xt72rb6w0r50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0r50/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1983 1983 1983-04-15 2020 true xt72rb6w0r50 section xt72rb6w0r50 y 2 ' - . . . . , , , .. .. r. .
l 2 . ‘
' »»_ W
‘ Ster-croeeedloveu
er” 2 that most-famous pair at star-crossed
lovers took their lives once again last
0 ‘ night as the UK theater department
2 opened its production of Shakespeare: 2__ 2 22_222_
"\ 'Romeo and Juliet ' For a review see
~ 2 FIRSYNIOH‘I’II, page 3
l r’ .
Vol. LXXXV, No. 152 Friday, April 152 1933 An independent student newspaper Unwersrty of Kentucky Lexrngton, Kentucky
Athletics board requests talks for U I. series
‘ By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS 5" ‘ . ~ 2/ . 2
Managing Editor ~ .. 2 M , /
and MngEY ESTERSON .. 2 . 2, 2.2. 2.22 2 :22
ports ' 0" i s"; ' ’ . " ' ~ ..
“x :4" L 3.2, ¢ ;' 2." iv = . f '4 ‘ r,
—~——--—————-——-——w——- s? M... 2 __;i . .\ *‘ . : '. ., - 2/ .24. . .
If the money is right and a com- ‘2.;~"=f;. 2 m ” '23" t2," ' . / . 2 22 » . , I»
promise can be reached, it appears 5:2. a " ‘ 2 - ' ' I 2 ‘ , " - ‘ y .e 3.. ‘ A
UK and the University of Louisville s23 2 . s 2 , 3 r8 »‘ 2 1,22,: , 232.;2 . . . , ..
. will meet in a regular-season bas- » .2 2 ' ,‘ , 2;. *1 2 ' 1‘" s 4:; U‘ - , 2
ketball game. perhaps as soon as 2 R“ 2622*» f’ 22 " 22 . 22. A ' ~ » w; 2. .
next season. _ . “5 x; {11- “ / ' r . c ".‘i . 2 ,1
By a 1245 vote. the UK Athletics ' "if. '; '32 2 2. )2 - 2 £2 -’ *2 ”a
Association board yesterday asked 22-2 " 2- ‘i . .- ’(ril Vi: mi 2:22 . . 2‘ 224.242,
Athletic Director Cliff Hagan and « ‘- 2 x" 3,. ’ ;
head coach Joe E. Hall to make an . . K Q 2- ‘18 g 2" x . ."”2
1 exception to the long-standing UK ‘ 222 .. .- 2 '% f ?
practice “of not scheduling varsity ' . r « _ .2 2 v "
l basketball games with Kentucky in- 2 2 - . 4; , 2, ..’
stitutions during the regular season" jflx’fffs sis .» s . ‘ 2.2 2 - =
and “ascertain if mutually accepta- . \ -. _ ' 1 - " .2 .
ble terms and conditions" exist for a ”If ' > 2 2 22 ' 4!
“Such negotiations." the resolu- g" ,i .. ’
tion said, “should not only be mu- 2 ~ 2 r" '2' g”
tually acceptable to the parties but = 2 ' . 2,. .
also should result in no financial loss , ., ” 2, ». fl .
. toeither program." . . 2222222 22 2222 22 2
, Hagan said after the meeting that i o “moon/nuns s. ' g
he, H311. UL Athletic Director Bill Coach Joe 8. Hall appeared briefly at the beginning of yesterday's Athletics Association board \s. 22 2 2.22 ‘2’"? ”Z I
Olsen and22head coach Denny Crum meeting to read a prepared statement asking the board to allow him to continue the practice of ‘ .2 g '3 22g .'
w‘” meet maybe "Gt ““5 week. b‘." not scheduling in-state schools during the regular season. ° ' 22 5; ' I
soon“ to “work on something that s 2 .24, ' 42 2 r
mutually beneficial from many you project the game into the future. the University well." and is practiced at the universities ; 222-3 2 2.; g, ' ' 2 a; ,.
