xt72ng4gqm5g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqm5g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-12-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 13, 2004 2004 2004-12-13 2020 true xt72ng4gqm5g section xt72ng4gqm5g Monday
December 13, 2004

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Celebrating 33 years of independence



By Danielle Kornis
Photos by Jonathan Palmer
“ THE minim ream

Art studio students in
Jim Wade‘s sculpture class
wielded a chisel and a mallet
in their two hands this se-
mester to sculpt a large plas-
ter block.

But not art studio senior
Mike Cleveland.

Cleveland only has a
right hand and a “nub" his
nickname for his other arm
that stops just short of form-
ing a left hand.

So Cleveland improvised.
He covered his nub with a
sock. a scrap piece of metal
and secured it with duct
tape. literally making his
nub the mallet.

His final plaster product
was a “disc golf woman." a
tribute to his disc golf pas-

Cleveland. who was born
onehanded. said he is just as
capable as anyone else.

“I would more than any-
thing hate it if people looked
at me and felt sorry for me.
That‘s exactly what they
shouldn't do.“ he said. “I can
do anything you can do.
maybe better“


Cleveland likes to joke


from progressing in L'K's art program.

about his stub and even likes
his nickname Nubs.

UK part-time sculpture
instructor .Iim Wade said
Cleveland's persistence was
an inspiration to other stu-

Blistered hands or sore
arms no longer seemed like
valid complaints to students
who would look across the
room and see Cleveland tire—
lessly pounding away at his
plaster form. using his own
arm as a hammer. he said.

Ross Zirkle. Cleveland's
drawing professor. also said
Cleveland is an inspiration
in his drawing class.

“We feel more handi-
capped than he is." he said.
“He does anything he wants

As Zirkle talks. Cleve
land's right hand whips
across his paper in short
strokes. capturing the lilies
of the model in front of him
with smudges of charcoal.
His blue eyes and light eye-
lashes dart iip and dovm.

He laughs and jokes with
other students in his draw
ing class once their timed
sketches are completed. self-
assured and upbeat.

His laughter is mellow
but infectious. and suits his
messy. sandy blonde hair
and thin frame.


Senior art studio major Mike Cleveland was born without one of his hands. This hasn't stopped him from doing everything he wants to do - he
plays disc golf. he bowls, and he makes plaster sculptures by chiseling them down from a ZOO-pound mass.


Mike (Ilcvcland was born with only one hand. but that hasnt inhibited him

In the end. he says he’s more capable than most two—handed people.

.\.. -.

Senior art studio major Mike Cleveland works one figure drawing

for a class in the Reynolds building.

Classmates said they are
impressed by Cleveland's at-
titude and tenacity

“Maybe sometimes
things are harder. like sculp
titre. but it doesn‘t faze him."

said Sarah (‘reutzingeiz who
is an art education junior “I
definitely Wondered how he
was doing that sculpture."
Cleveland said the sculp-

See Artist on page Z



Alleyne towers over the Hoosiers

ByBen Roberts

mt IIDlIUCIlV mine

couldn‘t go under him. they
couldn't go amund him. and
they had no chance of going
over him.

The Indiana Hoosiers
made every effort Saturday to
beat UK‘s Shagari Alleyne
down low. but every time they
put up a shot the ball came
right back at them.

The 7-foot-3 sophomore
center controlled the paint
thmughout the game and
helped lead a dominating UK
frontcourt to a 73-58 victory
over Indiana in Freedom Hall.

Alleyne tallied 10 points.
five rebounds and four
blocked shots in a career-high
21 minutes of play. harassing
the Hoosiers with his reach on
defense and making found
his five field goal attempts on
the offensive end

Indiana head coach Mike

Davis said generating any of-
fense against Alleme was
next to impossible.

“He's like the Empire State
Building." Davis said. “You
can't shoot over him it's
like suicide. You can't even try
because he doesn't even have
to jump."

After scoring just 14 points
his entire freshman season.
the sophomore center has
emerged as UK's top threat off
the bench this season. averag-
ing seven points and three
blocked shots over his first six

UK head coach Tubby
Smith pointed to Alleyne's
growing confidence as the key
to his success.

"Shagari's been getting
better with each practice
getting a lot of confidence."
Smith said. “He's always had a
good understanding of the
game. but he needed to get

See Cats on page I)


Stare is back. And the
Stomp is. too. And now.

t h e r e ' s

the Slide.

