xt72ng4gqg81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqg81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 1971 1971 1971-10-12 2020 true xt72ng4gqg81 section xt72ng4gqg81 . .
i‘ , .
S b . Party spokesmen give ._. -
u stltutes speak 1' i .
e ' . -
Ht 6 support to KSA ,
i i, ’ , ' V
By LYNN MARTIN supported the student's right to vote in i. , i ‘
Kernel Staff Writer his campus community. While Frymire requirement to SCl'V'L‘ Oil the boards “Ln KSA is “rill-silly lit l‘l.li;.' .ilw iii . - . ’-
Spokesmen for the two major-party expressed doubtg about its credibility and valid and that Ford would support KSA‘s legislation which will put the distlosiire .. , ~ ,-
EUbernatorial nominees and a member of probability 0f WSSGEC- drive to remove the F“‘*“”“““§”" M ”Um“ m H” “Md“ (‘1 m" “Hm.“ " ‘- ' '
the state legislature. speaking to the After dlSCUSSth With members 0f the Host “Nth“. lzmbertons down. I” ['rl’ll‘m’ “”1 ““1 " 5” ”Hw’” ”I . '
Kentucky Student Association (KSA) this audience. Frymire said, “Your arguments turn the ruling of the university back to KRS 104.35.? “He il ivrdi “mild Jpn..- ii .1 _ .
past weekend, expressed mixed are all very logical and reasonable. but 1 the univerSity president and said several legislation \xhicli would prirtide iii .' __ -
predictions and Opinions concerning the cannot see that you can sell it to the KSA llhtl‘O-‘SiilS ShOUhl 4h? (INNER HI student \Hlll thi riglzt t..i {‘ll‘nttjs “ _ ; ' [‘11: _
success of KSA’s lobbying program. majority of the people." umverSity presidential lllllStllL‘llttn ~ 1.” mm. SM; '_ _ . 1
Sen. Carl Middleton (Rep.-Covington), Middleton 53m he felt a constitutional , Host said llcwtlltl not support revision of ‘Middlcton said he had siwnsizred the . . .'
Democratic gUbernatorial nominee Wen- amendment was needed to readily define kRS l()4.._t<.». Whlt‘h Provides that bill cdlllllg for cttlilltlk‘llllillll} wt \‘iHlL‘l.’ _ -' t .'
dell Ford and Republican candidate Tom 3352333355255523532255353?3:3:53333‘35if:3:5:325557325233553352325552522355;5:55:if;“525:5:.25:fists$293323:3:59?;?s:”:=§5325:-'2?25:33?:52253:; student 5 pcrwn‘” ““‘d‘l’m‘ ”“st 1”“ r_"“'”rd“,' BM hi‘ m“ mm ”"3 M“ "“l’” 'i - '_ a".
Emberton were invited to address the SPHHHI 0" (l (".0 [MIN .wrims open upon request to several agents from the House ll had been chanced l-w . ,‘
KSA General Assembly meeting at West-- 3"??3i115r:5:355:355235:5:E23:52:23:za:55:3:=:r:=::::=:::::::::::=::::::::::;:::;:::::;:::::;:::::;;;:;:;:,:z:;:i,.1:;;;;;.::;1:;;;;,;:;;;.;.;,-.;.;.;.,.;.:3.1.4., latitude fir: lanlllUlHHlSI. L riderI p rclsc 1:: illl(:W spec-tip proups It; see lllL' {L‘ci >rds_ in, t. _.
. . . a . ccr s a c open o paren s. c ra said . it i e on \(‘lt sonic unitcrsit‘» ,
ern Kentucky. Unlver81ty. ‘ .- , the requirements for voter registratiotl- boards. law enforcement officials and presidents had lobbied amnnst KRS .' l ' l 1'
Democratic campaign CO’thdmhdh “However. constitutional change in scliol'irshii ”0mm” ‘(4 ”>42 ’ ‘ : . . '=';
Richard Frymire represented Ford. while Kentucky comes slow. if any at all." he ’ l L l I ‘ l H ‘ ) ._ i ' - " i '2 I.
