xt72rb6w0t1r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0t1r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1997 1997 1997-11-14 2020 true xt72rb6w0t1r section xt72rb6w0t1r  








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Officials atlilrcss campus attack ‘rumors'

By Ellen Lord
Smfl‘ ll 'i'llt'l'

and Mal Herron
Campux Editor

One reported rape and one inci-
dent ofassault have been reported
to UK campus police, said Joseph
Burch, vice president for Universiv
ty Relations, in an official state—
ment yesterday afternoon.

“On Nov. 1, University police
were informed that a student
claimed that she had been raped,"
Burch said.

The original report to UK
police came frotii an outside

source whom Burch would not
reveal. lt stated that the rape
“occurred outside the residents
halls, in a residential area on the
south side of campus." Burch said.
“The UK police continue to
investigate this alleged incident."

The assault incident was
reported on Oct. 9 to the L'niver-
sity' police. The female victim
“was knocked down, btit was itot
injured," Burch said. The [K
Police had not confirmed or
denied sexual involvement and are
still investigating. he said.

Dean of Students David Stock—
hatti met with student leaders in
his office yesterday to help eliiiii—

itate fears that multiple assaults
have or are occurring. But student
government officials remain
unsatisfied with the .idtiiinistra-
tion's response time.

"Students have to be up in arms
for something to get done." said
Melanie (.‘ruI. president of the
Student (iovernment \ssociation.
“This is .t flashback to the attack."
said (Irul. referring to 'lianya
Marie Cole. an black student who
was attacked in NW).

Some who attended the meet—
ing with Stockhaiii said he was
straightforward on the issue.

“I believe he tries to answer any
questions the students have." said

\\'hitney llale. a public policv
adiitinistration graduate student.
“I'm a little concerned he‘s not
getting information."

The Dean of Students Office
gets faxes regularly frolli campus
altd city police. but he said no law
exists that stipulates “everything
had that happens to students
should be reported" to them.

.-\nd instead of facts. rumors
have flooded the campus this

“(lite of illy friends told iilc
that someone else told them
that foe gills got raped in the last
two to three weeks." psychology
stiplltilnol‘t‘ .\l.ll')' lllllltllt‘y silltl.

“li‘s total hearsay

-\nd gossip about assaults has
placed incidents .ill o\ cr campus.

"I just hcard ta rape incident!
was in the ls Iti\\cl' something
abotit the Bid floor." said physiv
cal lhciapy li'cshlnan Jennifer
\loore. who ll\c‘\ in Kirwali l\'.

"l llt'al'tl Ilt.ll lint" [Hills placc In
between South (lamptls .iiid llag
gilt llall." marketing sopholliorc

(iwcu \t‘lt liter said. " \nolhcr
one was in a fraternity house."
lint lilll't‘ll said no evident c

cvlsts ofniultiplc rapes on campus.

“(Zurrcnt rumors relating to
multiple rapes occurring on the
campus are unfounded." he said.

"l’crsons spreading such rumors
are causing unnecessary alarm to
our sllltlt'llts.“

liltc concern has proillptcd
greater security. [is l’olicc are on
duty. alid lv’.\s arc advising stu~
dcnts to take precautions.

l)ltcclol' of Rcsltlcntc l.lchlln
\\ illis said no R \s have come to
ltlln to discuss tllc assaults. and llc
said he only instructed R-\s to
share “accurate information with
the residents.

"1 have not heard anything
official." \Vilns said. " \ll l‘ln
hearing is rumor. lfthcrc‘s sillllc’
thing out there. it‘s going to he




SHOWING OFF Terry iii/rill. (I UK Sperm] (.‘ollcrrionx librarian. [in/(la [I Krlmxrofl Chaucer. 11 port oft/Jr ii'orkr o/ti‘eofli‘cr (.lniiirrr. 'I‘lu'v tire/(m o [ii/rt oj'l "K't 11m rolled/rm.

University's collection ‘SIIEClal'

Newer, foster stein for finding
boo/es it port 0 new library plan

By Michael Overman
Smfl’ll 'rirer

After a series of weather delays,
the “CT. Young Library is sched—
uled to openJan. 2.

