xt72rb6vxp84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vxp84/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1937-05-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1937 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 14, 1937 1937 1937-05-14 2013 true xt72rb6vxp84 section xt72rb6vxp84 Best Copy Available






Hinkebein Sets Record
As UK Swimming Team
Defeats Morehead, 44-2- 2
Mark In 100 Yard
Breast Stroke Is
Led by Capt. Sherman Hinke
bein, who established a new Kentuc-

mark In the
breast stroke, the University
swimming team defeated the More-heTuesday night
swimmer 44-in the Morehead State Teachers
College pool. Four pool records
were also smashed In this dual meet
Captain Hinkebein swam the 100
yards in 1:11. The event was supposed to be ft
breast stroke.
but Hinkebein continued after es
tabllshlng a new pool record of 1:03
lor the
Other pool records were made by
two Kentucky men and one More- head swimmer. Roberts, swimming
free style for the
in the
'Cats, made the distance In :55.z.
The other pool record, which was
broken by the Wildcat mermen, was
relay. Sherman, Hinke
bein, Roberts, and Ramsey iook
nart In this event. Kessler, More
head, established a new mark in
free style event in the
100-ya- rd




90-y- ard

90-y- ard



time of 2:38.
This win is the fifth of the year
without a defeat against Kentucky
opposition for the 'Cats. They lost
one match out of the state wnen
they went to Knoxville to meet the
University or Tennessee.
The Blue and White swimmers
rule as favorites in the state cham
DionshlD meet that will be held in
Morehead Saturday night. Other
teams entered will be Eastern, Bcrea
Morehead, University of Louisville
and possibly Murray and Western
State Teachers College. The first
three named teams should offer
the stiffest competition to the 'Cats
who also won the title last year.

Tuesday night i summary:
Medley relay Kentucky iFreebrrs. Hin
kebeln. and Ramsey! first. Time 2:05.5.
Iree atyle Kessler imp first.
Roberta K second, jaexson (mi umu.
Time 1:11.
Morris (Ml first,
free style
Ramsey (K) second, HinKeDein iiu inira.
Time :31.8.
Diving Morris (Ml first, Sherman (K)
second. Sharp K third.
free style Roberta (Kl first,
Trlplett (K) second. Rhauba (Ml third.
Time :55.2.
back atroke Freeberg (Kl first,
Riley (K) aecond. Conn (M) third. Time

Hinkebein (K)
breast atroke
first, Morris (Ml aecond. Bell (Ml third.
Time 1:03.
Kentucky (Sherman.
Trlplett, Roberta, and Ramsey) first. Time


New pool record.

Summer Session
To Offer bourse



Of Prevention Of
Accidents To Be


A course of Instruction in traffic
safety and automobile operation for
teachers will be offered the first
term of the summer session from
June 14 to July 17 at the University-Safety

In the home and at work
will be Included in the course with
a critical analysis of accidents on
the highway, and various methods
of accident prevention; significance
of rules, regulations, and courtesy;
the essential knowledge of automobile mechanisms, and practical automobile driving.
The object of the course will be
to teach safety In all its phases,
but special emphasis will be placed
on the modern trends in driving
and safety so that teachers enrolled
in the course will be qualified to
teach the course in state schools.
In cooperation with the Bluegrass
Automobile club and the Kentucky
State Safety Commission, the American Automobile Association will be
the sponsors of the course.
J. 8. Mitchell, of the University
Mnk nhnnl will txanh the course.
Mr. Mitchell will attend a special!
school on drivers education may
r4 to May 29, to be sponsored by
the American Automobile association. Amos E. Neyhart. the "fathprogram
er" of the
in this country, will be one of the
instructors in the special school.

Regiment Will
Parade At 10 A. M.
Third regimental parade of the
year will be held at 10 o'clock this
morning, the military department
announced yesterday.
In case of Inclement weather a
pennant will be run up the flag pole
in front of the Administration

Freshman Chemistry
Club Takes Trip

Four Blues
Compete In
Big I 3 Meet


New Makeup
When the Los Angeles
Times was awarded the Ayer
Typographical contests,
the Judges broke away from
tradition because the Times
had dared, Itself, to break
away from traditional type
and traditional forms of
newjpaper make-uThe Times calls it "streamlining." But even before the
Tinges had used this style,
John E. Allen, editor of The
Linotype News, had advocated
the use of a new headline
which he named the "ragged
In conformance with the
announcement made by the
editors last week that experiments In different styles of
make-u- p
would be made on
l'he Kernel, this week's experiment is done In the "streamlined" or "ragged head" style.
It gives more contrast and
"opens" the page for more
legible reading.
The editors hope to receive
your comments thereon.