Jim Host, candidate for lieutenant said. 1:"
governor, substituted for Emberton. Both Frymire and Host confirmed their ‘ ’f '
Neither Frymire nor HOSt committed support for voting student power on the < . f t . j
party SUPPOTt to a great range 0t KSA controlling boards of all Kentucky ' i .
issues although both pledged that their colleges. Middleton said he and Sen. 3 " t ‘ ‘_»
. candidates held sympathetic views toward Carroll Hubbard co-sponsored a bill to 1‘ I ; ii '
ii few KSA PFOPOSZilS- Middleton 3150 give students a place on the boards. ‘. i . ' -'j
supported some KSA stands. Residency requirement ‘_ , . .’ .. . ,'
Voting at 501100} Frymire specifically added that he did ‘ ' i. I "_. - ’ *’
Host said Emberton and he strongly not feel that the state residency _
”ska it if; k " "
.9 t {f -» " -_-> . ;
9’. y"; V . .‘ g . - . I - . ‘ ‘ .‘ l.
, 3t“ 1 ' ’ . ‘ .
an independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky mgwtar i, g f ‘ r 3 1 ( . I .
.,’ . t i ' " ' » I '.
Tut’SdZ‘Y’ 0”- l23 197] LEXINGTON, KY. VOL LXI", NO- 29 h 33‘: L; , .. a“ -. , 'l '3
$.21»? a} 't " ,.; I " ' a -,.;.; 4 l i; _.
" x » . t r ' ‘ ” - . , “ ,
Emberton favors a. i , v
:l as - ’7“ w.‘ h -‘ M q t .
.‘ est-51 _ ‘ y _ ..; t
' By DIANNE NASER Emberton had a special interview 14 3" ‘- I ' ' t. . .
Kernel Staff Writer with the Kernel to end his visit on ”t >3 . , ‘ ' ,. ‘
Tom Emberton, Republican campus. One issue discussed concerned... -- " "‘ ' -~ _. , .. . as. . » ' l . . '
candidate for governor, told UK the student’s right to vote in his 1 ‘ -_» m e "“ * ‘ ~ “""‘"-, ’ ' ~ ,_ . ,.
students yesterday he was in favor of college community rather than his 3 W . ., , "" ~ w. .w . y we“ '“ ~’ ' _ j , .. ,
removing the governor from the UK home district. Emberton claimed a g My?» " ' '
Board of Trustees and he would student's permanent residence is his “ 3‘ ,.'.3“*'-'::"" ' ' ‘
advocate removal of himself if elected. home community and that should be I 3-“ M.., 9,, ,C‘ , ~:: . l > " '1
Emberton was on campus to where he VOtCS. ‘ ’ l -' “l “5373} l ' .I > ,
informally meet students and answer (Sunday. the ASSOClHth PTCSS . 1 ' '
questions they might have. Emberton reported that James HOSt‘ Emberton’s ' W , ' '
first made a visit to President Otis A. running mate said hOth he and ' H l . ' 4 l
Singletary. The remainder of his Emberton support the right 0f Bltbbles up, 3 '. . ' I
campus tour included the fountain students to vote in their COHCEC ~. ’ ' -
plaza, Donovan and the Complex. community and felt there was a good It’s a long way from the cracker barrel and checker board down at the general store. . t. l ' " i
TV debate chance 0f the Kentucky General Fountains, modern sculpture and tropical plants provide the backdrop for shopping ' . ‘ ~
Several comments Emberton Assembly passing the PFOPOSKl when it during the 705, as seen here on opening day Monday at the Fayette Mall on ' l .-
received concerned Sunday night‘s meets in early 1972-) Nicholasville Rd. (Staff photo by Bill Cahill.) _ ' ~ I- 1,
television debate between Lt. ‘i i l ' ‘ 7'
Governor Wendell Ford, Democratic -'
candidate for governor, and himself. R . > - " 1
English professor Dr. Michael 11 e C an e enate W '. ‘
Adelstein told Emberton he was “very ,. .- " ' .
disappointed because it was a low level , .
argument and the majority of the . . . , ‘3 . '
debate was real mud-slinging.” l i . ' ' ' ' f-
Emberton replied to comments K co unCllS a 1n ‘ ‘ I "
concerning the debate, “It really . ' ' -‘
wasn't a debate of personality on my 1 g ' l ' 3‘
part, but one of credibility. Whether ? ' i . .
or not you place your trust in what a . ‘ ~ _ ' ' t.
man says should be an overriding currlcu um owe r :
issue.” , ' : V. '
Abortion issue - f- - ,
Barbara Lewis, a student, questioned f - : 1‘ > -
Emberton about his stand on the By LINCOLN R. LEWIS, JR. all college and school lines within the University. ' .‘
abortion issue. “It's a moral concern Assistant Managing Editor Other changes include limiting the mailing list of 3 . » A
I‘m wrestling With but I’m “0t pushing “It is a revolution at UK." said Dr. Sheldon Senate memorandums. notices. etc. to the deans. i i l i 7
for a change. However, I do foresee Rovin, chairman of the University Senate Council. department chairmen and members of the § ‘ -
two or three proposals coming before speaking of rule changes passed at Monday's University Senate l‘his u ill eliminate - '
the Kentucky General Assembly In” I meeting‘of the Senate. approximately 1700 pieces of tampns niiil on '
advocate no change,” Emberton said. The rule and procedure changes will allow the every Senate mailing. l- .