Paul \Villis. director of
libraries. said. “There is some
hope ofopening it in January. But
that is on the condition that we
get the hook collection moved by

“\Ve can’t run the risk of
beginning to move the collection
over the winter break, and then
having to stop because the
semester had begun. In light of
that possible fact. we might have
a phased opening; such that the
library would open as soon as the
computers are ready; in which
CK“: we would have to move the
canection after the spring



But will this new library he that
much better than the old one? For
$58 million, it ought to be at least
functioning with .state-ol—the—art

Not to worry.

“Each study table will have
Internet connections and electri—
cal outlets for 50 percent of its
seats," \\'il|i.s said.

“The basement level will con-
tain a computer lab with 180 new
terminals instead of having
books on 17 total levels. as in the
old library, the \\'.'l‘. Young
library will contain all of the
books on two levels (the fourth
and the fifth). \\'hilc the over-
sized books will be on level three
with the reference books and
periodicals on level two."

Being able to discern on which

level to look for books in the
library and then actually being
able to find those books is a com—
mon concern among some stu-
dents at L'K.

“I did have to find some books
on the fourth or fifth floor (at M.l.
King). lt was difficult. as it took
me twenty to thirty minutes to
find just a few books." said finance
junior Bijan Salehi.

And coiilputer science fresh-
man l’ete llarding couldn’t even
find the books for which he was

“ The books that they said
were there. weren‘t there. .-\nd.
they were new books as well. All
that was left were old books; and
for a computer science major.
hooks frottt the 1940s just don't
cut it."

:\nd Assistant Department (lir-
culation llead Bob Saffell agreed
with this cotiiiiion complaint
ailiong the students. that “the
library needs to get itist one sys—
telil for cataloguing hooks and


M.I. King Nortly Int:




practical purpose or well

By Jill Erwin

Sci/tor Sit/fill 'I'iler

There's a place on caiiiplis where yotl can see Adolph
Rupp's chili bowl. former L‘K l’residelit Jallles l’attcn
son‘s cane. a photograph of Samuel laliigltorne (Ilemcns

and the original copy ()f.‘i Til/c o/"l‘ii'o (III/tat .

The Special Collections and Archives ili Margaret 1.
King North boasts all of this. plus much more. Most

recently the family of former (iov. Bert 'l‘.

donated inaity of his papers to the collections. \ rcccp

tion was held Sunday. and the papers are now on display

They are distributed throughout glass cases. with dill
terent specializations for each group: battling corrup
tion. state parks. econoiliical developments. higher cdus

cation and human rights.


Bill Marshall. director of Special (Iollections and
Archives. said this display is part of the more than Z§()()~

i000 collections the staff is currently in charge of.

In fact there are so many, they do not all fit iii the
three’story hllildiltg and some itlilst be stored off campus.

“\\'e have 130,000 volumes and “HMO cubic feet of




GA president vctocs Circle ol lmani luntling


Two weeks after (Iircle of lmani
traveled to the Million \Voinan March
in Philadelphia on the assumption that
part of their trip would be unded by
Student Government Association. the
grow is broke and an ry.

5 9A President .‘vfe anie Cruz last
Wednesday vetoed the bill that allocat—
ed 5750 to (Iircle of lmani. \thn SGA
initially voted on the issue. they had
reached a tie, which was broken by Vice

President Alizha Rice.

“SGA is su osed to act in ood
faith." (Iircle oiplitiani Treasurer \ 'allis
Malone said. “It's up to them to decide
what to fund. But l have a problem
when you let somebody do something
thinking that you're going to pay for it,
then you veto it."

In her official decision. Cruz cited
two reasons for her decision: The trip
involved only l4 students and the Mil-
lion VVotnan March was exclusive in

“This veto is not to express or im ly
that l disap rove of the event itself,"
she wrote. “i 1y job as president is to
ensure that allocation of student money
is done in such a manner as to benefit
the campus community as a whole."

Malone said her group will appeal
(Iruz's decision in S( iA Supreme (Iourt.
They are consulting legal counsel to see
what other options might be available.

