xt72ng4gqf7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqf7w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, August 1942 Vol.13 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, August 1942 Vol.13 No.10 1942 1942 2019 true xt72ng4gqf7w section xt72ng4gqf7w A;_:;--:‘:“'. 1.. ; g . .‘ , ;. . 11-» 1‘ 55555 i 2',
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1 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1942 1.
1 1 1 1 1 Augu:
1 .
~ 1 ‘ o o “Everr )ublic official of an co ,
1 JUdgement, DeCISIOHS UphOld graded s>rI7lool district, city, towyn 01111111111 deadline l
. . . . . division or district, less than a countjj statements
' ; F1nanc1a1 Publ1cat1on Statutes due .. Is: by of his ow Such Pr“)
1 1 - to collect, receive, have the custod111 paper, 111
' 1 1 1 1 1 control or disbursement of public fundii Public A
1 In response to Inquiries from Ken- offices, to collect, receive, have the cus— of said county, graded school distriH were 351“:
. tucky editors, .the KPA Central Office tody, control or disbursement of public subdivision or district of said couniii counts an
1 publlshes the judgment of judge Ches- funds, and is not applicable to the Fis- city or town, except in counties contaiijil the same
ter A. Adams, Fayette Circuit Court, 1n cal Court of Fayette County. ing a city of the first class or a counti Herdman
1- 1 the recent suit filed to compel the Fa— 4. That it is the duty of the Fiscal _L_” ii. the status
1: yette Fiscal Court to publish the annual Court of Fayette County to publish a _ , shall at the expiration of each Legislatun
. 1 1 financial statement. Judge 1Adams re— statement showing the financial condi- fiscal year prepare an itemized sworni Paper, C01
‘ 1terated the deci51ons made in previous tion of the County as is provided in Sec- Statement of such funds so collected re-i cial staten
1 cases that the law was mandatory and tion 1846 of Carroll’s Kentucky Sta- ceived, held or disbursed by him (11111111. reply is
1 111 that financial officials, handling public tutes for the fiscal year ending June 30, the fiscal year just closed which stateii known as
1 1 1 funds, must publish an annual state— 1942 and at the end of each fiscal year ment shall show the amoimt of 13111111 1942, state
1. . ment in a newspaper. thereafter. funds collected and received and fromi ”It Sha]
1s, ‘ The most recent decision bearing 5. That upon the publication of the sources received; the amount disbursed‘ officers Wh
11 upon the responsibility of the finance statement showing the financial condi» the date of each disbursement for what" financial
officers and their compliance with the tion of the County by the Fscal Court purpose expended and ti) whom under 56‘
1 state laws concerning the publication of of Fayette County, as required by Sec— paid. . _ tutes, to fi
:1‘ 1 financial statements, was rendered by a tion 1846, Carroll’s Kentucky Statutes, You will notice from this that at Accounts
judgment in the Fayette Circuit Court at the end of any fiscal year, it shall not statement must be itemized showinw AuguSt 0f
1 . by Judge Chester A. Adams. The sult, be necessary for the Treasurer of Fa- each disbursement, to whom and 10? paper cor
z . filed by Fon Rogers, and others, was to yette County nor the individual mem- what amount and the date. The objecli ment. An
2 1 compel the Fiscal Court of Fayette bers of the Fiscal Court to make any of this was to apprize the public as to: said COPY
1 1 County to publish the county financial publication of the financial statement who got any part of the school money said finann
1 statement. The judgment follows: of Fayette County for the same year as that is disbursed, l ficer is req
‘ ' “This cause coming on to be heard iiilgglffdtfiglsfcnon $74,721:; Of said Shi— It he.“ been the opinion Of. this 0M quired, SI
1 1 and by agreement of the parties having the Slammer“:es'isurlqt1rD fieitlde; as lcorr11e1ct and thls IS also the opinlon of the court rpeanor a
been submitted for final judgment upon cal Court of Fa 1:“ Scle ti Pie 1:1 that thls Statute must be 111terallyl1011 mail be H
. the pleadings and exhibits herein, and rear y e oun y 1n 53“ 10W6d1 and f01‘ that reason this exten1sttt1 n01 “.10“
1 1 the Court being advised and having filed 3 T6 all of whi 1 th 1 . ‘ff 1 1 . and rtemlzed publicatlon 1,5 remind. the (11mm
11 i a written opinion, which is hereby or— ob'ect and exce Elande p213?“ s 1e11e1n under the law. I see no rehef for 10"? ”final" ca
, 1 dered to be, and is, made a part of the thd Court of A P . 1 P112111 {1 appea :2 unless the courts construe this Statutt f 1 16103
111 record, it is ordered and adjudged by ppea s, w 1C1 rs grantet. dlfferently and allow a condensed state" 01111121110111
1 1 the Court as follows: Decision From Assistant ment rather than 1temized statemenL1 Publicailm
1 1 11 That Section 938q-19, Carroll’s Attorney Herdman N01 only your schools but all the schools1 figlmltfl
_ ‘ 1 Kentucky Statutes, (Section 68.370 of Mr. L. C. Curry 3:11:16 the tcpuntles and crties are 521ml 10H to
' the Kentucky Revised Statutes), does Superintendent of City Schools I113181C123110nt)1e1n01mous(airplenseintLese1 Strt A .