Reaffirming their confidence of
winning within the radius to which
they will be confined by reason of
limitation of numerical strength,
four members of the Wildcat track
team entrained yesterday morning
for Birmingham, Ala., where they
will compete today and tomorrow
In five events In the annual Southeastern Conference track and field
Accompanied by Coach C. F.
Strlplin, who is completing
first year as mentor, the squad consisted of Capt. Ben Willis, Dave
Rogan, Cecil Hellard, and Elmore
Conference champion in the mile
Dave Rogan, who established the
record of 4:21.8 for the run at last
year's meet, is expected by Coach
Striplln to lower the record to
around 4: IS. Hellard will be
mate in this event, and
chances for the Kentucky entry to
are deemed excellent.
finish one-tw- o
Rogan and Hellard also will compose the 'Cat entry in the
Capt. Willis, who attained 9.6 last
dash, but
season in the
has been unable to better 9.9 this
year, will represent Kentucky In the
sprints and hurdles. At last year's
conference meet, Willis ran second in the dash and hurdle events.
Forrest Towns, Georgia, who was
a member of the 1936 Olympic team
and Is present world's champion
high hurdler, may oppose Willis In
this event if Coach Striplln enters
Having shown great improvement
this year over last year's efforts.
Red Simpson is expected to approach 190 feet In his Javelin throw.
Although his best competitive record is 184 feet, Simpson last week
threw the spear 189 feet, 11 Inches
in practice.
While winding up the season for
conferthe Wildcats, the two-da- y
ence rivalry will be hottest between
Louisiana State, Alabama, Georgia
Tech, and Georgia, with L. S. U.
favored to win the tourney.
Three dual meets were won dur
ing this spring's term of sprinting.
hurdle stumbling,
discuss slinging, and weight slamming, the victims of the Wildcats
being Tennessee, Vanderbilt, and

880-ya- rd

100-ya- rd

Brode Will Be
Chief Speaker At
Sigma Xi Banquet
Motion Pictures
Of Expedition To
Siberia Will Be
Shown Members
Dr. Wallace R. Brode, associate
professor of organic chemistry at
Ohio State University, will be the
chief speaker at the annual spring
banquet of the Kentucky chapter of
Sigma Xi, honorary chemistry fra
ternity, at 7 o'clock Saturday night
at the Phoenix hotel.
A member of the 1936 Harvard
study a total eclipse of the sun,
Doctor Brode will give an illus
trated lecture on its work. Doctor
Brode is an authority on specto-graph- lc
pictures. He will show motion pictures taken by the expedition of the eclipse of the sun.
Doctor Brode will be introduced
by Dr. Statie Erikson, head of the
department of home economics and
president of the local chapter of
Sigma Xi, who will preside at the
Officers of the Kentucky chapter for the coming year will be
elected at the meeting, and new
members will be Initiated into the
James Oabbard, instructor in
chemistry, and Clair Waltman, as
sistant professor of horticulture,
will be inducted to the active mem
bership in the society.
Graduate students wno win oe
Initiated in Sigma Xi are John
Daniels, physics; Tom Samuels and
Harmon Calkins, bacteriology; Jo
Burns McLellan and Cornelius
Pell, mathematics, and Carroll
Weisiger Jr., psychology.

Women Students
Will Hold Officer


spear-throwin- g,

Geology Students
Start June 4 On
Annual Tour

With approximately 12 students
and faculty members making the
trip, the annual field expedition of
the department of geology will leave
for Ste. Genevieve county, Mo., and
points west, June 4.
Dr. A. C. McFarlan, head of the
department, and David M. Young,
curator of the museum of geology,
will be the faculty members in
charge of the expedition.
Points to be visited during the
two weeks that the party will be
on the road includes the University
of Chicago field station in Ste.
Genevieve county, the famous
zinc district in the vicinity
Tri-Sta- te