standpoints.“ itwillbeeasiertoschedule. Hall. conceding he has made mis- of Alabama. Arkansas. Missouri, .1": ' r .W’ ' 9”
He said he Preferred to schedule ”it's the kind 0f thing you try and takes. nevertheless said the basket- North Carolina and Louisiana State, 4" ' ' , .. " .. ,1 ‘ . I
the game for late November or work out with each school.“ Olsen ball program‘s popularity “is at an except for conference play. 2 “ti-“3* 1. 2!
early December. He would not say if said. all-time high and continues to in- Hall did not remain to hear the n 1'" .3 if;
it would be played in Lexington‘s “i think it’s a good decision for crease every year.“ He said it is board's verdict. r
Rupp Arena. several reasons.“ he said. “In the “one of national and international Singletary. who “deliberately did ,‘,-
If the four strike an agreement on last meeting. the fans enjoyed the prominence.“ complimented in a not say anything during the course 1,
a game for this or next season. game. anda't both teams remain the CBS News special report last fall as of this debate." spent nearly eight '12;
Hagan said he would have to cancel same caliber they have been in the ar-l'exception in the “abuses and edu- minutes after the vote angrily chas- .
a game on UK‘s currently filled past. it would be a very interesting cational tragedies in college basket- tizing board members. the media ' '
1%3-84 and 1984~85 schedules. game. ball today." and political forces who have pushed
“That‘s men known [0 mcur." he "It‘s the kind 0f game you “'omd _————— for the the game.
said. “You can move somebody like to see."he added. He repeated die comment he J u vnwnuosr - . .
back a year or two years. or you can In the half-hour long meeting. sev- made at the April 5 Board of 'I‘rlst- President Otis Singletary was agitated yesterday at the Athlet-
pay them some stipend." era] board members supported both 0080’? Rupp’spolicy €95 meeting. saying. "I think one Of ics Association board meeting after a resolution was adopted
He said it might be possible for sides of the issue. Former Gov. AB. , the most deplorable feelings I know requiring UK to take steps toward an annual basketball game
UK to “buy out of games if the dol- “Happy" Chandler made a plea for and now my POIICY . . is that the idea of a basketball with the Unwerwy of Louisville
_ lars out there are significant to do UK to schedule other state schools. has served the game could generate more concern. '
so," further admitting. “We've been and President Otis Singletary angri- _ 2 " involvement. passion. when in fact it ' I
led to believe they are." ly lashed out at those who pressured UniverSIty well. happens not to be one of the serious C" E rBV|ses b'ue r'nt
' In a telephone interview last the board fora decision. ‘ problems of this University — and
night. Olsen said UL also has full Hall also appeared, asking the this University has some serious -
schedules from 1933-85. but there are board to ignore “external pressures J09 B2 Ha” problems." I I I
“possibilities to move some games that are not in the best interest of Singletary said "many people. for d'Vldln State funds
. around." the University of Kentucky and its particularly L' of L folk“ wanted the
Last season. UL moved games basketball program" and allow him ——"———_" game, but UK's view “traditionally
" into the future to compete in the to maintain the practice started by “From Ashland to Hickman. from has been. ‘Well. uh. maybe for I I I I
‘ Metro Conference against new mem- his predecessor. the late Adolph Covington to Glasgow." UK basket- them. We don‘t think we need it. We amnn 8| ht unwerflt'es
.. berSouthern Mississippi University. Rupp. ball is king in Kentucky. he said. don't have any compelling need for
a' He said he assumed UK and “I have inherited from coach and intrastate competition “would suchagamc.‘ " . '
‘_ Louisville would meet in a home- Adolph Rupga2trajditiongf2notp2llz21y- destroy this mutual allegiance. and But then he blasted the media. Members SOY Increases needed
-2 and-home format2 but that current lng state sc oos uring e reg ar we will lose this great support that saying he had “never read more ' ‘ ‘ '
"' scheduling conflicts would make it season." he said. “Coach Rupp‘s we havedeveloped over the years.“ garbage in my life than I read about In apprOprlGllonS l0 edUCOllon
difficult. He said, however. that “as whey and now my policy has served Hall said UK‘s policy is not unique See noun), page 5 __________ int ine warfare ., CHE member
. . By BILL STEIDEN W said
Editor-in-Chief ‘
Governor fires Welch over secret recording mrxmemoeamm .... m...
