xt72rb6w0v7t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0v7t/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986-12 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, November 1986, volume 9 number 9 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, November 1986, volume 9 number 9 1986 1986-12 2020 true xt72rb6w0v7t section xt72rb6w0v7t  





Vol. IX



No. 9


1986 at CKJF


Executive Committees of all Jewish
organizations meet to discuss mutual
concerns and to coordinate programs. The
Jewish Singles program is taken over by
Temple Adath Israel in cooperation with
the Federation office.

Major Jewish organizations participate
in Martin Luther King Day observance on
January 19.

CKJF—UJA Campaign Men’s Division meets
for Superbowl party.

New CKJF board meets for the first


1986 CKJF—UJA Campaign progresses with
Women’s Division holding a Solicitation

CKJF President appoints an ad-hoc
search committee to begin process of
selecting a new administrator to replace
resigning Judy Saxe.


Six representatives from CKJF attend
UJA Young Leadership Conference in wash-
ington D.C., March E—A.

CKJF Board and Endowment Committee has
workshop with George Kessler, Associate
Director of Endowment Development for CJF
on Mar. 18.



CKJF Community Activities Committee
holds Purim pre—school party on Mar. 16.

CKJF-UJA Campaign conducts fourth
annual SUPER SUNDAY on March 23.


CKJF, in cooperation with all area
Jewish organizations, brings multi-media
production "Another Israel“ for three—day
engagement at Victorian Square to Central

Executive Committees from area Jewish
organizations meet again on April 87.


Yom Hashoa observed at two programs at
Midway College and Transylvania Universi-

CKJF, in cooperation with LEXTY and
Young Judaea, sponsors a smashingly suc—
cessful Yom H’atzmaut celebration on May

Israel Bonds Tribute Dinner, honoring
Governor Happy Chandler, sees record turn—
out on May 18.

On May 31, noted archaeologist Carol
Meyers launches annual CKJF Betty
Rosenberg Memorial Program at the Syna—

CKJF Budget and Allocations Committee
announces the allocation of over $16,000
to other charities.

CKJF’s Community Relations Committee
has a briefing by Dr. Gerry Janacek
discussing our community’s response to
problems facing Soviet Jews.




1985 at CI’JF


CKJF’s three—week Jewish day camp, Camp

Shalom, sees record attendance for another
season, at new camp site close to Jacobsen

Ruth Belin, on scholarship from CKJF,
attends Anytown, Kentucky camp. CKJF
members Natalie Saxe and Lauren Weinberg
hold staff positions at Anytown.

CKJF CRC representatives meet with

superintendent of Fayette County Schools
Dr. Ronald Walton.


CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin takes
the reigns from Judy Saxe.

Interact I and II concludes another

year of innovative young leadership
programming with summer party on the 19th.


for another

CKJF committees gear up

full year of programming with

CKJF Administrator Linda Ravvin attends
Small Cities Executives Institute in New

CKJF, in cooperation with area Jewish

organizations, sponsors annual welcome to
newcomers, ”Shalom Lexington”, on Sept. 7.
The biennial update of the newcomers’

guide, ”Shalom Lexington”, is prepared by

After months of preparation, the Sue
Friedman Memorial Jewish Family Life

Education Program is conducted on Sept. 80
and 81, featuring Dr. Sol Gordon, bringing
his expertise on sexuality education to
the area.

CKJF, in cooperation with Temple Adath
Israel and Dhavay Zion Synagogue, presents
Rosh Hashonah party for pre—schoolers.

CKJF’s Community Relations Committee
receives grant of $5000 from the Kentucky
Humanities Council to begin year-long
project ”The Jewish Experience in Central

David Kaplan replaces the late Stanley

Rose as Temple Adath Israel representative
to the CKJF board.

CKJF-UJA Women’s Division launches
Campaign ’87 with opening board meeting.




CKJF Administrator attends National
Jewish Community Relations Advisory
Council (NJCRAC) orientation in New York.

High Holidays observed in homes and


The 1986-87 CKJF Forum Series begins
with noted lecturer, Debra Dash Moore,

speaking on Jewish Migration and Communi—

CKJF—UJA Campaign ’87 begins with the
Women’s Division Pacesetters dinner with
Gerald Meister as guest speaker.

