xt72rb6w0r4d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0r4d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1982 1982 1982-09-01 2020 true xt72rb6w0r4d section xt72rb6w0r4d ' it
e \i ‘ .
—-————-————-——-————-—— x —————‘
\‘ lP 5‘
. i Freshmen fallout
{NJ The University, at no small expense.
y ‘ ’\ We held a reception for freshman for the
® '. Iyfip first time last night — but nobody
‘0 showed up. The future of the ”Fresh-
\ ‘ man Nights” program is now daubt-
...u ful. See page 4.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 17 Wednesday, September l, 1982 All InJOMdOI‘If "0"." "mpgr univgrsny of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
__.—_______—___—______________—___—________________—. ____..___._______
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' 1-5??? :2. " it ...» ' .. ii "i
_ . e : - owe. Clty approves re ere" um
, . p, . : . efficient W"

i 3‘5 : " I ' . . s I f l-

. . on unday sa es a mum

.. .2: ‘ , 1‘ ‘ . ,J. a: 21%,???‘1‘9’? Eli??? ‘if r“: By mWOLFE , .2' .4, ._. “($1.1 . ,c . .
- , ’- iii-“iig - AssociatedPressz-iter -2. ' ,.

W.‘:, fu‘ r. i \‘K‘ 't . WMWWYMO; ., - _ ,.

,2; “if? I g . l x ‘0 ‘ : ‘L'I/l l t : info, (i ’12

‘ . t ..' ‘ ‘2 . " By a 12-3 vote yesterday, the Lex- "5 .,

l 4 - . ‘ ' " = "t if? _‘ , W é , dered a Nov. 2 referendum on Sun- , 2‘ 32.3: a ‘
V ’ ' ' ’5? mmF‘ythY- J I
. m mm, made Possible by 2
i=1" i "it?” ‘ ;",§2§M%« ‘ ' ' Senate 3111 393. Wild 811W Sunday 5 -
. . 1%. ‘_:;__:o,~;. x715 .; g ,..,,~;»..z,fe.,}3g,§m{7’2‘"v’w/4%; “mum?” from fwd 3316 i H... X ’ P V,

51‘ ‘ ‘ t i a ,Jeeewgewégfiwfwe in which proponents mod the coun- , '

eeeeeii said that Sunday new sales will , , .- .
' ‘ee’i’“ "‘ . . boost Iexinston’s tourism and 0011- . . " 2'4,"
g». 35»; f .' ‘f.‘v';‘,$”‘:”4/%fgr ., If I . . ,f/ .=. ,, ‘ “.3
-- w " : Some We of the Menuhin: e
i, .‘ ‘_ (”3% ..W'ifl'vw'i" ,2 xxK' -.. /¢,‘ Fit“ MUM am. But ma]. V . {0” if”? a. , : . .

‘ , n“~"»«" 2 tutionalityot‘thesenatemeasure. ,, t-

" a“? f : . Mike Macho. amoral manager of -> . , ,

. . ' w by $750,“!!! a year and to hire anoth- .- '- I, g :-

. ' V ”a. =.;.. '.;. .:,,.;,"~ . '- .. , ' will my “man a,” in state m . V L;
_ .. , . : .2 countytaxeotheflrstyearalone. . \
. .5 p , . ul cami‘otflexplain to my constitu- H
‘ ._.v..,..;.-" II ...IV ‘ 1/. in 3} m m m Mm Street." 011.0. lumen/Km so."
., a} y ‘ 2 g. f\ W'lfl‘intmuid. Gene Tichenor, former UK student government president and now
‘ ' at“ g, 2 ‘ He was Marina in a street in his 5th District representative on the Urban County Council, speaks in
. . x ‘ _ a, & ash-let that contain several small support of the referendum on Sunday liquor sales.
,, , - . - . " “ Mayor Scottyfnérler added that “33mm Jim .Cmb‘ and Tm“ ”WE‘re going to mew on
‘ ' "" ‘ "h" " I“ ' a; the," which, the we; Fields voted against the referen- this.” said Smith, diurcn IS
A 9°"°"‘"‘°"' PM to atom... d... ... ...n. i“ Enchantment: We.” “harm‘- “'1". "'5;
pan-omtobwameal. ‘ - . ' . V59"? ”99°13 , we . ve
Eric Harding, lot“: and Tom Faulkner, employees of the Urban Counly Government remaunt a deco- “'l‘hey’re (lily required to be able and Vice Mayor Ann Ross _ said lelt‘h. our community, but lf that’s
r ative lamp Past at the Fayette Caunty Caurthouse yesterday. The lamp assembly. had been dam- to,”saidBaeslu-,whodidmtvote. they personally opposed Sunday I“ what It takes, “33°98, to do It'
maged during a recent storm. quor 5319‘- , ChI'ISt wasasreat leldeT-
“Historically, the question has He likened the coming campaign
. n I been put to the people in Kentucky,” to David’s slayingofGolinth.