the University of Louisville's Uni-
FRANKFORT (APl — Gov. John checked with me. I wouldn't have won‘t tolerate it in my administra- can doit.butldon't have to likelt " grail: afrldmptllrlUn‘i’lleerslilK figscg:
Y. Brown said last night he has fired approved it." tion and I had to ask for Neil's resig» May said. during the discussion. Kentucky Walker inta'viiwed after
Neil Welch as public protection and The governor acknowledged he nation."Brown said. that he noted he had raised $22,000 FRANKFORT __ Seali a com- the meet: said‘ they do not lend '
regulation secretary because Welch. was told by Metts shortly after the He said he did so after learning for the Brown administration in one misc on the formula inged to de- l “gage fundi under the for-
when justice secretary. arranged a incident that May had been taped yesterday of Welch‘s role and said way or another. But he said he nei- pro ine how the state's higher edu~ I became thengare not dupli-
secret taping of a conversation at but said he didn't know the two were Welch will be phased out of the pub- ther offered nor contributed additio- cam budget is divided between its t ed mm state y
Brown’s Florida home. at his home and had assumed Metts lic protection post shortly. nalmoney during the conversation. gig“ ublicl ed universi. cam 'l‘s 'rbcisiorl to include
The hour-long conversation was usedapocket recorder. “What hurts me is that two out The governor told reporters that f: a: C 022$qu Educa- the rescind“: in the 'delinee for
between Brighton Engineering Co. Even so. Brown said he chastised standing people (did thisl." Brown May has not received a contract fig: terda a ved a new for- the “M118 formula will urred by
president William May and then- Metts and told him not to repeat it. said. “They fouled up. they got a during his administration. mulayzzd SJ 01.12 (kitties for the former Gov m Comb? a CHE
Transportation Secretary Frank He said Metts tried to justify the littleoverambitious." May said the talk was arranged instimtions‘ 1984-1” biennial bud- member 01'!an said thé said it
Metts on Nov. 26. 1981 at Brown's secret taping as a protective device May. 75- WhO since retired from by Brown as an attempt to esmblISh nests . might a' that the CHE by ac
Golden Beach. Fla. home. Metts has because Brighton at the time had the company. a major designer of better communication with Metts “eff?!” v‘omd to include in the . m formula is gausried
since returned to private business at sued the state, and the legal action state tmnpikes. said he did not know and patch Up misunderstandings. mam a momma Sm. um ”gm“: saws use a million higher
Louisville. was holding up a massive road bond why the conversation was taped. "1 May and Metts had been at 108' tghe universities’ ams‘ “mg oon- gnu“! bucketfor'lmlm
The governor said he will not tol- transaction. didn't know the kind of society we gerheads in 1981 over Brighton‘s lu- an“ m deteriora‘lreofnlss the state “I think we need to decide wheth-
erate such action. “He should have “There was nothing illegal. I just were living in in Kentucky. They crative contracts with the state. m its financial commitmuit a it's m for the council to nm
tobighereducatiorl.'l‘hemiversi~ uptheredflagandsomdthealarm.
