xt72ng4gqf8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqf8g/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1939 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/10 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing October 17, 1939 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing October 17, 1939 1939 1939 2019 true xt72ng4gqf8g section xt72ng4gqf8g , /~” '. f/ ./fl
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Vol. 1, No.10 Federal Works Agency, U, 3. Housing Authority — Nathan Straus, Administrator October 17, 1939
U HA ' ° ' S h l
S Second Year Loans for 27 PI‘OJCCIIS in Conference 13 c 00
C a o
Sets Housmg Record 13 Clues APPYOVCd for Tenant Selection
All k d f by Presrdent
th 110(Vth P10 LEG 1011 records for “Imagination plus a little hand—
bl'sehon .yealp operations Of a Loan contracts have now been en— work” is the formula for restoring
pu 10 01131118" agency are destined to tered mto for four—fifths of all cur- old :t'urniture, according to an exhibit
geSHoihOkeI-l by t}? local authority- rently available USHA funds. The at the Tenant Selection Conference,
Th 1310523111 .01“ the year 1909- most recent contracts, for 27 low-rent held in Washington October 2—7.
h e presen mei icfilh (USbHAt) (153511338 housrng prOJects totaling $80,026,000, The phrase might well refer to the
dgriiesllilf groihamirft OZbZat19L2ti ’ f ‘ W35 alDDFOVed by PreSIdent Roosevelt entire conference. Some 40 persons,
this efr IgJSHi’s soeconcl £31111 V221“ 01 on October 5 upon recommendation responsible for the supervision of ten—
Tliie s eh on d year of the great Brit 0f Nathan Straus, USHA Adminis— ant selection for 31 housing authori—
ish post war public housing rovram trator. These 103118, 130 defray 90 per— ties in 16 States, were impressed that
(1920) showed about 16 3018 cfwell cent 0f the estimated development experience and training must be lib—
ings going into construction Sir COSt 0f the DTOJeCtS, hl'lhg‘ the total erally supplemented with imagination
. Raymond Unwin recently reoorte d 0f USHA 10311 contracts to $522,413,- and plenty of work if tenant selection
. that not until its twentiet’rll ear 000 for 298 prOJects in 135 communi- is to be efficient and successful.
(1939) did the bi British iostxivar ties, 1h 28 States, the District of CO— The first of its kind ever held in the
housin r0 ram riach a ratle of no lumbia, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii. In United States, the conference consti-
ductiof is l: r e as thec U SH A aided addition, there are outstanding ear— tuted a brief training school for ten—
- r0 ram is reagchin now markings of $142,160,000, making a ant selection supervisors.
r p Ti e American ifiorts in ublic total of $664,573,000 in USHA com— During the 6-day session those at-
. . p mitments for 157 communities and tending were reminded that selection
housmg during the World War th P g. . ‘ _ ._ . . _ .
. . e uerto itico Housmg Authority. of tenants Within the requirements of
y1elded about 6,000 dwellings by the . . . _1 U . l . A _ .
. . The 8,651 family dwelling unlts he mted StatesI ousmg 0118 011137
U. S. Housrng Corporation and about . . _ . . . .
pl'OVlded for in the new contracts, part of their job. Further duties 1n—
, 12,000 by the Emergency Fleet Cor— . . . . , . ,
. . . . .- bring to 114,660 the total which will clude telling the housrng story to the
poration. TheHous1ngD1v1s10n of the . . b' . . ' ‘ , h ._
PW A b - . be avallable to rehouse approx1mately Du 11c, IDtTOdUClhg tenants 10 t e11
uilt about 22,000 dwellings. . - _ -
463,000 slum dwellers when pr0j ects new envrronment and helping them to
Dr. Soper, Sanitation Expert, under loan contract are completed. (see CONFERENCE SCHOOL on p, 3)
t Ad . L l A ll] .t. The largest loan contract approved
0 Vlse oca u on les was one for $6,886,000 to Houston, New Edihon of Housing Act
Waste disposal problems on public Tex., for construction of five prOJects. Available to Local Authorities
housing projects are the special con- The projects for which the new
cern of Dr. George Albert Soper, re— contracts have been authorized are A new 69—page reprint of the
cently appointed USHA consulting located in Dallas, Houston, and San “United States Housing Act of 1937,
engineer. Dr. Soper, well—known ex- Antonio, Tex.; Phoenix, Ariz.; Gary as Amended” is now available to local
pert in the field of public sanitation, and Hammond, Ind. ; Springfield, Ill.; authorities. The new edition differs
will work with managers of existing Biloxi, Miss; Wilmington, N. C.; from the former edition in that it in—
projects, and advise local authorities Philadelphia, Pa.; Fajardo, Maya— cludes a complete alphabetical index,
, in the planning of new projects. He guez, and Ponce, Puerto Rico. The by page and section, and a table of
. will devote himself chiefly to develop— Wilmington, N. 0., project includes contents. Recent laws and executive
in efficient waste collection and dis- 188 units already approved, and an documents pertaining to the United
g _ _ .
posal systems, and to establishing additional 28 units provrded 1n the States Housmg Authority are also
methods of ground maintenance. amended contract. included.
1 7_ ’1