1 . not modify, repeal or affect nor is it in Bowling Green, Kentucky iJSlatur 1 S ut,1nej:ert e 6255’ th: e1 (6 Mil
C conflict with Section 1846 of Carroll’s I have yOur letter of the 13th relative 0( lie‘ 12181 HEX/1:1 C anged It, alt 0? Secretary/.1:
‘ . > Kentucky Statutes (Section 68.070 of the to the annual publication of your Treas- C mp amt 1as een made, as I un Ci Kentucky
1 . , 1 ' . stand, to them about thls ex ense. ‘
- 1 Kentucky Rev1sed Statutes), or Sectlon urers account of receipts and disburse— If these tl ~ Pd 11i In reply
. ‘ 374721—1 of Carroll’s Kentucky Statutes ments; and your inquiry whether you dense thei 0 11er superinten ents C01 will say t1
. (Section 61.290 Kentucky Revised Sta- can condense these statements instead , r leports and the mam “0 Power
111 . _ _ . _ 1 should be uestloned b a tax a er 011
.1 tutes), and Sectlons 1846 and 374/a-l of of rtemlzmg them and thereby save the the news D: r I 1 y b 111) y 111111 only repor
‘ Carroll’s Kentucky Statutes are in full city board a large amount of money. could corlitilfie , 111(0 1.1m- e 1ev<13 Bi. gestions,
11 force and effect. “’6: have had this inquiry from cities, ha 5 could ube us Pillage ant, £111. 1 think '
2. That a compliance by the Fiscal counties and school boards before and 3:, ubli t' e compe e to rem ' recfll’ in 1
- Court of Fayette County with the pro- appreciate the big expense that these P T111: onlca rplns. - 1938 ddin" stand it: i
visions of Section 938q-19, Carroll’s various taxing agencies are put to in to the re ghee :ngp tllil - bwas1a111111111 County Al
1 Kentucky Statutes, does not relieve the this publication, yet the law seems to be in the :11 r 11 en athrt 1 e Put Cll‘Cu'i I think 1
1;. Fiscal Court of Fayette County from otherwise and for your convenience and lation tjpepeorgaygng tfied arseslation'” i018 the ne
complying with the provisions of Sec- that you may see how the Statute reads, and ”bona‘fide - or11a1 E Cllcudefined In case any
1 tion 1846, Carroll’s Kentucky Statutes, I will quote sections pertinent to your in the amend :1”? “101111 1wa: weVClti a .mp0” 1-
j. j and it is the duty of the Fiscal Court of inquiry. This is 3747a] of the Statutes j pf e Ct" 1115, 10 1 mlght ascei
4' . Fayette County to comply with both which was reenacted in 1938 but the COGS not a ect your question. i lied b66111
1 1 Sections 938q-19 and 1846 of said Sta- provisions as to publication were not (Slgned) GUY H' HERDMAN111 llnues to 1“
1.7 tutes. changed. Now the beginning of this ASSt' Attorney Geneld 1 Ithink if
g 3. That Section 3747a-1, Carroll's section showing what taxing agencies —-——'————- l the com”
1 g 1 Kentucky Statutes, applies to public of— are required to publish this report reads It was brought to the attention 0111111 In each C01
. 11- ficials, whose duty it is by virtue of their as follows: Central Office that August 31 was 11:1 1 have 1
1111 1 from the A
g 1:1 _ '
J 15:: i
.. v '1

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942 2. , . . , . . , ,. . fI‘iaiI (‘2:I ‘;
I August, 1942 l HE KEN l UCK)’ PRESS Page Ihrce 3;:EIII I 2. ( I: *
.‘( ‘ %‘-‘7(3 I 5
COUI' . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :;2 .
