first meeting Tuesday night
in the University cafeteria where reports for the day's work were received
and new inspiration and pep were given to the teams in soliciting subscriptions, so that work on the sltadium
cm go forward at once.
The appearance of the large button,
"Class '27 Builds Basketball Building,"
on the lapels of the coats of the freshmen has increased daily and it is expected that the freshman class wilt "go
over the top" with more than their
quota, thereby making possible the
completion of the stadium while they
are in the University.

Taking Correspondence Course

Is Missionary

One of the few letters received by
Lexington people since the Japanese
earthquake was delivered Tuesday afternoon to Miss Cella Taylor, secretary of the Department of University
Extension of the University,
Miss Sarah Clarke, a correspondent
student of the University, who, for
the past eight years, has been a missionary in Japan. The letter graphically describes the quake of several
weeks ago which destroyed thousands
of lives and rendered
hundreds of
thousands homeless.
Mis9 Clarke attended the 1922 summer session at the University and returned to Japan the following fall,
where she contained her University
course, by taking correspond'ence
work in the Extension Department.
Miss Clarke's home is at Midway, and
friends were glad to hear of her welfare and of the interesting account
which she gave of the disaster.


elected president of the class of 1924,
at the class elections held Tuesday and
Wednesday. Neale is a member of
Pi Kappa Alpha social fraternity and
a valuable member of ithe Wildcat
football squad.
Miss Mary Hanson Peterson,
Ky., was the choice of the
class for vice president.
Miss Peterson is a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority.
W. O. Billiter, of Covington, a junior in the College of Engineering,
was elected president of the junior
class. Billiter is a member of the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity.
Miss Esther Gilbert, of Owensboro,
Ky., was elected vice (president. Miss
Gilbert is a pledge of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority.
Albert Kirwan, of Louisville, sophomore in the College of Engineering
and Wildcat football and track star,
was elecjted president of the sophomore class. "Al" is a member of
Sigma Nu, social fraternity.
Miss Janet McVey, of Lexington,
was elected vice president. Miss McVey is a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma sorority.
Clifford Fuller, of Lexington, star
halfback on the frosh football team,
was elected to the presidency of ithe
"first termers." Fuller is a pledge of
Sigma Nu Social fraternity.
Miss Marie Pfeiffer, of Louisville,
was elected as vice president of the
freshman class.
Miss Pfeiffer is a
pledge of Alpha Xi Delta sorority.
The newly elected officers will set
a date for ithe general class elections.



Program to be Announced
Close of Football


The University Band, under the direction of Professor Lampert,
planned for the year several concerts
to be given thYoughoitt the state- This
plan was instigated by the numerous
requests coming from all pants of the
state for the services of the band.
The present band is well prepared
to enter the field of concert work as
it comprises, for the first time in the
history of its existence over fifty men,
all of whom are musicians of merit and
interested' in the work. The band consists of thirty-twmen of the freshmen and sophomore classes who are
required to take the military work,
and approximately twenty men of the
upper classes who volunteer their services that the baud may continue to be
a success as it has been in past years.
Whenever possible the band accompanies the football 'team on its trips

(Continued to Page Four)

