xt72rb6w0t9f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0t9f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-07-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 2005 2005 2005-07-25 2020 true xt72rb6w0t9f section xt72rb6w0t9f Monday

July 25. 2005 . . .
h Royal Fasrca Christine:

Food as interesting as its name
Page 2

newsroom: 257-1915


rmlssmfreemonntmzsmu. Celebrating 33 years of independence



By Cynthia H. Cho
Los uranium—ts

WASHINGTON ,. When Kimberly
Teplitzky and Geoff Aung attended the Col-
lege Republican National Convention in Ar-
lington, Va.. last month, they avoided talking
about political issues with their fellow con-

“We didn't want to scare them away,"
Teplitzky said.

Teplitzky and Aung — who voted for Sen.
John F. Kerry. D-Mass.. in the 2004 presiden-
tial election fl are interns at Campus
Progress. a new division of the Center for
American Progress. a liberal Washington,
DC, think tank. They were, to say the least.
out of place at the GOP event.

“We didn’t want to give ourselves away
right away," Teplitzky said. “But when they
asked, we told them who we were.“

The point of going to the convention. she
said, was to “see what they are doing, hear
what they are saying and to find out what
their priorities are."

In short. the two were there to learn from
the successes of their political opposites.

Nearly invisible on college campuses a
generation ago, conservatives have made a
concerted effort over the last three decades to
groom students as future political leaders w
with considerable success.

Now, liberals have started taking pages
from that playbook; Campus Progress was
formed in February to. as its Web site says,
“counter the growing influence of right-wing
groups” on college campuses.

That was a hot topic this month at Cam-
pus Progress’ first National Student Confer-
ence. where speakers included former Presi-
dent Clinton, CNN political analyst Paul Be-
gala and Thomas Frank, author of “What’s
the Matter With Kansas?” More than 600 col-
lege students from across the country gath-
ered for what organizers called a “one-day
crash course that explores progressive stu-
dent leadership."

“Conservatives are trying harder to hook
students," said David Halperin, the group's
executive director. They are “taking a group
of students and giving them the tools to suc-
ceed. With the resources, the training and the
skills they have been taught, they can win.
They win with smaller numbers."

Although Campus Progress admires the
conservatives’ success, “We don’t want to em-
ulate everything they do,” Halperin said.
“We’ll take things that are effective.”

What has been effective. both conservative
and liberals agree. is spending money and
time on efforts to reach college students. Ron
Robinson, president of the conservative
Young America's Foundation. said that in
2004. major conservative groups spent about
$35 million on outreach to college students -—»
raised largely through private donors. Young
America‘s budget last year was about $15 mil-

This year the organization selected 126
student leaders from 40 colleges for its 2005
Young People For fellowship program. At a
summit in January. the students were taught
how to educate their college peers about pro-
gressive issues.

Students who graduated from the Leader-
ship lnstitute‘s Student Publications School
have founded more than 20 publications on
college campuses.

Now Campus Progress has started sup-
porting campus publications. The organiza-
tion has given grants. ranging from $500 to
$3.000. to 14 student publications at colleges
across the country. including the University
of Southern California. Harvard University
and Dartmouth College.

Providing networking opportunities such
as this month‘s conference is an important
goal of Campus Progress.

“1 think something is happening here."
Halperin said. “Something more than the free
food and President Clinton."

UK Tractor Team pulls weight in competition

Jordan Scott, 9, of Paris, KY is first in line waiting to ride the
bumper cars Saturday at the Lexington Lion's Club Bluegrass Fair.
The fair ran from July 14 through 24. and was held in Masterson Sta-
tion Park.



soonwmnl smr
Patrons enjoy the swings Saturday at the Lexington Lions Club Bluegrass Fair. The Lions Club has hosted the fair for the past 46 years.




Brittany Hutchins, l3, and Kayla Burger, l3, of Georgetown, Ky. ride the "Sizzler," one of over 100 attactractions, at the Lex-
ington Lions Club Bluegrass Fair.


By Katie Duncan
not mmcxv mm

Don’t be alarmed if you
see students driving what ap-
pears to be a lawn mower
around campus. This is the
UK's “one fourth scale"
pulling tractor and those dri-
ving it are members of the
Wildcat Pulling Team. This
is the team's seventh year on

While anyone is allowed
to join the team. the majority
of its members are students
in the Biosystems and Agri-
culture Engineering depart-
ment of the College of Agri-

The Wildcat Pulling
Team gives those involved
real world experience in ma-
chine design and product

The members must de-

sign and build a new tractor
each year from the ground
up to take to the American
Society of Agriculture Engi-
neers‘ lnternational One
Fourth Scale Pulling Tractor
Competition in Moline. IL.
To keep things fair. ASAE
provides each team with a 16
horsepower Briggs and Strat-
ton engine and four Fire-
stone tires. The team pro-
vides all other materials for


the tractor.