Oh the issue "f .1013 opportunities. Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council and “I think it‘s an overdue change which eliminates .
Emberton said a “concentrated effort" Academic Council for the Medical Center. in a lot of wasted expense. time and effort." Rovin - '
by the state's governor is needed t" cooperation with Illt‘ Senate Council. to have the said.
bring more jObS to Kentucky. “final decision authority over all courses in the Mail balloting now offitial . ~ ‘
When «15de about the PanSt‘d University curriculum that pertain to them Many of the Senath minor tlt‘xlSli‘ll\ ire \wlk‘xl . ' . V
AEP (American Flectric POWCF respectively." on by mail ballots. [his c\pcriineni.il proicdurc.
Company) Plant, a power project now official. is designed to allow more time to .
scheduled for the Henderson area and Council to have Control vital issues during the Senate meetings. “I llllllls ,
o p p 0 se (1 b y m a n y state This means undergraduate level Ct‘l'tSt‘S Will hi‘ the Senate Wlll operate Wllll considerably greater It
environmentalists. Emberton said. dealt With by the undergraduate («(thCll rather knowledge \Mtli tlicsc mail ballots, They‘ll get
“I'm in favor of all industry as long as than the whole University Senate. Tht‘ more information and we are making e\ci_\ effort - ‘
they keep With envtronmcntal need. decision-makmil POW“ ”t th“ “WWW" “h" "km“ (‘ontinued on Page 6. (‘ol. 1

 2—TllE KENTITIKY KERNEL. Tuesday. ()u. [2. l97l ________.———-—-—————-_
county agencies discuss drug Tom Easterling. supervisor of Dr. Dale Farabee, Kentucky
rehabilitation, education and the State Police Crime Lab. said Mental Health Commissioner,
treatment and their relation to he hopes the lab will not hold ul’ said there is a problem at state
the law. Represented at the preliminary hearings as long as it hospitals in getting qualified
I meeting were the governor’s had previously. people to supply treatment.
I ' 0t 1 ice, the state Crime Something happening “Many state doctors have left
Commission. the Kentucky ”Something’s happening." rather than treat narcotics
. Count ' d Department of Mental Health, commented Easterling. “Either addicts.” he said.
. y I” g8 meets the state Health Department,the drug education is not working. Because of this problem,
_ - Emmi) LOYOHGL UKI Medical or the police are." Farabee said. many hospitals
I .' . enter, Comprehenswc . Care Fryman said besides the under the Mental Health
. Wit ru a enCl/es Cknter- and the Lexmg‘?" “criminal Clement” in the dwg Department have been treating
. narcotics squad and POIICC problem. gaps exist in education addicts on an out-patient,
I . department. and medical rehabilitation which “confidential" basis. ‘
By MIKE BOARD agencies at a recent forum at the Delays a problem he said must be closed. He “W ‘ould ro erl treat
.. , 7 ' Kernel Staff Writer Kentucky Utilities Auditorium. Lt. Frank Fryman head ofthe proposed the organization Of a - e L- -p- p“ y-- - 1
. I Fa , . . A F 'd n . . f . ’. . f f - l addicts With eXistmg faCIhtleS if ,
,. . yette Circuit Court Judge t n ay 5 meeting, Part 0 Lexmgton narcotics squad, tESk fOILC 0 PTO €5510n35 h‘ tt'tude didn’t exist amon
- 5 .- N. Mitchell Meade met Friday w h at Me ade calle d :1 brought up a problem which he operating year-round and :1 ista In aid Farabee g
. ' with representatives of agencies “coordinated effort" to curb the said was the source of the working as a liaison between all OC ors, S '
.‘ . . involved in the drug problem rise of drug abuse in Kentucky. resent three- to five-week major state drug agencies. One of the main problems in ,
. » o . - p
after he had heard reports of the Circuit court Judge heard delays between drug arrests and One of the most serious drug abuse treatment in
. .‘ “open hostilities" between those representatives of state. city and their preliminary hearings. He problems in curbing drug abuse. Kentucky, said Meade, is a lack
. said because UK Medical Center said Dr. Robert Strauss of the 0f coordination between
.~ _ _ : charges $15 for lab work in Behavioral Science department agenCies. “Many groups were
__ . connection with drug arrests, the at UK Medical Center. is the formed with the avowed purpose
.I . . . P Lexmgton police have been credibility problem for UK ot combating the drug problem.
