xt72ng4gqh70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqh70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 1980 1980 1980-04-04 2020 true xt72ng4gqh70 section xt72ng4gqh70 Vol. LXX". N0. '37 Ker n e] l’niversny of Kemuc“)
Friday. April 4‘ ”so an independent student newspaper lexinlton. Kentucky
_ _
B k . V ' ’ [is
Sturgeon, roc man Winners
' so 'd t' I I t' .
reel en la e ec ions ;----
By JAY HAMBURG _———-— hcaviest voting as Debbie Earley led if} 3 ‘49} fl. » '
Staff Writer See complete results and additional the field with 85l votes. Barb Rowe. .. ._ .. J" . - '- '
story on page 6. Tom Uram. Mark Rock. Ann Coffey V..~.._z;,.:..;§ fim I d i;
Running mates Brad Slugcon and ——————_—_—_ and Alexandra Dallas collected over - .9- . ‘ $13 g. _ _ “his. ..
Britt Brockman strolled toaneasy vic- Wollum. Rhonda Ashby and Dean 700 votes each. a ’ V. _ g: . 3 ‘-
tory last night in the Student Govern- Paris tied for the Allied Health seat. With over 600 votes were Suzie .1 ha. 9“. .3 .3 :- V
ment race for president and vice They each collected one vote. Antonik and James Bredar. Mike y . Haw sf“. _ 3 l .
president. Other write-in winners were Diane Scharpf had 500 exactly. ‘\ ~2 ;_ t “'3' '
Sturgeon collected L228 votes on Raggard. Denistry; Tawny Acker. The remaining six senator at-large .731? ”if. .. " ’ V \i‘ a; .f -VV
his way to claiming the presidential Graduate School; Bob Bolin. Library winners each received over 400 votes. g. ‘ "“i . ‘ i °* _.
win His nearest competitor, Chuck Science; and Holly Schumacher. The winners are Rayvon Reynolds. V 'V if ,VV
Malkus. received 330 votes out of Social Professions. Jeff Waldrop. Kent Grubbs. Don ‘ . W p .. .. \ s .
' 2.535 total votes cast in the election. According to Election Board Chair- Menser. Gary Smith and Sali . . V ' .I
The other announced candidate for man Rudy Bisciotti. there were also McSherry.Thereare l5at-largesenate \ ' ' ‘ -
president. Richard [)izney (who filed some non-traditional candidates who seats. Si“. ' VV V ' "2. ’
for candidacy under the alias. Iredu- received write-in votes. The leading vote-getter among can- 39$ _. t ‘ i fit.
chio Sanchez) collected 258 votes. Mr. Potato Head. who apparently didates for a college senate seat was if? V silk: = ‘
Brockman‘s margin of victory was also ran last year. gotbetween five and Rob Taylor of Arts & Sciences. with ~ ‘ » = .. . ‘.
even greateras he outpolled his nearest ten votes. Bisciotti said. Thunderchild 253 votes. Thetwo other winners inthe .. ' V V V ' ' h - A
rival by almost one thousand votes. received one vote. tying with the ex- College of Arts& Sciences were Rusty ; ’
Brockman had I288 votes compared Shah of Iran. The Ayatollah Kho- Ashcraft with 247 and Madeleine Yeh ' . ’ '
' to Ken Berry. who collected 326. meini had two votes. with 24l. _ ' g i . a g ~
There were I.I7I write-in votes in Appropriately enough. UK basket- Yeh's brother. Vincent. wonaGrad- ( V ‘ g 1’
g the totalvote countof2.535as write-in ball center Sam Bowie received one uate School senate seat. . g R g y A“
candidates won five senate seats. vote for senator at-Iarge. In other results. Ben Castle won the = . * . ' 'V 'iw- - ‘ e ‘
. Three write-in candidates. Cindy The senator at-large race drew the College of Communications seat. _ s -. .. . \\ ,, . t. a , $4“ . = we; _>
P as t d .. . , ’ ~ eefim a ~ .2
. , .. . s are. . ‘ at
self esteem one ke to success - v a .-
. y - ~ ‘ t“ 2 A" t: Vi 3‘?»
