xt72rb6w0n9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6w0n9p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2006 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 2006 text The Kentucky Press, February 2006 2006 2006 2019 true xt72rb6w0n9p section xt72rb6w0n9p . l
Volume 77, Number2 PEST-STDA '
~——r=,—" ——-:""'"" ‘ as, ‘3 3:3 Kentucky Press “swam“ U' 8' pomge I
, ’l,’ i 15"? 29%, I “E: V' V» 101 Consumer Lane PAID I
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X‘ H V . my 3 e 1 REPROG‘RAPH‘ KY ‘1 3 T, j
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. ' February 2006 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ~ 3
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PEOPLE ( j t“ l ' d *'
:' ' i fie??? ' " .
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' H I , ' ' :33: {aft “‘5 l , : '
3 ~ ' at? ”r” 3 ~ ”‘tifit'iiajfi;1;.::I""-,viff‘P1‘esident-eElect—Kriss IohnsomK ' rm I a re? _ I
Frankfort. gLeXingtonI-Ierald-Leader _ . '7 K’ . DivisronChalrman _ L'
""> “ ‘Newsaditonalmmtonme '-
' 9 ' VuePresMenbEleCt e—Taylor Hayes; K. _ v ‘ . ' . ,
Russellv111e s Charlle Snyder passes away Kenmmmfima: AlemeffBowlingKKGreenDaflyKlflews
Charlie Snyder, key figure in the newspaper business in Russellville '1: y =7 ,5: jg: . . ~ ‘7. .1 = . :KKK;, “
when it was a locally owned multi-publication, has died. masfii‘éi‘f BdmundShelby 'K ‘f {:é :K fiVfifismg 113; 1:18:22. Still: H :
Snyder died Jan. 3 at Logan Memorial Hospital after a long battle with ,_Beattyv1lle Enterpnse ' K : V. ' Effigy .' " I}; K e W11 ews ‘ I
leukemia and cancer, ,. “Prise . K V a
Memorial services for Snyder were held Ian, 7 at the First Baptist Church PastPresxdeanharhePerhnann, TK'i C' Mam _: I KII~ 1:: ~ K
in Rus gem/1119' FWFaVOfitesua GEEVLSQZ’QQIM’INE '3 l 1
ship of the Byrne Evans family in the 1960s, and as a composing room fore- W”W?”weeeee~e .K
man and an investor / director of the News- Democrat and Logan Leader in H , Board of Directors V As . t D' . . - Stan L ' _
the Al Smith company—ownership era, 1968—1985. District} : Loyd Ford, TheLake K218121361 881335218221 Cab’ eimpe’
His wife Dottie also worked for the Russellville papers for many years. NewsCaivertCity; , g, 1 K cky uca , m ’ ,
Before coming to the county, he worked on newspapers and in the print- 3:3};22:37:: Kf 'KKngfK :; V _V 2' 1;: V I l " " 7 . .
ing business in northern Kentucky. 2171-35531 d2-}edi)11‘lm"’ ghamDawson 1: 13mm idtxghon Iéggfiiytahve‘
_________________ Semesl’weress asserts); * . , ' _ '
. gfnfi‘fgongi‘ggf’fmm ' z ' , :GeneraleCounselseIon Fleischaker,‘ '
K Tal i] ng " ,:, KK j " K Ashley Pack, Dimmers &Shohl
w Disfiici’tilémébéimfl‘ef“my ' Vvatsagy'rressAssoaation'sw
, KKC “Banner V . V .. .. K V , '.
a break , v. - , ,, .-- ~ . , _ 33037170311050“ WW9 = ,
' , K 31$: RoanM’ {(8:1de 'S4B‘onme Howard, Controller , , ,
t a - t Krggfiztfgfiss Discreet e-IoheMeeLefisefle "gmle‘iGME‘i‘bsms '
V “we 4* e" ‘ . , , V V H ,. ., * ,, , '. a
i ' g" . v Executive Director 'Cmer'mml -. , John Whitlock, News'Bureau ,
5i- . m takes a moment out Disma7'KeueY'Wka' Gaflatm David‘s Pencer New Media I , ~
- ‘ e2 ; , of ebuey convention County NeWS ' ‘ "Admin ipe t ' ' °
a: W“‘”*‘*~MKWW;§ «i ,3! ' " schedule to have a . K j , V B S s a (gr kk ~ gK;_."': Ast It
. ~ e; was "$3: . K K K massage, which was DistrictS-Ken Metz, Bath County Srfiiafiséng (1,891??ng SIS an
K. ‘ K K, '2 ~ f or“; Oiuma:ytsgfglal News Outlook ' .. ,, z" ' Ilium/Marketing Coordinator .
KKK ea re a 1 ', K K , K K K ., , V . KK ,
' . ,, g . MM” ; year S event District9rLorettalTackettpPamtsville iiim a'Ck'A $311713 .