S A r fu as finance sacrallst talks m .... m a... W m ... m-
commodate the voters in that man- ed funds and we Christian people
ner.” have limited funtb," said Smith,

The referendum itself is reqllllired “but on the other side, David had

ByJASONWlLLlAMS ton to cam , as to more the measure, a violation of comtitu- structorsbe requiredtoinform their by an amendment the come re- somebody on hlss1de that “Ike to

StaffWrite- l ”I . md allow for tionalby-laws. students well in advance of the quested to the bill in March. The feel the other Side doesnt have on

issue-oriented lectures rather than A motion for roll call was passed scheduled dates for exams. ’lhe bill 8mm“ applies only to counties the" sme' .

“*— merelybig-nameattractions. over the opposition of Graduate also MM fir makeups f0? 3t“- wm' merged citycounty govem- thRoSlfefl “3&3?” chau'mangff
They said such a move would gain School Senator Vincent Yeh, who ar- dentswithv-ltducues- , ”fits-n Cum has the on, 5‘31““? ~ 1 " W:

David Bradford, Student Govern- favorable response from the faculty good that the original vote was valid The mail. which parsed mm— 331; 9 Y t . Kentucky? cry 3:?” i‘dglgél . 9°“
ment Association vice president, aswell. even thougl it had been inaccurate. mainly, was considered VIN by the mg; l gpvemmen 1:; tho; “Evy,” mh ul £61339?-

cast the rust tie-breaker ballot of his Opponents argued that inviting After all the {resent senators voted, senators, who said all students de- 0. Sm gogernmenlacatt: alga” will e rte-£13, m and milkmfig

career in defeating anappropriation Haniutonwould results partisan theballotwastiedat 16-16. serve fair warning 0‘ W‘ The nae y M sa y decimlthat’ e 3;! f p em

mu during the first meeting of the bias, violating a Previously passed This left Bradford to cast the de- hump dame wasaddedtoaidsto 'mm ' i, set m of 1 to ,1 C0 s‘°“., of; bl gee “Y e

SGAseMteMmdaynisht- bill sponsored by Fine Arts Senator ciding vote. Before he voted. Yeh dents involved in extracmicflar ac— crews“ ] if the . “"th 5*“ a e. W compa-

The bill dealt with financing two 'nm Freudenherg that prevents the appealed the vote in a last-ditch at- tivities such 88 hand and varsity pm. or vaidaenyfb: el‘t also vats“; ny 2°]: [flag-3:: “Ya“ Regen-
daysoflecturesbyMicllealHan-ing- useofSGAfuntbtosuppoi-tanypo- tempttosave his bill.'l‘heappeal sports. . . . W%eMmmmfua a.“ aOent ppmgma at
ton, chairman ofthe Democratic So- liticallypartisaneventoncampm. wasoverruled. SGA Presltbnt Jim Dinkle took sunpgze-sales rmit ‘ ‘ ..Igngtmau m?" . -

eialists of Ame-ma. SGA’s Political The un’s opponents also said the A reluctant Bradford voted the floor in sponsoring a resolution Th yRe ‘5': .Smith of South- Co 0‘" 0111515 0! Fayette

Affairs Committee imposed the an amoimt of money requested was too against the measure. “I don‘t feel ursilu shade-its to examine the vot- I dewvfim‘glfimh id Le . _ “W. 8!" concerted. quite prop

pearmice. large foraspeakerwhomightnot that,beingeloctedtoreprorentthe ins records of Kentucky cmness- 3" .desms“ t: mgf, fflytwmhelssue-Manymltdtf-

ihehill originauy requested $1,500 attractlargeorowds. entire student body, I could justify men. particularly Hal Rose-'8 of the m“ “5' . ”e “°. “ (ii “an“! The mm“ .m‘uy 15»
and was amended to 81,200 during After a voice vote {raved incon- voting for the till on a campus this Fifth Dlfltflct Md Gene Snyder 0f But he promised. b8 V119“ lam ' “it“: do“. 't mean’to "“3 commu-

debate. elusive, a show of hands was taken. large."hesaid. theFom'thDistrlct. W0? comm yNocal [:1ng mty. I think there‘s going to be a