By WALT PAGE lot.sometimes riling people. Ithurts to believerin himself. receivedthe warm- . ‘ .,. '. . - g,‘ ‘g V' “‘35. VV §., x it
. Staff Writer find out we‘re sometimes hated." est audience response. . ‘ V " wyfi g - .. K gist. ‘
Among the more well-received Linkletter. 67. had the audience in .. .5 g i »j. if . , y
. Uncle Paul Harvey was there. saun- statements Harvey made: his hands immediately with warm ‘ ; - _ V ’V v VZN
tering onstage to a standing ovation “We. the media.arehelpingdrivean rememberances of his 45 years in , V ‘4' ,. . .
. ‘ and bowing out to another. Brother entire generation to booze and drugs entertainment. ' . g s; V V a?” V V‘ .1 g
. Robert Schuller and Art “people say with our emphasis on the negative He spoke fondly of his gifts. claim- _ .=2.- ' . \ lt VV -
the darndest thing“ Linkletter did news. M = oodness. no wonder one in in “One evenin l reco nized m ' ' 'V 'V ' ' V ‘ ' V ‘ . 7 . ‘V . i '
= likewise. 20 peopl: Eire in mental hospitals and fufure. Man on the streethhe art oyf B) Ml“ inputs MIMI sun
Cavett Robert and Robert Henry one in IO should be." he said. conversation. That‘s what I can do.
. had ‘em rolling in the aisles. Billy Bur- Robert Schuller. founder and senior “The secret is for you to be inter- Two 1980 Student Government election winners. results were announced I“! night. 30th won by an over-
don memorized the names of about pastor of the Garden Grove. Califor- ested in them. for youVio listen. to give president-elect Brad Sturgeon. and his running mate Whelming margin. with Sturgeon receiving 1.228 votes ,
. I00 of the 5,000 in attendencc and told nia Community Church. was as enthu- the person your attention. For 45 years Britt Brockman wear a champagne toast as election and_ Brockman 1.288 votes. ‘
them so. Denis Waitley and David siastic about America as Harvey was. I‘ve been administering the medicine
. Cooper promoted the revival atmos- Before going onstage. Schuller wel- of laughter. '
'. phere. motivating the conservative. comed the praise of dozens offaithful “Things turn out best for people Electlons to end Storl I Iy 89' I lester
_ . middle-of-the-road crowd asthey have watchers of his nationally-syndicated who make the best out of the way .
_ motivated thousands before. Hour of Power. preaching his“gospel things turn out. You can‘t control fate. - I I
Everything you always wanted to of positive thinking" even then. You aren‘t God.“ he said. for cam US t _d ft t
know about positive thinking and the “How do l keep from getting a If Linkletter could control fate. his D an I ra organ lza Ion .
motivated way OfIife. but didn‘t think swelled head?" Schuller asked. “Easy. daughter would be alive today. .
. existed was evident last night at Rupp When I succeed at one goal. I make "My life turned topsy turvy in one BY JUDY JONES We aren‘t a violent group." not elected and their names “518d in
- Arena as the first annual Positive another. Then I get in trouble again terrible moment when my I9-year-old Staff Writ" One source. who asked to remain the dean ofstudents‘office. the organi- ‘
“ Thinking Seminar rolled into town. and have to work to succeed. By girl took her life. She wasn‘t a drug unidentified. said that Harris said the zation will lose its student status. V
- The speakers knew theirstuff. each always setting goals and fighting to addict. She just listened to Dr. The Lexington Committee Against organization might be violence-prone Among the officers who resigned
in his own way. and the audience succeed. l stay humble.“ Timothy Learyandthc 60s generation. Registration {0’ ”16 Draft WI” slid "5 and that certain metnbers ofthegroup last WCCk was LCARD PresidentJim V
seemed to love every minute of it. According to Schuller. ideas are the She played Russian roulette with LSD stormy first semester 3‘ UK byelecting were potentially dangerous. PP“ He resigned after announcing
When the crowd wasn’t enthralled key to everything. and lest, four student officers to replace those “I simply didn't make that state- that the group had disbanded.
with the speakers. motivational music “Great ideas always seem impossi- “I‘ve been world-wide over the past WhO resigned from ”1“ organization ment." Harris said. However. MCCkCl said the group I5 V
. such as “Battle Hymn ofthe Republic“ blc when they first enter our minds. |l years. crusading against drugs. No last week, Harris also denied that LCARD is not disbanding. He also said Pepper
and the theme to “Rocky“ helped Otherwise. everybody would have matter who or where it was. the ones . being investigated. “Hell no. we don‘t served as merely a figurehead for the
psych them up. already done it.“ he said. “Possibility who got into drugs were the ones with Although a three-member steering do that kind of thing here." he said. group and was never intended to have
’ Harvey spoke for the longest period thinkers know how to manage money. low self-esteem. People need love. committee exists. the organization “I've never had that much contact with any authority as president.