Installation services for the new of Joplin, Mo., Magnet cave, Hot
officers and house presidents of the Springs, and various other localities
Association of Women Students will In Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and
The western terminus
be held at 7:30 o'clock Monday Tennessee.
of the trip will be Fort Worth, Tex.,
ight at Patterson hall.
association are where collections will be made in
New officers of the
nresident: Rae the vicinity from formations of
Dorothy San- - Cretaceous age.
Field trips have always been a
ten, secretary; Rutn jonnsion,
treasurer, and Mary Elizabeth Kop-plu- s. high spot of the year in so far as
graduate representative.
the curriculum of the department of
officers include Virginia Rob geology is concerned. Travel Is by
inson, Theo Nadelsteln, Mary Neal means of the department truck and
Walden, CamiUe Hedges and Mary trailer which permits frequent stops
for the purpose of examining the
Jane Roby.
House presidents to be installed geologic sections of the regions
Shelby House; traversed. The party sleeps in two
are Jesse Whitfield,
Nancy Harrison,
Patterson hall; large tents and eats with the help
Runelle Palmore, Boyd hall; Elea- of the tin can and two student
nor Mitts, Alpha Gamma Delta; cooks.
Virginia Ferguson. Alpha XI Delta:
Two courses are offered during
Mary E. Curtis, Delta Zeta: Dot the trip, geology 115 for advanced
Kappa Delta; Pargle majors In the department and geolYoung, Delta Delta Delta: Mary ogy 23 for those who have had
Morton Kirkpatrick, Kappa Kappa elementary geology. Two credits
Gamma: Mary Ellen Saunders, Chi may be obtained in either course by
Omega; and Lorene Long, Zeta Tau those making the trip.
Alpha. Anne Lang, Y. W. C. A.,
and Dixie Abram.
also be installed.

The last
of the year will be held next
Saturday night In the Alumni
from nine to
twelve with the music furnished by Bill Crutcher and his
orchestra, it was announced
by Dean T, T.
Admission for the affair will
be twenty-fiv- e
cents per couple or stag with the proceeds
going to the Student Loan



To Be Installed
At Grime's Mill
Snedeker, House,
Palmore, Laval,
Elected To Head
1937-3- 8
Eleanor Snedeker and Frances
House were elected president and
respectively, of the
Women's Athletio Association at a
poll held Tuesday in the office of
Miss Rebecca AverllL Other officers
chosen were Runelle Palmore, secretary, and Frances Laval, treasurer.
Miss Snedeker
succeeds Jane
Welch as head of the organization.
Both she and Miss House were
nominated for the office, the woman receiving the most votes becoming president, and the other nominee being
Installation services for these officers and the
council members will be held on
Monday, May 24, at Grimes Mill.
Awards to outstanding members of
the association for participation in
sports will be presented at this
Following the election, the new
president appointed a council for
the coming year. Council members
will each have charge of a sport,
directing It, and noting the number of points gained. Plans were
discussed for the annual camp to be
held this week-en- d
at Clifton, and
arrangements were made for the
tennis tournament which the organization is sponsoring. The first
round of the tournament will be
played off by noon tomorrow.
Members of the new council are:
Jane Welch, Frances Laval, Ellen
Schoene, Dorothy Wunderlich,
Frances House, Ruth Howell, Sue
Sparks, Josephine Hume, Alice
Howry, Nathalie Dye, Hazel Perkins, Martha Hawkins, Harriet
Hendershot, and Runelle Palmore.

At the final indoor band concert
of the school year last night in Me
morial hall It was announced that
outdoor concerts will be held In
the Memorial hall ampitheater May
20 and 27, which will conclude the
season for the University Concert
The following program was given:
March, "World Events," Zaminek;
Selection, Victor Herbert's Favorites; Cornet solo by Percy Lewis,
Stars In The Velvety Sky," Clarke;
March, "El Capitan March." Sousa;
Waltz, "Die Fledermouse," Strauss;
Wonderland Pictures, Introduction
and Dance "In The Hayflelds," Ro
mance, "An Old World Garden,"
Humoreske "Bean Forest;" March,
Colossus of Columbia," Alexander.

Law Fraternity
Will Initiate Two
Initiation of Federal Judge
Hamilton as an honorary
member of Henry Clay chapter of
Phi Alpha Delta law fraternity will
be held Saturday at the Phoenix
hotel. Frank 8tarks, a law student
at the University, will be initiated
as an active member of the chapter.
The annual Founder's day banquet will be held at 6:30 following
the initiation. Invitations have
been extended to 125 alumni of the
chapter throughout the state,
among whom are Senator Alben W.

