xt72ng4gqd30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gqd30/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2000 text GLSO News, May 2000 2000 2000-05 2019 true xt72ng4gqd30 section xt72ng4gqd30 ,, M 2000
at.” Vol. 15 21 No.4
N . ,
tpé“ sis?
* A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
Wishing Chair AIDS Walk for Life Black Lesbian
. . . Collective Formin
The new VWShmg Chair CD '8 The8th AnnualAlDS WalkforLife g
done and 0” itsway! The new baby, to benefit AIDS Volunteers, lnc. is Sistahs in the Life is a newly
The ghost Qt Will ngbut, Will debut scheduled for Sunday, May 21. This . . .

t rt T M 23 tth . forming somat/support collective for
a our conce on 'ues. ay a e year, the event W'" be held at the Red Lesbians of African Descent. We
Kentucky Theatres State Theater, at Mile, which has come on board this meet biweekly. All black women
8 PM. We are thrilled and exhausted year as a Gold Level sponsor! ages 19 and older are welcome to
and can‘t wait to share it with you all. The walk is later in the year in join

We've got me.“ friends-joining hopes that participants won't all be initially this group is focused on
US on stage-that night IVCIUdmg our frozen huddled masses when they networking. The major objective is
pals from Cincmnatl, Elle: Bree and reach the finish line! We've changed to identify a community of black
Johnny Chapman, as well as Karen the location for safety and logistical -

women and bring us to the same

Jones and Bev Futrell from the Reel reasons. .
World Strin Band in s ecial cameo - . ~ - space at the same time.
Q T‘ k p . | Registration begins at 12-00 Participants will determine the direc-

appearances. lc ets are availab e noon, team pictures Wi" be taken from tion of the collective beyond that.
new at the Kentucky Theatre. _ 1:00 - 1:30. Pre-walk aerobics will We understand that there are
The concert W'“ 3'30 he'll ra'Se take place at 1:45 and the walk will various degrees of newness" and

for local groups supporting - - - .

money . begin at 200- Pledge sheets M" be Indeed many of us aren't out at all.
the preservation Of the Bluegrass. mailed out 500” Participation is confidential and all
The" representativeswfll be on hand There are a variety 0‘ ways to par- efforts will be made to create a safe
to chat and handout information. So, ticipate in the walk. You can gather space for everyone.
your presence W'“ ”0‘ only warm our pledges of support and join us for the Dem sleep Sistahs. Weive
hearts, bUt wm help SUStam the beau- walk. You can organize a team 0f been expressing a need for this for
tiful place we all live. We plan to pack walkers to participate together. You years. Now is the time! For more
the house .50 ”mg Wary?” you can P'edge Your support ‘0 someone information call Letonia 233~3751
know You W'" "0t be d'sfappo'med! 9'39 Who ‘3 wa'king- YOU can come Elsie 971-0411 or Joan 252-2657.

We have lots 0‘ things that can and cheer everyone on! If you‘re affil—

be done by volunteers that night or in lated with a community group, organi-
be put up all over town! Many thanks them to become a walk sponsor!
your kmd words, material support our website at wwwaids volunteers. scott
and spiritual guidance. We could not org or contact Cathy Cox at
have done any Of this without YOU'- AVOLCathy@aoI.com or by telephone I

For more information or to volun- at (859) 278-6274. AC {c 1440A”
teer, call us at 606-608-5393, or

email us at terrakin@aol.com.

