xt72rb6w0s64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0s64/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-08-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 31, 1993 1993 1993-08-31 2020 true xt72rb6w0s64 section xt72rb6w0s64  







Delays in financial aid force students
to seek more time to plunk down tuition


By Lance Williams
News Editor


Students who automatically as-
sume they will get an extension to
pay their tuition because of the late
arrival of some of this year’s finan-
cial aid should take another look.

Students must sign an “Agree-
ment of Payment Extension" form
so that their extension (an be en-
tered into the computer and allow
them to retain their status.

“They have got to show up and
mk for it and sign a promissory

note, so to speak." said Judy Mar-
shall, assistant to the vice-
chancellor for administration.

Bobby Halsey, UK’s director of
financial aid, also stressed that stu-
dents must sign the necessary

“Students have to initiate with us
their desire to have the fees
waived," Halsey said.

The financial aid office. located
in the W.D. Funkhouser Building,
will stay open until 6 pm. for the
first two weeks of classes.

But the office “will stay open

past the two weeks if the traffic
coming into the office dictates it,"
Halsey said, adding that traffic is
“heavy" right now.

If students do not sign the form
before Sept. 8, the last day to pay
tuition and fees for the fall semes-
ter, their registration will be

“If your registration is dropped,
you have to go through the system.
Your chances aren’t very good that
you would get your same sched-
ule," Halsey said.

The time period for paying tui-


by images
in play

By Sarah Byrd
Contributing Writer



UK English professor Gurney
Norman is personally offended
by the Pulitzer-prize winning
play “Kentucky Cycle" because.
he says, it promotes hillbilly
stereotypes of eastern Kentucky.

Norman, a native of the region
and a nationally respected au-
thor, has spent the past three
months speaking out on the play
and its author, Robert Schenk-
kan, whom he criticizes for “bad
writing" and “shallow thinking."

On Sept. 26, Norman will lead
a discussion of the play at Io-
seph-Beth Booksellers, located
in the Mall at Lexington Green
on Nicholasville Road.

"The Kentucky Cycle,“ a sev-
en hour production, tells 200
years of Appalachian history
through the story of five genera-
tions of three families. After re-
ceiving rave reviews in Los An-
geles, it became the first play
ever to win a Pulitzer prior to
showing in New York City.

But Norman, an associate pro
fessor, said “Kentucky Cycle"
offers only a superficial look at
the language and culture of east-
ern Kentucky.

Norman. who grew up in Haz-
ard. Ky., also questions Schenk-
kan‘s reliance on the works of
the late Kentucky writer and
poet Harry Caudill and other na-
tive Kentuckians. which, Nor-
man said, provided most of
Schenkkan's background re-

Schenkkan should have gath-





UK professor Gurney Norman says Pulitzer Prize-winning
‘Kentueky Cycle' promotes Appalachian stereotypes.

cred his background by talking di-
rectly with people from Appalachia,
Norman said.

“Mr. Schenkkan has damaged his
play by not going to that direct
source," Norman said. “I think that,
further. it would have been better
for Mr. Schenkkan's credibility if
he would have given us footnotes."

After viewing the play Sunday
evening in Washington, DC, Nor-




man was “dismayed by the fre-
quent interruption of a tragic sto-
ry with shallow jokes based on
the hillbilly stereotype and polit-
ically correct thinking."

Norman then told of a scene
in the play that portrays the
deaths of many coal miners in a
mine explosion, followed imme-

See NORMAN, Back Page



N .C. residents ordered to evacuate

Hurricane Emily
continues path
toward East Coast


By Estes Thompson
Associated Press


NAGS HEAD, N.C. —— More
than 150,000 people on North Caro-
lina‘s barrier islands and coast were
ordered to evacuate yesterday as
Hurricane Emily meandered on a
path toward the central East Coast.
A hurricane warning was issued for
much of the North Carolina coast.

Surf was 3 to 4 feet yesterday. al-
though stn'fers enjoyed waves up to
9 feet Sunday, and forecasters
warned waves would begin to build
all along the East Coast. Gale-force
wind also could reach North Clou-
na today.

“Nobody's going to be arrested
for not leaving. but they're probably
going to be asked for their next of
kin," said Due County spoken-i

Ray Stuna. “Use common sense —-
and then go."

