xt72rb6w0p0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0p0z/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1945 Vol.16 No.9 text The Kentucky Press, July 1945 Vol.16 No.9 1945 1945 2019 true xt72rb6w0p0z section xt72rb6w0p0z -- ,..._....:..:......J..t........v__........f. ’1’: w. ”I” _’ ,. . .. . . . , , . “by.
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Commumty-State Should Plan Recreation .
I .
' [ Many ideas and ideals have been ex- war memorials by memorial committees in ulace in postwar planning, particularly in
y : pressed in the Press, and in other publica- all communities. The living memorials to preparation for the great tourist industry '
lions. concerning postwar plans for Ken- be any type needed by the residents for expected after the close ol hostilities. ‘
lucky communities. Many plans have been recreational purposes. Of particular interest to the department ‘ ‘
. presented which should make our communi- 3—All communities take steps to train is the speedy return and rehabilitation of
i ties better Plafes in which to live. young men and women [or recreational lead- Utah servicemen alter their release, and one I i y
l A concrete plan has been presented for ership work in cooperation with educational of the chief considerations in selecting the
Consideration of Kentucky citizenry and gov- institutions of the state. weekly press of the state as a media, was ; . _
eminent by some very sensible suggestions 4—A variety of local and state recreational the large percentage of “home town papers" t
given by the first Kentucky State Recrea» programs be developed to utilize more fully now going to men and women in the armed .
tional Conference held recently at the Uni- the state’s resources for outdoor recreation. forces. Both paid advertising and news re- _
versity of Kentucky. These suggestions, not 5—Provisions be made to meet needs [or leases are directed in large part to these I,
. only directed toward recreation for the boys industrial recreation. young men and women, pointing out the
, and girls in our various towns, but also will G—Tliat the Governor provide money many advantages or returning to Utah to l i I
- serve the returning servicemen. These serV‘ from his emergency fund to initiate a state reap their share 0f the ”golden harvest" of ‘ 1
‘ itemen, perhaps learning new Sports and recreation service: to appoint a state Recrea- Utah’s famed scenic wonderland, and other~ ; i
recreations in camps, will desire to continue tion Committee of seven and a state recrea- wise participating in the expansion and de~ '; ,
[llell‘ new-found fun. It is going to be the timml director. velol)ment 0f Utah's pOSSibilities‘ i i
duty of every city and town. large or small. As Part of a similar program. the statC Of The advertising schedule includes an aver- _ i i
to 596 that facilities are provided. Utah began a schedule of paid advertise- age 0f 12 inches at space bi-weekly i" Ci't'h i
.The easiest and most logical way to [)1‘0- ments in all the newspapers. daily and corn 0f the 62 newspaper members Of the Utah
_ ride facilities will be through the use Of munity. aimed at selling Utah and its many State Press association With occasional SPOt i :-
. war memorial funds as suggested in the attractions. recreational facilities. and possi- advertisements in support at events 0f espe- I ‘, i
; resolutions. Not only should the town pro- bilities to native Utahans, newcomers to cial interest as they occur in various parts l i
' ‘ i We facilities, but should appoint a trained the state. and Utah servicemen. of the state. i 1
12:11: I:::fel:}l1:]: is; “JESSE t5::ft:‘r:i:§ Sponsored by the Utah state department a TIN; (Ettlltiref Stillie-dule f is] being hmhht‘h , ' i ,
' ’ fund for 'mainten'mcel of the‘ memorial 0f Imbhcl-ty and mdUStrlifl development. the t‘no’url1 " 16" Hilliltlffs glttlm kprés‘st “55$“:
recreation center which )erh'in could be program is under the direct superVision .of 11011:):Slnés“? 03111-1 H . 411 e IIY:WhC1 ‘ >
Pmi‘ided for b, '1 small ”I“ 16“}; The ro- Joseph J. Cannon, commissioner ol publicity i is ri )u es 3.01)) 'am 11:1sertion]<.)r(e1rs.l alslseT- i
i gram Should 11:0‘ iincllule 1101;1)\r)l-in(l 1115‘” for the department. ASSisting Commissioner ') 0; tlelr '15 teets. ’m’a es com “1”“ h llnh‘s l i ,
i (1‘th shOPs for the ohmic-111v [hindicao )ed Cannon m assembling and preparing mpy H (”h fcll'Str.‘ )UtES P‘thehts t0 t116 kmem )fY-S, ‘i i ’
Tetllrnees ‘ l 3‘ .1 i ‘ "ll l?fl\’l(l H. Mann and'\/\lilliam C. Winder. as- P‘mltmg ‘1 :me'ifi CI“ 01163—0 lCC will“? y . :
' ' sistants to the commissioner of publictty. Roy A. Schonian, a former Utah publisher, 1 , l
l The suggestions as presented were: Also included in the program is a series is manager of the office. . l _
I~Community and school buildings and of news releases prepared by the department Connected with the program is a sub- 1 ; ’
htihties be brought into full»time service of publicity. which will be submitted to the scription to each newspaper by the depart- '- I:
01 the community. papers regularly for use in their columns. ment of publicity, and the association office ‘i i '
y . H ‘2\First consideration be given to “living" aimed at further stimulating the Utah pop- will provide a clipping service of all re— , a :
- f; l 7 i r

 . 13-: 3‘35
‘3 “23.335 ‘3 i'”: 3. 3'1:
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' H23? s~ 3‘33:
. ‘3‘]3’.‘ ' 3:: Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS July, 1945 '.
u‘ an, Va
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‘3 3"“: ,«i‘ 3 3 i
. r” 31‘» =1 j} ” ‘ "‘ '
I“ I“: 3 “-‘3 2:3 S acin Distinguishes spaces between words than lines of l()\\(1 ReVleW Of Paer” —
3‘3 33“ ‘ i3 :‘ Bpff gP . fin case, and if such lines are letter—spaced the Records '5 Suggested “
‘5‘ ‘33‘3 .‘ "3 ”‘3 3 3 e er “n g spacing between words should be increased 3 . . . .