In other news this week. SCA is
involved in the distribution of the new
campus phone directories. (Iruz said


students living on campus can pick up
ihone books at their residence halls.
l’aculry and students living off campus
can pick theirs up at the SGA office.
Another big project SGA is working
on this week is the rc~invention of the
Student Organization .>\ssembly. an
assembly for campus organizational
leaders. The assembly will now be
known as the Student Unity liorttm.
"\Ve want to et impact frolit catn-
pus organization feadcrs,” (Irtiz said.

Sec 86‘ on BRCK PAGE








going tor
other "at.

Student is Rhodes,

By Jill Erwin

.S‘ In 1! Vat} ll 'I'Ilcl'

\s you ate reading this article. lillglhlt
senior 'l ltcresc (dcason is in \\ ashlngton.
l).( 1.. awaiting the most important interview of
ltcr life.

(ilcason is one of about Ht) Marshall Schol-
arship candidates who have gathered in the
nation‘s capital for the chalice to study lit the
[tilted Kingdom fora year.

“Judging from what other people have told
me. it‘s itot as combative of art intcrview as
soilie others," (ileason said. “They 're not nec-
essarily trying to pin you to the w all. l expect
some questions that aim to find otlt what kind
of person l am aiid what I would bring to the

She received a phone call last l'iriday
at know lcdging that she was one of the finalists
and would be llowti. all cvpcnses paid. to l).(l.
for her interview this afternoon at 3:15 at the
liritish l'ianbassy.

”I said ‘Tes. thank you.‘ hung up the phone
and scrcailled." (ilcason said. "l was so excited.
This whole week has dissohed litto a flurry of

There are 40 scholarships available. That
equals olit to .i ‘d) percent chalice lor (ileason
to travel abroad next year. lint she doesn‘t see it
that way.

“Statistically it looks good," (ilcason said.
“but when you get to that level. everyone who
is there is really qualified."

'l'hc conlnnttee will notify the recipients in
late Novclnllcr.

\s part of her proposal to be considered.
(ileason had to select both a field ofstudv altd
.1 university to attend while iii the [K She has
chosen to study coiliparativc literature at the
k'nivcrsity of lec\ in (iolchcstcr. She hopes
to take advantage of their Latin \inerican
studies department. since she is a Spanish

She Is happy to be this Close to tilt“ grand
pri/c, and she credits the professors who
have helped her with getting this far. She
claiills the help of others has been her saving

“I feel like I've won already." (ileason said.
“l really wouldn't be in this position without
their help. I kind ofhargcd in on thcili. and they
gave their hclp freely aiid eiithusiastically."

This pilts her ili .l rare position If she
indeed does receive a Marshall scholarship. and
also gets a call front the Rhodes Scholarship
(Iominittee. front which she is also under coli-
sideration. she could be both a Rhodes and
Marshall scholar.

“l'll cross that bridge if and when I get to
it." (Gleason said. “I’d interview for the R odes
too. There's nothing to lose by that. \Vouldn't
that be a thrill beyond tiiy wildest dreams?"

However. her journey will not end this
afternoon at the conclusion of her interview.
She plans to stay until Sunday. catching up on
old times with her ex-rmimmatc.

(ilcason has set herself up to accept rejec—
tion, choosing to he protid of her accomplish-
ittents thus far and to look at the learning expe-
rience this will serve as. llowever. deep inside.
she dares to dream.

“Don’t think l‘m not going to go into this
interview with a lot of l have a real strong
desire.” (ileason said. “And getting even closer
to it only makes me want it more. There is a
part ofmc that really. really wants it."

' \



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Editor In Chief ........... . ........... . . . . . . . . . .. Jennifer Smith
Managing Editor ............ . I .. ........ . . . . . . . . I . . .Chris Campbell
:Lssociate Editor .................................... . Brett Dawson
News Editor ............................... I . . . . . . . I James Ritchie
Campus Editor ............... . . . . . ............ . . Mat Herron
Assistant News Editor ......... . . . . . '. .................... Brian Dunn
liditorial Editor ................................... . . . .Todd Hash
Sports Editor ................................. J ay G. Tate, Rob Herbst
Entertainment Editor ....................... O.J. Stapleton, Dan O'Neill
OnlineFditor I.......,,.........................AndreasGustafsson
Photo Editor ......................................... Matt Barton
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Graphics Editor .................................... Chris Rosentlial
The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky

l‘ountled In 1894 ..................... . I Independent since I971

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Photo fiinmhed

"If M“ "IBM 0f (““08 lmlucteriuaml street rhugi~ make up a cult ofrorrr in the ne'" Shinya Tau/cantata film. ‘Tersuo II: Boaly Hammer. ’ The film tries
to hring death and damnation m an art. It opens rofay at the Kentucky Theater.

ed street thugs.