Few people were left yesterday
on Ocracoke Island, accessible only
by ferries that ran through the night.
The sky was blue with light clouds
and water along the coast was rela-
tively calm, but people knew that
might not last

“You get the feeling nothing's
going to happen," said lean Hatch-
er, who was waiting for a ferry to
get to the mainland “But a good
mn isbetterthanapoorstandany-

A hurn'cmie warning was posted
from Bogue Inlet, 20 miles south-
west of Morehead City near Camp
Lejeune, to the Virginia state line.
A hurricane watch was in effect
from Little River, S.C., near the
North Carolina state line, north to
Fenwick Island. Del.. near the Ma-
ryland-Delaware border, the hurri-
clte center said. A watch for much
of the South Carolin coast was dis-
continued. A watch rue-is hurri-
c-ie conditions pose a threat.

A Due County sue of emergen-
cy covered It estimated 150.le0

residents and tourists on the main-
land and the county's share of the
Outer Banks, the chain of fragile is-
lands off North Carolina's coast,
county officials said. A similar or-
der was issued for about 10,000
people on Currituck County's
stretch of the islands just north of
Dare, and for 2.500 on Ocracoke Is-
land. To the south. some 12,000
people were urged to voluntarily
leave the Bogue Banks islands.

if the storm aims at Virginia.
about 200,000 people in flood-
prone areas of Hampton Roads
could be evacuated. said Mike LaC-
ivita. a spokesman for the Depart-
ment of Emergency Services. The
Navy said it was moving at least 18
ships from their piers at the Norfolk
Naval Base as a mufim

At 2 pm. EDT. the center of the
storm was located near latlhide
31.9 degrees north and longitude
72.2 degrees west, about 300 miles
southeast of Cape Hatteras. the hu-
ricane center said.

Emily was moving town! the
west-northwest at about 7 mph and
tint motion was expected to comin-

tion and fees will be extended until
Oct. 15 for students who sign the

Vouchers to purchase books also
are available for students who are
still waiting for financial aid to ar-

In addition, each student may
take a carbon copy of the required
form to get his or her ID validated
for the fall semester, rather than
waiting for the money to arrive in

“If a student is receiving funds
down the pipeline. it is free until
Oct. 15," Halsey said.

“If they don't have money in the
pipeline, they have to get it through
another source."

Halsey said that if students still
are waiting for aid at the Oct. 15

xtension to pay fees not automatic

deadline, the financial aid office
will “renegotiate“ the contracts

“The financial aid office has uied
to be more accommodating this
year because we realized the Uni-
versity wasn't able to deliver," Hal-
sey said.

The problems began earlier this
year when the financial aid office
switched the type of software it
uses in order to accommodate fed-
eral programs.

“UK is somewhat unique from
most other universities in the nation
because the financial aid goes
across all three sectors," Halsey

He said that because of this fea-
ture. UK needs special software to
accommodate the aid system.

Along with the change in the
computer system, the federal gov-
ernment also must complete an an-
nual reauthorization process of each

The process helps the government
decide which academic institutions
to retain and which ones to
from the eligibility list for federal fi-
nancial aid.

Halsey said the time for the feder-
al reauthorization process to be
completed was additional problem
that led to the delay.

“It really made a double-

whammy," Halsey said.

“We knew it was going to be a
tremendous undenaking. It was the
kind of thing that we hoped would
never happen to us."

Former student’s trial
on forgery begins today


By Lissa MeGrotty
Contributing Writer


The trial of Jay Phillips, a former
UK student arrested in April and
charged with making fake IDs, be-
gins today in Fayette Circuit Court.

Phillips was arrested April 26 in
Margaret I. King Library, where he
allegedly was to give an undercover

officer a forged Louisiana driver‘s

Phillips is charged with 18 counts
of second degree forgery.

According to records of the Alco-
hol Beverage Control Board, Phil-
lips designed a computer program
to replicate Louisiana driver’s li-
censes, including the organ donor
area on the back.

He designed the program by re-

Task force outlines
state health reform

Price-setting emerges as major issue


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press


FRANKFORT, Ky. — A mixed
plan to manage Kentucky's health
care system through competition
with the threat of price-setting is
emerging from one of the commit-
tees studying the topic.

The program would create two
giant purchasing cooperatives to
buy health insurance coverage for
anyone who wants to participate.
but it would be specifically aimed
at public employees and employers
with fewer than 100 workers.