of time and received the largest ideas. opportunities. emotions. peo- help. counseling. a positive attitude. must elect fouyr ,S‘Udm officers to the group. “Why Pepper was out oftouch.why
. I number of ovations. He talked the ple. time. imagination. problems. and “So this rally is reallyabig anti-drug comP'Y, w‘m l’"'verS"-‘ regulations. “The only thing l said is a standard he chose not to attend the meetings. I
, same as he does on radio and teleVi- most of all. themselves. crusade in one sense. promoting self- according to [7061 Meckel. L( ARD talk I have with any organization don't know." Meckel said.
Sion. dramatically halting in mid- “The greatest power in the world is esteem nationwide. steering committee member. where there are strong differences of In additionto the loss ofits officers.
sentence to emphasize a point or your imagination. If you don‘t control “lfyou know who youare. believein Until new officers are elected. a opinion.“ Harris said. “Any time peo- a conversation between Assistant
recognize the applause. your imagination. it will control you. yourself and God. and have given three-member steering committee , ple have very strong opinions. there is Dean of Students Frank Harris and
' “When l started at the age of I4. I “I‘ve got good supervisors. Schuller Jesus Christ a chance in your life. the composed of Meckel. former UK an- a potential for problems. We try to Meckel several weeks ago led to rum-
2 . was like most young teens 7 animita- never made a decision on his own. I rest doesn‘t matter; you will succeed." lish professor George Potratl and prevent any physical disagreements. ors ofa controversy between members
tor. A very talented man told me as pray and seek the counsel of my Where Linkletterpromotes laughter Lexington resident Lisa Laufer will "I don‘t think Meckel hasintention- of LCARD and UK‘s administration.
. long as l imitated I would just be friends. Jesus is my Lord and God is with his understanding of people. administer details. Meckel said. ally lied about what was said.but he‘s “I went to see Harris prior to a - .
' second best. To bethe best. I hadtobe my Supervisor.“ Cavett Robert comes across as the According to the code of Student just misinterpreted me.” Harris said. forum sponsored by LCARD about
Paul Harvey and nobody else.“ the They‘ve already collected $12 mil- good ol‘boy. country lawyer.Hefilled Rights and Responsibilities. student “We have no overtconccrnsaboutthis what we would be allowedtodofwhen
f nationally-syndicatedcolumnist said. lion and Schuller says matter-of— his time on stage with stories and emo- organizations must be registered particular group. but we always having the foruml." MCCkCl said.
i Concerning his posnion as a‘target. factly. “Weintend to receiveSl million tional gestures. before they may use LVIIIH‘ISH)’ facili- emphasize student organization rules “Harris talked about a need for plain~
. Harvey said. “We. the media. are the first Sundayin the new sanctuary.“ “The greatestinvestment on the face tics or property. If a president. vice that all officers and a majority of clothes cops. I found that disturbing
I inclined to exaggerate our posmon 3 Art Linkletter. another faithful Continued on page 6 president. secretary and treasurer are members must be students." because I thought it was unnecessary.
which is all but over. and his plans in the three yearsand eight again next week court opinions that struck down all-white primary elections
me months left in his tenure. Mediators in the bus and \uhud} \Iflitf said both sides had and racial segregation on interstate buses.
hardened their positions and that strike fever was in the ranks
A JEFFERSON comrv police officer was shot and .OFF'C'ALS OF TWO “ms-“id y“‘°'d‘y‘h°”w°'°"‘3' cnusvxt iiiivriiviit TRIMURS shook Mount st WOl‘id
i killed yesterday while attemptingto arrest a Florida man at a “”3"“ an agreement 9"“ could lead to construction 0f the Helens and the \i‘it‘ mo t. .. iv. t"‘r‘!r'nlL'L\ of m viii lail h...