Supporter of the hill argued that This vote also failed when confusion The son Senate also recommend the maid-don said the two Wade's ”we the mm “' S°°d muff that issue "I the com-
‘ lnvit locum such as - resulted in non-senators ' on ed to the Universit Senate that in- See compost“ tron. “'3 months. '
WEDNESDAY the recent sharp drop in interest rates are paving the way will be reduced by nearly $2 million in the next fiscal year.
for solid economic improvement." He hailed the new report The block grant provides money for Kentucky's basic so-
MAWMW as "encouraging evidence that economic recovery is abOut cial service programs.
toget under way." Other cuts include thé termination of Title V of the
DOW Jonesclosesabovem The index, which includes statistics from 10 separate Older Americans Act, a program providing part-time jobs in
categories, is intended to forecast future economic trends. community activities for persons 55 or older. The program,
NEW YORK — The stock market ended its most spectacular Often in the post, after a series of declines, it had begun to scheduled to end Oct. 1, will affect appr0ximately 1.000
month in history with another broad advance in heavy trad- rise several months before the economy has pulled out of Kentuckians.
ing yesterday as the Dow Jones industrial average closed recession. The Child Welfare Services Block Grant is reduced by
aba;:9tl)30points for the first time in aty‘eor. I nearly $900,000, while the employment services grants are '
e ow Jones average 0 30 in ustria s, up 9.83 Mon- 6'01” ”MSMMHWM expected to decrease by up to $1.7 million. Regulatory
day, climbed another 8.0] to 901.31, its highest closing changes in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children
since it finished at 001.83 an Aug. 25, 198]. The measure HARLAN _ Harlan County Sheriff Paul Brawning, charged program will reduce benefits to Kentucky clients by more
'°“_92'7‘ paints during AUQUSL with conspiracy to commit murder, arson and malfeasance than $1 million. Also, children °f some military parents Wi"
‘ Blgbaard volume swelled to 86.36 million shares —— the in office, was freed from l0” yesterday after a group of no longer be eligible for AFDC benefits. .
ninth highest on record. friends posted $5,000 bond, authorities said. Hause Resolution 352 was part of a spending compro-
b P2“? :P’x’d ml": bU' fit-”CRAY turned higher 0:05: 0 Earlier in the day, Harlan Circuit Judge Sid Dauglos had mi“ between the Reagan administration “‘5 Congress.
r°° '°" ° °' ° °mm°'“ °P°"m°"' ’°P°"° ' at scheduled on Oct. 25 trial date for Brawning. Dauglos also
its Index of Leading Indicators rose 1.3 percent in July. The stripped Brawning of authority to arrest people and carry a \
department also reported 'h‘" factory orders-rose 2 percent weapon, then disqualified himself from the case, saying '
- in the month, the largest monthly increase since December Browning previously had served as a court bailiff. ,
"’80“ . . h . . Brawning had been held in iail on $50,000 bond, but was -
:hsulrdc::::ls rrc;v:::‘:::m"t:::;c':s3::t:f::ed|°:::;°i: freed after a gr0up calling itself "Save Our Sheriff" posted mm“
_ 10 c ntof th total. ‘ "
the index is performing as designed. per a e 4‘
. Both government officials and private economists reoc- . .
ted positively to the new figure, saying overall notional Stauwmmmmns'num
economic activity should be increasing substantially by the _ .
- October-December quarter. "‘"K'O" —'State ”WW" R“°""" °m"_°" “"d Y“' Today will be warm and humid with e 60 percent
: Commerce Secretory Malcolm Boldrige said such brood "'dW‘KFMUd‘ys human "Wk. programs-will lo" abOut chenceafthunderetorms endehlgh "00" IO.
' '“" activity — as measured by inflotion-odiusted gross national 38-6 {“"hon as "'9 ”3“" °‘ cuts ‘°"'°'"°d '" ° '“°"' ‘°"' Tonight Ill" be claudy with e 30 percent chance 0f
product — is “unlikely to show much change" for the cur- 9'.“'°"°I resolution. . _ , ”IIIMON'W Ind-low near 10.
rent July-September period. The largest cuts WI".OCCU|’ in the Department for SOClal tomorrow will be mostly dandy with . continued
Boldrige said, hawever, .,| believe the leading index and Services, where the Social Serwce Block Grant to Kentucky shamefthundenfom ende high near .0. . i“

 W i;
"“m ‘wm Jot-com Mil-W mas-sass J.I.Vesl|oeao new

tenor-tn-Chld News Editor Am setter Spam Editor Special Proloul Editor Photo (altar Graphics idltor *

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AaliatentAm Editors Copy Desk 3'; '



' ' " I I «a
lg er e ucatlon WI e merlca S uture r

A few days before the Fall semester for- students as one of the fatter calves to jg:
“(guy openfdkgiverrzergbterras glfegliosmt 81%: told the lobbyists he believes feder I W I: 5’

vemmen socia 10 v - -
ington to present some of the student body’s al financial aid is overextended and students 74% GMM K‘D Now, A5 I WAS g
concerns about the future of higher educa- receiving aid do not get the full benefit of a _ at, ’ 7’ . . YA ma SAYINé'Dt-I K5
tion. education because they do not fully support ,3 g 791 /’ 3 ME! ’2'“. ans: '05:: ‘ , g

