xt72ng4gqk5x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqk5x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1995 1995 1995-04-24 2020 true xt72ng4gqk5x section xt72ng4gqk5x  


..- .. 1 .1







Bus donated for 80A drunk- -driving program


By Perry Brothers
.\I1’”.."i’ ['a/lmr'

.\ late night on the bar stool
can end in tragedy ilithe drinker is
the driver. But beginniinr this 1111.
UK students can “(Iall \ Ride
‘\1111 Live.“ thanks to .1 loLal har
owner‘s donation of a $411,011“
lull—size school bus.

'lIeLl l.ahren, :1 political science
Iunior working,I in LoniiinLtion
with the Student (11111‘rnment
\ssoLi‘ ation beg-an organi7i1111 the
( .-.\R \I. program last 1111 to lessen
1he number 111 students dri1ing
under the influence.

The proiect “hit :1 brick wall."
however, when Labren learned
the University could not supply


the \L'llltlt nee‘dul.

l‘Intei 1.1). .\lcl largue. 'lIhe
1111111r of seveml local bars
inclu1lin1r l\11'/1_la.\ and the Blue
\loon Siloon olleicd the tise ot
the 1111s for .is long as (I.‘\R,‘\l,
exists. provided that S(i'\ agreed
to 1'1111-1' all necessary repairs
l.ahreii said .\ILllai'gue quoted
the current hus repair 111sis as less
than $1,111.11),

“IlIllL‘l't' .1re se'.1‘1'.11 details 111‘
still must work out," l..1hren said,
”out our main 111111.1'1‘11 \\.is getting
.111‘1111'11‘ w 111111 11 e‘x 1‘ done."

'lhe program received another
111111st 11 hen (.elltilar (Inc 111 1.1‘\
iiigton donated the Use 111 .l 1ellu
lar phone with paid seriice.

1,.1111'L‘n said he has also con

Jones' support low,
Clinton's so-so in poll

By Stephen Trimble

[L11'1711I:'1‘ [51/11111'

l’resident (Ilinton is favored
slightly more than (1111‘. lirL‘rL‘fon
_l11nes hy Bluegrass area 111tL-I's, hiii
opposition still runs strong,
according to a Lexington (Iom~
munity (Iollege poll released ycs‘

Only 1 percent gave (Iliiiion an
outstanding rating. although (1‘
percent graded him at either lair

Jones, meanwhile, received
only a 1 percent outst‘andinrr 1'ote
and nearly seven ol li) poll

respondents said his job perlon
mance so far 11 as fair or poor.

“(The poll) is :1 pretty good
indication of how central Ken—
tuckv is going to go I' said 1 e.\in11—
ton ( .omrnunitv (I ollege proles's'oi
Fim ( antrell, who coordinates
the 2-1 year old poll.

Froii1.\pril 101111111 more than
130 l,(.(. students 111 six govern‘
ment classes between phoned
l 041 homes primarily in primari
11' layette Jessamine Scott (. lark
and \\ oodford counties

(.'antrell said the data was col,
lected differently this year than in
past years.

Instead of selecting respon~
dents randomly from a phone
hook. students called people who
had voted at least five times 111 the
past 10 elections.

The new collection system
could be responsible for :1 higher
than average objection to abortion
In all cases (-._ percent), (Iantrell

How do you feel Bill Clinton
has done his iob as president?

Undecided 2 5's Omstand-nq 5 2%

Which Democrat do you favor
in the 1995 governor’s race?



Undecided ................................ 32.8%
Bob Babbage ........................... 25.2%
Paul Patton .............................. 228%
John “Eek" Rose .......... 11%
Gatewood Galbraith ............. 7%
Steve Maynard ......................... 1.3%


too Poll Results


said lhat nutnhL‘r typically tests
around ll~li percent, he said
However, frequent voters tend to
be older people. who usually are
against thortion

\nothci 'sl.tIl\IlL.ll surprise.
(Iantrell said, was 1111‘ ‘17 percent
111‘ respondents who lavoi' Secre
tary of State lioh llaldiachs plan
lottery Inonc\ to pay the
1111.111L‘ 1111111111 1111' all 1(1111111k\
students 1111.1 .1 13 .11L'I'age .1111
1111.1tioiial training1 loI everyone
'lIhL‘ st.itL"s lotterv ('lllt‘lI. :\rchie
(ileason, has dismissed it as linear

Babbage also ieceived sliin
111:1iority of support lot the
Democrats' nomination for gover
nor. 11 inch will he 111‘1i1le1l \lay
33 ()ne-piarter said 1111‘1 would
1'otet11i' lialiliage 111 the primary,
followed closely 111' Paul l’atton
111th II perLent.