:: gm ;: » .33 3 5‘ , . . 'kl 1-. . hasiiig ol the employment Situation in
3 ‘2‘; 3‘ 3” it“ No single characteristic more quic y (is- accordingly. . . .. . . . . ll' . . I I ‘l
3 3,- ‘.. l _ l 3,3 _ . . h .. 1 . . . _ .3 . the so-(alled iihitc (o ai lo)s s iould be the
3 , may; . “ 3‘ tiiigiiishes the good printer from t e (are— It IS otten necessary. in order to Illlbtliy .i . . ~ , ‘
‘= REM: ‘13313 333‘ 3‘ . , 1. 1 A I d _ . . -. signal for emplovers to review the record in 3
. 3! ‘. ‘ ., 1 3“ “ .5: less one than the spacmg of ines. . $00 line properly. to add onlv a thin space. This . I ' 1
. 1‘. ‘13”3“ ..:‘3 '31::3 . . - . . ’. . 3 determining whether there has been sub. .
‘3‘ 13,: .g :‘II‘ {‘2‘ printer is known by 1118 Spacmg should be done by insertinhr the thin space t till (0111 )liincc with the )rmision [‘
- ‘-“~ ' “ .x .. - .. . . S‘lnl : 2 " *
3. :33 3‘ _ . 3;“ :3 t In writing for a recent issue of The Okla~ between two long words In the line. and not I< p . I ]I gI I I II I] I . s I0
3. a}: 3‘ ‘ ’1-1 ~33 . 3 . , . tie ‘flll‘ .'i)or . 'int'irt .-‘ c (urin t
3“ ‘z‘ ‘ I :33“ :3 31 home Publisher. James A- (rahan states 3h“ between the short words where it becomes _ l he‘n Sl1()1t(l"(,(()f 11631) 1111ng 19
1 ~32 3, ‘ ‘-: . . 3 - - . )CI‘KK w .' ‘z ' lave
3 '1 5.”: ‘ :‘l - ‘5; 3 3, the aim ol good typography 18 to space a 11116 more noticeable. l . n 1 ‘Il
- ‘H" “‘3 :2“ 1?: t He the eye to catch each word _\ . ll 1 often 8““ iii the caused inadvertent. although actionable,
.~ . “ x 33:: i: so as o ena ) 1 - i n inexcusa) e erro‘ .‘ .. . .
3 "‘ “33; “‘ 3: . - . . . . VlOl'lthnS.
. 3 “3 ’3 i '35.“ with the smallest possible effort. At the printed page 15 wide $1)“th between words 5‘ 1” I I I l l I I II
‘ . 3; - ‘» ‘ . . . . . ‘o itt e ias )eeii ieart a)ou 16 en.
3 “z same time. says Mr. Gahan. the Whole mass at one end of a line and thin spacing be- [ I f tl “I Hr I l f ‘
‘ ‘3 ' 9;: 5- - - . orcemen 0 ie a ’e- )u‘ 'iw 0r ser-
3 33: 3 3‘ . should not be streaked with will“? space tween words at the other. This Produces a 1 t1 t t1 g le ‘ ' ‘ ‘
i: 3 :1. - . , . era re'trs ia iere iii'iv )7 an im ressmn
‘3 1“‘ 3 ”3 created by an excessive amount of space be- broken UP: uneven effect which, to the most Ih‘I )o(enc h Is Ion: ‘03" [11c inufi've III‘
‘.3 . . _ . . . . . is'i' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ii is
33-” “‘ “l 3" >31 tween words. Neither should a 11110 be 5" casual observer of printing. is displeasing. ‘0 Y ‘ é” . .
3‘ a 333 ‘3 .1 . - ., . . and need no longer be considered iii Mat
3? 3:3,3‘.m‘<3 ‘ ‘. 3‘ "‘ tightly spaced that it becomes a puzzle to Not so long ago it was common practice I ”l L B t 't 1 1d I
3? “I“ 1“ “ ‘-: i‘ ‘ - . tions witi wor'ers. u i siou )6: re-
:3 W In}! 3‘ t“ l. '” the eve to determine where one word ends a mu )rinters to double. 'md m some cases . . . I
3‘3 3‘35 .3‘ “: ‘3‘: 33‘. ’ . n. g.‘ . ‘ membered that the \Vage-Hour lelSIOH Ii
“ ““‘ “‘3 ‘{ ‘1 ‘3 h and the next begins. triple If “0‘ still more, the space after a not '1 wartime 't eiicv but was in operation
‘3' H-‘“3r‘~3-.-3 . . . t t z . .
' “ i l: i‘ ‘3‘ 3 M ‘3 ,: The space inserted between words de- period at the end of a sentence. Admittedly, . g ’.
‘3 ‘3. “3 3‘: 3" '. 1 Th . . . .3 . 3 hilly three years before start of the war.
‘: 3‘?“ “3 3 3“ ‘3 "‘ pends somewhat on the type face “56‘ ' ,6 it is remarkably easy to pistily a line of .. I .