A health policy bomd would
oversee the cooperatives and would
have the power to set an annual
budget for medical expenses. It also
could set the fees that doctors and
hospitals could charge.

The draft discussed yesterday at
the Cost Containment Committee of
the Health Care Reform Task Force
would not force anyone to buy insu—
rance and the state would not in-
crease taxes to pay for coverage for
people who don‘t now have it.

Elliot Wicks, a consultant for the
Institute for Health Policy Solutions
and the committee, said his propo~
sal isaboutasfarasastatecango
by itself without a tax increase or
mandatory coverage.

Sen. Nick Kafoglis. D-Bowling
Green, said Wicks was told to keep
the plan limited for political purpos-
es. “We are approaching this as a

afternoon thunderstorms,- high


WMW”MWM. Pages.

Partiy sunny, hot and humid today with a 30 percent chance

around 00. Mostly cloudy ' ..
with a 30 percent change of thunderstorms; low around 70. artty 7

sunny tomrrow. high in the mid-80s.

less than universal plan. but some-
thing that we can do." Kafoglis

The committee is scheduled to
meet again Thursday and perhaps
take a vote on some proposal. The
full task force, which was created
after the failed special session on
health care earlier this summer.
may meet in September to pull to-
gether a full proposal.

The work of the cost containment
corrunittee in many ways duplicates
and overlaps other committees of
the task force and whatever differ-
ences arise will have to be worked

Gov. Brereton Jones has said he
wants another special session of the
legislature before the end of the

But the plan offered by Wicks
touches on most of the critical top-
ics in the health (are debate.

The purchasing cooperatives
would each cover half the state and
operate through insurance compa-
nies. so it would not be a single-
payer system endorsed by some.
Wicks said the cooperatives would
create basic health plans and every-
one could then choose from among
the plans.

Wicks said that is the critical de-
cision in the process. "The consu-
mer should make the choice and be
cost-conscious at the point when
they choose the health plan," Wicks



ferring to books of state driver‘s li-
censes used by bars to identify fake
IDs, the records stated.

He then allegedly made color
copies of purchaser‘s photographs
and laminated them to the false
driver’s licenses. Fach fake ID card
was sold for $15 to $40. authorities

See PHILLIPS, Back Page

SHAC fair
to feature
UK coach

By Jennifer Wieher
Contributing Writer




Rick Pitino. non-alcoholic
beer and a food pyramid will
be included in the Student
Health Advisory Council‘s
Annual Health and Wellness
Fair on Friday.

The fair. which will run
from 11 am. until 3 pm. will
be located on UK's Student
Center Patio and will include
booths with topics ranging
from mental health to rape to

UK is sponsoring the fair,
said Mary Brirdcman, SHAC’s
adviser. UK provided the ma-
terials and was involved with
the advertising for the fair, she

”The fair is an offshoot of
the Health Education Pro-
gram. which is targeted to-
wards students." Brinkman

Many UK organizations
will be involved directly with
the fair. UK Food Services
will be presenting its new
food pyramid at one of the 30
booths involved in the fair.
This pyramid is to show stu-
dents the nutritional value in
the food that Food Services

The College of Dentistry.
the UK Police Department
and the Student Health Center
are just a sampling of the UK
organizations that will be in-
volved in the fair.

Shaun Spencer. the presi-
dent of SHAC, said the fair is
designed to help show fresh-
man thatUKisaheaithycam-

A few of the other exhibits
that will be attending include
Plaruted Parenthood. the
American Heart Association.
the YWCA ltd May Kay

Anheuser-Busch will set up
a booth I) (hspIay non-
llcohohc‘ beer.

A My group will set
up a booth to eduate mean
about the ringers h Ikhg

See me. Back Page












1 ”z” awe-Av,

mu .. s..
.44 .5.





2- Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. August 31,1993




Theatre department names acting chairman


By Rebeca Farmer
' Contributing Writer


Russ Jones was named acting
chairman of the theatre department
on Aug. 23.

- Jones replaces Geraldine Mas-
‘chio. who was the department‘s
‘ehairwoman for the past three years
bf her four-year term. Muchio is
on sabbatical this year and asked


Jones to fill the position.

The theatre department faculty
will recommend a new chairman to
College of Fine Arts Dean Rhoda-
Gale Pollack in the spring.

Until that time. Jones will act as
the chief administrator for the de-
partment. As department chairman.
he said he sees himself as “an orga-
nizer of the faculty's goals." His
personal priority is to increase the

student enrollment of the depart-
ment. he said.