~. . . _ ar - 'me e p driving blood samples to the students. While the intent is the same,
. - . I .- State Police Crime Lab in Strauss attributed this each grOUp is going off in
’ I . . Frankfort where analysis is problem to the large number of separate directions.” '
. " , , - I Apply 366 Waller Avenue — Suite 102 peIrIioIrmed free. Stlldt’nt-Sl bOth drug users and Meade said Friday’s meeting .
. . . * I Will’ pay 815. PCT sample and non—users. who feel the UK resulted in a pinpointing of
I , I . . . not have the otficial testimony Health Service and Emergency many of the problems. but “no
. . II . I’ o . ”.1 court, when we can drive to Room tilCilitiCN‘ are unsafe. solutions were reached."
.- I III I. re ess'ona 'fters Frankfort and have this done “Many are turning to amateur '
i . - - ' . '_ . M free‘ even though there is some sources for help When they Wm
, I - ,. I backlog at IthIC 13b? said should be receiving the best i o .
. . . . Fryman on 11115 155110. expertise available." he said. < IaSSIfled :
. _ II . I 0 Ci 0 Q o O O c; 0 0—“- C) O 0
. . . .. o o 0 0 O 000 o O o O o f w.\ o o o O 9 0 Cllsslfled advertising will be Icceptcd
. . , . 0 O o 00 go 00 x 0 O U 0 0 o O C o on I pro-paid basis only. Ads mny be
.i I ', . . II I o 0 oo ,s‘uI 0&0 C5 (>0 ...~‘.-‘: "Ii-Eflk 0 0°C , 0 0 0 pllced in person Monday through
. I : O 43% 5 O. W W. a we” .- gs-gs O . 0° {'59 0 Friday or by mail payment lnclosed
II I _ , I , I o o Q 0 O 5300». 2 :51 *5, % 3mg? o/gjo GO 0 0 O . to THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Roch;
. . ' - O 0 0 ‘o oi ' ‘ 2i ”l . f 0 “’4 o o o 0 “1. Journalism Bldt- '
I . . .3 C7 0 a . 00‘ ”‘4‘ \' 41346/ rig-I5... 4 I I; , ,._ o 0 F/ AL? 0 0 Rates are $1.50 for 20 wordr $3 75
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I I . ' I . ’Jn «mm 197/9. 0 31:5.011-1‘15‘30 o 33";- o o 0 o rt , OK ?\ fig‘bo \, / may cite nce, religion or notional
_ . ‘ , 1 fit? l> too F1230 9 o .. . 0 (2,." l sea-x. "f "m" '5 ‘ q“‘"“°‘“°" ”" mm"
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I 1 .I I .I 0 €\\\‘\\ 0'9 (7 f ‘ryx .1I/réi I IIIII ': I31:‘IIIII_ “ :5? '2,’ ifl/Ifiul / \ \ \\ MOTORCYCLE, . lI970 KaWasaki 250.
