xt72rb6vz78g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vz78g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. University of Dayton, December 6, 1988 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Dayton, December 6, 1988 1988 1988 2014 true xt72rb6vz78g section xt72rb6vz78g 'l
Tuesday, December 6, 1988
Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky., 7:30 p.m.
The University of Kentucky Lady Kats basketball center Vanessa . - -   V- .  
team, now 2-2 after a disappointing loss to Ohio Foster-Suftonleads   . - _ I     .  
University, will look for its third win of the season the squad in {   * ‘ -*     l_  
tonight against the Lady Flyers of the University of rebounding at 8.3,   iit‘   ·  » ‘?;j; ',"  
Dayton. and is fourth in l.         (  ,  
A   _,  _ The Lady Flyers (0-3) are scoring atli.5.ihe     TH ’   
;i,jg,g    -- ° Y   led by 5-T0 All-Conference Kats' other ; °‘ir     i‘’‘ ,  ‘   i r *  §% EK? ¤ r    L,
 ar .—=»     forward Tabette Pleasant. double-figure     4;  ,  
    .`__   ln addition to receiving a u- scorer is freshman   r5_     iQ "     _‘V_   .,..
, rgi.   nanimous selection to the guard Kristi   . L.,,,       g g  .,»  
  All—North Star Conference Cushenberry. who   .··`   - 5    
  team, Pleasant has been has hit 53 percent         _
  selected Lady Flyer ivivi> from the field and   ._é»,     
  and best defensive player 80 percent from g      s
  twice in her collegiate the line for a i2.5     4     ‘
  career. The Lady Flyers average. UK leads     _l-’? _ -  . ,  
 @))g`,i§(_s§>;s ;}`_  played Morehead State the series with    
 T ;. .·__  if rl / =iJr.. saturaayinpayion and suf- Dayton T2-2, but    
TODQWQ *°‘9“SG“* fered their third consecu- UD took the most O,,d,@g,gUnd,,,g_ Q
tive loss of the season by a recent contest by
score of68—60. The Flyers openedtheirseason withthe upsetting the Lady
University of Colorado in the Colorado-Coors lnvita— Kats 68-58 last February in
tional, in which Colorado beat the Lady Flyers 86-53.   ,\._ s,.    ....,s     ..j_.../,..   Dayton.
They then faced iviieitigam State in the raurrtamerif   .-.   The Lady Flyers are
and suffered their second loss by a score of 80- 56.     (   CCT   “`.‘‘~-._  . it   coached by Sue Ramsey.
Pleasant and the Lady Flyers will try to halt the of- 1   . who is in hersecond year at
fensive scoring of Lady Kat guard Jodie Whitaker.      _ UD. Kentucky travels to ln-
Vl/hitaker, who was held to nine points in the OU   A     diana Saturdayto meetthe
game, will look for a return to the type of play that       Lady Hoosiers in a 3 p.m. en-
earned heral\/lostValuable Playertitleinthe season-      ~. *Y. counter, and Coach
opening LKIT. She leads the sauad with a T6.5 scoring   ...     Sharon Fanning's team will
average but is shooting only Al.3 percent. The Lady   .    -l it° not have another home ‘
Katswill also rely on the continued good play ofsenior t°}€€§ contest until December 30
forward Pam Shrum (T 3.5 ppg, 5.3 rpg), who scored a   ` against Austin Peay Univer-
team-high T9 points for Kentucky against Ohio. Junior UD Cwch gw Rgmsgy sity.
xt       , .

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Front row, left to right; Kris Miller, Maiinka Salhi, Theresa Stewart, Jodie Whitaker, Ruth Mountain, Kristi Cushenberry and Uacye Davis. Back
row, left to right: Asst. Sports information Director Rena Vicini, Manager Jenn Ho/man, Asst, Coach Andy Barnes, Asst. Coach Cindy Noble-
Hauserman, Mary Custard, Pam Shrum, Angel Stevens, Lora Spencer, Vanessa Foster-Sutton, Jamie Hobgood, Stacy Mclntyre, Coach
Sharon Fanning, Trainer Sue Stan/ey, Graduate Assistant Jane Da/ton, Head Manager Sharon McCauley.
Numerical Roster
3 Lora Spencer 6-4 C JR Russellville / Logan County HS
4 Ruth Ann Mountain 5-8 G-F JR Columbus, Ohio / Lees JC
5 Theresa Stewart 5-4 G JR Columbus, Ohio / Lees JC
40 Stacy Mclntyre 5-8 F FR Georgetown / Scott County HS
44 Malinka Salhl 5-4 G JR Mons, Belgium / Independence (Kansas) JC
42 Kristi Cushenberry 5-9 G-F FR Hendersonville, Tenn. / Beech HS
44 Jamie Hobgood 5-9 G-F FR Madisonville / North Hopkins HS
45 Jodie Whitaker 5-7 G SR Austin, Incl. /Austin HS
24 Tracye Davis 5-8 G SO Lexington / Henry Clay HS
23 Mary Custard 5-40 F-C JR Cynthiana / Lees JC
24 Vanessa Foster-Sutton 6-0 C JR Chickamauga, Ga. /Truett-McConnell JC
32 Kris Miller 5-4 G JR Owensboro / Owensboro Catholic
34 Pam Shrum 6-0 F-C SR Monticello / Monticello HS
. 55 Angel Stevens 6-4 C SO Jackson / Breathitt County HS
Head Coach: Sharon Fanning (Tennessee-Chattanooga, 4975]
203-444 career (42 seasons] 44-45 at UK (4 year]
Assistant Coaches: Andy Barnes (East Tennessee, 4980]
Cindy Noble Hauserman (Tennessee, 4983)
Graduate Assistant: Jane Dalton (Appalachian State, 4988)

