xt72rb6w0w7c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0w7c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1954-02-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 8, 1954 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 8, 1954 1954 1954-02-08 2020 true xt72rb6w0w7c section xt72rb6w0w7c  

















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The University Faculty met in regular
1954, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Donovan presided. Members absent were G

Squad Room of


carpenter, Martha G. Carr, Leo. K. Chem;


- 1 7- 7': 'J ." . ‘ _
e. chfiey*, J. A. sdney, 9. F. «arxigus,
4, ~ . .— T 1 - “j r . _" '
H. A. heinz‘, J. C. humpnries A. L. til“

Mcrwen, L. I-ieece, J. Miles, 1;.

Henry H. Rogers, {ill Shine, L. 5. Slone
D. 7. Terrell, laurence Thomoson*, and 5;:

The minutes of January 11, 1934 were

President Donovan read to the Faculty 3 statement or the percent~
age of Faculty attendance by Colleges at Uiivcrsity Faculty meetings
which had been prepared by the Acting Secretary ‘ Tni stetement

. s
indicated that 50 per cent of the members nee attend d all meetings
and that no member had been absent from all of t W

Dr. A. 1. Bigge ask d the Chairman of the Faculty to Lyma"
member of the Lumeni


ties group to fill the vacancy of Dr.
Hegeman who is on sobbati el leave.

President Donov n stated that he had conferred with Nr, Ivan

Jett, Director of the Kentucky Chain Stores vouncil, concern'ng
those faculty members who had not attended the dinner last year,
being permitted to attend the dinner scheduled for Fehr ?
Mr. Jett said that due to lack of Space, it would only 5

for the members of the faculties of Arts and Sciences,


Education to be invited. However, he assured President

later dinners would be given to which those who had not attended
would be invited.

Mrs. Anne Clemmons presented for the Collere of Agriculture and
Home Economics a Resolution on the death of Miss Nell W. Hammond
and requested that the resolution be spread upon the minutes of th

Nell Weatherly Hammond was born in Hopkins County, Kentucky
and received her early education in Madisonville. She grad—
uated from Bethel Women's College. She received her Bachelor
of Science Degree in Home Economics from Purdue University,
where she also did graduate work in Bacte'iology. She
followed this with a year of graduate work in Waoteriology
and Clinical Diagnosis at the University of Kentucky, which
training she used to good advantage in hm: Tfletetio Intern—

ship at the raduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Miss Hammond held position. as Chief Dietitian at St.

Anthony's Hospital in Louisville; as Superintendent of the
17 ~,_. C 1 ‘ t‘ H 6 - 1 . 1
Aopnins Oln y -ospital, WAi
as Chief Dietitian of the 3

ch she helped equip and open;
. 71' . .
1x “OSpltal, San Antonio, Texas;

‘ Absence explained










<_———¥. —‘




Minutes 0 the Universitz Faculty, Februa.ry 8,1954



us a Snectrogruphio and anny Analyst in the Res oarch
Laboratory of the National Carbon Comne ny, Cleveland,
Ohio; and. as Professor of Home Economics, Bethel Woman's

Uolle ge, Honkins ville , Kentucky.

J:ch time Niss Hammond changed Positions, it was to
take core of family responsibilities at a pers m1al sac~

own career. When slze came to the University

it was with the hope that she could finally
ld of work in which her chief interests

5 counseling in family relations. Her

position in the School of Home Economics consisted of

teaching the advanced nutrition courses required for

embark on the f'

lay, namely nnt om

dietetic internships. She also carried mart time grad—
uate work. Her training and experience would have made
her a valuable full time teacher but she was eager for

further study in family relationships, with the purpose
in mind f prepnring herself to serve others more fully.

Nell Hammond possessed many talents and wide interests.
She was challenged by the unknown in science and, there-
fore, was dravin to research in science. She loved music,
literature, art. Her sensitive use of color and design
created beauty wherever she found herself. The student
lounge in the Home Economics Building mt nds as one
xemple of her aoility to tre nsform the drab to thc
beautiful. Her unusuel interest in all kinds of neople,
hut esPecie lly in students was the urge that carried
her into gra dlu ate work in counseling.

She was not robust, was oft en in frail health but
her ener; ;y and intensity of purpose enabled her to carry
on her work until a few weeks before the end.

The lives of all who came in contact with her were
enriched by her spirit of courage, her integrity and her
devotion to the betterment of living.