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I . ~ ' y; ’ ' ;. .9- 15, 5 3.. . ,3: fir] ‘ 5":ng —‘_"—_———‘-—_—-—-
. I \\ . .I ,1 I ... . 3 I SCOTT Sixty watt stereo receiver,
.I . . . \\ . M _, 2.4» .. \ I w_ .13“. 5:355}... ./ I Garrard turntable, Pickering cart-
.I I I . . _ 3' 7 . II I ”:4 | )w. f 1'! ridge. N9 speakers. $200 firm. 258—2468
I . , . I ‘Q ,,,\\’- It II \ . § . W... i" call DaVid. 12018
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. . , , .. . . ,t .9 ' , ' Cur WANTED
I I I I I ‘ . . I (>1; A . {J \ I. . \I |/' (/1 WW
- j . ‘ . ' ' ' ; \ will . Tl“. ' {WW‘ ' . \\ @ t.- \ "K wig/61y , l COED ‘0 Work 5 D-m--9 pm. Monday-
.I I I \ .‘i WNW“ .I,” ' \\ \ ,; I. ' .Ilfy, 1/ I) //, Friday and 10-6 on Sat. Meat wrapper
. I I. . . I . I . LR} 9/" ~ v. 7;... /’ /1,.I , k‘ If; ‘E‘ 3.7,. .‘%§ // trainee. Apply Beef EnterpriseS, Lane
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. I I T, If“ . J i / II , 1/ I if“ s lfi’e‘liflv \i‘iil‘ii) é /5/’(// ROOMMATE wanted to share nice one
~ \.\i‘\ / I- I, - I; - , 9’? K \I . I ..‘_ /V/""///i}£i'l «77,55,517, bedroom apt. 5 min. to campus, Call
. . . I . I Q .0 ii \i .I /l/ I, 3. I II! I, 1);} fig C . . II, (II. Mi. ”a 7 % i;/I,,////,// 253-0036 after 5 p.m_ 7013
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" ‘ ' - " - A <> ' I757” - .i ' It“ 52 m. . ,2} “in?! / Fon BENT
I « ' . ' . , ‘ '. 1' 1 ‘ ‘ 0" ‘,,»',....’. .1, 1 m,,, , , , _ _
.I‘ i . . . I Q / @371). [Ir/4’. I - f : wu- II '4/27/ - I [‘44, 3 :" . / . c I
I . _ . . I $ 1’ a 1.: g ‘I ‘ a It}? / .* . M731 \ LARGE furnlShed bedrooms, kitchen
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I _ I. . _I I II I 5 . “fl I 1 .2; 57'ij -v¢~w.,.§..wIII&IMI../,11fl7/I1 _ 0° 0 after 5. 216 Univeigliltsy Ase. 125314
. I . i. I x .- Y. .‘ WW
I II . . 6 \I W%— 7,3 ”Z 52' \fi 0 Q .103 orronruxrmts
-. . . II C) . , g 57/ .22. ’ \ ih - 6 PERSON
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.. . - .... - » 5. é! a. 2 i .1 5 , / \0 waitresses.
I I I 4 .I . .r,‘ I . 6 unlimited Iand Iwell above average.
I I._ . . Q o \ I ‘. . I ./ / \ 0 Mail qualifications to Mr. warren,
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. - 4 . , o D ~~ ##— m \ cal 617-261-1964. 12013
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. . ~.~ - . -. O is - . “G . 9 WW
, _ . . I); the wee 0‘ o \\si MOTOR m ..
.' I . . 0 Rose Street Parking structure. Call
I . I.II I I I 257-3217 after 6 p.m, 012
I I I I I _ I: WW
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. . . . I . .I ~- 2.x... t. I *i I leather case with initials McD. Vicin-
. I . t . I; / \ II .I,II:..I.: 1 .I, .' 11y DlCKey Hall, Rm. 57. Phone
I, II I . . . .1 i In l i "x . 1/. . I '. 277-4096. Reward. 12014
. , '. ,I I _ I. I I F i I. i .‘ I w I I; W
.1. . . I . . i 3 , I.» «ye/$3 l ‘. 5 ’ IIICILLANIOUI
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. . I . II I . _ i gng for an outlet? Call 253-1157. or
II .‘ I I . I. . . . 72-1050 for info on a new conllsn- '
. '. -. , I i I i g / ment store. a 1‘
0i w WWW
II .I. II. iI g i I' g The Kentucky K 1. -
; . ' ' ‘, ’ . 1‘ s. ‘ , .' . . .Smtlon. University offlinmggnfgg
, ., ’. a.” '1 w ington, Kentucky ‘0506. Second. class
‘“ ' ' " ' '“ Th t’ th d'fi‘ bem, 3' i ‘ titrsimmesa...
, . . . . . . urn; e
. '. , I . . a S e i , ' 3911001 year except holidn I d um
II . . erence een iI ; Lemon Up and products wrth 5:33.? ..., “humans...“
, . , ,1 . . ‘ . - . P bi'
. . , ; . JUSt a little lemon fragrance say“ or extract. That‘s why Lemon Peéicitm.”xt£“fim?°&£c2‘a§;“2:£
. , . . tun as the Cadet in is“ 1nd
, . . i p bli h
. I . ,' Up Shampoo makes half Shiny Clean. That S Why Lemon Up “:cefisiiiconunuously an the Kernel
F - I CI . I mfge‘aflgflgglmgnmed herein in in-
. . - 5~ 5, aCIa eanser IS far better than soap. And that 3 why Lemon Up a": ".22“ng 3335W$5
. _ . ' . . , . 99° to The Edition.