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Back Row (/eff fo right): Mary Russo (sfudenf manager), Jackie Hoyng (sfudenf manager), Pam Rasey, Aneffe Melvin,
Cindy Frericks, Tammy Rasey, Julie Biemwann (assisfanf coach), Tammy Sirifenberger (asisfanfcoach) and Sue Ramsey ` ‘
(head coach). Fronf Row (ieff To righf): Lisa Green, Teri Gaerke, Teri Basye, Tobeffe P/easanf, Kerri Goodwin, Ei/een Siein
and Kaihra Goodman.
13 Pam Rasey 5-7 G JR An1werp,Ohio/Anhirerp 1-15
14 Teri Gaerke 5-11 F JR Rockford, Ohio/Parkvva F15
15 Cindy Frericks 5-9 G JR Keiiering, Ohio/Aiier 1-15
22 Lisa Green 5-11 F FR Coshocion, Ohioi River View 1-15
25 Aneiie Melvin 5-10 F JR Schweinfuri, FRG/F1. Knox (Ky.) 1-15
34 Tammy Rasey 5-7 G JR Aniwer ,Ohio/Antwerp H5
A0 Tobehe Pleasani 5-10 F 5R Dayion, Ohio/Colonel Whiie 1-15
A3 Kaihra Goodman 5-11 F/C FR Akron, Ohio/Buchiei F15
AA Kerri Goodwin 5-0 C FR 51. Ma 's,Ohio/i\/1emoria1F15
55 Teri Bas e 5-10 C/F SO 1-1amiI1on,Ohio/Badin 1-15
V ,
55 Eileen 51ein 5-10 F/G SO 5haronvi11e,Ohio/M1. Noire Dame F15
Head Coach: 5ue Ramsey
Assisianf Coaches: Julie Biermann, Tammy Siriienberger

Coach: Sharon Fanning Assistants: Cindy Hauserman, Andy Barnes, Jane Dalton
No. Player Position Field Goals Free Throws Fouls FG/2 FG/;°°°"FT TP
3 3333 SP ¤~=¤r ·3·3-33-3  ___
4 num Ann Maunuaams-e,Jr.,e/F  
5 Theresa Stewart,5-4,Jr.,G  
33     j¤¤¤IIlI@----
11 Mariana S3IhI,5-4.Jf‘.,G  
I 12 Kristi Cushenberry,5-9,Fr.,G/F  
33     ¤~~¤   jlIlIElIIIlEII@l---
15 Jodie wnaisaksms-7,sl~.,e  
33      ----
23 Mary ¤assasa,5-1¤,:».~.,r/C _ 111111111111  
24 Vanessa rsssas.sasssa,a-¤,:s.,¤ _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
32 333 ~·3···=3·3-3-·3--3  -_--
34 pam sm-um,s-o,s.~.,i=/c _ 111111111111  
33 3··¤·=· 3 =3·=33 -3-333-·3 jllIIET@H---
University of Kentucky Lady Kats
Dayton Iilsniversiw
Tuesday, December 8, 1888
7:30 p.m. Memorial Coliseum
Coach: Sue Ramsey Assistants: Julie Biermann, Tammy Stritenberger
l\lo. Player Position Field Goals Free Throws Fouls FG/2 FGI§“'°FT TP
13 pam ¤asay,5-7,e  111111111111  
14 Tara caa¤·ue,s-11,F  111111111111  
15 candy r=»~sri¤ks,s-e,e  111111111111  
22 usa creams-11,r=  111111111111  
25 Anette Ms»saa,5-1¤,F  111111111111 12::45  
34 Tammy ¤assy,a-7,G  111111111111 12::45  
40 Tunsua m¤asa¤¤,s-1o,i=  111111111111  
43 Kaihra ¤asamaa,5-11,F/C  111111111111  
44 Ks.-sa ¤aa4waa,a-o,e  111111111111  
54 Teri Bayse,5—1D,C/F  111111111111  
sa Eileen s-.ss¤a,5-1o,F/G  111111111111 12::45  
 3331333··311~ @llll
but y 111111111111 12345