xt72rb6w0r9b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0r9b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 31, 1986 1986 1986-03-31 2020 true xt72rb6w0r9b section xt72rb6w0r9b __—_—________________________________—_______—_________
w, . , 1m _ . . _ . II.‘ University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky H I”! Monday, March 3]. I986 -
F erdinand M I
I. .
3 I s eaks out a ainst as“
. f has: , ' , , .
’9. ~
‘ , . _‘ ,
. 86 Aquino government . - . .. - .
a t - . '
in STEWART moo-m1" WhiCh Marcos and his wifei iinIelda. "" .. - -. . . .4 ,>
Associated Press sang “You'll Never Walk Alone. ., L ‘” _ ' ' -' -' ' , ' ‘
The picnic had been planned for .'_ 3‘ " ' i . ’, f t

HONOLULU _ Ferdinand Marcos the rented $1.5 million beachfront - \ ”I i, ::’, X '
yesterday called the government of house where the Marcoses moved « \ i'.‘ f t.‘ . , t .I I ’ . , ,v I, ”l,-,"7
(‘orazon Aquino a “plain and simple 13?} Monday. . .. _ t .. -1. 5-; . " ' .\.- - -‘ L . " Ar .2 . . 4‘1! , 1’ .. - ' -' I- I.
dictatorship" and said he still con- Th? picnic *5 canceled, 531d ~. .‘ . 1, '1‘? (I: Q 1 ,. firs» b . . ’ 94‘”! t h - -‘ iI'I' .' . :3.
siders himself to be president of the Franusco .Ugale, president 0f the v‘ "fX'f ~ ‘ 7" .‘. ' ‘ - ' ' '~ t a _ i ‘ ~.' ‘- '- _. (g:
Philippines United Filipino CounCll of Hawaii. - ,i‘ug ‘g- , . . h 4 ‘3 a r t . ' '2 ti 't- -‘

' u i ~ .i ‘ . . ’ . ..4" - I , _ ~I.‘ ’, ' ._ ~.

“Of course." Marcos said in re- Wetrled butwehadproblems. d. . .. ‘ M 4 \ — y -_.. .' . Hafiz}
sponse to a question whether he still Unlike parties at Malacanang Pal- , ' -. i I' -‘ ~ ‘ ' f ‘ "3 ;. . ,. t7"
considers himself president. ace in Manila. before Marcos left in . . , 'j‘fi‘v ‘ ,~ _ h . — I t 1.! I ‘5‘ if 11.1?

The deposed leader made the re- the face of rlsmg rebelllon. guests _“. .5‘ . ' .‘f%;1 ~ _ - i. ‘ -. . . ’ . 4.7 . K N . . , . . . 2‘- i.’
marks on the lawn of his home after had been told to bring their own food I "' ' . 1’ ‘ rev ($ng "‘ ‘ ' ' . . i I i , 4,’ . "it I" .1
a private Easter Mass. it marked because 0f the short notice for the ' - IQ“? - “ w ‘ ". t. . I ' 2- ,_ £94.“.
the first time he answered report- gathering, announced Friday. An ' - '1 .Ah _, ~ *2; J, '; ._ , ‘ i. .'
ers‘ questions since fleeing the Phil- P535!” egg hunt, a smgalong and an = f " ... ' 3,- ‘,~ 5 ' ‘2». . -... 0' ' , .‘ ‘i t‘;
ippines. Easter Mass on the beach had been ! n“- I ‘ .‘ Q ""~ . , '_ . .V: .

Marcos said that since arriving in scheduled.organlzers said. it » i I .f . ' i of I . i: ; "s ‘.
Hawaii Feb. 26. he has been busy , , ~. . . ’ “ ’_ , 1.. . ' ._ .'
writing about recent events. but he But d'the Secret 'Seerce. Wh'Ch '5 ‘ . .3 , " a" - ° ’ > . "i. _ x . ’
said his lawyer advised him not to proveldlng hsecurlty for Marcos. 0: k . .. . 4 ‘ - t -. ' 1 ‘ t. .
talkaboutwhathehasbeenwriting. 19°} d ‘0 3”"8 ”’00 990W?“ t e \. ' -- s 4‘ , . . ‘ ,

He said he has been resting and reslhence. along busy Kalamanaole \ / .~ _. It . I... 1 _ ~. _. , f' -. .
eating well. and has gained two ng way.Ugalesald. ‘3 . A ‘ IJ * / . I‘ _
pounds since his arrival. Marcos i .; e 1 (.I
also said he had no immediate plans A.‘ home._ the Marcoses dabbed a ; ~> I :. . . , > - . . '_ - j ' .

,, -- their eyes With handkerchiefs as the u ' > . , . ,- .
to leave Hawaii. . .. ~ _ , g . - -
An E‘ t . . l d t Rev. Terrence Fisher._pastor of the .‘I‘ «.I- = , I. . ‘ . . t, =
.as er picnic panne yes er- nearby Holy Trinity Catholic - . 3‘" . . ‘ ‘
day for Marcos was canceled after Church. said Mass. Fisher sprinkled ; . ._ . . ~ - a . -
Secret Serwce agents objected .to the couple with holy water and of— i * _ ~» t l ._ - » _ .' . :
thOdSI'ZIG of the croavd agedhul‘d elty fered them communion. ALANLISSIG i... “ .
sai t e party cou n't e in a ' .. "
park, Marcos then said a short prayer. PerfeCto - . . . . -.