New YMCA Officers
Will Be Installed


afternoon price of 27 cents If they
present the coupon which will be
found elsewhere in this Issue of The
Kernel at the boxofflce prior to 8

The love Interest In "Shall We
Dance" is based on situations between Astaire and Miss Rogers, he
a ballet dancer and she a musical
comedy star.
Songs sung by the team during
the musical comedy Include "You
Can't Take That Away From Me,"
and "Let s Call The Whole Thing




Mark F. Ethridge To Deliver
Annual Commencement Address
At 70th Graduation Exercises
n J a: viass

Delta Sigma Chi
Donates Fund For
Listening Center

For It

Radio Posts To Be
Set Up In Leslie
County; Election
Of Officers Held

Do you like the 1937
ian? The editors are very
to get the student
Dplnlons and Ideas of the new
year book.
During the remainder of
this school year, the editors
of the Kentuckian
will accept all comments, suggestions. Ideas, criticisms, and
complaints about the present
year book. If you have new,
different, and unique Ideas
for the theme of an annual,
send them In and they will
be given consideration.
Clever and outstanding ideas that
are accepted will be given
This is a means to give the
students a book that they will
want and one that will meet
the approval of everyone.
Send your replies to 1937 Kentuckian, University of Kentucky post office.
It is your book. Send in
your Ideas so that you will be

Funds necessary for the purchase
of a radio set for the University's
mountain radio listening center
system were donated by Delta Sigma
Chi, honorary professional JournalIsm fraternity, at a meeting Tues
day night at the home of E. O
Sulzer, adviser, at which Ray Lath- rem, Stamping Ground, was elected
president of the organization.
Other officers elected for the
coming year are Marvin Gay. Mt.
Tom wat- kins, London, secretary; and Donald
Irvine, Lexington, treasurer.
Initiation ceremonies were held
for George Kerler, Clifton, N. J.,
and Robert Rankin, Dayton, Ky.
The new radio set, which is to
be purchased with the Delta Sigma
Chi donation, will be placed at
Wooton, in Leslie county, and will
be Installed in the immediate fu
ture. This will make the twenty- fifth listening center in the Uni
versity s system.
During the year Delta Sigma Chi
has carried on a comprehensive
program in other fields, Including
the publication of Sour Mash, campus humor publication.
Seven issues of this magazine have been
published, with the final Issue of
the school year to be printed within
two weeks.

Clemson College
Confers Degrees
Upon UKy M en
Dean Cooper And
Dr. McHargue Are
Honored For Their
Degrees of doctor of science were
conferred upon Dean Thomas P.
Cooper of the College of Agriculture and Dr. J. S. McHargue, head
of research chemistry at the Experiment Station, at Clemson Agricultural College In South Carolina, May 13.
Dean Cooper Is director of the Ag
ricultural Experiment Station and
is serving on many boards, committees and commissions. An authority on the cooperative move
ment Dean Cooper is a director of
the Bank for Cooperatives, Washington, D. C, and director-at-larof the Federal Land Bank at Louis
ville. He Is a past president of the
American Farm Economics associa
Dean Cooper also is secretary of
the Association of Land Grant
Colleges and Universities, is a consultant of the National Educational
association and of the President's
committee on vocational education,
member of the committee on original planning in the South and of
the commission of education in the
southern mountains, director of the
American Country Life association
and' is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
He Is
the Kentucky State Board of Agri
culture and a director of the Ken
tucky Farm Bureau Federation.
In 1929, Dean Cooper served on a
commission appointed to study the
ravages of the Mediterranean fruit
fly in Florida. He was chairman of
a special commission of the Association of Land Grant Colleges and
Universities reporting on the agricultural situation in 1927 and again
in 1932.
Included in the honoraiies to
which Dean Cooper belongs are the
Kentucky Academy of Science. Sig
ma Xi, Alpha Zeta.. Gamma Sigma
Delta, Omicron Delta Kappa,
Sigma Phi. the Research club,
and the Academy of Political and
Social Science.
Doctor McHargue was awarded
his degree because of his numerous
investigations of the place in animal and Plant life of the minor ele
His experiments have atge


Ep-sil- on

Motion Picture Scenes
On Display At Library
Scenes from the motion picture,
"The Prince and the Pauper" are

depicted in a display being shown
this week on the first noor or tne
library. This display,
which is being-- presented to revive
n interest in Mark Twain's novel,
The Prince and the Pauper," shows
scenes from the motion picture of
the same name.
One event Dlctured which is es
pecially timely now Is a photograph
of the coronation in Westminister
Abbey iu 1821. The exhibit also
shows the great amount of research
which U necessary betore
picture can be produced.


