xt72ng4gqj5c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqj5c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-01-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 28, 1987 1987 1987-01-28 2020 true xt72ng4gqj5c section xt72ng4gqj5c  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No. 85

Established 1894

University at Kentucky. um. Kentucky


WMy. January 28. 1987


Committee suggests relocating Student Center

By E\‘.\ J. WINKLI-I
Staff Writer

The Student Activities Board last
night approved a committee's rec
omiiiendation to renot ate and com-
mercialize the Student Center.

SAB unanimously supported the
findings of the committee on utiliza-
ill)“ of space in the Student Center,

which also calls for the building of a
new center and consolidation of the
Student Center's existing manage-

In addition, the report recom-
mended the gradual removal of all
administrative offices located in the

Lynne Hunt, SAB president and a
member of the committee, said the

Laughter, good humor
help people battle stress

By .\.J. BANKS
(‘ontributing Writer

Stress is no laughing matter.

Last night, Mike Nichols, a psy-
chologist and director of the Coun-
seling and Testing Center, described
the impact of stress on the human

“Stress is directly related to heart
attacks, strokes, headaches and
muscle." he said. “Reduction of
stress helps you live longer."

Nichols dedicated most of his time
to his lostep stress management
program. The program stressed key
points. including the importance of
exercise. good diet and time man

Nichols also emphasized the im-
portance of a good attitude and de«
veloping a good sense of humor.

“The ability to laugh at yourself is
absolutely crucial." he said.

He described the 10th step — re-
questing support -~ as very impor-
tant “Most folks know how to give
support but they don't know how to

"People need people.” he said.

He suggested the counseling cen-
ter for those who feel they want
someone to talk to.

The audience participated in a
brief relaxation exercise at the end
of Nichol's llg-hour presentation. It
involved the tightening and loosen-
ing of various muscles, combined
w ith phrase i‘epitition and imagery.

ii ‘ (1.-
'1- ’ g



Nichols suggested two bod: for
those interested in man-um per-
sonal stress: The Healer Mn by
Locke and Colligen; and The Relax-
ation and Stress Reduction Work-
book by Davis. Eshelman and

More than 70 people, from UK and
the Lexington community, attended
the seminar. which was sponsored
by Health Education Programs.

“I'm surprised at the turnout; I
didn‘t expect this many people to be
here,” Nichols said.

American to be freed,
Nicaraguan officials say

AssoCiated Press

MANAGL'A. Nicaragua 7 Sam
Nesley Hall, a selfdescribed free-
dom fighter and brother of a US.
congressman, will be turned over to
his family‘s lawyer and will leave
Nicaragua today. a government offi~

Javier t‘hamorro Mora, a deputy
foreign minister. told a news confer-
ence that Hall has been "excused of
criminal responsibility" because of
the state of his mental health.

Hall. he said, “violated specific
dispositions in the Nicaraguan penal
code and the public security law. "

(‘hamorro said Hall will be turned
over this morning to family attorney
Gary Froelich of Dayton, Ohio, and
that he will leave after that on a
flight of the Aeronica national air«
line to Mexico City.

Sophomore weight lifter

Earlier. Nicaragua had said Hall
would be released within hours.

Hall, 49, was arrested Dec. 12 at
Punta Huete air base, 13 miles
northeast of Managua, with maps
and sketches of the airfield, crudely
drawn on hotel stationery, stuffed in
his socks, the Sandinistas said at the
time. The Nicaraguan government
accused him of spying.

In subsequent interviews, Hall
denied he was working for the US.
government but said he was paid
512.500 for his self—proclaimed secret
mission and worked for a previously
unheard of organization he called
the Phoenix Battalion.

Hall said he knew his superiors
only as Tinker, Evers and Chance,
the last names of a famous Chicago
Cubs double-play combination early
in the century.

still breaking records

(‘ontributing Writer

Richard Williams has broken vir<
luaily every teen-age and men‘s
power-lifting record for the 114
pound class in Kentucky.

Williams. a lQ—yearold undeclared
sophomore. became interested in
powerlifting during his freshman
year at (‘awood High School in Har-
lan, Kentucky.

"I just started working out when I
was a freshman in high school be-
cause I was small and only weighed
around 95pounds," he said.

