xt72ng4gqh22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqh22/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-10-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 06, 1975 1975 1975-10-06 2020 true xt72ng4gqh22 section xt72ng4gqh22   

Vol. LXVII No. 44
Monday 0ctober6, 1975





Win stats, lose game

Fate follows Wildcats

Kernel Staff Writer

ST. \Tf (‘ ()I l E(' E. Pa —The atmosphere was perfect for football The
thermometer read 63 degrees the skies were clear and the rustic Nittany
mountains provided a beautiful backdrop for the north end zone

Despite the picturesque setting an
unnoticed by the crowd of 60 225— hoV ered over the Kentucky bench. Call
it a cloud of fa te a cloud of ill- -omen or simple a cloud of bad luck.

Whatever you label it. this cloud which proved disastrous in two
previous games at Kentucky 5 (ommonwealth Stadium followed the
Wildcats to Penn State Lniversity And for the third game in a row
Kentucky outplayed its opponent but failed to register a victory.

Impending cloud~completely


(ontinued to page 3

1mm HIG— -



an independent student newspaper



Gloomy day

Kathy Sheridan (above). one of many
UK fans who made the trip to central
Pennsylvania. doesn’t seem too happy
about the latest game developments.

John Pierce (left) broods after missing a
field goal in the Wildcat's 10-3 loss to
10th-ranhed Penn. State.


For Athletic Association

Blue and White Fund raises money

{Editor‘s note: This is the first of a series
concerning financing of l'niversity
athletics. particularly the Blue and White

Kernel Staff Writer

Since near capacity crowds are filling
(‘ommonwealth Stadium for Wildcat
home football games. financial problems
in the athletic department might come as a
surprise to the average observer.

But Assistant Athletic Director Frank
Ham says “it‘s a struggle“ to support
athletic departments because of rising
costs for scholarships. plant facilities and
living expenses.

According to the UK Athletic
Association‘s financial report for fiscal
year 1975. varsity athletic teams
genera ted total revenues of $3,887.000—an
increase of about $700,000 over fiscal 1974.

However. 1975 fiscal year expenses also
rose. The financial report placed 1975 total
expenses at S3.448.000~an increase of
more than$400.000 over 1974 costs.

Thus. the net Athletic Association in-
come for the past year was approximately

The Athletic Association operates as a
nonprofit University corporation and has

investments in government securities and
banking certificates of deposit. The
Athletic Association report (reports) the
market value of these accounts at $1.9

To supplement income. Ham said, the
Athletic Association received ap-
proximately $350.000 in private con-
tributions to the Blue and White
Development Fund—a program designed
by Athletic Director Cliff Hagan in I972.

Under the terms of the Blue and White.
Fund. contributors may buy season
football tickets in sections of the stadium
reserved exclusively for them.

While priority sections are located
throughout the stadium. donors who give
more than $1 .000 to the fund, may sit in the
cantilevered areas on the stadium's west
side if they buy season tickets.

This cantilevered area. according to the
Blue and White fund brochure. is located
between the upper and lower stands, and
has benches with backs.

Accuding to a UK Office of Develop-
ment gift report and the football program
sold a t each ga me. 33 contributors donated
at least $1,000 to the fund between April 1
and June 30. 1975.

Among major contributors were Ken-
tucky Central Life Insurance Companies.

The Lexington HeraldLeader Co., Con-
venient Food Mart. A.E. Walker General
Contractors. Southern StripSteel Inc., and
Valhalla Farm.

Along with the $1, 000 contributions
category Blue and White Fund gift
Lategories include. $500— 3999; 3250- $499;
$100-$249 and $25- $99.

Ham said 5 500 seats are reserved for
Blue and White contributors with 20 per
cent on the east side and 80 per cent on the
press box side of the stadium.

After making the tax deductible
donations, Ham said contributors must
request season tickets at the normal price
of $8 per seat per game. Ham said all
contributors. except those in the minimal
donation category, ($25-$99), have the
to purchase four priority tickets in the
reserved sections.