. A: -K I. C; . , \{o’ K; '5 , , , K . , K K , ,KK
5:212}; g; , Kg ' a -; Herald ' 1 7 , Rachel McCarty, Advertising " '
" \/ ' . i PHOTO BY TERESA . . , , K ,. Assistant K _ ~-
i : . f2" 5' g ' , ..-~‘ , REVLETT gamma .10 fideShflb” Holly Willard, [NAN Business Clerk
W rpm ' ‘ Stafimmbere;efieere meddieestor '
" as District 11-wu11e SawyersKLondon i.”‘.‘,’y.b‘f’¢“Ch?fi.b¥em‘li’s‘fg‘fffi‘?’
‘: r z; ,. . z t. ”“ senfineificho v , 0’4““; Ksfirstmztlalfiglliast V g
J ’7 . sis“? , V , . I, I? : name‘é’kwress-mm- ., ' ,'
. . Iv- -__,, K _, KK K ,

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1 FEB 2006 , :

The Kentucky Press, January 2006 - Page 3 :1 ~ '
' Newspaper internsh'ps a ard d f 2006
Twenty-three newspapers will be receiving an L" t
intern from the KentuCkY Journalism Foundation ‘ 3‘

é News Journal, Campbellsville; Cynthiana /W§t ” '"s A
? Franklin Favorite; Georgetown News-Graphic; / it"? erg. . ~ i
3 Gleaner, Henderson; LaRue County Herald ere/W“ 9;.” I
News, Hodgenville; Citizen Voice and £71.. ;;=:i;:§I;;-;;-§._,,, 1,... ,. Z
. b u r g ; On Second f ., em; We , . ; : . t
: Leb anon e” 2 mt ' . ,
1 Enterprise, g r «mega; ,. a . . . ; ‘
_ sentinei tree the: it V ,
‘ - ' ' k. i fewetft g“ h .. Tr
‘ Madison KPA Executive DITECtOT .. flefiteee~wsae§z ; ”as. e fiéfigfle ‘ w»
* v i 1 i e is e ‘
5 Owenton News Herald; Princeton Times Leader; Qe‘fiwiwéeetiQUVMf V :5
f Pioneer News; Commonwealth Journal, a”??? 7 23%” l 5.; ” i if
-. TompkinSVme News; Grant County News, ”El/Xe, M lief»: ,.“".« '
”M“ Wiiiiamstown; and Winchester Sun. sister ewe , .

L. 4'1" :1 ~ The Grant County News and Cynthiana % I :ttttfiigb’ ' "I?“ ‘ ' 7 - it. ."
L , Landmark Community Newspapers, Inc., to 4’ M"ge"‘gaw’3$ mw‘t l5"; 1
, - share a teeuity intern tor the summer whiie the tshw ”WW“ * g. V
two years in the mid-1990s, the Kentucky ts . .
3:: . RESidence Program and funded “”0 f“WY POSi‘ r” »::ti'.3‘;’>"if5i3ft; . ' * . . I.