Williams realized he had a natural
talent for the sport when he built
himself up to 114 pounds. He said he
was bench-pressing more than 200
pounds and found out that was more
than thc state record at the time.

Power-lifting competition is com-
posed of three lifts: squatting,
bench-pressing and dead—lifting. A
subsequent total is compiled by the
addition of the weight lifted in each

Williams began competing official-
ly on the high school level during his
senior year.

At his first competition, he topped
the existing state record for the 114.
pound class by 45 pounds in the
bench-press In addition to that re-

cord, Williams surpassed the record
total record by 155 pounds with one
of815 pounds.

He holds all the teen-age and
men‘s power-lifting records in the
114-pound class in Kentucky. Wil-
liams' records in that class are:
squatting, 314 pounds; bench-
pressing, 264 pounds; dead-lifting,
418 pounds: and record total, ”6

His dedication and many hours of
hard work paid off when Williams
traveled to West Monroe, La., in
1985. At this competition he earned
the National High School
Championship title for the 114-pound
weight division.

Williams‘ records in his current
weight class (123 pounds) include all
those in the teenage division. as well
as the men's bench press record.
And he's only been lifting competiti~
vely for three years.

Williams said his goals for this
new weight class are for a contin«
uance in his record-breaking tradi-
tion ofthepast

“Within a year or two I‘d like to
be in the top five in the nation in the
123 weight class,“ he said. “And I‘d
also like to be more successful than
I have been in the 114 class. . . I‘d
like to win the men‘s national

renovation would include replacing
the roof, refurbishing the building
and “limited restructuring.“ The re
port said no work had been done to
the center since 1970.

The report also said the Student
Center would be more efficient if its
management was reduced to one di-
rector, instead of the current two.
The director would have control

over all operations, including Food

“The committee has concluded
that many problems exist because of
separate entities operating in the
Student Center. which often have
conflicting interests," the report
said. “No common or simple path of
communication between these
groups exists. "


Downhill sledding

Seth Burnett.
snow by sledding on Clifton Circle



11. takes advantage of yesterday's inch of




Williams said it‘s very expensive
to compete independently at this
level because he has to travel all
over the country. Last summer he
flew to Dallas, Texas, to compete in
the Men‘s National Championships,
and in 1&5 he traveled to Rockport,
Maine, for the Teenage Nationals.

In March, Williams will travel to
Norman, Okla, to compete in his
first national collegiate power-lifting
championship. Williams will rep-
resent UK. He will compete indepen-
dently. because a weight lifting
team has not yet been formed on


Tina Payne, SAB vice president
and a committee member, said the
director would be aided by several
subordinates and advisers.

“We're not talking about the man-
ager of the Student Center program-
ming and dec1ding the menus," she

The committee recommended im-
mediate steps be taken to begin the


process of leasing commercial space
in the Student Center

Hunt stressed that comnierrialim
tion would be "limited. bet-aust-
“we're not going to turn this lilltl
Fayette Mall "

Hunt said coninit-rciaIi/atioii
would not increase student tees She
said the fees would begin to "actual

\rt-t ti\l\lll II I i


failure of arms deal

Reagan defends plan to contact Iran,
takes ‘full responsibility" for initiative

Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Rea-
gan said last night that his failed ef-
fort to reach out to Iran and win the
release of American hostages in
Lebanon was his “one major re—
gret," but he called on the nation
not to be “obsessed with failure.“

With American military ships on
the move in the Mediterranean Sea.
Reagan, in his sixth annual State of
the Union address, also vowed not to
sit idly by “if our interests or
friends in the Middle East are
threatened by terrorist black-

He said it was not wrong to try to
establish contact with a nation of
strategic importance and “certainly
it was not wrong to try to secure
freedom for our citizens held in bar-
baric captivity. But we did not
achieve what we wished, and serious
mistakes were made in trying to do

Reagan said his administration
had made progress on many fronts
but "I have one major regret."

“I took a risk with regard to our
action in Iran. It did not work and
for that I assume full responsibili-
ty," Reagan said in his prepared

While defending his initiative.
Reagan did not offer any new reve-
lations about the arms sale and later
diversion of profits to contra rebels
in Nicaragua.

