xt72v6986g70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72v6986g70/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1911-04-may9-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-04-may9-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1911-04-may9-ec. 1911 1911-04-may9-ec. 2011 true xt72v6986g70 section xt72v6986g70 


          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met

at the Phoenix Hotel on Tuesday, May 9, 1911, at 12 o'clock. There

were present Mr. Nichols, Mr. Davies, Mr. Clay and Mr. Stoll of

the Committee, and President Barker and Comptroller Lafferty.

          Judge Lafferty read the minutes of the preceding meeting

which were approved after several corrections and changes. were


          Professor Anderson, at the suggestion of President

Barker, came before the Committee and requested that they allow

him an instructor of Applied Mechanics at a salary of $6O00.00 a

year and gave as his reason that Professor Wilson and Professor

Frankel had so much to do in the way of teaching that they had

no time for research work, which was very necessary.  This posi-

tion would be known as Instructorship of Applied Mechanics.

          Professor Anderson also asked for an Assistant Enigi-

neer to look after thie engines in the Experimental Laboratory

at a salary of 4$40.0  a month and said that he would not ask for

any increase in the salary of tuiis engineer. Professor Anderson' *

request for assistants was not acted upon.

          At t-he request of Professor Anderson, the Committee

appropriated $80.00 for the construction of a concrete *walk

between Mechancial Hall and the Experizaental Laboratory to re-

place a board walk heretofore in use, the labor to be performed

by the students as practice work.

          On roll-call tile vote stood:

               Ayes - Messrs. Davies, Clay, Nichols and Atoll.
               Noes - None.

          Motion carried.

          After soine discussion of the presentation of business

to the Executive Conmittee, "it was pesolved that the President



of the University be requested to make a report in writing at each

meeting of the Executive Committee relating to the affairs of the

University since its last meeting, and any recommendation which

he cares to make for the future; and included in this report shall

be a statement containing the financial condition of the UniversitY

making the report as of the first day of the month preceding the

meeting of the Executive Committee".

          At the suggestion of President Barker, Professor Hoe from

the Department of Education, made an appeal for a small appropria-

tion for the purchase of a Psychological apparatus for thiis De-

partment.  After some explanation as to the need of this appara-

tus, the sum of $250.00 was appropriated for this purchase.

          On roll-call the vote stood:

                    Ayes - Messrs. Clay, Nichols, Davies and Stoll.
                    Noes -  one.
          Motion carried.
          The Executive Committee then adjourned for lunch.

          The Committee met again at 1:40 o'clock.

          At the suggestion of President Barker, Professor Miller

came before the Committee and asked for She appointment of a

Professor of Zoology. Professor Miller stated that he was orig-

inally employed as Professor of Geology but owing to some changes

in the faculty at a later period he consented to teach Zoology also

until such time as a professor could be secured for this work.

Prof. Miller urged the appointment of ax such a professor at

this time in as much as being the Dean of the College of Arts

and Science, he did not have time to give proper attention to

the work in Zoology.  The name of Professor Shull of Transylvania

University was suggested as a good man for the Chair of Zoology,
The Committee took no action upon this request of Prof. Miller's,


          Judge Lafferty read the monthly statement of the affairs

of the University.

          The following requisitions were presented by Prof. White:

          Administration amounting to 42534.70.

          Dormitories amounting to $249.85.

          Law Department amounting to $1.34.

          Domestic Science Department amounting to 90g.

          Department of Geology and Zoology amounting to $1.00.

          Agricultural Department amounting to $36.44.

          Grounds and Buildings amounting to $497.70.

          Mechanical Engineering Department amounting to $329.35.

          Department of Mines and Metallurgy amounting to $13.50.

          Department of Physical Education amounting to $63.83.

          Requisition from the Y.M.C.A. amounting to $5.00.

          Department of Civil Engineering amounting to $29.60.

          Also a requisition from the Civil Engineering Department

amounting to $29.50, traveling expenses for the Senior Class.

          Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that

all requisitionswhich have been approved by President Barker and

Professor White be allowed.

          The subject of doing away with the Academy was then

discussed and President Barker presented his opinion as follows:

                                                 May 9, 1911.

Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees,
          Lexington, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: -
          At your request I have examined the question as to
whether or not the Academy may be absorbed into the School of
Education and conducted as a Model School, or whether it must
remain as an Academy under its present organization.

         By one of the acts regulating the affairs of the State


University it is provided as follows:

          "An Academy or Preparatory Department to prepare stu-
dents for the regular courses of study in College, shall be
established and maintained in connection with the College, each
under a competent principal and assistants, and under the gener-
al supervision and control of the faculty thereof."

          (Sub-section 25 - Section 4636c Ky. Stats.)

