xt72ng4gqh5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqh5t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1977 1977 1977-02-23 2020 true xt72ng4gqh5t section xt72ng4gqh5t Vol. LXVIII, Number 114
Wednesday, February 23, 1977

, K“


an independent student newspaper]




University of Kentuclt y
Lexington, Kentucky

New class explores its past

Kernel Reporter

“Roots” are being explored by a
new UK sociology class based on
Alex Haley‘s best-selling novel.

Associate professor Edgar L.
Mack, who designed the course, said
while some might call tlne class a
“Chitterlings 101”, it offers students
and tlne academic community a

Students learn how to combat
myths and stereotypes they face
everythy and the academic com-
munity is encouraged to study
“cultural antecedents" and life in a
“multi-cultural" society where
difference is appreciated, said

Mack, a member of the College of
Social Professions.

The course, called “Social Per-
spective in Racism and Ethnic
Perejucide," is based around works

Mack explores his own “Roots" in a
related story on page 5

by the liks of Ralph Ellison, W.E.B.
DuBois and Claude Brown.

The 10 class members were
summed up by Mack as being a
“vocal group.”

Indeed. In a single hour last week
they examined the factors which
made Roots so popular. A television
version of the best seller has been
rated the most-watched television
show ever.



Murray Grevious, a sophomore,
said Roots has enabled heretofore
shunned specials, like William
Styron’s The Confessions of Net
Turner, to make it onto the
television screen.

Danna Stilliman, a junior, said,
“The thing that really impressed me
was the extent and height of Kunte
Kinte‘s (the main character)
culture. I dm’t think I ever realized
what a highly-developed culture
Kunte Kinte was taken from." In the
novel, Kinte was captured in Africa
and brought to America as a slave.

Other dass members felt Roots
shattered myths and stereotypes.
Continued on back page

Summer garden plots free
fOr faculty, students, staff

Kernel Reporter

If you have a “green thumb" or
even if you’ve never handled a hoe,
UK’s Physical Plant Division offers
you the chance to try a little gar-

David K. Iwig, manager of

division operations, said garden

United effort

Steve Pollis. business administration sophomore,
completes a sign publicizing his fraternity's
basketball marathon. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity
members hope to raise money to fight muscular
dystrophy by playing basketball for 70 consecutive

hours and asking people to phone in donations. The
members started playing yesterday at noon. Anyone
wishing to make a donation should call 255-3511 or 255-
Illll l.

plots are available for full—time
faculty and staff members, full—
time students and retired personnel.
Only one plot is allocated per
househdd, he said. And you must
apply each year to be eligible for a

have a two—week

registration period starting Feb.
28," lwig said. Applicants must
“come in and sign up" on the second
floor of the Service Building.

Because there is always an
overabundance of applicants,
Physical Plant conducts a drawing
to determine who will receive
garden plots, Iwig said.

“During the past two years, 700
people applied for the 250 available
plots," Iwig said. “I don’t see why
this year would be any different.”

If a drawing is necessary this
year, it will be held at 9:00 am. on
March 15 at the Taylor Education
Building auditorium, Iwig said.
Applicants are not required to at-

tend the drawing, but “we always
have maybe 15 to 20 people show
up," Iwig said.

According to the operation’s
guidelines, winners will be notified
by mail approximately two weeks
after the drawing. Only winners will
be notified.

About 10 acres on the old
agricultural experiment farm are
donated for use as garden plots, Iwig
said. The farm is near Com-
monwealth Stadium. There are now
300 plots, and “we’re at our limit,”
he said. Each plot is about 25 by 50

Continued on back page

Archives offer information

about UK organizations

Kernel Reporter

Your conceptions of archives may
include a dirngy, musty basement,
cluttered with material stacked
anywhere it will fit.

On the contrary, the University
archives are a categorized collection
of materials that are, or have been,
generated by some campus
organization or person. The archives
occupy 5,280 cubic feet of space in
the new addition to the MI. King

Bill Marshall, acting head of the
department of Special Collections,
said these records are kept for three
differernt reasons—administrative,
legal and, most importantly,
historical. The collection contains
everything from the past preaidents'
letters to material generated from
the student underground during the
60’s and 70’s.