\ food store. according to police. nation‘s first commercutl coal conversion plant in western the skv vesterdm ‘ VF“: ‘ = Wm "“ ‘ .irvmh H IRAN‘S REVOLL‘TIONARY (.‘Ol'NCll. yesterday
‘ Patrolman Christopher M. Dunn died around l;30 p.m.at Kentucky. likely.- . V ‘ V V i i I V i ‘ demanded clarification 0‘ U-S. PMS“ before “kl"! m'i'
University Hospital asthe resultofa gunshot wound.said Bob Underthe‘agreement. Texas Eastern Corp. 0f ”0“.th and “We do know the magma molten material I\ mm mg" itants ‘0 hand 0"" the American “OWE“ in Tehran. Presi-
Yates. a spokesman for the Jefferson County police. Texas G“ lransmiSSion Corp. of Owenshoro wouldyom '" a beneath the volcano “0pm.”... Bob ('hristiansen (.f mt dent Abolhassan Bani-Sadr was quoted as saying Ayatollah
Dunn. 27. was shot outside Lyndon Food Mart in eastern "“4! to determine th‘h" a plant c°“"""“3 coal to syn- US. Geological sun-9‘ told ,‘gpmu. “Theharmonictremor Riihollah Khomeini would have the final decision on a
Jefferson County where he and Officer Dian Sikes responded thetic fuel '5 ("Mk . . , recorded late wcdnegdm make. H mm likeli we will 80 m a transfer of the captives to government control.
. to a “trouble“ all around ”30 a.m. EST. Yates said. The exact 5'“ and estimated C0“ 0f the PYOPOWd {Willy magmatic "UPI‘N‘ ‘ V Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh told reponers aftera
2 Two people were arrested for the incident. Yates identified were "0‘ disclosed. C'°V: J°h“Y' 8'0“ JPN“ attended the “We‘ve alwatv‘g owl aw “,lt . hm, whom”. n tat-m. council meeting yesterday that Iran wanted President Carter
them as Gary D.Odom.23.ofFlorida.and Sheila Swiney. l6. news conference at Spindletop H'H‘ ”Id it could employ even more I-kclv mV.‘ H W ‘ilfi‘i‘. mi iii-ccttiiit. l4\(l.t‘ Hr toclarify COMMIlmCMS ofrestraintmadeinresponsetocondi-
of Lenoir City. Tenn. He saidthey would face murdercharges. 3'0“) workers and, convert 28‘000 tons °f coal per day to tomorrow ilik‘mliti he I tit-ck .1. more " I “OHS W h)’ Bani-Sadr.
50900 barrels 0‘ distillate products 81' NL I \ Bani-Sadr said in a speech Tuesday he would seek custody
. A . [Y F. REED. whose .'ew Deal liberalism was if r ' t r {en fro “ ro -
. GOV. JOHN Y. BROWN JR.decIaring “I think I am poiit- "awn transformed during his l9 years on the Supreme Court into a Sisiznhoztragelro‘gacmeig: "omit: 0CaifterrI admi'i‘iisii'ati;
v ically utute."said the |980|egislative session was“the biggest philosophy of judlcml restraint. I8 dead at 95. responded with a pledge of restraint.
Chill"!!! 1 h"! CV" undertaken." NEW YORKERS SETTLED in fora long walk yesterday A Surpreme (‘ourt spokesman said yesterday that Reed
He said he is especially proud because he quickly overcame after the two sides in the bus and subway labor dispute met died Wednesday .11 Il‘" H m ‘~ "-'“"t? vaw in Hnmmmon. WW
obstacles as a newcomer to state office. briefly and found themselves farther apart than when the N Y
. The man who helped build the Kentucky Fried Chicken strike began three days earlier. Reed. a Kentucky liciiio. ml. um .tpptllnled 'o the nation's WATCH l-OR A MIXTURE ofr‘loudsand sunshinetoday
empire said hestill is not sure if he likes the gubernatorialjob. While the first tentative effort to settle the strike by 35.000 highest court in 193s by President Franklin Roosevelt. He with highs nearing the mid 50: before the weather becomes
but "lJovethe stimulation...lthinkthere‘s so muchthat can be transit employees came to naught. the Long Island Reilroad retired in l957. citing health reasons for givingup“the strain windy and cooler. Partly cloudy to cloudy tonight. with a
done. ‘ Itarted running from Manhattan out to the Long Island sub- of unremitting exertion " slight chance of a brief shower. Lows will be in the upper 30s
I Brown was commenting in an interview about the session, urbe after a two-day strike. but amid thrau it might stop Reed was an early champion of racial equality. writingthe tonight.
. .

