xt72rb6vx96w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vx96w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1918-02-14  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1918 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 14, 1918 1918 1918-02-14 2012 true xt72rb6vx96w section xt72rb6vx96w Iff...


University of Kentucky



No. 17

14, 1918


is Keynote of
Veteran Speaker's


Colonel George W. Bain, veteran
platform speaker and best beloved of
Lexington's grand old men, who spoke
In chapel Tuesday on "An Optimistic
View of the War," stirred the students
to such enthusiasm and appreciative
applause as characterizes his audiences
Colonel Bain Is an ardent patriot, and has a thoro knowledge of war conditions. Altho he did
not omit mention of some German
atrocities which he deplored, a cherry
optimism was the keynote of his address, and he succeeded in Imparting
his wonderful spirit to his audience,
who frequently interrupted him by applause. His address, while dealing
with the war and its horrors, was not
prophefull of gloomy Cassandra-likcies so often heard from lecturers at
this time, but, brightened by his perennial wit, was an encouragement
and inspiration.

Colonel Bain said that he had lived
long, and had seen many terrible
things, among them slaves auctioned
at the block in Lexington; duels fought
in the surrounding blue grass region;
Kentucky mails flooded with lottery
tickets; and, out in Utah family Bibles
whose marriage pages resembled hotel
registers. The fact that he had seen
such things, and had lived to see a
time when they were unheard of, had
made him a confirmed optimist In his
old age, he said.
There are more pessimists in this
country now than ever before, according to Colonel Bain, and these are always predicting among other unpleasant things, that our nation will be
bankrupt at the end of the war. But
as the United States has loaned millions to the allies, on the condition
that the money be spent in this country, as that money is now in the country, and will also be repaid after the
war, there is no possibility of such a
condition, he declared.
"War is not an unmixed evil," he
said. "Before this conflict we had no
merchant murine. When this war is
over, our ships will carry goods to
every country of the globe, and the
commerce of the world will be carried
in American ships. The air service
will be perfected; some morning out
on the campus you will look up at a
speeding airship,




that? Why, it's the fust mail from
New York to New Orleans, five
on Page Five)


Tonight at 6:46 Dr. J. J. Tigert will
deliver the first of a series of talks
on "The War, Its Spiritual Influence."
The lecture will be at Patterson Hall Tennessee's String of Vic
under the auspices of the Missionary
tories Broken by Two
Committee of the Y. W. C. A.
Doctor Tigert is In correspondence
with Washington and will bring to his
hearers some of the facts of the war,
which are not generally known.
And we did defeat them.
All the women of the University are
Tennessee's unbroken string of six
invited to attend these lectures which
Kentucky defeats was severed in two
will be held every Thursday evening
distinct places by the games Thursat 6:45.
day and Friday nights by scores of 33
to 26 and 4n to 12 respectively.
No Kentucky team ever played bet
FOR ter or harder than the Wildcats did on
the two nights mentioned, and no Kentucky team ever deserved more praise
than they. There was no slouch on
the team. Every man was a star in his
Ann Molloy, Milton Revill position, but Shanklin and Thomas
built their nests a little farther out on
and Gus Gay Get
a limb than did tne otners. Tnese
Wildcats had an attack of goal shoot- itls both nights and the frenzied fits
bore much fruit. They shot both in
At present the stage manager of the the open and under cover and the
Strollers can announce only a part of score keepers in the bleachers moved
pencil every time
the cast for "Mice and Men." On the the old chewed-unight of final rehearsal, several people the ball left their favorites' hands.
It seemed that Tennessee was unpresent who had watched the selection
able to handle the ball In the proper
casts at previous Stroller
remarked that they had never before way and this accounts for their small
Even under good circumseen such excellent quality of mate- scores.
stances, when they were not smotherto choose a cast.
rial from which
unAt this date only the leads have ed by Kentucky players, they were
able to find the basket. Their guardbeen decided upon, and these may be
subject to change at any time. Miss ing was good, and their teamwork alAnn Molloy, of Lexington, a young most up to the Kentucky standard.
woman of excellent hlstronlc ability, With a few exceptions, they played
will play the part of leading lady, in the clean ba'l, showing themselves what
role of Peggy, a pretty, winsome lit- Kentucky has already noticed on the
tle lassie, around whom the whole floor and gridiron, to be true southern
story is centered. Miss Molloy seems gentlemen.
Thomas Starts Fun.
especially qualified for this part, in
that her appearance, her manner of "There was joy among the rooters,"
acting and interpreting the part and when the first work of 'The' Thomas
her beauty, sem to be representative indicated there would be some game
on Thursday night. Ho began to
of the original Peggy.
Milton Revill, as Captain Lovell, shoot in such a fashion that Tennessee
will play opposite Peggy in the juven- was bewildered and for a time even
ile lead. Revill shows exceptionally his teammates were left in the lurch.
fine qualities as an actor and has had It was not long, however, till 'Shank'
previous experience along this line, joined in and added his bit to the total.
both in the school from which he came For the first few minutes of
night's game It seemed both teams
and while here at the University. He
(Continued on Page Three)
appeared with Miss Elizabeth Murphey