In addition to priority seating, con-
tribu tors giving $250 or more are awarded
reserved parking at no extra cost. Donors
must contribute each year to retain ticket
and parking priority, Ham said.

Ham said annual scholarships are $3,400
for out-of-state student athletes and $2,600
for each in-state scholarship grants. ”We
have about 200 athletes who receive full or
partial scholaiships," Ham said.

Continued a: page 3


a. University of Kentucky

Lexington, Ky. 4050c


Gay coalition

seeks status

from senate

Kernel Staff Writer

Several senators will try to block ac-
ceptance tonight ofa student senate bill to
support the efforts of the Gay Student
Coalition to gain University recognition.

In a telephone survey. 12 senators in-
dica ted they would support the bill, four
senators were opposed and seven were
undecided. The remaining senate mem—
bers were unavailable for comment.

If the bill passes. the senate would
support efforts of the gay coalition to
achieve university status as a student
organization. The group would also be
allowed “adequate use of materials and
office machinery."

Similar bills were passed by the senate
last year and during the 1975 summer

The gay coalition is seeking the senate’s
support “to pave the way for future ac-
tion.“ Naomi French. coalition vice
president said.

Hal Haering. representative at large.
has vowed to fight the bill.
“Homosexuality is morally wrong. I’ll
light from every angle; use any excuse.“
to defeat the bill.

“The bill will be controversial. but a
couple ofus have gotten together; we’ll cut
it down fast. “I‘m not even going in with an
open mind, Haering said.

Engineerng senator Steve Petrey said
“There will be two strong factions . The
Greeks are strongly opposed (to the bill)
and there are some for it,"

Last year. a coalition of Greeks formed
to rescind senate sponsorship of a Gay

“It‘s a question of legality." Petrey said.
“If it‘s not legal 1 to be a homosexual) then
I don‘t see how I can support the bill.

“I also have to consider the engineering
student. I tend to think they would not like
me to support the Gay Student Coalition,“
I’e’rev said.

Innei Patterson. business and
economics representative said she also
will not support the bill.

“I don’t see gay lib as a political issue."
Patterson said. “I oppose the bill on moral
grounds. It is. against my moral up-

“I am not, however, going to be any part
of a Greek coalition to oppose the bill.” she

Jim Newberry, representative at large,
said he will support the bill unless
“someone presents an objection that I
have not considered.” Newberry also
questioned what was meant by “adequate
use of materials and office machinery.”

“I feel everybody ought to be
represented,” said Sharon Stevens,
pharmacy representative.

Rhonda Crowdus, home economics
representative. agreed. “They (the
coalition) should be granted equal op-
portunity with other groups on campus,”
she said.

Mike McLaughlin, representative at
large, summed up the feelings of those who
were undecided, “No comment. I haven’t
really made up my mind, yet. Its a con-
troveisial subject. No comment.”






Lette's and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the Editorial Page Editor,
Room II4 Journalism Building. They should be typed, (bublesmced aid signed.
Lettes would not exceed 2% words and Spectrum articles 7!) want.

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.

Bruce Winges

Ginny Edwards
Managing Editor

Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Jack Koeneman
Associate Editor


Gay students need
total 86 backing

Believe it or not, UK gay students
have been fighting to gain something
as simple as student organizational
status for about three years now.

They’ve tried everything from dir-
ectly suing the University, only to be
turned down by the 6th U.S. District
Court of Appeals, to putting the cart
before the horse and holding a gay
dance on campus — establishing their
presence, however unrecognized.

This year’s move toward recogni-
tion — asking Student Governemnt
(SG) Student Senate for support — is
in part a repeat of last year’s attempt.
According to Gay Students’ Coalition
Vice President Naomi French, the
move will ”pave the way for future
action.” But, unfortunately, what was
easily attainable in the past may now
be a struggle.

