xt72rb6vxp7j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vxp7j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-01-22  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 22, 1932 1932 1932-01-22 2013 true xt72rb6vxp7j section xt72rb6vxp7j Best Copy Available













Convention To Begin January!

at Experiment
tion Farm


Farm and Home Speakers






n-da- y.

Personnel Bureau
To Conduct Tests
Students May Be Quizzed To
Determine Aptitude for
Students desire to know what profession they are best fitted for will
be given an aptitude test by the
personnel bureau, according to Dr.
Henri Beaumont, head of the bureau.
According to Doctor Beaumont
the test, given to determine a students aptitude for a profession, was
develnned by Doctor 8trong of
Stanford University. It Is based on
the theory that the person will be
in the profession in which he is
fundamentally Interested. The qui
endeavors to discover the student's
basic interest and compare them
with the interests ,of men actively
engaged in those professions.
The tests are scored on a mechanical device that is in use at the
University of Minnesota.
The cost
of such scoring Is $1 00 and the
aptitude for 25 professions
is given. The personnel department
Is forwarding to Minnesota several
of the tests that students recently
have taken and others who desire
theirs may have fhem Included If
they take the quia within the next
several days, Doctor Beaumont

Mite Boxes Distributed
As Sorority Drive Begins AT


Graduation Speaker

Penny a Meal" were distributed on
campus Thursday as the openmeasure of the fund drive for
needy students and the unemploy-

Baccalaureate Services
day to Begin




Lead ed of Lexington, which is being
Half Ends With a
for Kentucky; Johnson
sponsored by members of Alpha
Leads Scoring
Oamma Delta sorority. Each stu

Dr. Cotton Noe Will Sneak
Final Exercises, Friday,

36-1- 1

Problems Will Be





More than 2.000 farmers, home
demonstration and county agents,
and other persons Interested In agriculture are expected to attend the
20th annual Farm and Home convention to be held January 26 to
29 on the Experiment Station farm.
All subjects that pertain to the
farmer and his home life will be
discussed by prominent speakers
of Kentucky and elsewhere.
Sessions of the convention will
Include the general session, the women's section, and the
program, all of which will be held
In the Judging pavilion. The dairy
program will be held in room 113
of the Dairy building.
Some of the subjects to be discussed are cooperative marketing,
the tobacco situation, soil improvement, economic production, cattle,
sheep, and hog production, dairying, fruit growing, land utilization,
and child rearing.
Speakers on the opening day will
Include Pres. Frank 1
Grace E. Fryslnger, and O. E.
Baker, United 8tates Department of
Agriculture, Washington; Mary Pur-cel- l,
College of Agriculture; Bess
Rowe, St Paul, Minnesota;
Clara Infcram Judson, Evanston.
Illinois. Mary Dahnke, New York
City, will give a demonstration of
the place of cheese in menus, Wednesday at the women's session.
McCracken. Christian, and Oldham county homemakers, and the
university philharmonic orchestra
will furnish a program of entertainment In the evening. The general
session of the same day will Include speeches by the Hon. A. F.
Lever, Federal Farm Board, Washington; O. E. Reed. Chief, Bureau
of Dairy Industry. Washington: L.
Jones. North Mlddletown; Dean
Cooper and other faculty members
of the College of Agriculture.
A special session for dairymen
also will be held Wednesday. O. E.
Reed. L. R. Jones, and Fordyce Ely,
College of Agriculture, will be the
principal speakers.
Tha nfltstandine feature of Thurs
day's program will be the
banquet which will be held
t. thu lAfavette hotel. The general
routine of the meetings to be held
throughout the day will be featured
by speakers. The Hon. k. w. uun-la- p,
assistant Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, at the general session: and Carl C. Taylor, North
Carolina State College. Raleigh,
North Carolina; and Clara Judson,
at the women's session.
A special session for beekeepers
will be held Friday. Speakers at
the meeting will be James I.
States DepartUnited
ment of Agriculture, and O. W.
Hurst, president. Flemlngsburg.
President McVey, P. O. Wilson.
National Livestock Mareting assoA. Netch,
ciation. Chicago; W.Chicago:
immir Ar rvtmnanv.
Ernest L. Oerman will speak at
to be held
the general session
Dean Cooper will be the principal speaker at the women's session ttie same day.
A. D. Zanzig, National Recreational association. New York, will
direct the singing and other music
at the dally sessions.
Visitors to the convention will be
furnished with guide for inspection
tours over the campus. All buildings on the Experiment Station
farm will be. included in the inspection.