Interact III, young leadership for
twenty new participants, unfolds with
meeting and discussion on Jewish identity.

A ”history gathering“ day is held by
CKJF in order to begin work on the Ken—
tucky Legacies grant project, “The Jewish
Experience in Central Kentucky”.

President Gloria Katz, Campaign Chair
Gail Cohen, and Administrator Linda Ravvin
attend Council of Jewish Federations
General Assembly in Chicago.

Three Jewish media professionals
addressed the community in a panel discus-
sion and open forum presented by the CKJF
Community Relations Committee on Nov. 16.


CKJF Community Relations Committee

sponsors an evening event with Mr. Arthur
Berger, Chief Press Officer of the Middle
East Bureau of the U.S. State Department

on Dec. 3.

Area Jewish women’s organizations
conduct fourth annual ”Women’s Plea for
Soviet Jews”, featuring Rabbi Jonathan
Stein, on December 9.

CKJF, TAI, & OZS pre—school
party is held on Dec. 14th.

CKJF—UJA major gifts dinner,
of Zion“, is held on Dec. 14th.

CKJF annual election of board
is conducted in mid~December.







Annual Reports from each CKJF committee
are included in this bulletin, beginning
on page 8.











Community Prepares for Hanukkah 5747

Throughout the centuries, games have
played a part in Jewish life. In several
episodes of Jewish history when the Jews
were forbidden to study Torah, the accou-
trements of game playing were displayed
during study sessions so that in case of a
surprise inspection, it appeared that the

group was simply engaged in a game of
chance. It is said that this deception
was first used on the soldiers of

Hntiochus during the Maccabean struggle,

and as a result, game playing has become
assoc1ated with Hanukkah.
All sorts of games can be played on

this upcoming holiday, bound only by the
imagination. Here is a look at a tradi-
tional and a not so traditional game.

This most popular Hanukkah game is
played by spinning the four-sided dreidel,
found in most Jewish gift shops.

Rules: * Each player begins with a given
number of stakes (gelt, chocolate, nuts,
etc), 10 to 15 will do.

* Each player puts a single stake

in the ”pot”.

* Turns are taken spinning the
dreidel, one player at a time. When the
dreidel lands, the player acts according

to the Hebrew letter which is on top:
:3 player takes nothing from the pot
:1 player takes all

77 player takes half (if odd, half
plus one go to the player)

\L/player adds one

Mote: these letters represent Yiddish
words which reflect the above actions. In
an elevated usage, they represent the

ow W777 777;? U?
(a great miracle happened there).

* When the pot is depleted, each
player adds one stake, and the game

* When one player has all, the
game ends and (s)he is the winner.


Let 3:50, 71:3, fl=5,and
“’5’ = 300 (the values of the
letters). Spin the dreidel, one player at
a time and keep score. The first player
to reach 613 (Mitzvot - the number of
positive plus negative commandments agreed
upon by the Sages) wins.



The creative variation on a popular
American game comes from The Lively Jewish
Classroom: Games and Activities for
Learning by Rita Kopin. Making the game
is an activity for youngsters, and it’s
simple and fun.

Materials: ”Twister“ game (Milton
Bradley) and a black permanent marker.

Construction: With the black marker,
draw symbols and pictures on colored
circles of twister game. (Suggestions:
dreidel, gelt, gift, latkes, Nes Badol
Haya Sham, 85 Kislev, Shammash, a
Maccabee, menorah, etc.).

Directions: Play this like ”Twister”,
but you must be able to identify the
object in the circle to stay in the game.











Sun, Dec. 14
4—5230 pm.

at the Temple

The party will take place in the Temple
Adath Israel auditorium, for all children
ages two and a half through five. All
parents are welcome; parents of children
under three years old must accompany their

Each child is asked to bring a gift of
value no more than $3 with his name on it.

Pre-school holiday parties are spon-
sored by CKJF in cooperation with Dhavay
Zion Synagogue and Temple Adath Israel.

Pre-school holiday parties are another
ongoing project made possible by your
support of the annual CKJF-UJA campaign.