is making no effort to overthrow the Nicaraguan govern- ties” allocations from the state's rem than acquiuce." he said. “I
FRIDAY ment. gene-ill fund have been cut three milk we need2to2 make clear we
I F A . But Reagan refused to say whether arms or supplies tmnsmcsle; CHE executive d- wmmfiaahflrgxlifi
,om “mrcdpress reports were being provided to Nicaraguan exiles across the border mum Wm that the new found. “mmwmnmsimmfi
in Honduras. “of itself will generate no new "What we are in essence doing is
Adelman confirmed as arms chief At a brief news conference. the president said the um. money." He noted that this year's swam m a W we know Is
. - - . . $421 million higher education W not “remote." CHE member Wil-
ed States IS complying wuth the law, which bans secret and would an Mum) SO-mil- M Cox ”id mm on the 0th"
WASHINGTON _ The Senate confirmed Kenneth L. Adel- to Nicaraguan rebels for the purpose of overthrowing the lion tolaflchmlev'e ”ammo Mmbesmwutupemited
man 57-42 as the nation's arms control director yesterday leftist regime. share of state dollars it received in M" in am to lobby the Gener-
after a long fight over his competence and President Rea- He said the United States merely was trying to cut off 1970. 2 llmuyfulwm.
gan’s strategic policies. the flow of arms from Nicaragua to leftist rebels trying to The fund!“ fomultlalammh; mamfiflmdltftgml Met
The president said Adelman would head a ”reinvigo- topple the U.S.~backed government in El Salvador. the Vaults: moreme n ‘ Mr. 2 What! to Imam!
,. . ., 2 meetings ween mimetic: mmwmuysov. 15.
rated Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. If we are Rep. Edward P. Boland, D-Mass.. of the House Intelli “”2thth and mm d the m the m2 UK Praia!!!
met with reciprocal seriousness of purpose from the Soviet gence Committee, said the administration apparently had we“ sum w” m ll! N 0th m an“ the mm
Union. 1983 can be a year of historic importance in securing Vi°l°t9d the law bY PTOVldlt‘g COVE" Old '0 Nicaraguan '9' “3"?me “WW“! “‘2'“ l“ 1!! m m" “'2‘
a more solid and stable peace through arms reductions," bels. "The evidence is very strong." Boland said. .qmsedgydm‘y' said he 2i! Mgwwm
R°°9°n ’°'d' ‘ able formula components that give cue: the Guard Assembly‘s voting
Adelmon, in New York City. said he would contact all common levels of 3W for m. mmmm2
members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — 2 man activities at all institution in “H'M’l W” N3 M2"
l which opposed his confirmation s in an effort to meet the time areas of 1132M“. re. NII“. ”it" "Ptmnm'
"with each one next week to seek their continued counsel WEATHER m ”“1 public ma‘ sum mm]. WW will mt h
. .. 2 said. pervasive.
l °" °"“‘ ‘°""°' "5“" For example. Keri Walker, cur: fi- in can eel-loll Mm. Snyder
. Adelman supporters and opponents in the Senate attrib- m drectu'. laid ”a. mm m b m a. m of
uted his confirmation to high-pressure lobbying by President will [five the some find“ per 0V“ m in Won NW
Reagan and other members of the administration. “damn“! fol-Wmmfl'yd'umw fimmfldmh WW:
I , Is ,
Cloudy, breexy and cool today wlth a high In the mid .mmuu2 . 1'1 W W m
. ‘0" mmimmdew'mummawe
Reagan denies undermining Nicaragua Clearlng and cold tonight with a low In on. lower m mm, Ieedm mummy any-3*
30c. mmmmmuw moons-swimsuits)“
WASHINOYON — President Reagan. disputing Congressio- Mostly sunny and warmer tomorrow with a high In mm '5'. 1.2 M M- inst-m-
nal accusations. declared yesterday that the administration thelow to mid “De. ”4:”! “I fill Ilh 1N" wmawbmlml
do It”: Ht M Aug; I“...
e i I .
flu " . s . . .