While pledging to find out the
facts and take any necessary action,
Reagan said that “in debating the
past. we must not deny ourselves
successes of the future. Let it never
be said of this generation of Ameri-
cans that we became so obseSSed
with failure that we refused to take
risks that could further the cause of
peace and freedom in the world.

“Much is at stake here and the na»
tion and the world are watching ito
see if we go forward together in the
national interest, or if we let
partisanship weaken us." Reagan

He added: “Let there be no mis-
take about American policy: We will
not sit idly by if our interests or our
friends in the Middle East are
threatened, nor will we yield to ter-
rorist blackmail. “

Concluding his remarks on the
subject, Reagan said. “Now, ladies
and gentlemen of the Congress, why
don't we get to work? "

Democratic congressional leaders.

responding to the president iii trim:
own televised remarks. stud the;
were willing to cooperate- with
gan but that he must first .iiis'icr
questions about the sale o: .il'll‘n in
Iran and whether he llltt'lllit'tl
swap arms for hostages

"The administration's i'ect-ii' tit
ings with Iran have cast .1
shadow over this country. ’
ate Majority Leader Robert i lay: i
of West Virginia. "The stile of til
It) Iran — in direct C(lllll‘iltiltiitifi '1:
our stated foreign policy
real questions about trust

"The administration has the olili
gation to tell the American people
exactly what led to the arms-ior-lios-
[age deal . and what happened to
accountability in the White lloiise'
Byrd said

The president's remarks about
Iran took up only several hundred
words in a .‘i.'.llitI-\\'()l‘d speech that ill
fered a description of the Ut'iilt’H'
ments of his first six _\'t';:!’> 1:. ”lilt‘t‘
and offered an agenda o: t’t'illilllltit
strength and peace leading iiiio this
2lst century

Reagan had been urged
vance by Republican laziri ust-w
deal head-on with the hall st»!
and answer Americans
Senate Republican Leader int. limit
of Kansas had called the speech
opportunity for the premiein A::.'
to rest a lot of stories. rt lot tit 'l.
mors that are out there."

Dole billed it as one iii tlii-
opportunities left" for Reagan to
regain control of his president-y '

House Republican Leader
Michel of Illinois said, ”the-
thing, frankly. that's going in mm;
the American people is ‘lll‘ 2.1; n .1
everything cold turkey for 'lzeiii .uit:
then let‘s get on with it "

The Iran episode has snpped lien
gan's standing in the polls

Reagan said that under his udiiiir
istration, interest rates have tuiii
bled. unemployment is down to .i
seven-year low and inflation is at it~
lowest level in a quarter of a con


>tt.li .\t.






“Let‘s roll up our sleeves. go to
work and put America‘s (‘t'tlnollltt‘
engine at full throttle.” he said

Reagan said that “the world is :.
safer place" because of the big I’eii
tagon buildup under his udniinistr.i
tion. While vowing not to bargain
away his Star Wars missile defense
plan, Reagan said. “This is a mo»
ment of rare opportunity for arms

Med. Center council concentrates
on problems of students, programs

Staff Writer

The Medical Center‘s student
council is in its first year at UK, but
hardly anyone knows it exists.

“Many of the students in the five
Medical Center schools don't even
know that the council exists,“ said
Jenni Jacquet. council representa-
tive of the pharmacy school. “It‘s
there for them.“

But the fact that the council isn‘t
common knowledge among the stu-
dents is understandable, Jacquet
said. This is their first semester as a
full council.

The council was a topic discussed
in spring 1986 by Mark Sumita.
council representative of the medi-
cal school, and Jacquet. From that
point, they began organizing the
group with the help of the Medical
Center faculty.

Last semester. the council became
a reality. Jacquet said. Ten council
members were appointed by the stu-
dent advisory council.

All five schools in the Medical
Center have two representatives on
the council and a collection of offi-
cers elected by the council mem-

Wanita Fleming. associate vice
chancellor for academic affairs in

the Medical Center. and Peter Bo-
somworth, chancellor for the Medi-
cal Center, have helped organize the
council, she said.

“Basically our purpose is to dis-
cuss problems that are common be-
tween all the Medical Center
schools." Jacquet said.