CRC Media Forum Explores the Issues

The CKJF Community Relations Commit-
tee’s recent activity, a panel discussion
and open forum titled The News: Is It Good
for the Jews?, provided a thought provok-
ing evening, well-attended and marked by
an insightful panel discussion and inter-
esting questions from the audience.

The three panelists were knowledgeable
and prepared, and we thank them for
participating. Elinor Brecher, reporter
for the Louisville Courier Journal; David
Green, City Editor for the Lexington
Herald Leader; and Jerry Sander, Special
Projects Reporter in science and medicine
for NKYT—TV addressed the issue of media
coverage on Jewish/Israel concerns for the
more than 75 people in attendance.

Co-chairs of the CRC and moderators for
the evening were Marilyn Moosnick and
Charlotte Baer.

CKJF gratefully acknowledges the
complimentary use of the facilities at
Temple Adath Israel for this most success—
ful event.



Arthur Berger Addresses Community

CKJF’s Community Relations Committee
also sponsored an evening’s discussion
with Mr. Arthur Berger, Chief Press
Officer for the Near East and Middle Asia
Bureau of the U.S. State Department on
Wednesday, Dec. 3.

Mr. Berger, the former press officer
for the U.S. Embassy in Israel, spoke on
and fielded questions on U.S. and Middle
East Relations for another record turnout
from the Central Kentucky community.

CKJF gratefully acknowledges the
complimentary use of the facilities at
Temple Adath Israel.

These recent CKJF-CRC programs were
made possible by the Central Kentucky
Jewish community’s annual support of the
CKJF-UJA fund raising campaign.



Terrorism and prevention —— this is the
topic of Yaron Svoray, speaker at the
Guardians of Zion dinner on Sunday,
December 14 at Bugatti’s in Chevy Chase.

Svoray, now a security consultant,
worked for several years as a crew com-
mander in Israel’s Central Police Unit,
the "Israeli FBI”. In addition to partic-
ipating in anti—terrorist activities, he
conducted research on prevention tech-
niques. For two years he studied at the
Policy Academy, where he learned practical
techniques and also took courses on the
history of the Middle East and on Israeli

As a Sergeant—Major in the military, he
was active during the Yom Kippur War and
the war in Lebanon and participated in
various missions. He now is a member of
the IDF Reserves. His college background
includes studies in political science and
international affairs at Hebrew University
and in the media and media analysis at
Melbourne (Australia) University.

The Guardians of Zion dinner, this year
chaired by Arlene and Harry Cohen, is an
annual CKJF event, held exclusively for
contributors of $1200 or more to the
annual CKJF—UJA campaign. For further
information and reservations, call the
CKJF office at 852-7688.


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 Jewish Book Month
Nov. 27 — Dec. 27

”One who increases books
increases wisdom"

A confirmation of the value placed by
Jews on knowledge and learning, Jewish
Book Month falls during the weeks immedi-
ately preceding Hannukah. To inspire your
gift—giving for this holiday and to whet
your appetite for the latest in Jewish
interest books, the following reviews have
been reprinted from Jewish Books in Review
1986-87. They have been edited to fit
into our bulletin.

Play by Play — by Isaac Goldemberg;
translated from the Spanish by Robert S.

Picciotto. Persea Books, 285 Lafayette
St., New York, NY 10018. 172 pages.
$13.95. . “

Isaac Goldemberg is unique among
Jewish-American and South American novel-
ists alike. A native of Peru who has made
his home in New York City for the last
twenty years, Goldemberg employs experi-
mental techniques familiar to readers of
South American fiction to dramatize the
unfamiliar experience of Jews who found
their way from the Old World of the
Eastern European shtetl to a new world of
Peruvian villages and towns.

In Pla\ b Pla , his second and newest
novel, Goldemberg focuses on a character
who is the illegitimate son of a
Russian-Jewish emigrant to Peru and a
Peruvian, part-Indian, Catholic mother.
This novel’s hero, Marquitos Karushansky,
is reclaimed by his father shortly before
his thirteenth birthday; it is time for
Marquitos to be circumcised, to become a

Marquitos understandably feels drawn to
each of the cultures he can claim as his
heritage, but even as he struggles to form
a coherent identity from these different
aspects of himself, society forces him to
choose one side only: Is he a Peruvian or
a Jew, a Catholic or a Jew? what if, for
instance, Peru declared war on Israel? On
whose side would he fight? When his
schoolmates confront him with this ques-
tion, one moment Marquitos says Israel;
the next, Peru.