Though new to an administrative
position. Jones is optimistic about
his duties.

“I have a strong gut feeling,"
Jones said. “that this department
has the ability to produce good
works and good students.

Jones' name is a familiar one on
UK theatre programs because of his

position as scenic and lighting de-
signer for the Deparunent of Thea-
tre. He also has taught in the depart-
ment for four years.

His new position and teaching
load. however, will leave him little
time to continue designing the scen-
ery that frames UK actors.

Jones plans to spend his time im-
plementing several new programs
for the theatre department.

He will hold meetings for theatre
faculty and students every Wednes-
day at noon in the President’s
Room in the Otis A. Singletary
Center for the Arts. The meetings
also will be open to all UK students
who wish to explore the world of
university theatre. he said.

Another project in the works is
taking theatre students to Kentucky
schools to perform scenes from


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Shakespeare. Tentatively titled
“Carry-Out Shakespeare." Jones
plans to send area schools a menu
from which to select scenes from
Shakespearean works they would
like performed.

Jones also is looking at scripts for
a play to be designed and performed
by freshmen.

For the first time since 1983. the

See THEATRE, Back Page

or life.





















“ ‘Real World’
, star really a

country singer

By Bob Lewis
Associated Press



OWENSBORO — Jon Brennan
took his little-boy gn'n, his cowboy
hat and boots and his sassy country
tunes to Nashville. Tenn, last win-
ter seeking an audience for his mu-
sic, a first step toward a recording

Then came a detour, though one
he took willingly to kick-stan his
career. He found himself in Los
Angeles a few weeks later defend-
ing God, country and the Grand
Ole Opry from the affronts of big-
city folk each week on a national
television show.

Heavy stuff. indeed. for a plain-
spoken 19-year-old of unabashed
Christian and conservative beliefs
who played himself from February
through June in MTV's reality-
based soap opera, “Real World."

“It happened so fast. One minute
I was basically a nothing and the
next I was all over the country."
Brennan said after the show‘s 22-
week run ended and he prepared to
resume his quest for country music

“I did get to sing two or three dif-
ferent times on ‘Real World,‘ but it
was really a sidetrack," he said. ex-
plaining that it did little to advance
his name among the powers of
country music in Nashville.

Brennan got his break when he
stepped onstage with his mentor.
Goldie Payne, who was warming
up a Nashville audience for a coun-
try music variety show that ABC
was televising.

“He stepped out there like he
owned the place,“ said Payne. a for-
mer disc jockey who helped start
the careers of country stars Many
Brown and Billy Dean.

Among those who saw him per-
form was a scout with connections
at MTV. Consequently. Brennan
became the youngest of seven at-
tractive young adults from diverse
backgrounds who lived together for
five months in a Califomia beach
house while cameras recorded their

He doesn‘t expect Christmas
cards from his co-stars. and he of-
fers no apologies.

’AAAAA‘A‘AAA‘AAA‘AAA......:......‘ IV

fThe Kentucky Kerrie}
:a ratings system fOr al
fmovies and plays '
goes from 1 (poo

Replacements’ guitarist
ventures solo for 14 songs

Paul Westerberg
14 Songs



By John Abbott
Staff Critic


As guitarist and frontman for the
Replacements. a generally brilliant,
intermittently sober quartet of
smart-offs that roared out of Minne-
apolis in the early 1980s, Paul
Westerberg combined the rough. re-
lentless energy of postpunk with an
unusually thoughtful songwriting

Ten years of memorable. unargu-
ably genuine rock'n‘roll later. the

Sherman’s Alley by Gibbs & Voigt


melodies. the latter blessed with a
deliciously jumpy drum track cour-
tesy of Brian MacLeod (who also
showed up on the debut album of
Bash & Pop. which is ex- -
Replacements bassist Tommy Stin-
son's new band).


Replacements called it quits after


Showing impressive versatility.


., ?
. ICE: ”’7



/ \





1990‘s subdued All Shook Down.
after which Westerberg decided to
annoy his fans by not immediately
jumpstarting the solo career they
all were hoping for.

Now, Westerberg has finally put
together his first solo effort.14
Songs, and it was worth the wait.