 - - eh - .. '1
Kremlin“ 1
arm 1
Illl “III“. Ashe: W John Griflln NtfiOV h...” LII! l III-II J... VII“... DII CIM I -’
Educ: in (Poet News (duo! Ans Ediioi Sports Edilo- Spatial'roixu Editor Photo (duo: Graph-n Editor
m u-In norm Ive-'- Mu Sello- eul I. moon: 1:. M “on." new. unma- Ion v.» nod: cm. th I I
Monogmgtdnor Editoiinlfdivoi AumuniAm Edimi AuntantSports Edilo' sp.(l°l'lo|.(llAlIIl'Ofll Chief Photographer Copy Detuthet ‘ ii
Racism hurts political gains ' '
I I I“
earned by minority groups © \ . .
The recent election of Harold Washington The unfortunate. underlying theme of the g
as mayor of Chicago is the latest and most election carried over into one of Epton‘s tele- I
dramatic illustration of a growing trend in vision commercials, displaying a scene of
American urban politics: the increasing po- blacks rioting in the streets - with an an- V f I
litical influence of minorities. nouncer comparing then to now. ' VE ,
Washington. the two—term Democratic con- The non-issue of racism clouded the Chi- . .
gressman who won a narrow victory Tues- cago election and. unfortunately, left citizens ‘ ) .. . »
day over Republican Bernard Epton. be- of that city with two candidates. each lack- / ‘2‘ E I .
comes the first black mayor of the country‘s ing the proper personal and political creden- m- 1
second largest city and the 28th black to be- tials to run one of the nation‘s largest cities. L I it
comeabig-city mayor. Washington has been convicted of tax eva- , .. I: I2“;
Washington's triumph ends a years-old sion. A judge claimed that Epton. serving as -‘\ ‘ » i: i I
tradition of Chicago‘s control by a white- an attorney. tried to bribe him. I K ._ _ i . if
dominated political machine. Of the nations The minority vote will be a major force in - . s I f
12 biggest cities. seven have mayors who are coming years. especially the 1984 presi- 1'- .- 3 3
black. women or members of some other mi- dential election. The issue of racism — ,r‘j‘ 0‘ ff
nority. spawned perhaps by the ignorance of some “:47 “‘ ;‘ . ;“
Gradually over the past few years. the tide citizens —— could destroy the force of a politi- 4.‘ " . \ I :
of control in the cities has been shifting cal party. I, / {52' L9“ I
ts_teadélyfti:dtl:e Egg 96::be aifigée gala; Racial bias led to the defeat of former / ff/t \ I _r‘r
‘95 r ‘ t'on .9 mgrgulax and loyaltigs more mayor Carl Stokes of Cleveland —- the first / \ .r‘ "cf \‘ 1: I;
Stage 1 '5 - black to be elected mayor of a large Ameri- \ 12/," \ i I;
“III .‘ I3 0 r ‘n to see ains in minority can city — to Republican Ralph Perk in 1975 {Q fil’ ; ..
politizalnjcirgnziiiibngce Howiver the recent in a contest that split the city’s traditional ”3;. g. ‘ . ’f I
. . ‘ ‘ . ' m r ti ma'orit over the race issue. I -.' “ - t l:
(hicago mayoral campaign revealed an ugly De 0C a c J y . - W \/ thfiu ; 3.
Side of politics — racism. Some analysts be- RaCism deprived Chicago of a campaign '4 LUTHER m :‘
lieve that the Windy City‘s large turnout was — and perhaps candidates — that could have Imam .; .
not because of the issues raised by the cam- brought forth issues rather than skin color. KING JR. ;
paign. rather the fact that Washington was And until public attitudes are examined and 3‘ .