[7 K

h e a d

c o a c Ii

1‘ u b b y

S m i t h

brought it

all out

"III in Free

liseman dnm Hall
Sit—om {Eton 1" the
win over the Indiana

The Cats struggled out
of the gate. and Smith let
them hear about it. He

screamed and stomped.


Smith turns up the heat

And of course. he stared.
that bug-eyed. unblinking
stare that says more than
any string of wicked

Early in the first half.
the jacket was gone. No
doubt about it. Smith
meant business this day
(the sweat stains around
his shoulders seconded

And the (‘ats respond-

“When he gets excited.
we get excited." said IIK
senior foiward Chuck
Hayes. “When he's like
that. you better pick it up.
With his presence you
can feel his eyes on you."

As Smith heated up.

See Intense on page I)



Thieves have holiday
of vehicle break-ins

By Rachel Iierney
IHE xrutucxv KERNEL

Lexington and UK police are warning UK students that
in a season known for giving. some find it easier to take ~~
particularly from targets like cars.

There is about a 10 to 15 percent spike in car thefts. a
trend that starts the day after Thanksgiving. said Lexington
Police officer .Iohn Carmichael.

“When you get toward the holiday season you get to see
more and more opportunity for theft.“ he said. “Criminals
are opportunists who are more than happy to take advan-
tage of the situation.“

According to the Lexington police. 143 more car thefts
occurred in December 2003 than in October 2003.

Carmichael. an officer in the Community Service de-
partment. said many people invite theft.

“People put stuff on display in their car and houses to
whgre thieves can look in and see what they can take," he
sai .

“They can smash windows. grab the item and get into
their vehicle all before you can even react."

For UK residents. the crime increase doesn‘t normally
spike until the close of holiday season. said Maj. Joe Mon-
roe of the UK police.

"Usually. when students come back from Christmas
break. we usually see an increase in theft." he said. He said
this is because students leave their cars on campus while no
one is here to watch them.

Monroe said the break-ins are part of the “criminal
shopping time."

“They break into cars to get their holiday shopping done
too. so to speak." he said.

With so many thefts. fewer than half of the cases are
solved. Carmichael said.

“Car break-ins are not usually based on a personal rela-
tionship like other crimes. so it is hard to tie a person to a
crime." he said. “Usually the thief is just looking for an op-

Keith Spears. a Lexington Police patrol officer. said it is
vital to record the serial numbers from any electronic de-
vice stored in a car. This allows police to trace the stolen
items back to the rightful owners. In Fayette County any-
thing sold at a pawn shop can only be sold if you provide a
valid identification. he said.

“This way. if thieves attempt to pawn your stuff. then we
can see who is trying to sell the items and trace them to
strings of car break-ins.” Spears said.

The Lexington police are working to educate residents to
be more cautious during the holidays. advising them not to
“shop ‘til you drop."

"Make sure you've had enough rest. you‘re alert and
know what is going on around you." Carmichael said. “Al-
ways have one hand free to where you can stop someone

See Break-ins on page 3

Police warn UK students
about account. ID scams

By Dariush Shafa
nit more itiiiiti
Lexington police and other law enforcement agencies
urge UK students to take precautions over the holiday break.
especially when it comes to safeguarding their belongings
and identity.
Police said scams come in a number of forms and can
strike anywhere from the home to the mall.

Identity theft

One major worry of consumers and police alike is theft
of Social Security numbers. bank account numbers. checks
and other items that could ruin one's credit if stolen.

“It's a really serious problem. and students are really vul.
nerable." said Sgt. Bob Cottone of the Lexington Police‘s fi-
nancial crimes division.

“When you get your II) stolen or get victimized by credit
card fraud. it‘s a real hassle."

(‘ottoiie gave ways to guard against becoming a victim
and warned students about giving out credit card numbers.

He also said to be
wary of callers pretend-
ing to be from a bank who
ask for a personal identifi-
cation number or any ac
count information.

“That's always a
scam." he said. “Banks
know (that informationl."

In another popular
scam. waiters or waitress-
es at restaurants take a
credit card and run it
through a machine the
size of a cell phone called

a “pocket skimmer" be- Also.contacttheFederal Trade
fore getting to the regis- Commission at (877) 10-711!”

ter. . . (438-4338). Cottone said.
“He s got all your info.

and they can hold a thou-
sand (numbers)." (‘ottone

Pocket skimmers are still a relatively new threat. he said.
and the Kentucky government outlawed possession of them
in July.

(‘ottone said the skimmers haven't caught on to a large

“Does it happen often?" he said. “No. but it can."