Ihc cultists are in reality little
more than a bunch oI indoctrinat-

Ihey spend the

perfectly framed while appearing
just above the surface of t I: water.
Kana tells Tomoo that he

The Beauty

movie harassing the main charac-
ter, Iomoo Ianiguchi (Iomoroh

Iomoo is a stereotypical
Japanese businessman, the only

should get in shape. and he does
try bv lifting wei hts. This adds
some comedic e fect when the
puny businessman tries, but fails












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By 0. Jason Stapleton

Entertainment lull/tor

“:\t times I find it beautiful to
ponder destruction. It‘s strange
Part of me loycs a city like Iokyo
but part III me would quite h Ippily
destroy it.

Iliosc arc the words of Shinya
Isukamoto, the director of 'li'rtlm
II: Body Hanlmer. He brings his
apocalyptic vision to the big
screen in this disturbing scqucl to
Term/i: The Iran II [III].

'I'sukamoto uses a wry lIIIIithI
color palette in his vision of a
post— industrial world devoid of
beauty and tII\L‘lSII\. Ilic streets
all look the samc Uiyiug Ihc yitwcr
a yision of a bleak future

I lit city is presumably cithtr
'I okyo or ()saka but II could be
any place really. lltcrc Is nothing
to set it apart from anywhere clsc.
Ihis is the homogenization ofcul—
turc brought to a scary cxtrcmc.
so much in fact that the people
sccm to lack any sort of personal

identity. Ihcy arc not individuals.
just members oI II very vanilla

Ihct'c are only thrcc charactcrs

remarkable thing
about him being his
somewhat shady past.

Iomoo has no rec-
ollection of his life
before his adoption
at the age of eight.
~\IteI being adopted
Iomoo had a rela—
tivcly normal child-
hood with his foster

One day while
Iomoo is out with his
wife, Kana (\'obu

throughout the whole Iilm that
are identified with actual names.
Ihis Is mostly because there is a
minimal amount ofdialoguc.

Ihc story unfolds through
graphic yisuIil images, including
some supcrb cinematography and

Since it is in Japanese with .
linglish subtitles, the lack of dia- lxanaoka) and small
Iogue makes It Iairly easy to follow 50"» “In”! M 1*
Ior an \mcrican auIlicncc. 3CCUSW‘I II} the SIFCCI

Ibis seemingly flawless societal thugs. The." II‘ICCI
sea is not as benign as it initially Iomoo “I‘ll “"“L’
appears; it has a very Icral, ruinous 5"”0I5‘1I’5IRI‘CC~ and

mule-rum. then grab Minori and
Isukamoto casts himself in the run 0“ fVlth Inm.
rolc oI “Ihc Guy." a leader oI an r\ Irantic cbasc

underground cult that worships SCCDC CHMICS With

chaos and destruction.

Ilte Iilm starts by showing Ihc
(iuy stalking a man through a
dimly lit subway. He points at the '
man twice bcIort the man is CITY-
blown away in graphic Iashion by
an unseen weapon.

Ibc cult is the extreme oppo-
site of the outside world. “here
the outside is full of mutcd grays
and dull blues, the world of thc
cultists is It stark contrast of fiery
reds and deep blacks.

Iomoo and
Kana trying to catch up with the
thugs. Ihey Iinally catch up with
the abductors on Ihe rooI oI one
of the many skyscrapers of the

They get .\liuori back and the
film moves to a beautifully done
scene of Rana swimmin r in II
totally enclosed pool. Sheh
gr ace of an anch as she glides
cIIortIcssly throughout thew atcr

lhc caincrawork Is superb dur—
ing this sequence as her face is

horribly to lift even the lightest

Later in the film
he is able to lift
weights with ease,
and it is assumed
that it has some—
thing to do with the
mysterious injection
that the thugs gave




When the thugs
**** return they once

again take Minori to
the roof of a high
building, this time

(out of five)

:Tm H: however they make

Tomoo believe they

BodyHmmmr’ dropped him over
Mango Entertaiment therléldt' ~, -

. omoo Is unme—

Director: diatcly wracked with

Shinya kaamoto uncontrollable rage

and transforms into
It living weapon,
lashing out against
the thug.