I . Anti Blemish Lot/on wuth hexachlorophene is your best defense textural; “it.
I u . , I m —
- _ against Oil-troubled skin. a... “3""- m'mm
ung'i ran-cin'guim sci-mu
Ania-itfiitm-i‘o; m
' ' Auzuflnl. Busin'eurocircdhyv-"“

 ———-——________—________________________ THE KENTI'LKY KERNEL. Tuesda}, ()(|_ lg, 1971...}
Serves as commune, church and home .
. .
‘No one is turned away’ at Lord ’8 H o
By CAROL NIEHUS mess,” said Taylor. “The inside It won’t work. People who are Kathy, met at the house and house. They are pleased with its V '.
Kernel Staff Writer 0f the whole house had to be spoon-fed Jesus usually walk OUl hope to be married in success. Government, church , .
The Lord’s House is a place scraped and painted. The owner the front door and spit it out." November. “If all goes well," and civic organizations such as ,.
“where people can live together let us live here two and half The only requirements Taylor said, “we‘ll have the first the Opportunity Housing 'V
and love in a Christian weeks rent free just to get the Taylor listed for living at the wedding in this chapel." Organization, the 1:1”! ‘ .
atmosphere,” said B. L. Taylor, place livable.” house are: One must be at least Christian atmosphere M e t h o dist C h u re h and ,
V who along with his wife, Bernie, The house is now not only 18 years old, able to pay $10 a Another resident, Tom, Alcoholics Anonymous have .
opened the communal housing livable, bUt part Of it is Open to week for a room (board is $10 came because he wanted to live referred people to the house to ‘V , _ ’
_ arrangement last May. the public—the entrance way extra), and abide by the three in a “Christian atmosphere.“ live there on a temporary basis. ' ‘
. Located on Limestone 51-, and the chapel. “N0 0h? 15 CVCY rules posted on the front where “you never get lonely." In the meantime the couple. . _
the house was built about 1910 turned away,” Taylor said. . door—no drugs, illicit sex or He added, “You know married six months, plan to _, ,
35 3 parsonage. At one time it TWelve people, _ 1hCVh1d1h8 alcohol while on the premises. nothing will be taken and continue operating the . _ V
V housed the ATO fraternity. In two UK students, live Vth the Visitors must also abide by these anybody will stop and help you commune on Limestone and to _ , ‘
recent years it was open to UK house. NOt all are ChrlStlahS- rules, he said. with a problem. Everybody loves live as Christians. an experience ‘ . .~
students as a rooming house. “Christianity is not a . . . you and that—intangible as it Taylor describes as “a trip that - ' ‘ ..
. _ , “ Gigantic family . . .. , . -
When the Taylors rented 1t requuement,” said Taylor. We “People that believe in is—means something. never ends and you never crash - V .
in May it was “pretty much ofa don’t force religion on anyone. . ,, . The Taylors have recently on it and you have no fear of *
Christ, said Taylor, are part of , _ n _ .
the gigantic family that is all a renewed the lease on their crashing, .
part of God. They have an ' r .
Ome ec grou instant brotherhood. - . _‘
“You don’t have to , ' s
7 p understand Jesus Christ to make SPRING SEMESTER —" ISRAEL _- . ..
, Him a part of your life. There is . . ; . ‘ .=
. adds new mem nothing you have to do but For Humanities Students VV . . .
accept Jesus and inner peace will , , , . _ _ , , . .. _-.
hers dwell within you. Brandeis l inversrty/The Jacob Hiatt Institute _-_. .
, Phi Upsilon Omicron, the undergraduate students and 41 The TeSidehtS 0f Lord’s Study centered in Jerusalem/Febrnary-]nne. h, t ', 2 '_
home economics honorary, graduate students. House settled down there for 1972 . . . '.
installed 15 new members Ms. Carolyn McKinney was different reasons. Some heard 0f , . .V f " ' i 7
, Thursday at its 10th annual named chairman of the the house through organizations lelted to 30 students . i. _ -
convocation in the law Department Of Management and “Ch as Chmt cent“ MO“ Juniors, Seniors, and Grad students elioible. I. “
auditorium. Family Economics. heard hy word 0f mouth. One 0f ' _ b ‘ ' ‘ '. ‘-
. Guest speaker Ms. Myrna New members of Phi Upsilon the ICSIdChtS, Mark, flrSt came to Four courses/Historv, Literature, Archaeology, ’ ., ' ‘
l Wesley, program director for the Omicron are Sally Brown, Becky the house to return 3.91”?” he Bible ' k ' =
i American Dairy Council, said a Burris, Betsy Cassity, Nora borrowed from a fhehd who . . _ ' V
; pet peeve of hers was hearing the Chitwood, Becky Cowgill, lived there. . _ Earn 16 CI‘EdltS ' _
Home Economics College Jacqueline Curtis, Karen “We ”hm“ mm to “fly f0” Knowledtrc of Hebrew or Arabic preferred " . " i
V' referred to as a “cooking and Demepewolf, Jane Greeman, week,” 531Vd Taylor. “He 5 been 0 , l -' .