Credit card statements. canceled checks and preprinted
deposit slips are some of papers commonly trashed that can
be used to steal someone‘s identity.

One method for people to prevent identity theft is to
make a note on their credit report that they are not able to
get credit the same day. Cottone said.

Those who believe that their identity has been stolen can
take certain steps to get back on the track to good credit.

Cottone said contacting the top three credit agencies —



Credit agencies

ll your personal financial infor-
mation is stolen, contact the top-
three credit agencies. said Sgt. Bob
Cottone oi the Lexington Police's
financial crimes division:

- TransUnion - (800) 680-7289

0 Eguifax - (800) 272-9281
- Experian - (888) 397-3742





 PAGEZ | Monday, Dec. i3. zo04


Continued from page i

ture was the first hurdle he' d
had to fate in a loiig time.
though he doesn't think he is
the only one who has to tat e

“'I‘wohandwi people are
thallenged" he said.‘ 1‘ hey" ve
just got different challenges.”

()ne of Cleveland's person
al challenges is creating eolor
fiil responses to the same old
questions. When people ask
what happened to his arm
sometimes he tells the mith
and sometimes he tibs a hit,

“I try to tell the girls I was
saving a little boy fmm a tire."
hes.) said "My most well
thought and well-praetieed is
the alligator bit my hand off. A
lot of people believe that."

The truth is he was born
with just one hand.

The embryonie sar
wrapped around Cleveland‘s
left arm when he was in the
womb. doctors said. The sae
(‘lll off the eireulaiion to his
left hand and prevented it
from developing.

Being one-handed is some-
thing Cleveland embraees.
rather than being hitter about

it‘s the way he‘s always
been. Cleveland said.

.Ioking about his nub is the
best way to itiake some people
comfortable with it. he said

"If I had a big nose. l'd joke
about it." he said. "You've got
to take the piessiu‘e off it.”

Cleveland loves to draw
eartoon fares on his nub to
make kids latigh. and “blood\
up" his hub for Halloween

“I‘ve had 312 years to get
Used to the faet that I‘m one
handwl.” he said.

While Cleveland has eome
to terms with being different.
there was a time when being
one-handwl wasn't anything to
joke about

The Early Days

Mike's father Mark Cleve
land. ()wen County superin
tendent. said his son has had
“his share of hand knix'ks”

At the age of 1. Cleveland
got his first prosthesis the
first in a long line of hands
and hooks that Clewland hat
ed 'l'hey reminded him of ro
bot hands. he said. and were
not very helpful The earlie:
ones Ciil‘illl only piek tip in

pounds of weight and were dit
fitult to use. while latei ones
had metal sensors that gave
him heat rashes

Cleveland had to constant»
ly answer his young class-
mates' questions about his
arm aitd try to ignore the
stares that followed him wher
ever he went.

"When I was a little kid I
wanted people to not iee other
things about me." he said

The little things. too. were
harder for Cleveland.

He took longer than most
to get diessed and eouldn't tie
his shoes until seeond grade.

Mark Cleveland will never
forget the question 3-year-old
Mike asked: "When am I going
to get a hand like evei'ybixly

"'I‘ht ise are the gut wrenrh
mg times.“ Mark Cleveland
said. "He thought he‘d grow a

But it wasn't all bad Cleve
land was eonsidered a hero
among his young peers at his
dayeare beeause of what his
prosthetie hand eould do
break the ire that formed on
the playgrounds sandbox diir
ing cold weather

“He would let kids borrow
his hand to break the ire." he
said. "They would gawk at
him but also kind of admire
him to some extent.”

When Cleveland was in
seventh grade. he fat-ed a new
ehallenge diabetes

He had to learn to give
himself lltlt‘t'tltiils and eheek
his insulin three times daily.
as well as give up sugaiw' foods
and drinks.

His father remembeis ltow
the news was almost too mueh
for his son. who felt that it was
himself. and not his brother
and sister. who always got the
slioit end of the deal.

“Why ean‘t some of this
happen to Chris and
Stephanie" Why is it always
me“” Cleveland‘s dad remein
bered him asking

Today. Mark Cleveland
said he worries about Mikes
diabetes more than the fart
that he is one-handml. He also
worries about his son “grow
mg up" and getting a _iob

“l worry about him being
3: goingon 1:. not the tart that
he din-sift have a hand." he

Just A Normal Guy
'I‘oda'v. Cleveland does not
no a prosthesis and hasn't

Esra“. ’. ,5

worn one in about eight years.