Needy Students Will Benefit
From Campaign Sponsored
Ruppmen Defeat Opponents
by Alpha Gamma Delta
51 to 17 In Fast Floor
Mite boxes, designed to hold "A
and Passing Contest


Agriculture and








J h'MH







IT i



The list of speakers at the 20th
annual Farm and Home convention,
to be held at the Experiment station, January 26 to 29, Includes
D. W. Dunlap.
assistant secre
tary of the United States Department of Agriculture; Dr. O. E. Baker of the Federal Bureau of Agricultural Economics; Dr. O. E. Reed
of the Federal Bureau of Dairying;
Mrs. J. H. Spllman, Burgln. Ky.;
President E. L. Oerman of the

Bourbon stock Yard comp any,
Louisville; P. O. Wilson, manager of
the National Live Stock Marketing
Association, Chicago; A. D. Zanzig
of the National Recreational Association of New York: Miss Grace E.
Fryslnger of the United States Department of Agriculture, and a
score of other men and women noted for their Interest In agriculture
and farm home life.



Secretaries of honorary and

professional organizations which
have pages in the 1932 Kentuc-kla- n
are requested immediately
to turn in to Hugh Maguire, editor of fraternities, a 41st of officers, a list of members together
with the home town and college
of each semester', the number of
chapters of the organization, the
name and date of founding of
the Kentucky chapter, the colors,
flower, and publication-o- f
the organization.
Cooperation of all secretaries
Is requested as it is necessary to
complete these pages of the annual in order that they may be
sent to the engravers as soon as

Men Nominate

Sponsors for

Selected By
Cadets; Nominations
Close at Noon

Prizes Will Be Awarded Students Who Submit Best
Snapshots for Feature
Section of Annual





A total of 13 nominations for
sponsorships in the R. O. T. C. unit
of the university were announced
late Thursday by Capt. Clyde Orady.
Nominations will close at noon today.
Captain Orady reported that one
nomination has been turned in for
first battalion and one for each of
the other battalions, two for the
I company, and one for each of
the other six companies.
Election will be held in February
following the announcement of
grades which will Indicate the eligibility of the nominees. The sponsors will be represented at the annual military ball, which will be
held Friday night. February 26.
under the sponsorship of Scabbard
Twelve of the 18 fraternities on
and Blade, national honorary mili- the campuis have engaged house
tary fraternity.
mothers In compliance with the
The sponsors who are elected will rules made by the board of trusbe given honorary commissions in tees, according to an announcement
the unit. The regimental sponsor issued from the dean of men's ofwill hold the honorary rank of col- fice. The remaining organizations
onel, the battalion sponsors that of must employ house mothers by
major, and the company sponsors June, 1932, according to the ruling
laid down by the board.
that of captain.
Although the university
The university unit of the R. O. passed
the law in 1926, it was not
T. C. was one of the first units of
actively enforced until the last
its kind In the United States to
adopt the custom of having spon- year, when the officials
sors. The institution was inaugur- dean's otllce that the rule be comated during the term of 1920-- 1 under plied with.
Failure of the fraternity to abide
Col. O. D. Freeman, commandant
of the unit at that time. Since the by the decision, the board ruled,
unit was composed of one battalion, would result in the abolishing of
tliree companies, and six platoons, pledging and initiation privileges.
Persons who have applied for the
it was decided that there should be
a sponsor for each of these. The position of house mothers have
first battalion sponsor was Mary tiled their applications in the dean
of men's ofllce. Groups desiring to
Elizabeth Downing.
By 1923-- 4 the battalion had grown engage house mothers are requestso that is was made Into a regi- ed to see the list on file. Final apment, with Helen King, who is now proval must be secured from the
assistant director of the publicity dean of men.
bureau, as the first R. O. T. C. regimental sponsor. In the regiment
there were three battalions, three
companies, with a sponsor for each,
doing away with the platoon spon- sors.
Phi Psl Phi, local social fraUv-nitThis will be the eighth election of
will become Sigma chapter in
sponsors under the regimental form.
All nominations for this election Alpha Lambda Tan when installamust be In by 12 o'clock noon to- tion services will be conduced by
Januday. Each petition must be signed national officers Suturday.
ary 30, in the chapter house on
by 10 men.
Maxwell street.
A study shows 66 per cent of the
men and 25 per cent of the women
Sports participated in at the uniearn all or part of their expenses versity are: football, basketball, tenIn the university.
nis, golf, track, and rifle shooting.