KENTUCKY chbk McDaniel
tun.» m um Mark Green Kim Aubrey mom. can John Chy Guy Llnden '
.lny Foam Bob ('ochnnc Emerlammem Ediiur Spurn Ed or “WNW “I PhUIUK’GPhl'
('uy Willis Anni rule IZTIIIUI\ Plul Mum
\Iunuxmx h/IIM ('indy McGee s. T. Robinson Brim Rickard David Mlym'd
Jltkl Rudd torsion! Assistant Spam lz'dilor ”'0'“ MONTH"
Steve Massey Lisa Domrd (‘opi hluori Entertain/rim: Edi/or
editorials & commnts (um/tut k'ililur firliloriul hililur
th""' iitt? My
at o initiation rites rea y es .
Rwettmofi ctse
“Courage" frequently a prerequisite to joining It‘s a shame that bravery. or more likely. a fear of W ”9“le I’I’
clubs and elite cliques. can be a deadly thing. being labeled a sissy. can make Students (mostly ’
All too often this "courage“ is naivete or mere males) ignore the risks of dangerous initiation GOT/ANV LAST
stupidity. Some people will do anything to become practices. “W WI§H€6 ? i
"one of the gang." This past fall. a black fraternity at Eastern a»
The sad truth was made CHant Wednesday w‘hena Kentucky University had many of its members if: 7% '(g ’
college freshman died in New York after doing branded with the frat‘s insignia. Leaders ofthe group \a._“/b\\_}.§ v V “i ' I, I II\
' ' calisthenics in a dormitory sauna room. Joseph said the branding was not mandatory, but as the §: \‘\ M ‘7 ‘. [h iII.
- - Parella of the Broom died at Tompkins County school‘s newspaper suggested. peer pressure (47"; xii? t '33 J I 7‘“ it it I I
Hospital. near Ithaca College. at which he was undoubtedly led many pledges to go along with the . int i ’ ff; . l ’ \i It} I‘IIh t
enrolled. painful idea. i .Ct‘g “I f i I g: - *I Vt. flit,"
‘ The heaty exercise was part of an initiation ritual Perhaps it is time there were committees set up to . I it ”hf / _ . III
for Delta Kappa fraternity pledges. A medical keep an eye on the initiation practices of college It ity // ”54%;“? y \ s. It ff
. examiner said the tentatiye cause of death was heat fraternities. Besides the accidents that are reported. I“ M tt‘t‘wt \\ 4“” .. ,/ It /' 4 i it
stroke or heat exhaustion who knows how many near-disastersthere have been? VIII it if t."- .‘:V:,’V‘-'"" I w /' / l g. It} I 4" i
This is not the firsttimefraternitypledges hate died Of course. most frats do not demand such IifII . “I; . '1 I I, , ‘ ‘ 71/] t? / :H
. ' performing outlandish feats to prove their machismo. outrageous and threatening proofs of virility. and we t It'I . ti i‘Itit’t I” / \\.§\‘\ ’ ‘I «'6‘ - t I
last year. a blindfolded student in Texas was killed know of none at UK who have been suspected ofsuch tI\t I t " ‘4 \®“ V V f /fl \ I I
, after being struck by a car walking across a dark deeds. I‘I \l-i-I'“ I/ X >5 L l ,‘
. highway. But the frightening thought that some pledges are i t / hi}, i I
‘ Over the years. students hate died trying to drink giving their lives so they can be in a fellowship makes 2ft 3 i i 2" ‘
the “minimum requirement“ of alcohol. trying to hold one wonder how some people can place their priorities 9 t ‘ / muggy;
their breath for long periods. or participating in a where they do.
Inumber of other grisly tests. just to be accepted into It seems more than a bit ridiculous that death can
' certain social organizations. keep someone from joining a club.