They brought to the nation’s capital stu- themselves. _ _ , _ _ . i 5/, fly 4 WMG You karr . g-
dent fears about skyrocketing education We are beginning to carry (financial 3"“ ’ ’1” ‘l .’ $MOO¢H SW! ‘ "
costs and a sinking feeling that the priority a bit far,” he said. “If “'9 have to make edu- / ” \ (1 é; " m ,SIR! “—ch ,
of student financial aid has dropped far on catio? alluring“... 'lham’j’ it to them 0“ a 511' . ‘ $RDV£L WATE’VER _>g?,’:‘§\\ ._,
the federal overrnent’s list. verp a er. - - ey 099- ' , 00 “V t it: 49$

The lobbygists considered most of the legis- "We’ve 80‘ ‘0 take some steps,” R086“ ‘ ‘ i ‘7 .JMOMIiIQlePngécK "‘ "I , ‘»
lators reassuring. However, there were ex- said. “We’ve hit the bottom 0f the barrel.” (\l URE' fly. ‘ ’ K155 501000.; I. I “V ’4 L
ceptions_ Is placing students in debt before they be- guru?" ‘9 it 5mm)“ m 3 3* {mil u) _

. . . come legal adults so they can finance their as?" ‘ 5, mg! 4 ';

SGA Presrdent Jim Dinkle, leader of the education handing them opportunity on a \ 5 «g {chug
student lobbying effort, accused Reps. Har- u - 9,, - , f/t' ' ~, ,; . . AW

ld R0 R thD‘ . d Gen S d Silver platter. Is Dinklesassessment that \ ,y/ ‘ . ’ AWUT i
0R th 695’. '5 f istrggt, “I, e .nynez‘o, the congressman’s comment could be inter- 7% ' Q? ~' , ‘\ ceopo ARY.
th-4' ’SmCt' 0 not ing responsrve preted as “only those that can truly afford to 5:15]- ' ”v g Ranging.

f3," concerns. attend college” should attend correct? E wt?!) Sn

There is no human way to fund all educa- _ a /' g, . P . .
. ,, . fl . . Rogers and other lawmakers are not de .— ..—, i. P
tion, Rogers said. I look at (substantial fi- - - - E t z a = ’€
. a1 'd t thi t clared enemies of higher education. That 7.‘,\ - t u I . ’ $3
“gm; ”8‘ suppor ) as some ng we canno would not only be political suicide but sheer 2. §\ ¥,y ’ g l! . (m
a or ' stupidity. He is a Republican sticking to his ’5 ‘ 3’ '2, b‘ ‘ , , . _
. Rogers is not alone in this line of thought. party’s line on the problem. i , . ’ I " ' ' 9 "I
The Reagan adminstration is viewing stu- But, it’s the party line so faithfully fol- (( . s: ‘ > C A; 1%:
dent financial aid as a prime target for the lowed by some legislators that distresses the '“fl/[l/ mg“ g : , g .' " Ill kg: \Z/fi
budget ax. And unfortunately, these efforts SGA team. In a day of skyrocketing defense ”III” 3/ “ - ~ 39", ‘ .\ g , {"1 1x .
are becoming successful. . . . budgets, programs that Will strengthen the ll Wm _ _ y! ’ , .‘ u _/

For the most part, cuts in student financial nation in the future by educating more of its p i v): w _;v
aid programs do not have an extremely visi- people are being weakened. M ”i \ .. g __ , 7‘ .. “\ f :0,- _- ,/
ble result. Students presently affected by The college education of thousands of mg ~ 1 (f ‘ Z .45...) ll .
cutbacks are vocal for. now. But, as_tlme Americans now and in the future is being af- g? . , . al _ t 3' ' f 3 ~
wears on, the truly ViSible reaction Will be fected by decisions made in. Washington -6,” ‘ g " ‘ ‘ [ gs” {ti} 4% '
the dropincollege graduates. today. With elections approaching in a few ' fl. __ __ A : , ‘ --.-.- ..

With the nation’s astronomical debt, law— weeks, check_lnto the candidates’ support of ._._———-— 7 _. ¢ g
makers are feeling a cry from the public higher education. Krmvez. ' .
calling for reduced federal spending. Some Higher, education is not only Kentucky 5 ,
of these lawmakers see federal assistance to future, It s America s as well. .‘

M 1 ~ P 'd ' ' h' rt

a. . w res: ent wrll have to unrte rspa y

g \ \ l \ l ‘ Eithit for some vacation time in For those who think Rugammics slide by the first fight entirely and ly liberals, but of a coalition of ..