3-"1‘1‘1 3 ‘ 33 :‘ 3“ : - . ’ .‘ . Since the establishment of the \Var Labni
l “a j : 1:133 . m '3 general rule is that the condensed 01 narrow handset tvpe to proper tightness by insert- .
i: 33 '1 ‘33! v3.1 - . . cl . . ’ . . .. Board and the problem ol manpower short-
:3. i‘;: *1 ‘ i 3131:} faces be thin-spaced. whereas the expande mg all lusufymg space after a period. It . . I
~ ‘H . 3 ‘ ‘i 3333”: i . ” . . age, the activities of the \Vage—Hour ageiicv
. 1;; 3.‘ 33 .1333: I‘IIF ‘3“? or \VldC letters should have Words corre- does, however, cause unsightly white gaps .I
“.3“ 3 3 “ 3““ Q 1' 1 tide g aced The three to em I h t tl 't' ‘ l . ert 'nlv have been lessened because management has I
332‘ “ .‘ .‘ 3 S 0n(111.'\’ “ ‘- ' - ' ' tirou on ie com )osi ioii am is c ai 1 , ,
3“ 3 .1 3‘ 3 ‘lfi'i' P . E; ’ P , d‘ g I / been concerned With paying higher wages‘
3 l “ ' ‘3 3 ‘11.: 3t” space is the blank usually put between “or s not [0 be recommended. . . .
3, : 3‘3‘ :. i ‘ :‘E .3-’ . . , Tl . . . . and a maxniium of overtime rather than put-
’1‘ ‘3-31‘3; ‘ 33" 333‘ ‘53 56t- m ordinary roman lower case tyP6~ hs \Vhile there are still some printers who t‘ l 1 ox eitimc )n
33‘ 3: ‘3 3‘1‘11‘.‘ 5 . ,~ . . . . in r 'l cur) O] ‘ ‘ J ' X-
3; ‘ 32 3 {3.32:3 3‘. is accepted as the average space that “111 stick to this old method of using an em quad 'l‘l‘ . e I tc‘) ‘bclicic the que
3 3 ‘3‘2: .: ”3‘31 . . . . - . . iere is everv r ‘isoi ) * “ x -
3:: 5‘3 Hi“ ‘3 3 3 ”33:13; give leR'hlhtV to the words Of a aned or more between sentences, their number is . _ 1 ’ ,‘ . _
l9“ 3‘ I “1‘3 3‘33"” . I ' , . . . . Hour DiVision Will shortly resume its [01-
5'3 ‘-‘w“‘.‘3"ii‘ ;’ :15 3“ “ page held in the hand at a normal distance rapidly decreasing. Among other printers it 1 f f . lance with mini
‘35“ . i i“ 3' 313‘ ‘ . . ” . mer ro e 0 en orcm " coni ) It ' ‘ '
I3:III ‘3“ 3 3’33 .’ 3 33:3 from the eyes. is now cons1dered good practice to use the mum wave and Och‘tlllle ‘ny provisions It ,i
‘3 ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ I ' . u ( l ( > "
“3 ~ ““ 3v 3 ‘33 A11 WOFdS "1 a line should be evenly same amount Of SP“CC between Sentences m '11 l ; t‘fi l ‘tl irt 0)lnlOIIS tliit‘
:1 ”.35 : :‘ “ l ‘w’v‘f . - . . . wi )e ori e( in i (‘01 i 3
3l ‘ 3 3 333‘ ! SPHFCd- A th1n Space on one Slde 0‘ 7' word a paragraph as is used between words in a 1 I .
3“ W ‘Ii . l‘gnflafl . ’ . . . . have added to its power and authority to
I“ 3 3 3‘ . ‘3 333.43; and a thick space on the other are inexcus- line. Less space may be inserted With a . . t' l )l\IOIl iecords and
.3 3‘: 3- - . . rec uire ins )ec ion 0 ‘ 3
3 : ‘ ‘ 3w”; able faults. Spacmg between words should letter With Wide shoulder. A3 T3V, VVI Y. 1 l 1 . ‘3
‘ ‘ “ $3 ' where the records are not available 01 not
33: Igi _ 1‘33 {3 be apprOXimately the same throughout the ___,_.___.____...__ . ~. . .- . s-
:31 3 *"l ‘- . 3‘33““i‘ 6 one line should not be set with a five ,, ,, l adequate. tlieie is certain to be an Asses
3‘3 1 ‘ .“ ""«“f,} .-3 3'1 3 ‘ ‘ ' I . .
3"“. “‘3““’.‘ ‘3‘13'133353 1“; ace and the next with 'in em uad Imogic Process S ment of penalties.
“:‘ 1““:2“ “‘31-'33? tolemttsp - 1 er case t )e‘ for 311‘: ose Far From Perfect One of the chiel‘ problems many cur:
“. T 1;:.;.-. e: a in ow ( v . . . . . , 3
“‘ “‘ 5 ”3‘ WE“ ‘ .c (.31. ?P C g. . H. . 1 P Publishers and mechanical men ““11 prob- plovers will encounter is to determint
‘3 3“ 3‘3 hwt‘vléi‘Hé ‘ of lustifymg a line is not permiss1ble. except 3 . _ _ . . I _
3 : ‘ 3. 3”: 33“»;31 . ‘f d _ s ie ably recall the seveial releieiites to George whether employees once exempt as exeui-
' « ‘3“ “ Mme . cases in a verv narrow mean~ . . .
“‘1 1‘0“: ‘33 3:33:33" m orce . ‘ \‘Vaterous when he was operating through tives. administratives or outside salesmen
3 “ '3 ‘ 331-5.: 3‘12}: ‘ such as in tables or around cuts. In such . . . 3 .3
‘ - 1: “ 93‘7“?“ “‘ - - - - Box 9‘ Bristol. He apparently moved on t" became covered bv the provisions ol the 1A“
.‘ 3 § ‘51; .2333’ cases it is olnectionable t0 letter-space one .I . _ . . ‘
‘2 33 ‘- ‘ i? ‘.%3“»‘. - - ' - ~ greener pastures “5 he 1* now operating because of increased duties that (’11:an
' 33 3 3 3“. 1:13.35 ‘ word iii a line With the others set solid. , . . _ . . I 3
I i; 3 3 3 .2; 331“3,:~§ , _ through Box 96-6 Irviiigtoii Station. Indi- their status. The administrator of the wage-
“ 3 {‘3 3t; 1‘2‘:‘§«f‘ Naturally. it cannot be said that lower . . . . i .I _ i.