£53 eons both Yem- Interest did not Pan out for the sex: -. . ' . ; tr :_ ‘
third year and the KPA Past Presidents voted to ragga . . a ~ : I. j. ' .3;- {11 WW ' ,- 2
ii fund only student internships. 3 egg"? 1 1' :7 ‘ V i V " ' ' W . M ‘2’ 7 I ‘ i
, In 2005, Journalism Education Representative . _ j
3 Liz Hansen brought the idea back to the Past Famlly bu Slness 1;;
} Presidents and was told to develop a proposal. 7
i After conferring with some journalism educators, John Nelson, managing editor of The Advocate Messenger in Danville, and his daughter Julie :3 r
she presented an idea to the Past Presidents and Nelson Satterly, editor of The Oldham Era in LaGrange, each receive general excellence plaques ‘. -
t" the group voted to place one faculty intern dur- at this year’s Kentucky Press Association banquet.
erf ; ing the summer of 2006. Because of the proximity ,
if; i of several Landmark newspapers to the colleges
‘ anduniversities, the Past Presidents designed the... , . ‘i "z;
1}: ‘2 faculty internship toward that company and let approach is succeeding with about 80 percent of a father, or mother, and child have never both I;
i LCNI develop what the faculty intern would be the student interns employed by newspapers won first place General Excellence. . '
doing for the newspapers during the summer. after graduating. Until this last contest. _,
3 The internship program has been one of KPA’s 10h“! managing editor Of The Advocate 5" 1
' most successful ventures. Since its inception in ' ' ° ' ' Messenger in Danville, saw his newspaper Win 5, ..
t the summer of 1993, the foundation, a sister A father-offspring first? first place in General Excellence for Daily Class 2- I
organization of KPA, has placed more than 230 Moments after the video presentation for the And daughter Julie Nelson Satterly, editor of The
”‘25? 1 student interns at $3000 each. Only newspapers Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers 2005 win— GldhamEra 1n LaGrange had her newspaper hn' 1
, participating in the Kentucky Statewide ners, KPA Past President John Nelson wondered 15h first in GB for Weekly 0.5155 3' ,f
Classified Program are eligible. aloud: Have newspapers represented by a father And .smce 'Julie’s w‘th_ Chlld and a due date
f The program was designed to get college stu- and child ever both won first places in General later fl“? Sprmgr maybe 1“ 25 Years from nOWr
dents in a newspaper setting for 10 weeks during Excellence in a KPA contest. they W1” be the first grandfather-offspring 1,
the summer in an effort interest them in a news— It would be a question impossible to answer grandchild to win first place General Excellence '-
i . ~ - - paper -eareer following ~ graduationn ”Phat with present-files but it’s probably safe to say that for the” newspapers- ';

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, February 2006 7
. ’ , . _ , , . PEo
AdvertiSlng f ' ‘ W ' :z‘ 2 serve a:
Plus g ‘Z; a? ‘ ~ .... year.

; «.3: 7.... - a~<‘§§ .-.»...L' v” ,. K _ ‘
camera By Tm” Rem” k7 ‘i ‘ 2 .‘Affiel
ALL PHOTOS BY TERESA 12mm -. ..- 1111‘ ' John

, “6 ‘éiixgflm COOI‘dlD
{3:533W”~‘w % 1“!» £5“ W111 ser
"egg‘é’ewelegwwség ' : ' a 3 Taylr
:gg%g%§:%flr@“wwi ' ' W7 f-V I Era, has
773777777773, were " 9mm»: 2 ~ : 7 2
eff“?;%x?3“2/A“%Wr "” rewkmtaggggeg‘ a} . E Edrn
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~ 3:1 W e” ?ge/’»” . 7; 7 - At 1
. » ' " 2'3 fl Charlle Portmann, 2005 KPA Pres1dent, took t1me to Vislt w1th turned
7%” Stephen Dorris of American Profile at the trade show. The winter KP A Pf
" ‘7. " convention and trade show was held at the Embassy Suites in Port
“*7; 3i -. Lexington. preside
; 7‘," ’7. . 3‘7 . _ , ests of'
Katie LOVC, 0f the Edmonton NEWS, talks WIth Roger Lee Of Town NEWS .. .. M- ..., ,. .. ,, 2. , - associa
55m i? " - , .
7‘, "“3 .77“, .. *55=«‘1.;2‘.e ,. . . . . , . 2 ‘ ‘4’1 ,
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‘O 3e . ' ' 7 -. " 5 . the ‘
' . 7 ' ””7 If i Dlrea‘
‘i‘ = - ' . to pu
, " = . Jo Ann Halsey of the Mount Sterling Advocate, center. won a busine:
- drawing at the First Media Booth. Shown with Halsey are Glenna . h
k 0 Freddle Ma ard and Joe Brummett of the . , , in t e 1
Jowanna Bandy, left, tal S t gg Dake and Jan Holland of F1rst Medla. ”We
Kentucky Natlonal Guard.
