xt72rb6vxq1k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vxq1k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-04-18  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 18, 1952 1952 1952-04-18 2013 true xt72rb6vxq1k section xt72rb6vxq1k The Kentucky Kernel

Stars In The Night Program
To Be Presented Wednesday
Awards To Coeds
Will Be Made
By Several Groups


Oir.cil will present the annual
Stars In The Night program at 7:30
p.m. Wednesday in Memorial Hall.
The program will open with a
skit by members of Tau Sigma,
Out Of This World." which is
choreographed by Geneal Peterson.
The dancers will be Judy Henry,
Patsy Bach. Judith Luigart, Eleanor
Gash, Beth Deen. Trip Moody,
Blondie Reynolds, Nancy Shaeffer,
Frances Maxedon and Janice Stille.
Ann Carson, mistress of ceremonies, will introduce "Our Earthly
Stars." Ruth Ann Matrgard will introduce the new officers of the
Annette Westerman will
present the new officers of the
Home Economics

Mary Pardue will present winners
of the room Judging contest. Ann
Carson will present the new mem-

bers of the Student Union Board.
Betty Carol Pace will present new
officers of the League of Women
Voters and the League's citizenship
Will Present WAA Awards
Eula West will present the
Women's Athletic Association's outstanding council member and
member. Miss Marguerite
Carr will present the Commerce
award and Geneal
Peterson will present new pledges
of Tau Sigma.
For Panhellenic, Mary Bianton
Williams will present a foreign stu- dent scholarship, a cup to the pledge
class with the highest standing,
and will announce the four sororities
with the highest scholastic stand- ings.

Law Program
To Be Held
On April 30
A special Law Day program featuring social and educational ac
tivities of the Law College will be
held April 30. Acting Dean W. L.j
Matthews said this week.
Combining activities which were
formerly held throughout the spring
semester, the Law College hopes tc
make the program an annual event.
Law classes will be dismissed for
the day.
Judge John A. Fulton of the Jefferson County Quarterly Court, a
member of a Louisville law firm, will
give the principal address at 10:30
ajn. in Room 100 of Lafferty Hall.
His subject will be "Lower Court
Practice with Suggestions for Reforms." A 1942 UK law graduate.
Judge Fulton t:as formerly an assistant U. S. District Attorney.
At noon a luncheon will be given
for the entire student body of the
Law College in the Blue Grass Room
of the SUB.
The Law Day program will begin
at 8:30 am. with a series of law
club arguments between members of
the eight law clubs. This will be
the preliminary step in the selection of the two law students who
will represent the University in the
moot court eliminations this fall.
The Student Bar Association and
Phi Alpha Delta and Phi Delta Phi
legal fraternities will be the principal sponsors of the Law Day pro
A demonstration
trial featuring
model court procedure will highlight the afternoon activities. The
trial, which will be conducted by
law students, will begin at 2 p.m. in
Room 100, Lafferty Hall.
stuA meeting of all pre-ladents who are now attending the
University is planned for 9 a.m. on
Law Day. The meeting will be held
in the Law Library.
The Law Day committee is composed of Eugene Hines, Jim Bruner,
and Martel (Red) Hale. Prof. Richard D. Gilliam is the faculty adw




cud to the sorority with the best
over-a- ll
For Kappa Delta, Rachel Moody-wil- l
introduce the outstandin
nledxe, the pledge with the best
standing, and the outstanding senior.

Helen Reed will present new members of Kappa Delta Pi and the
Kappa Delta Pi award. Marilyn
Jody will present the winner of the
Chi Delta Phi snort story contest
and wil' introduce the new members
and officers of the sorority
Will Present Theta Sis Award
Marilyn Kilgus will present the
new members and Freshman Award
of Theta Sigma Phi. Dr. Ruth
Thomas will introduce the new
n embers of Beta Gamma Sigma.
Mary Pardue will present Mortar
Board's freshman scholarship award
and the sophomore women with 2.6
Ann Woods will present Alpha
Delta Pi's outstanding pledge and
award to the outstanding organization on the campus. For Alpha
Gamma Delta, Marilyn Kilgus will
present the pledge with the best
standing, the active with the best
standing, the outstanding pledge
and an award to an outstanding
Freshman girl.
Mary Jane Pinson will present
Alpna xi pita's pledge with the
best standing, the outstanding
pledge, and the Waddy Scholarship.
For Chi Omega. Betty Carol Pace
wiU present the outstanding pledge,
th ortivp with th mnst imnrovd
standing, the pledge with the best
pledge notebook, the outstanding
senior, and the Economics award.

