xt72ng4gqg58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqg58/data/mets.xml California Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) California Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects National Archives (U.S.) 1939 v, 134 l.; 27 cm UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.10/no.5 books  English San Francisco, The Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Commerce -- Archives -- California Archives -- California -- Catalogs California -- History -- -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series X, The Department of Commerce, no. 5, California, 1939 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series X, The Department of Commerce, no. 5, California, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt72ng4gqg58 section xt72ng4gqg58 ” * w 1illiiiiiiiiiiW“)

Prepared by M
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.’5"_:-:”,':-' The Survey of Federal Archives ‘5, ‘ 5 '17 lei!
Division of Professional and Service Projects . y
' ‘ Works Progress Administration ' x
N The National Archives
- 5. Cooperating Sponsor

5 San Francisco, California

The Survey of Federal Archives

V ‘ 1939

 11 7 a
The Survey of Federal Archives
Philip M. Hamer, National Director
Cyril E. Paquin, Director, Northern Division
' Edgar L. McRae, Director, Southern Division
Division of Professional and Service Projects
Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator ,9:,:
Elizabeth Clause, State Director, Northern Division - . ;@é*
Linton H. Smith, Acting State Director, Southern Division
F. C. Harrington, Administrator
William R. Lawson, State Administrator, Northern Division
Herbert G. Legg, State Administrator, Southern Division
_ wxw

 g. . . iii ‘
The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the
products of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a
nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration from
January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937, and has been continued in
California since that time as a state project of that Adminis-
The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows:
Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey,
acknowledgements, and general discussions of the location, condi—
tion, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding
serieS'contain the detailed information secured by workers of the
Survey, in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned
to each of the executive departments (except the Department of
State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within
each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organiza—
tion and records of the governmental agency concerned; the suc-
ceeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate numbers
being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in
each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona
, No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc.
,> . For each local office information regarding each series, or
.; £59 v . unit of related records, is presented in the following order:
f?%;, title, inclusive dates ("to date"‘indicating an open file at the
_ I rest time the information was secured), general description of infor-
mational content, description of the system of filing or index—
ing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form
of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.),
linear footage, description of the containers, physical condi-
tion of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by
room number or other identifying information, and finally, the
number of the Form 588A on which this information was original-
ly recorded by a Survey worker and from which it was abstracted
for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives.
When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which
has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of
this is given by use of the reference "See addenda."
In California the work of the Survey was under the direction
of Mr. Charles L. Stewart, Regional Director for California and
Nevada, from its inception until June 30, 1937. From that time
until September 1, 1937 the work was under the supervision of
its. Thelma Ziemer, State Director of the Historical Records
Survey. Since then hr. Cyril E. Paquin has been in charge of
the state project. The map and bureau title pages were pre-
pared by Mr. Paul O‘Bryne, a member of the San Francisco Staff.
This Inventory of the records of the Department of Commerce in
A California was prepared in the San Francisco office of the
"“ -, Survey and was edited before final typing by Mr. Arthur R.
,’ Kboker of the Washington office.
Cyril E. Paquin, State Director
. San Francisco, California Survey of Federal Archives
April 3, 1939 in California

 F iv
Bakersfield, Airway Radio Station............................ 2
Barstow, Airway Mechanician's Office......................... 3
Daggett, Airway Radio Station................................ 3
Los Angeles, Supervising Airline Inspector................... 4
Oakland, District manager, Sixth District Headquarters....... 7
San Francisco, Airport Engineer.............................. 10
Long Beach, Hydrography and Topography Division,
Field Station............................................. 13
Los Angeles, Seismograph Station............................. 14
San Francisco, Hydrography and Topography Division,
Field StationoovaID-soon-Iota...use...na-on-ou-nuI-onuuoos 15
San Francisco, Seismograph................................... l9
Baird, Fish Hatchery......................................... 22
San Pedro, Fishery Industries Division, Laboratory........... 23
Los Angeles, District Manager................................ 26
. San Diego. Foreign Trade Secretary........................... 28 I
1 San Francisco, District Office............................... 29
Introduction................................................. 31
Alcatraz Island, Alcatraz Light Station................J..... 35
Angel Island, Angel Island Light Station (not surveyed)...... 36
Ano Nuevo Island, Ano Nuevo Island Light Station
(not surveyed)............................................ 36
Blunts Reef Lightship (not surveyed)......................... 37
Capetown, Cape Mendocino Light Station....................... 37
Carquinez Straits, Carquinez Straits Light Station
(not surveyed)............................................ 38
Crescent City, Crescent City Light Station................... 39
j Crescent City, St. George's Reef Light Station............... 40
Eureka, Humboldt Bay Light and Fog Signal Station............ 41
F Farallon Islands, Farallon Island Light Station.............. 43
Fort Baker, Limo Point Light Station......................... 45
Fort Barry, Bonita Point Light Station....................... 46