black and Epton was white. changed, the problem will move elsewhere. ;
I I I I I I I 3
By dISCDVBI'lng VlOtlms 0f 0 [BSSIOI'I WE gain understanding 0f ourselves
As children of this culture. we notorious treatment of dissenters. a meant taking from the wealthy first. Party represents only 6 percent of But the most frightening form of for such interference. Regardless of 3%
grOW Up learning and accepting as Situation the West has repeatedly in the Robin Hood sense. and giving the Russian population. oppression now seen in the Soviet the merits of the ideology. we can- 33
our own the vaI'IOLB enemies of our publicized. but what the unique cir~ to the poor. This bit of history should make it Union is the locking up of dissenters not ignore the Soviet methods med
parents and our nation, We learn to cumstances behind this treatment The leader of this first Soviet gov- easier for us to see what I think is in psychiatric hospitals. telling the toensure its supposed success. I
dmde the world. in our petty way. are ernment was Lenin. He declared all the major problem facing Russia world and them that they are crazy. But let us not be too self-congratu- .
into categories 0t "us" and "them " land the property of the state. which and the cause of their notoriom vio- and forcing them to take drugs that latory and smug here. because we . '
This could be seen this week in included farms. factories. homes. Iation of human rights. The existing do irreparable damage to their as a nation are often guilty of forc-
Chicago as blaCk and White drew shops. etc. Regardless of the support diversity among the population has physicaland mental states. ing our form of “democracy" on for-
battle lines dotm the center 0f the Lesley Lenin received from the working forced the people to conform to the Last month. Amnesty Internation- eign nations as well. and many op-
mayoral F809 And we see it often as ABUKHATER class. many of the formerly wealthy party ideal and give up their sepa- al reported that they know of 200 pressed peoples of the world see
those representing "us“ in Washing were immediately at odds with the rate identities. such people who have been confined Russia and America as merely two
to“ debate thOse representing Kremlin. and their voices of dissent Even though oversimplified, this to Soviet psychiatric hospitals for sides of the same imperial coin.
“them‘ in Moscow over everything ——'———_—— havecontinued in the yearssince. notion is valid when we realize that political reasons in the last eight What then is the lesson to be p
truth Wlitical idt-‘OlOgF 10 “UClear Th9 L‘nion 0t SOViet SOCialiSt Re- After Lenin's death in 1924. Stalin only 52 percent of the Soviet popula- years. and they believe there are learned by knowing more about our
arms PUthS t5 the largest country in the took over and executed those who tion are really Russian. The rest more that they don't know about. Soviet counterparts? Is it that now R
But the funny thing about this world with the third largest Popula- opposed him. most notably Trotsky. come from' those 170 ethnic groups Many of those confined have been we have seen the whites of their I
enemy syndrome is that we know so tion This includes over 170 ethnic The United States didn‘t recognize and other nations eaten up by the citizens. calling attention them- eyes. as it were. and the darkness of I
little about the enemy With Whom STOUPS and 15 republics. The nation his government until 1933. Partly be- Stalin conquest. Many of these peo- selves to the violation of the human their human rights record that we
we are faced is primarily. as is popularly be- cause of accusations that he was ple do not even speak Russian as a rights of others. can aim more accurately and shoot
Some weeks ago when I mapped lieved here. atheistic. 70 percent be- trying to undermine the Western Eu- native tongue and are desperately Two examples of this form of Sovi- more directly? Or is it maybe that
out a list of nations I wanted to ex lieving in no god. But 30 percent of ropean govemments. trying to retain their native Ianguag- et torture med against dissenting in discovering our “enemy." we can
pose for their notations of human the pOpulation represent all vane- Stalin favored rule by force. vir- es.religions and cultures. members of the conquered republics discover ourselves.as well'.’