. . W
1’ L tt 1‘ th Ed '2‘
,V- ‘ Innocent suffer the hands of the Soytet athletes‘.'V [)in representing 4 Stat€S~ t‘aSt year.Vthc “liberal (basically. “liberal means lar. In other words. the coursesarelib- tion for membership letters. and every '
. \tenttldelcutthcm at hockeywhichis UK team was second in the region. taught by the (ollege of Arts and eral. But Phi Beta Kappa does not semester their hopes are dashed by an
I . . - ' i This is in reference to the opinions t‘omidCi’Ud tti ht‘ thL’li ht’Nt team SPtmt-t with 33 riders gOing t0 the National Sciences. hUt certain other courses do agree . now. Four years ago. when uncomprehensible rationale. It seems ' ‘
“8ch In (Mr. 3“,.”an Monday om \nd should our athletes riot receite Finals. Performing atthose Finals “'33 qualitilulthtttk‘“ s’dttctVOttSStttttcthtt‘t the College of Communications was that the membership of Phi Beta
. on handgun ownership in the I. S I gold medals. should we m. ashamed the UK VDrill leam. They wererery “other courses“ means liberal courses not a separate entity. these yery same Kappa is more intent on playing a
, V am ”WWII surprised at >01” many that they each chose to train for this well received. even by V103 PFCSIdeht not taught by the College 0t Arts and courses were under the auspices ofand game of semantics than concentrating
' « remarks concerningthispasiime. First wml‘t'ttt't‘n “tthttUt goiernment- Mondale. who was ”t attendence. Sciences. Bl" theresthe rub. the word taUght by the College Of Arts and on the organization's emphasis on
. of all. I want to make clear that you h'tt‘d “lath“ ttttd tttttn'ng Prtl8t8m5~ . Maybe the Kernelstaffyust doesn‘t "liberal." SCtehCCS- A to“ by any 0th" name. -- scholarship in the liberal arts and
‘ have eyery right I0 say anything i0“ unlike their Soviet counterparts'.’ like hQTSCS‘ This YVOUId be unfortu- The dictionary dfifihes the word V35 It is a definite possibility that the Col- sciences. ~
V . t “ msh as long as it IS nm slanderous or Second. if their system is as fayora- nate. Since we are m the Heart ofthe “the studies in a college VOF univerSity lege of Communications will once Wonder how many other UK stu-
, libelous. Ialso mp6“ your “gm m“ ble (socially and economically as Mr, Bluegrass. an internationally intended t0 Pmytde Chtefly general again be part of the CollegeVof Arts dents fall victim to the capricious
V ‘ I0 0“” a handgun it you do not wish “ohlcontcndsl it isinterestingtonote acclaimed center ofthe horseindustry, knowledge to develop the general and Sciences. Doesmembershipin Phi whims of narrow and arbitrary
, ' to. howey er. you do not hate the right that our ballet groups do not defect en State ahdI local governments have intellectual CHPaCttICSt'IThC communi- Beta Kappa also depend on being in interpretation? -
. ' I0 take away-my “gm II, mm a hand- masse while on tour in Moscow. lfit is spent millions on the 2 local race cation coursesinquestion are not Con- the right place at the right time? ,
_ . , , gun. or anyone else‘s. for that matter apparent II, the “Hay 5mm citizen tracks. both of which are about to fined by specialization and deal with Every semestersome students inthe Janet Wiebke
, V _ What this country needs I5 mu more that the “free world" is not such a nice 0P6": _ . . . . . the unitersal rather than the particu- School ofJournalism receive nomina- Journalism senior
' gun controls. but morecrimecontrols. place to Iiye. why are emigration pap» . ”Ind It a bit ltOnlC that With all this
i . ' If mandatory sentencing is leteled “I" dt‘mt’tt t“ “‘ ”WP", interest ”t the horse. the Kernel
- against felons who use a handgun in a “ll“t Mt Wt‘hl.‘ comparison couldn‘t coverthe UK horse show. his %etry Sho WS the fa, ’ ’e 0 yout ‘t
. .. crime. this will e\entually curb the hetweentheiole of troop deployment inexcusable that the Kernel could .
‘ ‘I amount of crimes committed. If you ht it“. [IS and tht’ ti 5-5 R~ “like” cover the “Run Kentucky Run“ and .
. want a good example of gun control me its missing entirely the reason we not cross the street forthe horseshow'.
. . . _ . effects. look at New York (‘ity Ihere were tmolted in \ietniim and Korea. It seems that overtheVpast2years. the By RALPH E. JOHNSON three long mountains and a far. When all the lipping ls said and
- . are no handguns allowed for pritate I)id South \ieznam ever seek to take only way we canget Iternelcoveragcis wood.» Over these things I could not sung. I Than the sweat dripping.l From
. . . sale. IeI II“. crime ”I“. is the highest in «wet the.\orthV. l belieyethesameapp— to BLY a classtfied ad. It is almost we have been speaking of poetry. seen These were the things that a dog‘s tongue."