14 Songs is the best album West-
erberg has made since 1987‘s fine
Pleased To Meet Me.

The opener. “Knockin ()n
Mine." and “A Few Minutes of Si-
lence" both feature spry. charming

Westerberg glides in three straight
songs. from the anthemic rock of
“World Class Fad" to the stately
majesty of “Runaway Wind“ and all
the way over to the easy pop smarts
of “Dice Behind Your Shades."

And. just in case you were won-
dering if the same guy who wrote
“Fu- School" and “Color Me Im-
pressed“ can still dish out sloppy.
disheveled rock’n'roll, he can. as
“Something Is Me"{and the closer

See REVIEW, Back Page

The Brooks Wit


“ ‘35 £4}
m he?




Hey. Sherml Check lt out!
I just found an entire LV.





The company didn't buy
your 'hmian head” scan.
You expect them
to fall for Lute?





I was Juet domg it for grins.
If you can't laugh at high stakea
fraud. what can you laugh at?

erhaps It was a deepera
plea forbadly-needed

psychiatric help and/or a

mild trai'iqulllzer dart.



Guys. get over here: I Just


Q/fl}, #3” 7/75/2’”


saw one eocko ambulance
crash on "I Wltrteaa Vdeo.‘




Yet. ‘mow. Brooks. I can't
figure out where you get

:re warped sense of
humor of yours.



Hit the
Super SloMo'






























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By Paul Newbsrry
Associated Press


TUSCALOOSA. Ala. — No. 2
Alabama plans to use two. maybe
three quarterbacks in the season
opener against Tulane on Saturday.
But don‘t get the impression there‘s
a controversy brewing at that posi-
tion for the defending national

Coach Gene Stallings left little
doubt Monday that the starter is Jay
Barker. who as a starter has directed
the Crimson Tide to a 17-0 record
over the last two seasons.

“I'm not concerned about a quar-
terback controversy at all.“ Stallings

said. “I'm trying to find the best one
1 can for Alabama. and right now
that's Jay Barker.

“But I wouldn't hesitate for a sec-
ond to play a freshman or some-
body else if I felt like he would be
the best one at the time."

Stallings plans to give sophomore
Brian Burgdorf extensive playing
time this season. and he also hopes
to work freshman Freddie Kitchens
into the game against Tulane, a
learn that was 2—9 last season in-
cluding a 37-0 loss to Alabama.

“Burgdorf had a good summer. I
definitely want to see him play."
Stallings said. “And Freddie Kitch-
ens is definitely good enough to


play right now."

Burgdorf had a strong spring and
there was some speculation that he
might beat out Barker. But the soph-
omore has struggled in the fall
while Barker. a 6-foot-3. 210—pound
junior. has looked stronger than

A battle for the starting call suits
Stallings. “i love the competition."
he said.

So does Barker. who feels like it
has made him a better quarterback.

“last year 1 got a little compla-
cent because 1 knew I was going to
be the quarterback." he said. “But
when Brian stepped up. I stepped
up. I feel like when the challenge

came along. l met that challenge. I
knew I had to get things done to
keep my position and I think that
was good for me because it was
something I needed."

Stallings was coy when asked
how he planned to use Barker and

“It's a ‘feel' thing," he said. “1
just really don't know. I make all
kinds of plans. but it never works
out that way. We don't have a
plan now other than planning to
play both of them."

Despite Barker's unbeaten record,
he is the type of quarterback who
never can feel secure in the starting
position. Not blessed with a strong

Braves, Giants meet in Atlanta to decide N L West


By Tom Saladino
Associated Press


ATLANTA — The Atlanta
Braves hold the trump card as they
begin their second critical N1. West
series in a week against the San
Francisco Giants tomorrow at

Three of their pitching aces are
ready for the staggering Giants.

who have been beset by injuries.

The Giaan still held a four-game
lead going into their game Monday
night against the Florida Marlins.
But San Francisco has seen a 10-
garne advantage over the Braves on
July 22 shrink after Atlanta's three-
game sweep at San Francisco last

The two-time defending NL
champion Braves. who were idle

yesterday. have won seven of eight
and 16 of their last 19 games.

“Atlanta‘s not the type of team
you want to go down to the wire
with." Giants first baseman Todd
Benzinger said. after San Francisco
beat the Marlins 9-3 Sunday night.

Greg Maddux (15-9) will open
the series for the Braves tonight
against Bill Swift (17-6).





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San Francisco obtained veteran
pitcher Jim Deshaies from Minne-
sota Saturday. but he won't pitch in
the Atlanta series.