0r SIM deadline for the publishing oi [manual it would be to adVise as to the different in the Sltuatloln where Phil? pgbllchoflilaés III;:22:,;‘II(('§ I '(II
COunII statements and the filing thereof of points which might be raised in this giflcscfuiigycglI-Ifliiisalwslhgulldlsbea‘iviotil-iii:ins Eh: I IIIIII
' _ . . - . . “fa-TI. ,I
is om)“ such publication, printed in a news matter; however, you might write the case where the ofiicial refuses to comply II (III'IIII
ctI )1 ei‘ in the office of the Auditor of Attorney General and he will furnish With the statute?" . :Isz-IIII-‘l IIII
CUStodm lip '.’ I . ,_ . , . . . . In answer to this, the newspaper could MEI ., 'I (I II II
ic fundr Public Accounts. Ceitain questions to you his opinion. adopt a civil remedy and bring a civil suit IIIIIIII: iii IIIIII
distria‘ were asked the auditor of public ac- There have not been very many state- in the nature of a mandamus or mandatory ‘;1:‘E;I f II3I~’§1I(:I 2
. , . . . . . . (new ~-
. I counts and his replv is appended. At ments filed to the present date. I Will mJun‘Etl‘m agamfit tthfiscal court 91.00unty I. ;I II-Ist-II
county, , .’ . . commissmners, includmg the official re- I ,- :ng III 'I .
contain‘ the same time, ASSistant Attorney Guy check them soon after the lst oi Sep< quired to do this and have the courts order II (((I .
countii‘ Herdman was asked for an opinion on tember and report the number filed to them to make this publication. This was I .‘I‘ III III
II . . I , 2 . l 4 ‘. ‘c B. . , ‘ . I . the proceeding adopted in McCracken Cir- I"‘gII2.VI-I2II II
I the status of tthlm pissed by the 19 2 Mi Carl I iVaChS, Executive SCCIEL'U)’ cuit Court by the Paducah Newspapers (AI‘II: III III II
of each( Legislature which reqtured a news of the Kentucky Munic1pal League, against the county commissioners and also I‘ IiIII III
sworr paper containing the published finan— Lexington, Kentucky. against the County Treasturer. If they;I do IIIIII‘IIII III
, l . _’ , _ ‘ . - - . I . - . not want the civil remedy hey can, as a ove (WISH I‘I II 5.
cted, ri-( c1al statement, to be filed as above. His (Signed) D. A. LOGAN, AuditOi suggested, have a warrant of arrest for fail- I I III I III
durilr reply 13 3150 HPPGHdCCL Thls law, '__—“—‘__—‘ ure to file this, and the lower courts have III III (II III
(h “(I known as Chapter 89, Kentucky Acts of Secretary-Field Manager jurisamtlon’ the fine bemg $500.00 and less ((1 (”I (I (I
'. salt 42 . t . Kentucky Press Association and the prosecution would be through the III 3. II III
; publll 19 ,sta 65‘ , . . , County Attorney. If this ofiiCial is prose- Il‘I‘ IIIIII (II: I
id from“ n11: shall be the duty ol all public lIIZhave ycIIIur leftter ogthe 27th 13 Whtlfih hot; cuted by indictment, then the Common— ‘. . I» III II II I
. , . . ‘~ 2 -, as a num er 0 ques ions regar mg e c wealth’s and Count Attorne would prose— .2 I [i
sbursed; officers who die iequued to publish the of 1942. Chapter 89. requiring the filing with cute. 3’ y . .Lj‘ ( III III .I III
or what financial statements as prOVided lor the State Auditor the newspaper containing Now you ask in parenthesis “What steps I, III; I (i. .
1 under Section 3747a-l, Kentucky Sta— the finanClal Statements TGIQUIred under Sec. should be taken to enforce compliance with I AIM: ‘I‘ 2s;
w10m . l -\ l' . f P blic 3747a-1 Statutes. You ask in your letter four Chapter 89”? I :II III‘ I (III)
films; to file Wlth tIlc ‘ “C Ito} 0 u _ questions which I will now answer in the A question may be raised under this prose- I II=III- .I III
hat tht Accounts on or belore the filst day ot oreieiISiIiIIhIhiII-ItedI t t f . 1 1d cution as to where is the venue or jurisdic- III '.(i(“I III
- ' each car a co ) r of the news— 1? S a 6 0r 00““ Y 0 1013 W011 tion. The filing is in Frankfort in the Audi- I h‘(( I III I
showmgI August Of . .li . 1 If) . l t te be i'esponSible for the enforcement of the torvs office and it may be contended that (((h‘fi'il! I I2 III
and id paper containing “(CI “13119.3 S a _ publication law known as Chapter 89: Ken- the failure to file is a criminal offense com- ‘ (iii‘Iifl. ‘I (Iii; .
e ObICCII ment. Any oflicer who shall tail to file tuclhy Acfts,1$i42?; d t . th' A t, . th mitted in Franklin County. However, I am (lit-I ‘57; III;
- - ,. .e ' ‘ T e o icia re erre em 15 c is e -- . ~- f th I‘étfiuh.‘ ('I ,
. - c ntainin _ . . . of the opinion that this prOViSion o e , . .
ic as III. said copy of the newspaper OI 1 lg same othial Who is required under Sec. law (1942 Act) is but a continuation of the Edit-(II IIIIIII: .