. [he country? It plainly shows that lies to South Korea also, What armed poetic Justice that the horse show we will again today. But first 1 must bounded me;, “ Having properly and poetically put '
.1 , V when handguns are taken 0m of the nation sought to take o\er Mghams- notice appeared in the Lexington speak ofJesse Owens.who died earlier I shall not rerun all of those 2l4 death down, Millay goes onto singthe
. hands of the honest. law-abiding citi- liili that the Sotiets had to send in Herald Leader 4 orV5 times last week. this week. lines. You really should look it up and praises of living while defying death:
V . zen. then he sum” under the ”(WSW [links to prmcnt.’ and that local radio and tv stations 1 saw Owens run once. In the read it for yourself. Ah. what poetry “With tand' De th’T'lI L'f be
' . . tender mercy of the 5“”me felon. I‘lIILVili}. I am pul/Ied thy the also found the time for coverage. summer of1936 my father and l went Edna wrote. Here‘sa little more ofthe one il sshallnfg a i t b Itch ’I
So you see. when gun COntroIeomec world \ shining model of citililation to Randell's Island in New York City same poem: gh' "‘I. Tailrle my tea .1
. ' ‘ in. the innocent suffer. t‘t‘pt "t”dm Sitkh‘m“ ”Om mating Sandy McDonnell to watch the Olympic Trials finals “1 saw and heard and knew at S d- inger on. S a 1 bolt my door-
‘ . . the \ohei Peace l’ri/e lhc day that ‘ - t s ' ’t Withaboltandacable;/lshallblock .
, . A & S senior Owens ran the 200 meter dash and last, The how and Why Of all things. . '
. , . . .. , . ., m door With a bureau and a table-
=. . . lhere I5 another bone 1 want to pick \incma strips its foremost nuclear I‘ve never had a bigger thrill at a track past / And present and forevermo- ,y . ‘ .
. _V . h's'xtof Im iih Itl'\‘l'b rd .‘ . ‘ ;,‘Withallmymtght/Mydoorshallbe
. ,- V withyousir ...thtrightofself—defense. p -‘ 't" rt 1 ‘ M t d “d - meet and We seen some grteat meets. re./The universe. cleft to the core- b d ,I h l .
. '. - I Belieye it or not. Mr. Braden it is a to receiye such anaward.and instead. Phl Beta Kappa Jesse was great out of the starting /' lay open to myprobingsenseiThat arre. " 5 al pill "Ra fight“ shall ,
. . V V . . , ~ . . .. himtol'ite .. I flaborfi . . ‘. . . .. ‘ take it hard/With his hand on my
, . '. moral right and one which has proyen ““9“?“ year .0 t. r blocks and ”“5 day. as all daysdunng StCk ning. I would tam ptttCk thence- mouth’He sh ll d f th tSh
. . effective in more casesthanit hasiiot t‘"‘t‘t'"1ntlt10‘-Cmmt‘htPtt'tt‘y~th3t“‘1“ “I am pleased to report that you his career. he appeared to run effon- iBUt 00"“ not. — nay! But "CCdS ' k' it th a (1:ng gelorh'd - \
. You see. we hate the right to say of he tht tt‘t‘ t “it” “l“ktntt h” a "C“ have been nominated as a possible Iessly and with the grace ofa gazelle, must suckiAt the great wound. and {If mgr”? “e sou / n c utc ing at -
.‘ ' nun-en“ “I am a human bong um Ct‘tmtt.‘ candidate for membership in Phi Beta Poetry in motion. could not pluckl My lips away till I eBiittthat‘s reall not the wa Edna
, V .' ' , que unto myself; I am irreplaceable " , . . Kappa." WOW! T0 the receiver ofthe had drawn/All venom Ottt' _ Ah, St Vincent Millaydied The hiyh co t
. ' . If one has the confidence and self- (.IenVR. Liesegiing letter.theseareexcitingwords.Forthe pas/five fearful pawn!" f. - y . ' g. .S
' ~ V - respect to say those words. then he has Mttt'c" student. “'5‘ year Journalism student. these words are Edna St Vincent Milla f '- o creativeness t-OOk us toll. Shedlttd m V
_ . .. . . - ' y was ascr a fall down a flight of steps. Ibelicve.