Giants manager Dusty Baker said
the law of averages is with his

“l‘d like to get back to our origi-
nal thing — winning two out of
three from everybody." Baker said.
“We've been on that pace, except
for the past four games. Everybody
looks at the past four games, 1 look
at the whole season.“

The Braves have 31 games re-
maining. San Francisco had 33 left
entering yesterday's game. The
teams have split the 10 games they
have played this year. and “rum-
day's game is their last meeting of
the season.

“It's a big series, but there's still
a lot of baseball left when it ends,"
Atlanta manager Bobby Cox said.
“It doesn’t stop there.“

Stallings feels he’s up right tree with Barker

throwing arm. he simply outworks
his competition.

“He stands for all the good
things," Stallings said. “When prac-
tice is over. he never loses a sprint.
It doesn‘t make any difference. He
always wants to come in first He‘s
constantly working on improving
his throwing game. He's studying
the defenses."

Last season. Barker threw for
only 1,614 yards —— an average of
135 per game. He had seven touch-
downs but also was intercepted nine
times. Not exactly the kind of num-
bers that will attract the attention of
Heisman Trophy voters.

But somehow, he keeps on win-



ning. “I‘ve won 17 games." Barker
said. “You can't look past that.

“I feel I've gotten better every
year. This is my third fuu season at
quarterback and I’m still getting
better. I feel I've gotten better in so
many areas. I'm very excited and
positive about this season."

Stallings is sounding positive.
too. He said he hasn't noticed any
complacency seeping in after last
season's national championship.

“The same intensity is there at
practice, and I expect us to perform
at a high level," he said. “I think it‘s
always better to come off a good
year than a bad year."





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DiNardo readies Vandy for opener


By Teresa M. Walker
Associated Press



NASHVILLE. Tenn. — Vander-
bilt opens its season against Wake
Forest Saturday, and coach Gerry
DiNardo wouldn't admit much
more than that yesterday in pre-
viewing the upcoming road trip.

“1 haven’t thought much about
it." he said at the first of his weekly
news conferences. “I feel that way
every week. so it‘s hard for me to
look back and think one‘s more im-
portant than the next one."

Who will be his starting quarter-
back? Junior Kenny Simon or one
of the redshirt freshman. Ronnie
Gordon or Cedric Douglas?

“You‘ll know when the offense
hits the field (Saturday). No sense
telling Wake Forest who our stan-
ing quanerback is," the coach said.

How does he plan to deal with the
Demon Deacons' new coach Jim
Caldwell. someone he worked with
under Bill McCartney at Colorado?

“I think it's going to be a game
where we‘re going to have to do a
lot of coaching and adjusting during
the game. Obviously, they've got a




wit it

new staff at Wake Forest. We don‘t
know exactly what they‘re going to
do offensively and defensively, so I
think players and coaches are go-
ing to have to do a lot of adjusting."
he said. >

Wake Forest managed to salvage
its season by dumping Vanderbilt
40-6 on Oct. 10 last season. The De—
mon Deacons had entered the game
1-3 and ended the season 8—4 with a
bowl bid. Vanderbilt continued slid-
ing to a 4-7 finish.

DiNardo would prefer to play
only one of the three quarterbacks
Saturday but says he’ll play whoev-
er moves the ball.

“I think it wouldn't be from a po-
sition of strength." DiNardo said. “I
feel more confident in the guy I'm
going to start. but if I‘ve got to play
more than one of them, I'll play
more than one of them."

He‘s entering his third season as
Vandy's coach with a record of 9-
13 and looking for the school‘s first
winning season since 1982.

“I don't know that you're ever
where you'd like to be. I think
we’ve had a good camp. We need a
good week of preparation to be

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ready for the Wake Forest game. 1
think we‘re a better team than we
were a year ago. Comparing our-
selves to ourselves. the unknown
factors are your opponents. so that‘s
why it's always hard to predict what
you‘re going to be like." he said.

He admits Wake Forest probably
will have a better handle on his
style of play since he's run the 1-
Bone rushing offense the past two
seasons. But the Commodores are
looking to reverse a losing trend to
the Demon Deacons.

DiNardo doesn‘t waste time
drinking about playing for revenge.
He just wants to win.

“1 think revenge is a motivational
characteristic. and everyone handles
it the way they want. I won‘t talk
about it. I think anybody who
played in that game last year has