� Mswati



Page Two

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni Seeraeary

are 20,000 former students. Suppose
each one wished to help but was able
to give only $5, We would have
$100,000 or half of the total fund de
Here arc what some of the former
students My:
"Enclosed you will find a small
check toward the $200,000 campaign.
I wish it were ten times as large. Ill
ncss has prevented mc replying soon
"The enclosed wee, mud check k
intended for the stadium and memorial
campaign fund, and I sincerely hope
it is not too email nor too late to be
accepted. I wai away during the
greater part of the rammer and the
campaign news was not forwarded to
me. However, I do want to share in
the big thing that is coming to the
University of Kentucky. I only wish
I were able to add three ciphers where
they would be most effective on the
enclosed contribution." Florence Ed
monds '21, Lebanon, .Ky.
Another one writes: "For a long
time I have deeply regretted my inability to give something to the staSince you have given mc
dium funtlthe opportunity, I thank you for the
chance to contribute something, even,
though the something is extremely
One lady writes, "I did not suppose
you cared for as small amounts as $5.
I am enclosing a check for $5 which I
am glad to give. Next month I hope
to pay up my dues, and I shall later
contribute a little more if I can."
"It has been my sincere desire to
contribute to the Greater Kentucky
campaign, but circumstances ihavc
prevented. I am not in a position to
give much as there are many obligations I must meet. However, I wish
the move all the success and perhaps
I can help lartcr. I am enclosing a $2
check on a $5 contribution."
In behalf of those who have written
these letters the Alumni Association
wishes to express its thanks and any
one who has jusit such a contribution
to offer will he welcomed into the
group of those who are helping towards a Greater Kentucky.

except for the period of the World
War when he was in the service of
his country. He is now chief engineer
with the company. In February, 1921
he married Miss Lurline Coil. They
have one son, Frank Davis Cain, Jr.,
five months old. Residence address,
305 So. Main street, Madisonville, Ky
Richard Henry Barker ex- -, is with
the Boone Trail Coat Company, at
Pincvillc, Ky., and is a member of the
Bell County Alumni Club. Mrs. Bark
er was formerly Miss Virginia H. Bul