Instead abo t 100‘ , d d l and he and his wife sang andmade The Texas Lady Longhorns celebrate after capping off a perfect tional championship yesterday at Rupp Arena. It was the first ' . i " .
tives joined thliem forrtlfig 151:; 3:21: gétgfuarggiarks in a native Filipino 34-0 season by beating Southern California 97-81 for the na- time an NCAA women's team has gone undefeated. .. . . .

A, Law W 86k combines k f SGA t I .   ..
Faculty, students part1c1pate 1n lectures, skits, ceremonies (j. , 6‘ goal for V ‘ '
By h’l-INIH'SLSAN SMITH Bar Association president and a sec- The next lecturers will he Peter ”I ‘ i ' ‘ I . ,
Senior Staff Writer ond-yearlaw student. Perllliali. president of American (I? I ' ' . ‘

. “This week also gives us a chance Trial lawyers Asstx'iatlon. and ‘.\‘ Q’I ‘ ' llbrary ald - . ._ ‘ '

The UK College of Law‘s annual to organize some activities we feel Mitchell Meade. a Fayette County 7’ .f ‘ ' '
law week. today through 'Friday, the students will enjoy. It allows the Circuit (‘ourt judge. who will speak . " , ' - ‘ ' _ '

i Will be an opportunity to raise com- students to take part in activities atnmntomorrowinthe courtroom. A MOHCV raised for ' ‘ ‘
{nunllty consctousness of pertinent they normally don't have the chance Perlliian. a well»respected local 'I ' ' ' ‘ ' d ' - ,
ega issues. as well as give law to participate in.“ said Corky Cor- plaintiff attorney. will speak on the :f ‘ i ——_- ‘ - ' '
school students and faculty a break yell. chairman of the law week com- role of a trial lawyer in civil lltl- f4 _ \ ——_— aUtomated dOOrb . . _. .
fromthe classroom. mittee and a second-year law stu- gation. Coryell said. Meade will then It) \\ FNIH‘ Sl's‘.\\ SMITH '. -‘ - I.

This traditional week of events. dent. speak on the role of a trial lawyer in Senior Statf Writer 5 .
sponsored by the Student Bar Asso Law week will begin with a law criminallitigation. . . I .3
elation. which is the governing body school faculty-student breakfast 8:30 At noon Wednesday in the court- , l -‘\ malt)" harm” “it handicapped . 3 J . L'
of law school students. has been ob- to 9:30 am. today in the courtroom. room. the trivia bowl. a competition ‘ t Widen“ has he?“ ”Vermin“ The K V . . I, .
served by the law school for about located in the law school lobby. between law school students and ' ‘ 3“ Kmt-l Library “"11 5mm “3"“ auv ' . f 7 I , ‘
thelast 12years. {\t noon in the courtroom. Dr. Bev- faculty. will be held. It is usually w tolnated doors 1 . . ' 3 k . '

. . . . . er y Ann McMillon will present a one of the highlights of law week. ,0 m ”..., c”... . The Student Government Assocla- . ' ’ I _ "
“Jihai‘gegafioggnaf 1‘)" conjhincl; lecture titled “Why 1 Changed My t‘oryellsaid. 1 ll .. l .I . _ “m w . “0h SUFPii-‘Si‘d ”5 Slit-”0” 21081 335i ' .- ' .
is Ma 1 N tional La Day, 'w lc Mind About Abortion.“ The two teams. composed 0f three totlh) es ant mlxcddoubles‘matches. Law school students will partlci» Thursday for ”5 Ml ng Library L . .- . .
tabl' hed'b 'ath A l” 333 “3:505" John Crosby from the family stud- members each. will attempt to an- . m. 5‘” Mud] Mctonncll. R‘ pate ”1 1‘ basketball tournament at alltolllntclldtxirs {Ulltirl‘ilhlng(il‘th‘ ' -‘ 3“ .. - -‘ _'
ciat'ltsm to {y e rtnericlann 3:. 50' ies department will present the op- swer general. law school and legal _"-"; “I!” II)“ Ih‘ k?-‘.“"“‘ speaker m l‘.’ am. Saturday at the Alumni "With it 51.000 contribution from ’I. .' .- 7 V.
the lle al 'uStcilcl: n? tlgiliia 3 en Ion on p05ing View of this issue at 1 pm. in trivia QUestions. “1”,“.“dgdf pwwmdmm at I p m m (.ym. The week “3'“ wrap Up at H Kennm.‘ ”Wk 5““ 1” add “i “m” I . ' a: . ' . .

g J sys ' the courtroom in a lecture titled The faculty team has not won in “‘\.I“3F‘"'I"‘I"I:‘1I 'h' _ .-h . I. .. i) m at ”1“ 59m“: 5 lnn With 11 libel t‘tlllil‘litutll)n> from student organlza- - . ', j '2 - '_ . ., -. .