Although the Student Senate gave
lip service support to gay students’
efforts in 197475 to gain recognition, it
did not agree to sponsor the porposed
gay dance. Free University had to do

This year gay students might not
even be able to obtain that lip service
support when the bill comes before
the senate tonight.

When contacted Sunday night, two
Greek student senators, Janet Pate
ferson and Steve Petrey, mentioned
the existence of a Greek coalition
opposing passage of the resolution.
Memories of another Greek coalition,
which successfully blocked SG spon-

sorship of the gay dance, come
floating back from last year. And
other memories, of present 56 Presi.
dent Jim Harralson and Vice Presi-
dent Glenn Stith ~ who led the fight
against sponsorship of the dance in
the Student Senate - also resurface.

What it all boils down to is that
there’s a good chance the senate will
not pass the bill. Of the 24 senators
contacted Sunday night, only I2 said
they would definitely support the bill.
Eight said they ”didn’t know” —
which probably means they're wait-
ing to see how everybody else votes ~—
and four said no. But 26 is only
two-thirds of the 36»member senate.

If the senate does not pass the bill it
will be in violation of the SG
constitution, which states in its pre’
amble 56 will “combat and destroy
all vestiges of racial and sexual
discrimination and inequality within
the University community."

What is worse, the action could
represent the realization of a reac-
tionary wave which has been slowly
taking over UK student politics since
1970 when students burned down an
ROTC building during anti-war
demonstrations. Perhaps such an
action was a little radical for many,
but it certainly did not warrant a
reversal to the present fascism. And
even though the word sounds rhetor-
ical, if the Student Senate denies UK
gay students support, it is nothing
short of fascist.

- ** * ‘Letters~


The Second Annual International
Bicentennial Festival is set for October
0-12. It will take place in Memorial
Coliseum and will feature over 100

The 33-hour celebration will be
heightened by demonstrations of early

, Kentucky crafts such as shoe making,

1 basket weaving and printing on a hand
press. The art of making woolen fabric
will be portrayed from shearing the
sheep to weaving the woolen threads
into cloth.

In addition, to the numberous culture

j books and hourly entertainment, the
’ festival will feature 20 food booths,
French quiche and roasted chestnuts in
newspaper cones, Greek pastries, East
Indian curried rice are only a few of the
: foods that will be sold.

Free to all who enter are printed
handwts listing Kentucky firsts in the
U.S. ——such as the fact that Mother’s
Day was first celebrated in Kentucky.

I hope many UK students will take
this opportunity to experience a little of
the world and learn a lot about their

Kentucky heritage.
Becky Shaw

Human Development senior


I would like to write this letter in
response to all of the anti-semitism that
has been spewed forth this year under
the name "anti-Zionism".


First, Judaism and Zionism are very
closely related. If one would take time i
to look at a Jewish prayer book, he I
would find the word "Zion” printed ‘
over l,000 times and the idea of
Zionism, (i.e. returning to the promised
land, Israel) no less than 50 times. It
would be impossible for one to seperate
Judaism and Zionism.

Second, anti-semitism has been pre

sent for about as long as there has been
a Jewish religion. Before Israel was
established, antiasemitism was
expressed directly against the Jews, as
a people. A Jewish state was thought
necessary by the Zionists, so Jews
would have a place to go where they
would not be persecuted. Since 1948.
however, many people have tried to
disguise their anti-semitism by saying:
"I have nothing against the Jews in
general, it’s the state of Israel I object
to.” What do you think the state of
Israel represents ?

Anti-semitism is still very much
prevalent in the world today, even in a
city the size of Lexington and probably
always will be.

Steve Goldstein
Architecture Freshman

Editor: 5
I wish to protest the removal of the l
bic yclerack atthe south entrance to the ‘
Student Center. j

Barbara L. Houtr.