To dramatize his hero’s interior
conflict, Goldemberg throws Marquitos into
the middle of a quasi-mystical soccer game
that includes all the players in
Marquitos’s life and whose “teams” fight
for the hero’s allegiance. These chap—
ters, told in the voice of a high—voltage
sports announcer, alternate with
first—person accounts by Marquitos’s
former schoolmates and italicized
third—person chapters that play and replay
the central event of the circumcision.

In Plai b Pla , as in Goldemberg’s
earlier novel, the author’s highly frag—
mented structure is designed not only to
underscore his themes of the fractured
nature of identity, but to distance the
reader from characters who begin to seem
historical, almost mythical. Unfortunate—
ly, these same technical feats can call so
much attention to themselves that they run
the danger of alienating the reader. But
it is a risk well worth taking for anyone
interested in Goldemberg’s highly original
vision of cultures in conflict.

The Coming Cataclysm: The Orthodox-Reform
Rift and the Future of the Jewish People.
Reuven P. Bulka. Mosaic Press; distributed
by Flatiron Book Distributors, 175 Fifth
Ave., New York, NY 10010. 1984. 126 pages.
$16.95 (cloth); $8.95 (paper).

Around the turn of the twenty-first
century, or shortly thereafter, North
American Jews will not be able to automat-
ically marry each other and they may have
created two socially and religiously
distinct groups with hardly any interac—
tion between them. This is the ominous --
but entirely convincing -— warning issued
by Reuven P. Bulka in a 186-page book
which ought to be required reading for
every Jew who is concerned about the
future of the Jewish people.

Rabbi Bulka predicts that on the basis
of current practices in the area of
marriage, divorce, and conversion of
non—Jews, certain facts will result in an
unbridgeable chasm separating the two to
three million Reform and unaffiliated Jews
in America from their Orthodox and Conser-
vative co—religionists.

The author is the rabbi of Congregation
Machzikei Hadas in Ottawa and the editor
of the Journal of Psychology and Judaism.
His book is a plea to Orthodox and Reform
rabbis and lay people to confront this
potential split realistically and to act
now to forestall a communal tragedy which
otherwise lies ahead.

continued ..................... on page 6



Book Rexdews, continued

According to Rabbi Bulka, the split
will develop because of two issues -- one
concerning divorce and remarriage, and the
other stemming from Reform standards of

Rabbi Bulka offers a series of propos—
als to forestall the future shock. The
proposals require a significant shift in
Reform practice and a readiness on the
part of Orthodox rabbis to compromise.
Readers from both camps will find serious
flaws in the proposals. Reform readers
will also challenge some of the author’s
assumptions about Reform theology.
Orthodox critics will accuse him of being
too willing to lower standards of conver—
sion. In fact just about everyone who
reads this book will find something to

After all the criticisms and complaints
are expressed, however, we will all be
indebted to Reuven Bulka for what he has
done. He has forced us to see the conse—
quences of our current actions and inac-
tion. To look away now would be irre-
sponsible at best and criminal at worst.

The Best New Jewish Children’s Books

Toba at the Hands of a Thief. Michael
Mark. Bradbury Press, 866 Third Avenue,
New York, NY 10022. 136 pages. Ages
12-adult. $11.95.

This sequel to Igga (Bradbury, 1984)
concerns the everyday life of a Polish
shtetl teenager, including her reluctant
preparations to join her sister in Ameri-
ca. The novel resembles a kaleidoscope.
The diverse portraits of the town’s
people, Toba’s deep and varying emotions,
and the author’s superb use of imagery tap
against each other to form strange and
beautiful patterns. Amazingly, Mark has
entered the soul of a spunky and intro-
spective fourteen—year-old
girl. For more sensitive readers.

In Grandpa’s House. Philip Sendak;
translated and adapted by Seymour
Barofsky; illustrated by Maurice Sendak.
Harper & Row, 10 East 53rd Street, New
York, NY 10022. 42 pages. Ages o-adult.