His patents allowed their
son to free himself from his
prosthesis iii high sehool

"I can do 10 times more
with just the iitib than the
hook." he said.

While art dominates Cleve
land's life. he also makes time
for other passions dise golf.
eaitoons and his girlfriend.

He also makes time for

He i‘ises early five (lays a
week to drive from his apart-
ment in Riehmond to make it
to Barnes & Noble in Ham
burg by 7 am. where he
stocks the shelves. Then he
heads to eampus.

.-\fter baekrtovbaek studio
elasses. Cleveland returns
home to his girlfriend. Natalie
l’erkins. who works at l'l’S.

The pair has been together
for a year and a half.

Cleveland makes her want
to be a better person. especial-
l\ beeause of all he has over-
i'ome. Perkins said.

"He knows words can't
hurt him.” she said. "It's made
him a better peison all-around
beeause he doesn't let things
bother him.“

l’erkins said she is' used to
e\plaining that Mike is one-
liaiided to people who haven't
met him.

"I usually lorewarn people
so they don't look at him
weird." she said "I try to get
the questions out before peo-
ple meet him.”

Spending time with Mike
in the ear is a favorite pastime.
i’erkins said. because they
never even turn on the radio

they Just talk.

Cleveland hopes to illus-
trate ehildren's books one day.
or draw or voiee eaitoons. He
Is eonstantly watehing Car»
toon Network and is not
ashamed to admit that he is
~lust "a big kid."

Cleveland‘s iw'erpresent
laughter gives this impression.
as well as a surprising kind
shyness that his blue eyes re-
veal between hisjokes.

Ilut Cleveland is eapable of

weaving his thoughts together
in a way that only a mature.
well adtiis'ted adiilt would His
life may not be like everyone
else's. but perhaps that is the
beauty of It. be said
"It Iliad a i'lioii'e. I would
keep the nub." he said. shrug
sang it makes me who l am.
and I like who I am ”
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 Mai | Monday, Dec. 13, 2004



Self-study, hospital expansion on BOT agenda

alldam Sichlio
m: mwm mm

The UK Board of
Trustees is expected to au-
thorize an athletics depart-
ment self-study report
which includes recommen-
dations for upping gradua-
tion rates -~ and approve a
$375 million UK hospital
renovation tomorrow

UK‘s self-study steering
committee has been work-
ing on its project since De-
cember 2003, and it needs
the board's approval to offi-
cially submit its findings to
the National Collegiate Ath-
letic Association.

The NCAA’s member
schools must complete such
a study to earn recertifica-
tion, which allows UK to
compete in NCAA sporting

“I think it was a thor-
ough report, an extensive re-
view," said Darrell Jen-
nings, chair of the self-
study’s academic integrity

“We effectively garnered
input from a wide variety of


Jennings said the
group's recommendation to
increase student-athlete
graduation rates by at least
5 percent ~77 to 51 percent
overall — by 2009 was its
most important

The most re-
cent NCAA data
shows UK’s gradu-
ation rate is at 46
percent .. second
lowest in the
Southeastern Con-

“That (plan)
addresses a highly
significant issue,"
said Jenn'uigs,
whose group has
presented its find-
ings to six campus groups.

“It's a plan that, when
enacted, will make a poten-
tially significant difference
to those students and stu-
dent-athletes involved,” he

Board members said
they also should approve the
construction of a UK hospi-


“There's only
so much you
can do with a
that's that

Russ Williams

tal patient care facility, a
major renovation that in-
cludes the building of a bed

By passing the measure,
the board will “approve the
pursuit of legislative and
bonding authority
from the Common-
wealth of Ken-
tucky and imple-
mentation of the
early phases” of
the plan, accord-
ing to the agenda.

“They feel the
need to better
serve their market
area ~ Lexington
and the Eastern
Kentucky area,"
said Myra Tobin, a
trustee on the
board's finance committee,
which voted to put the issue
on the meeting’s agenda.

“In order to keep pace
with all the things and de-
velopments in health care,
we need this to better serve

According to the board’s
agenda packet, about two-

Ul trustee

thirds of the $375 million
plan will come from bonds.

The remaining $125 mil-
lion is expected to come
from the hospital, Tobin

“There have been exten-
sive studies on internal
funding for this," she said.

Trustee Russ Williams
said UK has been working
on a strategic plan, one that
includes the bed tower, over
the past several months.