Human communication

, graduate student


jliiil HUI/l, /
:M {I'M AND ivA/wflr"
S A \W‘
Illa“ m



Protesters also have
freedom of speech


By Undo Cobb

In the Monday, Sept. 29 edition of the
Kernel (”Dayan has a right to speak
freely”), the editorial page was begun
with a paragraph stating that the essence
of recent issues concerning Gen. Moshe
Dayan’s visit was his ”right to speak”. It
then, this is the case, we should be more
explicit, precise, and to the point in every
possible manner to gain insight into issues.
So also, do the ”protesters" have a right to
speak. And speak they did, although it
would seem that they did nothing more the
eve of Gen. Dayan’s appearance, than hurl

Initially, confusion lies in the lumping
togehter of varied groups of "protesters”
and their actions. The demonstration was
begun by the Iranian Student Association
(ISA) marching down the Avenue of
Champions, chanting across the street
from Memorial Coliseum. Their posters
and chants included nothing to purposely
agitate or insult any particular person or
group, rather concerned an issue. To
further explain their position, the ISA,
which demonstrated in the cause of the
Palestinian Liberation Organization, dis,
tributed leaflets to the public as they
entered the lecture. The leaflets were
entitled "Questions to Consider“. The ISA
made every attempt to present their side
of the issue at hand in a clear manner, that
the general public be more informed and
thereby able to view the issue more

As stated in the Sept. 30 edition of the
Kernel ("Demonstrators peacefully pro
test Dayan lecture”): ”The ISA has been
working for about a month in preparation
for the protest” should include that this
group, in attempting to present their side
of the cause, organized Palestinian Week,
during which films were shown free to ther
public in the Student Center theater,
including question-answer sessions after

The ISA printed and distributed many
flyers inviting all interested in the Middle
East issue to attend. If this type of
”protest" is anything but positive, I should
like to know. However, the ”protesters”
are no presented to the public eye in this
manner. For example, observing from my
position across the street, the demonstrate
ors awere well-behaved, contained in a
restricted area, and I noted many conver-
sations of other observers viewing the
demonstration. A large group of young
people, gathered to see if there would be


any excitement, remarked several times,
"Let’s go get drunk and join them.” In
addition, several others played football in
the street between the observers and
demonstrators until police asked them to
leave. The protesters themselves were
non provocative, and made every attempt
to speak without any violent incidents, as
was stated.

"Many of the demonstrators covered

their faces with scarves, towels, and
floppy hats in order to avoid political
repercussions in their home country.”
This alone, should indicate to the public
the general character of the protest.
Protesters risk loss of jobs, suspension of
visas, and injury to friends and family
residing in their homelands in order to
speak out, and present their case. Not
many maintain this kind of courage and
conviction in their beliefs, and attempts to
speak peacefully, against a majority who
are against them. Certainly they would
show as much character as Gen. Dayan,
surrounded by devout followers, support
ers. police and security agents of every
The fact that ”Dayan’s Current U.S.
speaking tour has been plagued by
protests at many colleges and universities
where he has appeared” would not lead us
to believe the worst of the protesters. It
would be better stated that there has been
pacifist opposition to Gen. Dayan’s polic
ies. during his speaking tour.

The inclusive statements concerning an
man carrying a pistol to Gen. Dayan‘s
University of Arizona appearance, have
no valid connection whatever with the type
of organized, pacifistic protests among
student group organizations, especially of
the type representative of the PLO at the
University of Kentucky. Why then, is this
included with ISA protest demonstrations,
whereby it provides allegations of violent
intentions of this group? The citing of the
Lexington Communist Collective, the
Y0ung Socialist Alliance, with ISA protests
gives the impression of socialist tenden-
cies of ISA, confusing the real issue, which
is their support of PLO. It was also stated
that Gen. Dayan was treated "politely
excepting for jeers or boos from protest

s ” If he has a right to speak, do not they
also? I think we should take a closer, more
objective look at the situation of protesting
and "protesters,” not judging, intimidat
ing, or representing one group in favor of
another in standards, terms, and manners,
favoring either side of an issue.