‘l\ _ b Cahfornia, President Reagan is due is an unmitigated, irredeernable d- to be well launched into the second friends.
. " 1 i '\‘ to spend the next two and a half seats, these dangers may look like by now. Administration officials These friends are right-wing, sup-
‘ ‘. , I mmths fightiig for the survival of blessings. Q) the other hand, those worked closely with Senate Finance plyiide. 8nd anti-tax ideologues;
‘. I l. g. 5 his economic Warn — first whomilduketoscethepe-idsnt Committeeaninnannobnole-in shaky incumbents scaredoftax
l | [(0). against fellow Republicans and then —-—-————-——-———— m together his 99 billion tax- hikes in an election year; other Re-
l I L agaimttheDemocrats. increase package, but the plan was publicans mad at the Democratic
)7 v \‘Q.’ g White House aides say that the for Reagan to keep his distance leadership’s unwillingness to follow
a, l ,f S. two efforts are intertwined: If the m we froniit. through on promised spending cuts.
' N V [resident can't convince members When (with monumental gall, in And there are still others offended
' .t,\ , (3’5 of his own party to sumo-1 him on view of the sizo billionplus deficits by the Horse's abandonment of its
‘i . ,g“ '..'t' 3‘ '5; , taxes, he will be Isa able to head a ___________________ he’s pojectlm) the Mt en- comtitutional prerogative to reali- - _
,1”. 'fl ll. M / - I 3‘ 5‘ national Republican election cam- dorsed the proposed comtitutional ties—theworst recession and high-
" ' 3.39 .. ._ ‘¢=' ”4 1y. ,‘“'l plan will“ the M0086. U have a four-year shot at turning the amendmait for a balanced federal est unemployment since the Great
.’ TM‘F t. Danocrats 800" major gains in No- economy aromd have to view the buQet in July 19, he slipped into his Depression. They look at 1982 in
: ' vember, Reagan’s ability to follow coming weeks as a time of suspaise speech a fast two-seam nod to- what one Reagan political aide calls
R , .‘ ,‘ W on his economic program andmaybeamuish. wardtheDolebill. “transcendentterms.” ,
..AN ‘emA-ieRRemALfi WHY lb...ueuva Neill totem!" willbediminished. The White riot-e had hoped to mutannothistailtonutectipi. Votersaretobetold that they set ,
tol stqis, he trumpted the themes upon a fundamental change in the
l - of the November campaign. “We direction of America in 1900, that ‘
' I ' promisedtomakeaNewBeginning; progresshasbeenmadeoninflation,
Students have dro It attitudes about abortion ..... .. .. am .. m ,.. a... m... ...... . m...
spendimmin'programshasbeenai isnighandthattoturnbacktothe ‘
the books less than a year; we've old Democratic ways would be di- 7’

Dining the four years I was on the quarts-page advertisement from I find it quite sad that life is taken tive female. What a sad commaI- only m to wean our-selves away sastrous. - - . ,l.
fnaitculg‘i’u of grilehieladuzliglliia Commu: the Robélenson Clinihcldialso appeared, sgllightly simply because it is not vi- wry-on the cheapening of the noble g2!“ overtaxrrlg and overspending, mygagugfieggm ml:
mgit Igways enjoyedod‘zvelopim about the qiportunit g: m a e. healing profession. Later, with a Republican revolt can strategy can work. He claims
lectures at the “ups and downs” of 3W Wgumm For several months now the Bob- It makes you wonder what the fu- brewing in the Home against the tax that, barring terrible economic
our society used on mida m —_A——_——;— m Clinic has been “Ck“ by a ture WI“ m bill, With “E comervative Wkly news, Republican House losses in “it
thenewspaper. coup of Lexington residents. . Human Events denouncing “the November ought to be in the range

One can learn a great deal about Through that effort I have learned Pub?” “9“ 3w." “n ’°° ‘" largest tax liter-ease in history," and of 15 to 20 seats. Fifteen is the aver-
us as a people by not only following another very interesting liece of in- advertisement offering the youru with columnists Evans and Novak aBe off-year election 1098 in a new ‘2?
specific stories but by observing the GUEST Grimm formation about how our society is men on can?" an 0990'“ “my ‘3 [reclaiming the Dole bill a new president’s first term. Officials at
advertisements and annotnicements developing. “m extra income f“ referrlm form of McGovu-nism, the [resident the Republican National Committee

I could not help but notice the re- ___________ pregnant women. Maybe there will was [aimed to defend the tankin- are mediating ltftverim‘ssrnallei- losses, I
centspecialeditionoftheKer-nel inndnintaeauigandpemny 'l‘heRobimmClinicinLexington becoupomtormperoentoituyou media-initiations cr- humus ,Poy moremoney. *»
dealingwith Add/Drop. disturbing that as a people we have is not the only abortion clinic owned an ammg the first 10 women to use once But the prepared opening bettcocandidates. and fewer vulner- *