Charles L. Atcher, UK archivist,
said the cdlection also includes
basketball and football films. These
documentaries are used for
recruiting and public relations by
the athletic department. The films,
except for those from the past three
seasons, are available for anyone’s

“I wish students would make more
yse of these films. I fought hard to
get projectors, screens and a closed
circuit TV for viewing them in the

“There aren‘t any action films
prior to World War [1, though," he

Atcher said the archives’
collection of past UK presidents’
papers is also interesting. “By
papers, I mean the letters of
correspondence,” he said.

“These letters can be used for
tracing the history of UK and its
development,” he said.

Another set of records available is

a collection of the minutes of UK 1

Board of Trustees meetings from
1865 through 1976.

UK was probably 25 or 30 years
ahead of the federal open record
law, Atcher said. Anything in the
archives is open to the public, but no
one is allowed inside. Requests for
information must be made at the

Several other notable items are
the glass negative collections,
Kernel photos, Kentuckians from
1901, all past UK class catalogues
and a list of all past and present UK
faculty and staff.

The glass negative collection goes
back to the early 1860’s. These
historical scenes could be used for a
pictorial history of central Ken-
tucky, Lexington and UK, Atcher

In Atcher"s opinion, the Kernel
photo collection is one of the finest
collections of campus activities.
These photos date back to the 1870’s.

Patterson Hall: old, but traditional
Patterson "all is old, as evidenced by its dilapidated basement. but full of

tradition. See story on page i.




Sylvh D. Wley. of Flatwoods. Ky., has filed a
$4.5 million damage suit in federal court in
Baltimore, claiming that she was badly burned
when the lucien Tailspin cologne she was wearing
ignited as she lit a cigarette, “immediately, sud-
denly and without warning” engulfing her in


A ConRal tank car derailed in Guilford, lrnd.
yuterday, spiling an estimated 35,000 gallons of
acrylmitrile into the surrounding area. Dearborn

County sheriff’s officers said by the time they
arrived, much of the spill already had made its way
into Ta mer’s Creek, a tributary of the Ohio River.
Acrylornitrile is a highly flammable and toxic liquid
which can emit poisonous vapors and be dangerous
when induced into water supplies.

Texaco is withholding from productiorn more
than 5t!) billion cubic feet of natural gas in two
fields off the coast of Louisiana that could have
been tapped this winter to ease severe gas shor-
taga, congressional investigabrs said yesterday.
Texaco did not attempt to pump this gas into in-
terstate pipelines because of a "desire to maximize
its profits,“ said John Galloway, who headed the
probe by the House Oversight and Investigations

The Senate appeared ready yesterday to ap-
prove a fatter program of tax cuts and federal
spending ‘to stimulate the economy than the
program proposed by President Carter. Despite
solid opposition to Carter’s proposed $50-per-person
tax rebate and to the shape of his plan to aid
busirness, senators were expected to endorse to
President's concept of lower taxes and higher
spending as a spur to the sluggish economy.


Israel's Labor Party, which has run lsrael
since the nation‘s birth 29 years ago, opened its
naninat'lng converntion yesterday. Prime Minister

Yitflnak Rabin said at the opening in Jerusalem
there was “reasonable possibility" of moving
toward peace in the Middle East in the next two

° Slush fun

Partly cloudy with a so per cent charnce of rain
today. high in the mid 60’s. Tonight will be cloudy
with a charnce of thunderstorms. The low tonight
will be 'an the low 40's. Mostly cloudy and cooler
tomorrow with a chance of showers.

Compiled from Associated Press
and National Weather Bureau dispatches








Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

i Idler-belief
Gihlv Ed's-rd:
(Id Gabriel

EMU Editor

Lenore no eon-onto should be euro-sod to the [It-rial Miter. leo- llt. leer-oh- Inug. no; nut be typed. "blo-
Ioocoo and lined with lone. adieu and tow nun. Letters and one“ as vet. and cm on unit-tot to 1'


Mm It In!“ utter!
Mlh Mm

0|” I‘m Wh Idler
Sir-Io Mn Phil Rolled.