 M Queer Friendly Church News
MM‘y Lexington’s MCC port of the AVOL 8th Annual AIDS
iwximé}? P t O N F Walk for Life, LMCC will present a
xiii-223”"; u s n, a cw ace special service of remembrance on
{staff by ”9" Me’ 33”” Sunday, May 21, at 10.30 am. After .
Cat’s: L . t , M t It the service, all will be invited to par-
XV??? C exgriitg Ogljurch annifipgéag ticipate in the walk. The public is
“#9" ngvi/mga‘rlieii worship time beginning invited to attend this special service.
‘I - ‘31 ..'-E=*""i"3‘:m ’ ’ _
Leas $335? Sunday May 7th The church will LMCC is currently develop
’ «age m t ’ 1030 am worshi A new ing.00ping Children’s Church, a pro-
Hove 0: lit and-the Bibrl). Clas gram designed to meet the needs of
0“.”039 'ua y e S our little ones during the worship ser-
Series Will be offered on Tuesday vice Easter provided a wonderful
evenin s, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, ' . . .
The GLSO News from ng 2-23 It’s afour-part series opportunity to begin planning and
. ' . . . . thinkin ahead for this ro ram. A
“’1'“ Issue 4 desrgned to prowde baSlc information specialgchildren's prograrpn wits creat-
Published Monthly by on several biblical references often .
d t re th lesbian ed for the Easter servrce and an
”.39 0 opp SS e gay, ’ Easter egg hunt was held at Shillito
. G bisexual, and transgendered commu- Park for the “young and young at
The Lexington 0y nity. This class will explore the actu- heart ,,
Lesbian Service 8” “'Stor'ca' fontem‘ "fins'attons' and LMCC is already looking ahead
look at the real story behind each to PRIDE month A PRIDE service is
Organzzatzon reference. On those nights, abrown planned for Sun day June 25 at
bag dinner will begin at 6:00 pm. . ‘ ‘
32] Second St. On Sunday May 7 LMCC will LMCC. The church is located at 385
fi k h ‘ n Chut h S mbols Waller Avenue and is wheelchair
0 er a wor S op O C y “friendly." For more information, call
to help each of us understand church 255-4016
Editors; seasons, church colors, and unveil ‘
the mystery behind religious sym- _ - . .
Diary Crone bols. The workshop will held after unfaxfncxst
Peter Taylor Sunday worship. The classes and Have yo 6 beeyn wondering what
maggot) WI" :e tpresgntfd Mtg Unitarian Universalism is all about?
S new as or, e ' The Church has scheduled an intro-
GLSO Annual Dues (Melody) Bailey. ductor . T d M
. . y evening on ues ay ay
and Newsletter: $15 MOVIe Night, on May 12 from 7- _ . .
, . 2nd, 7-8.30 pm, in the Fellowship
Dues and Newsletter for 10 pm, Will be held at a new location . . l . . f
Couples: $20 and May’s offering is "Strawberry and Hall. This educationa sessron is or
Ch l t ,, th me dealin with visitors, people new to Unitarian
mafia 3' ieiiggiibae It is presgnte d Universalism, as well as not-so-new
. l . .
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are g g . p . . . people who are still curious about
, . in Spanish With English subtitles. . . . .
those of the authors and dont necessarily There is no fee for an of the Ma this denomination. Rev. Cynthia
represent those of the GLSO Board. LMCC’ y thl G y Cain, along with members of
Submissions are welcome and become the events. . 3 mon y ame Membership Committee, will discuss
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves N'ght w'” return m the fall. . topics such as: "What do Unitarian
the right to edit submissions and advertise— On Sunday, May 14 (Mothers Universalists believe?" "What is the
ments as well as the right to reject any sub— DEW), LMCC WI” celebrate and history of Unitarian Universalism?"
mlSSlonS or advertisements. remember all who have served as "How do UU's celebrate holidays?"
mother figures m our was” In SUp- Unitarian Views continued on page 14
GLSO Page 2