Nearlt one third
respondents. liowe1er.
were undecided.

Fility~se1en percent said they
registered as l)einoL rats and 17
percent said they were Rt'pllllll‘

.‘\s L‘1pe111d. levin1111111 attor-
ne1' l. .1111' 1‘11r1_‘1 rt‘t"tl\11111\t‘i“
11 helnnnu suppoit for the Repub-
lican nomination with 1 1 pe r1 L‘nt.

looking ahead to the 1‘)‘)(1
presidential 1'.‘.11'1 ne ‘arlv lialfol the
respondents siid they favored
Scn‘.1t1.\liioi'ity leadLrlioli l)ole
for the Republican nomination
(.1.nt1e 11 said thehansan politician
has the biggest name recognition
of .111 the candidates.

'11 use


(11' the
said the".

How do you feel Brereton Jones
has done his job as governor?

Undecided 5% Outstanding .l 2%.

Who do you favor in the 1996
Republican presidential primary?

Bob Dole .................................. 49 6%
Other .................................. 20 2%
Phil Gramm ..................
Lamar Alexander
Colin Powell ..........
Richard Lugar
Pete Wilson ........






"K “VINE Looking 111-.1” npnrtnn‘ntfin'

next .\’(‘))l{’.\‘lt’)'? (flaw/1‘ on! the Kerne/ '1‘ apart»

ton rig/.1 t, [11:1

nn‘nt gun/1‘. See _\'/11‘1‘m/ auction. int/111‘,


tac 11 11 1oipoiations like .\nbLIisL‘r
liIIsL 11 and received favorable
responses. lle will continue to
solIL It donations, he said. I‘ll)!“
local and national businesses.

1 111‘ need for donations rather
than S( i.\ funding became appar
cnt when the 51 i.‘\ Senate I'ciecled
11111111'1 for the program last {all

"1 want to (1111111 the program)
throughdonations." l.ahrens.11d.
Senate to ask for money again."

Since this program will not he
funded111'1111111'11111‘11111 the [I111
111 administration. S( i,-\ must
find iiioiiey 1111 insurance, driver
_ 1111s 111.1111tL‘11.1111e and gas.

1 1111'1‘11 is seeking drivers who
already li.i\e commercial driver's

\ cl"~


By April Hollon
Stuff 11 'I'III‘I'

environmental celebration at

day for the third annual

th layctte (1.1unt1

ment .-\rboretuin.



About 1,001) people turned out Satur—
. “Arbor Day at the
Arboretum" despite the chilly weather.

Free Board and
l he F ricnds ol the \rlioretum sponsored
the Arbor Day event at the L K and Lex—
ington-Fayette L'rhan (Ioimty Govern

The liftoff the I'Invironmental l’rotecs
tion Agency air quality balloon kicked off

lite'nsLs to opet‘ ltL the 1111s.

He said the fall semester w 111 he
.1 trial period 1111' (I.\R‘\l.. S(i \
plans to oller the service 'lIhurs-
day tltrotlflh 511111111111 niuhts,
heginnin g 1lutin1r sororit1 riisli

“\Ve need to see 1111.11 type of
response g1‘1 from the first
semester," l.‘.Ilii'eiI said "1111‘
I'niversity 1111:1111‘111a has .1 similar

\\ (_‘

program that is very sucLessful. ll'

(I.\R.‘\l. is :1 success. then we will
expand the service. Ideally. we 11111
run seven nights ‘a 11 L'L‘k."

Ilihc bus service 11111 work with—
in .1 three-mile radius of campus
aIi1lwIllhI'in1_1 students home hut
will Iiot take them to hats. l..1hi'en

'1)! upper 11’/1', [inn/1 l

runny (inner/'02.", lug/1 non' (1H.




:1 per call hisis oi follow 11111111 11'

Sonic kinks that lahren said
must 111‘11111'111.‘1lotit prior to 1111'
fall start‘tlp date are 1‘11\11lt riders
and 1olunteers

Plans are iii the works to 11.111‘
1‘1111111' patrons, 1111! l .1111'1‘11 said he
“really neL .ls s1 ‘Illt' help" from stu
dents willing to volunteer their
time to this pr1 11111111

111 addition 1111.1e111ng( \lx"\l,
going. 1.11111'1‘11 wants to 11:111‘ l\\1i
people on 1111‘ 1111s :11 .111 times
one drum and one other lit'l'sul‘
to assist the 1111\1.'I'.llltl maintain
1.1111111111111‘11us 111‘ said 111' 5 11pm
1111‘stilrlisli 1 list 1111111111112‘:‘1‘.!11
assist 1111- 111'11 e1


WEAIHER Breezy nnd 1011/

today, big/.7 in [0:2'1‘1' 50.1; clear


April 24, 1995



o (flip/ho]? 9 [)1'1'1‘1'1'10111 5

Z ( 111m. 10 $110111 3

(from: ml 9 1117311111111 8



And Live‘ was developed to
reduce drunken driving among
students. Any student can use it
for free.