“Law week is an Opportunity for “WhenDoesHuman Life Begin?" about 11 years although it bed with “I li‘I’tt'mfhnfl” 3:15;); “I‘ndbztf'I‘r‘d': ”it?" I h. h t b l lions and winmiistmtnm us \wll as , ,- . .

.. . I . . ,. ‘ ~‘ - ‘>i "i J llsslow.\\'lc lspu on yaw She . ..I s; .;.1I ,.'.:o . ..‘r
the law school to attract speakers The Women 5 Law Caucus. an or- the student team lastyeal. “I” be presented to those who have school students. will consist of skits ( \ ’9‘“? 1,}?an ”,“Ii p”? “It .H~)~ - ‘. . _ ‘: 'i
and events that are related to the t f 1 . . . . . , nations. wt tilt ilbmt oul goal. . ._. v I, .

. gamza ion 0 women aw students. At noon Thursday in the court i » . . . . . . . . . i , .
le 1 t' d t - t . . _ . . . dtmonstrated outstanding serum to .ibotltfaculn and otherstudents. . l l) . (‘.‘, *ll _. . t.., . . . ~ . . ., '

83 communl ) an 0 get ml)“ W1" then hold a reception at 7:30 room. the finalists of the first annual the t,“- school ()ther noted {, me u“ -. . ' t t- . . d . "m mm“ mm“ ‘ ”9‘” ‘H . Iv , -? 'r
from sources outside the law pm. at a member‘s home to cele- Dennis Foust Memorial Ping-Pong t-mm‘tht: legal'conllnunltv 115w“: t )k'; $3“??? fir") i"; "it” em; “('9 president of s‘m . -, ' 'L"
school." said John Dotson. Student brate its lOthanniversarv tournament will com I . I. . . ‘ 5 " P‘ e 0“ 5 u 9 5 a” “Kennedy Book Store has alums ‘ ‘_ z ‘y ' "J Jr-

.~ ‘ pett l“ Singlet present "iw'irds si-l Wt puc- ‘ : . ' . . ~ . - - - ..

‘ ‘ ‘ " '“ ~ ~ been a big colltrlblltor to the ll\ . ’,I‘ . l' ,-.’ .

Gramm R . campus and I am really pleased." ;- ""1
' udman may affect 1986-87 student aid

.lohli Butcher. lliallaucl~ oi kcnne "Jr 9‘”- ' " v' x" .,.

. . . . . . . . . d) Book Store .ald the store was .i i ‘ ‘I I.‘ {3'
g;::-‘“)l:)\“ll(m scholarships. including the Pell demonstrating the most finanClal eral government has cut back its “Congressman Hopkins has al» glad to do Stungthlllg stutit‘nts can 5.; i=1 ,‘I'. ‘;'.~'.t.

“ 9" Grant and National Direct Student need. Halsey said. Students falling support. ways been supportive of higher edu- hone“, from “When m. hmm h.m ,I'I :I'. «"i .‘i'- .v : .‘I‘j‘

Loan programs and the Work-Study within the middle category will have llalscy said the 3 percent adminls- cation and voted for legislation to much they were 'hort w . t 11 th -m I ' :5.

The effects of the enactment of the program. which in the past have money “trimmed back." and th0se trillion cost. whit-h is paid by the apt continue student loans last year,“ M. would be glzid m‘ with”; ooh... .' "7251‘
Gramm-Rudman law for balancing been almost automatically assured in the highest category will find the pllcant. will rise to 5 5 percent next \Voixlward said. tlon “ .' ‘ - .3 il’l :_i.
the fed??? budgelt M” be felt m the for students. money eliminated. year. The government also is cutting However. she said flopkins be» til’eenwell said she .5 very pleased ' ' ” i. . .5 ,' I",

0"“ ° Inalncta cutbacks for _nu- Halsey. who has monitored This means that 1,130 students in back its return of 3.3 percent to 3.1 lieves that everyone will “have to with the (imp "it has bet." a tre- f' i I‘ ’
TedouffS-oc'a .pioggams _ Including Gramm-Rudman for UK. outlined the middle category will be affected. percent next year. Thus the burden take a cut" Hopkins‘ regular nt‘WS- lnendous success We started the ' ‘ "a . -
5 :9" (:nanma 3' "d the effect the measure would have while the upperechelon cutbacks of loan repayment will fall more and letter to Fayette County constituents drive in Januar\ and n has hm on,“ , - ' ~ . .