Minori was not really thrown
over the ed re, and he gets obliter-
ated by his Iather’s barrage.

\thn Iomoo realizes what he
has done he goes into shock. The
thugs then take him back to their
hideout so that The Guy can per-
form various experiments on him.

It is here that Tomoo learns
the harsh reality of who he is and
where he came from, as well as his
mysterious link to the evil Guy.

as the


Spotlight Jazz teatuI-es Ls. Monk

Second geaeratzoa

jazz maszczaa

' plays tomght at 8

By Jeremy Rogers
Stuff I I infer

L K s Spotlight Ja77 Scrics plays host to its
third concert of the season tonight as I S.
Monk and company \isit tlic Singlctary (Icn~


I.S. is the only son of legendary ia7.7
pianist/composer Ihclonious Monk.

He began drumming sccrctly when he was
Ii, and eventually drummed for his father in
the early '70s. But when \Ionk Sr Ilicd l5
years ago I .S. spent the better part III a
ilcc adc away Irom 1:177.

He led his own Iunk band in the early '80s
with his sister, Barbara, (Boo Boo in Monk
Sr.'s composition “Boo Boo's Birthday" ) and
girlfriend Yvonne Flctchcr.

But when both women died of breast cancer
only Iour months apart I S. quit music alto—
gctltcr for several years to head the I helomous
\Ionk Institute oIJa7,7, an education— oriented
organization founded in memory oI his late




Photo fitmnhnl

JAZZ m T..S‘. Monk performs tomghr in the (his .4. Sing/army Center for the Arr: at 8. He will per-
form pieces/ram bla‘ ‘Monl‘ on I'll/ml" Ill/mm.





I .S has only recently returned to the world
oI Ia77. performance and Is making a name for
himsclI as a great musician in his own right

I onIght s concert is a part of the Hon/e on
Honk tour which features I S. and a large all—
star band honoring the music of Thelonious
\Ionk Sr. Ia77, music today owes a great deal to
thc shuffling piano work the eerie and Intrigu-
ing harmonics and the keep- you— uessing
rhythms that comprise many oI Mon 5 com-
positions which still find their way into many
12177. bands playlists.

Ihc tour and album (both called II/Ionk on
Wonk) are I. S. tribute to the undeniably
important music of his late father. This year
marks both the 80th anniversary of the elder
\Ionk‘ s birth and UK Spotlight Jazz’s 20th

I hough \Ionk Sr is regarded as “The High
Priest of \Iodcrn Jazz,” be Is remembered
Iuorc Ior his compositions for smaller bands
than the Honk on Monk ensemble.

In addition to modifying some of Monk’s
standard compositions like “Think of One.
“Round \Iidnight" and “In Walked Bud,”
tonights perIormancc will feature material
Irom the only Iargc— band recordin s that
\Ionk .Sr ever made: concerts at the Eincoln
(.enter and Town Hall.

TS and company will most likely play
“Little Rootie Tootie," a piece Monk Sr. wrote
for his son, as well as some unrecorded compo-

Playing to the rhythms provided by T. S.
will be Don Sickler on trumpet, Bobby Wat-
son on alto sax, Willie Williams on tenor sax,
Eddie Bert on trombone. Jeff Stockham on
horn, Howard Johnson on tuba and Ronnie
Matthews on piano. Nneena Freelon will

Elbe show is set to begin at 8 p. m. in m
Sin letary Center auditorium.

Iickets are available at the Student Center
ticket office.

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~._ __ 71‘.

‘v k “A-


lift to "E BABE: Against Louisiana State mo il‘t't’h‘f ago. the
derhilt. much like the Tigers. [Lt‘t'i‘ a running game. lint unlike [.Sl '.