          By Sub-section 16 of the same section it is provided:

          "Said trustees (Trustees of Kentucky State University)
shall have power to determine, from time to time, the number of
departments of study or investigation which the college shall
comprise within the scope of the organic act of Congress, or acts
supplementary thereto,****; The relation which each department
or group of departments shall sustain to each other and to the
whole;  to devise, allot and arrange, the distribution of depart-
ments or groups of departments, with the designation appropriate
to each; and to devise a means required for their effective
instruction, administration and government."

          Taking these two sections together, it seems to me that
the intention of the legislature was not to lay down a hard and
fast rule concerning the organization and management of the sub-
freshman department of the University, but that the whole Univer-
sity including the Academy should be under the control of the
Board of Trustees as to the form of the organization and the
manner of conducting the institution, and there should always be
a department where students who were not able to get into the
regular classes of the University, might be prepared to enter
the same. In other words, the legislature had in mind substance,
not form. I think the requirements of this statute are fully
met by the organization recommended by the Council of Deans.
The head of the School of Education will be the principal of the
Model School and those who aid him in teaching the school will
be his assistants within the meaning of the statute. In this way
it is hoped and believed that preparatory students will receive-
better instruction at a less cost to the University. It seems to
me certain that the legislature had no intention to prohibit the
trustees from adopting any plan for the education of the youth
of the State, which will at once advance their educational inter'
ests and save to the institution a considerable sum of money.
Efficiency and economy arethe two words which the Trustees
should hold in highest regard in the conduct of this great edu-
cational institution.

          By Sub-section 3 of Section 4636b Ky. Stats. it is

          " From and after two years from this date all sub-
freshnan work shall begin to be eliminated as a part of the
University curriculum, and such elimination shall progress as
rapidly as the educational condijaonsi in Kentucky will justify:
provided, however, special courses may be given in any of the
departments of the University, except that no sub-freshvan
normal instruction shall be given after September 1, l908, in any


xkx departments of the University or Academy connected there-
withe .

          This quotation is from an act of the legislature passed
in 1908 and shows clearly that it was the intention of the leg-
islature that the Academy should not remain a permanent depart-
ment of the University, but was to be eliminated as rapidly as
practical; but that special courses, excepting normal work, may
be given in any of the departments of the University. It seems
to me that the present organization proposed by the Council of
Deans might well be considered as special work in the department
of the School of Education, and in this way fall directly within
the meaning of the words of the statute last above quoted. I
am very clearly of the opinion that it will be entirely lawful
for the trustees to change the name and form of the Academy and
adopt any other name and form under which to conduct the prepara-
tory wotk of the University, which, in their opinion, will best
subserve the interests of the students.

                              Very respectfully submitted,
                                     H. S. Barker, President.

Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that this com-

munication be spread at large upon the minutes.

          President Barker was requested to present at the next

meeting of txle Executive Committee a full and detailed plan of

the reorganization of the Academy,

Continued on Page 13.



          Prof. White reported that Prof. Anderson had spoken

to him about exchanging the old Smith Premier Typewriter which he

had in his office for an Underwood.

          Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried

that the matter of exchanging a typewriter for Prof. Anderson

be referred to the President with power to act,

          On recommendation of President Barker, the Committee

authorized the purchase of a Vacuum Cleaner to be used at

Patterson Hall and the University.

          On roll-call the vote stood as follows:-

          Ayes - Messrs. Davies, Nichols and Stoll.

          Noes - None.
          Mr. Clay did not vote as he had left the room.
          Motion carried.

          Judge Lafferty was authorized to pay the following old

accounts which had recently been presented to him:

          des Cognets.........$13.97
          Prazer and Bush.....$50.25
          Transylvania Company$84.75

          Judge Lafferty made a statement as to the cost per thous-

and for tornado insurance on the different buildings of the Uni-

versity as requested at the last meeting of the Executive Coma

mittee as follows:

          $2.OO per thousand for one year.
          4.00  "      "    "   three years
          6.00  "           "   five years.
          MotionAmade, seconded and unanimously carried that the

$10,000. tornado insurance which has heretofore been carried on

Patterson Hall be distributed over the different University

Buildings as may be directed by the Business Agent.

          Motion was made, and seconded that the Chairman of the

Executive Committee exectute a note for the University at the Fat4

ette National Bank for $22,552., payable on or before July 1, 1911;


interest not to exceed 5% per annuml The said sum of $22,552.

being the amount of the overdraft now at the bank.

          On roll call the vote stood:

          Ayes   Messrs Davies, Nichols and Stoll.

          Noes - None.

          Motion carried.

          Motion was made and carried to adjourn to meet Monday

afternoon, May 29th. at 2 otclock in the President's office at

the University.