“This competition really
allows us to put what we
have learned in our classes to
practical use; there are few
programs that have an ad-
vantage like this.“ said last
year‘s team captain Brandon
McDonald. a Biosystems and
Agriculture Engineering
graduate student.

Team members work all
year to get ready for the com-

petition in May. They have to
not only design and build the
tractor but also write a com-
prehensive design report.

Since they are only par-
tially funded by the universi-
ty. members must also hold
fundraising activities such as
parking cars before home
football games and asking lo-
cal businesses for donations
in order to make money for
the team.


“We work all year long.
but like anything. it is hard-
est right at the end. There
were many sleepless nights
and long work hours at the
shop to get this thing ready.
but I am very proud of what
we have done." said
Jonathan Waits. a Biosys-
tems and Agriculture Engi-
neering senior.







July 25. 2005



Ryan Ebelhar
Features Co-Editor
Phone: 257-1915

mail: teaturesOltykernelxom


FLY ON 111!

By Ryan Ebelhar

Going out to eat has al—
ways been as much about
the experience and atmos-
phere as much as the food.
Trying new things is also
important. If I weren‘t
willing to try new things.
I‘d never have discovered
how much I love both Ca-
jun/Creole food and
Mediterranean food.

I’ve always heard that
Ethiopian food is very good.
But until recently I‘d never
had the opportunity to sam-
ple it for myself. Then I
was informed that a new
Ethiopian restaurant called
Royal Fasica Christine had
opened on Ashland right off
of Euclid. across the street
from John‘s Run/Walk

Upon entering the estab-
lishment I was greeted by a
young woman behind the
counter who politely told
me that she was preparing
someone else's meal and
would be with me shortly.
She seemed to be the only
person working. which is
understandable considering
this is a small. brand new

There were no tables.
just a few chairs to sit in
while you wait. The food
here is take out only. and
was prepared rather swiftly
while I waited.

The walls were decorat-
ed with pictures of people


and places in Ethiopia,
along with the national
flag. 0n the counter next to
the register were various
postcards. buttons. and
magazines with pictures
and information about

While looking over the
menu. I noticed that the ma-
jority of the food available
was vegetarian. The menu
explained that the influ-
ence of Muslims and
Ethiopian Orthodox Chris-
tians in Ethiopia limits
most of the populations in
take of meat.

There is also no pork
whatsoever. in accordance
with Islam. None of the
food is fried. and it is all
fresh and healthy. A large
variety of spices and veg-
etables are used in the dish-
es along with some differ-
ent juices and oils.

On my first visit I decid-
ed to order the Injera roll.
Injera is a type of spongy
flat bread unique to
Ethiopian cuisine. and is
made out of teff flour and
allowed to ferment for a few
days before being cooked
like a pancake on a skillet
or hotplate.

The Injera roll was two
pieces of the bread
wrapped up. served with a
type of red pepper called
ber-bere seasoned with 15
different spices. It is quite a
hot dish. but not so hot that
it was hard to eat. And at
$4.95 it was reasonable for a



lllll’llllll IIIIIII not





Royal l-asica Christine on Ashland features traditional Ethiopian cuisine,

and many vegetarian options.

quick lunch meal.

The next time I went in
the same smiling woman
behind the counter greeted
me. This time I decided to
order something from the
dinner menu.

I chose a dish called
‘doro wat' which is a spicy
chicken stew. This dish had
chicken that had been mari-
nated in fresh lemon juice.
than sauteed in vegetable
oil. and seasoned with gar-
lic. ginger. pepper. and
onions. It was than coated
with berbere sauce and
cooked. It was served with
a hard—boiled egg. cottage
cheese. a small salad. and
large quantities of inera.

To eat this particular
dish you dip the injera in to
the stew and scoop it up to
eat it, instead of using a
spoon or fork. It was very

good. but at $12.95 it seemed

Of course. while it may
seem overpriced. it is a fun
and unique thing to try. I
can tell you right now that
you won‘t find another
restaurant like this in Lex-
ington. It is certainly a
place that you should try
for yourself and change for
at least one day your nor-
mal diet.

featurestu kykernel.com


Royal Fasica Christine

Where: 321 S. Ashland Ave
Flute: (859)335-6826
Hours: Monday through Thursday
ll am: 9 pm, Friday and Saturday
ll a.m.- 10 pm.