Cats took a heating/ram a ’I‘iger running corps that rui‘hcdfor more than Willy/nay. I 'an—
l and)’ hai‘gyet to err/(iv a 100-le121 [Major/”antefrom a ramring hack in 1997.

till refusing to look past llantly

By Price Atkinson
Senior Staff llr’rircr

Bestowed with less than gra—
cious tidings of good joy, UK is
looking to rid the negative stigma
associated with “Vandy.”

Until last year, when the Cats
finally ended their five— ame losing
streak to the Cominodiires. 25-0,
UK had garnered a handful ofloss-
es against a Vandy squad at the
bottotn of the Southeastern Con—

“You look at the records and
you always see they're at the bot-
totn so you’re thinking you just
have to show up." UK senior
linebacker Bob llolmberg said.
“But we‘re not to that level where
we can just show up and beat
teams. We need to be mentally

Fellow senior john Schlarman
acknowledged I'lolmberg's assess—
ment of the troublesome situation
for the Cats.

“\Ve've had some bad luck
against them,“ Schlarman. an
offensive guard. said. “I think most
ofit was just in our heads.

“They seemed to have our

number the last five years in a row.
Last year we played a nice game
against them and we ptit all the
other stuff behind us."

The final occasion for L'K to
pick up an SEC victory on the road

' this season will come on Saturday

in the Music City at Vanderbilt
Stadium with kickoff scheduled for
3 part.

'l‘aking the Coitimodores too
lightly seemed to be a problem for
the Cats in past preparations. in
his first year at UK, head coach
llal Mumme said that will not be
the case on against Vandy on
Senior Day.

“I don't know how that got
started but that will not be the
case." Alumine warned. “l assure
you of that."

llolmberg added. “We’re not
taking them lightly this year like
we have in the past maybe. Coach
Mumme is worried about us takin I
them too lightly. and I don’t think
we are."

For L'K. a win at Vandy is more
important than avoidin ending
the season as the cellar t weller of
the SFC l‘iastern Division.

The Cats are hoping two more

triumphs would give them the six
wins they need to travel one more
time before the season's end.

“This gatne is huge for us."
Schlarman said. “This is the sea-
son. \\'e have to win the last two
games to go to a bowl and that
includes this one.

“\Ve have to go down there and
beat Vandy to have a shot at a bowl
game against Tennessee. If we
want postseason play. we have to
win it.

\'andy is still looking for its first
win in the SEC after six unsuccess—
ful attempts. It might be their last
opportunity as the Commodores
face the Volunteers to close their
season as does L'K.

While their record is far from
superb. they do own the best
defense in the SFC. statistically.

At home against 1.5L' on Oct. 4.
the Commodores narrowly missed
an upset as the Tigers blocked a
game-winning field goal on the
game's final play to escape with a
7—6 win.

011 the offensive side ofthe ball.
the biggest concern for Vandy
head coach \Voody \Videnhofer is
his offense — a unit that’s had dif—

ticulties putting up the points.

Yandy quarterback Damian
Allen leads the Commodores'
rushing attack that is averaging
only 133 yards per game coupled
with 150 yards through the air.

If the CR defense is able to stop
the rtin and force the black and
gold into passing situations with
Allen‘s SFC lowest QB rating in
the pocket. the result will bode
well for the Cats

L'tilizing the run. \'andy does
not own a Hill—yard rushing game
by either of their primary running
backs in .lared ,\lc(irath orjiimny

After consistently turiting the
ball over. both in Big Blue losses.
L'K halfback Derek llomer said
the key will be perfection.

“\Vhenever we have an oppor—
tunity to score against them we
have to score, that‘s the plain out
fact." the freshman said.

L'K fullback Anthony White
said the Cats. offense would pros—
per from a productive day by the

"I think the key to the game is
gonna be our defense holding their
offense." \‘Vhite said.


SBIIlOI‘S keeping


By Jay G. Tate
Sports Editor

UK volleyball players Cynthia
Dozier and Tracy Thompson have
a lot in common.

They consider leadership to be
most effective when shown by
example. The have established
reputations as hard workers. They
traveled from far away to play for
the Cats. They aspire
to attend graduate

But tonight, they
will add one more
thin to the list — they
will ie playing in their
last home game.