The issue was devoted to the pro really developeda “drop it” attitude by Dr. Robinson. He is one of this their services timing the month at W‘M‘W'WWWML “1' When“ than me ”an“
cedures by which students (the fu- toward so many areas of our life. country’s new breed of physicans September. Who knows - the Mi- A’ “”9 worked out, no reporter crats. . . . 5’3“
ture of our society) choose courses Marriage is in longer a life eommit- who spend their time traveling be- bilitiesareleglon. ‘t the [1‘33 conference “k“ M Democratic pollsters “Pd 90mm? ;;
and make changes in courses al- merit but rather an agreement that tween several states operating abor- the tax bill, and '° the film'm “3' m arent buying "“3 ”31’3“ 3?
ready chosen In short they add and can be a-opped if either party finds tion clirtios It is evidently a lucra- “ is my ”W1 09W“ "l“, ” b01110" will“ it “minim ‘0 N08- “ all PM“ Came"- WM 90"“ ~
they drop. As a University we even itnolongersuitable tive businss a Wei we are rapidly headirg som without direct presidential “1' for Jimmy Carter, says he med to
allow students to start courses and Physical relationships for many ' down a road that leads ally to nun. tcvention. The'lead paragraph of find evidence of a “patience pool”
try it for a time and if it is not suit- are no mire Will than ping Since it is a bus' it m We continue to allow and even en- pactically every news story on the operating for Carter, but it did not
able to them they can drop it later out for a pizza The W of sense to advertise wmlt will ha“ coin-age abortion clinics to convince measure refused to it as “the larg- materialize in election day. Caddell,

00- ' physical relationships such as preg- the maxim _ in news ye "8 it is okay to "aw" the life of an est tax increase in history." These most public polls, and reportedly '

In that same issue that welcomed nancy can be m easily at on college cam with “5%; unborn child -— simply because it is same storia neglected to point out even Republican pollsters find Rea- ..
gm“ back to the campus a large places’likethefiobimmClinic concentration up”? sexual] not conveniait at the time for the that it followed (and reps-suited a gan’s current performance ratings

. - Y “'3' y “' womentocarryittobirth. mere so percent retreat from) the to be low. especially on the econ- »
Rodden l esttaxdecreaseinhistory. orny.

ATAB TREK 0 a creation of Gem berry By Ron Harris and Sherman DlVono We need to redevelop our acme d "gum finally mt into action A Reason political adviser ac-

wuesze's vou em ' ~ W15 7 e T rec ' the of our onl when some of his close asso- knowledsed that When WWln

“AWE ""4 73045“ ‘ ‘9\\ 1’ AT mm‘ a 550W“; SEQ/ANA”; aawgm am afta'. ciaga incl ' former White asked citizens whether things are

‘7 OUTGNZEOHOLD h » I manor: o§uu§6u£75uw NE 5&7 f cting . m . . . . ,,

' uuumrwom . 3" U“? My”; c Meow- o..- A? ND HERE, “Dropping” is simply becoming a Home alts Lyn Nofziger and Mar- movmg “in the right directon or .

mgsawpecp— [x @‘ can“! THE 3350 va‘é’ovg‘oo way of life for ta as a people in too tin Anderson, had aimed up with the were "off the track,” the judgment

77/ kg cum“. 41, g H L . rr ”East‘s? many areasofourlives. rebels. Mm!“ bytruebeliev- was two-tome negative, just as it ’

. :2, _ ls - 3" my '9. .g / «<1? ~ ' ers Richard Vignette and Jack waswhenReagantookoffice.

~ ’ hQ,‘ 1?: big” “ -A ' 3’ 5’ Kannandwhenthemoodofflot-e When Wirthlin asked people
.' ‘ .2 ‘ "a; k" 2,1 f q? t’ , \ 4’6‘ 1“" C. 5mm” “ dinm’ °1 '0' Republicans turned hostile to the whether Reagan policies were hurt-
- - , d - I I ’ g 11w} ;. g :w' /F:‘» cial work at University Hospital. Hts man, ing them, mire than 50 percent said '
g ./ g \ g l W . \ 45‘ ._/, I, (la/Al 10 comments do not necessarily reflect The ”fibril was in «me.- of yes. When he uked if they Wt
.K—r/‘d _ 7/}. V y g, 3‘, In L- 45%;,44; the views of others In his depart- suffering m first major mtg. those policia eventually would help,
, _" g / .' :l- 2* ' fax," / ‘ -.—.= 5f“ 4;; Mont. ital street, at the ham: not ofwool- only 0 lament laced. which is a
”I a. ll; , g t g a _ 1‘12," 5 P g: 1'. n W dropfrom previous findings.