 : V ‘
Hueneme, Hueneme Light Station............................... 48
Loleta, Table Bluff Light Station............................ 49
Mendocino City, Point Cabrillo Light Station................. 51
Palos Verdes Estates, Point Vicente Light Station............ 52
Pescadero, Pigeon Point Light Station........................ 54
Petrolia, Punta Gorda Light Station.......................... 55
Piedras Blancas Light Station (not surveyed)................. 56
Point Arena, Point Arena Light and Fog Signal Station........ 57
Point Arguello, Point Arguello Light Station (not surveyed).. 58
Point Conception, Point Conception Light Station............. 58
Point Fermin, Point Fermin Light Station (not surveyed)...... 60
Point Montara, Point Montara Light Station (not surveyed).... 61
Point Pinos, Point Pinos Light Station....................... 61
Point Reyes, Point Reyes Light Station....................... 62
Point San Luis, Point San Luis Light Station................. 64
Point Sur, Point Sur Light Station........................... 66
Port Chicago, Roe Island Light Station....................... 67
Richmond, East Brother Island Light Station.................. 69
San Diego, Ballast Point Light Station....................... 70
, San Diego, Point Loma Light Station.......................... 71
San Francisco, Eighteenth Lighthouse District Headquarters
Superintendent............................................ 73
San Francisco, San Francisco Lightship (not surveyed)........ 77
San Francisco, Mile Rock Light Station....................... 77
San Pedro, Lighthouse Depot.................................. 79
San Pedro, Los Angeles Harbor Light Station.................. 80
Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Light Station................... 81
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Light Station......................... 83
Southhampton Shoals, Southhampton Shoals Light Station
. (not surveyed)............................................ 85
~ Trinidad, Trinidad Head Light Station........................ 86
: Venture, Anacapa Island Light Station........................ 87
' Yerba Buena Island, Lighthouse Depot......................... 88
Yerba Buena Island, Yerba Buena Island Light Station......... 106
Yerba Buena Island, Relief Lightship (not surveyed).......... 107
San Francisco, Local Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers......... 110
San Francisco, Shipping Commissioner......................... 121
. San Pedro, Local Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers............. 123
San Pedro, Shipping Commissioner............................. 131
i Riverside, Clay and Silicate Products Division,
Field Test Station........................................ 134
‘ San Francisco, Clay and Silicate Products Division,
Cement Section (not surveyed)............................. 134

 " fl}
’31:? CGMME
Pg ‘-

 2 2
Administration Bldg., Kern County Airport

This agency was established in Bakersfield on January 15, 1933.
Its chief function is to safeguard life and property on the heavily
traveled air lane between San Francisco and Los Angeles. It aids
in the operation and maintenance of intermediate landing fields
and beacon lights, furnishes constant radio information to pilots
regarding weather and winds, and transmits reports from pilots to
the Weather Bureau with which it cooperates. It also supplies
directional aid in blind weather, and informs of conditions to be
met in blind landings. A daily traffic log is kept of planes on
the lane, noting their airway observations, and discrepancies in
schedules. A monitor range~chart sets forth the plane's location
when picking up the agency's signals. Monthly reports are sent to
Washington through the Weather Bureau.