_ montII said finanCial statement which siIiCi O - 3747a-I1, 1941 (Supplement) to publish the publication required under Sec. 3747a-1 and ‘(I I" III I
I ficer is required to make, at the time re— financial statements of hthunty, gradecIiIIsehogl that as the ofiicial charged with this duty I (I II I I3“
. = -. . - , ~ -. ,_ district, ci y, town or su 1VlSIOnS or is r10 5 is a county official and the publication is I.I.I; I _'2I,I I
115 ofittI quiied, shall be guilt) . oi a ImltdCI iess than a county. This section promotes in the county that the jurisdiction would be Illj( (III III. .
e coulls meanor and upon conViction the1€0f that the public official who is to publish this in the county where the official resides and III I .IIII III .
11y fol? shall be fined not less than fifty dollars is the one Who 00116013; receives and has the fails to perform his duty and not in Franklin "If: .l I II EIII- ‘
a i ' ( 0‘ ‘ tli f 'e hundred dollars at custody, control or disbursements .Of public County where the newspaper is t0 be filed. ‘iilii (III; (I‘ll
xtensiit n 1 #1016 . a“ 1" _ ‘ funds of said county. etc. This IS_usua11Y These are my views of the matter though . (lill‘l'lw Is; ‘i I
.equired.l the discretion of the court 01‘ Jury trY' required of the treasurer of counties and the question of jurisdiction may be decided I IIIIII IIIIIIII III III
f III ing the case." cities and school boards and he is the offiCial difierently by the courts upon the idea that IIIIII III III
or III Tl C ...i Offi '1 ll 1 I. . that looks after these publications, though the Ofi‘ense is the failure to file it in Frank- IIIIIIIIIII-I III III
Statult 16. entla . CC s iou ( 1a“? 1n— the Statute is broad enough t9 cover the one lin County, though I view differently for the I'I {"II‘I’, I( J‘st‘I
=d state" formation concerning the status oi the that collects. IHowever, ltIls uinially the reasons above stated. "(Its IIIIII I
. I )uin a‘ I I . 'v. Editors Treasurer or IdisbursmIg officer W. 0 ma es Yours very truly, IIIII III.III
ltemem‘L l . .C $1.011 hw In each Icount/ .I . _. . these publications. I Will add in this connec- (Signed) GUY H. HERDMAN, ”I. .III‘II IIIIII I :
:sch00(I( aie Iiiivited to communicate this iiilOi- tion that under the origihai section 3747a'.1 Assistant Attorney General If, II III I III 1
e somtl matlon t0 the Field Secretary. there is a penalty for faIIIIIIg t1? {flaketthfi _________________ .II‘f 2,2(3_;II; 'IIII‘I
. . publication on said offiCia, w e er 1 is I, .2 I I . . .IIIIIIIII IIIIIII :
111 [hCStI . I_“__“_"_—'*_ through refusal or neglect, of fine from ”/- L- Slim/MON Named. Edlllfl ' Ill IjIII(Ig (IIII IIII '
he Let State Auditor’s Report $50.00 to $500.00, the same as in the 1942 Act Of Danvll/e Ammonia-[Messenger I (III .‘ II III
lthouhi for failure to file the newspaper containing I .. I .. IIIIIIIIIIIII (I (I
; (I: Secretary-Field Manager the statement with the State Auditor. This V\. L. Simpson, manager of the Sinip- ‘55:? I I IIIIIIIII :
11' . . . _ . . . c . . , . .. , 23:5l1.»ir III.
u ’. Kentucky Press Assoc1ation 1532:?cicbfndhgusegiizcfiifl‘I1593315 33:11:01. of son Piinting Company lOi the past :I:Trf III IIIIIII I
56. colfi I111 reply to your letter of August 18th, Public Accounts responsible for the enforce- seven months, has been named editor I IIIIIIII '.
its IIIIII Wlll say the State Auditor’s Office has ment of this law?” . . th' 1942 At and general manager of the Danville II III .
. . ‘ ' is c, i , ~ - =-;I,.:I;'§,2I.I I
merIIlI 110 power to entorce any law. It can c1323. :3: rigqgfighglirfielgtate Auditor to Adiocate-Mcssengei to succeed the late IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII'II .