' nu Down:

“We lollluor carer mm..."
HtleStnm Stewart Bowman
Into uh: Mufti-ll. Manager

Joe Kemp Alu Kelo



Outside pressures control UK housing

Indiana University students vote to decide how
many hours of open visitation they will have in
their dorms. At the University of Tennessee,
da‘mitories are grouped into various categories
according to hours and restrictions. Both have
dorms with 24hour visitation.

And, in fact, neither of these neighboring state
schools report any great problems with liberal
hours or coed dorms. So why not UK?

Those administrators who have argued
against it in the past have always cited the same
“problems.” “Security and supervision, in-
creased costs, public reaction.” Unfortunately,
when one examines that list more closely, only
“public reaction” appears to have any real
bearing on the situation.

Lack of funding

Many of the residents interviewed in our series
on coed dorms last week indicated that they felt
there was “less trouble” in a mixed situation
since students tend to have more respect for
members of the opposite sex.

Officials at UT say they have had little dif-
ficulty overcoming security problems, that a
simple sign-in with accompaniment by a
resident works just fine. Surely the present
“person behind the desk” system could easily be
converted to an open-hours system.

Yet, it’s easy to see why UK administrators
even last week could still cry wolf at the mention
of more liberal dorm policies. With the present
"musing crunch, they don’t need to consider the

UK giveth and taketh;

possiblity that they are not keeping “up with the
times." Students have to take what they can get.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Robert
Zumwinkle addressed the issue quite neatly
when he said that if a student wants 24-hour
visitation, “he has the option to live off campus.”

We understand the power of conservative
opinion in this state. In fact, we’re sure Zum~

winkle’s office gets many “direct expressions of

public opinion.”

But denying open-style housing to students
because of pressure from non-students is wrong.

The administration's foremost concern in
considering any facet of student life should be
providing each student with everv reasonable

option. Housing is one area where the options are
still absurdly limited. '

The answer is to make a wide range of housing
available to students.

Dormitories could be divided into categories
according to visitation and supervision. Students
could then choose the type of dorm they
preferred, with more liberal dorms reserved for
upperclassmen and graduate students. Such a
system is working at UT. We think it could work

Hopefully, the day will come when the
University decides that it exists to provide
students with every available educational op-
portunity, rather than limit opportunity because
of non-student pressure.


Kentuckian was murdered

By ”[011 J. FINDLAY

The Kentuckian magazine didn‘t
die, it was murdered. As a former
staff member, I should know. So now
I'll spill my guts, at the expense of
them getting stomped on.

During the first year of

publication, the staff consisted of
several talented and dedicated




students. Editor Greg Hofelich
proved his magazine genius in
sending to press three award-
winning, regionally praised Ken-
tuckians. The final yearbook issue
was considerably'IaCRing' in ex-
petise, though. ‘“ ‘ “

This year, two floundering
magazines were produced. followed
by the Kentuckian‘s ultimate
downfall. Why, you ask, did the
tables turn for the magazine?
Several reasons.

Last year. the first issue of the
magazine was printed by the
University itself in the basement of
the Journalism Building. The issue
was delayed by more pressing
publications such as ballet in the
Guignol and Otis‘ flowered toilet

Hinory majors tour the facilities
down there to study the ancient
presses. No wonder Journalism lost
its accreditation.

So we switched printers to the
Thoroughbred Press in Lexington,
whidi produced the award-winning
mag. Meanwhile. editor Greg
Hofelich tried to keep tabs on our
budget, seeking the advice and
direction of Student Publications
adviser Nancy Green. But Green is
already adviser to the Kernel, which
is a helluva job to begin with.