1. WEATHER REPORTS, 1934 - 1935. USWB.Form 1130 shows infor—
mation furnished to pilots on temperature, humidity, visibility,
directional winds, and reports from pilots and other airports on
prevailing weather conditions. (Daily, official.) 8% X 10 bun—
dles and sheets, 5 in., on wooden Shelf. Office. (3, 1)

, 2; DAILY TRAFFIC REPORTS BY MONTEB, 1935 ~ 1936. Show all
planes entering, departing, or grounded; on or off schedules,
reason for delay, list of passengers and crew, flight checks
and airway observations. (Daily, official.) 5& X 8% bundles,

1 ft. 6 in., on wooden Shelf. Office. (2)

USWB Form.ll35. (Daily, official.) 5 x 8% bundles, 3 in., on
wooden shelf. Office. (6)


, 1936. Form AB~24O shows location of plane in flight when re—
ceiving signals from_air base or observation plane. (Daily,
official.) 8 X 10% bundles, 4 in., on wooden shelf. Office.

. (4) '

 E Bureau of Air Commerce, Daggett 5
shows weather conditions at different times in various areas
for information of air navigation. (Daily, official.) 8 x 10%
bundles, 10 in., on wooden shelf. Office. (5)
Finke Bldg., 130 First St.
This agency, established in Barstow in 1952, functions as the
main checking headquarters of all planes flying the Los Angeles,
Salt Lake, and Texas airways, and supervises intermediate landing
fields, beacon lights, and radio directionals. In cooperation
, with the Weather Bureau, the agency advises pilots of weather and
winds, and transmits weather observations of pilots to the Weather
Bureau. Flight checks are compiled on all planes from time of en—
tering this lane until leaving. These checks are records of weath—
. ~ er, ceiling, off—schedule reports with reasons for delay, and gen—
, eral information relative to the flight. All reports are sent to
1 - the District Headquarters, Oakland, California.
I 6. REFERENCE FILE, 1029 to date. Correspondence, invoices,
. requisitions, circulars, and reports. (Daily, official.) 10 X 12
. folders, 13 ft. 6 in., in 8 draWers of steel filing cases. R. 1.
(A) Airport Headquarters, Four miles east of Daggett
, (B) Hydrogen Shed, Four miles east of Daggett
,~ This intermediate lending field was established in Daggett in
1951. Its major function is that of an additional safeguard of
1' life and property in air commerce by constant radio contact with
H planes on the lane, advising pilots of weather and winds, and
' 1 supplying all information relative to conditions to be met in the
event of blind—landings. Weather conditions reported by the pilots
-' are transiitted to the Weather Bureau, with which the agency cooper~
ates. All records and reports are sent to District Headquarters,
Oakland, California.

 1 Bureau of Air Commerce, Los Engeles 4

7. GENERAL REFERENCE FILE, 1951 to date. Ship landing re—
ports, circulars and correspondence, rmnthly traffic reports,
radio transmitter record, radio equipment failure reports, con—
dition reports, weather bureau forms, and miscellaneous forms.
(Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders, 8 ft. 6 in., in 4 drawers
of steel filing case. Office (Bldg. 1.). (i)

(Rarely, official.) 10 x 12 pamphlet boxes, 7 ft., on shelf.
(Bldg. B). (2)

9. WENEEERTBLETYPE TEPES, 1951 to date. Reports of Weather
conditions at different times in various places for information
of air navigators. (Rarely, official.) 5 in., in diameter and ,
1% in., thick, teletyped tape rolls, 7 ft., on wooden shelves
and in pasteboard box. (Bldg. B). (1)

10. PROPERTY ACCOUNT, 1954.- to date. Record of all property
on the field. (Daily, official.) 20 x 50 books and 10 X 12
folders, 10 in., in steel filing case. Office (Bldg. A). (5)

Administration Bldg., Los Angeles Municipal Airport
Inglewood, California

This agency was established in 1927. It was originally quaré
tered in the Chamber of Commerce Building, 123 South Hill Street;
moved to the Bendix Building, maple and Tuelfth Streets in February
1950; then to the present location in may 1955.