“The hospital building
has been functioning since
1960,” Williams said.
“There’s only so much you
can do to a building that’s
that old.

“It is in need of replace

Neither Tobin nor
Williams knew if the con-
struction of the bed tower
and the other hospital reno
vations would require any
campus streets to close



eas to deter thieves.

“They knew what they were do-


Continued from page I


from coming by and grabbing stuff
from you."

Police are reminding those who
have garages to make use of them,
and if not, to store packages in car
trunks or bring them inside. They
also emphasize parking in well-lit ar-

“Put things out of reach, and the
chances are you won’t be victimized,”
Carmichael said.

Philip Bruce, a political science
freshman at Lexington Community
College, has become one of the vic-
tims to crime during the holiday sea-

His car was broken into Dec. 4 at
his apartment complex. Bruce said
his stereo, speakers and CDs were

ing,” Bruce said. “They unplugged
wires; they didn’t just cut them. They
took their time."

Despite the lousy way to kick off
the holiday season, Bruce said he for-
gives whoever stole his stereo.

“I probably won’t replace what I
lost," he said.

“I didn’t want to get my stuff
stolen, but I realize that it is just ma-
terial objects."

E—mail news@jcykernel.com



Continued from page 1


TransUnion, Equifax and Experian
is essential. After that, contacting the
Federal Trade Commission can also

Holiday shopping

Thieves often prey on people who
are doing their holiday shopping A
even if they‘re shopping online.

“The Internet is riddled with
fraud.“ Cottone said. “We’re vulnera-
ble, but it‘s freaking convenient.

“Unless you can pay through a sep-
arate site, I would stay away from any
company on the Internet except rep-
utable ones."

Cottone said to avoid lesser-known
Web sites because scam sites can mim-
ic real ones.

“You get some bonehead out here
who makes a site (like a legitimate
site)," he said. “He's making a killing,
and there‘s nothing we can do.”

Cottone said shopping on the Inter-
net requires good judgment.

“Just use common sense," he said.
“If something sounds too good to be
true. it probably is."

Even those who actually go shop-
ping at malls or stores are not safe

from theft.

Some thieves watch cars, waiting
for a shopper to put purchased items
in his or her car and then go back to
shop more. At that time. the thief
breaks into the car and steals the

“I don’t ever suggest leaving stuff
in your vehicles,” Cottone said.

Cottone said it's especially easy for
thieves if the receipt is in the bag, be-
cause then they can take the items
back and get a cash refund.

“Seventy-five dollars in Victoria’s
Secret doesn't do me any good, but $75
in cash does,” Cottone said.



UK guard pleads innocent

By Kyle Mamilton

The most highly-touted
freshman on the UK women’s
basketball team was ar-
raigned in court Friday after-
noon, one day after she was
arrested on theft charges.

Sade Buley, 18, from
Knoxville, Tenn, pleaded in-
nocent in Fayette County
District Court. Her next
court hearing will beheld
Jan. 7.

Head coach Mickie
DeMoss said she had sus-
pended the UK guard indefi-
nitely and that the school
would wait until legal mat-
ters unfolded before making
any further decision.

“I am very disappointed
in (Sade)," DeMoss said. “She
feels awful about what has
happened, just awful. Just
kids making bad decisions.”

Buley's grandmother,
Catherine Buley, discussed
her disbelief of the charges

“I’ve never known her do
anything like that,” she said.
“I just don’t understand it."

Catherine Buley ex-
pressed sadness when think-
ing about her granddaughter
missing a chance to play a
late January game at Ten-

nessee in her hometown.

“She was going to play
here (in Knoxville), and we
were going to watch her,” she
said. “Now, I guess, we won't
get to."

While in high school, Bu-
ley was named a fourth-team
Parade All-American and
was rated among the nation’s
top20 guards by many re—
cruiting analysts.

Rick Walker, one of Bu-
ley’s former principals at
Knoxville’s South Doyle High
School, said he always
thought highly of Buley.

“The only (problems) I
had with her were on-theL
court things. She sometimes
didn't take it well when
things weren‘t going good on
the court, but that was it,”
Walker said. “We’re very dis-
appointed in hearing these

Buley had averaged 3.9
points and 1.3 rebounds in
UK’s first seven games.

DeMoss said despite her
concern for Buley, the team
must move on.

“We are there for Sade off
the court," DeMoss said.
“But on the court, we know
we have to come together and
move on."