A copy of this resolution will be sent to her family,
the American Association of Univers sity Women, and Presi—
dent W. Edwin Rich'1rdson, Bethel Woman' 5 College, Hookins—
ville, Kentucky.

Cemmittee: Marion S. McDowell
Roberta S. Taylor

The University T*‘e.culty approved the request.

Dr..T. D Clo rk presented a Resolution on the death of Dr. James
Edward Tuthill. Dr. Clark recommended the adontion of the resolution
and requested that conies he sent to the members of the family.
































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James Edward Tuthill was born in Kirksv
in Ju y, 1875, and died January o, l '

1'7. . - - .L

was educated in the MHiVUISlolGS of Vissouri C”

iisconsin. He received the Doctor 0:

the University of Bisc0151n in 1908, and s 3 c
to the University of Kentuchy as Professor of Histo"y an? Head
of the Tepertnent, From l??8—lfi?5 h: was Secretur" of the
Graduate School Committee. hr. Tuthill’s field or major inter—
est was that of the Medieval and Modern FurOpean nericds.

k .

Under his direction as Head of the Department t u
of the Department of History as a seLarnte division of instruc~
tion took place. The menartment grew from one man to e depart—
ment of six men. From the Department of History, however, had

sprung the Departments of Political Science and Economics.

Pr. Tuthill was 2 rugged individualist who hni a philOSOphy
of life and history shaped partly by his mid—western background,
and partly by the teachings of those men under whom he had
classes in the University of Chicag and the Unchrsity of
Wieconsin. Few men in the field of history in his day Could
say that they had taken classes with so many distinguished
teachers. Among these were Hermann Von Holst, Dane C. Munro,
Thorstein Veblen, Carl Russell Fish, and George Slnrk Sellery.

For thirty-six years Dr. Tuthill was a member of this
faculty. He served on its committees, and performed many other
services in its behalf. Large numbers of his students recall
him with both affection and reSpect. He had a positive way of
instruction which impressed them with his seriousness of

Theréorc me it Resolved:

That we the members of the Faculty of the University of
Kentucky adopt these resolutions out of respect for Dr, James
Edward Tuthill's long oeriod of service in this body, and for
the yeomnn service which he rendered the University of Kentucky
in the field of the social studies in its formative years.

Be it also Resolved:
That copies of these resolutions be sent by the presiding

officer Of this body to Dr. Herbert Tuthill, a brother in Kansas
City, Missouri, and to Mrs. Anna Hodges of Lexinvtcn Kentuck'.
L) O 9

Robert G. Lunde
James F. Hawkins

Thomas D. Clark

The Faculty approved the recommendationsg

Dean White, for the College of Arts and Sciences, recommended permis~
sion for all juniors majoring in physical education to be away from the

campus March Blst through April 3rd for a field trip to Indianapolis,
which was approved.





universitv Efculty,17ebruu 8 122:

Mean finite also presentefl recommenoa tiO ns fro om toe College of Arts
“ab and Sciences concerning changes in courses uno a combined Arts—Encineerinq
l V - L" L
‘Lfl degree which were epproved by the Faculty.


‘ 1. ADD:

September, lvfifl)

I Air Science 40a, b Air Sc 1108 IV _ROT' £3 ench}(Effective
} A st ud.y or tLe princi“les of leaderslip and monefement, military

, aspects of worla political geogronhy, ioundati on of military

1 Tower, military aviation and the sCience of wzmi ce reer guidance,
[ ‘ briefing for commissioned service anu leruer: ip laboratory. Five
1 hours oer week. Prereq: 30n,b.




Air Sc cience l2a,b (3 each}
m nir Science 13a, ‘0 (3 each)

't u l 1 ’ l ,, . 1‘ I . , .. 1
_g u Air bcience 1,7n,b (3 escn] Ke;,ect1vu $Cfitefiucr, 173%)



flecommen de thetw»

A student who fulfills the foflowing conditions may combine

his courses in Arts and Sciences and Engineering, gaining

the A.B. or 393. Degree after three years in the College

of Arts and Sciences and one or more gears in tne professional



{ GflnlIJED 1


A student may combine his courses in Arts end Sciences and
Law, Medicine, Dentistry, Torestry or EfifiiEEEElES’ gaining the A.R.
or 3.8. degree after three jCUTS in this college and one or more




‘ 1 years in the professional school-

I 1. He must gain Ft least ”8 credits in firts nnu Sciences
subjects, with a standing of 1.0 or more, before transferring to
the professionol school. For Arts~Law or §££&..;;Ln0(r‘nf he
should have 100 credit:, with a standing of 1.3 on all work
:ttempted, before trans i‘errinc to either Law College or Enwineer-

ng College.