ccor mg to DaV'I Stockhan't and on the University's financial aid sys- will affectabout6005tudents. more upon the applicant. underscores this point. been three months. and we have . . -. ’ "
BobbyHalsey 0‘ UKS student finan- tem. Translated into monetary terms. From the government‘s point of The letter states that the bill “is mtg-0d over 310.000 '~ ‘ .; . i.‘ . _ ‘.
CA2] a‘d 0“”er cuts brought on by He said students are assigned a $423,000 will be cut from the middle view. Gramm-Rudman is needed to the most significant legislation The automated dun“ an. n, be m. ' . . ‘ ‘ .'
t law. whtCh went In“? effect classification based upon financial category. and $353,000 will be elimi- cut the federaldeficlt. passed in (Hopkins‘t seven years as stalled h\ the beginning of fall ,0. . '
March L w'” have a deflmte ef- need. which includes such factors as nated from the highest claSs. Also. “I . . . . a member of Congress,“ And it rcit- mester ' . .‘ ' .
fect as early as next fall. family income and size-The index $200,000 will be taken from the [Arrf‘vr-‘Hrmgaadk‘beE‘f‘det" :39?- erates the idea that the law is “the With such a SUCCGNU] venture as ‘ 7-. - . ' ,

in its attempts to balance the bud- "umber .dass'i'ca'm“ d'V‘des 5““ “ork‘S‘UdYngram- who ‘reprgsen‘té the-‘tith algm‘i’ft "5;; UniIi'waytodiscmtme Congress." the fundraislng drlvc. m l.\' hard to ‘ ' ‘ .
get and eradicate the national defi- dent applicants into three groups. Stockham and Halsev pointed out clu din g UK sees Gramni-Rudman stockhamIand Halsey agreed that not be anything other than ecstatic r.

Cit. Gramm-Rudman will be con- The Gramm-Rudman cutbacks that loans are still available through as "the onlv way things can be budget cuts are needed. bu‘ they When SGA ha> gone out and rinsed ' .
cerned with federal loans and Will have little effect on students banks. but. in that area too. the fed- done,“ ' - SccAII).Pagt" \ct-IIBRARLI’dsr‘ '. .
arsn e a BPS re are “"i 5 ‘ ’1?”
diffs , -~ ;. r SC 0 ars 1'38 0 e awar e -
° mesons s: 9 .
. ., ~: - «A ‘»‘"‘:.‘ _.’a~3- . gusts- .a» ~$
It} ltlt.\ll('tlt)l’I-ZH essarlly having outstanding grades And although academic success
for natlonal tournament W... m advance to Seniors‘taff Writer toapply Will not be weighted as heavily as .
I . . . _ the finals of the NCAA . . . “Thcrc are campus leaders who contributions to the t'nlvcrslty. he '
Hy (llRtS’H MOORE is two, but it also means that either Championship. For the story, The student Development (ounctl are interested in helping their unl- gain a student's (il’A may receive a .
Staff Writer 0f UK'S 10? teams did “0‘ have to 80 . mm P ‘ Wl“ award two $1.000 scholarships to wmty and we know there are a more careful review if a student
. through the district tournament . “9. - students who have combined aca- lot or students have made contribu- does not have any commitments on
.For the first time in UK‘s debate process to reach the national fi- demic success with significant con- nuns to the University and we want camp”
history. two varstty teams received nals.“ . . M m W will tl’lbutlons to the growth of the UM to congratulate and recognize these “As for myself. I don't think there
at-large bids to the National Debate UK‘s two varSity teams Will leave Wm ”MOM at UK. For a verstty. . folks through these scholarships.“ Is such a thing as a student leader
Tournament. . . I Thursday mormng ‘0 compete WM”. m M Because ofthe number 0f hhah- said Tim Freudenberg, Student De— unless they express an ability and
Quits P3P“. a political 503"“ agaimt 62 other teams at Dartmouth '9... ' ("3' awards SW9" ‘0 StUdehtS based velopment Counciladviser. desire to learn and are active in the
senior. and David Brownell, a busi- College in Hanover. NH. and will ' solely on academic achievements. A committee of about five stu- student body-."hesaid.
ness sophomore, received one Of the return April 8. . . . _ . .. , the COUthi is seeking students who dents and administrators will award James Rose. special projects com-
at-large bids. Paul Flowersta politl- The National Debate Committee ’. s ‘ - . have provided-leadership on campus the scholarships based on an appli- mlttee chairman for the council.
cal_ 3010009 and "'8th Junior, and awards the bids on the bests of the ._ , _. as well as maintaining academic ex- cant's participation in camps activ- said there are no minimum require-

Erlc litupferberg. aegistm'yugf sct- team's accumulated season records. . cctlctlce.he I h mics and leadership positions held on ments for any of the categories that

once union receiv 8m r a - ‘ 'e. t counci recognizes t at the UK campus. two short essa s will be judged Even if students do

large bid from the is given by the ‘Three of the fourlmtembers hatvg Today will be may with the for some students. a trade-off exists accompanying the application arid not feel comfortable about their

NatiorialDebateCommlttee.. ,, m to 89:: "2'31 Mwleve “U! h “I. M ”I. '70- between extracurricular aCth'ht‘S grade point averageand major. GPA. they should stillapply

y“; g”; it: c”: “f"gho'fdd-a won i'ndlsq'w'. mil‘swm awards . . . M will I:- clear with tho and academ'csv citing what he called a “bad ex- Winner for the scholarships is
33' .2 '. a ’30“. recor . . . bl of - - h a h 35. 1 wt" Although academic success willbe ample." Freudenberg said emphasis being raised from the Um? Ken-
bate This means that notonl will either team Is cap! it Winning m . . . . . . .