rights. l liSted RUSSIB it did “(it ties 0t ChriStiahitifi Judaism and tually crushing any Opposition to They posea very serious threat to are Dr, Algridas Statkevicius. a For we. too. area nation made up
Occur to me at that time that l kn?“ Islam him and t0 the Communist Party. the Kremlin and to the notion of Lithuanian psychiatrist. confined in of diverse ethnic communities. and
so little about these people and their To understand the Soviet mind. a L‘nder Stalin. Russia began its Communism. which calls for all to 1980 for belonging to an organization we are guilty not of confining dis— 3
nation I had come to regard as task that admittedly takes more sweep of neighboring nations. forcib be equal and alike. They are both concerned with human rights. and senters to mental hospitals but of
"them “ 1 mean that I knew nothing time and effort than it takes to read ly annexing many of them. These in- opposed to the notion of Communism Pastor Vellum Salum. confined in demanding that they conform to the
0t any real Significance beyond their this COlumh. it is necessary t0 know cluded Estonia. Latvia. Lithuania. as a forced economic reform and the 1981 because he was preaching on standard set by the white Anglo-
b'dllet. their COld Winters and their some baSiC history 0f the Russian the Ukraine and parts of Poland and notion of being considered Soviet. in- the traditions of the Estonian Saxon sect. regardless of their Afri-
tamrite COIOF red WhiCh happens to republic Finland, These names. probably un- stead of. say. Ukrainian or Estonian church. can. Hispanic or Oriental origin.
bemy favorite color. t00' For years prior to 1917. the Rus- familiar to you. primarily represent or Finnish. This internal oppression does not. And are we not. in supporting El
When I finally sat down to write sian people had suffered horribly once independent nations or parts of dd thi t tho left f of course. include the attempts of Salvadoran juntas and Filipino dic- .
this column. i realized the danger under the represswe regime of Tsar nations that are now part of Russia. thA 15 ° .59 th gvfrh mg the Soviets to oppress populations in tators. guilty of oppressing a foreign :
inherent in having enemies and Nicholas II. In 1917. the majority After Stalin’s rule came Kruschev. . 60:80? etopposmg de 0: cw a Afghanistan and Poland who are un- population who may not want to see ‘
knowing nothing substantial about wing of the Russmn Soc1aI Dem0< Brezhnev and now Andropov. These mth Ill-S pace as you uEIvtz‘on willing to accept the Russian politi- politics oreconomics our way'? I
them So I set out to discover the So- cratic Party. known as the Bolshe- regimes primarily concerned them- rthaa Keg“ l' ssentiii‘eg [mg] a ' cal ideology and even less willing to It‘s not an easy question. This i
Viet nation and to determine a meth- \‘iks ended the Tsar‘s rule and 0s selves with the interests of the Com- t em m mus a M ‘ become part of the republic itself. week I‘m not going to answer it; I‘ll ‘ '
0d behind the madness I'ltimately. tablishedtheir 0W1 government. munist Party rather than those of Finally. we come to the violation Sadly enough. what began in 1917 leave it for you todecide. .
this discusSion will lead to the issue The issues and desires facing the general populace. of human rights. Russia has seen fit as an attempt to create a truly equal .
of human rights. but id like first to them were primarily those 0f the Their efforts were geared toward to suppress this dissension by va- society. a most admirable attempt I ' .
concentrate primarily on a picture working classes They sought to es- retaining control over the Russian riom means of oppression. including might add. has become an attempt Lesley Abuhhater is an English »
of RusSia itself that will help us see tablish. through communism. a na- system with the party as the sole au- harassment. imprisonment and exile to force this "equality" on neighbor- graduate student and a member of _’
not only how they try to justify their tion of equality for all citizens. This thority Incidentally. the Communist in Siberia. ing populations that have no desire Amnesty International.
‘ t
i . I 1 time frame does not imply a clear that Ms, Griffin is not one of foreign students. The need for pre- Any foreign student who expects CarolCarstens I
er'Id essness relationship between them. During them. ciseness in technical and scientific to find a world-view consciousness Staff member
the period in question. most minds In fact. given the fuzziness of her communication is more than a mas- in Lexington is asking a bit much, A Computing Center .