Alas. anything Greg proposed to
do with the mag was “OK” with
Green. We soon fell beyond our
meager $11,000 allotment from the
good University. That may seem to
be a great deal of money to you and
me, but to a magazine just getting
off its feet, it just don't cut the

The result of Year One was the
shabby yearbook edition, which
tried to remedy our financial
problems. And we were one issue
shortfor the proposed year. But still,
we were pathetically in the red.
Subscriptions we had gathered
throughout the year were too few to
help either.

It seems student apathy toward a
mag was worse than toward a

yearbook. We needed support from
somewhere, anywhere. The only
thing that kept us alive was our

Pam Parrish, a staffer under
Hofelich, was named editor for the
1976-77 yes r. She quickly appointed a
business manager who tried
desperately to balance our hopeless
budget. But she resigned to accept
an editorship for a small town

Needless to say, the Kentuckian
went down the tubes.

To save face, the Board of Student
Publications proposed a newspaper-
mag like Rolling Stone. An all-Greek
yearbook also has been suggested.

To save face, Nancy Green
averted the blame to the staff
members who she said “fell along
the wayside." Wrong, Green, I was

To save face, Mindy Fetterman
blamed it on everyone but herself.

Nancy Green is quoted in the
Kernel saying, “When all this came
to an end, it just really bothered me
that we were losing a publication.”

Bullshit. UK giveth and UK taketh


This comment was submitted by
Hugh J. Findlay, a Journalism-
English sophomore.


\ ’ ,,



.“ 7"?
"It was an act of God"






True blue

The Student Government-spon-
sored blood donor drive this spring
semester is giving UK students the
opportunity to perform a valuable
service—donate a pint of blood and
savea life. It is a simple act, yet one
which accomplishes a great deal.



During the first few months of the
year, a community’s need for blood
is always great because many
persons postpone their elective sur-
gical procedures until after the
Christmas season, plus there is
always the increased need for blood
after the excess of auto accidents
during the New Year period.

Our last effort of this semester’s

drive will be at the Complex
Commons today, 1-4130 pm. and 6-9
pm. We’re prepared for a big turn-
out of donors, because the need for
this blood is certainly real, and we
know students will respond to this
need with true UK spirit.

Jennifer Tichenor
Nursing senator


Forgotten commissions uncover memorable findings



from Washington


A couple of handsome Mexican soliders weighted.
down with gold braid stood ramrod straight on either.
side of Mexico‘s president Lopez Portillo the other day
in the ballroom of the National Press Club before he
spoke. They were symbols of authority, the human
equivalent of ruffles and flourishes, and reminded us
that other nations aren’t practicing the simplicity of
the Carter. blue- jeans, administration.

President Portillo‘s elegant translator, with a
personality of her own, gave his speech in bits and
snippets with such flair that I got the illusion that she
was delivering the address for herself and composing
it as she went along. The speech was an earnest appeal
for assistance from the big neighbor of the north, as
Mexicoseeks stability.

()nly with such stability, he reminded us, will the
rush of illegal Mexicans across the 2,000 mile border
slow down. The Texas border is the safety valve for
Mexico, which has one of the highest growth rates ii.
the world.

So many things these days lead back to that global
problem of food and population—for instance, two.
recent official reports by US. commissions that have
received practically no attention.

Orphan commissions are a feature of Washington;
they are wandering around all the time usually taking
testimony, their origin obscure and their purpose
nearly forgotten, and nobody pays attention till they
issue a “final report“ just before they expire. They
are lucky to get a paragraph or two even then. These
two have a vague connection and deserve consider-
ation for contrasting reasons.

The “Domestic Council Committee on Illegal
Aliens" was a last fling of the Ford Administration
and has a connection with Mexico. Its 250-page report
was put out almost surreptitiously. It is the best recent
study I know of what illegal aliens are doing to the US.
unemployed. to the welfare roles and to the taxpayers.
Chairman of the task force was former Attorney
General Levi.

Most Americans don’t know, and don‘t want to
know, the impact that immigration (legal and illegal)
is having on population growth, as the decline of
domestic birthrate continues. Legal immigrants now
account “for about 30 per cent of the population
growth" the Council’s report says, and on top of that
there are the illegals. “Illegal immigration is
significant and growing” the report says.