)a)’ hell only report what we find and make sug- see that this filing is done. His office is ]. Curtis Alcock. He Will continue in III . III III
.viIz I . gestions. merely the ofiice in which the filing is to 1115 pOSition as manager oi the Simpson I.I.IIIEI .III. nil:
, B" ' . ot think that it is in- - - . - II ..2_.I,
”(email)“ I think you have the law quoted cor- Egmngzge :fildhimdttonsee that these officers Printing Company which he operated ;:‘f,§IiII..f(. III III
r lectly in your letter, and, as I under- charged with this duty should fil‘? 1t, ThIg under a lease [Oi the Advocate Messen . IIII I: III
addint stand it, it is entirely left up to the is no concelrn ff til: sz‘gieogfifilj‘ofggz ger Company. IlIIIl'IL/J; '
. . " 0 ma er ~ ' . ‘ ‘ri":|13‘~.:2
Jblishd; County Attorney L0 enforce the law. all??? lash: schiols and the notice should be Below commg to Dam/Incl the UCW I. :(I 333% .
. ircu-( I think it would be proper and right given to the Treasurer and the fiscal court editor was ediim oi the Mt. ernon IIIIIIIIIII III III
’tl Ction'“ f01‘ the newspaper to advise this office 01” City 08111103 01'37540711031 tfigalfidiesYifililpovgég (Ky) Signal and belorc gomg there he ((‘I ,IIIIII'I
Ll a ' . . , t‘ce un er ec. a- A - ' ' v. 14,7." l
defined in case any offic1al should rcluse to have iiicidler that section go to the county 01. city had been connected Iw1th newspapers in IIIII II IIIIII
ever} “ II‘CPOI‘E published, in order that we or school board in which the officialIis de- llliiiOis and Missouri. IIIIIIII III IIIIIII I
low I might ascertain whether or not a report linquent. I may :Ithldhii;1 ansthzrlaaghlhs Shire; He said that the personnel of the IIIIIIIIIIIII f IIIIII
I . . the news a er w ic as _ I. . ., I‘ . {than .“ a,"
N , had been filed, In case an official coll- fide cii-culjatlion is entitled to this publication neuspapei would icinain tIieIIsame. f (l‘a‘I‘éi-WI '( III
- . 2 - I ~ - ~ . ~. .. ~ «I1, ;.2 ~ H, w.
[A II I tlnues to refuse to comply With the law, and they or any taxpayer can ask the Audi- Membeis ol the board 0 ( iicctOisI o lid III III IIIIIIII 1
anel'Il ‘ I think it I 11 b ,. . .- ., , tor if the publicatlon has been made by the company are Mrs. I. C. Alcock, Vice- MAI?! IIIIIS...‘ ,2 ,
I “ou ( e left entiicl} up to th Act requires and upon _ . . . I I '!. I 5"‘1'
I the Count 23.. ~ 2 ' AugUSt 31’ as e - ’ pres1dent Mrs. Iohn S. VanWinkle, {ad I. who
, . y 1 tto1 ney and the offic1als advice by him that it has not been done ’ . (their 3-; IUIIJ
n olthe‘I In each county. they could swear out a warrant oh hatveCl the secretary; Chenault Huguely and Joe G. IIIgIvI I;I_III.I: i. I III )-
‘ . .. -- . 'hthisdut in icae. . . ~' - . i‘iil‘.3““.‘I-I‘ .
was IIIII frI have not had any offiaal opinion 0121;31:111-ifififegugldon—“Whatywould be the D3"? lTllle office 0[ plesulent h“ “0t IIII IIII-II
I 0111 the Attorney General, whose duty responsibility and the duty of the newspaper been ‘1 8“ I (II‘. ;I 1' (I I, .
I’IWLII i I, .
I it I

 V g $39,, ~ . , ,, . . . .. ,... .. .... ..,'. 2 I f
l . l
‘ i '4:
Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS August, 1942 I Angus
‘1 5‘ ports and the Division of Information per cent of such material that is but i
. J 8 of the Office for Emergency Manage— waste effort would go a long way to It The
. 5.- ‘ a merit, according to a communication lieve the seriously clogged conditionso[
. en ’ 38 dated Aug. 20 sent to all names appear— the mails, especially at the VVashingtoH‘, New,
' _ ' ing on the present mailing lists. post oflice. ,1 ‘
Official Publication of the Kentucky In addition to information replying ____#W______*_
' Press Association . . ~ . . t
. . __ to ngrafic questions 0111a COlifil attfic‘hlcd C(Iri'ollton News-Democrat C C
to t 15 communication tie cc 0' , ar H ‘L . ) \T 8'! d g l
' . Editor-Publisher . , fl . _ (Is (11 0c l ews. ,(m .{z 6
Victor R Portmann, Information states it Will appreCiate O l Sponson
‘ . ' ‘ ~ ~ ~ r « Advocating that community week'l . .