' . y . .. conSldered in the declSlon-makl would not be need on the P if tWk) Derby GO" Tournament.

uxbemundorhm them." thetournament. hmwmwm .. .“8 9' GA . ,

be tn?“ . . Flowers said so many things can With. ”I . process. the council IS encouraging students were very active on cam- “:h'Ch '5 also sponsored by the C00"
{“f’“ "“m h: °' ":‘m’. ”"3“ m i students who have made significant pus and had to work as hours a week Cit. scheduled tobeheld by April II.
it '°" can V‘ ' nationals, ch SceDEIATE.PII¢3 contributions to UK. while not me to finance their education. scescnmfiasmrsmue)

Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar. a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.
"‘ 0 Other PBL Officer Application available- Due April 7: fl
. 145C Taylor Ed. Bldg. Calla-4118 4 1: Movies: Mad Max- Beyond Thunderdome; $1.75:
' Movies: M°d Mm“ Beyond Thunderdome; 31‘75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.; Call7-l287
WO'ShO'“ Theatre: 7330 p.m.: C°” 7:1287 . I . 4. 2: Movies: Mad Max- Beyond Thunderdome: $1.75:
’ 0 Recitals Graduate Recital: Elizabeth OBannon violin: Worsham Theatre; 730 p.m.; Call7-1287
. Free Center for 1h? Arts;BIp.m.:Ca|l7-4900 . 43: Movies: Mad VMax- Beyond Thunderdome: $1.75?
0 Recitals- Senior Recital: Robert Mosgrove. trumpet. h Th tr 7.30 m -Call7-1287
- ' . Free Center for the Arts, 8p.m.:Call7-4900 Wars am ea e, ' p. "
' . ' 0 Sports Entry deadline to.- Intramural Tennis (D): 135 4 4- Movies: Silverodo: $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30
4 ‘ Seaton 4 pm; Call 7-2898 p.m.; C°” 7'12”
~ O Sports Entry deadline for Tennis (mixed doubles); 135 4 5: Movies: Silverado: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30
’ ‘ A . Seaton 4p.m. Call7-2898 p.m.; CalI7-1287
I . I ' 0 Meetings UK Woterski Club meeting; 205 SC: 7 p.m.; 4 7: Movies: Silverado: $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30
. ‘ .. . Call 268-3992 p.I1'I.: Call 7-1287
, : 0 Meetings. TNT- Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite To-
. ' I - gether Baptist Student Center: 7:30pm.; Call 7-3989
. ‘ '. ' 0 Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: I-I
, II . ~I . I 1155C 4pm. CalI7-8867 ‘ / ARTS & CONCERTS
~ . - I . . a 4 6; Exhibitions: The Elizabeth Murals: CFA Art Museum:
. ' ‘ 12-5 Tues.-Sun.:Ca||7-S716
‘ .I l: 'i, / J 46: Exhibitions: Le Corbusier’s Voyage D'Orie: CFA Art
1.: . ‘ Museum; 12-5 Tues.-Sun.; Call 76716
. V i. - 4 1: Recitals: Graduate Recital: Elizabeth O'Bannon, violin; 4/6: Exhibitions: Joseph Petro: The Elizabethtown Murals;
-. . .2 ‘ Free: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Call 7.4900 CFA Art Museum; 12-5 Tues-Sun; Call 76716
‘V _. . 4 1: Recitals: Senior Recital; Robert Mosgrave, trumpet; 4/6: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Vanderbilt at home; Shivley
' . Free: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.; Coll 7-4900 Field; 1:30 p.m.: Call 7-8829
: ' V- 4 3: Recitals: Senior Recital: Amy McConnell, contralto; 4 6: Concerts: Center Sundays Series: UK Choristers Con-
’ ' . ' Kathie Anderson, soprano; Free; Center for the Arts; 8 cert: Free; Center for the Arts:3p.m::Call7-3l45
p.m.; Call 74900 46: Concerts: The Concord Trio: Free: Center for the Arts.
. 4 4: Recitals: Futulty Recital: Daniel Mason. virIaIlin;9%3tty apImIIco||I7.3]45 I
. ’ Oberacker. piano; Free; Memorial Hall; 8 pm: Ca 7-4 4/6: Recita 3: Contemporary Music Festival: Faeu ty 8 Stu-
' ' » ' 4 5: Recitals: Recital: Marisa Galbeir, soprano: Free: Cen- dent Chamber Recital featuring KY- composers: Free: C9":
' ‘ ' ' 2 EDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY °°°
. . I I‘
- ‘ . .' x“ 43: Sports: Japanese Karate (Smoto Kon)- Japan Karate
. OWE, a," Ammo, Women Writers Conference Stu» 0 Movies Mad Max- Beyond Thunderdome; $1.75: fink SPORTS Association:AlumniGymloft;6-8 p.m.;Call7-4394
. . . - :ti"‘Ce'"er TBA Call7 1127 Worsl‘Om”‘90"9?7‘3OP:m~?C°"7"737 . gags 4_4: Sports: UK Badminton Club: Seaton Gym, 8:30-10.3O
' o t.‘i;.ies Mad Max» Beyond Thunderdome. $1 75' F 'Idsgorls UCKIIasseeeggu vs' Bellarmlne at home; Shively A' p.m.;Call278-7138
. 'Wcm Theo"? 7 30 m COIN-”87 '9 pm a V . . 4 : arts: K Bas all v . Vanderbilt DH at home; Shi-
- Sparta UK Baseball) vs Morehead State at home shy: ' Other Express your thoughts on the future directions I velsy FSiZId: 1 p901; Oily-88259 ( )
. . II,” cw: 3D m Call7 8829 on the Uniyersity of Kentucksz245 SC: 7-9 p.m. I I . I I
I . I; ‘l IC Vli dnesda Evenin Fellowshi Food fun 8 e Other Self-Defense Cltnic- sign up by 4 p.m. in 135 4 1: Sports. Entry deadline for Intramural Tennis (D); 135 4 5- SIPOIT'S Japanese Karate (Smoto Kan)- Japan Karate
- 9 us e v 9 p , . . .