“I'm really excited
about playing (tonight).




“l'd be lying ifl didn't say that
what we've done on the court
wasn't disappointing,” Thompson
said. “it didn’t turn out like I had
expected. but I will always look
back at all the things I've learned
and be satisfied that it all worked

As far as their coach is con-
cerned, however things did turn
out as expected.

“If I could have a
prototypical student—
athlete. either of these
two would be it." Flory
said. “\Ve knew when
we recruited them that
they were amazing tal-
ents and amazing peo-
ple. They are exactly
the type of people we

but it’s like a part of my V wantl at lsl'wentucky d”—
life is endin ,” Dozier CO e w o emio '
said. “Somegtimes it‘s m UKW Euccpcss both on and o f
been trying but it m” the court."
has been a great oppor- TMW “They are great role
tunity.” - “1”“ models for our fresh-
.lndeed. the past a- W men." assistant coach
three years have been a m Ainsley Grimes said.

trying on-court affair

for each since they

came to Lexin ton- in 1994. The
duo re resente the first recruiting
class 0 the Fran Flory era and were
following a UK team that had gone
29-4 the season before they had

But in their three-plus seasons
with the Cats, Thompson and
Dozier have seen their team com—

ii: a 47-73 record. Despite the
ack of success on the court,
Thompson insists the more impor-
tant goals have been accomplished.

“They are the example

of what a student-ath—
lete should be. They always work
hard in the gym and they always set
such a great example for the whole

Dozier‘s best season was in
i995. when she hit .190 with 224
kills and I32 blocks.

“During her so homore year
(1995). she used to Fit balls on the
court and people had no idea where
it was going." assistant coach
Tonya Johnson said eariler this
season. “She was almost unstop-


mn “"70" Kernel craft

THE PHIL cmmm Fran Flory’sfirrt recruiting class rays good—hire

tonight as Cynthia Dozier and Truly Thompson play theirfinal home match.


Since then. the outside hitter
has seen only limited action, play-
ing mostly on the back row.

Meanwhile. Thompson. a mid
dle blocker. shone in 1996 by hit-
tin .l‘)0 With 152 kills and 97
blocks. After seeing limited action
early in the season. Thompson has
filled in for the injured jenny
Muzzey and ranks fifth on the team
in hitting efficiency.

Despite less playing time than
expected. Thompson and Dozier
have maintained a positive outlook
this season and continue to take
their leadership roles seriously.

“Easily. these two could have
labeled this a bad situation and
bailed on us," Flory said. “Instead.
they rose to the. challen e and have
done what's been needed to help
this team.”

“I would like to have won
more," Dozier said. “At the same
time, thou h, it probably won't
make any ifference — I've had a




great time here."


Tonight‘s match not only repres
sents the last for the team's two
seniors, btit it also represents the
Cats" final chance to make up
ground in the Southeastern Con—
ference standings. Fifth place in the
SFC's Eastern division is at stake in
the weekend series with Tennessee
— but only if the Cats win both
tonight‘s match and Sunday’s
match in Knoxville.

Fighting for fifth place?

The sixth place team faces 3 ms
sible match-up with No. 4 Florida
in the second round of the confer-
ence tournament. Fifth place
means a second-round matchup
with a less intimidating Arkansas

“This weekend is as critical as it
gets." Flory said. “W’c have to win
these two matches. That's all there
is to it.”

[\o'lillulry Acme]. Finlay, .\u; unlit»; I4, 1‘19," 3






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Oswald Research and Creativity Program

Applications are now available for the Oswald Research and Creativity Award
in the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies. All current undergradu-
ate students of the Lexington Campus or Medical Center who do not already
have a four-year degree are invited to submit papers and other protects.
The categories are as follows:

Biological Sciences

Design (architecture. landscape architecture, interior design. etc.)

Fine Arts (film, music, painting, sculpture, videotape. etc.)

lltimanities: Creative

Humanities: Critical Research

Physical and Engineering Sciences

Social Sciences


Awards for each category are $350.00
for first place and $300.00 for second place.

The registration deadline for the competition is December 12, 1997.
Completed projects (except for Design and Fine Arts)