Linda Cobb is an English senior.



.. ,mJJ» 3.1.:

 .. .X-


”I. . «km





Harralson, administrators

considering revisions

Kernel Staff Writer

The present method of selecting the l'niversity Judicial Board is
unworkable. said Robert Zumwinkle. vice president for student

"The real bottleneck has been with senators." Zumwinkle said.
Since the .J-Boa rd selection process was approved three years ago.
even Student Government «SGi president has had difficulty
getting ruminations tor the board. he said.

A temporary .l~Board was established at the l'niversity in early
August. “I used the eight or nine nominations I had at the time
attempting to be representative of the colleges." llarralson said

According to student code rights and responsibilities. the SG
president is to choose a 26-member board from nominations by
sena tors. How ever. only six J-Board members hear a case.

Jim llarraLson. St; president. said he has received only 25 ot a
possible 70 nominations He said he plans to name a Judicial Board
trom nominations received by Oct, I5.

"It a college is not represented. it will be because a Senator has
not done his job." llarralson said. Each senator is asked to
nominate three persons.

’1‘ Ly nn Williamson. assistant dean of students. is concerned that
due process for students is not available because senators fail to
submit nominations.

"ll we can not follow the process (of selection as described in the
code) then we don't have full due process." Williamson said.

anw‘inkle indicated that he would not approve nonrepresen—
tative selections. “ll representatives are chosen from nominations
ol eight or nine senators. I'll have trouble with that. But if one
nomination comes trom each senator. I won't have any trouble." he

Xumwinkle must approve .JrBoard members selected by the

llarralson has proposed adoption of the random method of
selection used last year when a .lABoard was needed to adjudicate a
constitutional question for SC.

“The .J»Board is too political." llarralson said. "lt ought to be
selected like a Jury 'randomlyi. It seems logical to select it that
\\;i_\ ..

The random method is “worth considering. but the average
student is not interested" in serving on the .lABoard. Zumw'inkle
and “We approached six students for every one that served last
y ear “

Williamson supports the random selection method because “no
biases or political motives would be involved.”

“We‘re going to have to study new methods of selection and
t-oiiipare them with other schools." Zumwinkle said.

l'ositions on indicial boards are considered an honor at other
schools. Williamson said Several universities have training
programs which must be attended by judicial personnel. he said

Fund promotes athletics

THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. October 6, l975—3


March of Dimes









('ontinued from page I

To comply with National
(‘ollegiate Athletic Association
guidelines. Blue and White Fund
donations must be maintained by
the ”dice ot Development in a
reserve account. 'l‘rudey
Smetanko. development office‘
employe. said. "All we do is take‘
the money and deposit it into a
special account We till out a
monthly ledger with the names of
contributors and the amount of
the gilt "

Blue and White Fund season
ticket holders represent only a
small percentage of all season
ticket holders. ”am said.
"'l‘hirty-five thousand other seats
are available for season ticket
purchase-r- tor persons who aren't

contributors to the fund." he said.

Faculty and staff personnel
requesting season tickets are
eligible for a special ticket plan.
Assistant 'l‘icket Manager Alice
Woodssa id faculty and staff get a
25 per cent discount on tickets.
“We've had this discount plan for
years." she added.

Alter reserving about 40.000
seats for season ticket sales.
about 15.000 seats remain for
students. llam said. “ll the
students don‘t request all of them
they go on sak' to the public."

Although students don‘t pay
directly for individual stadium
seats. l'niversity (‘ontroller
Henry (‘lay ()wen said an athletic
tee d' $6.25 is deducted from each
student‘s semester activity fee.