The council has taken only one ac-
tion so far. A bulletin board was


“We‘re going to plan
things like fundraisers
and community
projects to get the

students involved. "
Jenni Jacquet,
Pharmacy school
council representative

placed in the Medical Center delica-
tessen for use by the students.
Jacquet said the council has been
slow to start because it isn‘t “well-
known" yet. “We're working on pro-
jects to charge that,“ she said.
“We‘re going to plan thirgs like
fund-raiscrs and community pro-
jecta to get the students involved.“

Projects in the works for the fu-
ture include programs discussing
topics such as alcohol abuse. .lac-
quet said. The council also plans to
discuss starting a scholarship fund
for Medical Center students

Little Shop of Horrors offers
some good scenes. but not
enough to make a plot. For a
review, see DIVERSIONS.


w and players deny tu-
more of a Cat light. For de-
tele, morons, Page 3.






2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Wedneedey. January 28. 1087


. Top children’s literature

‘Little Shop’ succeeds
solely as mindless fun

Staff Critic

Oh yes, I’ve heard what the
"pros" have to say about “Little
Shop of Horrors" — that it‘s the best
musical of the 'BlS, that it came
about just in time to save this dying
genre and that the flawless
“monster,“ a man-eating plant
named Audrey II, should receive a
special Oscar.

And yes, all of these things are
true. But as I sat in the theater -—
tapping my foot to the ’so-ish soul
music and waiting to see Audrey 11
appear on the screen again — I real—
ized something was missing: a plot.

Rephrase that: a plot where I
can‘t second-guess the entire story
10 minutes into the movie.

Maybe I was expecting too much.
But when movie tickets are almost
five bucks, I want more than music
and a monster to hold my attention.

In short, the 90-minute movie
seemed like a high-tech, big—budget
MTV video special — good music,
great camera angles and very little

The star of this ’SOs-set flick is Au-
drey l1. and director Frank Oz (who
has worked with Jim Henson and



the Muppets) has obviously taken
great care to make his star flawless.

When Audrey ll spreads his stems
and opens a huge petal-covered
mouth to sing “I’m a Mean Green
Mother from Outer Space,“ you
won’t ever look at your house plants
the same way again.

Rick Moranis (the nerd in “Ghost—
busters") plays wimpy Seymour,
who finds and names Audrey II. The
alien — which turns out to at least
sing male — is named after Ellen
Greene‘s character, a busty blonde
who works with Seymour in a skid-
row flower shop.

For Moranis and Greene, this film
should open doors. Both prove that
they can carry a tune and hold char-
acter well.

Moranis’ character is the catalyst
through which we keep up with Au-
drey II, but Greene’s is more inter-
esting. She desperately wants out of
skid row and has dreams of marry-
ing Seymour, living in the suburbs
and giving Tupperware parties.

But she dates a man with money,


because that seems the better op-
tion. Watching Seymour sweep
floors, it’s easy to understand why.

Steve Martin is Greene’s sadistic
dentist b0yfriend, who dresses like
Elvis and inhales laughing gas while
ripping teeth out of patients. Martin
can sing and dance, but he doesn‘t
get a chance to show off either tal—
ent as he disappears all too soon.

Bill Murray steps in for a short
time as a patient of Martin‘s whose
masochism exceeds the doctor‘s sa—
dism. Murray actually has nothing
to do with the story of Audrey II, but
the scene adds some particularly
funny lines (not to mention box of-
fice pulling power.)

Jim Belushi is also seen on the big
screen, but his two-minute scene is
only an unanswered tease for more.

Vincent Gardenia (“Death Wish“)





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IiLL JONES/Kernel Grantee

plays the flower shop owner, a poor
man whose business and patience
are both at rock bottom. Gardenia
loves Audrey II for the business and
publicity the plant brings.

For those who love MTV or who
want to see the most authentic
“monster” of the year the first time
around: invest. For those who pre-
fer the attraction of a movie to rest
in the story: wait for the video.

‘Little Shop of Horrors' is current-
ly playing at South Park Cinemas. It
is rated PG-l3.


Arts Edtor

Woe Mlllel
Assistant Arte Edtor

receive ‘Pulitzer’ prizes

Associated Press

CHICAGO — A book about discov-
ering friendship and illustrations for
the story of a janitor's tropical fan-
tasy won the 1987 Newbery and
Caldecott medals last week.