 Two Labor Groups Pralse
, USHA Housmg Program
K Support of low—rent housing by
civic, religious, and patriotic organi- . '
. zations is steadily mounting. The
USHA housing program was recently
endorsed by the International Union
3‘ ‘2) [I a _\b of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers
J g, 'L-—1 .1) at its 36th convention in Denver,
' —~=————== =--—-——====-——==7jr—/-—-—=Tr~=-=r—————=r:— 1—7:: A . Colo. The convention further praised
’ (r/ i the “United States Housing Author-
” h ity for its fairness in dealing with
H l labor and for providing employment.”
H ,J' } Also commended was the USHA’S fair
H 1;; i distribution of the benefits of the
| II a a
I H . piogiam.
rs. =' ©L —_’~ -
CURB BOX \\1: I CURB BOX Recently passmg a resolution 611-
ioT'sLéwZZA'“ All! i—‘ SUPPLY dorsing the USHA program, the In-
J . .
:1 ' diana State Federation of Labor fur-
0-:1-2:_s4g (INOZZLE Io" LOCK BRAINS NOZZLE-L "A-A" _ ther resmved: “That all local 111119118
_ I“ i . g , . MM support the creation of local housmg
£13»; 1:5 Maia authorities and the development of
: , i" 5‘51' ,,:?:5 low-rental pI'OJQCtS In their respectlve
= - , ‘ « " » ‘ * ’ " ” ‘“” communities.” The A. F. of L. has
Working details of the spray pool pictured on the opposite page. About 3 inches of water may be retained in the traditionally supported public hous-
, basin alter the shower is turned off. ing for 10w_incorne families_
Nineteen Added to List of Colleges Teaching Housmg Courses This Year .
PUBLIC HOUSING continues its list Work). 1 major cr. Dr. Katharine WAYNE UNIVERSITY—Civil Eng. 276—City ‘
of colleges and universities offering Radke- Planning and Housing (001- of Eng-)- 2
courses in housing during the present MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF—AI‘ch. 11—Do- hr. cr. Mr. Alex L. Trout.
semester, (See issue of Oct, 3 for mestic Architecture and Housing (Col. ***—Civil Engineering 277—Introduction
earlier list) of Arch. and Design). 2 hrs. cr. Prof. to City Planning (Col. of Eng). 2 hrs.
ALABAMA, UNIVERSITY OF—Home Ec. 140— Bennett. or. Mr. Alex L. Trout.
Housing. 3 hrs. cr. Miss Helen Bosard. **“‘—Landscape Architecture 102—City WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY—Arch. 317
ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY—Arch. Planning and Civic Improvement (Col.of and 318—Introduction to City Planning
503, 504 (Graduate Division)—Theory of Arch. and Design). 2 hrs. cr. Profs. (Cleveland School of Arch). 2 hrs. cr.
Dwellings and Housing. 4 sem. hrs. each Whittemore and Slack. Mr. John T. Howard.
