xt72rb6w0w8z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0w8z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1962-01-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 8, 1962 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 8, 1962 1962 1962-01-08 2020 true xt72rb6w0w8z section xt72rb6w0w8z         

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bnivuisit; Jaoulcf met in the Assemeljr Room cI Jeffert

, ‘ " ‘f' 31 . .» ., HIV“, , ' (1 r’tl’ .- I .I ., _ .: ,1. rt" 1 ,, - '
{JII MCHUQJ, JQHLMIJ o, Iuc2, at 4:00 p.m. ProsIdonc bIcIov presided.

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IHe minutes oI DocenUeI II had beei sent to tuc monoers CT the


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I‘ Millet“, (-‘Jl‘bq. on 11(JL)J.\)[I UJ. czlo JJQC‘IB 08.1”" , MOI-c OliJIJJI‘HJJJ-in u’J/Jm lOUt DORE/3", $6849..

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,,IiivaJ oi one new course. The


m1-ndathn of their
,.§._..,,V,1‘>" -‘ D.4I( "I" JV1_ I,,,,1."; , 1 ' I , V I,
"I. och Hal. OI"; min-Eu. 01 ULI. I I U51" d JIIIHILJO VI on in UCILALTJ~L 1 IBM. JET, CC In; “(3U mfg-db .
zippiioednxnis oi (AJthbb to i;J I soluinxni of SCIGLIJL :.c TWP 1—3 s

F Lecture, I hour; laboratory, 2 ours per weeL. Prereq: MA 2ll.


' “J
g i DJQfl Shaver also asked tnat the “two drop“ rule be waived in the c se
Ea? i DJ J. K. Tate, Jr. on the ground that he had been out of school for several
fl 6-. years, had matured, and nad cxecented some ev‘”en e oi ability to complete
‘.:éi h's degree requiremints. The racult approved tie request.
git Dean Dake presented for the Col Iege of Nursing a recomi cndatxon for
" approval of three new courses and a change it tnc number of one course, which
I was approved by the UniversIt; Jaculty.
’ U Nursiiig presents the following courses for Faculty

The College of
approval. These courses are to be offered tne Spring Mene‘ s or 1962.

l. Iursing; 222 225 ~— Foundations of Comprehensive Nursing III (6 or.)


j Iflxploratioricrf the IRUTSB'S role i111 1neeting needs uni_que tm

" mothers and infants, and to cuIIdren with chronic illnc sse‘ cs.
:1‘; Lecture 0 hrs. Laboratory 9 hrs.

0 b

; 2. Nursing 224 —~ Community Nursing I (l or.)
“cginning consicIeI ations of now a community organizes
to meet heal tb needs. Experience in a home setting providing

nursing ass:istaIIce with maternal and child health problems

5. Nursing 523 —— Community Health Science (5 cr.)


E Emphasizes those so ciences related to the prevention and control

I oi community health problems. Prereq.: Permission of instructor
Change of course numbering

4. Nursing 502—505 ~— Community Nursing be changed to N—326~527 to
conform to the numbering system being established by the

Dean Morris of the College of Dentistry presented the Proposed
admission requirements of tnat College and rGOGiVGd approval from the
University Faculty.


























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algooau 1n ‘Clcqu1*“21ornm3 101"M1o OJN‘TO vc,L 01‘ 1
1. . . ..1 . 1 . . . 1
avl sou Novouoer anc) puol;sucu oy tne Amer1cam 7
uts for too COllQ”* of Dont1etr; arc Lgpootcd INJUM


1mum of two full academic
:redl colloyo

tauu mg

to have completed a min

1 :.. ., . 4.1.“?
11oL “a ) 111 ddl {LGL L511

U‘LHHL1_L& L] V0

ts and


(3 SE C) I“ O '1. {111"



grade point

emcuts ar111 :3£:L‘t§1.s;.1§’j.ocl with the equivalent of


:wo semesters of study 111. 1Jl’l,{."SJ_"S; two LL 11LQ’LW'C‘ in tin ‘11111lc1wcal ‘
sciences. tanL semesters 1n cucm13Lr¢ uLLuu 13 one semester 1
0” organic cLom18t1,; anu at 13&SL one year oi finglLsh. f
; ‘All setenoo courses nus t inc luau 00th class and laboratory
1 leEYLFLUJLl or1. EWJrurll. c1~edJ.t 111 hi o.Lo;rur {Lott 1u13'slxzs, 'bu.t rujt :111
; 1 English and enemistry, may oo waivoa 1n the casL of exceptional
E stuuents who have three years 0“ college rodit or in the ease

of tfllose lloldJ11g a1'bacln3lor"s 1.Uag 1.e 11w11 ar1zic c;£ 1:1j_t;x1 301-235o.'1 1

1 Dean Kirwan oresented for the Graduate Council recommendations cover— 1
'1 . m . . . . 1 . 1 . 1
; 1mg 1ve strlotly graduate courses 1n B1ocaan1strv auu one 1n Commerce; 1
‘1 . two graduate courses in Biochemistrv and ore in ologg; auu revision of i
' two cour33s in Physiology. These “1PooflLnd lon; were voted approval. 1


i 1

F'l' 1 ‘



L L11" "



Prerequfmsjl Biochemi 511 or Bio—
CMOHIHLT” 514,515. I

1 I. e o4g1rovafl. 01' M10 :folflxrmilu; cou: :3os
, L for str1colv graduate or :xlit.
1 l. BLOJJLHJLL31 olU,oll — Intermediary Hztabol ;1(o) '
J A lecture and sem1nar course devoted to a T
~ A study of the Petailed mLL1a1 TWS of
.W carboNydrate, lipid and nitrogen1flefiaooLiLm. V






A weekly

seminar required 01 all
majoring in biochem1stry,
to discu

2. Biochemistry 614,6l5 — B1o_gem §tr3 oi' ProLLLnL, NucLoio Acids ‘
51513; Jfirlz 311 s (3 )
A 151: cture and siminar cours ee devoted to 1
the chom131aql phvsjcal and .010213a1
1 Qerbrblbo or plote1us and nucleic ac1 1
‘1 and to the broad area of puysj.cal biochomistry, [
11 ILfl1u, kinotlo and the modynamic aspects 1
‘ E of sum juL catalyzed reactions. EL roqu1 ‘S' K
1 Bioclm11er' 511 or 514, 5J5 and C.he1n:1atr7 4-42 1
5. BlOGhCMLStf7 618, L19 — Seminar in Biochemistry (l) 1

ssions of areas not





















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