Sid Fleischman won the John
Newbery Medal, honoring distin-
guished writing for children, for
“The Whipping Boy," about the ad-
ventures‘ of Prince Brat and

Richard Egielski, an illustrator,
was awarded the Randolph Calde-
cott Medal for excellence in chil-
dren’s picture books for his work in
the book, “Hey Al," in which a jani-
tor‘s drab existence is transformed
by a tropical bird.

The awards, given annually by the
Association for Library Service to
Children, were announced Monday


8 pm. Memorial Hall
Tuesday, Feb. 10

at the American Library Associa-
tion's winter convention.

’lrevelyn Jones, who chaired the
lS-member Newbery awards panel,
said the two medals are the most
prestigious honors in children’s liter-
ature and compare with the Pulit-
zers for journalism and literature.

“The Whipping Boy" chronicles
the adventures of Prince Brat and
his whipping boy, Gemmy. The two
are captured by a band of thieves,
but manage to escape and, in the
process, learn the meaning of

Egielski’s colorful illustrations in
“Hey Al" won the 50th Caldecott
medal from a field of more than 200
titles, said Kay E. Vandergrift,
chairwoman of the 15-member
Caldecott awards committee.

The book describes how a janitor
named Al and his dog, Eddie, tired
of their drab lives, are taken to a
tropical island by a bright, multico-

«as *


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 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Wednesday. January 20. 1087 - 3



Cats deny


say it’s one for all,
not hogging the ball

Senior Staff Writer

A basketball team diVided cannot
stand, Abraham Lincoln once said,

Well. something like that.

But even if ol’ Abe didn't quite put
it that way. a certain amount of Big
Blue fans have been whispering it 011
the local radio shows. [)issention.
they say, has split the UK team.

Hogwash. says Eddie Sutton

“1 think they get along quite
well." the UK coach said yesterday
at his weekly press conference "\'1
cious rumors are in all parts of our
lives 'l‘hat‘s nothing but a vicious
rumor There‘s not a selfish bone iti
the body of this team,

"I think there are times when we
get stagnant on offense and a couple
of players take it upon themselves to
get things going. But l discount the
idea of selfishness i think they all
want towin "

The Wildcat players themselves
agreed that winning. not personal
statistics. is the otily thing on their
tninds And the rumor is just that
a rumor

“l think everybody is starting to
play together.” senior guard James
Blackmon said “l think everybody
is starting to understand their roles
and play as a team "

If you want proof of team play,
check L'K's latest victories

Last Wednesday, the Cats traveled
to Vanderbilt atid quickly found
themselves down by 11 points. With
a hostile crowd roaring. it looked as
though t‘K was in for a long night.

But the (‘ats didn‘t roll over and

Ed l)a‘.'ender led UK back with 16
ponits But he also had a little help
from his friends. Three other Wild-
cats scored in double figures, and
Blackmoti chipped in with nine.

The result of the team's effort was
a Tl-t'ii road Victory that evened
l’K's conference record at 4-4.

"I was very proud of the way our
team fought back when they were
down by it points." Sutton said after
the game “They displayed a lot of
character And we grew a little bit
as a team tonight "

'l'he i'ats may have grown even
more last Sunday

The ['5 Naval Academy‘s Mid-
shipmcii came to town. and David
Robinson put on a show that few
have ever witnessed in Rupp Arena.
But as good as Robinson‘s perfor-
mance was. he could not defeat UK
alone A lot of (‘ats made sure of

Rex (‘hapman tossed in a points.


but once again three others enjoyed
double-figure scoring.

Derrick Miller also helped out
with two three-point jumpers in the
second half when Navy had sliced
UK’s lead to three points. After Mill-
er‘s bombs, the Cats cruised to an

The players said the two victories
were an example of a team coming
together, not coming apart at the

“The chemistry‘s always been
there. we just needed to jell at the
same time," junior forward Richard
Madison said. “We were a young
team at the beginning of the year.
Now, everybody’s feeling comfort-
able and understanding their roles."

Sports Edtor

Lady Kats face difficult road test
at Ole Miss and Mississippi State

Staff Writer

Everything was nice in Memorial
Coliseum for the Lady Kats.