“‘ :3 3 , 3‘ 3‘3““ "ise should never be letter-s “iced The “118130115: ”‘1 COhheChOh “‘lth hls Imagit. Hour Division has clearly defined the 5“
"‘r ‘ ‘3 ' ‘33”3‘3333‘ (“ ‘ AP ‘ Photo Engraving Process, 533‘s the SNPA elements all of which must he observed 1"
3 “1 3‘1." lower case letters may be letterspaced to . ' . . N “‘5-
3 ‘ ““‘ ““ \erv Good effect at times in di9play comPosi Bulletin. order to constitute an excmlmo‘l' e
“ ‘ “ 3‘ ““3 ‘ / h ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ The \V'iterous “ rocess” does not re iiire ' ‘ 1 ‘ - ' ‘03
- .3 . . . : . .. . - - - _- with (mics
33‘ ~‘ : 3 ‘1‘ ‘;‘-‘3;= tion. Generally speaking. however, this (h n'il . t( (1‘? 6 th t 't . l eql 0 papers have been hullnqifl 11 I lelViewed‘
.: g i. , . . mu' a ( ’Sls ) isc rn a i is )'is ( ii " 3 ” ~ it )e ‘ ‘
3 ‘ ‘ —§ 3:: should be avmded as much as posmble. Lines the use if‘a hei hott r li‘c col of these definitions, “hm: 5 1m , I meiili
1: 3 » ‘ L331“? . . _ . "( ' c ') ) ) '1)1 ’ a ' .33; ~ ‘ ime )"
“‘33: * .-~ set in capitals. of course. require Wider “ I. .g ‘.‘ P) m ascertaining whether mert . I“ .,
1‘35» 3 » g ‘3 3:“;‘a3 halftone screen. which is interspersed be- are due in some cases and in adlustmgl“
“i ‘ 3 "f 3“" . . i - . .
3333‘ ‘ ‘ 3; 1‘1“; tween a continuous tone negative and the ords to meet probable inspection. 3
‘3‘ ‘ “‘ “‘33“ 3 leases submitted by the department and senSitized metal plate. and the “halftime _____,___.________-#
{‘3 : ‘ ‘1 f ‘3‘ .3 ‘;‘3; other news items of interest to it. “huge (3) created ”h the metal plate h)‘ According to the Bureau of Labor StiititI
“ ‘ 33‘} .2“=é;.‘ . . . . 33 . : '. . h -.. .. .
‘3‘ 3" 5”: ‘3‘ The entire program is rather unique m tiansniission ol light through the negatnc tics, the average cost of livmg as of Match
‘3 : _‘ 3 Utah history. and the association officers and screen. 15 was 126.8 per cent of the 193539 uveragfl
"3 1‘11”? . . r. ,- . ‘.
'3 . 3 33‘ feel that it prOVides a wonderful opportii- \\aterIous 3‘16“ 15 I541“ [0 be 35 Old as the and was 2.4 percent above the figure 01‘E
‘ j; {3 ‘.‘fi:s‘ nitv of proving to the members the value of proverbial hlhs- h ““3‘ member 0“ the year ago. Food rated 135.9 per cent; clotl‘
3; : ‘: ’. , . . . ‘ i)_ .‘ 7. 3 3 '. -. ~-:-r . / .
_ ,3 3 311:2] . maintaining an effic1ent busniess office. and 5h] A l)dld ““6101“ his price 03 3’1/3-00 [0‘ ing 143.7, and rent 108.3. Yet then? ““33
. ‘3‘ .1 ~3y.‘ . . . ‘ . ' 3 . . 3 . 7 I -. ' r
. ‘2 3 ‘ 31:33 cooperating fully “nth that office, as well [hf 1(IethC kept It.d deep _dd1k secret. “C many publishers who liavent raised filth“
3 E . "3 _ ‘1-3:“‘3 as proving to the state department the W1” be interested in knowing whether any advertising or subscription rates.
3 “ “ 3 I‘.‘]‘ value of selling Utah through Utahans via PUthher 01‘ photo engraver ”1 RCIHUCkY
"3 :‘l‘l . - : - . ~
“ 3 3 i 1. tI ”j".l“.;‘ the weekly press. buys the idea. ABC is a fine talget.
‘ . 4: $3 E
i: ': ; i: -. 3-
‘ i
‘ ‘3 ‘33“:
2.43 3 t it“ 3
‘ “l§ ‘ 3‘ “3‘3:

 .. "me ~;,_.z::-:;::;-‘:::-.: .x-Ia‘: :',':Ii':.:I'1;’3 " i V i I _ _ ' 7:-~~;H-_.:;;,;w;.,;;fTill-«1* #2531 ‘
V i W. ,
, 1945 I July, l9 lz’l »
I I . I
l I; I I I
at situation in II
5 should be the . II
w the record in I ONICS A I J D I I ~.
has been sub-II ‘ I :3
e provisions of ‘ Ii'I‘VI‘ i .
\ct during the III I .