HOW IT WORKS: A bus will
transport UK students from local
bars to their homes —— either on
campus or within three miles of
UK — on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday nights free of charge.
program is slated to kick off two
weeks before the fall semester

said the bus will operate either on

VIBIEN TNAM Kind-1’ 11111

1 NATURE "IA". People :1'/1111 [11'111011‘11/1111 many floral 1111/1/1in 111' 1/11‘ 1 Is. Mir/11mm”: H151"
Uri/111’ 111 [1.117 1)] 7/11 t/im/ ilnnn. 1/ 11'/1111‘ [)11'111 t/.11.‘lrlvir1‘tum

iree-mendous festival draws
nearly 1,000 to 0K Arboretum

the celebration. Visitors we re :Ill111\L'1l to
ride in the tethered' iot— air billooii.
Ihis year, three speakers attended to

Farth Day was not the only outdoor give lectures :11111 sign their hooks.

k'K this

,liin \Vilson was the featured speaker.
(Ioming from South (Iarolina. \Vilson is
an advocate for environmentally I'L‘sponsr
ble “gardens.

1 tr1 not to use L'hemiL als 111 1111 g ar-
den," \\ilson said. “My garden is piool
that this practice can work."

\K'ils'on is the former host of the PBS
series program “The Victory (iarden'I
and has written several landscapingr hooks.

“For (ioritlness Sakes, (Iook \\'ith

See ARBOR 11H 6











Army deserter
questioned in bombing

()lsl \l l( .‘\l \ CITY \11 .\r1n1'dL“erter was
questioned yes11 111. 11 in connection with the bomb.

'n'of1111‘11111-1111111111111111 11111 the lustice Depart-
1111111111111111111‘11asthL111.11} lll"l)\\L‘il.VltlllII 11111.2"
pi1 11111-1 11'. Ill 1131 sketch.
\s 1111‘ iiixesiigatioii widened, some -0001) pew
1.1111311111‘ 1 1111‘ state fairgrounds, 1111LrL l’rL‘si-
111.111(:111111111111111111-13.1‘1 111111 (11".1hain Ioined 111:1
21.1-111111111 «1‘11111‘1111 what thL president declared :1
national 11.11 1‘? Inoiiining.( huI'Lh hells tolled across
1111‘ 11.1111111 111 let’lillll"~. t)l’lll('\lk'1|lll\.


Survey: Economic recovery likely

\\'\\1H\‘( {1 t)\ lhe global economy
s11111ull enio. its stroiiUL st gtr‘ 11th In se1en 1e ars in
12‘“ 11111 that 111114111 prospLLt is threatened 11‘ the
1"1.‘ctnt 111.1k111-ss1'lthe dollar 11111 the turmoil 111 the
\11_1‘1..i" ,11.11. :. 11.1: 1.111‘1:1‘1111iietir_1
1111111111 _“.1stL‘111.11 liiiisl.‘11Lsts1111"1\ 1111111111511
Li 'ioiio i .ii 1on1'iti11ns the l\ll predicted that the
1.1.11111111111 r-11o11‘ry 11111111 I gather steam 111 most of
the world, although it l'orLcas't ‘.1 significant slow~
down in the 1 rated States this 1c :11' and next.

1111‘ l\ll‘ outlook prolec‘tLd the 1.5. economy as
1111 1 11"1L11111 the 1rros's domestic pr1 iduLt would rise
11.11iil1 1 _ pLi'cent this year and drop [11 e1en slow—
er 1111111111 of l ‘1‘ peicent in 1‘1‘)(1 \\ hile such 1 slow
p.111‘ would iiorin‘all1 raise I"‘LLLssion worries l.‘\ll
1'1111‘11‘1.on11niist \lichaL‘l .\luss.1 put the Lhances 111:1
1' S downturn only 111 1111: “modest" range, at
.1111111111 :3 percent.