- sewing school.” Nora Hembree, Marsha Herndon, hcrc €ch 5mm” . Cost: 82000/Tnition, room, board, round—trip , V' ' '
‘ She said home economists Kathryn Keaton, Jane Talbert, Mark “OW plays the guitar travel Vi ‘
need to “contribute to the Janet Ward, Cole Willis and for the Sunday afternoon . . . . ‘ '
welfare of others by making Nancy Wilson, service. He and another resident, Applicatioi‘i deadline November lst. V .
things happen. Tomorrow’s _ V .- "
, progress depends on our , " ' «
dedication today,” Wesley said. BEN SNYDER DEP T STORES THE HIATT INSTITUTE ‘ ” 5'
. , Jean Brannan, dean of the L For Your Com lete ne , - ' ° ° ' '
. home-cc school, said enrollment P O S OP Shopping Brandels unlverSIty .4 " f . . '
L was up 43 percent within the l-HOUR FREE PARKING In The Ben All Garage Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 7 -- H .
college with almost 500 ‘ with 53 Purchase , _
i , .
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Selentists prov e smo 111g . jomts a ay causes )1 am amabe
, U
V ~ . u U
The latest news out oi minute) who presented their
. Washington is enough to make any findings at the 162nd annual Q B
a. , marijuana addict swallow his roach meeting of The American Chemical \ ' One
‘ clip and run to the nearest liquor Society. \ ,Q' h ('0 proble
. . ’ store for a six-pack. An outline of the research , Qk‘ ”if alleged
_ . With the help of the involving 200 thoroughly straight {J _: - - MM Edit
. , . . . . ‘ (Isaac‘f‘ i t . curse .
2 government 5 National Institute of rats 15 as follows. h. mode
' -- ‘ ' Mental Health, which furnished the The rats were divided into four “ Ma articles
" i _ ' marijuana chemicals (no joke. groups of 50 each. with each group over 0
' chemicals). scientists have proven being administered different ones.
. _ i I ' without a doubt that MARIJUANA dosages of a highly purified form of This
. CA USES BRAIN DAMAGE. delta-9 THC. the most active were not sure it marijuana caused for the effects on man to be Eginel
, . . .. . - , , , . e
’ . - One can just picture it now. component of marijuana. The drug Similar damage to humans, they comparable to the rats. to “T
, I : Richard Nixon running into the was inserted into the rats’ said doctors should be on the alert The Kernel research team usuall
‘ White House blue room. newspaper stomaches for periods ranging from for early Signs among marijuana roughly. calculated that thlS means Wha
‘ ~ L in hand. screaming. “I knew it. I 28 to 91 days. At the end of each smokers lor “bizarre reactions one Jqlht every half hour and out—a
‘ ' knew it. Everyone that smokes period. some of the creatures that were noted In the rodents. depending on the 5129 Of the 101m, series
. ‘ )1 . . ’ '
f j ' i. irijuana is insane.“ (rumors are they never rCSisted) These tedCthhS thlUded that 5_ “0t a 1‘” 0f time for even 23:3:
. The research was done by Dr. were killed and their brains behaVlOtlal changes as well as enjoying the after effects.
. i -- * tlarris Rosenkrantz and researcher examined. Where is the humane tremors and COIIVUlSthS. Furthermofteélsgomg on an
. . . ,7 , -, . . -. . . . . . ,. . ‘) . avera e nice o - an ounce this
. , .. , g .- ugal l\. Luthra (this story is soucty when you llLLCltlltlll: Of course, someone (probably g l tt ‘ , _ t ,$q00
-' ~ getting harder to believe every Although the scientists said they from the press) had the gall to ask roun s ou oan apprOXima e . 4.
. - ' _ tl _ t' t tl h t the a week habit and w1th smoking a
' ‘ . ‘ien 18 s exac w a . . ,
_ - , , 16 SL . .. y . . jomt every half hour. it may be «a
. . . _ j . amount of marijuana injected into somewhat of a problem to keep a
' ’ ' the rats would be to have similar . V .