longer, Mr. Frankcl '19, last year's
secretary, will continue in that position
until Davidson's return.
The following resolutions
New York, Nov 11. (Second
adopted regarding
the unfortunate
Cafp Savarin.
death of Price McLean:
Drtrnit. Nov. 24. (La.t Sat- Whereas, It has pleased God in His
infinite wisdom to call from the midst
urday Regular) dinner, Dixieland
of his friends and classmates, Price
Miss Mary Kinkead Venatole
Home- Nntf. 26.
Inncs McLean, who thru his manlistudying art at Columbia University,
Dinner-danchigh standards has made
ness and
New York City. Her address is 106
himself respected by all, and beloved
Hotel, 6:00 p. m.
Morningside Drive, Apt. 66.
by those who were fortunate enough
to know his personality.
Therefore, 'be it resolved, That, in
Reuben Thornton Taylor went with
t' c death of Mr. McLean we lost one
thc Charles Hartmann Company, 985
The Lexington Alumni Club at a of Kentucky's best; that a vacancy
Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., immedheld Monday aftcronon, Octo
has been left in the hearts of his comiately after receiving his B. M. E. deber 29, completed definite plans fot1 panions, that never can be adequately
gree in June, '15, and is now engineer
the entertainment of old students who tilled ; that we extend to his family
with them. Mr. Taylor married Miss
come to Lexington for the annual our sympathy in this distress that has
Mary H. Uttcrback, June 10, 1919,
game, to be played be- befallen them.
and they have two children, John
tween Tennessee and the University
Chas. Graham,
years old,
Lewis, three and
on Thanksgiving day.
C. S. Carter,
and Mary Mason, one year
was decided to hold a general reIt
Flavius Jones,
Taylor is president of the New York
ception at the hotels on the morning
Alumni Club. During thc World
of the game to welcome old students
O. K. Dyer, President.
War he served in thc Engineers' Corps
to Lexfington and aid them in any
The chief topics of interest discussU. S. A. Thc family reside at 116 E.
The Athletic Association has ed were the football team and the
Fortieth Street, Brooklyn.
reserved seats on the north side of stadium fund- - Even the older memHerbert E. Barth has been with the,
Stoll Field for the Alumni and for- bers, some of whom have not seen the
mcrican Blower Company ever since
mer students, in addition to a number team play in years, were just as interhe graduated except during the World
of boxes on the south side. "Daddy" ested in everything as the students
War when he served in the Engineers
Boles has already received a large who arc lucky enough to be able to
Corps, U. S. Army. He is now district
numlber of checks and telegrams ask- sec all the games.
sales manager with offices at 526
ing for seats for the Thanksgiving
If Mr. Dyer gets the cooperation
Swctland Building, Cleveland, Ohio.
which he sould and surely will, BufAfter the game the Lexington Club falo club will certainly be a big suc'II
to be cess under his leadership. His plans
will be hosts at a dinner-danc- e
"I have been wandering around so
held at the Phoenix from 6 to 11 place everyonct who has been in the
lately I have neglected to do many
The Tennessee team and the club for as much as a year and some
o'clockthings that I should have done long
Wildcats will be guests of honor on of the new members in positions where
ago. i am enclosing cnccK tor uues
this occasion.
they must work. They are confident
and first payment on pledge to the
Duncan Hamilton, president of the that no one will shirk, as this is work'
Greater Kentucky' campaign fund. I
Lexington Club, is chairman of the for "Kentucky."
am so anxious to ect the Kernel- - I
committee to arrange plans for the
feels lots nearer home when I know
Among the
An Invitation to All Alumni
all that is happening and I can tell by
members of the committee present at
"You have probably heard that there
thc things I hear of the University
the meeting Monday were Marie Bark-le- are a few alumni in Schenectady and
that she is growing rapidly. Best
Lucilc Hutchinson, Nancy Inness, this letter is for the purpose of letting
wishes for a good year." May StephBessie Conkwright, Marguerite Mc- the Kentuckians at large know that":
ens (teaching in high school) Nacog:
Laughlin, W. C. Wilson, White those few have a real live wire organi- Robert Lee Pope is practicing law cloches. Texas, Box 128.
Guyn, lid uabney ana rreu siapies. zation Thcrc are twcntv members of with home office at 607 South Gay
Four hundred guests arc expected at thc dubf sixtccn of whom arc ,oyal street, Knoxville, Tcnn., and branch
more than alumni of thc University of Kentucky offices at Williamsburg, Corbin and
the dinner-danc- e
Thc Shelby Sentinel gives a deLexing- - and
1,000 are expected to come to
the othcr four ajthoug not alumni Harlan, Ky. Mrs. Pope was formerly scription of thc very beautiful wedding
ton for the game.
no icss joyait Thcv are as follows: Miss Grace Joncs
Thcrc arc three of Charlton Phillips Nash and Miss
Mrs. and Mrs. L. C. Hardcsty. Mr. sons. Herbert L., .David J. and Rob- Sarah Caldwell Harbison, which was
uuuMa and Mrs. w. c wjlson (0Hne Cruick- - ert Woodrow. thc latter only seven solemnized in the First Presbyterian
shank), Mr and Mrs. M. E. Pendleton, years old.
Ky., last week.
Church, Shelibyville,
huaaeiptua ciuds rany ror centre Mr and Mrs R L- Bicrbaum Mr and