semester. Prof. Hilberseimer and Assoc. MINNESOTA, UNIVERSITY OF—Arch.104f— ***—Social Aspects of Public Housing
Prof. Dornbusch. Housing (School of Arch.). 3 cr. Messrs. (School of Applied Social Sciences). 1
BOSTON UNIVERSITY—Realty and Construc- Robert Jones, Anderson, Chapin, Filli- hr. cr. Mr. Ernest J. Bohn and others.
tion Economics, 4 (Col. Of Bus. Adm.). petti, Vaile, and Ludwig. WILEY COLLEGE—Home Ec. 8—Housing.
Asst. Prof. Andrews. *i‘*—Architecture lOGs—Housing (with spe— Hours of credit and instructor not stated.
i‘;"“‘—Housing Economics, 2 (Summer Ses— cial reference to the architects’ functions WISCONSIN, UNIVERSITY OF—Housing and
sion, Col. of Bus. Adm) Asst. Prof. therein). 2 or. Mr. Robert Jones. Sanitation (Home Ec. Dept.). 3 sem. hrs.
Andrews. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY—Housing (School Miss Cowles, Miss Mayer, and Miss
CENTRAL STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE (Stevens of Arch. and Allied Arts). 2 pts. first Roberts.
Point, Wis.)—Home. Ec. 228—Housing term, day and evening sessions. Dr. **"~‘——Seminar0n Housing Problems (Home
and Sanitation. 3 hrs. cr. Miss Wilson. Carol Aronovici. Ec. Dept., graduate students only). 2
COLORADO, UNIVERSITY OF—City Planning *"*"*—Community Planning (School of Arch. sem. hrs. Miss Cowles.
(Dept. of Civ. Eng). 3 hrs. fall quarter. and Allied Arts). 2 pts. second term, day XAVIER UNIVERSITY — Fundamentals of
Prof. R. L. Downing. and evening sessions. Dr. Carol Arono- Housing I (School of Social Science). Mr.
***—~Municipal and Sanitary Design (Dept. vici. Herman Washington.
of Civ. Eng). 4 hrs. spring quarter. OREGON, UNIVERSITY OF—Landscape Archi— ftit—Fundamentals of Housing II (School
Prof. R. L. Downing. tecture 353, 354, SSS—City Planning of Social Science). Mr. Herman Wash—
DARTMOUTH COLLEGE—Art 23—City Plan— (School of Arch. and Allied Arts). 2 hrs. ington.
ning and Housing. 8 sem. hrs. Prof. each term, fall, winter, and spring terms. ***——Social Workers and the Community
H. S. Morrison. F. A. Cuthbert and W. R. B. Willcox. Housing Program (School of Social Sci— '
INDIANA UNIVERSITY—American and Euro— PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE—Home Ec. ence). Mr. Herman Washington. . .
pean Housing Policies (graduate division). 320~Housing the Family. 2 cr. ***~H0using Management and the Tenant
LOYOLA UNIVERSITY—178-Low—Cost Hous— WASHINGTON, STATE COLLEGE OF—Homc Ec. Relationship (School of Social Science).
ing ‘d.§ocial Work (School of Social 162—Housing. 2 or. Mrs. N. J. Howard. Mr. Herman \Vashington.
w .e ”ginkfififgggfigbfifi_fi% 2
,N ' "Ag“, .’k“-" 'i.,
‘ zeitg- ;. ' ?3‘ '
”r - as m