I‘ve suffered in Silence as various were not rational. educated or scien- thinking. the discontented nature of tery of a "highly specialized" vocab- paradox of the Bible Belt is that a . _
forms of drivels have graced the him her arguments. and the lack of any ulary. few local Christians seem to under- Recognfllon ‘
P8895 ‘it the Kernel. but I could not ‘2 Pornography. racism and eco- factual basis for her claimS. I'd be It is difficult enough to initiate stu- stand the cultural prejudice at work '3
allow the sheer mindlessness of fem logical destruction all have as their willing to wager that she would dents with a command of English in the parable of the good Samari- Last Sunday. an awards day was
inist author Susan Griffin to go on source the "male mentality's" de. come off second best in a debate into the complexities of the Univer- tan. held for students. In the April 11 -' .
challenged sire to die and murder its vulnerable witha tree stump, sity‘s computer facilities. much less Not all of us have a cosmopolitan Kernel. the article covering the ~
I must admit it was difficult to self ASide from her stereotyping of an inarticulate foreigner who lacks point of view or faith in the prin- awarm day failed to mention all re— .
critiCize her ideas fairly. Since. due men. her statement defies rational Kevin Kelso the experience with our peculiar bu- ciples of brotherhood. and that in- cipients of awards. particularly the .
either to the intnnSic incoherence of analySis. Each of these problems is Psychology graduate student reaucratic channels. By and large. I cludes many foreign students. All Deserving Blind Student Scholarship .
her thought processes or to faulty a complex phenomenon. to which think these students' academic ad- nationalities have their ethnocentri- presented by Delta Gamma Founda-
reporting. it wasn't always clear many factors contribute And F - i d I visers are doing a commendable job cities. tion.
what she was saying As near as l women read Playgirl. tell racist ore'gn S U en 5 of making life at UK a little more Ihave encountered some incredib- I received the award. and I be-
can gather. she made the following jokes andlitter the beaches. too. pleasant for them. ly arrogant behavior from foreign lieve this award should have been , ‘
poiri‘s Her observation that “the female Zama Ndefru‘s guest opinion on Those who complain the most students of certain countries. Per- mentioned. Not the name recogni-
1 Science cannot be trusted. one mentality meanders and doesn‘t the plight of foreign students ad- about understanding “them ‘fem- haps this perception comes from my tion. buttheprinciple. concerns me. .
of the hits of ev'idence being that a even stick to the point" is an insult dressed an issue close to my heart. ers" do not display an impressive own cultural assumptions of what I am legally blind and have .
lot of women were burned as to women. and may well be an inad- Because he has made an advocacy command of the mother tongue ei- constitutes courtesy. but rudeness worked very hard to maintain a
witches between the 14th and 18th vertent self-portrait. since her own plea for these students. I can forgive ther. I get very tired of the ethno-ra- seems to translate well into any Ian- good GPA attheUniversity.
centuries. when a lot of scientific meandering would put the Mismssip- the slightly self-righteous tone he cial slurs about foreign students, guage. I think all recipients should have
discoveries were made. As anyc pi Rivertoshame takes. But this “University" is in a state Fortunately. I understand how been mentioned. not just the "big-
with anythir‘; more than a cabbage While it is clear that the feminist In my position at the University whose population is traditionally very frustrated some of these stu~‘ gies.“ _ .
for a head could tell her. the fact cause has many thoughtful and ar~ Computing Center. I come in contact rural. and Kentuckians are of a pro— dents must br “reling. I have been in Bill Hellbthh ;
that tWO events occur in the same ticulate representatives. it is equally With many students. particularly vincialmentality. their shoes Home economics senior
noon COUNTY by Berke Breathed
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'3' ’Romeo and Juliet“ paradoxrcal HOT DATES
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5 Thoughts of forbidden love set against a James Stoll looked perfect as Lord Capu- ° Today — Ronald Manson and 0 Tomorrow , The Collogium
2,7 backdrop of fierce (‘lVll strife have enth- let. acting with the full dignity of the role. Barbara Morrison will present Musicurn. directed by Wesley K.
, g. rolled romantics for centuries Gothic nov- Dave Lowry also gave a noteworthy pert0r~ the Ethnic Clarinet at noon in Morgan, will be in concert at 8
f ”5' tragic dramas-and movws poems _ all -' mance a