1611) may have R [HOOD ll I .
gh actionable, I ‘
about the en-I I i
or law for sev- i I ‘ I‘
3 an impressionI * ‘, II I
he inactive list . I I
sideer in rela~ I I ;I l,
, should he re- . . _ II II ,
{our division is One of the most interesting Ifood stories of theblmmedlit; II '. I ,
as l" (’Pem‘l‘m future is being developed In experimentsIthat have een un II . I ,
m ”f the “m way for more than six months in the screnItIfIc laboratories. h III, I II .
tlle~\\7ar Labm In commercial baking, a problem Is posed by the fact th at I I II .
""nlmwer 51m frozen foods take hours and often days to thaw out before l‘I eY I'I"I:jf
lgC'HOUY agency can be used Besides being time-consuming, this process Invo ves III I I
nana ementhnsl ‘ l1 . food. Besides, food II, , I I
.gI es large space outlays to hold the t aIwmg . f d b ;. , I I I
g lIugleIr waiII thawed at room temperature often dlscolors and IS af ectfe y I .I II
at 161' {12111 P ' . . . rozen . I I
r decomposmon. At homg, fl1ousewI|vesIIII=nust thaw out some I I I
) V: - s for several hours e ore usmg em. . . , I
Lllecs‘ucnillei: iii: food Working 0" fhis problem, A 8‘ P and the sclenflSJS 0;": ,l, I ’
i - . . - I - '1» i i I
iance with mint Federal Telephone and Radio Corporation have deveIlohPi a 9 2:, I _
W PrOViSlom- llI . speed thawing process which permitsIthe us? of lIlIIgi; requrellI‘I:y I I I
‘t “Pi"iIOHSII‘l‘E‘ heat to defrost frozen; foodIiIalrcertIemstant y, w Ie prese 9 II '
“‘1 “um“ their taste texture on nu r: we - . ' . ~11 '
0” I‘e‘m‘ls’ ”(I This Megatherm device ’broadcasts' a beam of dielectric I
"inflame or “0‘ heat throughout a solid block of frozen food, in much the same ‘ I 1
m be an assess way thata radio station transmits sound. A reSult ofIthIs Ir1p;ove— 1 . CV
ment will be to enable the food industry to move perishab es rom I
16m many cm- d cer to consumer in better condition than has ever before ,‘ tr It ,
, ' Illfi I'O u _ . I :
5 m [ (liteilliii-I been possible Federal Telephone offICIals also hope for the early I I I _
xemp “ I ' i d froster h- v
-- .‘2lesmen velo ment of consumer-type F . . ' . . V i i/.* ,"
i'li'milfolille 11“" de pIn helping develop this sngnlflcant Improvement In food I
”1°" . - ° h t its 86-year llst of con- . .
cs that changed processmg, A8: P IS addlng anot er 0 l I II
“01‘ "f the wage tributions to better food, at less cost, for more adnlfl moredpzfsll'rei. II I if.
dermal the six These contributions to more effluent fOOdI han .LTgfanfh men ‘1: I .‘y
t be Observed m buting have played a major role In making It possr e 'ml) ifood v ‘ , ; ii, i
4 -_ I I o ' ' 'l i
,empnou. he“; and women of A & p to do the nation 5 most effucnent lo . I I
d With (mm d' tribution ‘ l' V , I ’
)uld be revieWEdI '5 ‘ u I' I .
'ertime paymemi II I. .
in adjustiflg we I I .IiI ,
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e the figure one i ' Bf
) per cent; C1"ml l f"
,. Yet there ”6‘ i all :37; V .
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 ...,... .._... V. g
-- ; 7 ' , July, 1945 ‘I
. m f: ‘1; ‘
. _ 111:2;t 11:: s y pRESS 1 1
. 1.5515: '
1' “I‘ “ “2‘- THE KENTUCK 19‘ In that case Judgmem :1 AN
11‘ 1 1“?”{1 521’. 1 ‘ t st'ltcmcnts may ) ' the newspaper n0t for 1 [TU
.‘5 . ar ~‘ .«inst
1- 11515.: g; 1:5 1 .‘5 l' , i '111 21(11‘C P u , , [eyed d8“ . «. d the a116ga- ,
'3' 1 151 ’ ‘ 3 r." T “ Page Fou ' g should ”1“" ( , 1‘ com- “ ‘15 (11 .- use It publlfihe .11 Cm
5 1113.11 5; 3 ()ur editoh - 1 . mmlttee 0 _ 1 not heed - lecause the d 6'. I