‘ dous
-- 7 resped
' ' ' he has
‘17??? 27%‘7‘gfi/’,Mfip,sfléffl “ . _ Supporters of the Kentucky ngh School . 11 me
...§<“~577”‘$~¢ ,1;qu534%;,4-?1¥.»2>:2.’-./7-57¢¢\-:e:.:‘yy:a:;,:,:,:{.'1::-:;;:v,;‘;;'v,.;:;,qfiwmq51,4g;{747:2.jcf-r;l_4_cq.c;35.;}gflg.;ca.;.1,;;,.,.lé.¢'{53./;.¢I,;.;:;.i;.:¢.:;.:72;1¢;mg§gyxflvv .. . . . . . . .
weer/”77‘5" . . Joumallsm ASSOCIaUOU were recognized * w k f‘
few”“””/;;’m:efr Friday at the luncheon Shown are John ‘: a e 1
7%”“732231 ,7. a. . Nelson, managmg edltor of The Advocate he W
7 ~ ' i7 .. 2 Messenger m Danvflle; Taylor Hayes. pub- succee
E73”): "‘23-": .. §7;e%"i”:es: . >.f3-...'3'353?§; W 1." . 5 lisher of The Kentucky New Era in endea‘
Eéeig 1;. uifiég/Cfiy .2 ...;:.::,.:.-;; ' ;. . y . [53“: 2“. Hopkinsvflle; Dav1d Greer, KHSJA admln- mISS h
» if” R. 75” i; ., 3. ‘l istrator; and publisher Tim Kelly of the ' pation
. " _- ; \ .2 ' fl Herald-Leaderin Lexington. The Advocate phase.
. . - ’ , seven high schools In KHSJA for the cur- ”Mi
. 1" M77 5" .. 1 " ifit‘W‘i‘WWAa {35% rent school year while the Herald—Leader ' .
W737» 2' «....s , ‘ 7’ «74” we”. . ' model
‘Wfiécatei . “'4 $315? 3””ng ' sponsored elght schools. 7
. 7:: ., iguw~y~Mff§ , ...-57‘ «I “,7 ‘71 ”hfiw’yflfiffii “. _ :71 severa
1.2.. ”Maze/"l -: . V - . 3.fif’ivlg:;.“’~"“ ”f. «:6; . l1 m de‘
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:9: ...... .... -- : 2W .. 1% :u. _ > . , , -. ,

 . ‘ 1 3E
_ - I;
The Kentucky Press, February 2006 - Page 5 , , E
Continued from page 1 : i
_ serve as president of the association in its 137th V E 3:" ' ff '1'“ :VV [V y -, V ' 1 '3 . ' .0 " : '
. year. :33" 1"" in : , p H p . , .. p. . .. f ,V '§ §
Kriss Johnson has taken on the role of new NeWKPAff Icers , for? 2006 Z i
KPA vice president. 1 . . “ ' . . . , .. ' :
. After serving as chair of the KPA Circulation I, Z‘iEVlvssijfv' ”‘ff'fflfl . . . If" ., .:,‘: “2:, : .: ,3 . . s. 3“ ‘ .. , 5 -, _ , . . . p . I» p 1 . 3
Division for the past four years, Kriss Johnson ,, I ‘ I! ,, -, s” it ’3' 3:1"; W " , ‘ " ;
will serve as president in 2007. . 5'55, s“ at: Ma‘s f: iias ‘ ,1 T 1 ;
Taylor Hayes, publisher of the Kentucky New . ,, sf £9; i' 3; E
Era, has taken over as vice president for the KPA. ' _: t’éfé“f§ t I; A’ "i , . flaw“; , ‘1 I
Edmund Shelby, the editor and general man— ‘j‘w’fig’l fits??? 2*,sg f ' ». ?
ager of The Beattyville Enterprise, has assumed a,” $32» “35%? ‘- ”a , 1
his duties as treasurer of the Kentucky Press ss’mé k? ésgggsf‘ ' ‘62.? 3
’ Association. ALICE KRISS CHARLIE .: 'i TAYLOR , 3
, At the January KPA convention, Charlie ROUSE JOHNSON PORTMANN V ' , HAYES , ;
Portmann. editor of the Franklin Favorite, .. ,, .. . .. .. . . . = . 2
turnedover the reigns t0 Rouse as his term as e. : _, ., g ' , _ , :
KPA president for 2005 came to a close.