 ,, {3 .315“, ,1, . if}, ',,-‘..j, 1!:

6 WE CAN TAKE IT! Had not PUP» Hartford Authority Uses SHA Program
LIC HOUSING already spied its own . . .
on page 1 of the. September as First Step Toward City Planning

>y 15 issue, where a picture of the

i- . Olmsted Homes project was cap-

ie . tioned “Atlanta, Ga.” when it Conceiving itself responsible for trolling the future physical develop-

ly should have been “Augusta, Ga.” an important aspect of its city’s ac- ment of the city. The authority is

m the following friendly Wire would tivities, the Housing Authority of the also sponsoring the establishment of

rs have set us right: RE OLMSTED City of Hartford (Conn.) has en- an agency merging building, fire, and

r, LOCATION SEPTEMBER FIF— Visioned a long-range program of health inspection services. Analysis

3d TEENTH PUBLIC HOUSING housing reform and city planning in of the real property survey will per-

r- WE ARE OUTSIDE ATLANTA addition to the slum clearance and mit listing those buildings which

;h CITY LIMITS. C. E. FRIEND, low-rent housing program under- must be demolished 01' repaired.

.” JR. taken within the USHA program. In Hartford, as in other cities, the

.ir The Hartford plan includes: Con— housing problem is not limited to the

1e struction of four low—rent housing needs of low—income groups. Thou-

Conference School projects under USHA loan and sub- sands of White-collar workers in the

[1- (Continued from p. 1) sidy contracts; eventual elimination large insurance companies and other

[1- take advantage of expanded oppor- of all substandard buildings; enc'our— big industrial plants have moved to

r- tunities, and enlisting the support of agement and study of nonsubs1dized, the suburbs because of the lack of

is both public and private local agencies privately financed homes-for low-in— housmg faCilities Within the city at

1g whose facilities are necessary to a come families; and the building of so— rentals they can afford. Their exo-

Jf satisfactory tenant activities pro— called “garden apartments” for fanii- dus has meant a substantial loss in

we gram. ‘ lies in the middle income group. for tax revenues, and increasmg tax bur-

as Speakers were chiefly concerned whom adequate housmg faCilities dens on City res1dents.: _ .

s- with techniques for obtaining these have not been‘provided. : . ' The housmg authority is cons1der—
objectives. Lectures were followed The authority is working in close ing making a survey of these work-
by open discussions and laboratory cooperation With the City Planning ers, and, if a suffiCient number can be
periods in which the material pre— Commission and other departments induced to return to the City, it is pro-
sented was analyzed and applied to of the City government. It is study— posed, With private financmg, to build

. . situations in particular communities. ing City plans and zoning regulations for them one or more “garden apart—

t; Many conference members were with a,v1ew to making use of present ments, Fat rentals ranging from
new to the USH A program. All had waste or unoccupied land and con— about $39 to $50 per month.

on been carefully chosen on the basis of

:‘S- proven ability and experience. USHA ,0 “I , _ 1 3 . 3 , , ,

31:. alities “alert, resourceful, and imag- :3” ’” ”ii firm; 3 ; my?
inative, with ability to organize and gfwag : ,9]? “gm“ekffggwfijgj

us direct the work of others.” fiffl.’ a: jig W e :1:”, fl; ",“gfiggg

.51 The supervisor should have been / 32;/9 ”3;? “Am/23”;

.32 graduated from a college of “3008‘— i” V“ “r:

2d. nized standing with major training in 3% ; . ii '3 iv” ‘ '- a; *‘ ‘ we;

nd the social sciences, and public or so- ,3” Van, ‘A‘i: e? ”We. 6%»? i,

rs. cial work administration. He or she W” ' swag f ”ff? ,> 223% 314. ,xav L;

iss should have had 3 years experience 3 3:43” :1:3 '5: ,e t3 2 ‘ ' ”33::

me in recognized social agencies. fmw'xmr Heeeag’vggegg's: ”£sz

2 This work should have demanded a em2M:".5?3‘me;’Miwy 53%., if?”

- @wememf” » , ' M3, im mewm) we, M
thorough knowledge of community 33,33,533, , ~ 2.2:.) ‘lflltLfi «’39: 32;

of organization and family welfare tech— .’f:;::£“;’w%esaw ‘ 2 5%..”