Joanie IAN-”5M; Free dinner M” be served. K-House 412 Seaton 51 Alumni Gym balcony: 6:30-7:30 p.m.: Call 7- Seaton: 4 p.m.: Call7-289B Association, AlumniGym loft. 1-3p,m., Call7-4394
Rocosiieet 6-8p m Call2S4-1881 3928 4 1: Sports: Entry deadline for Tennis (mixed doubles); 135 “53 SPOT'SI UK Lacrosse team vs. lndlona: UK Soccer
, l 0 Meetings SAB Concert Committee meeting 225 5c 5 0 Other: 6th Annual Women Writers Conference Fiction Seaton; 4pm.; Call7-2898 Cage; 1 p.m.; Call7-2898
. D ,,. Call 7 8867 Reading by Mary Gordon: Free: Center for the Arts; 8 4 2; Sports: UK Baseball vs. Morehead State at home: Shi- 4I53 5130053 UK RUQbY "50'“ VS- Queen ICity; 0’ "‘9 RUQbY
- Religious Great Commission Students Bible Study 231 P m, C0” 7‘3l45 I . I vely Field; 3p.m.; C°”7'8829 Pnd‘ adiacent '0 Commonwealth Stadium; 1 p.m.; Call
V ' sc 7: m Call 254.3997 ° Other TOPS (Twenty-One Plu51- DiswssIton: The Fatal 4, 2: Sports: Aikido: Beginner Aikido Classes; Alumni Gym 259j‘l69 . , _ _ . .
V , . _V - Sports Aikido Beginner Aikido Classes Alumni Gym Games Of Courtship (Part 1) led by Jim Akin; Free dinner balcony; 8:30 p.m.: Call266-0102 4 f Sports: Alludo: Beginner A'k'do (“”5957 Alumni Gym
4 ' V Dostc‘riy 8 30pm Call 266-0102 served K‘H°Use 412Rose IStreet; 5p.m.;Call 254-1881 4 3: Sports: UK Baseball vs. Bellarmine at home: Shively b0 cony, I p.m.: Call266-0102
. . Other Canterbury Fell0wshlp Folk Song Sing; St. Au» e Recitals Senior Recatal: Amy McConnell, contralto; Field:3p.m.;Coll7-8829 4 6. ISCpcrI'tzs7.8UK Badminton Club; Seaton Gym; 2:303:30
' _ I gustinesChapel 7pm, Call254-3726 Kathie Anderson, soprano. Free, Center for the Arts; 8 P-m-i 0 '7l38
. ' I Other Canterbury Fellowship Feast of Fools Clown p.m. C°H7'4900
' . . Mass 5‘ AugustinesChopel 5 30p.m. Call254-3726 A' 593’," 1390*: KaIchIieéngrIicon 5:317- :30" Karate
ssocia ion umni ym ; - . .; -
‘ V 0 Meetings Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon: $1; MEETINGS & LECTURES
' Baptist Student Center: 12:15 p,m.: Call 7-3989
' Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting- free instruction,
free equipment provided, Alumni Gym loft: 7:30 p.m.: Call
’ . 233-520] V
' Meetings German Club Kaffeetisch- informal gather- I . I . . I _ .
ing w refreshments. everyone invited; 57‘ Woodland; 5- gall-22:33:13; UK Waterski Club meeting. 205 SC. 7 p.m..
- - . 6.30pm. COHB'6298 4 1: Meetings: TNT- Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite
Together; Baptist Student Center; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3989
' V . 4 1: Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting:
115 SC: 4 p.m.; Coll 7-8867
4 2: Meetings: SAB Concert Committee meeting: 228 SC; 5
pm: Call 7-8867
I ‘ 43: Meetings: Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon:
. 4 FRIDAY 5 SATURDAY 51: Baptist StudentCenter; 12:15 p.m.; Call7-3989
. 4 3: Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting- free instruction,
. > free equipment provided; Alumni Gym loft; 7:30 p.m.; Call
- . - 233-5201
, 0 ACOdemICS l986 Summer Session Advising Conference . MOvies Silverado; $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 730 p.m.; 43: Meetings: German Club Kaffeetisch- informal gather-
_ toi Community College transfer students 8 Community Col- Coll 7,1257 ing w refreshments, everyone invited; 571 Woodland: 5-
. ' I lege applicants cleared for the 1986 semester . Sports UK Baseball vs. Vanderbilt (DH) at home; Shi- 6:30 p.m.; Calla-6298
. . -' ' Mow“ Sliverado 31:75 Worsham Theatre 7309 m. vely Field lp.m.:Ca||7-8829 4 7: Meetings: 12th Annual Naff Symposium; Free: 139
' CO” 7 ”87 O Other. African- Afro-American Relations: 206 SC; 10 Chem. Phys. Bldg: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Call7-7056
‘ I -. 0 Conferences 8th Annual Women Writers Conference 0 m.-3p.m.'Cal|7-1189
V V .| -' ”“0" ReOd’W by BObb'e Ann M050” Free. Center for 'he 0 Recitals: Recital: Marisa Galbeir, soprano; Free; Cen- .
- VI V Ar“ 8 D m CO” 73145 let for the Arts 8 p.m.; Coll 7-4900
V V. ‘ ‘ ' 0‘29’ UK Opera Theater Scenes from Operas Center 0 Sports: Japanese Karate (Smoto Kan)- Japan Karate
~ i-l '. h l for ”‘9 Al’s d 30 p m. CO” 7'3145 Association. Alumni Gym loft, 1-3 p.m.; Call7-4394
. I - RE'LlVOlS Faculty Recital Daniel Mason violin: Betty e Sports: UK Lacrosse team vs. Indiana; UK Soccer Cage:
. . I I Oberocker piano Free Memorial Hall 8 pm Call 74900 lp.m. Call 7-2898
. i ‘ - ,‘ ' O'her Lecture Rec'lol Series Levi-”'9 0" The Emergen- ' Sports. UK Rugby team vs. Queen City: at the Rugby
., i. j ’I .. II :, .l 0 Classical Style by Dr James Taggert King Library Pitch adjacent ,0 Commonwealth Stadium; 1 p.m.; Call
I‘ l N. 7’“ Noon 7 4900 2594 l69
' . . 0 Other 2nd Annual Black Student Union Cabaret- 52- in
i , advance Rm 1 Miller Hall 53 at the door SC University