Miss Margaret Dean Harbison, mem
Draws Appreciative Crowd.
Mrs. J. W. Owens, Messrs.
ber of the class of '22, was her sister's
Fcndley, T. M. Riley, J. F. Baugh,
Club din- Neil Wilkcrsou,
The Philadelphia Alumni
Jas. L. Shousc, Earlc INK OFF MY KERNEL," noted on
Winn V. Hutchcraft ex- - and Miss
ner dance held at thc
Baughman, Clifford Duke, and Jas. E, check of R. E. Samuels, ex- cashier, Pauline Jones were married in the
hotel last Saturday night in hon- Wilkins. All the male members of the First State Bank. Pincvillc, Ky.
Methodist Church, Millersburg, Ky.,
or of the Centre football team was a club are in thc employ of thc General
October 24. Mr. Hutchcraft is a forgreat success according to a telegram i?iectr; Company with the exception
mer student of the College of Engireceived from thc president of thc o M. K pcndIcton. who is with the '
Welcomed among active members neering and a member of Sigma Chi.
club. The message said about 100 Armstrong Cork and Insulation Corn- of the Alumni Association' is Dr. Rob- He is now employed with the L. &
were present at the dinner and JUU at pay Ti,c clu, has reguiar monthly
R. Co., at Paris, Kentucky, where
ert Lovcll Samuel, who for many years
the dance tollowmg. Among tnosc mcetjllRSt tne jast i,c;nf, i,cd at thc has been practicing medicine in
, they will make
their home after a
i Mrs Qwcns. and a
present at the dance were many so- - . ,
Ky., with offices at 24 West short wedding trip to Florida.
cially prominent Philadelphians, col-- l part ot' the entertainment being music
A recent visitor
on thc campus
Third street.
lege girls from Bryan Mawr and trom y OHr taicntcij pianists and singers
was John l'citx anouse, wno nas
other girls schools.
"The club extends a welcome to all
come to Louisville to reside. Mr.
The Alumni clubs at New York, Kentuckians
who muy come to
Mrs. Patrick Henry, nee Katherinc Shousc is conducting a sates enginecr-n- g
Washington, Buffalo and Pittsburgh Schenectady.
None of the membra M. Schoenc, is living at Russell, Ky.,
business under the name of J. F.
were represented,
dug want t0 migg a gin address care Y. M- C. A.
it was a Dig nine who
Shousc and Company, 78 Kcnyon
for Kentucky,' the message reao, gle copy of the Kernel. The doings
Bldg. Mrs. .Shouse was Miss Mary
"and Centre men seemed much cheer- - of the Catg gure gound encouraging.
Barnes Browning,
e dby the party.
Keep 'er up. Yours till the cannon is
Mr. and Mrs. II. Lee Moore, of
At the dinner addresses were made j firecyj, y. Owens, Mrs. J.
president of Owens, C. A. Duke, Jas. E. Wilkins, Pittsburgh, Pa., are rejoicing over thc
Dr. Montgomery,
Announcement is made of the marbirth of a little son, the third, October
Centre; Dr. J. J. Ttgert, united states committee.
Id, at thc Good Samaritan Hospital, riage of John William McKenzie and
Commissioner of Education, Dean F.J
He has been named Miss Mary Lawless Gatewood, in
in Lexington.
P. Anderson, Coach Charlie Moran,'
Tohu Harlan, and with his mother is Lexington, Saturday, October 20- Mr.
of Centre and Captain Kubale, of the
McKenzie is engaged in the practice
now the guest of Mrs. Stanley
"ntr tf9m.
Mrs, of law at 342 McClelland Bldg., LexBroadway.
on North
of the biggest affairs
This is one
Moore was formerly Anne Milward ington, Ky. After a bridal trip of a
that any of the Alumni Clubs has yet
few days they will return to Lexington
attempted and the success with which
to reside.
it was given will be an encouragement
"Your booster's card makes everyA numlber of letters, have been re
to other clubs to get together in the
"I agree with you perfectly that it one want to ride on the 'Boosters' exceived recently in which small con
name of their Alma Mater.
In almost is necessary to have a 100 per cent press, so here's my fare. This is my
tributions were enclosedeach case the donor was apologetic membership from the alumni body. I third year teaching in the Louisville
Club Installs Officers
is not one of us public schools. Best wishes for the
At the last regular monthly meeting about the amount, expressing regret am sure that there
that does not wish he was in a position success of the Association and the Uni
of the University of Kentucky Club it was not possible to give more.
Kentucky.''--Hann- ah
to give ten times the amount request versity
of Buffalo, the new officers were in- There is no cause for any former stuDyer '04 is to hold the dent to feel that his or her contribu- ed." Mrs. held en K Johnson (Elo- - Weakley, UN Cherokee Read, Louis.
stalled. Kirk
president's chair, While Luke Milward, tion is too small to be appreciated. We ise E. Oinu), Room 302 Hall of Rec viUe,
Oth- want every person who ever attended ords, Lm Asfoles, Calif.
'I am extremely glad to see the
:; retains the
Wildcats going so good this season
er officers are: Herman Worsham, the University of Kentucky to take
part in the campaign for a Greater
and certainly hope they will wallop
16, treasurer, and L. C. (Red) DavidFrank Davis Cain has been with the the Colonels." H. H. Bennett, care
son '23, secretary. Since Mp David- Kentucky and smaH contributions of
The Merritt Manufacturing Company,
son expects to be in southern Illinois the heart are as welcome as the larger St. Bernard
Ky., ever, since he graduated, Mayneld, Ky.
for at least a month ones from the more opulent. There
on business