11-. niques. For 1 of the 3 years, he {iiqegb@iiLé/%$£W%WZQ§@kflflifgw’;w125%

Tenant selection supervisors are s’ff‘t?‘ 3 1;," \£,; 233W: if :5 ,2.” ‘
ity employed by the local housing author- @322?” .« fi/tzwgfifW%iwgé

cl— . . ities: The conference, giving them fifilzfieflf‘gfii . avi‘i‘g" 3‘

mt speCial training, is one of the serVices Féé’ikxlq“ , 93% 3234,34,‘ 35%;” ; 1
thorities thrOUghout the country' A model spray pool, as illustrated in the forthcoming USHA publication, “Housing and Recreation".

3 .

 i , riftixfi
- - o om iles F lrst
Construction Bids Builgal C TP 1 Twenty-Two Newspapers
ata on enant ncome , '
Local authority and project 1 Number I Date ofb'il , Edlted by Tenants
number of units opening . . .
————————-———-- The Buffalo MuniCipal Housmg Twenty—two occupied public hous—
.Bli) OPENINos l)EI~‘lNI'l‘ELY SCHEDULED Authority is the first to report on jng projects in the United States have .
_—fl—, —“ actual tenant income in USHA—aided weekly newspapers, written and
Bfilfigt$1(‘ri?’€3§_h §Zi 3:33:33 projects. The average income 0f the edited entirely by the tenants them-
Cincinnati (Ohi0~4i3)-... 264 10‘18v39 fil‘St 147 families to be located 111 the selves, and designed to direct atten—
$33.33;?((SK,9;13‘11))-t" 238 $3238 Lakeview and Willert Park Dl‘OJGCtS tion to community opportunities.

. , was found t0 be 55930- The 67 faml- Reported activities range from
aura;tartar;; as $2233 hes in Wiiieii Park  iii an sewing ciicie meeiiigs to
Lowell (Mass.——1—1)____.,_. 536 lie 1—39 average income Of $896.72, While the games. Editorial policies difi'er
$3,833}: Eiiiiiiiiii 38 }?:2§:§g average for 80 families in Lakeview slightly, but all periodicals have the

(white) W31S $957-87- LOWGSt family same general purposes: to report and
T 7 7 .. ,7 7_V,_. 7‘)?_( .. . ..
£5330: 83" 1941:)33).:: 1, 33(1) $53-33 averages (for 2-person families) encourage worthy tenant activ1ties,
San Francisco (Califrle were $796.99 for W illert Park and and to stimulate community pride.
T331R;‘5'“(1‘5'1'5:§:1:R" 4’2 U— ‘739 $779.25 for Lakeview. A typical editorial begins, “Say,
Pt.—II),-_-,-,ri,,.--__.___.. l81 ioegseao Much material has been available neighbor, have you ever stopped to
:--' . '—.— '2 nun - - . .
/ we“ 111°— (01110 0 1) , 5 4 10 b " on estimated tenant income, statutory think just how lucky you and I really
T g 7 B 0 1 maximum income, PWA Housing are 1’” Project tenants have lived in

EMAmE ”HEDH‘E "1' ”’ ”NW“ Division project averages, and other bad housing conditions; they appre-
Asbury Park (N. J._7_1)__ 126 11_ 3739 types of income statistics, but the ciate the new homes ; and they hire the .
Atlanta(Ga.—6—2 Pt.—Il)__ 35s 11_10~39 Buffalo figures are the first to reflect idea of being good neighbors.
giiriiiiigii (((Slliléllli—‘lfih 1’ $38 ngjg actual experience in USHA-aided “Give the grass a chance,” suggests
Columbus (Ohio~1~2)__ _, 340 1144739 projects. They further establish the one editor, “though the snow is on
Columbus (()liioi~lfi€3)__ 255 11—14—39 fact that public housmg is definitely the ground and the grass apparently
Columbus (olrio—i—4)_____ 350 11—14—39 reaching families of the lowest in- dead. Please remember your pledge.
00.23%? C1315“ (Tex-*S’ 198 114539 come group. Both projects show Such a request from one tenant to an-
Corpus Christi (Tcx.—8« average tenant incomes substantially other is considerably more effective
Hirii?r?ri“i'c'3rii¥;é;‘ii”"1 fig fiflg’jg lower than the statutory maxima pre— than the conventional terse order .