[mm thousands flee itwanda

(11111 l\( it 1R1 1, Rwanda Tens of thousands
or pLopl1.‘. most wounded or Ick fled along muddy
roads \1's1e' 111 iroin the 11‘tu11ee c. amp where at
11‘ 1st 3111111 p1‘op1‘11 were kille. 1111' R11" .111111111 solt liers'
oi triinpled ii. s1.“1mpLdLs .1 day earlie.r Soldiers
11111"1Ld the 11111111 s 111 shallow grows and pit latrines
ii 1111 KIheho c .inip 11111111 13 miles south 111(iikon-
1111111111d\\111111‘~ ‘liliIl‘Hth‘l ol the 11,11t1l Kigali
llillsides that hal liLI ‘11 siriwn with corpses were
LlL‘ and 111 the end of the day 1111 workers said

.\ 111 mile line of paniLkL‘1 l refugees streamed out
1111\111 ho tow :11 l the plinlilLlal capital of Butare.
31) miles 1. .1st, or the border with Burundi. which lie.s
l1c‘y11n1l \losi were sick or wounded, according to :1
teain from the L'..\'. High Commissioner for
Refugees that visited the camp



[:08 drops Harding special

R.'\l).\IUR, l’a. (IBS dropped Tonya Harding
1111111 .1 “\Vhei'e ‘\rc 'l'hL‘y Now" entertainment spe—
cial alter the disgraced ()lyinpic skater accused the
network of paying her mother to
tape their 1111111‘rsations' with .1 hid
den 11111 n 1plione,

l 111‘ network admitted wiring
llardingIs Inothcr. l,.1\'ona (iolden,
during the skatei Is ( )11'mpiL training
last year, but denied paying her. 71'
(1:11.11' reported. (I115 also said It
Instructed (iolden to tell Harding
she was “ll‘L'Il, “My mother doesn't
do anything without being paid," Harding said.

(,Irm/pl/r'd 1711M 11"!7'1‘ t'i‘pm‘tr




Busy finalist Henry will ‘get things done’

By Jennifer Smith

(.'ampui inimr

The chance to he a chancellor
is‘ not something Susan llenrv,
dean of the (Iollege of SLience at
(I arnegie Mellon L niversity in
Pittsburgh Pa. has time to think

Henry a finalist for the chan-
cellor for the Lexington (I ampus
barely has time in her busv sched
1116 to set aside two days to come

to UK. She said she teaches :1
freshman biology class that she
dreads finding a substitute for.

Henry. 4‘) plays many roles at
( arnegie Mellon. She Is :1 de‘an, .1
professor and a scientist.

If you spoke to Henry's col-
leagues, some might tell you she
also plays the roles of mentor and

She encouraged many pro;
grams in the cL-olleg when she
took over as dean in 1991. Some

that how been credited to her are

establishing .1 mentoring pro rram

for the students with the tacu ty.
“He tried to make sure every

single student had a member of

the faculty who is available for
consultation and advising," Henry

Trying to implement a pro-
gram like that on .1 universitywvide
scale would he something to look
into, Henry said.

Although, she

added, she


would have to look into L'K's lIaLu
ulty-to-student ratios and go from

She said only
about (15 to 71)
percent of faculty
members are
capable of “being
really good men-
tors because not
everyone has the
capabilities to
communicate and


interact students on that kind of

\K'illiam Brown. head ol the


biological sciences department at
(Iarnegie .\lL‘|lon, said llL‘11r1 Is
definitely that type of person

“\\'hen she first came 111, It was
clear that undergraduate educ‘a‘
tion and getting students Involved
were very Important to her,"
Brown said

Brown said some of Henry‘s
other contributions include the
L‘ncotiragetnent of intense recruit»
ment of women and minorities.

She restarted the women In
engineering program. She also
started an oiitrL‘aLh program

through her school for college

Students. faculty and staff are invit-
ed to a reception for Susan Henry
today from 4:30 to 6 p.111. on the
18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.




students to go into the community
.ind tutor high school students in
the sciences.

“I do not characterize Susan as
being quiet,‘ he said. “She does
not walk in and take over either.
She Is one to research the facts
and then get things done."

'1 1


.Womlay. April 34, 19‘”. [\l’flllli“) Kernel


Walkers brave rain, chill Inl‘ AIDS event







V ri'wrza‘gfm‘





By Sara Spears

.\t’HIHI \ltlt/ ll 'I’Her

Rainy weather didn't keep everyone
inside yesterday. Participants in the
third annual AIDS \Valk for Lite Sui.»
tiered the wind. cold .iiid rain to walk for
the cause.

AIDS Volunteers of Lesington held
the event. which had tield centers in
lr'ranktort, Ila/.ard, Lexington and I.on~

Participants were encouraged to walk
iti teams, although individuals could regv
ister as well.

he teams were responsilile tor getting
who would donate money
according to how far the teams walked.

'l'lie top money raiser won two free


tickets on Delta .-\irlines to anywhere in
the (.(JIIIIIICIII‘Jl L'nited States. Other
pri/cs. including ’l‘vshirts and sweat

.\Iawn said that in the past he has been

“very disappointed" with the nuinher ot~

participants from I'K.