 Community News I
Carnegie Songwriter Series Donations of $10 to Fairness are Open to all interested persons. |
. The next event in the Carnegie requested but not required. need a head count of those planning
Songwriter Series will be on May Workshops will be: Real Estate: to attend so call Ginger at 389-7698
21st. We are pleased to present buying a home together, Financial or email at gg40504@hotmail.com.
Rounder Recording Artist, Tanya Planning forafinancially secure future ,
Savory, from Nashville, TN and together, and Legal Planning: Legally ‘Wiss (Ky (Walional
Stefanie Fix from Woodstock, NY. Securing your Partner‘s Presence in The new Miss Kentucky
Opening the show will be your Life. Contact us at 2967812 to National is Terry Vanessa Coleman
Lexington's own Sara Day Evans. register or for more information. formerly from Louisville and now
The show starts at 730 pm, from New York City. There was not
with a $5 suggested donation at the Social Concepts a dry eye in the audience when
door. As the name suggests, this On Saturday, May 20, Social Domanique Shappelle from the
series is held at the Carnegie Concepts invites everyone to a Connection in Louisville stepped
Center on second street. All monies Spring Fling, toga party and picnic! down and gave up her title. The first
made that night go directly to the Plans are complete, we are going to runner up is Karissa Wade from
performers As usualthere will be an do something to getout of the house Jacksonville. Both of these lovely
open mic following the featured per- and party! Leave a slot open forthis contestants will represent Kentucky
formers. For more information, rip-roaring event at Shillito Park at the National finals in Atlanta in
check out the Carnegie Songwriter from 12 to 4 pm. Come experience a June.
Series upcoming shows on the web- Chariot Blind Ride; Young People This was a wonderful evening
site, www.terrakin.com. against Old People Tug-a-Rope, in which contestants from all over
they’ve got youth, we've got the country competed for the title.
Wishing Chan patience! Come help me! Grape Three former Miss Nationals,
in addition to their major con- feeding contest, who can peel and Tamisha Iman, l996, Ashley Kruiz,
cert to introduce their new CD (see eat the most? I998, and Shawnna Brooks, 1999,
front page), Wishing Chair plays at Prizes and Presentations will stunned the crowd with their beauty,
various will be playing at several be awarded. Who’s attended the talent, and lavish costumes.
Lexington locations during the most Social Concepts events? Other contestant included
month of May. Overthe weekend of Who’s the oldest, who's the Ginger Grant, Trene Bacall, Kelly
May 4/5/5 and again on the 18th, youngest? Who’s the Wackiest? Matthews, and Miss Congeniality,
they will be at Cheapside between Style show, Drag Race! Jackie and Sunday Delarouge. Live vocalist
10-1 pm. You can also here them at Davina will celebrate their gradua- Tony Douthitt and Miss Ky.-at-large,
Mayfest, on the 14th at 1 pm. tions from school! We all made it Latoya Bacall topped of an all-star
through the winter, we’ve got to cel- cast with outstanding performances.
Fairness Workshops For ebrate that! It‘s too pretty to stay Thank yous go out to the enthu-
“F 'l ,, Pl . home so join us for an afternoon of siastic audience that packed The
amz y anmng .
. fun, games, and good food. Open to Bar Showroom that night and to all
Your local Kentucky Fairness, .
. . . everyone and their loved ones! the contestants and performers
Bluegrass Chapter is organizmg an
Education Seminarfor our LGBT com- Mark yeur calendars for June
munity to be held on Saturday May 10-11, We Will be constructing a new Spouse Abuse Center
. ’ playground for Gardenside park, off Outreach to LBGT Community
20th. Workshops Willbeheldfrom9to .
. . Appomattox road to holly springs. The YWCA Spouse Abuse
3 at the NorthSIde Branch of Public . . .
We need 50 volunteers, so put on Center helps all Victims of domestic
Library, at 1737 Russel Cave.
your work clothes and help us! ...CommunityNews continued page 4

 CmmundyNewsConhnued Project, Social Concepts, and Social ics. We have been meeting at the
Violence. This iii-eludeshmembeie ”of" Concepts. We are looking for people Pride Center but this may be changed.
our community. There have been with ideas for further development of For location and other information con-
enough requests for help and sup- the Pride Center, youth support, and tact Jane at 606-389—7698.

port that the spouse abuse center will outreach to the straight community.

start a gay men's support group if you have an idea that you do not ,AmAZOD '
beginning meeting in May. see listed here, give us a call. .AOVGDCURQRS