home-icomin- g


one-ha- lf














Betwixt Us

cx-1- 5.


We regret that owing to similarity
of names, the item appearing

in last
week's issue of the Kernel concerning
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forman is in
error. Howard C. Forman, graduate
of the College of Engineering, is not
thc one referred to in the newspaper
item which was copied in the Kernel,
and is not married.

"I saw Kentucky play Marshall and
Washington and Lee this season. The
team has made a creditable showing
and I am sure most of us feel that
we will soon have the equal of anything in the south.
"While thc championship team Is m
development, it seems to mo that a
start should be made in building up
the spirit of the student body to
championship calibre. It is far from
that now. It takes determined effort to give a team support when they
are 'backing up' down the field, but in
comparison to the effort the team has
to put forth to stage a comeback, it is
"Numerous clubs have been organized at the University in the last few
years, but I believe a bunch of fifty
men, organized and grounded in the
center of the bleachers, determined to
give their support to .their team every minute of play, winninsr or losinsr.
would shove the rest of the student
body into line." Fred Luker.
Lukcr has left thc General Motors Re
search Corporation and is now with
the A. C. Spark Pluar Comoanv. as
experimental and research engineer.
Address 609 Mary Street, Flint, Mich.
Thc marriage of Irvine Phelrni Staoo
and Miss Katie Dickerson was sol
emnized at the home of the hririo'a
parents, Lancaster, Ky., October 25,
Mr. Stapp was a student in the
College of Engineering
during the
He is road engineer
of Garrard county. After a short wed
ding trip Mr. and Mrs. Stapp will be
at home on Maple avenue, Lancaster.
"I am sending check to cover first
payment on stadium pledge and dues.
I regret very much that my subscription is ndt larger but you know the
way of thc average graduate as to
finances the first year' or two out of
college." George K. Nicholson (contractor and builder) Walton, Ky.

"Please send mc the Kernel as .that
is the only means I have for keeping
in touch with affairs of the University.
I am now connected with the traffic
department of the Andrews Steel
Company, of this city, and am in
tensely interested in the work. Best
wishes for the University." J. G
Merz; 602 Monroe Street, Newport,
Alumni dues were received from
Ruth Hughson and also Marie Gordon and Elizabeth Green, both '22,
al lof whom are teaching in the high
school at Jenkins, Ky.
"I am anxious to hear how things
arc on "the campus and feel that old
spirit again. I am
teaching in thc agricultural department, Cuba high school, at Sedalia,
Ky" J. B. Williams.
"Put mc on the list for the next issue of the Kernel and if possible send
lwck numbers."
Irene McNamara, 94
N. Mays ville St., Mt. Sterling, Ky.

Sufficient mosey for Anal payment on the Dean Lafferty portrait for the College of Law has
not yet been subscribed. Checks
may be sent to W. t. Hamilton,
'07, 707 Marion E Taylor Bldg.,
Louisville, Ky.