Of 400 To Hear
Newspaper Editor
In Alumni Gym


Barkley, A. C. Stanley. Virgil Chapman, and John Y. Brown.
Officers in charge of the Initiation
will be Henry O. Whitlow, Justice;
B. T. Moynahan, vice Justice; C. C.
Wells, clerk: Joeph S. Free land,
treasurer; and Roger Womack, tracted international attention, and
in 1935 he received the award of the
mar shall.
American Society of Agronomy for
his work.

Astaire And Rogers "Ballet"
For Kernels College Nighters

"Shall We Dance?"
A final meeting of the Y. M. C. A.
Fred Astaire speaking to Ginger
for the purpose of Installing the
officer will be held Rogers, In the picture of the same
A Freshman Industrial Chemihtry
club, under the sponsorship of Prof. at 6 o'clock tonight In the Maxwell name thus starts the 7th musical
this team, which
J. R. Mitchell, has been formed by Presbyterian church. George Swea-zpastor of the Presbyterian will be the main picture tonight at
freshmen majoring In Industrial
chemistry. Officers of the club are church at Dunvllle, will be guest the next to last College Night of
under the auspices
this school-yea- r,
David Scott, president; John Oay, speaker.
Professor Merton Oyler, chairman of The Kernel.
and Robert Withers,
Beginning promptly at 8 o'clock,
of the Y. M. O, A. advisory board,
also will Include
will install the officers. They are the program
Members of the club are Journey"Mickey's Circus," a color cartoon
Tom 8pragens, president; Robert
ing to Louisville today on an inLloyd Ma- starring Donald Duck, and the
spection tour of the Standard Oil Evans,
rian, secretary; and David Scott, usual assortment of shorts.
Refining company, and the
Btudents will be admitted at the


Gives Program



FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1937

University Band

To Live In Open
While Studying





Swan Swing
Tomorrow Night

Willis, Simpson,
Rogan And Hellard
Fight For Points In
Birmingham Battle

Kernel Set In

Set By Captain

On Auto



McKenna Makes
Bid For Operatic
UKy Sophomore
Presents Recital At
Henry Clay Before
Large Audience
Making her bid for a place In the
world of concert and grand opera,
Mary Louise McKenna, University
sophomore, presented, a recital In
Henry Clay high school auditorium
600 persons
before approximately
Wednesday night. Assisting Miss
McKenna in the program, which
was planned by Lexington civic organizations for the purpose of creating a scholarship fund, were Miss
Xllce Robertson, pianist; Paul
violinist, and the University
radio staff orchestra, under the di
rection of Elmer G. Sulzer.
For her opening group, Miss Mc
Kenna sang three arias from "La
Boheme," "Mignon," and "Romeo
and Juliet." Arditis "Der Kuss" was
sung afterwards, then followed two
groups of lighter compositions, sung
in English. Closing selections were
from the musical comedies "Naughty Marietta," "Maytlme," "The Red
Mill," and "The Firefly," with the
radio staff orchestra accompanying.
Miss Robertson played all other
accompaniments for Miss McKenna,
and Mr. Mclntire played pieces on
his viola with Miss Ernestine Del- camp as accompanist at the piano.
Phi Beta honorary musical fra
ternity members acted as ushers.
They Included Katherine Park,
Margaret Moore, Dorothy Murrell,
Helen Farmer, Sara Louise Cundiff,
Alice Adams. Virginia Robinson,
Ruth Ecton, Marjory Jenkins, Ruth
Johnson. Clara Hughes, Elizabeth
Tillett. Virginia Thorp, and Mrs.
Sue Durham Griffith.