Continued from page I


At the 2005 competition.
the Wildcat Pulling Team
won the maneuverability
category and came in third
overall out of more than 20

newszu kykernelcom



Wildcat Pulling Team

1 For more informatIon visit the
team's website:




By Dan Zak
THE vigilant Post

There was a time when
we went to Imax theaters for
whales and rockets.

That was when the big
big screen was for shorter
educational films about the
deep sea. outer space and
wild kingdoms movies shot
on big Imax film with big
Imax cameras.

Now we go to Imax for ec—
centric caudymen and super.
heroes with bat complexes.
And we‘re going more often.

Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory was No.1 at the box
office last weekend with a
$56.1 million take. 822 mil—
lion of which was made on
65 Imax screens. It was
Imax's biggest opening
weekend ever. hosting the dev
buts of Batman Begins and
last winter‘s The Polar Ex-
press. which eventually
grossed a record-breaking
$45million on 83 Imax

When Harry Potter and
the Goblet of Fire opens in
November. it will be the
year‘s fourth Hollywood fea»
ture to open simultaneously
in Imax and regular 35mm
theaters. There were three
such releases last year (Har-
ry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban. Spider-Man 2 and
The Polar Express). Next
year there will be six. maybe

Imax‘s corporate strate-
gy is to entice Americans
happiest in front of a 60-inch
plasma-screen TV. wrapped
in the fuzzy warmth of a
Netfl'ix plan.

“Consumers are saying.
‘In order to get me out of the
home. you need to wow me.
you need to give me some-



umwucutl surr
Wildcat Pulling Team members look over
data to decide the strategy for their
next pull.




um man | snrr
Biosystems and agriculture engineering graduate student Mike Sama
drives the UK pulling tractor in the ASAE 1/4 scale pulling tractor

draws feature films

thing special.‘ ‘ says Rich
Gelfond. co-chairman and
co-CEO of Imax. which is
jointly headquartered in
Toronto and New York.

"(Imax) helps ‘eventize‘
our big movies.“ says Dan
Fellman. president of do-
mestic distribution for
Warner Bros. Pictures. the
studio behind half of the
feature film releases on
Imax. "And we will continue
to release our big films that
way.“ Twentieth Century
Fox. Universal. Columbia
and Disney have also re-
leased features in Imax.

The regular box office is
still down 7.5 percent. but
Imax is up 37 percent. ac-
cording to Greg Foster.
Imax's co-chairman and
president of filmed enter«

The folks at Imax com-
pare their brand to Star-
bucks for coffee or Tiffany
for jewelry. in that people
will pay a premium price for
an amplified. high-quality
experiencewin this case.
gargantuan. crystal-clear
images and booming. 12.000-
watt sound. Seventy~five
screens are slated to open in
the next few years toward
the eventual goal of 1.000 10-
cations worldwide. accord‘

ing to Imax.

This momentum has
built over the last three
years because of two

acronyms: DMR and MPX.
DMR. or digital remastering.
quickly and relatively cheap‘
ly converts and enhances the
image and sound quality of
35mm films for [max exhibi-
tion. MPX. or multiplex. is a
lower-cost Imax system de-
signed for existing movie
houses; the theater is retro-
fitted by bringing the screen


forward and expanding it
wall to wall and floor to ceil-
ing and upgrading the sound

But despite that Star-
bucks analogy. Imax’s Gel-
fond admits you won’t see an
Imax on every corner. “You
have to have a sort of zone
where they‘d succeed." he
says. “So I don‘t see Imax re-
placing 35mm. but I think
Imax will become a more im-
portant part of a studio's re-
lease pattern."

The world‘s largest Imax
screen is the 97-by-117-foot
Panasonic Theatre in Syd-
ney. Australia. The Imax film
frame area is three times
that of the standard 70mm
frame. and 10 times the
35mm frame. Hold a piece of
wood in front of the 15.000
watt light beam from a larg-
er Imax projector. and it
would catch fire. Send the
projector to the moon. and
we could see the beam from
the Earth with the naked

Batman Begins director
Christopher Nolan saw some
of his dailies on an Imax
screen in London and found
it “astounding."