?. He must have met the sp_ecified requirements of the College



of Arts and Sciences (except nygiene, in Arts~Meuicinej one have
5 field of concentration before

gained at least 20 credits in h

transferring to the professionn

' 3. He must have registered in the Collage of firts Infi Sciences

for at least one full year, immediately preceding the comwlction of

1-1 H'



‘ his Arts and Sciences requirements, and must have gnineda it lema t 30
1 credits in Arts anu Sciences subjects in this college.

Changes recommended are underscored



J . 3 n 1‘ 7", : : + |’ _ ,5_7 T‘I _ 1,!
hinutes I toe univeroluv ”rouluj, fi~7rrclx v,




4 13”
ainOVTL in a
(Ilass : fated


r"" (
{ L ,
Q; H.

. -. 1.1
DJ tnc


SC.LOO.L 031:-
1 lessiclfil





5. He must in his professional courses Secure sufficient
J. 'i O


crecius to bring his total in the [V‘Jv'vs 9.11:1 the “relocsionz‘ai 7.7 I”

u? to lQ8 credits, one mist SQCJFC a etznu1dg 01 at lees” l.C, '

or its equivalent, in the nrcfessionel worka Professional courses '

dupliceting Arts {no eciences courses, or duelicating courzce i

elected in otner college; on tne oniversit3 “y the student voile

registered in the College of Artc Hcl Sciences, will not be

counted in the total. I

a 1

Ire. Anne 330mm.ons nro osentei for the UOllEFe of ATJiChlt
Home Economics a recommendation for a new mom se wnich was en


Eew Course







Home Eéonomics 158, household ouvvm t(3} I, ll U
Electrical anl gee household equitmcnt end smell ”n1-1_nses; 1
Their selection, maintenrnce, Oncrction enc cost. Lectures 2 hours; ‘
labo‘c.t01y 2 hours. Prerequi:ites: ThgsiC' R31; u. 3. 31
Professor Penrod resented for the Collnge of - g o request i
that onloxlmctel3 12 students from the A.b.C.E. Student Chapter be ~er~
mitted to attend a national meeting of the Amc”ican Society of Vavil I
Engineers from February 18 through Februar3 20 at Atlanta, Georgia.
The request wa.s approved. ‘

Professor Cojeen presented for the College of Commerce a recommenda—


ion for changes in descriptions of courses which were annroved as


Commerce 96a ~ Intermediate Accounting


W 0

Detailed study of ve.luetion procecuree Ior asset and
liability items. Principles of finenc
arrangement and c011


cl statement
tent, Coryoration 1mg tion, and
treatment of capital stocL and surplus items. (Prereq.:
Commerce 7b) ‘





Commerce Gob — Intermediate Accounting


Statement from ir comyle'te date, comnoretive statemunts, ‘
powrin ersnips, instillmcnt sales , consignments and agencr
and bro nch accounting. Application of_funds statements. I

{Prereo, .: Commezce 90a)

/ 1 u n . u - 1 '
Commerce 14b — bye01elizeo Accounting Proolems ' a “J--
1- - .
q .

one and mergers, Ere— 3
s. Insolvency and



s l i
yaration of consolidated stttement
receivership records enc st temen‘s. Accounting for

ester tes azid trusts. (P“ereq.: ~Commerce 96b)











75‘ «. , '~ ,1 O J R 1 T‘.‘ ; - ~ 1. 1 ’ ‘H ,,.. ‘ J,” 7““ h 1"
JilLLLgE'01 one unite sit£__beulgi, dculuarxii, lwni



Been Spivey present(:d for the Graduate Jourcil a recommendation

t Jivil Engineeriig T72e,c, end d be awnroved for 2 semester hours
.nd that Civil EigLHeering 272‘b be p~1o oved for 2 semester hours; and that

Ag"iculture Tconomics SO a~d be authorized for 0 credit each. This

ncmo”cndum was presented to correct an OVCrsight, through which the credit

was not indicated in the January recommendation. .lee n Spivcv also prc~
vented a recommeniation t“; at AnthrOpolOgy 20