Officers Elected
At Meeting
Of Alpha Zeta

Mark Foster
manager of the

Louisville Times, will deliver the



address Friday
morning, June 4, at the 70th annual
graduation exercises in Alumni
gymnasium, at which more than 400
candidates for degrees will receive
their diplomas.
The Rev. Dr. William Pitt McVey,
pastor of the First Methodist
church, Cairo. 111., brother of Pres.
Frank L. McVey, will deliver the
baccalaureate sermon at 3 p. m.,
Thursday, June 3, in Memorial hall.
Grades of graduating seniors must be filed in the registrar's office prior to 9 a. m.
Thursday, May 27, it was announced yesterday.
Plans for the annual Senior Ball,
which wlU be held from 9 until 12
o'clock, Wednesday, June 2, in
Alumni gymnasium, are incomplete
as yet, the selection of the orchestra
not having been made, the committee on arrangements for the affair
said yesterday.
With classes whose graduation
years ended in "2" and "7" holding
reunions during the week's program.
4, registration of all
returning alumni will begin Thursday morning, June 3, at the Alumni
Association's office in the Administration building.
Group luncheons will follow this
registration, and at 7 o'clock Thursday night the annual alumni banquet will be held In the ballroom of
the Phoenix hotel.
The annual luncheon, given by
the University and the board of
trustees for the graduates, alumni,
and distinguished guests of the
University, will be held Friday. After the luncheon, the annual meeting of the Alumni Association will
be held.
Mr. Ethridge, who replaced
Emanuel Levi as general manager
of the Louisville papers, June 1. 1936.
when Mr. Levi assumed a similar
position with the Chicago Herald
and Examiner, was president and
publisher of the Richmond, Va.,
from December,
1934, until he went to Louisville.
A graduate of the University of
Mississippi in the class of 1918 and
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity, Mr. Ethridge's rise in the
newspaper world has been rapid.
For nine years he was connected
aHfh the Macon. (Ga.). Telegraph,
going from cub reporter to assistant
editor. From Macon he went Washington, D. C, as head of the political editorial staff of the Associated
Press and later became assistant
general manager of the Washington
Post. He went to Richmond as
general manager of the
in December, 1934.
According to the tentative list of
candidates for degrees, 125 students
will rwpive A. B. decrees and 31
students B. S. degrees from the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences. Eleven
members of the class are scheduled
to receive A. B. degrees In industrial
chemistry, five B. S. in music, five
A. B. in Jourallsm, and one B. S.
in medical technology.
Seventy-tw- o
seniors are candidates for B. S. degrees In commerce,
26 the B. S. in agriculture, 24 B. S.
in home economics, and 47 the A. B.
in education. Fifteen students are
candidates for the L. L. B. degree.
In the College of Engineering's
tentative list of candidates, there
are listed 11 candidates for the degree of B. 8. in civil engineering, 13
in electrical engineering, 26 In mechanical engineering, four in metallurgical engineering, and one In
mining engineering.




At a regular meeting of the Al
pha Zeta fraternity held Tuesday
night at their meeting rooms In
the Dairy building, officers for the
coming year were elected. The new
officers are Charles Barrett, chancellor: William Reed, scribe; Har
old Binkley, censor; Carl Camenish.
treasurer; Paul Bamett, chronicler,
and Campbell Miller, reporter.
Charles Dixon is the retiring chancellor.
A committee of members was appointed to work with J. W. White-hous- e,
in charge of H club work
The Y. W. C. A. Senior Cabinet
in this state, in awarding the Alpha will meet at 3 p. m. today in the
Zeta award to the outstanding H
Woman's building.
club member in Kentucky.
It was also decided to present an
Theta Sigma Phi will meet at. 4
award to the senior man adjudged p. m. today in the Woman's buildthe outstanding agriculture stu- ing.
dent in leadership, scholarship, and
education. The award will be made
A number of meal Jot that will
by a committee of Juniors belonging begin immediately and last through
to Alpha Zeta and ivo faculty alum- the summer are available. Dean T.
ni members, Prof. E. S. Good and T. Jones announced yesterday. A
shoe salesman is also needed. Any
Dr. J. Holmes Martin.
students interested In any of these
Jobs should see Dean Jones as soon
as possible.




Young: Will Head

Lances Next Year

William Young. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, has been elected president of
Lances, men's Junior honorary, for
it was announced
the year 1937-3- 8,
Other officers elected were Jack
Way, Kappa Sigma,
William Hall, Phi Delta Theta, secretary, and Wlckliffe Hendy, Triangle, treasurer. The second meeting of the new initiates was held
last night at the Biyiiia Alpha Epsilon house

for the annual
spring banquet of the Kentucky
chapter of Sigma XI at 7 o'clock
Saturday night at the Phoenix hotel may be obtained by calling Prof.
M. M. White at the department of
psychology. The public is invited
to attend the banquet.