“Last year [Is had the lowest turnout
that participated in the w alk," Mawn

“Colleges like llerea, Lindsey \I'il-
son, 'I‘ransylvania and (ieorgetow'n have
always had a liig turnout. liut not hK."

.\Iawn said that l'iastern Kentucky

L'niversity had the largest number of

participants last year. with about 70 stui
dents taking part. He also said that more
than lllll high school students attended
tl\ “L‘Jl.

.\Iawn also said he was especially dis
appointed hecause currently the highest
inl'ection rate tor .\ll).\ is in the tollege
age group.

"\Ve really want the college students
to get involved liecause they need to he

.\l.iwn stressed the importance ot
groups like \\'( )l. and events like the
\Valk tor Lite "espeeially since Kentucky
has the fourth tastest growing infection
rate in the country ."

Hall of the money that was raised
yesterday will benefit AIDS victims by
means of tinancial grants.

These funds will help patients pay
doctors' hills and other financial hur

'lihe other halt ot the protits will help
patients through AIDS hotlines, clietit
care programs .ind education.

.\lawn said people have a comtnon
misconception that :\\'( )1, serves only

'lt's really important that people
understand w hat a liroad area we serve."
_\Iawn said.

“()ur lirancli's ser\lces reach 72s

shirts. were available. educated on how to protect themselves,"

[EXINGTON MAYOR I’ilm .lliller \pcakr yci‘reri/uv tn [nu‘nrrpanri III yeitt'rilio ~r xlll)X ll ill/c 1m . .
’ :\\ ( )I. Itxecutive

Ia/i' rpm/laurel! ht III).\' I VIII/inch :f'laxtirrgtirlr.

Student Group Health Insurance

Summer Enrollmen

I:iigihle [K and I-(‘(‘ students enrolling in summer school. who are not currently

ct vered by an insurance policy. may participate in the Student (lroup Health Insurance
I)! in The summer enrollment date is Ma) (r. I995. Payment will provide coverage
tii'ough August 2h

Director David NIawnsaid.

By Allison Marsh

Stir/l l I 'rim-


'l'he son r “The Age ot'Aquan
ius" ll()\\’L‘( from the .\Ietnorial
llall organ as law' school graduates
lroiii the class of [970 tiled out of
the liuilding following their 2;»
year ~late ctitntnenceineiit ceremw

lhe original ciiimnencenient
was canceled liy authorities in
19‘” due to campus unrest. Four
student Vietnam protesters .it
Kent State [‘niversiu had iust
lieen shot II} National (illtlfll'sr
men. prompting hundreds of his
students to protest. .~\n arsonist set
fire to the R( )'I‘(L huilding on
campus. The National (iuard was
called to UK. and a 5 pm. curfew
was established for students.

I‘ortner UK President ()tis A.
Singletary, who was in his first
year as president in 1970, and for—
tner governor Louie Nunn spoke as the


Students who wish to enroll must submit a cotnplcted enrollment card lilHllltlblL‘ at the

I 'niversity Health Serv it t‘l along Will] a check. money order, or credit card authorization
tor :he specit'ied amount iinade payable to Student Insurance Divisioni by May (T, I995.
Students may enroll at the I'niversity Health Serv ice. Kentucky (‘linic (lirst t'loor——blue
doors; 8:00 am «4:30 pm. or by llllllllllfl the enrollment card and payment to:

Student Insurance Division
PO Box 809026
Dallas. Texas 75380-9884

”The Iill‘ective Date of your insurance will be May 6 or the date the Company or
designated 1 niversity Health Service Insurance representative receives your

Ilis message promoted



323-5823 Ext BIL... ...... ......l'niversitv Health Service m graduate" and, [.hc" mmhu “mm’l” ”1 "Km-l" .
‘ ‘ :' who returned to L»I\ for the cele~ .\Ie.in\\ hile. \unn s
l-8Illl-767-ll70ll ...... ....... .....\Ilt(n\ late liration. rehaslied the politics otthe time.
More than lllIl graduates‘ “’l‘here are law yers, attorneys

names were read at the end ofthe

“l’ulilic ceremonies were tailor~
made tor the tun and games those
days." Singletary said during his

RPH‘ilNDER: Students already enrolled iii the .‘VIIXIA Lite and Health

lttsutant et’ onipanj. are reminded that quarterly payments will he due 5~2Ii~95. I’aytnent
w lll continue your eo‘ierage through 8 2095. incl-y." said David Shipley.

rent dean ot the College of


doin ot'thought. not hehavior. and
addressed students then and tiow

and .l llIillst‘ ol Representatives

inenilier here trom states like llli-
nois, New York and mainly Ken~

counties in Kentucky, all the way up to
letterson (Ii iunty

Law class marks l08t graduation



M 1,.