Its major function is to promote and develop air traffic with
public safety constantly in View. In furtherance of this policy,
pilots and mechanics are examined, planes and instruments are
tested, and factual data is compiled on airways, beacons, and
landing fields. Also all new models of air—craft are tested by
the engineers as are old models in which a change in construction
has been made.

All air—craft arriving or departing from airports in the vicin—
ity of Los Angeles is under the jurisdiction of this agency.

A list of useless papers has been submitted to Washington and
their destruction awaits authorization.

ll. CORRESPONDENCE, may 1928 to date. Letters to and from
air regulations division, airline inspection service, supervising

' airline inspector, radio development section, navigation division,

 ‘ Bureau of Air Commerce, Los Angeles 5
airway development and construction sub—division, relative to
the expansion and development of work of the aeronautics branch.
Filed numerically under Dewey decimal system. (Daily, official.)
9 x 12 folders, 6 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 200. (6562)

12. ACCESSORIES, 1950 to data. Statistical details, concerning
accessories and different parts of airplanes, furnished by manufac-
turers and by Government inspectors. Segregated by name of acces—
sory or part, and numbered 1 to 15. (Occasionally, official.)

10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 5 in., in steel filing case. R. 250. (6568)

‘ l5. ENGINEERING DATA, 1950. On various makes of airplanes; show
name and address of manufacturers, blue prints of all airplane parts,
photographs, correspondence relative to inspections and detail of
copies of tests made by companies' engineers with their signatures
and those of witnesses. Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, of-
ficial.) 9%-x 12 envelopes, 1 ft. 9 in., in 4 drawers of steel
filing case. 11.202; (6564:)

14. REPAIRS, 1950 to date. Details of all repairs made on
airplanes, and copies of telegrams in reference thereto. Filed
alphabetically by name of plane. Index. (Occasionally, official.)
10 x 12 envelopes, 5 ft. 10 in., in 4 drawers of steel cabinet.

R. 205. (6570)


1951 to date. Miscellaneous data, reports, blueprints, specifi—
cations and analysis of airplane models built by various aircraft
manufacturers; show model's number, and name of manufacturer. See
addenda for list of manufacturers and further description. Filed
numerically by name of manufacturer. (DailyJ official.) Variously
sized folders and bundles, 99 ft. 4 in., in 56 drawers of metal
filing cases, on floor and on top of filing case. R. 205. (6575)

16. BLUERRINTS AND SPECIFICATIONS, 1951 to date. Approved and
disapproved specifications of aircraft models. Three copies are
made: one sent to Washington, one to manufacturer, and one retained.
See addenda for list of designs and manufacturers. Filed alphabeti—
cally. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 blueprints, 51 ft. 1 in., in 35
drawers. R. 205. (6569)

Blueprints and reports of engines and parts submitted by airplane
manufacturers to the second inspection district for approval or
rejection. Filed alphabetically by name of manufacturer and nuner~
icully by part number. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 11% folders,

4 ft. 7 in., in 4 drawers of steel filing case. 4th floor. (6576)

 2 Bureau of Air Commerce, Les Angeles 6

AND SPECIFICATIONS, 1931 to date. Letters to and from manufac-
turers of airplanes relative to factors concerning designs of
airplanes submitted for approval of engineering department.

Filed alphabetically by name of manufacturer. (Occasionally, ~
official.) 10 x 12 folders, 5 ft. 5 in., in 3 drawers of steel
filing case. B. 203. (6575)

19. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1951 to date. Pertains to speci-
fication of new and modified planes, changes in aircraft, proof
type certificates, and miscellaneous items concerning examination
and classification of new planes and equipment tested, accepted or
rejected by this office; also correspondence to and from various
manufacturers of airplanes. Arranged numerically. Index. (Occa-
sionally, official.) 9 x 12 loose—leaf books (24), 5 ft. 4 in., on
top of desk. 4th floor. (6574)

20. GENERAL FILES, 1951 — 1952. Correspondence and data rela»
tive to the general administration of this office: inspectors'
service records, waivers, Violations, lists of pilots issued
licenses and date issued, copies of all mechanics' licenses issued
in Washington, and names and addresses of pilots throughout the
United States whose licenses were cancelled. Correspondence and
data filed according to the Dewey decimal system and licenses
arranged alphabetically. (Rarely, official.) 9% x 12 folders,

5 ft. 3 in., in 5 drawars of steel filing case. B. 202. (6565)
21. INDEX TO FILES, 1951 to date. Complete index to records
of this office. See addenda for list of records. Arranged numeri-
cally according to the Dewey decimal system. (Daily, official.)