. . a moral obligation to defend himself. only thC dangling carrot. negative “8th by death that overtook her at 58' in her Greenwich V'll h
v. , . as well as his family, who are no 1% Lack of Interest Fveryone knows that Phi Beta But she toyed with the grim reaper in I'll leave ou with :8; :fmhedilla ‘s
, deserting of that defense. It you can- Kappa is a PICSttgtous ”hiya-thy and . Renascence and time and time again t" sonnets april) ostoda asitwas thoyse
'. V . . . not see the simple logic or “hm | haw ”m past weekend l’K hosted mm college honor society that encourages Jesse‘s number one opponent inthis her poetry. man ears apo y
'V 5. . : . . V. yust said. or if you do not havethelelt second I t ll ., I H . S scholarly endeavor and elects its country was Ralph Metcalf. a burley At a later date she wrote “Moritu- “1y y~ g ', , .
' : obligation to defend yourself . then . n erco egiatc .Om ‘ how. members from iuniors and seniors black who ran as tho he would busta rus “awork devoted to courtin d th .being bornawoman “id distres- '
- .- . - . _ - . and for the second year in a row the . . z . . ‘ . , 8 e? sed/ By allthe needsand nottonsofmy .’
,- .V you hate lost the self to defend And Kernel has neglected I0 make an' with high acadeICl‘CCOTdb.Belonging gut m and always second to the man and putting it down. The courting kind 'Am ur ed b our ro in uit .
'5 ‘ . while we are onthe sub;ect.your men- mention ofit The ur ose ofthis lett- to Phi Beta Kappa isa mark ofesteem. Who stunned Hitler at the Berlin starts off: to fiiid’Yourg rsirit fairpantttl {q I y -‘
V. . ' - tion of the“draw"inafirefighiinyour I“ lg to speculatepas [to the rational an achievement valued by one‘s peers Olympics. “If I could have/Two things in certaint zest/Ti): bear our bf); a \
2 V ' home is patently ridiculous.since both behind such a lack of ”Here“ on the and potential employers. What many Thanks, Jesse. for one ofmy fondcst onezg'The peace ofthe grave/And the wet ht uiont m breast‘ .yso subtl y's
_ ' ‘ I . . I you and your would-be assailant will Kernels part don‘t know. however. is that because memories. light of the sunh’ My handsacross/My thegfumcpof lifcydesi ned ‘To claiiifls
' . . . hateyour gunsdrawn already. In case Perhaps the Kernel feels that UK (it certain basic qualifying require- ". thin breast bone./But aware 0f the the ulsc and cloudgthe tinind /A It;
. V f V you didn‘t know it. statistics show that equestrian activities are not of interest merits. membership is limited to onlya moSS/lnvading the stone./ Aware Of Icavep me once a a- d t n
.’ I .t .1: I the armed homeowner is a better chm I0 l'K students I find thisdifficult to few ofthose students withahigh grade Last week I confessed to being the flight/Of the golden flicker! With sesscd /Think notgfm III!) OI?" pos-
V. -, '. .‘ than his attacker! believe when there are I00 student point average. stupid about poetry that doesn‘t his wing to the light;/To hear him th ' t i0f” '8‘ owl/)elvcr.
. - 2 y 1-. In closing. I would like 10“,. that V, f ‘ . . S In order to be considered for mem- rhyme. I also don‘t want to dig too nicker’And drum with his bill’On the e Vpoor reason, - my stout 00d
. _ .' receiying college credit for riding . , . . ’ .. ./ 383mSt my staggering brain/I shall
. V I. the second Amendment otthe(onsti- dams each year “he“ dams are bership.oneofthe requtrementsrsthat deeply into the stuff to find the mean- rotten wulow;/ Snug and still/On a remember ou with love i
V .. . I. .t tuiion guaranteesthe righttokeep and away; ovcmqucde ‘Thm‘ are 25 the student have “at least 90 hours of ing. That is why I. and hundreds of grey pillow/Deep in the clayl Where son'My sccitrn with it LOICISCII: i
. _ , , _ . bear arms. This amendment is there to students on the horse show team who work in courses classified as “liberal.“ thousands of youths in the days of my digging is hard./0ut of the way./ The make it lain' ,t I find thisyfrcn ~ f ‘
. . V. V protect all of the other rights of that have to pay all IthI own ex ‘ rises (Basically. “liberal“ means taught by Youth adopted Edna St. Vincent Mil- blue shard/Ofa broken platter _ Ifl ficient reason/For conversatizy 13;“ -
., . . . document. including you, “gm to (travel accomodations and pzntr the College of Arts and Sciences. hut lay as our patron poet. might be/lnsensate matter/With sen- we meet a ain n on en
. . . denounce it If it