Star Parts



in the curtain raiser "At a Moment's
Notice," which was presented at the
Arts Club a few weeks ago.
The role of leading man, Mark Embury, an old gentleman of polish and
of gentle manners, will be played by
Gus Gay, who accomplished such remarkable work as one of the leads in
last year's production "The Lion and
the Mouse." Gay has had quite a bit
of training and this coupled with his
natural talents will enable him to present this part in a most satisfactory



election of
The regular
officers of the Philosophian Literary
Society was held Wednesday night,
February C, at Patterson Hall. The
following officers wore chosen: Freda
Lemon, president; Mary Mayes,
Hannah Weakley, secretary; Mary Beall, treasurer; Kather-in- e
CatherKeakley, sergeant-at-arms- ;
ine Snyder, literary critic.

At the business meeting of the
Strollers held Monday at noon, Chas.
E. Planck, of the Journalism Department,
and sporting edi A Stamp a Week for Each U.
tor of "The Kernel," was elected busi
K. Man in Service
ness manager of The Strollers to take
is Aim
the place made vacant by the absence
of Estill Woods, who failed to return
after the holidays. Mr. Planck will
assume the duties of his office at once,
Stamps are now on
and hold up the business end of the
game in the production of "Mice and sale in the Business Office. Every
student in the University and every
member of the faculty is expected to
keep up the record set in previous
campaigns, and Invest in thrift stamps
and baby bonds to the limit of his ability.





speakers will appear
at all meetings of
the various organizations in the interest of this campaign.
Five prizes,
each a $5 baby bond, will be given
for the best essay written before
March 15, on the subject, "Why We
Should Buy War Savings Stamps."
The terms of the contest will be announced next week.


on the' campus and

$350,000 To Come Annually

For Support of the



The House
of Representatives
Thursday, passed by an almost unani
mous vote the new State Tax Levy
law which will give the University
of Kentucky about $350,000 a year
and each of the State Normal Schools
$125,000 a year, based on an esti
mated tax duplicate of two billion dollars for 1918. Thru the efforts of Dr.
Frank L. McVey, the bill, under the
leadership of Arch L. Hamilton, ably
assisted by Representative Klair, of
Lexington, passed 73 to 10.

There are 500 sons of the University
in active service, and 650 students enIt Is the aim
rolled thi ssemester.
of the committee in charge that one
Thrift Stamp be sold each
week, for every University of Kentucky man with the colors, this stamp
to represent some sacrifice or saving
on the part of the student.
Wjith each) Thrift Sttamp sold a
Thrift Card is given. On the card are
spaces for 16 stamps. When these are
filled the card plus 13 cents is exchanged for a
worth $5.00, payable January 1, 1923.
Each month 1 cent is added to the
amount to be given with the Thrift
Card for the Savings Stamp. In January it was 12 cents, in February 13
cents, etc.