Theoretically the US. has an “exclusionary
immigration policy" but the report says that this is
“ineffective." In practice, it says, “we have a very
open immigration system" with a trend that is “likely
to grow."

The chief effect of this is competition “with native
workers, particularly with the minimally skilled and
under-employed." The Committee means blacks, but
doesn’t say so. The report is written in detached,
colorless, matter-of-fact language.

Just to throw in a statistic, the report says that in
1975 “766,600 aliens who had entered or remained in
the US. illegally were located, about twice the
number permitted to enter by law." That means that
for 1 legal there are 2 illegals. ‘

Nobody seems to be particularly interested in this
subject nor is there any strong movement to do
anything about it. Cheap labor, of course, has its
political supporters, and an illegal alien isn‘t going to
do much protesting about under-minimum wages or
bad housing, and he isn‘t going to join one of those
troublemaking trade unions.

One estimate is that there are about eight to 10
million illegals in the US. at the present time; just

about the same number are unemployed. That brings

up the question of poverty-racked Mexico again.

President Portillo told John B. Oakes of the New
York Times the other day that the economic condition
of onethird of Mexico‘s 63 million people is

“marginal" which means that they can just eke out a

What happens when there are twice that number in
20 years, one can only guess: one projection is that
Mexico City will have the largest metropolitan
aggregate in the world. The Domestic Council says
Mexico is “a major source” of the illegals; in a calm,
even.tone it outlines the futile effort of the 1,600 person
U.S. Border Patrol—to keep back the flood.

At the back of the report are 22 pages of summarized
newspaper clippings in fine print describing the
consequences of illegals in various “impact areas" of
the US.

Sample: New York Times. Dec. 30, 1974—“Half of
210 arrested in 1973 in connection with an international
cocain-smuggling operation were illegals living and
working in NYC area; estimated 6 to 10 per cent of city
jails‘ 7,300 inmates are illegal.” The cities range over
the nation and I should think some enterprising
reporter could do something with them.

Another report with an element of comedy has just
come from the expiring “National Commission on
Supplies and Shortages." a group which few people
knew existed. Its suite of 15 to 20 rooms with heavy
beige carpeting in a modern down-town building is up
for rent and its staff of two dozen or so professionals
is scattering. Its expires this month.

Here again the genesis of the Commission goes back
vaguely to food and shortages and what man does do
when his Earth gets over-crowded? In 1974 Senators
Mansfield and Scott, then respectively majority and
minority leaders of the upper chamber were shocked
at oil and other shortages and felt that some kind of
early warning system should be created.

"Planning“ is a dirty word in Washington—it

suggests state interference in free enterprise—but
surely the government needs some agency to peer into
the future and locate crises before they happen?

After a year’s delay President Ford picked the five
public members of the 13 member Commission
created by Congress (plus four Congressmen and four
Administration officials). Donald Rice, president of
the Rand Corporation, became chairman.

Now it turns out from the 211‘page report (released

Jan. 10) that our danger is “shortage mentality" not '

shortages. There may be “short-run shocks" but there
is “no serious long-run problem of resource availabi-
lity, provided that new energy sources are developed
technological advances continue, and the rate of
increase in population is brought under control within
the next few decades." Put that in your pipe, Club of

This airy confidence from a Commission that
included Jerry Ford’s' four most conservative
economic-advisers~Greenspan, Simon, Seidman and
Lynn—is somewhat reduced when we find that the
Commission defines “long-run" as only 25 years
(there will be 150 million Mexicans by then). Also
there is that little caveat that “population is brought
under control,” and the one about “new energy
sources" being developed.

Oh, well, nobody is going to take the report very
seriously. Not Weinberg, of the UAW, the maverick on
the Commission, wrote a first-rate 93-page supple-
mentary comment advocating Humphrey-Hawkins
style government planning. And the whole thing cost
about a million and a half dollars.