“It takes you right back
to the scale of movies that
you felt when you were a lit-
tle kid in some large movie
palace. And for me. that‘s
what I‘m striving for. to get
back to the sense of scale in
films.“ said Nolan, who also
made Memento and Insom—

When he thinks about
Imax's future. he sees more
than just swooping super-
heroes and animated family

“When Cinemascope and
Cinerama were invented to
compete with television and


everything went widescreen,
it was for the big tent-pole
movies." Nolan says. “And
then ultimately it permeated
down to the point where we
did Memento in Cinemas-
cope and that was complete-
ly accepted. I think that it's
action films and the cinema
of spectacle that drive tech-
nological innovation. But I
firmly believe. then. that all
different types and genres of
films ultimately tend to fol-

Imax and some studio ex-
ecutives say it‘s a format re—
served for tent-pole movies“
they need the buzz of a
blockbuster to increase the
odds that they’ll recoup the
high costs of the format.

Still. imagine an Imax
reissue of Casablanca. and
the feel of actually being in
the smoky. arid sauna of
Rick‘s Cafe Americain.
Then. imagine Ingrid
Bergman‘s glorious face 70
feet high as she turns to see
Bogart for the first time
since Paris.

It‘s an experience David
Thomson wants. Thomson.
author of “The New Bio-
graphical Dictionary of
Film" and “The Whole Equa-
tion: A History of Holly-
wood.“ was amazed years
ago by the stunning photog-
raphy of Yellowstone. an
Imax film on the national
park. He would. however.
love to see the crowded cafe
scenes of Casablanca writ

“I think the mistake is in
thinking that the Imax films
have got to be very. very
spectacular." Thomson says.
“Just to see what it feels like.
I would love to see a much
simpler. more domestic kind
of film tried in Imax."









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Alexmtb‘iailladwood,nopets$675tinil. 333-5147.

car W 11/ storage. Ecriced backyad. 1 block of!
callous Oftst patting Nice/clear. Host see. Avail.
My 31. $900/nlo. w/ tbposit 502-439-5950.
388.184. FENCEDYARD.Deck,c/a,5min. wdktocanr
INS 5900/1110 806-9350.








Corwerv‘erl to Ib'ctliliond 181 0 WI] m Cat
carnusS995/lno. 859312-2967. 859396-7820.

3188. ZBAZCARGIrage. W/D, hookup. 8-10 nlin. to UK





4 8R. 2 BA W/D. Walk to cam. $360eacli includes

Roommate Issues?
Crowded Dorms?


The Answer
Clean. Furnished Studios
Utilities Paid!
Minutes from campus!
$350 a month

' 254-6400

util. 433-0996.

4 BR, 2 FULL BA central heat/air. D/W. W/D. $1000
5000/1710. Linden M. 859253-9893.

4/5 BR. 2.5 BA $1700/rno. 011 Iate's Creek Rd Behind
ParkPlaceApts. 5min.fromcampusContactJared

436 LAWRENCE ST. 4BR, 2.58A. $1350/mo. rent Kevin
Martin 619-3232.


P‘- P .mm
Campus Rentals

-2 BR, 1 BA, W/D, C/A

.3 BR, 1 BA Apt,

D/ W, total Electric.

.4 BR, 2 BA House near
Man O’ War. W/ D
hookups. 1900 sq. ft.

~Newly remodeling 3 and
4 BR apts 2 BA. W/ D.
D/ W, total Electric and
Water- all ready to
move in August 151

“Walking distance to UK”




.r. a», ;



458R. STATE ST. Walk to class. Adorable r spacious, full
house. Newly renovated, new kitchen. D/W, W/D. large
offstreet W parking, cutest house on campus
Won't last long. 514001700. 859-333-8307.

4BR DUPLEXES for rent. Big Bear area. $9751300/mo.
859621-9811, 1159-6219639.

48R NEAR UK $800/mo. . deposit 28R. 3400/1110. o
deposit No pets 8593519601.

4BR. 28A 205 WALLER. C/A. w/d. d/ii. oristreel park-
ing. Aug. 1. $1240/mo. Jeff 288-5601.

4811 28A CAMPUS Duplex, ir/d. d/iv. a/c. $1100/mo. o.
soon/mo. Avail. Aug 227-2750.
48R 28A WALK to UK. 255-2794. Avail. Aug. 1.

481C WALK T0 canpus. Brand new. C/A. all-electric.
38A Aug. 1. 1203 Crescent Ave. 800. 859-539-5502.

iAiI. rm. Flfly fu'nished kitch. W/D. wood doors. covemd
gait-3:51 parking. gliet neirplborhood $1400/fn0.