Twelve Fraternities
Comply with Ruling
By Board of Trustees


Local Organization
Will Be Installed

January 29


22-1- 0.


five points.
Johnson was best for
Kentucky with 12 points, while Darby scored 10, to come second.
The Chattanooga outfit brought
the fight to the Kentucky team
again at the start of the last half
but even this time their fight last
ed only a little longer than the few Application by Campus Orminutes at the start of the game.
ganizations Must Be In
The lead that the Kentucky team
January 28
had been building up In the first
half and which proved so necessary
in the Tennessee game was again in
Facsimile reproductions of five
effect. Returning from the show-- ( famous pictures will be offered to
Continued on Page Four)
five fraternities or sororities on the
campus lor use during the second
semester, according to an announcement by Prof. E. W. Rannells, head
of the art department. The five
pictures will be loaned to the five
which best repreorganizations
sent the ideals and standards of the
university. Dean Sarah G. Blanding has announced that all applications must be made by January 28.
Dr. Henry Beaumont, secretary of
These pictures, according to Prothe university personnel bureau, fessor Rannells, are especially well
announced Wednesday that a rep- reproduced. They very nearly apresentative of the W. T. Grant com- proach the size of the originals and
pany. New York department store a delicate color process has been
chain, will visit the university Tues- used in their printing. They are all
day, February 8, to interview sen- bright and high keyed in color,
iors interested in obtaining po- impersonal In subject matter, and
sitions as department managers of consist mostly of landscapes which
the stores of the company.
make them particularly
The personnel bureau has written suitable.
to many large corporations seekThe prints are examples of faing employment for university grad- mous masterpieces of the nineteenuates.
th century. Included in the group
The W. T. Grant company owns ottered for selection are: "Boy with
several hundred department stores Fife," Manet; "Landscape," Sisley;
throughout the United States. Last "Landscape." Pisarro; "Geranium."
year the company interviewed some Lauterbury (Oerman): "Landscape."
of the seniors of the university and Van Goh; "A Race Track Scene."
employed four of them. The
Degas; "Lanscape," Cezanne, and
men are first required to "Still Life of Flowers," Cezanne.
take an executive training course
The pictures are accurate regiven bv the company in New York productions of the actual paintAf'er this preliminary training, the ings, and often show the surface
men are sent to stores to take texture of the original. The usual
charge of a department. The sal color print which one usually sees
ary is low at the beginning, but as shown in book Illustrations, ac- opportunities for advancement are cording to Professor Rannells, is so
reduced in size as compared to the
A complaint was made to the original
painting that the colors
bureau bv the W. T. Grant
tend to flood each other In the prothat one of the students who cess of printing. This means that
signed .up for a position with the the book examples are inaccurate
company last year failed to arrive in their suggestion of what the
for the training course. Dr. Beau color of the real painting really is.
mont said that such conduct pre The pictures offered for selection
vented other persons from acquir however, have been printed by the
ing positions. He asserted that the full color process of reproduction.
matter had been taken up with
Pres. Frank L. McVev, and steps tiARV ATTENDS CONVENTION
would be taken to prevent similar
occurences in the future.
James Gary. Trenton, sophomore
Seniors interested In seeing the in the College of Agriculture, and
representative are requested to re- member of the Y. M. C. A. senior
port to Dr. Beaumont at his office. cabinet, represented
the Calvary
301 Neville Hall, as soon as pos
Baptist church of Lexington at the
sible to arrange a personal Inter- - In'emational
view. The office hours are from 10 convention held recently in Buffalo,
to 12 o clock dally.
New York.