Tim from Washington is a national column syn-
dicated by the New Republic, a weekly publication on
politics and the arts. It is wrlten by 78-year-old
Richard Lee Strout. who is also Washhgton
correspondent for The (‘hristian Science Monitor.
TRB appears weekly.

PRINT snows”



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'I‘IIE KENTU‘KY KERN-2L. Wednesday. February 23. I917—3


Ask about





lot 6. Min“ 8%.




'OI‘ U_K, lHot Deli Sandwiches Happy Hour Doily 3~6
Students and Every Thursday - All day 8. night - 25‘ mugi
I I I Faculty' wed. Mo ‘ “I.
n ISCI‘II I “hate Sotdwll’ooe otiloaii
, 9.] 252-9638 9.]
ans . l
m " k'll' t k
as... I mg a 68 JUNIORS a. SENIORS
ttudents - ' Earn $6,000
toll of bobcat— c,
'ved for ' '
EYEGLASSES and durrn our senior
M work Large selection of .
I today: fashionable year for attending college!
s masco
provide One day servme on optical
tnal op- lepa'ls Malm charge Paid“. llie Nuclear energy field is growmg fast and the Navy is
”cause WClcomE selling ihepace. Already the Navy operates 70 per cent of all
s . . L S. l e I . ,
By BARB (TOPHER itoui at countless football and mits." Bobcats are vulner- bobcats only accounted for 3.5 M0"fned V;n($;\e:i:iepe:\lvngr izcahnnfiiosfagegegigz ijrlteTpaileeepafp
—— Hunting JUdglng from the baSketba" games these laSt able enOUgh as it is Without Per cent 0f Sheepmen‘s O tical this pace if you’re a |Ulll0r or senior with demonstrated
feedback the Kernel received four years. I have a Wildcat outmoded laws in these annual losses to predators. p ability m advanced math and physics, you may be qualified
{ , afterprinting Marie Brophy‘s emblem on my car. Perhaps states. Thishardly justifies an 89 per Zandale Shopping It selected, you will be flown to Washington Dc for a
commentary. Opinions vary being a senior and fated to The bobcat is inherently cent decline in bobcat popu~ Center professional interview if accepted. the Navy will pay you
.3 greatly on this subject. I am leave this beautiful state, I curious and is an easy catch iations in Nebraska, an 35 per 278-9497 5600 a month for to months at your senior year. For further ‘


not writing specifically on the
pros or cons of the sport of
hunting, but on the evils of
hunting a certain animal.



Iwant my biases put justly
into perspectives. I belong to
the National Rifle Associa-
tion, though I have limited
myself to clay pigeons and
probably will never shoot a
living thing. My father was a
avid hunter and my older
brother has a variety of
animals he travels a thousand
miles yearly from Miami to

I realize you cannot gener-
alize and say hunters are
bloodthirsty or sadistic. They
are an integral part of our
balance of nature. This sport
might not be so necessary in


am being too sentimental.

The wildcat is in potential
danger. I’m inferring from
the many emblems, Ray
Harm sketches and our poor
deceased Catbalue that out of
the seven wildcats native to
the United States that the

Bobcat is our particular wild- \

cat mascot. The develop-
ments are just surfacing now
about Lynx Rufus and hope-
fully the situation will not get
to the point of no return.

Bobcat pelts were bringing
as much as $400 on the Seattle
Fur Exchange a year ago.
This is an astounding 4,000
per cent increase from just 10
years ago. When Congress
passed the Endangered Spe-
cies Act in 1969, it prohibited
the importation and sale of
any furs of endangered cats.



for even amateur trappers.
They are dependent on the
fluctations of the rabbit and
rodent populations, they are
susceptible to a lot of dis-
eases, they have a low repro-

cent decline in Utah, a 76 per
cent decline in Nevada and a
63 per cent decline in Kansas
between 1972 and 1974, ac-
cording to a US. Division of
Wildlife Services study.

Eastland Shopping




iiiiomiation (all collect NAVY OFFICER PROGRAMS

+06) 255 0.187.




'1' he wildcat is in potential danger.