VlBlEN IHAM [\rr‘rirl rut}
BEIIER [AIE IHAN NEVER T/Jc (.‘(ll/t'g’t' (If-[it'lil“\‘ clan of I 97”. Iz'lltn‘e ”rigi-

[ml . J/IIIIllt‘Hlt’UH'II’ it’l'c’llltlll)‘ aux iinli‘e/etl. gathered in I. ‘K t/Jn‘ tree/(end.

“’l‘ltey are a very distinguished

Larry (Iutler. a divorce lawyer
in Newjersey. returned to UK for
the first time since the l97lls.

“\Ve were tlaliliergasted." (Iut-
ler said. “Soineliody wiped out
downtown and rehuiit it. There
wasn't a liuilding over tour sto—

()ther things remain the satne.

“\\'e went to the races and lost
money, which is no different than
2‘— years ago." he said.






7 30pm. Concert Hall—Singletary Ctr . ._E
FREE Sp['(lnl [UINIS
ml [IINGS 5- I l (TURKS -UK Last day for doctoral candidates for

Cu tor Computational Sciences pre- a May degree Who W'Sh ‘0 “:09”: <1
gents DaVid Brown. “Do OSClllaltOHS ,n diploma at Commencement to submit
Blood Pressure or Heart Rate Provide an dissertation to The Graduate School ....._
Index ol Autonomic Function? Or __’UK End o_t__Cla.§§;/vork_ .E_._..E,...._ .,
syympamehc Lies?" 330m]. Rm. 327 -LCC Deadline for receipt of all admis-
McVey Hall (Reception at 3:00pm) sron materials for the 1995 Summer I
DESIRE TO STOP DRINKING? Try term _.,.. .,

A A - it works'. Every Wed , 5 00pm. Rm. SPURI S

4 . ' 1.

ngwrrieiilincgrRacism Institute Meeting ‘UK Men's GO? Kent InVitational

.7 00pm Rm 359 Student Ctr I H Ravenna OH tari’mm'kv“ mm "W
. . - M -UK Men‘s Baseball vs. Vanderbilt.
sprant EUI NTS 7:000m,’ Nashvrlle, TN

-UK Deadline for applying ‘0 The SlllllRDlly l1/29

Graduate School for readmtssron. post
baccalaureate status, and vrsmng stu~
QRTS (. mouu 5
Band Festival. 8.00am-6:00pm.

dent status for the 1995 Four-Week
IntersesSion in order to register May 8
SiemeWEE___.w ,, ,_._




The Campus Calendar appears In the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations
wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special events and sporting events. must have all
information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication.

Illlillblll' li/Z‘i




and award $40 late fee

-UK Women's Forum presents The
Second Annual Sarah Bennett Holms
Award 11 ASprn. Student Ctr Ballroom.


Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.

Count.“ Cl" A.:1i"';Dorirwan Scholars
Ploqrtitti ; iiese' Dr Steven |

Recizt nriun



-UK Outdoor Track. Kentucky Field
@istivaléexrnqton) KY 7
UK Men's Baseball vs. Vanderbilt.
7.00pm; NashVille, TN

SUNDIIY li/3l]

mus E. mUUIf S

«Lexmgton Corritriunity Orchestra.

3 00pm. Recital Hall—Singletary Ctr;

PEEL fie, eh-.- M--- __.

-"An Evening With Madame F." 8.00pm.

ReCital Hall-Srnqletary CtriREE

Catholic Mass at the Newman Center.
9.00 & 711.30arnk 5‘00 & 8.30pm


-Aikrdo Class. 1.00pm. Alumni Gym Lott;