' 1 Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexington your supplying SljeCIfiF ieasons Wh) )0“ b. . )7 his, Ass0c1at101
' ‘ ‘* , Should continue receivmg the type of should establish news stands at strategic‘ «\nnual N
. 5 ; Kentucky Press Association Officers service now in effect." pOints ”1 the Clty for sales that would 2m Octobt
. _5 Harry Lee Waterfield Hipgmgn Co. Gazette. Clinton An editorian appearing in the Aug. 18 augment the total circulation W1[ll()u[ of 0m ca
. Pres en _ . . _ . . ,‘ . . , i .
. vance Amemmut __W Courier—Journal, Louisville issue of the Atlanta (Ga) Constitution cutting into the mail Circulation, Editor; Thiirsda
5 ‘ Vi” ”wide” - follows- Virgil P. Sanders, Carrollton News-i y
l 2 Victor R. Portmann ___~__..__ U. of Ky., Lexmgton ' , , . , 1942, thus
3 Secretary-Treasurer Government Publicity Democrat, points out the success of this} 0 ortunil
i ”ism“ Executive committee . The Office of W'ar Information, head- venture in that city. , ' p1? _
“‘ J. Curtis Alcock, Advoeate-Messenger, DanVllle, (State- ' . .. . acthlty an
‘ zit-large). chairman: First. Joe L3G“: 3‘94”?” ed by Elmer Dav1s, has undertaken a In a letter to the Piess, Editor Saiiden‘ Let’s all
' h; S d, T ler Munfor , man 0. , _ . . _ . . n / . V _ J
‘ cArgyioceiZ?u;/iiorgaifggfd; Tiilrd, John H. Hoagland, tagk, which, if successful, Will Win fOi it stated, “7e bClICVC the News-Democrat just newsp
I ' Courier-Journal, Louisvflle; Fourth» J09 Ricmrdsmv ' ‘ - has the lar est news stand sale of air! -
1 ‘ Times, Glasgow: Fifth, Frank c. Bell, Trimble Demo— the bleSSIHgS 0t uncounted neWSpaPCI ‘ g . c )‘ SAM. Tl
orai, Bedford; Sixth, Fred B. Wachs, Herald-Leadfri editors. weekly newspaper in the state. In fact Newspapei
‘ Lexington; Seventh, W. W. Robinson, Herald, Pain 5- - . , . ~ _ . fl
. 5. vine; Eighth, T. T. Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynltllluana; The OVVI 15 attempting a survey of we have1 litit lhcaid (1:1 alny 1other weellsly It's your 0
‘ ' Ninth, H. 11- Browning. Whitley Revublicani W' iams‘ - - - )a er w iic 1 ms esta is let news stan .» .
g 5 5 burg; State—at-large, Chauncey Forgey. Independent, the publiClty sent out by the various iViiile our stands were started more lh8fl5 can do l0]
. , Ashland- Le mum Committee government departments, bureaus, of- r , O tl t t 1 b . , a h (it } portllnity
‘ i Tyler Mumford Ignion Co. Advocate, Morganfield, fices and indiViduals, With the ODJCCUVC a 3631 3.50) 16 0 a num ‘31 16 C e :1" done for >
i chairman; George A. Joplin, Commonweaith, So'Ir‘nlprset: of reducing the total whenever it can only nineteen weeks ago. Two stalls! paper VVEC
‘ I: E bert C. Taylor, Record Herald, Greens urg; omas . . . ‘ - . . - V
. mg Underwood, Herald, Lexington; H. A. Ward, Allen be done Without handicapping necessaiy W616 1653111115th 0111 t}? lday lthmDml [0 make it
5 Co. News, Scottsville; Henry Ward, Sun-Democrat, , . . . - sta1~[€( to '66 recon 0 {16 52165. UF . ~
‘ Paducah; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset. governmentdl 50111 (365 Of information. . ~ ) p . . k ‘ ”i an ale“; 1)]
a , . . . . . - ing thesc past nineteen wee 5 mil ale
-‘ ‘ Newspaper Exhibit committee Mr. D aVlS has appioached thls JOb e sales for the ten stands were 1701/“3‘I Unfortu
‘ ‘ Mrs. Lee Spalding, Kentucky Standard, Bardstown, . , . . rag .