V 1‘ ‘ “““ “ “‘1 ' ‘ formation of a "0 this survey libe, , )leadilig but ) 5 d false in . the:
j 11 1111351 , III-I . in the .. Ide through ’I )11" tin!“ of A I II adv becn ProVe . ' 1 (13110
. ‘1151‘1 7“ ‘1 “'1 e munitl‘ mule”, f their communities5I1 1,5 nations had “ le(DI spite this findmg5 “‘e ‘ “In
1 1151 5 _ ,1 _. .1 --'- n , -. »‘tizel .. n .. ~ 6. h-
. 111.1 . 1 511 ssihlhtlu . 1 then (I . lontloll- 1 that p11
. 1: .11. = v -. .111 s“ the P0 eds 0 1101‘ Ill .5 . ral ru (3 ‘ S “'6
15 H11 11 . 1-5.1 r .8 . .md the ne _ bring the p . d thC gene _ 1 a
.1 1: 1 11 1 .J‘.‘ 5 1 . 1 )1', ( . 1 ., ,. ~m€ ' . 15 “‘1' .‘ I
4:2 1111 :1 :. 5:1 15151 en . Jett sttcs )lanhing today “111 (hurt math! 1 “1111er allegations P 1 116%]
. 11 111g 511 11:1 -- Intelllgcnt I , rmW- ,. “(anon ol (6 I situat
, 1: ‘ 1‘ i ‘1 :1; Kentucky . «(Insults [0an 1 . )CI‘S llndel teriallv
5.131115 1 2.. 5 of the desnred 1 ~ 1- neWSP‘II . red. .. . hanged ma " , ewst
- “ ‘11‘5‘5 5‘ ' ‘1 4:1 131 pumice-“0n 'ation years "£05 0“ . 1nd leA‘ 165" . his rule “as t. 5 . . 011119 ‘ n
:5 3'51: 1 -‘ 0ffic Press Assocl Some 3 f Russell DY‘hC ' mc Howevel. t ‘ l 0 recent decmon “311m
:5 51151: - 51 2:4: - , ‘ o 5' - 5' n ' . 1: -
. 1 111 1 1 5. * 3] WPubhsher the IcadCrShlp . l s to acqlli’unt 1‘6 ‘f not efl’ilCcd‘ by t I Court awardmg )ol'llt
. ‘1 15;: :1 ‘ 1‘1. . 3 . Pomnn’ ries 0f 211”th ‘3‘ -1 a was Sound- ' . ts- Slll’rcmt vs aper 5 I
, 1 3'35 :1 , g; :52: victor R-"————-—e—ss— Lexington ran H 56 i1. statC- The “e . mm). Massachuwt' ,I .61 against 1‘ “e“ P . “T1
1‘ 1 * E '3 5‘13 t, d On The Kernel Pr ’ kiflnS with the ‘ espOndEd “‘lwlehedl ice judgmenL [or dank]g . false accusatlons 1“ 1‘5 daily
1, 5‘ .11 .52 5 prin e . officers . MP6” 1'- .1 the SC" . . 5 . ublis 1mg ‘ ‘ . - . The .
.5; : -' . 5.5 - on he nfl‘sl , ., was tlhl 1'bel m P . plfiectlonh e
'. w -1 ‘ "1.: 1 '51 m Ashlan" ‘ «5 wbdt-L . ocal for ' . - . won 0 ‘ . a“: P
5 1 :1“. 5-1 1 “-‘3‘ Kentucky Press #lndepende’m but the only (M nough and mdh‘f 1 . (-mnPlaint 101' ““0“ - ruling “gmlSt me any
. 1 f 1 g , 5:1 ______.----"‘"“ C on 1 01] " C ‘ . I . ” (‘t “Vi"s H . - l‘t 1" _ -
51: . 3 5: Chfiuncey ”may 1”widjgrazazdurum". Lextnzt did not 1111111 iglected. 11m pmlel tinn decision 01 [“0 NUT] c right to repo“t pro TVPO
, ‘,. z 1 g ; __,____.~._~-—— . , 0 )e 11 ‘ , mm a ' ‘ . , . ; “ 1’ . 5
.‘ 1 5 f -‘ Fred B. “Ra‘s” Vice'P'esidentU of K.. Lexmswn SpatS h‘ld [ dorsement and (01an ”(1 be liewspfll)er “and t does not Extend “1;: " a Par
:5 “5; .‘ g 1 I___________ - . *Il 5101 . I (our “ . e
. 5: 5: 5 nn.~—< 3 er -en full L -'ite. h - in “e 5 a er "
1 151 ,‘1 ‘w .1} victor 3' Pmtmaswflmw'man gimme“ . - g“ 'ders Of our sh (icedmgs .. - ns ('Ontamed m p P It
1. 1 - 5 L, me commute" wean William: by the led 1 gain [(1) orting accumtlo t brought before '51 laws
5 " 1 .‘ ‘4, E360“ Rep"- ' e 5“ ' . h V 21 ' , a S ’ P t yC . 1: g
1 1 5 t 1 __ Whitley 6 L36“ ' k [holollg l . _ . 1t 5tCP~ I and 110 _ *
xv _. u‘ 1;; Browning, . First. J° Games, P‘" (10116 , impmt‘” ~ . .1 Pal t)’ Ffit‘lfll actlon‘ [el‘lln
‘15. 1; 1 I 1 {‘5 Harold A. (man-man: John B. wynny , . taken All . cturll ‘01 by t .I , {C for 0 ' , t, .
5 1. > 5 > 5 mth), . second. d J. M- 1 “5111 has dons r . a lbtrd h r 65 gnes
1 1 _ 1 1 1 . burg (N paducah' en“ Thll' , es M- will 5. l t . a [11:an ro— "udgc 01 I“ g make C a g Typo
1! g s» . Demacfatr Bowling are. figurth. Jam Sanders. .1 “id brmg f the Utah P J _ f .1 )arw to P blica- ‘.