. ' ' '. I I Cat) 7 30 p m g
' i ' i _ ‘. ' Sports UK Badminton Club Seaton Gym, 8:30-10:30 SPECIAL EVENTS
. I . . I .» :1 pin Call2787138 z}
, I' . I : . . _ ‘I 0 Religious Canterbury Fell0wship Evening Prayer; St,
.I _~_ .7 :‘ Aiigucviiioscriaoel op m Call 2543726
I '. : - :_ II-II‘ - . 4 1: Other: PBL Officer Application available- Due April 7; 4I41Conferences: 8th Annual Women Writers Conference
' I I I . '- 'x‘ .I II 145C Taylor ng Bldg: Call8-4118 Fiction Reading by Bobbie Ann Mason: Free; Center for the
3" i ' it“? I 4 2: Other: 8th AnnItIial ’Women Writers Conference: Stu- :r4'5:gt‘h:.:gzlgpilrasTheater Scenes from Operas: Cen
’ yl , ' -: dent Center; TBA;Ca 7-1127 ’ i 3 i . ‘
I . I :I 4 2: li i : n . . . terfortheArts:4:30p.m.:Call7-3145
I I; ‘ I I. - .; ' 8 crzziigoouiroxfipffzo 5:22: Fililfiwzz'pg:::i'I “.2" 4/4: Other: Lecture Recital Series: Lecture on lheIEmer-
VI“ '3.V‘ . ‘ . Vi". ~i House 412 Rose Street: 6-8 p.m.: Call254-1881 gen‘YNOl I: flassmgl‘igge by Dr. James Taggert: King LI‘
"'. -' , .. .. , rar or;oon;-
,‘ ‘V '_v-< ‘ V V1: ' ‘ 2: ReligiOus: Great Commission Students B'b'e Study: 4/4:y0ther: 2nd Annual Black Student Union Cabaret- $2-in
, " ' 1 ' " . I 23‘ 5C? 7P-m'ic°"25"3997 advance (Rm_ i Miller Hall)/ 53 at the door; sc University
; , I V ‘i ,I I‘ I 4 2: Other: Canterbury Fellowship Folk Song Sing: St. Au- Club; 7:30p.m.
'L' . - "I-II' ‘ 9‘15""55 Chapel; 7P~m~? C°H254'3I726 4x4; Religi0us: Canterbury Fellowship Evening Prayer: St.
iIiI I .II ..I Vil" 4 2: Other: Canterbury Fellowship Feast of Fools/Clown Augustine's Chape|:6p.m.: Call254-3726
I. .I _ I It .I..- .II .l 6 SUNDAY 7 MONDAY Moss: St. AugustinesChapel;5:30p.rn.;Call 254-3726 46- Other: African- Atra.Americon Relations: 206 SC: 10
-‘I i .I . ‘ , I «I. It 4 3: Other: Express your thoughts on the future directions a m .3 p.mn Call 7-1189
' s . '_- .I‘ on the University of Kentucky: 245 SC: 7-9 p.m. '. I' IV .
. "i. , , 4 3: Other: Self-Defense Clinic- sign up by 4 p.m. in 135 I‘ncb gl'xgmgfiarzgflggzfiggg‘o Kappa Alpha Sorority,
I , III 9.5 EzziIbitsiIoIns CLrIiIeIIEIIiizbeth Murals CFA Art Museum “3702;er European pastry (are; 245 SC; to a.m.-4 p.m.; gzggon; 51; Alumni Gym balcony: 6:30-7.30 p.m.; Call 7- 46: Religious: Canterbury Fellowship Holy Communion; St.
- ' l ‘» ,l - Exhibitions Le Corbusier's Voyage D‘Orie, CFA Art 0 Movies: Silverado. $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.; 43: Other: 8th Annual Women Writers Conference Fiction AugustinesChapel: 10:300.m./5:30p.m.; Call ”#3726
: . . - = i: . i‘v‘iinPum i2 STues -Sun Call7-5716 Call7-1287 Reading by Mary Gordon: Free: Center for the Arts: 8 4’7: Other: EurOpean Pastry Cote: 245 SC: 10 cam-4 pm:
. r o Exhibitions Joseph Petra The Elizabethtown Murals, 0 Meetings; 12th Annual Naff Symposium: Free; 139 p.m.:Call7-3145 Call7-6601 :
I . I. . CFA ArtMuseum 12-5 Tues—Sun Call7-5716 Chem. Phys. Bldg; 10am-4pm: Call7-7056 4-13; Other: TOP: (Twenty-One Plusl- Discussion: 'rtio Fatal 4/7: Other: PBl Otticor Application Due.- usc Taylor Ed.
, i ~ ' SDorts UK Baseball vs. Vanderbilt at home Shivley 0 Concerts: Chamber Music Society (Free tickets for stu- Games of Courtship' (Part I) led by Jim Akin; Free dinner Bldg-J Calls-4118
. ’. - -' , . F-eld 1 309 in Call 7-8829 dents available the week at the concert); Center to, the served: K-Housei4l2 Rose Street; 5pm.: Cal|254-1881
V . ‘ ' Concefls Center SUHdOYS Series UK Charisters Con- Arts: 8pm.- Call 7-3145 4 4: Academics; 1986 Summer Session Advising Confer-
. . . cert Free Center for the Arts- 3p my Call7-3145 0 Other: PBL Officer Application Due; 145C Taylor Ed. enco for Community College transfer students I Commu-
- . 0 Concerts The Concord Trio, Free. Center lor the Arts: Bldg Calla-4118 nity College applicants cleared for the 1986 semester.
i I - . , . 8pm Call7-3l45
‘ - I 0 Recitals Contemporary Music Festival. Faculty 8 Stu-
, ' I dent Chamber Recital featuring Ky. composers. Free, Cen-
'I . ter for the Arts 8 p.m.. Call 7-3145
0 Other GC pagaent by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
. . . .i a...” @Q LOOKING AHEAD
, - .’ 0 Sports Ailudo Beginner Atkido classes. Alumni Gym
, balcony lp.m . Call 266-0102
' . Sports on Badminton Club- Seaton Gym: 2:30-3:30 2? 11>
. p m Coll278-7138
. V 0 Religious Canterbury Fellowship Holy Communion. St. 4/94/16: Advance Registration for ‘9“ Fall semester and
. Augustine 5 Chapel, 10.30 am. 530 p.m., Call 254—3726 both Summer Sessions
4/9: Student Government Association will sponsor speaker
Milre Farrell; 1205C; 7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3191
4i10: Self-Defense Clinic: Sign up by 4 p.m. in 135 Seaton:
$1: Alumni Gym balcony; 6:30-7:30 p.m.: Call 7-3928