_ scribed in the United States Housing from the management: “Keep off the
Ixnoxville (Tenn.—3w3)__.. 200 11e13~39 Act rass'”
Laurel (Miss.—2—2)-...______ 125 11~ 9—39 ' g '
Molieesport (Pa.—5—1)-.... 206 11—15-39
Meridian (Miss,—4—1)_.._r_ 89 11-13—39 -
San Juan (P. 11—2—1)...“ 420 11— 8—39 Construction Report
Savannah (Ga.—2—2)-_._i_. 480 11— 9—39
Tampa. (Fla.—3—2)-.-.______ 320 11— 8—39 Weekly Data
————_————— Week ended Week ended Porcontage
1 There is usually a 30-day period between bid advertising Item 0c h 6. 1939 Sept- 29, 1939 chlns°
and bid opening. None of the bid openings shown here ————————————————————— ————— —~——- —-———
has as yet been definitely scheduled- Number of projects under construction-.____-__..___ 104 99 +5-05
Numlber of dwellings under construction_____r__-___ 43,678 42,182 +3.55
. - Tota estimated over-all cost1 of new housing," $201 187 000 $195 399 000 +2.96
Construction Report AnalYSIs Average over-all cost 1 of new housing per unit... ’ $4:606 , $4:632 —-0-55
_ Average net construction cost 9 per unit_____________ $2,896 $2,910 —0.48

During the week ended October 6, —-—————————-————————
the number of prOJects under con- Summary of USHA Program as of October 1, 1939
struction rose to 104, With the addi— —_—“——_—'—._——.’—‘—.._"

. . Prolects under Prejects under PrOJects bun:
tlon Of five new pl‘OJects. The num- Item loan contract construction tenanted
ber of dwellings under construction Number of projects 273 102 7
(llCl not increase pl‘OpOl‘thnately, NumEer 01; local authorities represented.______,___,, 130 71 4

, , . Y Num er 0 States represented_______,______________,,___, 3 30 4 23 3
howevei, as thlee Of the five DEW Number of loan contracts______r________,____________,,u_u_ 179 _i_..___,,._________ .___.._._,_,__,___
pr0jects were comparatively small. 1\q/aluti3 of 1?83 ctfiitracts $493,729,000 _
- - 1 - um er 0 we ing units in projectsu_____,_______ 106 349 42 968 6 915
The addltlon. 0f the new p10JeCtS Number of dwelling units completedfi,‘m4________,__ _____.,_._.___,-_____ _____-__.__-:_-_.__ 2:209
caused a decline of about one—half of Total estimated development cost $548,704,000 $215,204,000 $34,655,000
. ' _ ' 1
1 percent In both the average over- Total est1mated over all cost of new housing _.._ $505,220,000 $198,641,000 ________.-_._....
' a ‘ ll'ld’:¢B‘ld'gtlh ,'ld' 1t d1 b',ht‘, dlt'l'tllt';b
all: COSt 0f ne‘V housmg p.61 unlt and dwellilnlé éqéilpriignftfililrchiltcgtg regsufleocalcadéiiiliigisstgbliiifigbipggjsefsfiinaiicliilqchriiggesedlirligngignsgrficiitrildid, d3?! boiitigréerics)’
~ 0. enscs; c t; ' ' f .
t e avfl age net COIlStI'UCthIl COSt per ‘piil‘h? cgstzrilplfgdrigiizsihor1620i}:glihnrflilildiigg)stillctdrealjgizgii‘ibidg heating, and electrical costs.
‘ ‘ ' ._ ncu l ' - ’ t . v ,

“mt .01 a“ D1 OJeCtS ““991 con irnciudrfié m3 Dizti‘igt 8r 0313311553 anl°ii§w§§9 “’1 8““

struction. ‘ Includes over-all cost or new housing plus the cost of purchasing and demolishing old slum buildings and the cost of
land bought for future development.
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget. as required by rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing.
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Subscription price $1 domesticf foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies, 5 cents.
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division, U. S. Housing Authority, Washington, D. C.