Portmann has joined the long list of past KPA 3
_ presidents who continue to serve the better inter- ensure continuity going forward.” papers along with shopper and specialty publica- f I
~ , ests of the Kentucky newspaper community. ”CNHI is a remarkable company with won- tions. The company currently operates 90 daily ; :
KPA is the nation's 10th oldest state press derful employees and a great future,” said Reed. newspapers and approximately 210 non-daily ; I
. association, dating to January 13, 1869. ”I have every confidence that the company will publications in more than 200 communities ;
continue to grow and serve the communities throughout the United States. L 1
V . x; where its papers are located. I wish the entire ,9
»‘ ' ° mana ement team at CNHI the best of success as 0 - 0 0 0 . . ,. ‘
"7‘ CNHI appalnts Barrett they pgosition the company to move forward.” Clarion welcomes Gardner 5 ‘
7 o Barrett, like Reed, has been with CNHI since ' ;
CEO and pI‘BSldent the company's inception in 1997. She assumed Marlena Gardner has joined the Hancock . ’
‘ The board of directors of Community her current position as senior vice president and Clarion staff. ‘ 1‘
Newspaper Holdings Inc. recently announced chief operating officer in 1999' In addition to her A native 9f Owensboro, Gardner 15 a graduate '
the appointment of 150an Barrett as its new duties at CNHI, Barrett is active in the newspa- of‘ Apollo ngh School and Kentucky Wesleyan . -,
president and CEO. The board also announced per industry and serves on the boards Of direc- Wlth a degree. in communications. . -
with deep sadness the resignation of Michael tors of the Southern Newspaper Publishers Her prev1ous work. experiences 1nclude : ;
Reed as President and CEO effective Jan. 27. Association, the American Press Institute and the MedlaWorks Advertlsmg 1n Owensboro. ,
According to George Wakefield chairman of Newspaper Association of America Foundation. She IS the daughter Of Robert and Malea
the CNHI Board of ’ In addition, the company announced that Gardner ofWh1tesv111e.
Directors Reed is leaving Lynn Pearson had been appointed ChiEf financial E 1
to pursue a wonderful « officer. Pearson 51159 joined CNHI at its inception . o o o . . 3
business opportunity was m 1997 at mi“ Wm???” Moreland named editor
in the media industry. troller. Pearson is a CPA w 0, prior to mining d _ . _ . 1’ h i ;
s. ”We all have tremen- ass CNHI’ worked in pUth accounting and bank- An awar Winning communityjourna m w .0 3
. dous admiration and .,s ing. She has overseen the development of CNHI‘s says he wanted to get back to his home state Wlll E .
-- E respect for Mike and what 3'” financial infrastructure during its nine years Of be the ‘new editor/general manager Of The
' he has accomplished in his ‘ I significant expansion and growth. Springfield Sun. . . . E L
, nine years with CNHI N .s Also, Keith Blevins was appointed COO of Jeff Moreland, or1g1nally from Estlll County, , ‘1
Wakefield said ”We know i 5. V Newspaper Holdings, Inc, a wholly owned sub- accepted an offer £70m. Landmark, the parent j
' he will use his talents to DONNA sidiary of CNHI, the position formerly held by COTpany 0; The Springfield Sun. . ~
succeed in this new BARRETT Barrett. Blevins is a 34-year veteran of the news- 1fo bring]? Vf’lth hlm the ablhty to make .1 ‘
endeavor While we will paper industry who joined CNHI as group pub- papers better, . Richard RoBards, reglonal man- 7, ,
miss his day-to- day partici— lisher in 2000 and was promoted to vice presi- ager 0f the Sprlngfleld Sun, said. H9 5 an accom—
' pation in our company affairs we are extremely dent, division manager in 2001' Prior to his plished writer and photograph er-and Fhe fact he
leased that he has a reed to continue to serve on employment With CNHI’ Blevins spent 14 years has worked at a weekly publicationhglves hlm S ‘
ICNHI’s Board of Dirictors ,, with Thomson Newspapers, where he worked as leg up when It comes to commumty journalism. 1 .