They just completed a successful
two-game stand that included wins
over No. 11 Vanderbilt and perennial
power Old Dominion. boosting their
record to 11-6 overall and 1-2 in the
Southeastern Conference.

But now they must venture into
hostile territory and face SEC foes
Mississippi and Mississippi State.

The first stop, Oxford, Miss. isn‘t
the best place to play this year. The
eighth-ranked Lady Rebels are 16—1
overall and 3-1 in SEC action.

But tonight may be the night for

“The last two games have given
us a lot of confidence." Hall said.
“because now we have eight or nine
players who are playing consistant-
“If there is such a thing as a ‘good
time‘ to play Ole Miss. i would say
this is it. We have our confidence up
and we’re playing our best basket»
ball right now.“

And Ole Miss coach \‘an Chan-
cellor believes tonight‘s contest is
just as important to his team.

Saturday, the Lady Rebels suf-
fered their first defeat of the season
when No. 2 Auburn handed them a
6662 loss at home.

"It‘s a game we better play well
in or we‘re going to be in a heap of
trouble.” Chancellor said.

Cincinnati looks for new spring training home

(‘lf\'(‘l.\‘.\';\'l‘l i.-\l’ Plant (‘11).
Fla. is making a strong bid to he
spring training headquarters for lllt
(‘mctnnati Reds in lttHH

The Reds. \\ ho no“ maintain their
spring training base 111 Tampa. Fla .
say they will move to Plant (‘it}.
just east of Tampa. ll Plant (‘ity can
raise the money to build a spring
training stadium. locker rooms and

a minor league complex. all of

which the Reds demand

The project could cost as much as
SH million. \\llll the lotto-seat stadi-
um costing $5 million by itself. Plant
(‘in has been home of a Texas
Rangers niinor~league affiliate.

l’lant (‘itv officials yesterday re—
iealed the) had received a Jan. 7-
datctl letter from Reds owner Marge


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Schott that effectively promises the
Reds will move their spring opera-
tions to Plant City if the city can
meet the team‘s demands for facili—

“We sent them a letter of intent
saying that if they did the financing
and met all of our demands. we
would be interested in going there.”
Reds General Manager Bill Ber-
gesch said.

The Reds' contract in Tampa runs
out this year. because the city wants
to demolish Al Lopez Field and build
a stadium for a potential major-
league team. The Reds have used
Tampa as their spring training base
since 1931. except for three years
during World War II when travel re-
strictions sent the team to the India-
na University campus in Blooming
ton, Ind.

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“If there is such a thing
as a ‘good time' to play
Ole Miss, i would say
this is it. We have our
confidence up and
we're playing our best

basketball right now.”
Terry Hall,
Lady Kat coach

At first glance, this year's Lady
Rebel squad is rather deceiving.

The average height is 5 feet 9 and
the two top reserves are freshmen.

Chancellor is one of the first to
admit his team is overrated.

“We‘re not a overly talented
team.“ he said. “We just have four
little guards and a forward who play
with a lot of heart."

But Hall doesn't quite agree.

“They‘re doing something right,“
she said, “or they wouldn't be 16-1
and No. 8 in the nation."

One reason Chancellor gives for
his team‘s success, though, is the
combination of youth and experience
“meshed together just right.“

"That blend of youth and experi-
ence has really been great for us,"
he said. “And each night it has been
a different player for us that has
stepped forward.“

Leading the way for Ole Miss is

All-American candidate Alisa Scott.
The senior guard is leading the way
with a 12.8 scoring average.

Also contributing to the Ole Miss
offense is Cynthia Autry. The team's
center, Autry is chipping in 11.9
points per game. In the back court.
Chancellor turns to Kim Bullard and
Myra Williams. The duo is combin-
ing for 19.9 points per outing.

Chancellor said a key for Ole Miss
will be to slow UK‘s fast-break
oriented offense down into low gear.

“We’ve got to find some way of
slowing their fast break down," he

Should Ole Miss get UK into a
halfcourt game. Chancellor said he
isn‘t exactly sure what type of de-
fense he will employ. But “lately
we've played very good man de—
fense" in a half court game.

UK will be led by junior forward
Bebe Croley‘s 16.9 points and 7.3 re-
bounds per game.

“We‘re going to have to rebound
with them and force them to play a
transition game,“ Hall said.