Due and The Kernel


One Year

UMversKy 01 Kentucky,


bert, Jane Earl Middleton, Mary Hansen Peterson, Louise McCormick, Annette Kelly, Mildred Cowgell, Genevieve Kelly, Elizabeth WiMiams, Marie
Phieffer, Margaret Lavin, Jane Lewis,
Fannie Danes Metcalf, Edna Lewis
Wells, Polly Doolan, Anne and FranFriday, Nov. 2nd Women's
ces Maltby, and Anne Fred Harbison.
Mays, Arthur
Banquet, ballroom of LaMessrs. Layman
fayette Hotel.
Bentley, John Butler, Jesse Riffe, DanCentre-Stat- e
iel Wile, John Shaw, Bill King, Ryan
Nov. 3
game at Danville, Ky.
Ringo, Sneed Yager, Dan Morse, Emmet Mirward, Marshall Barnes,
A large number of the University
William Emory, Gardner
of Kentucky faculty spent the week- Bayless, Sam Caldwell, John Taggert,
end at "Idlewild," on the Kentucky Turner Gregg, F. M. Rouse, James
Willis and Wick Moore.
Margaret Chenault, president of the
The University faculty entertained
the entire student body with a Hallo- Woman's
Council, will
we'en party in the Armory, Wednes- be toastmistress at a bnaquet held on
day night, October 31- The enter- Friday evening, November 2, in the
tainment was preceded by the annual Lafayette Hotel. Representatives of
Stroller amateur night performance, at each sorority will give a toast and the
which time the list of Stroller eligi-bl- scholarship cup will be awarded to the
group receiving the highest averages
was read.
the past year
The Alpha Xi Delta fraternity entertained with a delightful tea dance
ait Patterson
Hall Friday afternoon
from four to six o'clock. Hallowe'en
motifs were carried out in decorations
and favors, and a six piece orchestra
furnished the musicThe guests
were: Kappa Delta, Farquhar and Ellin Speak at
Lucile Stillwell and Willy King; KapMemorial Exercises on
pa Kappa Gamma, Frances Smith and
Gilbert, Chi Omega, Anne
Shropshire and Dorothy Humphrey;
Theodore Roosevelt, the twenty- Delta Delta Delta, Genevieve Kelley
and Joan Robinson; Alpha Gamma eighth president of the United States,
Delta, Annelle Kelley and Margaret was honored at exercises iheld Monday
Moody; Delta Zeta, Mildred Cowgell morning on the campus of the Univer
and Mary Ann Reynolds; Sigma Beta sity of Kenltucky in the dedication of
Upsilon, Favola Dundon; Pi Alpha the oak tree which had been planted
Theta, Daisy Taylor; Alpha Delta in his memory in April, 1919. The
Theta, Nellie Corbin; Omega Rho, metal tablet erected beside the tree
Virginia Newman, Josephine Ellison, was given by General Roger WilVfrginia Jones, Louise Carson, Pru- liams, a friend of Colonel Roosevelt
dence Lyons and Betty Kirtly. Invita- Speakers at the exercises were Prof.
tions were also sent to all the men's E. F. Farquhar, of the University, and
fraternities alt the University, Centre General Tandy EllisThe dedication was in the form of a
and Transylvania.
field memorial by the regiment, of
which two companies of the R. O. T.
The engagement of Miss Laura C. unit of the Univrshy,'were present,
Steel, former student of the Universi- together
with about 200 students,
ty, to Mr. Wm. Hooper Arthur, of
friends and admirers of Colonel
Ashland, was announced at a tea given
by Miss Elizabeth Murphy in the priPresidenlt Frank L. McVey presid
Hovate dining room of the Phoenix
ed, and made a short address in which
tel. Miss Steel is a member of the
he said the purpose was to commem
Kappa Delta Alumnae Club and the
orate the life and work of Theodore
announcement was made on dainty
Roosevelt as soldier, patriot, author
cards attached to the stem of a white
and citizen.
He praised Colonel
rose, the sorority flower. The date
Roosevelt for his virility, force, good
of the wedding has not been ansense and true Americanism,
nounced. The guests numbered fourspoke also of his ability in handling
complicated problems which presented themselves during his administraTriangle