xt72rb6vx667 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72rb6vx667/data/mets.xml Starling, Edmund Lyne, 1864- 1887.  books b92-110-27905320 English [s.n.], : Henderson, Ky. : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Henderson County (Ky.) History. Henderson County (Ky.) Biography. History of Henderson County, Kentucky  : val text History of Henderson County, Kentucky  : val 1887 1887. 2002 true xt72rb6vx667 section xt72rb6vx667 













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                  TO THE

            KNIGHTS ERRANT


              THE WOOD,

        "Who gave her Pilgrim Sons a home
           No Monarch's Step profanes;
        Free as the chainless Winds that roam
           Upon the boundless Plains,"
               THIS WORK IS

Affectionatelp pcefticated bV thie Authoir.



               "When at the first I took my pen in hand
               Thus for to write, I did not understand
               That I at all should make a little book
               In such a mode; nay, I had undertook
               To make another, which, when almost done,
               Before I was aware, I this begun,"  -John Bunyan.

, HE following History of Henderson County has long been an-
 nounced as forthcoming, but interferences I could not control
prevented. It was, indeed, commenced several years ago, but its
prosecution has been frequently interrupted by other occupations and
embarassments, of which it is, perhaps, out of place here to speak. I
have been compelled to await the indifferences of people, and, with
no one to assist me, have discovered for myself that the compiling of
historical matter, in book form, is a task rather to be shunned than
courted. The labors of this work have been of the severest and most
painful and patient character. Through the pity of some, the derision
of many, the rebukes of others, and with the good wishes of a few, I
have steadily pursued my course in quiet, to the goal of my ambition,
and now return gratitude to God for what success has been achieved.
    With no guiding light or compass to direct my researches, I have
plodded along through a multitude of books and papers, as best I
could, in search of I knew not what. I have faced a listless auditory,
and, by perseverance, have revived from the wreck of almost destroyed
memories, matter that would soon have been lost to the world.
Doubtless there are many incidents and many sketches of persons
omitted; but the fault is not with me. I have advised, I have plead, I



have done all, and more, too, than I ought to have done, and yet failed.
The work is now done, and I have endeavored to execute my task
with candor and fidelity, avoiding all false coloring and exaggeration.
In preparing this work, that course best adapted to suit the age, has
been pursued. The style of the work is not labored, but brief, plain
and simple, as the purpose in writing it required. I hope it is neither
barbarous nor ungrammatical, for, though I make no claim to
elegance, I have endeavored to be correct, concise and intelligible.
It has been my endeavor to present the series of events in a clear and
artless form, rejecting whatever was deemed irrelevant, and dwelling
chiefly upon those features most important.  Considering the long
period embraced, the multiplied number of characters and events
delineated, the extent of the field covered, the preservation of
historical unity has been no easy task. If any deficiences are found,
they ought to be referred rather to the judgment than a willingness to
spare myself the care and tedium requisite to avoid them.
    That ill-fed and wounded vanity, small envy, jealousy and self-
inflated opinion may instigate hostility to the work, I expect, but to
the people of Henderson and Henderson County, the work is
submitted with a profound deference, and in the hope that it may
meet with that indulgence accorded works whose destiny has been
regarded with far less solicitude. In spite of all my efforts to the
contrary, some typographical errors remain in the copy, but they are
so obvious that anyone can correct them.
    I have gratefully to acknowledge the assistance of a number
persons; particularly, I must mention Colonel E. W. Worsham, Dr.
P. Thompson, Robert A. Holloway, Walter S. Alves, Charles T.
Starling, Thos. E. Ward, Larkin White, E. L. Starling, Jr., Ben
Harrison, Hon. P. B. Matthews, Dr. H. H. Farmer, Thomas Soaper,
John T. Ruby, Jacob F. Mayer, Geo. H. Steele, L. F. Wise, W. S. and
C. H. Johnson, Geo. W. Smith, S. A. Young and Hawkins Hart.
                                          E. L. STARLING.