5‘ _ . chairman; J_ LEM“, Bradley, Enterprise, providenpe; from both ends. Six newspapeis in each )a )ers per week at 5c a copy.” know and
.2, ‘ ~ 1 Mrs. John S. Lawrence, Record, Cadiz; Miss Lillian 0f the 48 states have been asked to save 1 ‘l‘ . . ‘ HOW to
. Richards, Russell Co. Banner, Russell Springs; Miss . , .. 1 _ Slnce we are unlnforlned concernlflgf . P
"I, 3 Jane Hutton, Herald, Harrodsbul‘g. all government publiCity matel 1a S 1e- . - . Week and
: .i . 02 b . . , - news stands of other community new,
5 . Kentucky Press WWW” 7‘ ceived in one week and tuin it over to , your readc
.5 Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President; . f fi bl. papers 111 the state, I hope that 011ml
1 Miss Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport, the OWI. A committee 0 ve pu ic . . . . . -F'ld5 and ads 3]
‘ . . . . . 19- . - - editOis Will infOiin the Secretary 16
i ‘ First Vice PreSIdent, Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journa, lxon. relations men named by lVIl‘. DaVlS IS _ ' n l 'S oken W(
. . , 1 Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell, . . Manager of their experiences, Ml‘. 53555 P
Record, Stearns, Third Vice President; Mrs. J. R- now assembling and analyzmg the ma- ,, . hl throughou
.. Wallace, Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary; . 1 A d 1. t ne assistant ders added. I Will be happy to Cpi
.. Miss Urith Lucas, Independent, Maysville, Corres— [Cfla . r1 , accorc ing 0 0 , an editor With available information; quested l)
, , pending Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Bradley, Enterprise, at least, some of it ”IS just a little in— .. y . . i dedicate [l
l . , Providence. Treasurer- d'bl ,, if he Will write me. Every county 563‘; th
' . l e. . -i
. , ———'—————‘___ cre . 1 b1' 't weekly should establish news Stands "1. s t: Eress.
. . . . . i a
f. 5 50“}6 of this governmenlta bflm 10 y his City at important gathering pomliv, t5 er or
i . NATIONAL GDITOR'AL‘ material 15’ of course, vahua e, 165.61: He can boost his circulation WithOlll 0:131:53”
I . mic/“MASSOCIATION essential. In time Of walr t e Cpmp ain cutting into his mail Circulation.’ ‘ ilhe liwa
‘, ‘ “like 1 ' - f ’ has pee“ that, E“ regau Hf) rea hwgr if The News-Democrat recently accepltd' y P an
‘ . “V“{es’ the "1 ormagion uinlsl e 1t e the services of the Greater Weekliesal! (1 my the
. PUth has been insu Clem’ iatcier- [an its national advertising l‘CpI‘eSCntflilVfi; lpring 0C
‘ ER fl“ contrariwlse.' However, efven esirla e In signing the agreement, Editor San-I taoughou
, MEMB 3%) information is sent out iii .211 top v0 um- ders specified that the contract should' find if y(
“WV“, ~ I n _ - ‘
_‘ a inous form. If presl: religions experts not interfere With the One Order-0m: 151065 to dc
K TUCKY PRES WOUId only remem fer t e severellspaclei Check plan of the advertising depart; LORS
l, - - e ' . , i 1 .
CIATION limitations which ace practica y a merit of the Kentucky Press AssoaathIl-s nats suita
3. ASSO newspapers nowadays, they would cur- __ : mat same
i“ ORGANIZED JAM/AH- ”69 tail their co to 10 er cent of its res- 3 Near] 50
________ __ py P ~ R III C ti Baim ‘ ‘ y
i: 5 ,,___ ent length and thereby secure a far more “5“ "u" l ‘3’ l lcan flag c
5 ‘ Volume Thirteen, Number T6" favorable consideration from publishers. [5 Ofleied F01 Sale ,‘ Show Unc}
H i - ~ . . . . . i .
‘3‘ 1 ———-'——*———'—i’—-—‘ Anyway, the great bulk of the kind Miss Lillian Richards, publisher 0d Can do.
‘ 29‘. 5, “Stop” Sign On Government of governmental publicity which Mr. the Russell County Banner, Rust, Push th(
i Publicity Flashed by Davis Davis and the OWI is investigating goes Springs, Who plans on moving to Waslti Stamps D!
~ 5' The Office of War Information is tak- directly to the waste paper baskets of ington, advises the Press that this pal)“; tional Ne
I . , . - - . . . . . .r
’: ing drastic steps of reduce the number 99 per cent of the editors who receive or the printing machinery is £01 5315, Paper boys
1 j ; and size of the mailing lists of the gov- it. Publication is out of the question for She states that the equipment is in W ternationa]
. i- ernment’s informational activities for- two reasons. Lack of space is one and class condition, and the circulallfll; Clation, ha
' . . . . , r .