Continued from page one y D e b ate
f l'b ' t" "d ——_———_ dents “ said Jake Karnes director me i n th t d t ("m”“wmm'”“WW“
money or a I rary prOJCC . sat u . . . . - 5 ._ sa iccess as a y 0 er s u en on
Paul Willis.director oflibraries. We feel good something 15 being done. It IS ofhandicapped student seri'ices. campus go wrong that lie 1, more con,
“ll W88 WNRS the library saw great other fOlkS are Interested in the welfare Of For handicapped students who are "A library L‘ the heart of the uni- cerned “ilh dltmti. “1‘“ than “”1'
that needed tobedone. and it will be l'l d ,, nervous enough about adjusting to \crsity and these automated doors iiing
a great help to students." Willis 0t er Stu CHIS. college life. "the automated doors “'11 l‘l‘lnk’ ““01“" “WW“ popula- “WNW“ ”WU“H1 “l‘ W“
said. Jake Karnes will give them one less shock. one tioi5iclosertothatheart."Eden said cerns about the tournament do
With more than 3,000 people using dir 1 f h d' d 5 i less barrier to overcomon Eden lht-i-i- will be another fundraiser “‘i‘eiitly
the library each day on a 360 5 y 9( OI'O an icappe student servtces said, this week with proceeds to be used "We certainly had .i successtul . . '
basis. he said. “it IS extremely 1m. n“ 5 not what you see when you iii a ielatcd manner SbA will fea- year, but other teams were itist
portant to provide handicapped stu- door. and they are able to let some- doors will mean easier access to the