Virginia Goebel. Commerce junior,
and Paul Saad, Arts & Sciences senior, will represent the state of Kentucky in the National Oratorical
Contest in Evanston, 111., April 24
and 25.
Accompanied by Prof. J. Reid
Sterrett of the UK Speech Department, they will leave Wednesday for
Northwestern University. This will
be the 78th annual national meeting
sponsored by the Interstate Oratorical Association.
Miss Goebel won the right to enter
the national meet by defeating contestants from Berea. Georgetown,
and Union in the state competition
here last week.
Saad topped the men's division
with wins over Berea. Georgetown,
in iho r.iiiir
F.astern. and



Mothers' Day
Program Set
A: ForWednesday
4Who Said

For Activities
Mothers of UK coeds will get a
first hand view of college life at the
Mothers' Day Program Wednesday,
sponsored by Alpha Lambda Delta,
Cwens. and the House Presidents'

Kappas Outstanding Pledge Awarded
Joan Martin will present Kappn
Kappa Gamma's outstanding pledge
a cup to the sorority with the best
active standing, the active and
pledge with the highest standing,
and the girl with the most improved
For Zeta Tau Alpha, Dorothy Neal
will introduce the best pledge and
the outstanding senior and active.
Ann Bardwell will present Phi Upsilon Omicron's new members, the
Cornell Award, and the outstanding
Home Economics senior. Margaret
Humphreys will introduce
new members of Delta Pi Epsilon.
Fhyllis Dean will present Phi Beta
senior awards, the
the service award, the professional
award, and the new officers

JOHX PROFFITT AND JOHN BRANSON have been elected president
and vice president of the VMCA respectively. Proffitt, a junior in the
College of Arts and Sciences, has served as president for the present
year. Brannon, a junior in the College of Education, is serving his first
term as vice president.

Pep Conference Opens
On UK Campus Today

3.0 Students Introduced
Margaret Thruman will introduce
women students with 3.0 stand- -



Library Prize
Awarded To
English Major


most improved standing, and the ing Rifles and Scabbard and Blade, and cheerleaders. In addition, the
groups intend to exchange ideas for
larger and better organizations
which will generate more spirit in
the individual schools, and to promote cooperation and build better
relations between the various

Music Department

Perform Sunday

More Than 200
To Participate

In Annual Concert
More than 200 musicians will perform at 4 pjn. Sunday in the annual concert of the University Music
rwnnrt.mpnt. Thp nroeram. directed
by Dr. Edwin Stein, head or the
,m w . vr.
Hindu. ,niu k
morial Coliseum.
The University Chorus, under the
direction of Aimo Kiviniemi, will
present Bach's Cantata, No. 78,
"Jesu, Thou My Wearied Spirit,"
and "Drum Taps," by Howard Hanson, a contemporary American composer.
The second part of the program
will be by the University Choristers,
directed by Miss Mildred Lewis. The
group will sing "Serenade to Music,"
by Vaughn Williams, contemporary
English composer. The composition
is taken from a setting in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice."
The University Orchestra, conducted by Dr. Stein, will accompany
the two choral groups.
Mr. Kiviniemi, tenor, ana Earl
Holloway, baritone, will sing the
recitatives and arias in the Bach
cantata and incidental solos in
"Serenade to Music." Other soloists
will be Patricia Herren, Phyllis
Dean, Barbara Watson, Jo Anne
Thomas, Joyce Davis. Joan Ray,
Don Hartford, and William Winter



The last of the Sunday Afternoon
Musicales this year will present
Nathaniel Patch, of the Music Department faculty, in a piano recital
next Sunday afternoon in Memorial

The complete program for
day's Musicale follows:


'Modern Library



Massive Wood Statue Completed

For Fine Arts Building Exterior

In case you've been wondering
about the huge sculptured piece that
now decorates a ledge on the west
end of the Fine Arts Bulding, the
answer was obtained this week from
members of the Art Department.
To Receive
Beverly Davis, a senior art stuThe Enoch Grehan Memorial and dent, recently finished this eight-foo- t,
figure of a sculptur-e- r,
Marguerite McLaughlin awards for
who, in pausing from his work
high school seniors have been chosen
with his mallet in one hand and his
by the staff and publications advischisel in the other, seeks inspiration.
ors of Kentucky high school
The carving is from a Kentucky
and annuals.
The awards are conferred upon walnut log. donated by a local lumtwo high school staff members by berman. It was hollowed out by hand
the Kentucky High School Press and finished with eight coats of
boiling oil to prevent cracking. The
Enoch Grehan Memorial Certi- crevices were filled with beeswax to
ficates were awarded to 47 high avoid disintegration. Beverly worked
This award is given for on the piece for two semesters, averoutstanding service in scholastic aging nine hours a week. She made
journalism, good citizenship, high preliminary drawings and three clay
scholarship, and intelligent leader- models before finishing the work.
Fourth Piece She's Hone
ship. This certificate honors the
This piece, which is the fourth she
memory of the first head of the
School of Journalism at the Uni- - has executed, was done under the
supervision of Prof. Raymond Barn-har- t,
versity of Kentucky.
instructor in design and paintThe Marguerite McLaughlin Certi- ficate was awarded to 29 high ing at UK. Beverly's work, according
schools. It is given for outstanding to members of the Art Department,
service in scholastic yearbook pro- - is far superior to undergraduate
' duction,
good citizenship, and high work in sculpture. It has received
scholarship. This certificate honors the highest praise from visiting artone of the first women to teach ists, and competent art critics. Her
journalism in the United States. sculptured piece was designed from
Miss McLaughlin, who is retiring in the beginning as an architectural
August, has been a member of the decoration for the Fine Arts Buildfnculty of thi' &'hil of Journalism ing. The elongated proportions of
Uie work was necessary due to the
since 1914.

is also productive as a painter as
evidenced by the fact that she will
be honored next month by a

Young Journalists


Collection Includes


Registration for the conference
will take place this morning, after
which Dave Bere, Suky president,
Cantata, No. 78, Jesu. Thou My
Eugene C. Struncz, junior English
J. S. Bach-Cho- rus will welcome the convention dele- major, will receive the late Judge
Wearied Spirit
Jesus, Thou My Wearied gates at the opening session.
Samuel Wilson's award for the best
collection of books owned by a stuStudents Outline Objectives
Duet (Sopranos and Contraltos
dent at the University. His collecstuAt the morning session the
We Hasten With Feeble, But Diligent
tion is now on display in the foyer
dents will outline objectives and of the first floor of the Margaret I.
discussion on King Library.
Recitative Ah, I Am A Child of hold a round-tab- le
general problems facing school spirit.
Struncz's collection includes the
Aria Thy Blood Which Doth My The group will then divide into four Modern Library Series, the Classics
nnnpls tn rtisMiss nrnblpmK tvrtain- GuUt Redeem
mv tn thPir rniiwrP ThP .ftmnon Club, and various "pocket" editions.
Aimo Kiviniemi. Tenor
Mrs- - Hammond Dugan. associate
Nails, sessions will include films of card
Recitative The
the ubrarf- and activities within the clu
Thorns, and Grave
both "standard1 and con- Aria nh Tirrt Mv Conscience different colleges. .
temporary authors, and that his
An informal dance, with music by 1)00115
how evidence of a variety of
Dave Parry, will be held from 8 to
Holloway, Baritone
12 p.m. in the SUB Ballroom. The interests.
Chorale Lord. I Trust Thee
Struncz said he collects works of
dance will be open to all students
University Chorus and Orchestra
Erskine Caldwell and James Farrell
without charge.
Panel discussions will be con- because he likes their style. He
Serenade to Music
collects Bill Mauldin's works because
sesR. Vaughan Williams tinued at the Saturday morning
sion. During the afternoon, ar- he likes them, and because he and
and Orchestra
rangements have been made for the Mauldin were in the same outfit
delegates to attend the Spring meet during the war.
Soprano: Patricia Herren, Phylat Keeneland race track or to tour His library has Deen acquired since
lis Dean, Barbara Watson
1946. Some of his books are proJo Anne Thomas the Bluegrass horse farms.
Banquet Will Be Climax
tected with plastic covers or with
Davis, Joan Ray
Contralto: Joyce
Climaxing the two-da- y
conference pamphlet binders.
Tenor: Aimo Kiviniemi
will be a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the
In 1949, Struncz enrolled in UK
Baritone: Earl Holloway
room. Several new Northern
Extension Center and
Bass: Don Hartford, William schools football
will be admitted and the came to the main campus in 1950.
host for the 1953 Pep Conference His home is in Bridgeport, Conn.
This prize is made possible each
Hanson will be decided. Coach Paul Bryant
Songs from "Drum Taps
will act as toastmaster with Coach year by a sum of money left in the
Beat! Beat! Drums!
Aodlph Rupp giving the principal will of the late Judge Wilson. It is
By the Bivouac's Fitful Flame
offered to the undergraduate stu- Earl Holloway, Baritone
The first conference, known as the dent who has built up the best per- To Thee, Old Cause!
University Chorus and Orchestra Southeastern Conference Spirit sonal collection of books.