Will Offer five

Famous Pictures

Representative of
W. T. Grant Co.


U. K.




commencement exercises
at 4 o'clock Sundav.
January 24, with baccalaureate services In Memorial hall. Rev. Homer
Carpenter, Fi'st Methodist church.
Louisville, will deliver the baccalaureate address.
The commencement exercises will be concluded
Friday niRht. January 29. with a
banquet given under the auspices
of the alumni association.
According to the registrar. 66
persons will receive degrees from
the university. The candidates for
the degrees will meet for baccalaur-at- e
services at 3:30 o'clock In the
College of Agriculture building and
,on the walk leading to Memorial
r.au, wnere me Daccaiaureate will
form. They will proceed to Memorial auditorium where the Rev.
Carpenter will deliver the address
on "A Mind to Match the Age."
After the address the faculty
club will entertain the graduates at
5:30 o'clock at a tea in the faculty
club rooms in McVey hall. The tea
will complete the program for the
Friday, January 29, commencement will be held and degrees conferred.
The commencement procession will form at the agriculture
building at 2:30 o'clock and the
exercises will begin at 3:30 o'clock.
In keeping with the custom inaugurated at the first mid-yecommencement held last year, a member of the faculty will deliver the
address. Dr. James Thomas Cotton
Noe, College of Education, has selected as his topic for the address.
"Your Alma Mater."
At 4:30 o'clock President and Mrs.
McVey will be the hosts to the
alumni and guests at a tea at their
home, Maxwell Place.
The activities for the week will
close at 7 o'clock. January 29 when
the university Alumni association
will give a dinner at which the
graduates will be guests of honor.
The university commons will be the
scene of the banquet.
Leon K.
Frankel, '00, president of the association will preside as toastmaster.
according to the program released.
John Y. Brown, '26, speaker of the
Kentucky house of rep'esentattves.
will deliver the banquet address.
A list of graduates has not been
released by the registrar's office,
but approximately 66 will receive
degrees, according to a preliminary
report. Of this number 23 are the
College of Arts and Sciences, six
are candidates from the College of
Agriculture, five are candidates for
a law degree. 13 are completing
their undergraduate work In education, six are from the College of
Commerce, and 13 are completing
some phase of graduate work. One
person, according to the report of
the registrar's office, is a candidate
for the Ph. D. degree.
Three commencements are now
held at the university each year.
The principle one is held in June
with supplementary commencements
held at the close of summer school,
in August, and at the close of the
first semester, in January.
The program for the baccalaureate services, President McVey presiding:
Organ: Prelude "Festival Tocca,"
ta." Digsle: March. "March
Schubert; Dr. Abner Kellev.
Invocation. Rev. Harland H.
pastor of the First Presbyterian





under-the-bask- et


Snapshot of all sizes and types.
unusual, comic, or beautiful will be
considered in the snapshot contest
which will be sponsored by the 1932
and conducted by
James Lyne, feature editor. Prizes
of 1932 Kentuckians will be awarded to the winners of first and second place in the contest, which Is
open to all students of the university. Judges will be selected from
the university faculty.
All pictures which are submitted
will be considered for the feature
section of the annual. Those whose
pictures are selected to be placed
in the annual will receive credit In
The Kernel The contest will close
February 10 and all snapshots must
be in the office of the Kentuckian
before that date.
Any student may submit any size
or type of picture.
The only restriction is that pictures of individuals must be distinguishable.
Snapshots of buildings of scenery
on the campus, of students, in
groups or individually, of conventions, meetings, fraternity camps,
of points of interest in Kentucky
and elsewhere, will be considered.
The basis of award will be
in photography.
also will be an important factor.
The Kentuckian will reserve the
right to publish in the feature section of the annual any picure which
is submitted in the contest.