Dr. McVey was granted the privilege
of addressing

the House, sitting as a
committee of the whole for fifteen
minutes. Col. Chas. M. Harris, senator from Woodford, Jessamine and
Scott counties, said that Dr. McVey
handled the difficult situation in an
admirable manner. Senator Harris
commented on the good fortune of the
University and the State in having
such a man at the head of the University of Kentucky.

The $5.00 stamp must be attached to
an engraved folder known as a "War
Savings Certificate," which bears the
name of the owner and can be cashed
only by the person to whom it belongs,
except in case of death or disability.
In his address to the House, Dr. Mc- Tho $5.00 stamp may be purchased
Vey told of the necessity of the State outright for $4.13 until March 1, when
University in the school economy of it will be $4.14, etc.
the State and of the field occupied by
If the holder of a
it In Kentucky. He said that the only tificate finds it necessary to
place in the State in which the boys
cash on it before maturity, lie may,
and girls of Kentucky could obtain a upon ten days'
written notice to any
technical education was in the Univer- money
order post offlco. receive for
sity, and lie remarked upon the high
each stamp affixed to his certificate
costs of attending college other than a
tho amount paid therefor plus l cent
for each calendar month after tho
Dr. McVey briefly but graphically month of purchase of each stamp.
told of tho handicaps suffered by the
Eighty stamps have been sold at
University and the normal schools, Patterson Hall. .Miss Crane will have
and of the absolute need of more funds charge of tho sale there, and Mr.
if these schools were to do their part Lyons, in tho Business Office, will
in tho work of tho State. He also em- - have tho stamps to bo sold on the

(Continued on Page Five.)

� ftfe



Open from 10:00 A. M. to 11:00 P. M.
Prices 5 Cents and 10 Cents.


Afternoon and Evening.

ones nt home has been greatly softened when I realize that you have notj
been blest



Home of Paramount Artcraft GoWwyn Picture!.
High-clas- s
that's why they cost more.