I'm referring from the emblems,
and our poor deceased Catbalue.’


ductive rate—2.8 kittens per
litter and even less than that
survive through their first
winter. All of these factors
curb the bobcats population
growth which is suffering

The bobcat does not yet
qualify as an ‘endangered‘
species. To fit that category
an animal population must
fall to just a few hundred. By

Believe it or not the Interior
Department has accounted
for more than a half-million
killings since 1937. Each state
could pass legislation such as
Kentucky has, changing the
unprotected classification of
‘varmit‘ to the protected
status of a regulated game

But again the vicious circle
is encountered. State fish and

% l I controlling the overpopulat- .To, fill this gap. the fur then, survival is question— game departments are very
\: tion of game ‘ animals if industry began to promote able. Whereas a ‘threatened’ dependent on their revenues
(‘5‘ hunters and others had not bobcat, lynx, and even coyote animal is defined as having a from hunting. and fishing
killed off their natural preda- furs and billed them as “Fun possibility 0f being endan- licenses, mak'pg them cau-
_._ tors. This indiscriminate kill- furs.“ gered within the foreseeable “095 0f ”0‘90th predatory
ing is really taking a toll of A bobcat coat costs around fu-ture. HOPCfUHY- the bobcat animalsthat hunters enjoy as
— thepredatory animals. $8,500 currently. Ten bobcats Will be awarded this PFO' targetanimals.

tected classification soon. Kentucky has 59‘ a good
3 - . ‘ h ' h l e
2'33 " 'ea'” Y°" cam“ . ~saY “mm" A vicious circle has been 3:323:32:thioiiaeipielia

- . . ted within the Depart- . . -
lg turn- are sadistic. The are an int ral crea . belief that apathy is alive and
ieed for Y eg 3:? :LéheinTéfirftr 3:311:29 living on today’s college cam-

, ' ‘ .

:Edtlvii: pert Of our balance Of nature. sions. Thef lnteréor Depart- paiseihtgriinoug‘hpgtf‘tEllyn:
One of these predatory are required to make one fur ment was orme to protect Washington DC. and express
animals is one that hits home coat and with the prices so the Wild animals but at the our concerns, it will be well
‘ichenor toall of us. Our mascot. How high it is little wonder mass- same _t'me it '5 responsible worth the effort, Our mascot
senator often have you taken for ive numbers of them are for Wild animal damage to is a proud and beautiful


granted the Kentucky Wild-
cat? 1 certainly never really
gave it much thought. I’m

I associate it directly to this

being wiped out.

The bobcat is protected in
Kentucky. Yet, in 25 states it
is open season 12 months out
of the year with another six

domestic livestock.

' Bobcats, wolves and coyo-

tes are blamed by many
sheepmen for killing their
newborn lambs. According to

creature worth saving from
the backs of a fashionable


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institution that I am gradu- states actually paying boun- a Wyoming Agricultural by Barb Copher. a .Iournal- / '
rise—hit“ ating from in May. I‘ve yelled ties on these 'so called “var- Department study in 1970, ism senior. Of WOI I Ie n S CO ege RI n gs
peer in o
n? The Kentucky Kornol, "0 Journalism Building, University of Kontucliy, Lolinoton, Kentucky, 00500, is moilod five times.
_ weekly during tho your erupt holidays and own periods, and Nico wootily during tho summor session. Third class
‘ the five poo-9o poidotLoxinoton, Kontucirv.0051l. Subscription rotos ore moilod SJ por your, orono cont per your non~moilod.
ImlSSlOI‘I Published by the Kornoi Prou, Inc. and founded in "7!, tho Kornoi hogan as Tho Codot in ll". Tho paper has been
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and four “running: ‘is £3.21: 0:? {2:53. rzw'wby‘nld any to:o’o.:;:nislo;'di;o advertising should no roported and will
iident of Llewors'ond comments more Do ado-2m to .3. «$3133. n.3,?" Joulvitm filfi'awrii'.y’.‘ii’lu"i£'§m
douliio moron and sionod. Classification, ohono numbor and oddrou should no includod. Lottors Should not exceed 250
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