- , inerly carried on by the Office of Facts almost complete lack of interest to the large for a country weekly, IS gIOf"":E 0f $51000J
, ’ and Figures, the Coordinator of Infor~ general reading public, is the other. every day. It Will pay to investlgfll Nev’spaper
‘5 mation, the Office of Government Re— Incidentally, elimination of the 90 this newspaper. ber 3-
‘ i.
‘ l ' i
it: .
it ,
E i “‘1‘ - ;

 'J “ J J” [111 1
' " 1'11;
JJ 1111,1111
is- :J 11 11
1 J . - Page Five .J.J .c'J J51 1 *
42 1 August, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS , II 11 1JJJJ1 .
1 :51 .11.? 1 '
‘ . . . ".j .. g1:111 *1

~ J . . my. Non—subscribers may secure the 1n51gn1as J 1111 .111 .
1s but . I ,m . 1) 7 char C and without Obligation 1‘ ,1 111
'h0 ~ The Thlrd Annua , V39 J?“ “J g.- - . h an at 9 J 111-1:1
- JJ ,1 a, simply by in 1t1ng to t e comp y . 91‘ 1111111
10111111 \X/ k ”We 20:11 8c Michisah Chie‘hgh- A150 1111111: J 111111
ngJJJJJ Newspaper ee 1,“ able and free will be a full page mat of 11111111

1 ‘55 a pledge page idea for local selling. J:J'J.JJ1 111111111 ..
OCtOber I to 8 2» Proofs of the page and Iinsigma w111 be 1' 31 . 9111111
':'<‘~'E:i:€:iii=:;: ‘.‘..:.-'~-'-:-z':.:.:,;» "-=:=:2:_;;:::;:-.1.., . . . ,I . 1 II II t

. ___ . , mailed you from your Central Office 1 1.111. 1.11 _
1 "____ 1 \1 CW5 mm. "ya within the next few J‘Jeeks' . ‘ ,1‘J 11 11
. .1 Sponsored annually )1 1 I l lIII {‘65: J The Medill School oi JournalismI at 1 1th1; .11
rategtcr Annual Newspaper Week [3115 [hrs year in; “JJJJJJJJJN’JJJ'JJJJ‘JPJJJC (m 3_ )aoe newspaper style clip sheet to 1 131111

woquJ on October 1 to 8, inclusive. A check APE“ :53 c I_lIIoI0u with enough material [or a I 1 1111. 1111
JithouJ1 of your calendar WJJJ ““31 that it is a J ENS? Kai??? JJJJJJ'ZIC eJJdition or section on National ;JJJJ J.‘ J.
EditotI; Thursday to Thursday celebration in §2\¢Wé&1e57§e- 33:35paper “'eek. Distribution will be . JJ 1111 .JJ
NEJJ'J'J ' 1' .v , 's )a )ers an 1 W3 . .- II . .- _ .41 1113111153”.

f h'J 1942, thus gnmg weekly neIWI 1, l l é° 1.:121121113 J11. made through the \arious press assocta 1 .1 111.1111 ,
o 1111 opportumty to devote two issues to tie I. tions I 11111 III III

. -- , 1 J ‘ J J 11511. 111.1
‘ J aCJJJJJJY and dailies 8 (JJJJJSJ - _———_—_—— '0 be mailed tou from your Cen- ' ‘ 11111 11
1and€fiJ Let's all do a real selling Job for not Many organizations both made and trfilsgfhce will be lqn 8-page printed I 1 J11JJ .
1 . . I c . 1 1 I. 1;. 1 ,
mocratI just newspapers alone, but for .UJ\J.CLE outside the fourth estate are planning '1zine-SiZC Idea Kit, packed with sug- 1 1‘1 JJ
OJ JJJJJ' 5AM' The slogan adopted 15. T116 GHJhUSJaSJJC cooperation in the celebra— matgf ns [or )romoting the event. JJ J J11JJ1JJr .
.n JJJJJ Newspapers GO ALL'OJJJ for VJCJOUJ ' tion of the Third Annual Natlonal gcitlois a lirell-rounded program for J 1 JJJ J 1’ ,
JJJJJJJJJJJJ IJJS your OPPOYUJHJJJ’J to show What you NeWSpa1)er Week. Enlisted for prolTJO' YOU Start our plans now. 1JJ -J*J1 .
Stands} can do for your countl‘y- 1th Your 0_P' tion of plans are civic clubs. advertising ' ‘ J ' fQIIIJ. 111 1; 111
tethattI portunity to tell what you have already agencies publishers’ representatIVCS, _______. J1 11 11111: I111
1 1 . I ‘k " , . -~ JJ.