dent and every member of the fac
ulty Is being asked to cooperate to
make the drive a success.
The drive is being sponsored by
the organization because the usua'
source of relief, the student loan
fund, almost has been exhausted
Students, so the sorority reports
Washington and. Lee In have been doing without meals
Generals of
next conference game on Jan- that they may complete their edu
uary 31, a much stronger team will cation and many of them will be
take the floor than at any time this unable to return to the university
season. "Frencny ueMoisey, one oi next semester unless adequate fithe best centers in the Southern nancial aid is available.
Conference, and Davis, Kentucky's
All funds which are obtained
back guard, both ineligible this se- from the drive will be turned over
mester, have been working out with for distribution to a committee com
the Wildcat tam the last few weeks posed of Dean Sarah Blanding
and will be eligible to take the floor Prof. W. S. Webb, and Mr. Bart
in that game of the Blue. Their Peak. That the sorority will in no
addition to the squad is important way benefit from the drive was exand DeMoisey will provide "Aggie" plained in a statement made bv
Sale, a competent running mate for Mrs. Marlon Custard, president of
the organization:
The game last night was featured
'We want the students and facul
by the outstanding play of Ellis ty of the university to understand
Johnson, whose position as guard that the sorority will in no way
rarely affords him the opportunity benefit by the fund and that the
But last night girls are offering their services free
of much scoring.
Johnson scored 13 points to lead the for what we consider a worthy
Wildcat column. Sensational long cause."
shots by Darby and perfect guardPresident McVey has given his
ing by Worthington
featured the approval of the measure and has
first half.
made the following statement con
For the first few minutes it look- cerning the drive:
ed as if Kentucky would have a
"I think it is a very good thing,
game on Its hands. Darby opened
think we should all take part in
long shot but It."
the scoring with
White, Chattanooga forward, tied It
Mite boxes for donations have
up at two all. But after those few been placed in fraternity and sorstartminutes, the Wildcat team
ority houses, homes of town stued a scoring spree that ran the dents, offices of the faculty mem
score from eight to four to a Ken- bers, the University Commons, and
tucky lead of 20-- 1 before the
other places where students are
Johnson, loiown to congregate. Town stu
scored again.
Wildcat captain, was responsible for dents have been requested to take
eight Kentucky points.
boxes home and to obtain contribu
From all over the floor the Wild tions from as many townspeople as
cat team rang shot after shot at possible. Additional boxes may be
the basket and Darby's sensational obtained at any time during the
long shots featured the first few drive from the Alpha Gamma Delta
and his house.
minutes of
mates showed the Wildcat fans who
appeal is being made
gym the best floor work that everyone will make a small
crowded the
has been exhibited, on the contribution. That a large fund will
home court this season.
accumulate if each student will doOUnger, regular Chattanooga cen nate o penny a meal during the
ter, who entered the game after three weeks of the campaign, which
the first few minutes of play, raised closes February 12, Is the basis of
Sale, who seem- the slogan adopted for the camthe score to
ed pretty well bottled up during the paign. An Earnest Appeal for a
early part of the half, scored twice Penny a Meal."
and five more by Johnson, Kreuter
and Darby gave Kentucky a lead
of 36 to 11 as the half ended.
Olinger led the scoring for ChatDepartment
tanooga during the first half with
Repelling a meager attack of the
Chattanooga University basketball
team, the Wildcat quintet showed
Kentucky fans some of the best
passing and floor work of the season to win its eighth straight victory by a 51 to 17 count last night.
When Kentucky's team meets the