This book is a treasure chest with
three gems inside: Sendak’s lovingly done
pencil drawings; a glimpse into the
artist’s personal history through his
father’s words; and a chance to return to
our own grandfather’s knee via the tale
told by an East European Jew. Philip
Sendak (1894—1970) tells the tale about
David, a young Jewish boy who goes on a
fantastic journey complete with giants,
monsters, and talking animals. With his
gandfather as a guide, he is taught life’s
lessons. The translated Yiddish is smooth
and succinct. A wonderful gift to the
Jewish people.

Yossi Asks the Angels for Help. Miriam
Chaikin; illustrated by Petra Mathers.
Harper & Row, 10 East 53rd Street, New
York, NY 10022. 52 pages. Ages 7-10.

Yossi (from How Yossi Beat the Evil
gigg, Harper & Row, 1983) has lost the
money needed to buy Hanukkah gifts. He
turns to the angels for help, but it is
the smart rebbe who hints at the solution.
This wise and humorous book contains
smooth writing, a child all youngsters can
identify with, and charming illustrations
that depict the world through the eyes of
an Orthodox boy. A good read—aloud title
for grades 2—4.

CKJF Increases Libraries

Around the World

Among the 1986 CKJF allocations of
monies to "other charities”, was one to
the International Book Project, Inc.
Based in Lexington, they purchase and send
books abroad.

The CKJF office has been receiving many
thanks from places such as Dapitan City
(the Philippines); Herzlya, Israel; and
Eldoret, Kenya.

Books purchased and sent by CKJF
through the International Book Project
ranged from Shakespeare to textbooks for
Mathematics, Biology, Physics and English.

Our gifts of literature have been truly
appreciated and are made possible by your
continued support of the CKJF—UJA annual


L_i '1 H! 1—1:



 CKJF Administrator Reports on
CJF General Assembly
Chicago, Nov. 12~16, 1986

Going to the G.A. was an incredible
experience for me. To be surrounded by
3000 other Jews all sharing the same
concerns of Jewishness, Israel, education
and community was energizing, and, at the
same time, thought provoking.

The theme of this year’s conference was
"Klal Yisrael - Federations Role in
Building Community", subheaded:

An exploration of the variety of ways
in which Federations, together with
service agencies, synagogues and community
relations organizations, can strengthen
Jewish life by:

* building a sense of community in
three dimensions:

a. locally

b. in North America

c. globally, together with Israel
and Diaspora communities

* providing the leadership needed to
achieve greater Jewish unity and continui-
ty amidst religious and political diversi—

I will quote from the G.A. program the
opening remarks of Shoshana S. Cardin,
Council of Jewish Federations President,
and Carmi Schwartz, Executive Vice Presi-

“The G.A. has become the major gather—
ing of North American Jewish communal
leadership because it deals with such a
broad range of concerns, needs and
achievements at home and abroad. The
questions of what is on the minds of Jews
can readily be answered by leafing through
this program.

”Our overall theme, Klal Yisrael -
Federation’s Role in Building Community”,
represents that responsibility which is
unique to Federations --
community—building. It demonstrates
Federation’s evolution from a system of
fund—raising and social services to an
instrument of community. Building commu-
nity challenges our Federation leadership
to consistently strive to broaden the base
of participation while creatively
enhancing the delicate balance between
unity and diversity.

”Klal Yisrael reflects the oneness of
the Jewish people and our responsibility
to meet multiple Jewish needs in our local
communities, in our continental community,
in our global Jewish community and in


"Along with its serious deliberations,
the G.A. also offers the joy of meeting
and sharing experiences with colleagues,
friends and distinguished leaders from
abroad. The mark of a true community is
the sense of extended family.“

A Federation is a broadly based Jewish
volunteer communal structure which has
been able to transcend the numerous
differences which characterize Jewish life
—— organizational, ideological, religious,
political, etc. It carries out the
following community-wide functions: a)
financing, b) budgeting, c) planning and
coordination, d) leadership development
and renewal.

Jewish Federations and the programs
they sponsor help us express our sense of
Jewish identity through a program of
Jewish action. This is assisted by the
Council of Jewish Federations (CJF) which
functions as a service bureau and referral
point for Federations throughout North

The General Assembly (G.A.) is the
annual meeting coordinated by the Council.
I will be summarizing specific workshops
and lectures in the coming issues of the
bulletin, 50 that our whole Central
Kentucky community can participate in
”Klal Yisrael".