q NOTED historian has said that truth comes to us from the past,
     as gold is washed down the mountains of the Sierra Nevadas,
in minute, but precious particles, intermixed with infinite alloy, the
debris of centuries. Research teaches that where the suns of many
decades have shone upon a spot where events transpired among a
few hardy pioneers, who manifested no solicitude about handing their
names and deeds down to an admiring posterity, it is a difficult task,
indeed, to separate from the infinite alloy of narration and traditionarv
lore, the minute, but precious particles, which are the quintessence
of true history in whatever guise or form it may be given the public.
    Most of the men and women of pristine days seem to have enter-
tained the idea that events of those times were matters of temporary
concern, brought about alone for the benefit and amusement of those
who witnessed and enjoyed them, and not intended for those who
were to follow after. Written evidence of old events, reminiscences
of true merit, were not made, or, if made, were not preserved, only so
far as actual requirements demanded at the time. Even in records of
a public character, the official in charge deemed it incumbent upon
himself to write down as few words as possible, and make one sentence
supply the demands of three. There were many incidents, doubtless,
in the early settlement of this part of Kentucky, which, had they been
carefully preserved and handed down from parent to child, would
to-day be treasured as bits of history beyond pecuniary valuation.
Blood curdling adventures of men and women, privations and suffer-
ings of the early settlers, who gave their lives that we might enjoy the
heritage, come to us patched up by traditionary handling until we
scarcely know whether the story has been magnified or deteriorated in
its value and truthfulness,



    How strange this is, and yet this generation has gone on and on
for forty years with the same apparent unconcern. Valuable papers
have been stored away in some secluded corner, where the light of
day has not been permitted to peep in since the barrel or box was
tightly closed. Rats and mice have nibbled away valuable matter,
which, had it been assorted and compiled with a view to its material
and interesting value, would have proved of invaluable interest to
many now living, and truly interesting to all persons who love to revel
with intelligent antiquarians in reminiscences of the forgotten past,
Yes, many of these old papers, which should have been carefully pre-
served, or better committed on pages, which would have forever pre-
cluded the possibility of their destruction, have not only been ne-
glected, but actually cast out to be scattered by the winds to the four
quarters of the compass. The fiery flames have consumed pages,
whose ashes have become a part of the dust of the earth; and, yet, if
these ashes could speak, they could a tale unfold, whose telling would
awaken in many a keen interest for a further research into history
now blotted out forever.
    Old people who had a knowledge of incidents historical, and an
education equal to the demand, have lived and died without even so
much as leaving a line whereby their knowledge might be made per-
petual by some one more impressed with their historical value.
Whether this can be, and is yet to be, attributed to a lack of ipterest,
want of inclination, or whether the information has failed to make a
deserved impression, is not for the writer to say. These negligences
and ignorances, or whatever they may be called, meet the historian at
every turn of his work, and will have to be overcome as best they can.
Our readers will certainly exercise as much leniency as we have
patience in the long, tedious and difficult research, a history of which




Abinadab's Letters ................1....... 172
Aboriginal ............................       23
.Act Regulating Taxes .................... 281
Additions to Town ........................ 304
Amusements ............................       77
Annus Miribilis ........................... 131
Arms, taken possession of ................ 204
Assessment, County and City, 1877...... 817
Attorney, Commonwealth .........       ....... 103
         City Impeached ................ 310
Audubon's Mill ........................... 148
Banks............................ 150,170
      Payments.         .             246
      Charter Wanted   .    ............. 261
      Commonwealthm.                           3
      Deposit............................. 342
      Farmers' ............. 221 224311 325, 511
      National, First    ............... 513
         " 'Planters' ............... 513
Barbecue, Gen. Harrison .172
   "     Madisonville.241
Baptising .182
Battle Year .210
  " New Orleans.                     142
Bell, Station House .3.54
Bible Society .488
Billiard Tables.                     312
Blacksmith, First .262
Boat Building .............     ............ 284
Bonds, City .      ...................... 336-354
Boyle, (leo. A. Ordered away ............ 194
Brass Band, Mechanics .................. 316
Bradley's Tavern       .....................  60
Boom, 1st, 2d and 3d ............. 150, 188, 312
Boundary Ohio River ..  ................ 49
Bridge, Commissioners..              177
       Count .117,121,126,188
       Ohio River..          ..........350, 370, 505
Buildings, First .26
          Old..............   139, 261, 262
          Cor. First and Main .......... 349

Calaboose ............................... 298-307
Capture Michael Sprinkle and others... 27
Cemetery, Fernwood ......... 184, 278, 297, 302
          Bodies Removed ..............328
Census, County ......................        249
   " Tenth ......................    201
Charter, Amended .................... 292,313
        1854......................   301
        New      ...................... 315
        1867     ......................329
Cholera ......................  116, 180,306, 32