58R. WALK TO Campus. All-electric C/A. brand new.
Mk). 1. 208 B. University Ave. 8011 859-539-5502.

225-5464 (Wand/Cooper)

6BR AWESOME! M10 campus Aug 1. Front porch.
Parkirlg 112 State St. Bob. 859-539-5502.

832 11. HIGH ST: 3 BR, I BA hookios, 0/11. parking.
5675*GWE 225-5464 (Kirkland/Cooper)

838 W. HIGH ST: 1 BR wt. Hardwood. panting $37500WE
225-5464 (Kintland/Cooperl

844 W. HIGH ST: 2 BR. 1 BA off-street parking.







A SPECIAL ONE bedoom, large. charming, 1150 $0.11.
23 Kentucky Ave. hmtwood. deck. a/c. w/d avail. no
pets $695 ’ util. 333-5147.

wmw. 5595/1110Mitilities CHI 8100911125



ATTN.STUDENTS!ForRert1ates Creek.Sherad Circle
area. 53811.2.511A 2-4BR 2.5I1A.Garagesalappll-
crewman/mo Marcia 859-266-6514.


' Check Out



BEAUTIFULIBR APT. Lagerooms. nopets $365/lno. t

148. 859-806-4581.


1x1 and 2x2. 8590-8850.
All appliances. w/d.
cable and more.

WDDIIIBIIII 1111181113
1x1. $495-$515
Water, trash. sewer.

and parking

Please call 859-231-6160

or visit

BRAND NEW HOME. 3BR. Relngerator, microwave. 0N.
W/D, 2 car garage. Vaulted ceilings. huge deck.
5900/1110. 10 min. (the to UK. 859333-7800.

BRAND NEW HOME 4BR. Refrigerator. microwave. D/W.
NIB. 2 car ga'age. Vallted ceilings. ceramic tile.
512000110. 10 min. (Rive to UK 859-333-7800.

BY UK. ROOMY 3BR. ZBA House. Front porch. den. appli-
ances. $870 . util. Ailg. 1, 276-4014.

CAMPUS APTS. 2 8 3 BR Includes util. 55005800/1710.
Naxwell/Aylesford. 269-2222

CAMPUS DOWNS CONOO'S. How leasing. Walking 65-
lance to campus. 3 BR, 2 BA YI/D. ' ator. micro.
vaulted ceilings. Great for 3 or 4 people. 900/1110. 859-
986-9607 or 859-986-9609.

CAMPUS HOUSES For Rent. Avail. M 232 Conn Terrace
11 BI 4BR. 28A. W/d. 11M elec. $1200. 257 Lexington
Ave-4BR. 28A. w/d. d/w. electric-$1140. 256 Ky. Ave. 11
A-4BR, 28A, Vl/d. d/w. electric-$1200. 224 Waller 11 B-
5BR, 288. Vl/d. d/W. electric-$1400. Avail. June or All].
415 Mantis Town homes: 3817. 28A. W/d. 0/174. electric-
S930. CALL Robbie 859-621-3312 or Steven 859621-

CAMPUS HOUSES FOR RENT: 542 Euclid, 58R. 28A. w/d.
d/w, c/air. Nice front porch, on campus SlSOO/lno. - -
422 Park Ave. 38R. 28A. front porch, on campus W/D.
0/11. c/air. 5900/1110. Call Steven for details 621-3313.

CLOSE TO UK 1 and 3 BR aptsA/C, WID$515/$8'751-888-







DOWNTOWN. RENOVATED with. exposed brick.
poplar floors S415 9. 396-9022.

DOWNTOWN, VINTAGE 18808 House w/ fenced yard, 3
fireplaces Hardwood, 28R IBA a/c, extra rooms. $925.

DUPIIX FOR RENT 3165 Yellowstone Pkwy. 2 BR. 1 BA.
Vl/D. D/W. $625/mo. For information call 859-230-2896
EFFICIENCY APT. NEW carpet. I block froln campus. on-
site parking $375/mo. 2210327.

EFFICIENCY-$340 6 UP. 10 min. to UK Pets. a/c. parking
269-2941 or wwwtouchstonerentalscom.

EXTRA NICE 3 BR 2 BA W/D, D/W. central heat/air. Large
deck. 236 Forest Park Rd. 879-8020






Visa. Mastercard and American Express accepted
DEADLINE: 2 pm. the day before publication

LARGE 48R 28A noise. C/A. vi/d. tenced rear yard
$1000/mo. '- utl. REM/we. 859-229-7148: