xt72rb6vxq25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vxq25/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-04-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  4, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  4, 1952 1952 1952-04-04 2013 true xt72rb6vxq25 section xt72rb6vxq25 ucoi uupy nvanauiu

The Kentucky




Troupers Big Show
To Be Held April 16
For Outstanding Accountants Program Theme Is

New Professional Fraternity


Centered Around
Vacation Resorts

High Scholarship
Is Requirement
For Membership
A new professional fraternity, the
Alpha Mu chapter of Beta Alpha
Psi, national accounting fraternity,
was installed on the UK campus
in the SUB Saturday.
The purpose of Alpha Mu is "to
encourage and foster the ideal of
service as the basis of the accounting profession; to promote the study
of accountancy and its highest
ethical standards; to act as a
medium between professional men,
instructors, students, and others
who are interested in the develop- ment of the study or profession of
accountancy; to develop high moral,
scholastic, and professional attainu'-wr7.MJ
ments in its members; and to en
courage cordial Intercourse among
its members and the profession generally."
High Scholarship Required
The membership qualifications for
Beta Alpha Psi revolve around high
scholarship. No student with a
grade lower than a B in accounting
subjects or with an overall standing
lower than a 2.0 is eligible.
The new chapter's charter was
presented by the national secretary-treasure- r,
S. M. Wedeberg of the
ALPHA MU CHAPTER OF BETA ALPHA PSI. just organized on camUniversity of Maryland. Other
pus, has elected Charles E. Coyle (standing, left), president; John C.
speakers were Prof. John A.
Nichols (standing, right), vice president; and James A. Masters (seated,
Duiker, University of Maryland, and
Dr. C. C. Carpenter, dean of the College
right), secretary-treasure- r.
Prof. G. G. Yankee of Miami Uniof Commerce, is seated at the left.
versity, Oxford, Ohio.
Twenty-tw- o
UK students, charter
members of the new chapter, were
initiated at the program. Grant
Woodland, president of the Miami
University chapter, presided at the
initiation ceremony.
Initiates Listed
The initiates were Charles Coyle,
By Kay Blincoe
sophical Association, and Torch.
president; John Nichols, vice presiWill Go To Harvard
Fellowships from the Ford Foundent; James Masters, secretary-treasure- r;
Asked what he plans to do with
dation Fund for the Advancement his fellowship, Dr. DeBoer replied,
Nolen Allen, Anthony
Amato, William Batsel, Hugh Bry- - of Education have been awarded to "I shall spend the first semester at
son, James Camp, James Davis. Dr- - Jesse DeBoer of the UK Philos- - Harvard and return to the UniverMartin Dawahare, Thomas Green, ophy Department and Dr. Vincent sity for the second semester. My
William Gretter, John Hall, William F. Cowling of the UK Mathematics attention will be centered on The
Kenton, William Lamb, James Lan- - Department.
Formation of Our Culture,' dealing
They are among 246 college
dram, Thomas MacDonald, James
specifically with the 'Early ChrisWilliam Ragland, Joseph fessors awarded fellowships for the tian Centuries,' and the 'Last 100
Reynolds, Teddie Ward, and George j 1952-5- 3
school . year. The Ford Years.' Wertheim.
Foundation Fellowships are sup-- !
Dr. Cowling, an associate profesThe charter for Alpha Mu was ported by furfds from the Ford fam- - sor of mathematics, came to the
accepted by Dr. Cecil C. Carpenter, ily. They are given to selected col- University in 1949. Prior to that
time, he taught at Lehigh University
dean of the College of Commerce. lege professors and instructors,
Candidates are proposed by the and at Ohio State University. A
Dr. Robert D. Haun, professor of
accounting at UK, was initiated as Colleges of Arts and Sciences of graduate of Rice Institute, he holds
their various colleges and universi-- I a PhJD. and is a member, of the
a faculty member.
professor of commerce ties. The? applicants then submit American Mathematics Association,
projects about what they intend to the American Mathematics Society,
Russell S. Grady is the faculty vice
do with their time "to better their and Pi Mu Epsilon, honorary fraservice as a college professor." The ternity.
Provided he has a 2.0 standing or
selection, however, is done by Dr. Cowling tentatively plans to
better, any undergraduate or grad- - tne Ford Foundation,
spend his fellowship at the Institute
uate student majoring in accounting
Dr. DeBoer is an associate profes-an- d for Advanced Studies in Princeton,
registered in advanced account- of philosophy at UK. He came N. J. His studies. Dr. Cowling said,
ing where a chapter has been estab- tne university in 1946. He was "will be based upon the 'Theory of
lished is eligible for membership.
graduated from Calvin College and Abstract Spaces,' from the point of
earned his PhX). at Harvard Uni- view of its application to analyses."
versity. He won the Sheldon TraWill Return To Classes
veling Fellowship from Harvard in
Both Dr. Cowling and Dr. DeBoer
1941-4He is a member of the plan to return to their classes after
American Association of University their fellowships expire. Their
the American Philo- - lowships go into effect in September.

Troupers' annual Big Show will
be presented at 7:30 p.m. April 17
in Memorial Coliseum. This year's
show will be based on a vacation
theme. "Down Yonder and Back
The program will be divided into

four parts, each scene representing
a popular vacation spot in America.
Virginia Beach will be the setting
for the first act. New Orleans the
scene of the second, and Sarasota,
Fla., will represent the home of the
circus. The fourth act will be titled
"Going Home Via the Mississippi
Show Boat."
Four students portraying vacation- -

SGA Sets
May 7 Date

For Election
Gives Vague $150;

Lost And Found
Agency In Sight
May 7 was the date chosen for

DeBoer And Cowling
Receive Fellowship










award cash prizes for the winners of
the vocabulary, current events, and
spelling contests.
Tonight there will be a snack hour
in the Journalism Building with motion pictures afterwards. One of the
films will be the Kentucky Cotton
Bowl victory over Texas Christian
A clinic on columns will be held
by the Kernel staff at 9 a.m. Saturday. At 10 a m. there will be a
panel discussion on American vs.
European journalism by nine German journalism students. The panel
will include Harald Bauer, Otto
Dluhosch, Miss Erika Gassmuller,
Fmck von Finckenstein, Gerd Luede-manWerner Peiner, and Maxmil-lia- n
A special edition of the Kernel will
be issued at 11 ajn. Saturday morning in honor of the convention. The
closing meeting will be held at 11:35







"This past week," she said. "Dean
Hazelden told us we weren't on the
budget. Our press date is tomorrow (Tuesday). The fate of the
magazine depends on SGA."
After she told a few of the assembly members what Vague was.
the group passed the appropriation
President Bob Smith said the
money wuuiu cume oui oi ooa s
miscellaneous fund. He said the
fund was reserved for Just such


Over 300 high school journalists
are expected to attend the Kentucky
High School Press clinic today and
tomorrow. They will be representing
33 Kentucky high schools.
Registration will begin at 8:30
o'clock this morning and will be
followed by tours of the campus at
9 jn. Tnere fill oe tnree lecture
sessions in the journalism building
at 10:15 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. The
lectures will be given by Dr. Niel
Plummer, J. A. McCauley, Victor
Portmann, Dr. William Moore, and
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, members of the School of Journalism
faculty; Mrs. Winfield Leathers,
secretary of the School; Charles Til-leKernel sports editor; Bill
Mansfield, Kernel editor; Tom
Kernel managing editor; and
Dorman Cordell, Kernel news editor.
Evaluations of the high school
publications will be given at 3 p.m.
by members of the Henry Watterson
Press Club, Theta Sigma Phi, women's journalism honorary, and upper class journalism students. The

YW Election
Will Be Held
On April 16

Room Is Established
Honoring Miss Margie

in the Journalism Build
ing will be established at the Mar- fuerite McLaughlin Room, honoring
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, who
has served as a member of UK's
journalism staff for 38 years. She
will be retired this spring.
Featured in the room will be a
large portrait of Miss McLaughlin,
done in oil by William Welsh, a
native Lexington artist, whose studios are now in New York. The portrait is a gift from William Bonny-msKnoxville, Tenn. A bronze
plaque will be hung over the door
rignifying the room's dedication.
Miss McLaughlin was one of Kentucky's first women reporters when
she worked for the Lexington Herald. She became one of the first
women instructors of journalism in
the United States when she joined
the UK staff in 1914.
During her many years here Miss
McLaughlin has helped establish
Suky, sent copies of the Kernel to
Kentucky men and women in every
theater of the last war, and participated in numerous college organizations. Among some of the organizations to which she belongs are the
Theta Sigma
Alumni Association,
Phi. Mortar Board leadership society. Women's Club of Central Kentucky. Altrusa Club. Business and
Professional Women's Club. Louisville Arts Club, and the National
Association of Arts and Letters.
The Maiguente McLaughlin Room
will be dedicated at the Commencement Banquet and open for inspection during commencement week.
It will be used as a lounge and
meeting room by journalism organizations.
The portrait, as well as the room,
will be presented to the University
at the banquet. By this time the


Theta Sigma Phi alumnae group
hopes to complete the plans for the
room as drawn up for them by an
interior decorator.
Mrs. Frances McLean. 350 Ayles-for- d
Place, serving as treasurer for
the fund to outfit the room, said
approximately 150 alumnae had
sent in funds totaling $1500, while
Mr. Bonnyman furnished money for
the portrait. Additional funds required for completing the decorating of the room are being received
daily. Names of the donors to the
project will be listed in a book to
be displayed in the room.
The room will be decorated in
colonial style and the portrait will
be hung with special lighting.


Government Association
spring election at the group's Mon- day night meeting.
Henry Neel, president of the
United Students Party, asked the
assembly to set a date for the elec- tions so the two parties could
choose candidates early. He pointed
out that early party action would
give the students a better cnance
to look over the candidates.
In the only other business of the
meeting, SGA appropriated $150 to
Vague, campus literary
magazine, and Charles "Red" Hale,
chairman of the committee to es-- !
tablish a central lost and found
agency, announced that he hopped
to have the agency in operation by
the end of the week,
Treasurer Bill Wilson presented
Chi Delta Phi's request for $150 to
publish Vague. The women's jour-- ;
nalism honorary sponsors the an- -,
nual collection of UK literary ef
forts. . ,
Jane Webb, a member of Chi
Delta Phi, explained to SGA that
her grpup had received an erroneous
report earlier in the year. She said
they had been sincere in thinking
they were on the official SGA bud-


By 33 Schools





Student tuition fees will lx' increased five dollars
with the fall semester.
The fee hike was suggested and approved Feb. 16, at a meeting of the UK Board of Trustees. Public announcement of the action was not made until last week.




Concert Band
Will Appear
In Musicale
Frank JJ Prindl

To Direct Group

Sunday Afternoon
conReturning from a three-da- y
cert tour, the University Concert
Band will make its first local appearance this year in the Sunday
Afternoon Musieales. The concert is
set for 4 p.m. Sunday at Memorial

Under the direction of Frank J.
Prindl, the band has appeared in
several concerts throughout Kentucky during the past week. The
program Sunday will be basically
the same as for each of these concerts.
The group is composed of about
68 musicians, the majority of which
arg music majors.
William George, music student
from Parkersburg, W. Va., is featured in a trumpet solo, transcribed
for trumpet by Mr. Prindl.
Another feature is the very recent number. Music for a Festival.
The composer, Gordon Jacob, was
commissioned by the Arts Council
of Great Britain to write this for
the Festival of Britain for 1951.
In recognition of the Passion
Week, the program opens with
Bach's famous chorale, O Sacred
Head, Now Wounded.
Special guests for the concert are
members of the Henry Clay and
Lafayette high school bands. The
concert is free to the public.
The entire program follows: O
Sacred Head, Now Wounded, by
harmonized by M.
second movement, by Hanson; A
Fantastic Dream, by Watz transcribed by Prindl, William George,
trumpet soloist; River Jordan, by
Etude No. 30, by Rose, for the
clarinets, arranged by Lillya; Etude
No. 11. by Arban, for the cornets,
arranged by Lillya; March Colonel

The YWCA election will be held
from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. April 16 in
tne student election booth of the
SUB. All the members of the
YWCA are urged to vote.
Pat Vincent and Kim Sanford
have been nominated for president.
Pat Vincent has been the YWCA
social chairman and is active in the
Y program for the year. She is a
counselor at Boyd Hall.
Kim Sanford has been the worship chairmant of the YWCA. Kim
is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta
and Cwens. She is treasurer of Chi
Omega sorority and on the current
slate for the Student Union Board.
The other girls nominated for administrative positions are Norma
and Barbara Baldwin, secre- Bogey, by Alford.
tary; and Ann Latta and Joyce WilMusic for a Festival, by Gordon
liams, treasurer.
Jacob, containing 1. Entrada (for
brasses alone), 2. Overture. 3.
Round in 7 parts (brasses), 10. Minuet, and 11. Finale.



UK To Participate
In Easter Seal Sale
The Kentucky Society for Crippled Children is sponsoring the annual Easter Seal sale on the I K
campus. The purpose of the sales
is to provide funds for the treat-


Tuition Raise To Be Used In Main
To Balance Budget, Meet Increases



Press Clinic

ists will be Jim Harris. Bob Maran-vill- e,
Ann Bennett, and Anne Barker.
A band composed of Phi Mu Alpha
members will provide special music
throughout the program. Soloists
with the band will be Shirley Hewitt
and Fred Hines.
Entertainers on the program are
Curtis Songster, magician; Bill Don
Grote, George Creedle, Jim Woodward, and Gus Kalos, barbershop
quartet; Wallace Buice, comedy
reading; and Jim Duffy and Lorendz
Smith, clowns.
Men tumblers will be Carl Newey,
Ken Franks. Frank Morris, Johnj
Burke, Jim Duf fey, Lorendz Smith,
Louis Karibo, and Bruce Kunkle.
Women tumblers are Virgina Bray,
Jane Clark, Marie Goggin, Jackie
Tinsley, Ann Pruitt, Bobbie Congle-toEloise Cooksey, Sara Ann Bob-bit- t,
and Ann Rezzonico.
Dances in the show will include
solo by Ella Marie
a "can-caLocke, "Blue Jazz" and "Raggedy-An- n
by Mary
and Raggedy-Andy- "
Jo Bishop and Jim Inman, and an
adagio dance by Bruce Kunkle and
Tom McKinney.
In addition, Joe Ellen McNutt will
present a dance routine, and Jane
Webb and Barbara Krieger will
dance a duet, "Artistry." Don Hartford, Jesse Caudill, Billy Rose, Jim
Lacy, Carolyn Rees, Janet Fischer,
Martha Raby, and Dolly Sullivent
will compose a square dance set. B.
Wyman Stephens will be the caller.
Vocal solos will be given by Carol
Bell, Bill Leskovar, Shirley Fauquier,
and Al Bruno.
The show committee is composed
of Jim Duffey, chairman, Mary Jo
Bishop, Jim Inman, Jo Ellen McNutt, Mary Devereaux, and Shirley
Admission will be 60 cents for
adults and 25 cents for children.
Director of Troupers is Milo Kar-snof the Physical Education Department.

Five Dollar Increase
To Be Made In Fees
Starting Next Autumn


Running For President Of YWCA

ment and education of crippled
children in Kentucky.
The Kst'C operates the Cardinal
Hill Convalescent Home in Fayette
County plus other projects
throughout the state.
The Phalanx Service Fraternity
and various Y groups will be in
charge of selling Easter lilies
Tuesday. The flowers will be sold
at stations located over the

Increased Costs Cant Be Met

Although the action was a sur- prise, UK President Herman L. Don- explained that the Board dis- cussed the request of the Alumni
Association to receive a small por- tion of student fees each semester
which would be returned to the stu- dent as a year's membership in the
Association upon graduation.
The Board agreed to allot the
Alumni Association 50 cents a se
mester or one dollar a year for this
Following this discussion,
Dr. Donovan said, the members con- sidered the fact that the appropria- asked the state ior UK was not

received in full, and the number of
students on the G.I. Bill was con-ovstantly dwindling. In order to meet
mounting costs of operation and to
balance the budget, it was deemed
necessary to approve an increase,
Costs Could Not Be Met
pr Donovan stated that he was
quite satisfied with the state appropriation, but it will be impossible to
meet costs without the increase. He
estimated that UK will net approxi-purpos- e.
mately $40,000 a year from the new
(The appropriations for the bien-tio- n
nium requested by President Dono- van from the state were over $2
million higher than the budget approved by the General Assembly. At
the time that the president announced his proposed budget, he
said that 200 faculty and staff members might be dropped from the
University if it were not approved.)
The president reminded that a
principal opera houses of Europe number of other colleges and uniand sang with the foremost con- versities were forced to raise their
ductors. In the spring of 1936 he fees by a much larger amount than
made his debut at Covent Garden, UK.
The fee raise of three dollars two
in London. For the Salzburg Festival
of 1937, Toscanini sought his services years ago did not benefit UK exfor the role of Don Ottavio in "Don penses because it is applied toward
Giovanni" and again the following student seats at the Community
season for the Verdi Requiem at the Concert and Public Form Series, he
Lucerne Festival.
Fee Was $34 Prior To 1942
Bjoerling returned to America in
According to old UK catalogs, the
1937. making his debut as soloist on
a General Motors broadcast which fee prior to September 1943 was $50
originated in Carnegie Hall. After per semester for state students.
joining the Metropolitan Opera, in However, when the University went
1938, he made his debut in "La to the quarter system, students were
charged $35 plus $2.50 for health,
fees. A six dollar general deposit
The program consists of Ombra fee also was required once
a' year,
(Largo), from "Xerxes", by but was refunded if
mai fu
there were no
Handel; Fruehlingsglaube, Schubert: charges against it.
Die Forelle. Schubert; Traum durch
Miss Helen King, executive secre- g,
die Daemmerung, R. Strauss;
tary of the Alumni Association, statVesti le giub-b- a,
R. Strauss; Aria.
ed that the memberships would not
from "I Pagliacci," Act 1, Leon- begin to operate under the new plan
cavallo; Nocturne in B major. Cho- until June 1953. She said the
pin; Dance, Grieg; Intermezzo, Op. Alumni Association felt the auto119, No. 1. Brahms; Spanish Dance,
matic membership would bring the
Lecuona ; Lilacs. Rachmaninoff ; graduates into closer relationship
In The Silence of Night. Rachmon-inof- f: with the Association and would enand Che gelida manina, from courage members to renew their
"La Boheme."
membership after the initial year.
She expressed satisfaction with the

Jussi Bjoerling, Tenor,
To Appear In Concert
Artist Is Member
Of Metropolitan
Jussi Bjoerling, tenor of the
Metropolitan Opera Company, will
appear at 8:15 p.m. Monday in Memorial Coliseum.
Mr. Bjoerling, who began his
career in Sweden 30 years ago, singing' in a novelty vocal ensemble,
came to this country with his father
and three brothers after his mother
died. He then toured for two years
the sections of the nation where
Swedish communities prevailed.
He received his formal musical
training at The Royal Conservatory
in Sweden, where he was noticed by
John Forsell, general director of the
Stockholm Opera. Forsell enrolled
Bjoerling in the school attached to
the Royal Opera and. within two
years, pronounced him ready for the
He made appearances at all of the

Holidays Will Begin
Friday, End Tuesday


"good move."

Easter holidays will begin at 8
a.m. April 11, and last until 8 am.
April 15.
There will be no Kernel next
week. The next Kernel will be
published April 18.

University Law Entrants
Asked To Apply Monday
All students now enrolled at the
I'nivmity who expert to enter

the Law School in September 1953
are requested to make application
for entrance Monday. All applications should be filed in Room four
of the Administration Building.

Fifth Blazer Lecture
Will Be Presented
By Jacque Borzun
The fifth Blazer Lecture, entitled
"World Culture Hope. Menace, or
Illusion?" will be given by Jacque
Barzun at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
College of Education auditorium.
Born in Paris, France, Mr. Barzun
was educated at Columbia University. He later became professor of
history at Columbia. From 1941 to
1943 the lecturer was active in the
radio presentation of "Invitation to

McVey Basement
Will Be Classrooms




Tenor With The Metropolitan

Rooms in the basement of MeVey
Hall, formerly occupied by the
Kernel Press, are being converted
into new classrooms.
The office of the Mathematics De- partment is to be located there.
along with the University Press.

Second Annual Folk Festival
To Open In Alumni Gym Tonight
The second annual stato-wid- e
Kentucky Folk Festival will open
tonight in Alumni Gym. The festival
will feature
and will
also offer folk singing, crafts, and
story telling.
The festival is
nine departments of UK and the
Lexington Folk Dance Center. Four
hundred advance reservations have
already been received by the UK
Extension Department. Last year
about 600 people attended.
Among the nine UK departments
epresented are Art, English.
Home Economics Extension, Men's
ind Women's Physical Education,
Music, Radio Arts, Rural Sociology,
nd the UK Extension Department.
advisory committee
A state-wid- e
helped plan the festival. Miss Anne
3. Green of the UK Art Department
.vill have charge of the folk arts
and crafts. Miss Edna Ritchie of
Terry County will lead Kentucky
folk songs and mountain ballads and
Miss Joan Roberts of Manchester.
England, will lead English folk



Dances for this year's festival,
which include "Black Nag", "Hunt
for the Squirrel", "Napoleon", "Patty
Cake Polka", and many others, have
been selected so that all those who
plan to participate can learn them
before coming to the festival. Music
for the dances American. English
and Danish will be furnished by an
accordian quartet, a square dance
band, and an orchestra from the
UK Music Department. Among the
dance leaders and callers who will
attend are Mr. and Mrs. George
Bidstrup, specialists in Danish dancing, from Brasstown, N. C.
An addition to the festival is the
modern dance group under the direction of Miss Janice Stille. instructor of physical education at
UK. This group, which includes
Miss Jan Clarke. Miss Geneal Peterson, and Joseph Marks will show
how the modern arts have their
roots in the folk arts. Archie Lee
will sing and play the dulcimore, accompanying the dancers in "Skip To
My Lou" and "Sweet Betsy of Pike "
The program will be opened at 8

o'clock tonight in Alumni Gym by
Dr. Leo Chamberlain, vice president
of UK, Dr. James S. Brown, festival
chairman, and Miss Mary Louise
Vetter, vice president of the Country
Dance Society of America.
dancing will follow after the welcoming.

The program continues on Saturday with folk dancing in Alumni
Gym from 9 to 10 a m. From 10:15
to 10:45 a.m. there wil be Kentucky
and English versions of folk singing
and tall Kentucky folk tales told by
Leonard Roberts from Pine Mountain, Ky. From 10:45 to 11:45 a.m.,
there will be folk dancing in Alumni
Gym and folk singing in the women's
Folk) dancing will continue in
Alumni Gym from 1 to 2:45 p.m.,
and from 3 to 5 p.m. there will be a
folk arts and crafts demonstration
in the Fine Arts Gallery. The Festival concludes at 8 p.m. Saturday
with folk dancing and singing in
Alumni Gym.


Tape 2


Spring is in our midst, and the warm weather
and beautiful blooming magnolia trees make us so
happy we can't In- - mad at anybody for a change.
A recent poll show ed that more intellectuals read
so rather than be
the comics than
-illiterate, we have
classified as
f been making a close study of the
situations recently.
In fact, two Stewpot predictions came t;ie. Model died and
Leyton Olson turned out to be
Summer Smith's father-in-laBut spring is taking its toll,
even in the comic strips. That champion of bac
Lil Abner, has taken the fatal step into the
Ixinds of matrimony with Daisy Mae. It was, of
course, quite against his will, but he had to follow
the actions of that idol of all
lxys, Fearless Fosdick.
The only remaining hope is Junior in Dick Tracy.
He is going to be a hardened bachelor because
Model died.
We predict the next wedding in the comic strips
will be between Little Orphan Annie and Henry.
He should be the perfect one to listen to her daily
gems of philosophy and wisdom. Colonel Robert
McCormick will give the bride away, and Smiling
Jack will send tw in igloos as a wedding present.
On the subject of wedding, a new question comes
up. Is the wedding legal if the shotgun wasn't

the basis for any nation

The movement on the part of a few censors to
decide what we will and will not read is nothing
short of supression of this freedom. The individual
has the right to choose for himself the literature he
wishes to read, not the censor.
The Louisville Retail Drug Association, using a
list of books and magazines compiled by the National Organization of Decent Literature, an offshoot of the National Catholic Legion of Decency,









to read.
There are many American novels, which, because
of their realism, contain matter that might not be
intended for the eyes of emotionally immature children. However, that gives the censors no reason
to ban them. Many educational books have been
put on the black list because of this.
Unfortunately, literature which is interesting and
worthy of reading is not always "pure" and on the
fifth grade level. Even in Shakespeare's times people recognized that people are people, and the
popularity of Shakespeare's plays is due partly to
the fact that they give an amazingly deep insight
to human nature. Even the censors would be reluctant to admit that we have remained socially and
mentally stagnant since the reign of Victoria.
The American public is fully capable of showing
which books they, want to read and those which
they consider "trash." Admittedly, many of the
are of a nature that will
comic books on
make the most callous gentleman shiver and look
behind his shoulder. The same applies to
"sex" novels.
If the reader is emotionally well balanced, he will
judge the material for its overall worth, and not on
the individual passages. It would lie much simpler
and, we believe, much more justifiable to ask, or
demand, that owners of bookstores refuse to sell
books of that type to people under college age.
Thomas Jefferson, in 1S00, summed up the situation perfectly when he said, "I have sworn upon
the altar of God, hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of men."
While we rant and rave about the threats of communism to this country, people such as these
censors are in the act of undermining one
of our greatest freedoms freedom of choice.





attempting to bring alxut this supression now,
pocket-siz- e
editions in the highlight
Pocket-siz- e
editions are of great aid to the college
student (and other people) who wish to keep up
with the latest lxoks but who can not afford the



regular book-siz- e
This censorship is equal to the threat of communism, which works in the same fashion undermining the rights and freedoms of the individual
The idea that a board of censors, far removed
from the public wall, can decide which books are
"obscene" and those w lu'di aren't is as repugnant as
any attempt to stifle freedom of the mind. Considering that some books and magazines are obscene and detrimental, these censors should consider that public opinion, and only public opinion
is the proper force to use in making decisions concerning what the American people will be allowed


R. J. B.


Everybody is running for President these days,
and you aren't socially "in" if your hat isn't in the
ring. We have decided that whoever wins, he can
use some of the following suggestions for the
For Secretary of Defense, Henry Wallace; for
Secretary of State, Sen. Joe McCarthy; for Secretary
of Labor, Westbrook Pegler; for Attorney-GeneraHarry Vaughn; for Postmaster General, Mickey
He can appoint Herman Talmadge as Chief Justice, and make Dr. Amry Vandenbosch ambassador
to Ireland.



This weather even inspires poetry. A collegiate
Shakespeare has" honored us with "Ode to a Stewpot." :! This arrived in the mails, and goes:
"O mighty perpetrator of foolish words,
We praise buj a stewpot
Fillet to the) top of your stinking' lid
With the thoughts of babes
the babblings of fools.
"Your glory,(p Stewpot, is like that of the sun,
DLspellinpr any ghosts' of intelligence hiding
In the, dark corner of a stagnant university.
"We; ho can not think, nor speak, nor act
With any vestige of common sense or reasoning
Thank you for your weekly Blah Blah;
We follow you in our sublime ignorance;
Lead us on, O Stewpot, to the Elysian Fields
Of UK Morons!"
What rhythm! What form! What poetry! What?
Poetry? Ah well, 'tis spring.
A survey of other campuses shows spring is having its usual effects. At Kansas State, a senior who
posed for his yearbook picture in a wig, a high
stiff collar, and pince-nehinted hell sue the yearbook if it doesn't use the photograph.
"I don't need to give them any explanation," he
said. "I gave them my dollar and a quarter. That's
The yearbook says students must pose in normal
wearing apparel. The senior calls this policy "discriminatory" and "characteristic of undemocratic

Students at the University of Michigan staged a
riot to celebrate the first day of spring. The president, the dean of women, the dean of men, and the
Ann Arbor police were unable to stop them. The
men tore into the girls dormitories, and then repelled an attack on their own halls by the girls.
They chased off the police squad. Finally, everybody got tired and went home to bed.





he-hoo- d,

Supression Of Mental Freedom




Literary Censorship Involves
Freedom of the mind




that exists on the theory that the individual is

Friday. April t. 1f"2

Sure Sign Of Spring
CordeWs Not Mad
At A Single Person

represented honest appraisals of situations after a
study of the arguments of loth parties.
We feel that it would be just as unethical for us
to support any student or group of students who
take an ill advised stand against the administration
as it would te for us to support the administration
when it takes actions that we feel are contrary to
the best interests of the students.
One of the basic responsibilities of any newspaper, ranking very close to that of accurate news
reporting, is fair and constructive criticism. Criticism can be neither fair nor constructive when
it is based on the preconception that one group or
faction is always right.
We hope this may shed some light on the reasoning behind our support of the administration in
the dismissal of Bill Spivey after our earlier criticism of that same group for their failure to take a
stand on the athletic scandal, and our censoring of
the Student Governme