Dean Sarah G. Blanding Presides at Vocational Committee Session in McVey Hall
Dean Sarah O. Blanding presided
over a called meeting of the women's vocational guidance committee, which was held Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock in McVey hall.
Tea was served after the business
The members of the committee
received names of the students that
they are to advise personally, concerning the choice of vocations.
Plans were made to sponsor several
special addresses to be made by eminent professional leaders at the
university during the months of
April and May.
The object of the committee is to
give women students useful information about various vocations in
regard to their opportunities, salOn regisaries and requirements.
tering, women students were permitted, if they so desire, to sign vocation cords, designating their first,
second, and third choice of occupations. These cards were taken individually by the committee members and. by taking into account
the student's past record, the most
ac.viseable occupations of the three
is chosen and made
Then the
known to the students.
cards are turned over to the advisor,
who specializes in information concerning the type of work desired
by the student.
Dean Blanding said, yesterday
that fcr the last few years the vocational guidance committer has
been inactive at the university, but
that it has been revived this year
because of the great need of such
an agency to the women students
of today. Many of the women who
graduate from the university are
unable to decide what profession or
occupation to enter. The guidance
committee will attempt to remedy
tlvse conditions.
The committee is made up of the
v.omen staff members of the university and prominent townswomen.






Hymn. "O Worship the King."
Soprano solo. "Rejoice Greatly."
from the Messiah, Handel; Mrs. Edward Wheat Lurten.
Athletic Council Renews Prib-bl- e Address, "A Man to Match the
Age." Dr. Homer Carpenter, pastor
Contract; Changes
of the First Christian church, LouChecking Concession
JeHymn "All Hail the
Whether the university will have sus' Name." Coronation.Power of
a baseball team or not depends enBenediction. Doctor Pit7,er
tirely on the schedule that can be
Organ Postlude, Doctor Kelley.
arranged, it was decided Thursday
afternoon at a meeting of the Athletic council. Definite and final ac- S.
tion, however, was deferred until
after the second semester is begun.
Western and Big Ten universities
have curtailed their playing trips, V. M.. Y. W. C. A. to Soonsor
and many
southern conference
AddresM by Famous New
schools have dropped the sport,
York Minister
making it difficult to arrange a satisfactory schedule. Due to the low
Dr. S. Parkes Cadman will be the
ered gate receipts and the amount
given to charity the team this year swaker for the February convocacan not weigh too heavily on the tion which will be held at 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning. February 16. in
finances of the council.
Other action by the council yes- Memorial hall. The convocation is
terday afternoon was to renew the included as part of the prom-afor
Religious Emphasis
contract of freshman couch Birkett 'he campus
week, sponsored bv the university
Lee Pribble for two years. Coach
Pi lbble has served in the capacity Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. to be obof freshman coach for 10 years, and served between February 10 and 18
his work has been satisfactory.
Doctor Cadman. pastor of the
Freshmen teams he has turned out Central Congregational
church in
have topped the sta'e. and have Brooklyn. New York, was president
continued to rank well with the best of the Federal Council of Churches
freshmen aggregations in the south. of America last year. Internut tonThe council granted the petition ally known as a radio speaker and
made bv eight campus organizations newspaper columnist, he Is one of
that they be allowed the privilege of the foremost and popular religious
picking the persons to run the check thinkers of the times. He visits
mi at the dances. Buky form- but one of the many colleges and
erly had the privilege and deducted universities applying for his ser0 ner cent of the receipts.
The vices each year, the University of
oetitton stated that they would conFlorida being his host last year.
tinue to give the 40 per cent cut Doctor cadman will be in Lexingto Suky.
ton. February 16, 17, and 11!