with tho Vision which
comes to every American who Betsj

have put









wo hnvo not been blest with




RESULT IS 21 TO 21 of paper ns sacred; that's becnuso


The Hornco Mann Lltcrnry Society
foot in France. You are so far, far
nro not Kultured. Wo are sickened completed nil remnlnlng first semester
Captain Wright, '14, Sends away from the Real Thing; so pitifully George Zerfoss Gets in the when a hospital ship packed with work nt nn election of officers' meetGame and Looks Like
blinded nnd tied up by
wounded men Is ripped in twain by nn ing In the Education building ThursLetter to the
Ghost of 1915-1- 6
political prejudices. I find that nn acKernel
nmbushed subtnnrlne; Hint's because day evening, February 7, nt 7:30
quaintance with these incomparable
we are not Kultured.
We are horriFrenchmen is a source of endless in- BOLES HAS STATEMENT
The following officers were elected
sow death
fied when
They arc the noblest of
for tho present semester: Elmer Weld-on- ,
among the homes and
president; Miss Elizabeth Mcgow-an- ,
Walter F. Wright, a graduate of the Liberty's defenders. As one gradualAfter two hard games with Tennes- and destruction
University now serving In France, ly comprehends the wonder nnd the see, the Wildcats met Wesleynn on crowded schools of an unfortified city;
and Miss Ila See,
whose inspiring message was read In glory of their spirit, how superfluous Winchester hardwood Saturday night all because wo are not Kultured. We secretary and treasurer.
chapel by President McVey, nnd pub- becomes all argument nnd discussion! nnd tied the score 21 to 21.
Wellington Patrick, president of tho
suffer a pang of regret when we view
lished In last week's Issue of the Ker- How inane all your ranting and fumLiterary Society during tho college
When the game ended, the
the pile of dirt that was onco tho
year of 1908, the year when the socle- nel, has written to the editor of the ing nnd sputtering nbout the who?
score was 22 to 21 in Wesley-an'- s
priceless cathedral; just because we ty
Kernel ns follows:
was Inaugurated, made a short talk
what? nnd why? of the war! ConseWhile the teams were
quently I shall not wrangle and dis- still in the dressing room, however. arc not Kultured and haven't yet Jon the past and future of the society.
pute with you in this letter to tho ex the referee announced a mistake had learned how to utilize these splendid Professor J. T. C. Noe followed Mr.
"Editor Kentucky Kernel,
Lexington, U. S. A.,
tent that I would have, had I answered been made nnd the score was a tie. features of tho landscape for target Patrick with a short address.
you last spring. Yet I cannot pass up Since It was too late to play the tie practice. You complain that this war
Dear Mate
"I am afflicted with a pacifist uncle. your accusations without dwelling for off, the score was nllowed to stand. will put us thirty billion dollars In
Enclosed is a rnmbllng sort of letter a moment on one of them.
Coach Boles brought home a signed debt. Let it put us a hundred billion
com- ble scorn and contempt had vanished
I have just written him by way of an"In your bitter arraignment of Eng- statement from the Wesleyan coach, dollars in debt, provided only we
swering some of his ravings. It is land you exclaim, among other things: saying the score was a tie.
plete the nasty Job of destroying this from his countenance and behold, a
Thing that has run glory shone round about him yes, we
also my 'Confession of Faith' and 'Ar- If, as she says, she is fighting for libfirst half, Ken- unspeakable
At the end of the
ticles of War,' as It were. If you erties, let her fight it out and feel tucky was in the lead with a 14 to 4 amuck. It will be tho finest invest will win! Are you with us or against
run short of copy, you are perfectly the pangs of hardship and starvation score. Wesleyan came back in the ment America ever made.
W. F. WRIGHT, '14.
" 'God made Heaven and Earth,' Captain, 15th Field Artillery,
welcome to use it as an emergency as did our forefathers at Valley Forge last half and advanced their side of
and Yorktown.' Now I am not sur the column to where it now stands. and these Kultured brutes have pro American Expeditionary Forces.
"I would tremendously enjoy a bit prised, of course, that you should wan For the Wildcats Zerfoss counted the faned everything that in them is. They
and ex
of news now and then from Alma der off into this habitual Fourth-o- f
most scores, getting three field goals have profaned mothers,-actuaMater. Give my slncerest regards to July eulogistic manner of presenting and two out of five fouls. The Wild- pectant; helpless babies, born and un
everyone, especially to Cotton Noe and your ideas, but I am surprised, yea, cats are, to be commended for their born. And England bullied and pushed
exceedingly pained and disappointed, showing against Wesleyan when the and drove us in the war, you say?
Miss McLaughlin.
that you should fall Into such a pal- hard games with Tennessee the two Then let that fact be smeared across
history in See Planck or Moosnick.
You sure preceding nights are taken into con- the pages of American
pable error of judgment.
W. F. W. '14"
Believing that the letter will be of ly forget the fact that your 'bigoted sideration.
flaming letters of shame, and I dare
say that posterity will not be severely
interest to the student body, express- King George' was a black hearted, rot
The summary follows:
ing as it does the deepest feeling to- ten German of exactly the same with Kentucky.
Wesleyan wounded in pride by your 'stigma of Patronize Our Advertisers
type that rules In Berlin to- Shanklln (4)
conscript idea.' They
ward the world war of one of the sons ered-arShivel (4) that
of the University In active service for day; that he forced the Revolution Zerfoss (6)
Reese (C) have profaned girls and boys; young
his country in France, the Kernel over the eloquent protest of Burke, an Thomas (4)
Nunnelly (6) women and old women; young men
takes pleasure in publishing it in full. Englishman of exactly the same type Dishman (4)
Crane (2) and old men; they have profaned
"France, January 22. 191 S.
that is grimly fighting this war; that Bastin .
Peters alike the tender virgin at her votary
Washington, himself the most aristo"Dear Uncle
Goals from Fouls Zerfoss, 2; Crane, and the hardened prostitute at her Office Phoenix Hotel Barber