’ " ‘ ‘ ’ ’ J ‘ ~ ~—’ ‘ " '1'. o ““0“ Polic Caddellthinlrs thatenoughclloubt

. W . I ,. . , _ exists about Reagan, his po icies

€§§§$§3§é§é§g W , 1 g »*‘ {[42 ,1] p y and his motives that Democratic

1H5 FREE TRADER$.K:;42K “as! W! .(w—fl .f headers of the Kernel are sum to causes their elem an candilgeittu ugefraétgwflutlt‘ack the

92%.‘5'gat‘09érgggco ‘WIP M . theedlterlel p.90. rm n. as n. cnncdy

AGA'N 7 EAC“ ' ”I " 5: -~ '* fl 9/- Pareans ash-unlit. letters to the Israel should address than did in h“ mid-tum convention

OTHES.... 145:2, .. 7 7 ..‘ g .. , l... '7 , A g“ . .7; 1: m ”m... " "4 speech in Philadelphia. The Demo-

. anew , «a )8_- g a . , . g _ _._=g:.=. :‘"""""" "a...” . anthré'd'u'a,‘ . n ".""""L."'"““ crate smell blood in Republican da-
' ray-A ' a“ (A‘ ' , ‘ i -{ d V 1‘ ' consented-arises. unity, which Is why Reagans fight

.71 1%? “—‘3 -r _ .- , v i ; ~ ’ “MM...“ww' m tokeephlspartytogetheriaasvrtal

- é f . . - - ‘ ' (I I ‘ . ‘ . I "I'm mum-mm": u "I. W m as his fight a inst the Democrats

. \\ ~— ”"‘~;.n , é! y/(V ' ’ ’1 i ' I l I. !i M m M' ‘ u a I'm. out. w.- inNovember 88

§... g kg. l I; 3-" mm ifi . 3:2: mm" mum III person strand bring UK the as In fact, it"! all p.“ d the same
.6 ‘ - ‘ ' I 'm
. (I. ' h E ' § ‘Q ‘ I Q‘ ‘ g’ ‘ MKWMOMM'NOOOMW.MNIM (”:31”thch lm
. a“); . E . ,,.. e- \ . . g 7 I Mondteellmlnntallbalauamlal. Mom" Rename,“ g, a "Monday
syndicated columnist.

 ; THE KENTUCKY KENNEL 4V“, W 1, 1” - 3


Poles commemorate .. , W 1

Solidarity with riots

1 ' By mom WNW lice and army troops surrounded the ' ...1,-1¥sp-“ .1 " 551’ 55/1/1535555/5 f 1 ,7 ' ’5, .1 it

" . ' l“ u- »-....: 9“” 50:1 ~ ,fi'1’," we’rv-éoef. / . -’1~.“ tree at" . :42. ., 'r . 4 {rho/M.“ --’1‘f-h§’:1 1%

s; M'me“w buildinl- . 1 , ‘ . ‘ 5 . at 5523254252. , ' - . Mlle, ,l,

s. n. him add the crowd here i ‘. - ,. ' ,. -. 1 . 1f o ,. w.

17; ——-——————-— “8 led by MNQWfiuhm ‘ ‘1»1: . .11 1W . ' . j I}, .' i ,5 ; Age“?

W "WW ” y ‘5 . 1 " dared . '- ' e: ”i

1:? WARSAW, Poland — 'l‘hotlant‘h of Be Divided 0r Datroyed," and ern- '. ggwfinaE’z W,“ if ‘ "’f ”at:

f V’ chanting Pole, h‘lflm mm him With I m.“ d M Wa- 5 ' " _ ”fitryfil’fl/ég/i’aéflfi, ‘e ,5;2; e, , _ . . ,, 3‘1“?" ( N ;k‘t%*?%:§:,é

k W, tar a”. a“ m w.” I“, mum wimty In“. :.. flignyézg‘f'v ' 1: . p . ,: . ,ifi‘f’éfi'g‘g‘iy .._1;; ‘9: ”5‘7"::: 1; A; . . . “e Vsafiyzflfi,

g nist Party headquarters in Warsaw down in Warsaw It nintlall, but ; . , . 752% 552,» , digests

t1: end demonstrated in -t 1...: "tree there were eeetteed ddehetd of pro 2 o ‘22 555,21 1 . .

.; other cities yesterday to comman- tats W the city. The sitln- =3" ,7 1 ‘55:,» lg“ ~ '1 . om555»:

delete the second ehrdvetderv of the lion lo the rest of the eolmtry wee "1 ,ee 2' .. 1 . - W

unintendedt “1°" 30'1“"!- llhele-l' eince “untitled may . ..., - ' . ' “ 1:1 ”5‘12???” . maiden. '

,1‘, The disturbances in Wanna Wro- cut telephone communications be-'1,,::,3j;1": \5 5 1: ”[255, .1. ,3 1 , 15' flhW’fgi _. l

1 1' claw, Nowa flute and Gdnmk. the tween cities. “» We, 2%» ' 1 ‘ . ,5,» ‘ g

nnuc seaport where Solidarity wee Blue clone or tear gas hulls over - 1' . - I'M :: " "‘1‘ .. , - .. ’3: .t
'211 famed 3““ “Tim at“ 0“ AW- '00th 0‘ WWW, M the m 1‘29? 4, J x ' 1"4‘723‘3255 « . ., . ”5”“? .'