. ”Mike has been a wonderful mentor and role publisher, group publisher, and President/ CEO Moreland most recently was 9d1t01‘ 0f .
' model as we have worked together over the past 0f two divisions. . Amerlcan Farm Publicatlons m Easton, MC-ll 3
several years ” Barrett said. ”He was successful CNHI’ based in Birmingham, Ala., is an inde- where he has covered reglonal and national agri- ;
in developing a very capable team that will pendent, privately—owned publishing company 0.11“}? topics in Maryland, Delaware and .'
whose holdings include daily and weekly news- _ 7V1rgin1a._ _ _ p g . ‘ . p _ 7 . , ,. , i ,
K ( l‘v—————--—-—————v——H "4"¥—""**~€t~'wn_t—__#HH;;—:*"V‘ —"" *’~*** ** «7:71; " *i W " r" " '- — - —-'* “v - ~-—-"___::,—,L: .n_.,,_, - ;/ ,~ r“ ‘
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 Page 6 - The Kentucky Press, February 2006 The Kentucky Press, February 2006 - Page 7 ' .7
. ER '. .
tilne/ effort/ and yes! moneYI promot- v. .. aif’r‘v; 2‘ .21: . : i , ’v ~ I} ..,, I, ,1 ' : V,
ing those personalities to "E my, ., .‘ ' ' ‘ . ,, . .. . , , , .. .. . , . ., , , , Elf,
readers. But it's a competitive world i f . V ,2 I ' . , : : , , .. ' . if 7 E' ,_ ~
out there and newspaper personalities . WW re p, : : E _- . : , . j . 1 . :‘~ if ; E
must vie a ainst a host of com eti— .. pee“? ‘E . ”fi' - -, : , , ‘ . . if,“ . v. " ' . ' '2';
tors, broadgcasters, movie starlelis and , E5“? Ping; M : m " » ,, '
channels of cable TV and now some- \ $5 C 2‘31 J : f , . i E I. : m, , “‘32.“ La; _EsEEEE;EE a: . 7: . I: . , ."
~ - - 2 ~ @733? e: ,« WITH;- 2 ' ,a , ye. ~, . H pee-"‘1 wage, , a”: M: “. - ; . y ,,
thmg can“ satelhte radlo- if ' ~ r .. d h“: be : " r , . "earl , :
But if you attended the KPA con- 3%; ' Er“. Egg ’4’" " "”“gfiifif ‘5?" H“. 1 7% :
vention last month in Lexington, you ,. 4 , x _ . a . .* :EE :, :35}; l E fie. ,_ , Mr‘vfgg (“2: ii LEE E, a , . E , it E i
two of the best, friendliest and kindest - a" _ _ a ‘ . ’i j 1;“ fig 5%! ,5 ”' ,1 page"? r E “5% E -. :'
newspaper personalities with cold 3 ‘Mr ’~ _ . é {EH 5} 3:31; id I . , ' l 7 if”
noses that you will ever meet. Weiner Egk ' fl WE 2E 7‘3 ' 1 E f V.
m“ KPA members during a“ after' a' i ’ , g A ‘2 , , e5? ' , 'E 1...; t...w‘”" f? E '7
Lots of people had their photos . " Era -' , , " , , -, : .