As part of the activities, the
mothers will inspect the campus and
learn about the academic and extracurricular activities open to women
students. They will also hear the
faculty members who work most
closely with the student body.
luncheon will
A Mother-Daughtbe held in the SUB Ballroom at

noon with Kim Sanford, president
of Alpha Lambda Delta, presiding,
"Who Said That?", a quotation
television show, will be the theme of
program. Divided into
"channels," it will consist of talks
by members of the faculty and administration.

Jamboree, was held at the University
Registration First
of Georgia in March 1949. Nineteen
Channel 1, from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m..
delegates representing six schools
of mothers in
attended the convention. At this will be registration Lounge. "Look
meeting it was decided to enlarge the Patterson Hall
into thy heart and write" will be

Suky Will Greet
Delegates From
20 Member Schools

will present senior cer- new oficers, and the tap
to include cheerleaders
Pin of new members. Jean Phelps
pep clubs.
Suky members and UK cheer- - rather than just
aim mary raruuc wui lap new memThe second annual conference was
laoHorc will frippt onnrnvimotplv 100
bers for Cwens and Mortar Board.
delegates from more than 20 schools held at the toUniversity ofsix mem
Officers of the Women's Adminis- - T,
Johnson Represents Tri Delta
the original
In addition
Joan Johnson will present Delta trative Council are Ann Carson, who are arriving on campus today ber schools, 13 new colleges attended.
Delta Delta's best pledge, the pledge president; Joan Martin, secretary; for the fourth annual Southern Col- One of these was UK. The permawith the best standing, and the and Rachel Moody, treasurer. Com legiate Pep Conference.
nent name of
The delegates, members of pep Pep Conference Southern
scholarship award to the outstand- - mittee chairmen are Marilyn Kil-- 1
was decided upon.
sec- ing girl. For Delta Zeta, Barbara gus and Harriet Russell, program; clubs, cheerleading staffs, card
The delegates also voted to include
Wayman will present the best Betty Carol Pace, organizations; tions, and bands, represent schools band activities in future meetings.
pledge, the outstanding senior, and Barbara Wayman, printed program; from the Southern, Southeastern
Joyce Ahmann, cover design; Mary and Southwestern Conferences.
the outstanding active,
The purpose of the conference is
Harriet Russell will present Kap- - Pardue, invitations; and Kim San- to study the functions, duties, and
pa Alpha Theta's pledge with the ford, publicity.
Ushers will be members of Persh- - operation of pep clubs, card sections.
best standing, the active with the



Will Be Theme


UK Orators
Will Allend
National Meet


FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1952





extreme height of the building. It is
cut very deep and very sharp in order that it can be understood during
of the day that it received no sunlight.