Definite Action on
U. K. Nine Delayed

Parkes Cadman To
Speak at Convocation

� Best Cor
asked. Only by this means, and
by the assistance and cooperation
body, can the
Friday of th entire student
I'uMUhrri on TorHay and
drive lie a success.
The present plan which Alpha
National C'ollrff Pitm Atworiatinn (Jamma Pelta has formulated has
trxlngton Board of C'ommrrr
the commendation of the adminisKfnlo-k- y
IntrrrollrflaK Pre
trators of the university student
loan fund. It is evident that the
Official Newspaper o( the Studrntf proceeds of the drive will (to to
the hrnrficiaries who have lecn
of the University of Kentucky.
named, and that, unlike similar
Subscription t2K) a year. Entered movements in the past, funds will
not he prostituted to the selfish
at Lexington. Ky., Postofflee an
second class mail matter
interest of a small jrroup.
It is to he hoped that the moveHERE SHALL THE KERNEL
ment will receive the hearty sup
port of the undergraduate group.
An opportunity for giving that will
work no hardship is offered. Certainly we should do all that is
Associate Editor
wHhin our power to make the
drive a success.
ManaginR Editor

The Kentucky Kernel





Marvin C. Wachs

M. Kane

Sport! Edltol


J. Delmar Adams

Norbett Campbell
Sunny Day

John St. John

Art Editor


Eleanor Smith
Lillian Gooch
Elizabeth Hardin

Emilv Hardin


..Dramatic Editor


Gilbert Kingsbury


Robert H. McOaughey
Robert Baxter
Mary C. Terrell
Mary Alice Salyers

Phil Ardery, George M. Spencer,
Charlton Wallace, James Palmer.
Ann Ooleman. Dorothy
Marjorle Wetst. Herman Graham.
Joan Cartgan. Jane Hamilton.
Burnam Pearlman, Marjorie
Business Manager
Nell Dlshman

m e Ivn Treabciw

John Oood




Oscar Haight
Bliss Warren
Bill Durrett
CAMERON COKFMAN, Circulation Manager

Members of Alpha Gamma Delta
sorority this week are instituting
a finance drive which will bring
direct benefit to the needy students of the university, and which
also will assist in the relief of
the unemployed of Lexington. The
method which has been selected,
whereby contributors donate one
cent each time they eat a meal,
is one which makes it possible for
everyone to assist.
As we have pointed out in a
previous editorial, present economic conditions are a challenge
to our entire social order, of
which our educational system is
an intergral part. The situation in
the world of business cannot but
extend into the college and the
university, and here, as in the
business world, the unequal distribution of wealth is cited as the
basis of existing evils. In the
current campaign for funds we
believe that those students who
are more financially
than their fellows should contribute more than the sum which is




body It Is Inexplicable, In the (ace
why many
of these regulations,
freshmen lightly dispense with their
Supplying caps to students Is not
a money making proposition. Stores
selling them receive small recompense for the trouble they are put
to in handling them. Rather. It is
an advertising proposition; students
wearing the blue headgear not only
make public the fact that they arc
f:eshmen, but also that they are
students of the University of Kentucky. In doing the first, they arc
helping themselves; for a considerwill always
able iipperclassman
answer the freshman's queries however senseless they seem Incoming
students must become acclimated.
In doing the second, they are showing pride In their university. All In
all, the wearing of the freshman cap
is a laudlble business; one not to
be thoughtlessly dispensed with.



merchants who buy
advertising space in The Kernel
do so because they believe that the
money so invested will bring thein
a definite return in increased student patronage. They- know that
The Kernel is ow ned and operated
by students of the "lniversity, and
that in reaching students the
most effective medium
is their
own official newspaper.
Those merchants who advertise
in this publication
are the ones
who are awake to the opportunity
which exists for them in procuring student trade, and it is this
understanding, coupled with an
interest in the school and the paper, which sells advertising. Every
student of the university is a part
owner of The Kernel. Its merit or

Jacq Robey
Literary Editor

James Ci'rtls
Dorothy Tanner




Its lack of merit should mean
something, to every undergraduate.
There arc several ways in which
students can help their publication, and we believe that there are
indeed few who will not do all