Israel Foreign Minister Shimon Peres was
the special guest of the Council of Jewish
Federations at its Overseas Plenary
Thursday evening, Nov. 13, during the 55th
General Assembly in Chicago. Seen with
Peres at the session are CJF President
Shoshana S. Cardin and CJF Executive Vice
President Carmi Schwartz.





The CKJF Executive Committee, in
addition to overseeing the work of the
CKJF office, was responsible for providing
many opportunities for an enhanced Jewish
community life in Central Kentucky.

This committee met throughout the year
with similar committees from area Jewish
organizations to guarantee a full range of
programs available to the community and
enhance communication among the organiza-

In one such meeting,it was decided that
the Jewish Singles program would be
coordinated through Temple Adath Israel
with assistance from CKJF.

Early in 1986 an ad-hoc search commit-
tee was organized for the replacement of
CKJF Administrator Judy Saxe. Their task
was successfully completed in July when
Linda Ravvin began her tenure in this

The sub-committee on Endowments,
chaired by former CKJF president Jack
Miller, organized a board workshop with
Mr. George Kessler from the Council of
Jewish Federations in March.

After many months of hard work,a new
comprehensive insurance plan was secured
for CKJF.

CKJF’s young leadership program,
Interact, continued throughout the year
with outstanding programs for both Inter-
act I and II. A third group was begun in
early fall. Interact III, twenty new
leaders, has met with Judy Saxe for a
discussion on Jewish Identity.

The annual community welcome to newcom-
ers, Shalom Lexington, was held in Septem—
ber. Chaired by Gail Cohen and Leon
Ravvin, this event featured representa—
tives from area Jewish organizations who
met with and presented their ongoing
programs to Jewish newcomers to Central

In association with this, the biennial
update of the Shalom Lexington community
booklet, edited by Susie Rakes, was
completed and sent to all members of the

All programs under the direction of the
CKJF Executive Committee, and all CKJF
activities facilitated by the CKJF office,
are examples of ”your contributions at
work” -- your support of the annual
CKJF-UJA fund raising campaign.



The CKJF Campaign Committee is: Gail
Cohen, Chair; Simone Salomon, 1986 Women’s
Division Chair; Nancy Hoffman, 1987
women’s Division Chair; Ellie Goldman,
1987 Women’s Division co-chair; Cheri
Rose, 1987 Women’s Division vice chair;
Bob Baumann, 1986 & 1987 Men’s Division
Chair; Vinnie Dubilier and Joe Rosenberg,
1986 & 1987 Super Sunday co—chairs;
Charles Stern, Israel Bonds Chair; and
Judy Baumann, 1987 Project Renewal Chair.

For the 1986 and 1987 campaign, ”One
People, One Destiny”, the committee
sponsored a series of events which includ~
ed outstanding educational content as well
as solicitation.

Women’s Division opened each campaign
with a board meeting. Women’s Division
sponsored a leadership development work—
shop in October of 1985. The 1986 cam—
paign was launched with a Pacesetters
luncheon in November, 1985, with Howard
Stone as guest. The Pacesetters dinner
for the 1987 campaign was held in early
November, 1986.

Men and women joined for two events in
the winter of 1985 for the ’86 campaign.
The annual Guardians of Zion dinner was
held at the Bistro in November, with Rabbi
David Saperstein as the featured speaker.
In December, a cabaret evening was enjoyed
with Annette Dulzin as featured speaker.


The fourth annual CKJF Super Sunday was
held on March 83. Over 100 volunteers
raised $18,401 from 383 people during a
day of marathon telephoning. Chaired by
Vinnie Dubilier and Joe Rosenberg, Super
Sunday 1986 was a great success.


Our commitment to the Project Renewal
neighborhood of Netanya—Selah continues.
Efforts in the coming year will include
the children in our community.


This year’s bond drive was chaired by
Charles Stern. A most successful dinner
honoring Governor Happy Chandler was held
in May. Many notables from our community
joined in for the evening.

continued ..................... on page 9