"I have before me your scathing, cratic of Englishmen, fought solely 3; Thomas, 1. Substitutes
Campbell trade; they have even profaned His
Houses by appointletter which you wrote to for an English principle in order to for Zerfoss; GUckman for Bastin. Ref- Holy Name by merely uttering it. But
ment. Phone 1988-- x
why multiply incidents? That way lies
mother on April 29, 3917, I was in Vir- bring English people Into their heri- eree. Burr, of Wesleyan.
ginia at the time on my country's duty. tage of liberty in a new land. You
madness, for I have seen proofs of deJ. D. PURCELL CO.
Of course, Mother sent me the letter surely know your history better .than shattered,
challenged tails that would make your reason totfrlghtfulness
immediately, hoping thereby to bo- that. And what if beloved France had not only Europe, but the Universe ter unless you, too, are Kultured.
lster up her own
contentions. said: 'If Washington, as he says, is itself. Poor little Monroe Doctrine! Father, forgive them not, for they
Until this day I have maintained fighting for Liberty, let him fight it Your provincial smugness 111 befits a know what they are doing!
silence, but by no means that silence out,' where would be your oratorical full grown citizen of tho planet.
"Of course we shall win. France
How In the "Hands off!" Go puff out your cheeks teaches us that above everything else.
which Is said to give consent. As you weapon of Yorktown?
Pleasingly Priced.
know, she has always held your opin- name of Justice can you, as an Amer- at the whirlwind and see how much On every hand are youthless physiions on any subject to be the last word ican, boast of Yorktown and in the you lessen the monster's devastation. cal signs that she has long endured
in that regard, and I, too, have always same breath repudiate the
Potsdam must have its place in the under a terrible strain, yet her spirit
had a genuine respect for your utterwhich was there sealed in sol- - sun. Political expedient, propaganda, is as fresh and inspiring as bluegrass
$1.00 Per Year
ances. For this reason and for the emn faith by our forefathers,
and poiite correspondence and what-no- t
meadows in April. She has borne
further reason that I knew her objec which can be paid off only by a blood withheld us from our duty, officially, the brunt of the struggle willingly,
5c Per Copy
tions to be merely the personal ones of atonement? How In the name of Reas- for a miraculously long time, yet in cheerfully and without complaint. Her
indict 1915 no less than thirty five thousand resources have been drained beyond
mothers the world over, I did not take on can you as an
up the argument with her. I know Englishmen because of Valley Forge
Americans were on all imaginable limits; want and privaTO YOU
that in her secret heart she is tre and the fact that a wooden-headefiring line from Belgium to Bag- tion and all their attendant horrors
Hair Cut
Washington's dad, and the voice of Roosevelt was stalk through tho length and breadth
mendously proud of the fact that every German imbecile turned
Ceo. T.Martin Barber Shop
child she has Is with the colors. I did picture to the wall? I doubt not but heard crying in the wilderness. Away of her land; jet her soul is still mighty
intend, however, to scorch you then that the pictures of Lincoln and Wil- with your editorial persiflage, and your and unconquerable because her heart
Basement Opp. Phoenix Hotel
son have likewise been turned to tho cry of commercialism, expansion and is pure.
and there in no uncertain terms,
Aye, tho wonder and the
FOUR CHAIRS Beet of Service
resolution which was frustrated by wall in the palaces of certain other rotten diplomacy. Here is more worth glory of it all!
the strenuous and distracting press of despots. But let us put aside this than can be found in all the endless
"They say that on many a midnight,
events which carried me about over unprofitable bickering and get back arguments from A to Z both pro and in a sector where special danger
the country to such an extent that I to the question in hand
When your good neighbor is threatens, the weary Pollu sees a reFor any kind of dental service call om
could never find leisure to sit down
"I said that I had sat down to give drowning, It is no time to stop and splendent, girlish .figure riding the
and give you a genuine trimming. But you a genuine trimming. That Is to quibble over his ancestry.
stricken fields on a snow white charg127 CHEAP8IDE
say, it is my ambition to strip off the
at last, here goes.
"Again, It Is common knowledge er; when daylight brings the swarm"Little did I think last May that I husks of your covenanter, political that among dumb brutes the male nev- ing hordes the thin, ragged line in OMem kourf , 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone M4-would have the high privilege of an fanaticism; tear from your eyes tho er strikes the female. Among the that sector rises up and by a superswering you from the sacred soil of scales of school-bohistory; trim the lower orders of Kultured Prussian human effort hurls back the spawn
France, to the redemption of which I sputtering lamp of your patriotism; brutes this rule does not obtain. Who of hell the Maid is still invincible
have pledged my all. That is a cir and, try to
in your heart the started the war? I don't give a d ! because She comes direct from the
cumstance which enables me to write flame of liberty, which evidently has I see innocent women and children of Saviour of Men. And I myself, while
straight from the heart, for I have been
smothered la the ashes America struggling In tho hungry holding converse with a lone Sammy
seen where heretofore I had heard of pacificism. Should this ambition
In the long watches of night by way
waves of the Atlantic and shudder
only rumors; I have, knowledge where fail of its reallation, then you are no
of training, have often seen the grim
My Wark and Pricas Always
because I am not Kultured. Ask me, figure
Keep Ma luay.
heretofore I had merely conjectured. uncle of mine.
of LaFayette impatiently stridrather, who Is going to end the war. ing, striding. . . always straining his
And oh, the difference! My condemna140 South Llmaatona.
"In that tragic August of 1914 when
tion of some of your poor, misguided the peace of the whole world was Wo are staggered by atrocities that gaze westward. Last night the terrl- hide-boun-