Last yenr Beverly received second

prize at the Kentucky and Southern
Indiana Regional Exhibit of Art,
which wns jiulp(i by the director of
the Chicago Ait Institute. Beverly

exhibition at the Lexington
Creative Arts Gallery. She is currently represented by one painting
at the Kentucky an Southern Exhibition in Louisville and recently had
a picture accepted in the Central
Kentucky Exhibition. These are juried shows meaning that they are
judged by competent critics before
Beverly is a tiny person, not over
five feet tall, and has been painting
since she was a little girl. This is her
sixth year in the Art Department,
due to the fact that she has worked
her way through school. She carries
a partial load and is an "A" student
in all her theory and history courses.
She is a very quiet girl all her energy comes out in work and has
shown a high proficiency of the English language in her written paper
Perhaps she can best be described
as a girl whose original creative
work is influenced by two things
her Jessamine County farm and the
UK experiences and an intense desire to create through the arts.
At present Beverly is completin:.;
a 4x12 foot mural of horses in the
Fine Arts corridor. She has nov
worked one and one-ha- lf
on this work. Beverly plans to nter
graduate school next year.

the first theme.
Jean Phelps, president of Cwens,
will preside at the second "channel,"
where the theme will be "To say
you are welcome were superflous."
The speakers and their topics for
this session will include Dr. Wil- liam S. Webb, "Education as the
Apprenticeship of Life"; Dr. R. D.
Mclntyre, "The Possibilities of Attaining Culture at UK"; Dr. Leslie
Martin, "The Advisory System for
Probation Students"; Miss Margaret
V. Storey, director of residence halls.
"The Residence Halls"; Dean Frank
Dickey of the College of Education,!
The Relationship Between Profes
sor and Student"; and Mrs. Moss
Patterson, a mother, "What a
Mother Expects of the University."

Stiffer Rules
Are Proposed
For Greeks
Faculty To Consider Plan
Made By Rides Committee
Fraternities and sororities who do
not have an average standing of 1.3
(the all men's average) will be faced
with loss of a year's social privileges,
and, unless they improve within the
next year, the possible revocation of
their charters if recommendations
to be made to the University Faculty
Monday night are passed.
The recommendations, which will
be made by the Committee on Rules
of the University Faculty, were sent
in letter form to all members of the
University Faculty and heads of departments earlier this week.
Other recommendations will include the application of the above
requirements and penalties, as far
as possible, to "any campus organization or group that has organized
social activities," and the limiting of
the number of social events to 10
per year, exclusive of rush parties.
It was not apparent from the let- tpr lust when the recommendations.