. . ¢ en'U‘ erne ff t job for very long. or even an
, . .- ..- . > V s on man. . . .
g . ., L “L employer that doesn t mind a chain ‘
. . . . j I, If the scientists kept a straight marijuana smoker.
~. » - .. \l\tR\ll\(il hi»\ii(k\ ' _ _ . .
j - .V _ . I, ' . h, \MANHZI, m” LEXINUI‘ON, ki'. face when they answered that This editorial Will not attempt to
'_ . ' , r ' W"”7",iffijfiffiiif,.377;TEE}; a, ,ZTEiT-ififfifij m- (august-ii). ' tiuestloth we glve them a hand. The so into the arguments about
_, —~——-——.—~~me research team estimated it would legalization oi'mariju'ana. We just
._ . . . _ . hm BMW _\[(,migin;: Iii/nor jam. Lewis. “mm-(m, 15mm, require smoking about 50 thought you might enjoy this story (I
" . ' . ' . ~ l).i\nl .\. king. Business Harmer-r john Cray. Editorial Page Editor m a rij uana cigarettes (more and under certain conditions, we
, . _' i .' IJHlH' l’iatnis. (.it-g llaitiiiaiiti. Rilllll‘l kamiil. lintolii R. Lewis Ii. ‘ ' - . '- - ‘ a ' . .
. " »_ ‘ lialc \i;lllll('\\\. .llltl \\('Iltl\ “tight. i\\t\/rl)!i' \Iiimigin}; l‘friilorx LOlillllOllly kl’lOWIl dS jOilttS) ddlly promlSL you won t be dble t0 qult ”it"?
A. .- . ‘. \llth' 'l‘icrnet‘ Sports Editor Doii Rosa. Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor fOI‘ all [indetemlmed PerlOCl Of tlInC laughing at It.
~ ‘ - ~ "“
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' ' ' rmwrmrw ‘%e D. , \, ’ \‘ x , . fl ’ u .. . . ‘ - .. .
. -. . 37;,me é”: . ‘ we . , t g . / “ fnrul to as a heart
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'- '. . . , . . I"? r a) t ’ , x 1‘; ,1 _ \. / _ / \n ', WW ' Phil!“ . ,' (r '
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" -. .. . . I . -’ " . , \ ‘ \ ‘ .‘ \ ' v .
‘ . ' ' M 'x “we..."* \\s\ \ {‘:“‘\\‘ “80R
'1 . .' - i '. : WWTHE 2"“ M ‘ ” x. , n ' {a h V \ \ \S‘Q“ 63’ fill/Q”, ? “is“ "6
- . H. ~. \ fiE-N 7 \ (a. U, v 77/ :— . ,7 _ ., ‘3 .;
E a ,> . 1 (5i - . _ _ 7- .. . . ___, j _9 —- v >
. . - 6&3)“\~——» - 'T\‘ P ;:”‘_..'; _- _. - " . :TLTL—J . ’ ' 35,; "‘
i . ~' , 7 .y ‘- -—— —«— f '1’... _"_‘: ~—— -— . . _ _ _,-==.—-f;—‘" " 2’5 __;_”f’;
. 5' k A .4? i; 1’ 1‘ i 5:5::;-;;V:;.;I;i.:;3;2;5;.l:...45.“.1-5"-I;2;:fl;i,.§::3§:_:__f:fif13:}:33:53:}:fi.fi:§:j:i:fi:fitgzifi:§:i§§£§:f:;. Kernel “rum: t h 9 readers wrl t9 if5isf;{ifif;55553{Effiafgfgfggggfii-W ‘,_-‘:;:".:;:_-:.;:;;-M:;:;;;:;:;;;:-:;:;;5$.55;
, g . ' .. ’ _, ‘ , [on on abortion which he (or she) will be true that the law states each individual is aspects of abortion and Ms. Tipton (Sept.
_ ' , .. 5 .. . chcnfly‘ three amcjcs have appeared born ~negligence. poverty. abuse, entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of 30 edition) for her personal feelings
-‘ . 5 ; ,~ in the Kernel in response to the Sept. 17 illiteracy "Will be an even greater happiness this ShOUId “0t exclude UhWCd concerning abortion. if there were more
5 .‘ 4- .- editorial concerning repealing Kentucky’s repressmn he (or she) Will have to mothers! In fact, liberty ShOUld include open-minded and concer