score-keeper- s



Dr. J.C.Day



Kentucky Kernel







Sam Gullo




The Kentucky Kernel

But best of all the qualifying adjectives used in connection with The Stroller is the word
patriotic; during the first Liberty Loan drive The
Strollers were among the first of University organizations of the country to invest in bonds. The Kernel believes that there is no student organization in the University more deserving of student support than The

PaMlsfced every Thursday throughout the Goltoge year by the student bedy
f the University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the students,
alumni and (acuity of the institution.
TUB KENTUCKY KBRNBL is the official newspaper of Um University,
av tsiMMd with a view f furnishing to Its subscriber! all the oellefe mws
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of interest concerning the

f ether States and Canada.


mall natter.
catered at Lexington Pottof Ice as second-clas- s



444 4 4

What humorous writers name as n
now kind of common or garden variety of commotion and heretofore regarded as strictly German product,
has been discovered here upon the
basket ball floor. Tho Kaiser Is the
originator of the plant and its name is
Helluvarrnnpus. It was found on tho
campus Thursday night at the first
Tennessee game.

Miss Eliza M. Plggott
Mist Mis Spurrier
JMsa Mildred Grahm
Charles Planck
Frederick Jackson
Saan Morton
Lee McLean
Mlse Austin Lilly
John J. Leman
Mr. F. O. Mayes
Virgil Chapman
Mlse Virginia Helm Mllner
Miss Elizabeth Murphey
Miss Louise Will



Sporting Bdttor
(Feature Editor
Home Economics

Literary Societies
Patterson Hall
Exchange Editor

The winter ice has run away
And blades of grass appear,
'Tis balmy as a summer's day,
The sun shines bright and clear.
We miss the slippery going
Ob would that it were snowingl


R. J. Raible, Miss Bessie Conkrlght, W. S. Sherwood

Poladexter Mabry
Vadcer Quarles and


Managing Edlter
"Squirrel Food"

J P. Bonds

Business Manager
Assistant Business Managers

The Kernel notes with pleasure the overwhelming
majority of votes cast in favor of the University of Kentucky appropriation bill by the lower house of the State
Legislature last Thursday. The bill passed: by the representatives provides an annual increase of $207,000,
which makes the annual aggregate appropriation from

the state about $350,000.