Churches. Baptist, First .................... 429
                 African ............... 476
            "    Fourth Street, Col... 475
         Early History .................. 427
         Catholic.....    .         ............... 472
         Christian        ..433
         Christadelphian .471
         Episcopal .................. 341, 463
         Israelitish ..................   474
         German Evangelical ............ 436
         Methodist .................. 439, 316
                   African.           474
                   German:...,        474
         Old Union ..................   282
         Presbyterian, First ......... 327,446
                      Second .......... 443
                      Mission ......... 462
                      Sunday School.. 461
                      Cumberland.278, 297
         Pleasant Hill .187
         St. Barnabas .470
         Sunday School, Prohibited.    318
Circus, Stickney .170
   "   Floating Palace      .        .30
Coal, Company .323
     Minink            ..161
     Plague .142
     Scarcity of .242
     Tip                        e e.342
        . .186
Cold Friday........               123,213
Cold Winter.                      159,182
Comet, Charles Fifth .188
Compromise City, Alves  Hart.       267
            Alves and City .............. 307
            Buck and City .  .. ...... 266
            City and Clark..'.....  .   .. 312
            'City and Burbank ........... 318
            City and Property Holders. 316
Conscript. ........         ...... 219
Contrabanding........................... 209
Cordelling Boats..............       127
Corn Crop, Ruined..............   .  188
Cotton Grown ..............          130
Courts, County .............. 100,101,102,103
       "Crcut...................     146
  "   Common Pleas ................... 242
       Quarter Sessions ................. 49
       Q luarterly.ewe6e.....6offi 248
       Superior.......................... 252
       Terms Changed ............    243
       Rules............              125
  "   Held in Baptist Church .......... 79
Court House, First .    ....................... 60
  "  "     Second.................... 74



Court House, Third .78
             How Received .............. 53
             Soldiers Occupy ............ 83
             Mutilation of ............. 83, 235
             Bebullt................. 84
             Dance Hall ................. g0
             Use Prohibited ............. 81
             auare7...........    0, 107
County, Kentucky Formed ....... ........ 18
                 Divided........       ........21
        Henderson Formed .............. 22
          -1     Organized........... 48
        Hopkins Formed ................ 123
        Union Formed .................22
        Webster Formed ................      22
County Officials ..    .................... 822
Council, City......      .............. 302
        Forced to         .............. 323
        War Order      .................... 306
        New Hall ................ 223, 241, 243
Creeks, Obstruction of ................... 249
Crops Destroyed ..................... 248
Crops, Large ................................ 187
Currency, Bogus ........... .  ............. 147
Cut, Money.........                  138
Debt, City Funded............     35..36-356
Deadened Timber ..............       250
Dedicatory ...............3
Districts, Appellate..           ................. 182, 243
       Congressional.i59, 168, 174, 210,246,252
       Election........              181
       Judicial...........    175, 186, 256
       School...........         159, 166
       Senatorial....123, 137, 169. 176, 242, 248
       Working Road .29.............         5
Distilling .342
Ditches ...................................75
Divorce .......138
Draft, Military ..................... ......   2
Drouth......                         817
l)uval, Stephen, Whipped..    .... 328

Early Settlers.       .....     17, 26, 27
Earthquakes....                 .. 180
Eastin Survey.. .      ................. 299, 301
Ec lpse, Sun ........   ................ 186, 341
Educational ........... 409
           Early History.409
           Catholic..............    425
           Female Seminary.          424
           First School.96
           For Boys..................... 425
           German School .............. 334
           High School.              421
           Home School, for Girls"... 425
           Colored School .............. 425
           Public School .............. 422
           School Children......344, 351, 354
           Seminary, "Old .............. 413
Election, County .218
        For Mayor ...................... 301
        Interfered With ......... ....... 212
        Special.-.....   ... ..     323
        Soldier's Appear.....       235
        Primitive..........      108-109
        Town Trustees .......... 282, 283, 288
Emancipation, Slaves ........4. ........ 94
Employes R. R. Arrested ...............      34
Epizoolic  ................ ............ ....  349
Explosion, Steamboat             .... 238
          Saw Mill        ..       . 229
Fair Company ........................ 187,241
Farm, Values ..........................     250
Fashion, foolish .......................... 189
Fees, cheap...............           117
Fence Company," Horse Shoe ......... 243
            _     Walnut Bend "......... 248