Desire To Rectify Situation
"No member of the committee was
motivated by anything but the desire to rectify the very poor total
situation which now exists," according to Dr. R. L. Tuthill. chairman
of the Committee on Rules.'
He said he was referring specifl- cally to the poor standings made by
the fraternities during the last few
years, and particularly the past semester, i Only nine of 20 fraternities had an average standing of 13
Dr. Donovan Will Speak
or better for the fall semester.)
Dr. H. L. Dono
At the luncheon.
The Kernel was unable to contact
van, president of UK. will discuss either
Saran Holmes or Dean
the 1952 college campus, ana Mrs. A D Kirwan ,or comment
oaran a. xioimes, aean oi woraeii,
However, Bob Cayce, president of
wui aiscuss lue unouuimi rruu-lem- s the Interfraternity Council, told the
College Woman."
of the
Kernel, "Dean Kirwan has told me
Channel 4. at 1:30 p.m, will be a
since the IFC has taken definite
panel discussion in the SUB Music action by placing a 1.2 requirement
Room. Mary Pardue. president of on initiation and has taken other
the House Presidents' Council. wiU:steps to
fraternity scholar- presiue, ana miss uuue nusejueii, as- ship, he will ask the faculty to table
sistant dean of women, will lead the the proposals until the IFC has an
panel composed of Ann Carson, opportunity to prove the workability
president of Women's Administraof its plan.
tive Council; Miss Pardue, president
of Mortar Board; Mary Bianton
Improvement Slow Process
Williams, former president of the
"Improving scholarship is bound
Panhellenic Council; Ruth Ann to be a slow process," Cayce said,
Maggard, president of YWCA;
"But I am sure that the IFC plan
Palmgren and Masako Inugai, will work if given an opportunity.
foreign students; and Barbara Bald- I hope the faculty will give it that
A tea will be held In the Jewell
The basic idea for the recommenHall Lounge at 3:30 p.m.
dations came from the Arts and
Science Faculty, which submitted a
'Stan In Night' Is Hichlicht
very similar set of recommendations
The "Stars In the Night" program to the University Faculty at its Febwill highlight the program In the ruary meeting. As is the usual proevening.
cedure, they were passed on to the
Committees for the Mothers' Day rules committee, which studied them
program Include Invitations Myra and made changes it deemed advisHensley, Kim Sanford, Martha Bach, able.
Annette Perlmutter, Carol Milkey,
Dean M. M. White of the Arts
Martha Townsend; Publicity-M- ary
Carlyle Winkler. Elaine Moore, Dolly mittee on RuIes nad made only very
Sullivent, and Barbara Baldwin; minor changes m the original
Program-Ski- ppy
Youman. Scotty recommendations made by the Arts
Bell. Pat Nervey; Hostesses Sally and sciences Faculty.
nm. Deny layior, jean nasn;
No Dissenting Votes
Speaker Joyce Hamrick. Mary Pat"The general purpose is to encourterson; House Committee Nancy
Turnman. Barbara Weesner, and age the members of fraternities and
sororities to concentrate to a greater
Lois Smith.
extent on school work," Dean White
said. He added that the Arts and
Sciences Faculty had passed the original recommendations without a
dissenting vote.
Changes in the minimum stand- Mauri-ci- o
An exhibition of prints by
ing to be maintained are provided
Lasansky and the Iowa Print fri In IVio rwn ,yi men H o t inn tr thn
Group is now open in the Fine Arts eyent
a men.s averag(j snould
change significantly.
Mr. Lasansky, an innovator in
the field of graphics. Is professor of
art at Iowa State University. His!
work has been awarded prizes in all
major print exhibitions during the
past several years.
This exhibition includes 28 prints,
mostly black and whites, and will
The United Students Party ancontinue through April 30. The gal- nounced its candidates this week for
lery is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. president and vice president of the
daily and from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun- Student Government Association,
and the Constitutionalist Party will
select its complete slate today.
George Lawson. president of Sigma Chi. will run for president on
the United Students ticket. Henry
Neel. president of Sigma Phi Epsilon and United Students, is the
candidate for vice president.
Only one candidate for representative has been selected by the party.
Paul HoUeman, Delta Tau Delta, is
The Kentucky Highways Confer- candidate for Arts and Sciences
ence, which began on campus yesrepresentative.
terday, will continue through today.
Delta Tau Delta only this year
The conference, promoted by the changed its affiliation from ConstiEngineering College and the Ken- tutionalist to United Students. Jack
tucky Department of Highways, is Ballantine of the Delts was presiintended to bring together all those dent of SGA last year, and Delt
interested in design, construction, Fred Dorr was Constitutionalist
and maintenance of roads and Party president.
Other candidates were to be seGuests registered yesterday morn- lected at a meeting yesterday after
ing in Memorial Hall. The general noon. The platform will be decided
session was opened with a speech upon early next week, Neel said.
by Dean D. V. Terrell on "EducaConstitutionalist Party publicity
tional Opportunities for Highway chairman Tom Wil born said the
Constitutionalist slate would be de- -'


In-gr- id



Fine Arts Gallery
Showing Iowa Prints



The number of social events which
can be held by any fraternity or
sorority during the regular school
year is limited to 10. with the ex
ception of rush parties, which only
prospective pledges attend.
The type and distribution of these
10 events is to be subject to the
approval of the Social Program
Committee and the recommendations specify that not more than
one of the events shall be a dance
held outside of the chapter house.
Application to other campus organizations which have organized
social activities of the standing requirement and the penalties for not
meeting it is left to the discretion of
the Dean of Students and Dean of
Women. It is possible that this rule
could be applied to such groups as
McDowell House and Hamilton
House, which have somewhat more
limited social . programs than the
iraternuies ana soronues.