The significance of the passage of this bill is tremendous the act emphasizing the fact that the Commonwealth is waking up educationally. No clouds are longer in the sky for the University. The State of Kentucky, which has been woefully backward in supplying
educational advantages, is at last on her way to the


Speaking in behalf of the student-bod- y
of the University, the Kernel desires to extend sincere thanks to
the members of the lower house of the legislature for
adopting this measure, the final adoption of which by
the senate will place Kentucky in the enviable position
from which a
and niggardly policy in educational activities has so long withheld her.

With a promising cast under the able tutelage of
coaches well versed in the art of stagecraft, The Strollers, the dramatic organiation of the University, purposes to produce the most successful play in its history.
The leading parts of "Mice and Men," the 1918 play,
were assigned after rehearsal Monday night; the Kernel takes pleasure in congratulating those chosen, and
in commending the judgment used in the selection.
The work which has been accomplished so far, however, is in the minority compared with the work that
must yet be done before there is a completion of preparation. Nor will preparation for "Mice and Men" be
completed before every man and woman who has been
given a part in the play utilizes every bit of dramatic
force and energy which he or she possesses in each rehearsal. The Kernel is aware that the adage, "Practice
makes perfect," is commonplace, but, hoping that it will
not be censured for printing it, thinks it significance of
inestimable value to our dramatic organization.
For the benefit of those members of the student-bod- y
not thoroly acquainted with The Strollers, the
Kernel takes this opportunity of informing them that
that Universiy dramatic organiation is one of the most
outstanding of student activities embraced by the University. The organization is probably the only student
activity which can lay claim to the distinction of being

(Copied from a cooking exam.)
"Coffee contains much alcohol and
it is just as stimulating as whiskey,
except that it doesn't make one drunk,
it only wrecks his nervous condition.
He "Come on, let's get married."
She "Who would have us?"

at least one Jewel,
Ruby Diamond.
U. of K. boasts

When the
Time comes when
A sub
Can be put in against
Well then we can
Forget all those six


Bastln will soon have the characteristics of a goat if he continues some
It was our plan to run a diagram by
which last weeks Squirrel Food could of his tactics.
be deciphered, but we find that space
The championship of the State looks
will not permit. Instead we substitute
following poem addressed to the longingly at U. K. In its search for a
place to light, and after the floor has
been softened somewhat by the defeat
" Owed to
of a few more opponents, the bird will
be in our midst.
Daddy Boles wants a recipe or an
order for exercises for a Sunday-schoclass that will eliminate basEd's Note Words considered im
proper were deleted by the managing ketball from the discussion. His class
has entered a team in the Sunday-schoeditor and blanks substituted.
basket ball league.

The management of Patterson Hall INTERIOR DECORATOR
desires to thank thru Squirrel Food
It it's absence that makes the heart all those young men, who gave so
grow fonder, some people around here much of their valuable time to keep
Miss Grace Wilmot, of New York,
must hate each other.
ing the radiators in the parlors warm City, interior decorator and architect,
lectured before an audience composed
during the recent cold snap.
of women of the University and the
Vers Lilre
There are all kinds of people in the University Woman's Club Friday aftworld. For instance, there is the wo- ernoon in the lecture room at the
Spring has come
man who gives $1.00 to the Red Cross, Agricultural Building.
Our friend, the pavement,
Miss Wilmot spoke on the subject
and pays $20.00 for a knitting bag.
After an absence
of standardiing home furnishings. She
Even longer than
comes from the commercial world of
ground hog's;
For the six most popular words of
interior decorators
and architects
the six most popular girls on the camHas
rather than the educational institupus we submit the following candi
Boys congregate on
tion, but she is sent out to all the uniThe steps at Main to watch
versities of the country with the idea
"Terrible, Wonderful, Thrilled, Aw
The girls stroll by.
of educating the public to an apprefully, Perfectly, and Goodlooking."
The wind is blowing.
ciation of the correct design for the
average American home.
me in another way. He found a word
The lecture was illustrated
in a book, which I had never heard