taken with Woody and Chloe That's 5“. ' 3 "a: ' ' gig ._ .7 . : Farmer" ~ ‘ :
- the part where the cold come ' e . -; ‘ ' l . ‘ ~ a .12.: we ‘ * ‘2'
into play. The dogs are unbelievably ‘I 9'3“ ’ I E; :1 ' I I p“ igfiég 1 iii 1'- , i’ 5,
cute and sure know how to ham it up Ron Florence, left, Kriss Johnson of The Herald—Leader and KNNIE ., k V W MMWNAWN‘ W E fryer Er ‘ L
whenever a camera is present. WOOdy chairperson, center, and author Leigh Anne Florence, right, hold Chloe Herald-Leader copy editor Susan Waggener, right, gives KPA members a tour of the paper. Here, they " ._ #:TWHXLI . .’ V . = . ' uh“ ., - ' i
and Chloe are far more cooperative and Woody, the dogs featured in the serialized stories "Tails from the are shown in the Paper'5 newsroom. ShOWIIa from 16ft, are BUd Garrison, The Anderson News; 0UP Twoveteranjnumahstsof: The 'Gleanerflwere honored With the Lexington ~
than most Children when a camera is Bluegrass" and "Big Dog Mystery." going KPA President Charlie Portmann of The Franklin Favorite; and Kentucky New Era publisher Herald—Leader’sLewrsOwensCommunlty gSéWiCE Award. E l ,
around. Taylor HayeS- féfrggggggg TheGleanerBusmessEdatorChucletih’riQttide Features Editor 299nm ' . 1
The dogs were featured in the seri- : Smeflweremgunged astlusyear’s remplents atflgefamgal KPA'bafiqua; s ,1
aliZEd series "Tails 0f the Bluegrass," iii: ,‘EihévxsEaEEWidi-i award goesamliallylto‘the newspaper. person or persons pare ' ' , ;
written by Florence, PrOdUCEd by formgflxemostoutetandmgcommwntyservmeilt isna’meci for'the former ‘ if
Knight Ridder Productions and published in : pubhsheroftheLexmgtonHeraldeLeader - r " , ‘ . . , , , ,
more than 80 Kentucky papers. _ . EL .2 ., if ,V TheStmnetts, wholemedTheGieanerm 1989;.have‘been active fol-several: , ;
. The three have traveled the state and 1 : :2 . : . Years11‘armgeafcommumtyservzces,mcludmg many'thwugh their church, 3
. appeared at countless schools where they Wfifif e '1 About 20 KP A members who FusiUmtedMethoérst ;. : :. 11"!" T . E ,, I, '. ,1 . . : . E
have been met by eager students and parents .a . 5 attended last month's annual Bethheeebeenmvelvedmvleededehrp Wies'hWiEh flee-demure W-C- Handy ’2 : :;
Many a youngster didn't want to go home E , ‘ page: F: V . : Thursday argmoon our of untoodaemdeeraeaprraedaawedgepoogeraeroaadrereersroa mode , é
Woody and woe appearing in a new 2:.- . ah , t“: UK newspaper rraraahrrg emeanrearrmodenreewgradrrerrro maternity . r .. - ‘T
they are affectionate. Chloe loves KPA execu- "‘- .. 15$”. ' . é. 1M? . gee. A e “ Endeavors m Ehzabethtown Sheaisohasbeenmavolunteermthefiluegrassm therPark/Folklife‘festi-E i
tive director David Thom on. Sh l ves to ' V _ :- , ' hi 1‘ . , ire ' I - E . a.“ Kenkay New Era Emb— 1bft§tHd 9:“ Fin A @1115" ' 5th,}; 3d ' --C "~ ' i
11C1< his face to the POhm Where I accused hlm a it; ; .. . fie“ I. i , watch as the UK microfilm Beardhf KenmckyAgency {OISUMWCEAWSG 395636.13 31139318 031819? r i a ' .
lotion. - “T“, fire . E : pares a page for shooting. Memphls~m~Maysanchonedbarbecueevents ' ‘
‘ If you've been publishing the children's = I W I! z’ - I _.a E :f’} TheyrammedreoentlyfremthegsecondWeekeieng,chmchesponsored trip: :’ j g 2
stories about Woody and Chloe's adventures, " e. g ii) t:";,§ toNewGrieanstohelpmrestormghomesofHurncaneKatrmaVlChms 1:}? ' ’fi‘ 2' ,
how many young rd rhey attracting .. 1 \ta 1 An PM... crecheethehwrhemrreerghmerooegeed ,. ~-

t°.°ur Pepere Yer “'8 e°°d t0 have a Pem- gm? ' ' "2 3E ~ it" by navigates CmmumorSm ye “ . 1' . 1*: ;

ality —- or two -- in the paper, even If they r “e j I .7 ‘ 7 9 . mi '1"?ifi:Viii-532:":5.51999. 1?: 5'iii,'2"3':"§:35¥7?"3 é' '1 if 7 3' 1 7:: W 3 I: ' : ‘
have COId noses and floppy ears. m 3 ' a .. i ”Eager E
X -7” _ 1- i '— A, ,i ,,,__._, w__._____iw—W___fi _ ._ r_.fi-_h_-~_*p ,, 7- 13‘ . _, v, 7 ‘7 7 1,, ”v 7. ,,- 7, fl ‘7 '7.-- , ,__#,_W V « // - :

 Page 8 - The Kentucky Press, February 2006 f .