Text Of Letter
The text of the Committee's




The Committee on Rules of the
University Faculty will submit the
following recommendations on Social Organization Scholarship at the
meeting of the University Faculty
on April 21, 1952:
1. Any fraternity or sorority which,
at the close of a school year, has an
average standing for both actives
and pledges lower than 1.3 "the
average) shall be placed on social probation for the following year.
Social probation shall prevent the
fraternity from holding any social
affair to which other than members
are invited.
j. If. during a year of social pro-th- at
nation, a fraternitv or aororitv aeain
fails to meet the specified standing,
it shall immediately be prohibited
from further pledging or initiation,
and it shall be called upon to show
cause why its charter should not be
revoked. A final decision respecting
the revocation of a charter or the
renewal of pledging and initiation
privileges shall be made by the University Faculty on the basis of evidence furnished and recommendations made by the Dean of Men or
the Dean of Women.
3. If at any time it becomes eviaverage has
dent that the
changed significantly, the University Faculty may alter the above
grade requirements on recommendation of either the Dean of Men or
the Dean of Women.
4. At the discretion of the Dean of
Women, Dean of Men, or both, the
same requirements outlined above
and the same penalties, as far as
possible, may be applied to any
campus organization or group that
has organized social activities.
5. The maximum number of social
events tor any fraternity or sorority
during a regular school year shall
be ten, exclusive of rush parties to
which only prospective pledges are
invited. The character and distribution of these events shall be subject to the approval of the Social
Program Committee. The ten events
shall include not more than one
dance in any place other than the
fraternity or sorority house.
Members of the Committee are:
A. J. Brown, L. M. Chamberlain,
W. P. Garrigus, H. E. Spivey. M. R
Sullivan. R. L. Tuthill, chairman
and M. M. White.
all-m- en




SGA Candidates Announced
By United Students Parly
cided upon

at a meeting this


A platform committee was formed
last week, and will report its recommendations to the party today.
These recommendations, together
with those of candidates selected,
will make up the Constitutionalist
platform. Wilborn said.
The Constitutionalists will conduct an organized campaign this
year, filborn stated. None was
conducted during the last election.
"We expect the Constitutionalist
Party to run a good rate this year,"
Wilborn said. "After all. the United
Students will have to stand on their

On Highways
In Progress

April 30 Is Deadline
For G.I. Book Dills

Book bills for veterans will end
April 30. it has been announced.
All supplies and books must be
drawn by that time.

� The Stewpot

Aspects Of Recommendation


Faculty Consideration

Monday the University Faculty will le asked to
consider several recommendations which could
have a rather drastic effect upon the social organiza- tions at UK. We would like to present a few as- pects of the situation which we believe it should
take note of before reaching a final decision.
Since the University has the right to charter so- cial organizations, it. of course, has the right to
impose certain standards which they must maintain.
But we wonder if the end in this case justifies the
means. There is no doubt that these recommenda- .
tions, if approved, will improve the standings of
social fraternities a lew numerical points. In the
process, however, students will lose more of their
right to self government.
The IFC is now instituting a plan to improve
standings. Indications are that this plan, contrary
to those of the past, will have some teeth in it.
Already the requirements r initiation have been
raised from a 1.0 to a 1.2. Ferhaps the IFC has at
last awakened to the problem and is combating it.
At least it should be given a fair trial period.
Part of the recommendations concern the number
ot social events which organizations may
methods by which the scheduling of these events

can be controlled. To our mind this has little or
nothing to do with the basic aim of the recoinmen- dations, which was to improve scholarship, not
limit social activities.


survey showed that
the state's newspapers, with few exceptions, had not
even showed enough interest in the matter to ask
for admission to attend the meetings.
Here at UK, responsible officials state that they


Fraternities and sororities exist primarily for the
social purposes. They must be expected to meet
University standards with regard to scholarship
and conduct, but so long as they do this there are
no legitimate grounds for curtailing their social ac- tivities.
Tlie effect of the limiting of social functions
would be to cause the campus organizations to have
more unscheduled,
activities which
would not have to be entered on the social calendar.
Events listed on the social calendar must meet
University standards as to chanerones, location, and
the like. Unlisted parties do not. We prefer listed
parties and we believe the Faculty does too.

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