Ferries .......................      259
       Mouth Green River   .  ......... 119
       Henderson    .     .............. 119
       Steam.        ................... 311
Fevers            ...................... 160
      Yellow, c ..................... 369
 Fire Companies ........... 294, 350 351, 354, 370
 Flag of Truce..........              219
 Fort. Nitger.                        333
 Foster, Col. John W...               210
       Take Charge ................  210
       War order ........................ 306
       and City Council .321
       Council Resigned .323
       Negro Order.                  211
France Congratulated  .    ......... 296
Freedman's Bureau    .    ...... ... 238
Fridays      .       .        ........ 188
Frontispiece ...
Fruit, Killed..........   .....    .... 181

Gas Works ................ 313, 324, 330, 833
Gas, price reduced ................  370
Glass Works             ................ 276
Gold Excitement ................     176
Green, Marshall  Co..... 327
Green River .............. 124, 131, 135, 156, 244
Guerrillas.........              214,225
         Kill Jim Pool ...........     215
         In Hebardsville  .  .......... 216
         In City......2.           .  5
         Rob Esq. McCallister ......... 216
         Gunboats appear       .     213
         Stores closed.....          216
Habeas Corpus .125
Hancock House ........ ....... 21. 228, 24, 11
Hard times ............................ 162, 261
Hard cases...                    105, 122
Hardscrabble Addition...             304
Harpes. Big and Little ................10, Ms
Harris, Wm. killed........................ 317
Hawkin's, shot ....2. .................... 25
Henderson, City O.                   258
           Col. Rich, purchase ..    18, 19
           G rant taken in ..1 26
           Laidoff..                 25b
           Incorporated ...20.
Health Reputation..                  169
High Water .............. 138, 167,176, 209, 248
Hogs and Town pump .................  291
Horse Disease.     ................. 349, S30
Hospital, City .................   296, 350
Hotel, Spidel .......................... 284, 287
Hot Weather ... 315
Hughes  Hovey's Raid...              22
Hurricane .............. 138, 248,311, 316
Ice House, Public .  .............   316, 343
Insurance     .       .    ............ 186
Introductory.      .............       6
Ionian Society   .      ............. 304
Island, Green River  .    ............. 247
Island, Tow Head    .     ............. 170
Jails.....                         65-76
" Broken ..............            239
    Mobbed ...............334
Killed by Wolves............   .     138
Knights Templars   . .............36 401
Knights Pythias.        .        36.....9, 499
Know Nothing Party.         .        ...... 184
Ku-Klux................  . 3-3398
Labor meeting ...t..................... 236
Land Dispute City and County .. .. ......... 190
     Located ....................118, 121, 12
     Pirates...........              280
     Laws (1799)........................... 0




Land Troubles..........................
Ladies' Complimented...................
Law, Stock................................
Lawyers Licensed................ 94,
Levy, County................. ..
Lien Law. Mechanics ................ 180,
Liquor Selling.......         .......




Mail. Daily......                188, 328
Manufactories and other Enterprises-
Banks, Farmers'.                    511
      National, First.513
             Planters .... 513
Blacksmithing .... 519
Brickmaking and Tile.522
Bridge, Ohio River.50s
Brewery                             ....... 5t18
Brooms and Mattresses..             519
Building and Loan Association.     .... 520
Buggies and Carriages.              5t9
Coal and Mining Co.510
     Same Ice Co.510
Coal Mines,ac.     .            520521
Coal Agents .520
Coal, St. Bernard Mines.521
Coal, Ohio Valley.521
County Roads....                    522
Cotton Mills .........................  .... 509

Distilling, Hill  W instead  .     517
         Withers, Dade  Co    .    518
         Worsham, E. W.  Co.       517

Fair Company .522
Flour and Grist Mills .519
Foundry and Machine Shops.          519

Gas Works................................ 507 I

Hotels..................................... 522
Hominy Mills.518

Incorporated Companies...........   522

Lands, Productive.     .........    522

Railroads........                   514
        Ohio Valley514
        Louisville  Henderson.     821

Peoples Homestead and Saving Co......... 520
Planing Mill.521

River Facilities....... .................... 515

Saw Mills ............................      527

Telegraph  Telephone      ................... 515
Tobacco Manufactories .......    ............ 516
Tobacco Stemmerles ...................... 515

Water WorlC ............................5 02
Woolen Mills ............................ 507

Marriages, Pioneer .     ..................  9
Marshal Town, Impeached ..........  303
Mayor Atkinson. Message ................32
      English. Message .................. 360
      Held Message ..................... 350
      Starlfng, Message .............. 335, 352
      Resigned ................ .......... 303
Manufacturers Tax       .................... 349
Measurement, High Water .           818
Medical Society, tate     .        351
Meteoric Showers..                  168
Mill Burned, Hatchets.,             226