Faculty and student chess players
who are interested In being listed
in the year book of the American
association may report to
(Continued on Page Four)

� Best Copy





Lrxlnaton Board f Oominrr
Krntuckj IntcrcoUr(iaW Frcu Aaaoclatlon

rprantd by
York City; lit B.


A mrtnbrr of tha Major Colin
A., Nrw
i Noma Hill Co., 411
Warkrr Drlrr, Chlrairo: Cll Bulldlnf, Ban rmnrl.ro; Ml
Blvd., Los Anirln; 1004 Second Art, Saattla.





Executive Board

Raymond T. Lathrem
Malcolm rA iterson
George 11. Kerler
Alfred Vooel
Ross J.


Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Auistant Sports Editor

Louli Haynra


Maik Hufhn

Robert Rankin
Society Editor

Eleanor Randolph


Marjorlr Htrstrr
Lfjlle Lee Jonei

Donald Irvine

Alice Wood Bailey
Andrew Eckdahl

Cliff Shaw


Martha Moore
Jean McElroy
Lola Campbell

Lola Iglehart

Mary chrutlan
Irving Daniiger


Jamei Treadway
Grace Silverman
Lillian Oalnea Webb

TELephones: News, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, Univ.
Business, 0 a. m. to 4 p. m., Univ. 74.


of publicity directors,
hiring of secretaries
for professors flooded



AtiRiistan Honored
VirRinla Hayrlen. student at the
University of Kentucky, is finding
Today she Is
this a gay week-en- d.
one of three molds chosen from 325
girl students nt the University to
ride on the Mny Day rioat sr. ine
Saturday she will go
to Louisville to be the guest of Mr
Bill Davis, who has a box for the
Derby. After that thrilling spec
tacle. Virginia will ro to Shelby
vllle, Ky., to visit a friend and at
tend a dance and Derby breakfast.
Ah, the carefree days of youth!



that romantic
When you start to
The Blng Miller vs. Pat O'Rear
letter from the heartbeat back home and you match culminated Triangle Monday
night when the
find that you lost it somewhere on the campus.
Patrica, thus proving that perseverance is still the best method of
4. When you get that test paper back.
is It because



with requests to solve corporation and governmental dilemmas and teach students, authorizabands to stomp past
tion of the blare of
cliffs of football fans, approbation of campus
radio stations to inject information into the atmosphere, are some of the organs which compose the streamlining of the Great American

Most of these acts are tolerable no matter
how much you believe that a university should
be an academic fortress, hidden behind
walls enclosing stockades of knowledge
commanded by treasure chests of wisdom. You
might tolerate them if you believe that a university should be a haven for scholars, and quiet
earth on which to stroll and to reflect.
But in streamlining a school, the bounds of
This brings to
dignity might be overstepped.
mind the publishing of catalogues containing
the photographs and achievements of a department's graduates. We need not leave our campus to find an example of a college which annually put out a pamphlet extolling its merchandise.
You are not alarmed when examining the
pages of a company's catalogue wherein are
listed among many articles such products as ash
trays, lemon squeezers, and rubber boots. These
inanimate objects probably are indifferent to

However, a handbook displaying the wares of
a college, the wares produced by a four-yea- r
process at an educational plant, plunks a blue
note on the strings of a conscientious scholar's
emotion. Stenographers, accountants, teachers.
In the busy Commerce hive, such a pocket-siz- e
magazine might be justified in that it is
characteristic of the hurrying, bookkeeping customers who patronize that economics incubator.
After four years they are gushed out into a
world mobbed with clerks, secretaries, and embryonic
Possibly 80 per cent of
the Commerce produce needs this advance intro-



Electricity rates for fraternities
at Amherst College have been lowered by approximately 40 per cent
as the result of a petition submitted to the Western Massachusetts
Electric company by the council of
fraternity presidents.


After scribbling three pages during an exam, a Marquette University student wrote: "I dont think
youH read this far, and to prove it
111 tell you about the basketball
He wasn't
game I saw yesterday."
sports discalled on his five-pa- ge

this earth in the next two or three

May 13, 1937.
Hodge left his money at Keene-lan- d.

age in that class than he did. But then he flashed
his Phi Beta Kappa key.

1. Profs who assign quizzes for the hour of
2. Profs who let us out so that they can see