~UK Men's Baseball vs. Vanderbilt.
1:30pm; Nashville, TN


‘ 'iiei'tlr)l«.ky Tin» Role of Specialists Vs




“Pl “ 5. (“HUN 5 r"r'r ’iry (Cam I ')c‘t()l5 in Management ol -Aikido Class. 8.00pm. Alumni Gym Lott.
, , i . L- ) A i ,1 ‘ZI Tracked Prt iriierns 410i) ’i 000m. Rll‘ 2§_Z‘3fl3lirg_ h__fl__,-c_n_
. . t in, "I i: .t -> .1 ~"l7"">?‘sl""’«"1’55-5313 CE. SPORTS
, ; .: AL? Bu l' i Met-tn". “.00 m Rm 203 .
.- . . ny ‘31 u M (~ ‘3 J 0 -UK Mon 55 Baseball vs. Eastern
fy ; '1‘“1‘>Iv 1,“. _. ll’AI‘ 1’ .E... 7V7, J ,
t . A, . . . M.” 'r e Master ’~..~ titerit Program Learn to Kentucky. 3 009m. Richmond, KY
» it I. . I,“ . . , .y, Watt. i'i‘ii Iv Surat“ i Not Just Harder spot IHURSDny I1/2}
m. r 1 j“ . ‘ ’ ' «. n i ty tr .. UK Counseling Ctr. 6 00
t I? H . r015“, 8 lltlti'tt Tia-s Rm 301 Frrazec Hall 835
. , ti [Im- tt’ixtliiir r 25)? 870'! for enrollment ml I IINGS a [ECTURI S
A" h ( , “tuft 'l."iL"l’.Ai."y) if“? . ‘ ‘_ .
4 .p.‘ . , Alt '4 a F” lirtitrtaa C irimurilty (Rumor: aboum‘ll Orl Aging Donovan SChO'ars
I“ My . ‘ w. J y . 0,1,; l. 1,]... , Mt’l ‘ ,‘j “mm. Rt” 4.0:) r‘rograin presents Mary Baber Reed.
“ . .x I “My“. .7», [WWI Conductor Dcnovan Chorus Spring
>. t . y": ‘ " ‘ “ " ’ ._ , Concert tons on
, . . ,i pm. Student Ctr
svi < ini lUl N i s 59' ( '0' H“ N ' 5 ThgatLngfifragt‘zLaV _._M_.__..
.)K s .i- a' :i t ‘ i. ;..iri. r; ‘IK J ,i' t'w' and II: H95 Ail; irtco It's Not Too Late' Last Minute Job
{1.11812}. 5. m. J A :1 ~ pegistr i'ini. Early Add DUI) . Search Strategies. sponsored by UK
p1,], -g ) H -. ‘ » ‘ ”Jaw ”slit Ire ‘ 'I int .i' lllt' if, llllill’ lli'v‘w’llt’lll Career Clr, 5 0043 50pm. Rm 201
imam} . . ray) ‘1 1. I ,_ 3th .7 to; r- . 28518.5(. 7 7 Millhf}W5..BISIQI,_25Z:_2__73§__, 7 v 7_7‘
RI (RI n. ”IN Batatt ' ~tii loot Unit/n Tlltl\ Ni iht SPURIS
Itiiji’d' i" ”ll; worst II’ ‘st‘FVlUr 7 Wu "l ‘
A kirjt,’ ,t p, om, . I... rm, t ,1” Ilapti‘ . ; .“mm "91’ 43') Columbia Ave UK Women 3 Tennis: SEC

Championships, All Day; Auburn. AL
(thiru 4/30) my”
-UK Men‘s Baseball vs. Western

Kflugky 6.009m Lexmgton KY

IRIW l1/28

as i; ’ifiitii

RI le nllllN

UK Bat wont Dance Society [lance
lessw‘s «’ (it) 8 00pm Untllflf‘VVS. 8 00
'l ”Nit.“ ’IiiVite Buell Armory Dance
’stiiil‘ . I'PFF CAI! Beth 2579871


mats 1. ("HUN 5

i.,iv F. It. It om rsocial Dances Partner


Ras(1rilllllrifl‘llvy'l/ ii/ .- ’,(' rylar ’ h ' § '
. nut an I vim hill 9 ll
Prograrr~ Fleur); fir nl , rim ll . ' 1p .,,
" f.
DC"’JVHII F, “1,. ()1, ‘14,” ’ SDIIR'S “R‘s anH S

LiVing Arts For Youth: “Snow White 8.
the Seven Dwads,‘ 9 30 8. 11 30am.
Concert Hall-Srngletary Ctr; For group
reservations call 1.615.525.7840


Appreciating Divergity in the Workplace.
sponsored by UK Career Ctr. 3 00-

3 r)Opm. Rm 201 Mathews Bldg. 257-

? 74§__.

Co'i‘certpccept'i e 7

6A8 FF‘FVE MOW! " Mn" {riilltilfl

2309’". "-t .der' x Cw theater

Urzvui glint; N"
Sptltsri’f’d try '3'
IO fir/tilt": tht l

lik' Moi. .il isoball vs Louisville.
limp-vi. l :uiwlletKY

wtiiismii /26

(IRIS I. ("HUN 5

Im'u'ral K v’ Youth Concert Orchestra


tl'itomiew Skills
itY'H'V (,lr 10 ()0
Mathews BIil/i Hi7













”a __....,. act,






L .w L._.....- «s .





WI“! '8 [be only NBA player ever to make

.700 or more .I/Jree—poimerx in 11 seam”?