8 x 1095 loose—leaf book, 1 in., in desk. R. 200. (6561)

22. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1951 - 1955. Records of
airplane accidents reported to this office by pilots, observers,

_ manufacturers and investigators. Arranged alphabetically by name
of airplane. (Never.) 10 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 8 in., in steel
filing case. B. 203. (6572)

Correspondence with manufacturers and Department of Commerce, and
personal letters of inspectors. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 9 in.,
in steel filing case. B. 250. (6371)

24. ULEECBY AUTOMOBILE REPJRTS, June 28, 1951 to date. Form
nB-ieo, weekly log book of all automobiles in service. Shows
license number, date, speedometer readings at beginning and end
of week, detailed record of trips made, starting point, destina—
tion, distance travelled, name of inspector, items of repair and
amounts, itemized entries on gas used, total for week and grand
total. Arranged chronologically. Index. (Daily, official.)

6 x 9% vols., 9 in., in steel filing case. R. 202. (6566)

 1 Bureau of Air Commerce, Oakland 7

25. FLIGHT LOG, August 19, 1931 to date. Form AB-SZ, weekly
record of Government owned planes. Each plane has a log book
showing make of plane, licanse number, serial number and make of
engine, date, place of departure and arrival, flying time, name
of pilot, purchases and repairs, weekly total of flying time and
total to date. Reverse side gives a complete report on inspection
of ship, showing details of defects or repairs necessary, signature
of inspector, and date. (Daily, official.) 5—7/8 x 9—3/8 vols.,
8 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. B. 202. (6365)

26. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1934 to date. Show memoranda of
inspectors and medical examiners, vouchers, telegrams, national
advisory committee for aeronautics, memorandum to 2d inspection
district, personnel, and memo on travelling personnel. Filed
chronologically. (Daily, official.) 10 x 13 folders, 8 in., in
steel filing case. B. 203. (6367)

27. AIRPLANE PARTS, n.d. Lists various parts of airplanes
and their effect on performance after tests made by this officer
See addenda for list of parts. Arranged alphabetically by sub-
ject matter. (Occasionally, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 4 in., in
card cabinet. 4th floor. (6377)

Treasury and Customs Bldg., 241 18th St.

This agency was established in San Francisco in July 1927, and
was known as the Aeronautic Branch of the Lighthouse Service until
July 1933. At that time it moved from the Customs Building in San
Francisco to the present location, and assumed the designation it
now bears.

It functions in safeguarding life and property on the much
traveled air lanes radiating from Oakland; aids air navigation in
the operation and maintenance of terndnals, intermediate landing
fields and beacon lights, and relays weather information to pilots
by radio. Flying observations are transmitted to the Weather Bureau
with which this agency cooperates, and data regarding directional
aid in blind weather and conditions to be encountered in blind land—
ings is supplied.

A running traffic log is kept of all planes on the various air
lanes with notations of their airway observations and discrepancies
in schedules. A radio range monitor places the location of the

 2 Bureau of Air Commerce, Oakland 8
plane when picking up the agency's signals. monthly and quarterly
reports, copies of purchase vouchers, and technicians' cost re—
ports are sent to Washington.

Records prior to July 1927, appear to be blueprints, architec-
tural drawings, and construction costs of buildings and landing
fields. .

28. BLUEPRINTS, 1921 to date. Blueprints of airways, landing
fields, beacons, buildings, equipment and supplies; also includes
navigation maps. Filed according to geographical area. 3 x 5
cross index, 6 in. (Daily, official.) Variously sized maps and
blueprints, 47 ft., in 12 drawers of steel filing cases, in 8 draw~
ers of wooden filing cases and in standard wooden map case.