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Corea and Return to Forever

hesitant to label their music

Kernel Staff Writers

Any pre~concert press con
ference with a known subculture
music group can boil down to a
rehash of their latest press
release. Surprisingly then.
talking to (‘hick (‘orea and
Return To Forever before their
concert Wednesday was a very
pleasant task. '

The group. (‘orea. Al DiMeola,
Lenny White and Stanley Clarke.
was chatty and loose. obviously
enjoying everything they're
doing, which includes making
some bread these days from
personal appearances and album

They all made it perfectly clear
that their main goal is com-
municating their music to the
audience. “()ur satisfaction
doesn’t come from having a
fantastic private jam session. but
from performing for the audience
and seeing the smiling faces;
that‘s real harmony and
satisfaction," said (‘orea.

An aspect of the unity in the
group is that they don't worry
about how difficult a passage
may be to play,

(‘orea explained that this
leaves the group completely free
to communicate; the nlUSlt


(‘hick (‘orea. chatty and loose. obviously enjoying it.

becomes instinctive to them.

White. who has had no formal
musical training. said that
compromise among the band
members is not a strong factor.
They each have a style of their
own with likes and dislikes. They
all compose so they all get a
chance to do each other‘s style.

When asked how they would
term their music. the group‘s
guitarist. DiMeola. was hesitant
to label their music as any style
in particular. They all took of-
fense at their music being called
jazz-rock fusion.

[)iMeola simple termed it
con temporary and said the group
doesn‘t aim its music in any one
direction. (‘orea said they sit
back and think about it after it‘s
done and not until then.

(‘orea was asked how he liked
having other artists do his songs.

He said he is always curious how
someone will interpret his work.
“I was listening to one of my
songs by Herb Alpert and half-
way through it I suddenly
realized that it was one of my

DiMeola then announced that
'11 the members in the group
would have new albums out soon.
Included is the original
unreleased album by Return To

With that (‘orea said he was
hungry. Their road manager took
the cueand quickly adjourned the
press conference.

Sitting informally in the
coliseum. the members of Return
To Forever display a tremendous
affinity for one another . They
know they have a good thing

DiMartino directs Jazz Ensemble
in concert at contemporary music

By STEVE l,.-\\' M .\ N
Kernel Staff Writer

The [K Jazz Ensemble will
present what can best be
described as a “heavy” concert
under the direction of Vincent
lllMtll‘lllitl, tict ti at t:. 13 p m in
\Iemoi‘tal Hall

The band will cover many
facets of today‘s contemporary
music in the concert and will
feature two blues numbers by
trumpeter Thad Jones who has
gained a reputation in jazz circles
with his creative and coloristic
writing and arranging for the
Thad JonesMel Lewis Big Band.

A new composition by ['K
faculty member Dick [)omek.
entitled "Trombone Job". will be
fronted by the band for the first
time in public.

The ensemble will also venture
into the world of" pop and rock
with a Don Sebesky arrangement
of the l,ennonAMc(‘artney tune
"l'ncle Albert-Admiral Halsey”.
The concert will close with a
funky trumpet feature. "Gospel
John". from the high flying
Maynard Ferguson hand








DiMartino. director of the jazz
program at UK. was educated at
the Eastman School of Music in
Rochester. NY. and taught
music for two years in the
Rochester public schools before
coming to l'K.

His professional experience co-
vers not only jazz but orchestral
and wind ensemble music He
played first trumpet in the East
man Orchestra and has played in
the (‘incinnati Orchestra

tn the field of jazz. DiMartino
has f‘ree-lanced with Dave
Brubeck. Gerry Mulligan. Dizzy

. Gillespie and (‘huck Mangione.

Discussing the jazz program at
l'K. DiMartino said the band has
a double purpose. the first being a
lab-type experience in contem-
porary musical idioms. He hopes
to prepare the future music

, educators in the band for pro

blems they will encounter in the
interpretation and performance
of today‘s music It] the "real

Secondly. he sees the band as a
prime source of practical playing
experience and exposure to the
public something needed by any
musician if he-she is to success
fully grow and mature

DiMartino‘s commitment to
the jazz program at [K is nothing
short of total. In his three years
here. he has helped the jazz
program grow from one band to
two and possibly a third

The concert Thursday is free
and open to the public

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