M p p g ..
We recently had a question on the hotline tent of a posting by editing may cross the line Labor
that left us all stumped. Anewspaper's website, From a legal into "creation and development" and you may ; office
in addition to its news content, hosts a discus— . ,‘V lose the immunity. E riers E
sion or message board where readers post their standpomt You do not lose the immunity by posting i of T
comments, thoughts, and ideas. The newspaper ——-————-— M $ anonymous postings. Be aware, however, that E Louisx
was concerned about potential liability for By Ashley Pack .3”: you may receive a subpoena seeking the identi- 1 Aug 2
defamatory statements posted on this board KPA General 9” ty of the individual who posted the material. ; d'
and asked what steps should be taken to pro- Counsel ”x ” Some courts have ruled against the website i. pen 1.]
tect the newspaper's interests. Dinsmore 8 Shohl _ operator and allowed the identity of the poster ; Washi
This question led me into the complicated to be disclosed. ; made
_ and technical world of the Communications Although this safe harbor immunizes a ; ruling
Decenc Act The Communications Decenc a news a er from liabilit for defamator OStS PIESS(
Act wag, passed by Congress in 1996. y Ifyeuhaveanylegaiquestrens, madepby) someone else, {he immunity pringided t , newsp
. One of its purposes. was to preserve the callthfiKPAhQflifie3111101113373: by the CDA does not extend to trademark 3’ day, tl
Vibrant and competltlve free market that infringement, inva51on of privacy, or harass— t the IV
presently exists for the Internet and other inter- JonL.Fieischaker:502~54£319 ment. { C .
active computer services, unfettered by federal RKM‘582542325 Therefore, we recommend the following safe , ourlt
or state regulation" 47 USC. § 230. enyoneyer.~- Practice—S1 3 aSkEd
. This act grants immunity to website opera- AshlethPack:5§z.-S4Q-2385 0 Screen the messages before posting. If you sider i
tors, which has been broadly interpreted to deem a post as problematic, we would recom- ‘ new I
include providers of online services, including JeremyS'RDgem:52‘540‘2384 mended that you adopt an "all or nothing" Press.
interactive websites, for liability arising from approach and delete or block the entire post ‘ On
material written by a third party and posted on rather than editing that post. i . raver.
the website, including, claims of defamation. INSMRESZSKHLLL? O Post a "terms of service" agreement. This ‘ th
Obviously this is very different from the agreement should set guidelines for posting-for , e I"
print world where the newspaper can be liable SWImhbmard52“54§”23 example, prohibiting postings containing i __
even if the material ori inated from a third /}111‘*~‘> unlawful content. Make sure that ou ive j
~ party, for example, lettgrs to the editor or ngggs,",3’5M%,%%2%%,%@§§%g yourself sole discretion concerning whit to gosh .- - ' Te‘
advertisements. However, the immunity does I and sole discretion over enforcement of any The
. have limitations. You will lose this immunity if guidelines. 2 _
i you are involved in the "creation or develop- for the message board is not considered "cre— As always, if you have any questions, call 1 young
ment" of the posting. Pre-screening postings ation or development." But Changing the COH- your hotline attorneys. : ry if";
, 1 Boc
‘ : Stacey
' ' ‘ ' ° . take tl
Proposal could Impact publishlng of publlc notices rm
. " trips b
\ Newspapers across the common- Thompson said. "Newspapers could would be published in full the fol- vote, after being defeated by a two- : Pedon
wealth will see a change in the rules charge for notices based on nine— lowing week. The county would set vote difference, it passed the full ‘
overseeing some public notice point type. All other states, if a point a cut-off date and time for people to House. In the Senate, the measure 5 -
advertising if House Bill 171 is size was specified in its law, set that pay their taxes or have their name was within hours of being approved i
passed by the 2006 Kentucky at seven to eight point type, with a appear in the newspaper. Then the by that chamber and becoming law." 3 A
General Assembly. majority at seven-point." following week, the list would be The bill would have