Mill Torn down....                  313
Mill, Audubon,.John J....           148
Mills ...................... 97,107, 122
Milk Sickness1.s5
Military, Arms stolen.203
       Cavalry and Refugees............ 206
       Corydon Raid .215
       1lam G. Williams, arrested ...... 227
       Henderson Guards ............ 315, 319
                 Occupied.        208, 210
       Militia .161
       Murray Gen. E. H.             231
       Negro Troops .     213.217,221, 224
       Ohio River taken possession of.. 209
       Piper Boys, killed.227
       Police emploved..             229
       Soldier, hung at Geneva.......... 22.5
       Soldiers. (1812)s.s          260
       Spottsville taken.221
       State Guards..               202
       Troops to Spottsville.203
Mining Coal Co......                368
McClain's Land Sale...243, 246
Mob, First .116............l
Money, Cut.138
Monument, L. W. Powell.244
Mounds ............. 2.5
Mound Builders.24
Mozart Society.820
Mule and Cart... 326
Musical..                           820
Murder, Chas. E. Carr......          156
Murders........                     819

Naturalization.                      16
Negroes, Emancipated....         7, 237
         Bought and Sold.        195, 196
         Runaway.                    74
         Preaching.............  294, 296
         Vote.                      245
Newspapers ...........1 72
          Columbian......           279
          News.. . 214, 216, 219, 234, 242, 821
          Reporter.....  199, 201. 218, 822
          Journal ............. 821
Nicarapl.a Expedition.184
Night Walkers.........               295

Odd Fellows..                    294, 298
Officials, County.....        88-289. 822
Officials, City.370, 821
Offices Consolidated.   ..           297
Opera, Coopers.315
Ordinances, Transyivania.255
           Penal:...                 280
           Printed..             292, 342
outlaws....                          26
Outlaws and Captain Young..          31
Outlawed.                            137

Panic, Jay Cook.                     .351
Paragon M;organ, died .. 191
Paupers. City..                        ........................185, 304
Payne, Sterling, killed .....................328
Petroleum Company.         .......229, 238
Penitentiary..................      142
Pioneer Trials..                     29
Physicians, Pioneer.98, 166
Poor Rouse.184
Post Oice.......191-192
Ponds ..................... 279, 283, 286, 306
Pork House, burned...               311
Post Masters.819
Powder, Bought and Sold .............. 318-319
Powell, Richard. killed.341
Precincts, County Divided............... 157
      Cairo ..................... 377
      "  Corydon............... ........... 79






       Militia.                      161
       Murray Gen' E                 231
       Negr               213. 217, 221, 224
       Ohio River a6 possession of.. 209
       Piper Boys,                   227
       Police emploved..             229
       Soldier, hunj at Geneva.......... 2Z5
       Spottsville                   22i
       State Guards..               202
M     Troops to                     2o3
Ining Coal Co......                368
McClain's Land Sale...              246

Money,                               138
Monument, L. W.                      244
Mound                                24
Mozart Society........              820
Mule and Cart..                     326
Musical........                        M
Murder, Chas. E. Carr..              156
Murders........                     819

Naturalization                       1
Negroes, Emancipated....            237
        Bought and Sold...      195, 196
        Ru n away..                 174
        Preaching...................294, 29r,