Rs. 201 and 202. (796)

29, REPORTS AND VOUCHERS, 1921 to date. Quarterly reports of
materials supplied to specified areas; also job vouchers, and ma—
terial and labor costs of construction and repair work. (Occasion-
ally, official.) 8% x 11 bundles, 4 ft., in 2 drawers of metal
filing case. R. 201. (797)

30. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1927 to date. Corre3pondence, leases,
property records, reports, bulletins, sites, landing fields, beacons,
proposals, specifications, contracts, orders, requisitions, invoices,
notices to airmen, time sheets, vouchers, and monthly'reports. Filed
alphabetically. ‘(Rarely, official.) 8% x 10 folders, 105 ft. 5 in.,
in 46 drawers of metal filing cases and in 2} drawers of wooden fil—
ing cases. Rs. 28, 201, 202 and 203. (798)

31. OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES, 1927 to date. Inventory shows
make and type of equipment, transfers from one department to another,
and cost accounting records. Filed alphabetically. (Occasionally,
official.) 5 x 8 cards, 1 ft. 3 in., in wooden Kardex filing case.
R. 201. (799) .

32. PERSONNEL, 1927 to date. Forms 6 AB and 7; service rec-
ords of airway keepers, mechanics, radio operators and laborers;
daily time sheets; leaves of absence; civil Service and other
matters pertaining to active and inactive personnel. Filed alpha—
betically. (Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders and 5 x 8 cards,

15 ft. 6 in., in 8 drawers of metal filing cases and in 6 drawers
of wooden filing cases. R. 201. (800)

33. IROPERTY REPORTS, 1927 to date. Inventories of supplies
and equipment at airway radio stations. Filed by name of station.
(Daily, official.) 8 X 10 loose-loaf books, 8 in., in 2 metal
visible binders. R. 203. (801)

 ( Bureau of Air Commerce, Oakland 9

54. TELETYPE, 1927 to date. Location of teletypes. Filed
numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 4 in., in
wooden filing case. B. 205. (802)

35. AUTO PLATE RECORD, 1928 ~ 1953. Automobiles in service
of Bureau of Air Commerce in this district. (Rarely, official.)
5 x 8 cards, 5 in., in wooden filing case. R. 201. '(804)

56. ROUTE FILES, 1928 to date. Weekly reports, sites, leases,
requisitions, and correspondence for flying routes from San Fran—
cisco to Reno, and San Diego to Los Angeles. Filed alphabetically
by area symbol. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 folders and bundles,
36 ft., in 32 drawers of metal filing cases. R. 201. (805)

57. SDITE DISTRICT CIRCULARS, 1928 to date. Information and
orders which originated in this office. Filed numerically.
(Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 5 ft. 2 in., in 4 drawers of
metal filing case. R. 201. (805)

58. AIRWAY SUPPLY ORDERS, July 1, 1928 - July 16, 1933. "In—
vitation to Bid" and copies of purchase vouchers. Filed numeri~
cally by purchase order number; (Rarely, official.) 10 x 12
bundles, 2 ft. 5 in., in 8 Columbia binding cases. R. 201. (806)

59. CORMUNICATIONS, 1953 to date. Traffic messages and daily
communications. (Frequently, official.) 8% x 11 Sheets, 1 ft.

9 in., in wooden filing case. R. 28. (807)

40. VOUCDERS, June 1935 to date. Office copies of purchase
vouchers. Filed numerically. (Occasionally, official.) 8% x 11
Sheets, 6 ft. 8 in., in d drawors of metal filing case. R. 201.

41. FTIMNCIAL REPORTS, 1934 to date. Cost reports, monthly
accounts, and correspondence regarding bonds and bank deposits.
(Daily, official.) 8% x 11 folders, 2 ft., in metal filing case.
B. 201. (809)

42. lflEfi) OF PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS, 1934 to date. Invoice of
property and supplies purchased and transferred between stations.
(Daily, official.) 8% x 11 Sheets, 9 ft., in steel filing case.
R. 201. (810)

 , Bureau of Air Commerce, San Francisco _10
Monadnock Bldg., 681 Market St.