- 55.5 , . :11 . 1 mun. isvule. virgll 9- 411- that 5“) . nhie 0 . . ht 0 ‘ I ' them. 11 hair
1 151- . 7 CW Journal. L0“ . Filth. 05 swam, t The ‘d - dollars The rlg 'refld . - t
5. 1. ., - . . . . . . t0 SP 15
, 1; 1 .‘ I, BI. I_ courier cf Brandenbuxigon; sixth, En walker W he 1n\'€5[1nen . . d {Oddy ll] . . K t0 others . a leadlng 1 .ble
1 ‘1 311i 1 .‘5 532%mhcmtércflihvmel: $581,113- “3&3? { t cannot be estimdt; be evident in 1““r "0 “g1; c“nations made In d fy of news" :‘1 c
w 15 ,‘ - ’5‘ -Mes‘eng ' mtsvll '3? lord. , CC ' ) wl - ' 0 a - ‘ , 211 u A an
“ ‘ I ‘1‘ 1 1 ‘ ‘1. again, ’fif‘g’cgfing‘ Eyleéeylr‘ggz“ 3' (iglghfii 31nd (tents—the rttunl will be Sure and “113“); “O‘hier a legal "or A Tor matter OUgh‘ ‘0 TYPO
E . E 5 15? 1 ; te, - _ puns . _ phage: oW- eturll 1 5. ea( . nel .. - t iat
L II I II ,I . 25 5, ; Advoca eld state a n State B [17:88: (31388 . but the 1‘ 1 V Uta 1 5 « er film In . the aunt
. 1; II :5. ,5 momma ymzabethtowmcmmson, T ‘vears, Ihould fol m . 0m , mm Lntt l . lainages if collec
5‘ ‘ 115‘ .‘ . i5 n 12 2- Entewrisefireslden‘r Joe men‘s club nt' 1 Kentucky 5 , a Speual c Pd‘ "k 0“ Pm‘mg ( “Paper
11. 5 1 I. _ é . .2 - ate PaSt ky press W0 b :3 Preside . fold. I tests that d to 1 'it the r15 13- sure a ne C0]
1 5 » s .- a . Kent“ d Harrods “ ’cmvemom p ess‘ .sngg ‘ form6 5 "3 ‘ (15¢ F" C ‘ . the
11 ,.1 1 '. i: n Hex-:1 , d 6 News, ixon. The 1‘ “ , 'hOUld b6 , ‘0VCS fd 5 ~ llsten t0 1 , (
. 5 H -5 ' 5l .‘1 5 . ry E. Hum ’ Breckmfl ’5 Journal’D 1 ditol‘S 3 . f the S.mon 111 _ .1 orter to a“,
. ;; .11. ~ 1 .i‘ 11 ,5: MISS Ma red BBbbaKE. J oyoung. d “on Powel . . e of state C . onlmlttee 0 .1 send its up 1 files of .
H”! .1' 3 -. ‘1 M155 Mud.president; 131m '. MEIY Hen}: MrS- 3- R: “”“e ' a simflar L .. ' u )0“ has only I") ‘ . 0 Search t1e 15110
“ “ " ‘ 1 1’“ '1‘ gesgngig’i°e’P'°s‘dv§$i-dma°°'Prgeeséggg‘tég Se°ée§§2il COOP“?lte “1th 1 Conferenm’ to “Mt 1ith 1 wing“ rather than t f re the court." ~ Da
5 5 ‘ ' 5 :‘ 1 . 0 . ‘ 1- w ' ' 0 : ‘
‘1 3 1 11f Rec?“ smighsenl $532335; Maggge'wumal‘ State Recleationa 1 Other State OfflUdlS d ‘6‘ t not yet brought be 1 new aspect 0" 51 the F
,‘. ‘1 s .5 ' J; 1: Wal 3"" Lucas, n J. L. B’ ' ' lillis all( sense an célSe- i9 )laCCS ‘ . ‘n,
5" 1 5 5115,1519: “‘53,,gmgecretaryincé‘m' Governor “ 11 has common . e1f on Undotihtedly, ‘h‘ ‘ rs to dissemlnate‘ 1 (sum
1] ‘. ‘11 5511 _~1 gréerpl'ise’ PrOVide —————‘- 21 Sifnilar Plan-1 and should SCH Its. ldtive the rights 0f nexVSPdPe fly new‘SpaPers fl]. ' take
.1; ;; 5 1- :5 ; ~11 . ‘ 1, , 1t; 15' ,1 mil - '
1. n, . 1 H i . ehln hat g . on 1 . slung .
1 1:; 51,135}: {1111; _————'——_ mcllt b . lone- It may be t d“! is the formation “1th f” olicy agalflst Pub“ , the”
‘. 3.1: 1| 5 ‘ 1‘. “P: that merlt 5‘ f ,0 riaht to ‘Y 1,“, a fixed P 1‘ defamator) [he .
:5: 11, 51,1 4 1 1: 3i ITOR'AL- , 5, needed. I 5 ’ b t d0 mm": to ready M v8 [0 be {:1 SC . based I‘
a ‘ _3 5. -‘ '- j . ‘. AL ED “(11011 13 \Ve canno f I ight pro . oliCY 15 .- rainll
.1 ' 55: NATIO SSOC'ATIO m get started- tle front rank 0 wlhIt m leadings' Thls P .s of the ‘3
'1 i .11.; :‘m/ , imc t 1 ' -- ' l .
. 1; 111131 .MEmA. / t _ Kentucky UP to , fully ours. matter m P t much litlgatlon false‘
1 1 :- ; WW3! 1 ”mg 1 cc thatt ‘5 “ght on the fad tha 1' h Parties make 1311 M
5‘ “ 5 v ,1 "‘fl 3. __..—~— . ' v 11C 1 l' r
13‘ 1 ‘ S 15' :35 States—[he P _._—-."'—_ Spite varlety ml ‘ e that newspaper P1 u 1 I OF
5 ‘ 15 1 5 9-»: ""- ”‘_— - and “’1) e the 1'61" 5 n
. 1 5 ,5 ~ 55 Arm 5 isatlons :11 damag 5
5 5. .2 ~ 1 5:, g. :53 dlngs PIC“ . ~ es “1 01
1 w 5 1 , 25.. .1 3-, V? .‘l Plea . . (,halg . emf.nt
‘.1 1'1 ‘ E 11‘515? MEMBER \‘EM‘J Rule 0"; BY DeciSlOn d catlon of the (menu or effect 36“: 5 often P01
151mg; -: amp-3 ‘32-? _ . )1) , tlu mav
,1. 1 5 5:. Change onftonte [athn of 01 rs have d’ ,
1‘55 .55‘ .135 5: 1 5.519.555 been C . . J eWS )aPe . - - 5.21"
‘5 h, 55:1 1 .1111 TUCKY PRES N vspWflrs have long ler the Priwlcge the disputt- 1“ .ld‘vantage 0t lmganIt rond the [5
‘ 1 ‘1 1 11313:! K ‘ e“‘ ‘ 0f whet1 €55 . d t0 [16 . been 36) \\‘(
' 1‘ :‘» ' . ‘ l blem f the Pr been "56 . 1 haVe 5
: 1-: 551125 TION 'ith the Pro 'eedom 0 . - neral 1“ 6 ~ 1under ~
,3 5 I 2 51‘1‘11 ASSOCIA ”A” ”u “ )rded through the fIr Permi‘s publica— under the fie [would amount to hbe contn
5‘ . 1 5 ,1 1.511.: ”a M ' at.“ . ‘tutloh . . t - f w 1?! ' 'md .