Precincts, Geneva....__.             382
       Hebardsville.       .         ... 383
       Henderson........         245, 2.53
       Niagara..                     406
       Robards.          .           389
       Scuffetown ............   166, 396
       Smith's Mills....             401
       Spottsville.       .          403
       Tillotston's....              406
       Walnut Bottom.      ..        168
       Voting places...     .        110
Preface ...................................
Press Convention.         .         351
Prisoners Escape.....               246
Prisoners Rebel...                   217
Proclamation, Mayor...           223, 339
           LIt. Commander Fitch..     214
Public Square... ..263, 274, 291, 297, 310, 325, 334
Pulltyte.             .             304
Racing Horses.          .            289
Ravines.... ..     .. ..275. 286, 287, 288, 305
Record Lost.....                     96
Red Ribbon, organized.              356
Relief Board, Southern.              242
Revenue, U. S.                      243
Revival, (1794)...........            34
River Frozen.         137. 175, 185, 186, 188
Roads, Gravel-
     County to issue Bonds ........ .. . 22
     Henderson and Cair.)............... 252
                and Corydon.         251
                and Zion .251
     Public ..................168, 169, 172
     Clear Creek.                    56
     Corydon.                        58
     Diamond Island.                 58
     Divided into Precincts....     249
     Evansville .57
     Established......               54
     Floyd  Lockett.      .       61-62
     Knoblick..                      58
     Morganfield..         6          8
     Nuisance                        63
     Owensboro and Henderson....... 183
     Plank..                         183
     Smith's Ferry.                  54
     Spottsville.                    57
     State.                          59
          To Hopkinsville             60
     Surveyors         .         63, 107
     Tax..                     _245, 247
Railroad .           .167
      Employes Arrested.   .        344
      Evansville  Jackson..         247
      Evansville, Henderson  Nash-
      ville.                  330. 342, 348
      Henderson Hartford ..1.......... 244
      Evansville, Henderson  Nash-
      ville .    269.139. 300, 302, 308, 314, 316
      Henderson  Paducai ............. 184
      Louisville  Henderson......... 821
      Right of way. Fourth st....    . ... 348
      St. Louis  Southeastern.. 241. 344
      Same Consolidated......... .... 348
      Southern Ky. Narrow Guage ..... 344
      Street Railway..........  .. .... 821
River Improvement ........................ 285
River Front..                        294
Running Association.    .......     244

Salt Discovered    .     .           30
Salt  W ell .......................  308
Saw Mill,',       ....... .307, 311
Sal  ri   s ...................................  290
Seminary. Female.............        370
Semmes Admiral      .    ............ 334
Sheep Dogs .......... . .    ....;;.249
Sheriffalty, Farmning out.       .  120

Shooting. John N. Wathen     ............. 230
Side  W alks ..   ............................. 298
Sinkiiig Fund. Commissioners ......... 337
Sketches aiid Recollections ..............5 23

Assassination 1)r. W. A. Norwood ....... 55
I)og Supper. ............. ........... 67
Harpe Tragedy.          .,.         523
Hanging of Carr ........................... 35
Henderson  Evansville Packet Co...... 531
Louisville  Henderson Packet Co .  530
Military and Quizzicals ................... 561
Shooting Ben O'Neal. c ................ 544
        rJames E. Rankin ............. ,547
        Powell and Thompson     ,. 5 49
        Tom Forrest and Comrades.... 541
Sinking Steamboat, Maj. Barbour .    532
            Belmont      ..531
Suicide of Reuben Denton.5 32
       of J. Elmus Denton.72
       of Misses Miutner.532
       of Cynthia Majors..           533
       of Dr. A. J. Morrison .............5 33
Skating. Roller.543
Skirmish. King's Mills.232
Slander Suit...........,.      ,     156
Slaves.                   99 279 289. 290
Small Pox.                   287 293 294
Snow Storm....          .           245
Social Pastimes.         .             ....
Societies. Secret-
Good Templars                        601
Grand Army Republic.......
Harugari........                    501

Iron Hall.501
Knights, of Honor         .          501
         of Pythias.                 499
         ;T emplars.                 491
         of Labor.                    01

Masonic. Blue Lodge                  481
         Chapter                     488
         Commandery.........         491

Odd Fellows         .       249. 294, 494
Encamniment.                         498
colored Lodge....                    02
Soldiers Revolution ...................  162
Steamboats.....119 136. 141, 149,167 170-
   ...243.310 350
Stemmery Burned..327
Streets opened and Improved.. .260. 283 -
  290 296. 299 300. 307. 308. 310. 314, 316.-
  ..317 320, 324.326 328 333 334 337. 342, 354
Supervisors of Tax.  .               364
Supervisors Report Rejected......,,.. 364
Surrender. Confederates..           233
Swearing, Profane..1..      .      . t06
Taverns Bradley's          .      0 257
         Rates Established...     92, 162
Taxes....     106,153, 249, 251, 262. 278, 286
Telegraph, Cable .17, 243
Theatricals ................. 29, 311 315.
Thespian Society .   ................   312
Tobacco as Currency   .    ..       11.......... 1
        Interest .................   114 341
        Inspection .................... 112, 113
        Short Crop                       ..........  . 234
        Stemmerles ................. 149 291
Town Pump and Hogs .................  291
Towns Established.157, 169. 171
Trees Planted............,,,,,       351




Warehouses, Established............ 120. 160Weeds Cut down............        292
   '     Inspection...