'uo.i'p.1.i'.1'iqi 00; par/1101 01' .11 ‘.1'.y.m/L' [If/!” aux :u

ymnastios again

A’I‘HICNS . _Ienny Hansen twist? \Vhy one would ham to he
you liiiist know. finds little satis— insane to try something so daring
faction in merel1 L'L'lipsing L nless of course that someone

records Ihe L K gymnast as e1i~
denLL'd by her rav ant garde perfor-—
mance Saturday night, is lttore
interested in record destruction.
(ioing into the individual event

has an infinite repertoire L nIess
of cotlrse that someone is Ienn_1

\\ hen Hansen stands at thL
end of the vaulting runway. thL


competition, Hansen ridiculous often merge~
already had won the \'(I.-\:\ with the suhlime.
all around title for the third Being the defendinL

consecutive year with an
unprecedented score of
111.111. .\'o gymnast has ever
done likewise. Perhaps no
Ltytilnast ever will.

Hansen stood tied 111 the

NC. \. \ vaulting champion
1111] having already posted
1 near perfect ‘) 0‘ 111 her
first attempt. IIIIIIxCII
could have done 'a paint
liy-numher vault and still





record hooks with five [PIC Llailned the title. But
.\"(‘,'.'\\ individual titles MDSUIUU Hansen is one of those
prior to the competition Spam l'are athletes who reinvent

\aturday evening. And she (Ah/”mun
w'1'1stL1l little time taking the y
eraser to the tumhling

.ll'chi1es once again.

During the first event of her “I
encore perfortliance. the junior
frolii Somerset. \\'isL'., attempted
something so thoroughly prepos-
terous that a swirling hush fell
over the collection ofthe nation's
top gymnasts 11 group of 111111»
hling kamikazes that spend much
of their time 111 various stages of
gravity defiance.

I he technic1l term for her sec-
ond vault attempt is a front hand
spring with .1 full twist It had
never been performed L'orreLtlvm
1 olleglatL try n111 astics. Io even the
most ardeni of tulnhling aficiona<
dos. the manelnei' was a myth.

()thers, possessing a finite
repertoire, can do .1 front hands
spring with a h.1lf3tw'ist after
springing from the vault. But a full

themselves at every turn
for her. the thought of
doing something normal
was too lioring. 'I'oo safe.

like to urprise people
II1nsen said later.

Her raucous group of support
Lrs ill the stlnds were 111 1ptr1‘
Lloxical moment of emotion it
once Lrid1l1 with .intiLipation and
Lpieasv with nelves upon rL' all/.1"
tlon of the imanLIing vault. After
all the front handspring withl 11
full twist has 111‘1 disister written
all over it It s also the stuff of leg

In her own estimation. Hansen
tnay land the vault “once every
two weeks 111 practice.“ Dee .'\nn
.\IL“.\Ieil. one of the (iym (iats
who lnade the trip to cheer
Hansen on. admitted she was Mr
vous ahout her teaminate's vault
ing selection.

“She tries that in practice when



JUSIPH R51 AU l\r't .
WELCOME BACK l V/1 gum/.11: [11./1. ‘/.1/.t11/,'. .. l'. .11/1m... '1; ram 11./1"
III/i'xwis'ert/‘e Joke/.1.". ...1\ ."1'1. I" 1" Wait [1131 l‘./\\ l' 1111 111/.11
“'CII'L‘ lttst pllyllig .llouli l .. \Vht'lt the ItltlL'L" 11111111.l'1'd. tllL'

.\IL‘\L'1ls.lid. But slit l1. Ni 1 l.lli1l
edit since l‘.\LitL' .\ Lilli

legend had her s1: 11:..IL'on-seLutl1e

\( i_'\.'\ ltt'alll tlllt’

.ind hcl Illtll\ltl

not vill
:1 hard surface." ll.il lltlc '..Ill\ stood at st'vt'll.
Seconds latcl. llansell Lot ll \Low .ig'alu
l'.1yc|.1llu.i~.thL L'lcatestg1lnllast lin.1ll1.on 1hr 'lll11l 1111': lsL',
111 Lollc::1.itt' histor'. \lter ..1Y.! (.Lolgla's l1' llL \llg: iL's .llld

the full twist. the legend stuck l
perchl l.lil1llllL' spurrilzs' 1i.
L'l‘iiwd ll‘. llir (.L'olgia ( VtillM‘Il‘Il t-.
leap to ll~ l1'1" \Vttl: the
ill, Hans-cu

I ( l '\s \lt‘fllll L lilt'li [117‘sILtl L .lll\
s1 olL's of "UN II .lllsLn's rotitlllL'.