Brunch brightens studies

By Sham Mason

Free food and massages
are the highlights of the
fourth annual Finals Mid-
night Crunch Brunch, which
runs tonight from 9 pm. to
midnight in Memorial Coiise
The event is organized by
UK's Division of Student Af-

“Our goal was to create an
alcohol-free event that would
give students a stress-free
break from the pressures of
finals’ week," said Chris
Thuringer, co—chair of the
Crunch Brunch committee.

“We know students have a
lot on their minds this week,"
Thuringer said. “They can

take a break, get some free
food and then get back to

their studies."

The brunch, in its fourth
year. has exceeded the expec-
tations of even the co-chairs.

“The number of students
who come to this event has in-
creased each year.“ said Tam-
my Howard. director of new
student programs at UK.
“Last year over 2,500 students
ate breakfast and joined in
the festivities.“

President Lee Todd will be
on hand to play pool with stu-

Students can also shoot
hoops, dance to the music of a
disc jockey, play games such
as Twister and receive free
neck and back massages. Fac-
ulty and administrators will
serve students hot breakfast.








PAGE 4| Monan Dec.13,2004



( “cit rod [mod Smith shoots
(I [on budget 1 l pilot with a higheno’
camera in the Student Center




Below: Uh busmess marketing graduate Davrd Cottingham (middle).
aSSistaht GE’QCTOF Russell Johnson ilettl and graphic deSign senior Justin
Durban (right) check settings on the camera. The camera is high detmr
tion, costing mo’e than SllOOOO. Director Jared Smith deCIded he should
take advantage at having the camera in Lexmgton while he was still in.
town. It is owned by Post-Time Productions, a Lexmgton company that
iust purchased the camera, A camera srmilar to this one was used in the
filming of the mowe Collateral" With Jamie Foxx and Tom Crurse, Smith
said. The camera is a Panisonic Veracam.

To our Senior Sisters:

Estee Chedh

Jessie Theiss and
Mary Beth Holiiield,

We Wish you Jthe best!


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Above: Director
Jared Smith watch-
es a monitor during
the shooting of
"Dauphine," a pilot
sitcom that portrays
a struggling singer/
songwriter from
New Orleans.

Left: Using a jib arm.
the cameraman, UK
graduate DaVld Cot»
tingham, can vary
his angle as the main
characters descend
the steps in the Stu-
dent Center. The
television pilot is
being filmed on a
Sl,000 budget.
which pales in
comparison to the Si
million price tag
some sitcoms carry,
said director Jared




Above' iLett to right) Lexmgton native Megan Ebel, Robert Mollohn and
UK advertising graduate Scott Bell rehearse lines at VOCE salon on Main
Street aetore filming starts. In the pilot, the part of Scott is actually
bemg played by the character that the part was pattered after. Bell and
dire-rtor Jd't’d Smith are college friends. and when the opportunity came
tr: s’o'it tn»: pilot, Bell agreed to may the part.

5» p‘a' . to move to Los Angeles early next year and pitch the pilot to
vat. .s production companies Friday‘s filming tor the pilot was shot
witi‘fit the Grand Ballroom in the Student Center The shoot continued
‘33tn'36v at a 'V'Sliipflit" on Elizabeth Street, Sunday in Northern Ken-
tcihy 6:»: Will wrap at Cheapslde in Lexington Monday.


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Dec. 13, 2004

:1 ~‘.
4 7: 1.

Emily Hagedorn. Editor in chief
Andrew Martin, Opinions editor
Ben Roberts. Asst. Opinions editor

Rebecca Neal, Asst. managing editor for news




Assistant Opinions Editor Ben
Roberts sat down with UK Athletic Direc-
tor Mitch Barnhart to talk about UK
Athletics and college sports.

()2 Whatwasyourimpmsionofthis
year'sfoothal season?

r\ . Obviously. we didn’t win as much
as we wanted to win. We got off to a difficult
start when we lost four starters before the
year ever began.

And probably our best team leader in
Tommy Cook. When you‘re down 19 scholar-
ships and you have those kind of injuries
right out of the chute. it makes your life more

I thought that there were times when we
played with emotion and passion. and gave in-
credible effort under some very difficult cir-

There were some other times when we
lacked emotion and didn‘t get things done that
we should have gotten done. And those are
very selfevident when we look at the record.

We obviously would have liked to have
made more progress. I thought the last two
games. the win against Vanderbflt on Senior
Day. and then our effort at Tennessee. were
both indicative that our kids never quit dur~
ing the season.

I‘m pleased with where we've landed with