This agency was established in San Francisco in October 1935,
and was located at 49 Fourth Street until May 1936. This head-
quarters office has supervision over the planning and construc-
tion of airports, most of which have been built as projects of
the Works Progress Administration. Jurisdiction includes Wash—
ington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada. Arizona, Nyoming,
Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Alaska, and Hawaii. No
records have been sent to washington as yet, nor are there any
useless papers.

43. AIRPORT PROJECT FILES, Oct. 1935 to date. DAA Form 8,
field inspection progress report; AMM Form 18, airport inspec-
tion report; QMC Form 26, airport reports on investment and oper-
ations; QMC Form 29, airport facilities report; QMC Form 79, air-
port investment and operating questionnaire — confidential; WPA
Form 301, project proposal; EPA 306, project application; Stand-
are Form 1012, Public voucher for reimbursement of travel; other
expenses, including per diem. Files also contain plans and speci—
fications, blueprints, and miscellaneous correspondence. See1
addenda for full description of forms and detailed data. (Daily,
official.) 9 x 14 folders, 34 ft. 4 in., in 16 draWers of steel
filing cases and on desk. Rs. 470, 454 and 472. (14319, 14320,

44. BLUEPRINTS, Oct. 1935 to date. Blueprints of airports
and EPA airport projects Show name of airport or project, loca—
tion, project number, size of field, date made, location of
building, elevation, and serial number. (Daily, official.)
Variously sized bundles, 2 ft., on desk and on filing cabinet.
Rs. 454 and 470. (14362, 14365)

45. FEDERAL PROJECT REPORTS, Oct. 1935 to date. Progress
report and cost sheet of EPA airport projects show name of air~
port,'location, date started, appropriations, state or other
funds, project number, type of work, work scheduled and completed
to date, percent complete, estimated or actual completion dates,

material and labor costs, man—years of work, total number of men
employed, superintendence cost, amount expended to date, and
amount necessary to complete. (Daily, official.) 30 x 36 sheets
7', in., on desk. R. 454. (14566)

 ( Bureau of Air Commerce, San Francisco 11
' 46. PHOTOGRAPH RECORDS, Oct. 1955 to date. Show name of
airport, location, date taken, date of field survey, and dates
sent to Washington to be photostated, returned and checked.
(Daily, official.) 12 x 12 covers, é-in., on desk. R. 454.

47. WEATHER REPORTS, Oct. 1935 to date. Show date, wind
velocity and direction, temperatures, prevailing conditions and
forecasts of approaching changes and relative information, and

' notices to airports and to U. 8. Army and Navy stations. (Daily,
official.) 10 x 14 and 8 x 10% sheets, 2 in., hanging on wall.
R. 454. (14318)

_ 48. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, 1957 to date. Show nane of airport,

location, date photograph was taken, size of field, location
and size of buildings, runways and hangars, and general data
pertaining to airport. (Daily, official.) 10 x 12 covers, 1 in.,
on desk. R. 454. (14365)

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 , 15
' ]. Eifiz§Ljflg§33§g, Broadway and Water Ste.
This agency was established on board the ppwggus. Pioneer
in 1922, and has undergone no administrative reorganization.
Its functions include the production of charts for the guidance
of mariners, triangulation and leveling, and observations and
analyses of tides and currents. Information relative to juris—
dictioncl territory is not available. Copies of all records are
, sent to Washington. There are no useless papers; all records
are considered valuable and are retained permanently.

To and from the bureau in Washington, and other sources. See
eddehda. (Daily, official.) 10;”;- x 12 folders, 9 ft., in 7
drawers of filing case. Deck and Hold. (562, 572)

50. CHECK CARBONS, July 1, 1931 to date. Form 488 shows

' place, number, date, name of payee, amount, voucher number, and
item. Copies of all checks drawn by the chief of the party on
. the Treasury of the United States. Filed chronologi