,1; 31, 1900, were the worst since anti- of conclusion grenades thrown at ,1,” . ’13,",1‘ 5w; .. ' ' '1 ,g

. 551 martial law rioting engulfed over a demonstrators shook buildiw .. , : 1: . _ :1 521:.3'1' ., _: ‘ _ "’ ';

1 j dozen citiesinMay. around Marsulkowska Street where 31:1 mi”,:»/‘i%%¢¢, eff he , ’ " " d i

“he rotate» ceded by Native thotmdo ot wdooleto and thetr sup ‘1” 1 -' 1” -1
. leaders of the independent union to portuhs marched shouting Solidarity ”/5 " 1 5, 11”,; t" " -
test the support for Solidarity. some slogans. ,. 1 »_ ,1 ., .1 . . ‘5?

.1“ despite stern warnings by officials Peoplennhing home took cover in 1,5,»... 5,; 1.15,; ‘ .. 3 31 : 1'

'. who massed riot police. red-hereted doorways and behind trees as traffic ; 251%,: ""125???” : : ,: 4/ v ;, ,4:

1 1: pdrdtrddrers end. redder "my wee rerouted. but three ehdrsed dhd ,5: or 1:: 1

troops to the hrsaeet show of people cleared from the streets by ,.,,,» M
strength since the early days of approaching columns of riot Mice ,5,,5/”W “do _ ,2? W " 1
: martial law last December. in vans backed by armored ears and {g ""55, 555.5 5 , ’ “”513? 1 , '5

. 1; Demonstrators built barricades, water camms, ,5 555,555, ”5/; ; . . :I: . :

:5; hurled tear gas cannista‘s at the pee Helicopters chatter-ed through an 1: ~:;1.:‘5%W» : j . ,‘5’ 5 . :1. ,5» 1‘ ,1

- 1‘55 lice. and dim 33d regroup“ overcast sky. 8M“)? radioing ' . 'ij,» ”5~,, 5,55,; "'1 'v mm . ”I u‘

l time and again. the sites of new gathering points to ' -1 , . , _, if} 13...;1 2 ‘ ’5 .1» greets,“ “,:;.

it: Witnesses said thousands of steel- ground forces, witnesses said. 1r ‘ 1f .' :2” 1 ~..,, , 5;, ’ :5“ 1‘”,

3%“ workers in the Nowa Huts suburb of Polish television broadcast exten- ‘ ‘ " ,1 1111 5 W ,1 1 . _ 11 1’, 1 .

1‘ Krakow threw ">033 at police, While sive footage of crowd scenes in War- 1 ' - 1 ' ' '-' ' - M 5“ ' . . ' --.. 1 1

about 20,000 people were dispersed saw and Wroclaw, conunalting that ‘ ”W” ”W" ”’

inthe southwest cityofWroclaw. those reponsible would have to , Iv nu VANHOOK/Knrnelsmtt

, One doctor said, "We are being “pay" late. It was the first time

called all the time, but the miseries state television had showfm pictures CCUIk one Up

1f: are on a minor scale: some at- of rioting within hours 0 its occur-

. ings, abrasions, some hands and rence.
. knees chafed.” Crthk in Warsaw, Gdansk and : : . h
Witnesses said police diverted other cities shouted “Free Lech.” An empIOyee ot the 0mm Glass Co. of Lexington applles caulking trig. The central campus structure was closed last year and as
“0W5 Who 8°t ‘0 Within a mile 0f Walesa has been held since martial to an arch in the main entrance of the Mining Engineering Bulld- Slnce been under renovation.
Communist Party headquarters. Po- law began Dec. 13.
I I ' d S ' ' t PLO fbreakin accord
srae Is own yrlan/e , accuse o g
1 By FAROUK NASSAR captured near the Israeli-held town could touch off a new round of fight- Athens, Greece, today, the same day nation that about 15,000 PLO guerril- the Israeli invasion.
AssociatedPressWriter ofAley, nine miles east of Beirut. ing. . the last PLO contingent of about 700 las, Syrians and Palestine Liber- The PLO and the Lebanese gov-
The Foxbat, one of the world’s In Tel AViV, the Israeli mfl men istosail forSyl'ia. atlon Army members will have left emment have about the same fig.
__.__ fastat and highest climbing mili- command said its troops tra Israel says by the end of the evac- Beirut. ringed since the first week of urea.
‘ tary jets, can be used as an inter- with Syrian or Palestinian guerrillas
‘ . BEIRUT, Lebanon — An Israeli ceptor, reconnaissance or training in Syrian-held areas about eight - - n n
. Foxbat jet shot down a Syrian MiG- craft. The Tel Aviv command said miles southeast of Lake Qaraaoun. Weinberger hopes for QUICk Marine eXIt

‘ 25 jet in a dogfight near Beirut yes- the plane was on a photographic The Israelis said the bt‘lIther sideedvio-

. terday, and a new dispute over the mission when the clash occurred.