I I \ .. 1".“ I I. 0364" Constl . (our 1011 ()I‘ , 1. - I ' l
‘ 1 1 . ‘ 1“ Clause 0f the tents‘ of pleadmgsf 111' bility adl‘nary Circumstance. 1 through the 01“" Prod]
' 1 ‘ . 1‘ ‘1 2317.1 ,5- , . the Con ‘ , .5 0 1‘1 01'“ . 'm e( m- . .
;_ ; 15 I 1 111111 m “0" "f d i-elieVCS IIC‘VSPJPHS Prm'ed [0 All this 15 now Ch; fem. supreme Col 1 Dim
‘ = E :5 5‘ ‘xrtV I . . ‘ us an ts are ,1 ssaC 1“- ‘ ' htS ° .
1 1 1 .. _ .1 5 .51 Volume 5‘ (““0 the Contell~ _ er.11 . f the h a the fig 111])
a .l 11351 - , bsequendy 11v the 39" ‘ 10“ 0 . 1 9 not deny dingi- ‘ -
f .i « E, 3:?‘5151 If m , Until Tecen ’1 h mat» h deciSIOn toe. t )1‘0Cee ‘ term
5 . 4 5 an -“ 1 , . . . . 5 j C ‘ .1 (our 1 '
I . 1 .“g ,1! :11:1 ———.————v—.—————. lefdnlrltor) - , 1011 of 31“ T ubhb 1 ul‘lng
‘ ‘ 1 ‘17 ‘11 k ‘ be ( b en that 1mm“at ewspaper newspapers to p . under Oath d [‘5 Fu]
i ~ 1 1: 151 S Hing KentUC y ‘ rule has 6] 1,1,1diiixrt)lves the n upset h ,m evideme takeh hich is part0 lion
. 5 1111.115; e D ing ,~ .9 )rivi egec < . 1 has been . snc (5 . umplamt’ W e fl150 .
, 1 .j 5: 11.1 A UTCIh IS 0 , he [L1 15 l _ . “11 that in 6 e‘VS’ trial at a ( 1eqding5 ar I 1 tries
1 5 .5 .' S cal‘l‘ICS l . 1iab111t3’5 ’ ired 0f 1‘ the .. ,e that P ‘ 1mg
1 1, :55» e PreSS . m no . . be re u , _ It n m reas‘“
1 5 1 1 W111 In mother column, th tin“ Kentucky as "(I (qutifm Wlll no“ the leeg’dti‘ms and the TCLOTdI- record but, under the use the“ “shut
' 5: gm. < o .-, _ .I I . a ‘ -. ' - 5 {tie - ttS C 5 ’ (mm
. l 1 .55.»; of Prom . 1mm . ubhshlng art 0 achuse rd
5 55’: mint - taut Story own U ' . ers "1 P . (fr) 5. - a P - the Mass ref"
.1 .5 .111 impm for her pap, . lea 1 g . urt 111 f the weste
. 1 .. 1 . . jenter . t0 the , tuned in P - . as It ,f the C0 . .1 )art 0 .
. 1: I1. rcanonal ( ,-11 and _ , cs (0" < 1- Sublea- ( a tormd l
.1 _ F 5:51 a rec . th in . (harg _ . .. . on tllS ~ . . . ecome . . , . ' n. Th
‘:‘ ‘ 1 ' 1111 and for th6 mums“ ‘ Providing that “c The leading “me 136 of America,” Ld“ do "Gt 1) itted K0 judurial (K110 nun]
‘. Fé ”111 rar era— ' '5 ns . 1 me . .5 set- '1 su )m ' __—— i J ‘-
. . .4 . )ost“ 5n citue 1 m Vo u Harshd“y untl _-—
‘v E . £5.11 State In the I . 11‘ our 0“ )ortC‘ . haw "- ‘ _—‘-—.— 1 '-
. ‘ .r . ‘15 ‘ Se lng - re I . . of HAY“ Court —-—-— raw ' Kan
.1 z‘ 1.» hob 110W XII [lung 1110 6 IS [11th . S l ”@1116 . an 0Pc
.1 . 10 the J 1 do no - . Rcwr- 5, 11m 11 ~ hout v d
. 1 1; 'l 71 ( t Our nCWSPflPers cm lidly behind thIS 1631 in the North LdroI hrt expressed the It is better to be “It. 1 AND mOIIIC. €ng
“ ‘ ‘ " ‘ firs ‘lwhile than ‘0 get so the StandPO‘m 1 1941 in which £116 (10 1c is that Plead» 1 to be Withom Emhope of ge‘m‘g II N
;‘ i 5 wortl b h from m ’ 1 era TU . ._ t 1811 - ‘ t e [ion
1 . . .1 7 0t bene' , . . ‘ the g6“ . . 1616 11111 111
1‘ - z