The group will discuss whet This Lexington based outdoors
domestic violence is and the effects it Interweave activity group for women is Sh“
has had on the lives of the men who Interweave Wi" be having our going strong. With over 100 mem—
come to the group. We know that monthly pot luck lunch on the second bers now listed, they are indeed 3
because this is often seen as a Sunday, the 14th of May. Bringadish force to be reckoned With-
woman’s issue that it can be difficult and join us after church at about Campouts, hikes and other activities
for men to reach out for help. We 12:15. We can discuss movies we are in the planning stage. YOU can
encourage any gay man who is or want to show during Pride Month. If reach the Amazons by contacting
was involved in a violent relationship the weather is nice we Wi" eat outside. Laurie at 885—4381 or email ldavi-
to consider joining this group. Call We are also considering walking in the son@pop.uky.edu. Homepage: http:
the YWCA Spouse Abuse center and AIDS Walk for Life on May 21_ For //www.angelfire.com/ky2/Amazons/
ask for Letonia. (255-9808) All calls more information, call Davina at 271-
are confidential. (see related article 6174 or e—mail her at Mentoring Workshop
on page 7') artemis427@yahoo.oom.

We will also be starting a group Ginger Moore has been
for women involved in same sex vio— Faimess FW‘dMise" researching and organizing a men-
lent relationships. Depending on the on June 25 Fairness is looking toring program for lesbigaytrans
number Of calls we receive, this forward to presenting a wonderfu| individuals that are coming OUt and
group will begin meeting later in the event for our community. Several turn to our community for help and
summer. If you are interested in join- native Kentukian writers have agreed assistance. Although there is no
ing either of these support groups or to read and discuss their work. longer a CiiSiS line, members 0t
want more information about same Barbara KingsolverI (The Bean Trees) GLSO and other organizations Sti"
sex battering, please call Letonia. Fenton Johnson, (____s___p__Scissor Pa er receive calls from people who are

Mr and Nikki Finney, (M wm be struggling to Open that closet door.
GLSO Board Elections in Memorial Hall. Tickets will be $10. Under the auspices of GLSO. “

There are openings on the GLSO Watch for more information on the Ginger has already offered Part i 0t
Board and elections are held at the Pride Schedule and in the next GLSO a training program for peopie who
Pride Picnic every year. if you are News. are willing to act as mentors. If you
interested in working on any of the fol- . . missed this session and would like
lowing projects or activities please b'eceee'ensreep to be mentor, call Ginger at 289-
consider running for the board. Our The GLSO Discussion/Support 7698
board meetings are on the second Group is now meeting from 7-9pm Mentoring WOTkShOp Part H WI"
Monday of the month are are open to every Wednesday. The Group is open be held on Saturday, May 13, from 9
anyone who would like to attend. Call to anyone 18 or older. We share our Uhtii 11AM Topic to be covered
Terry during the day at 255-5469 if you experiences, listen to each other, and include “Mentoring Contract
are interested in running. provide support and encouragement. Negotiations", and “15 Laws 0t

Current Projects: The GLSO If you cou|d use a place to "be your- Mentoring". TWO Speakers from the
News, The Pride Center, ActOut, self" for a couple of hours a week, Health Department Wiii speak on
Discussion Group, Speakers Bureau, come join ”5' We often focus on com- “Safe Sex” from 9 to 10' Please
Pride Month, Pink Pages, Mentoring ing out issues bUt the group has attend this workshop if you have

always included a wide range of top- Signed on to be a mentor.
GLSO Page 4

 e BUCKS OF NOTE and weaknesses are before venturing book will help you see just what you
I by Charlie perkins on to discover "Mr. Right". In a step by might do differently as you find "Mr.
_' _ _ step, easy to understand plan (with do- Right". There is little room for failure
' Mr. 9' ht ' OUt There able exercises and activities), Dr. here.
By: Pi Kenneth 0- George George leads the reader through the Mr. Kenneth D. George is a pro-
. PUDIIShed by; Alyson ‘ 232 D $13-95 mostly not so painful process of dis— fessor at the University of
Who is "Mr. Right" and how do covering what he needs to know about Pennsylvania and runs a private prac-
5 you find him? This is a difficult question himself before he can enter into a lov- tice in psychotherapy, working with
l for many people, but especially so for ing relationship with another gay man. gay single men and gay couples. It has
_ most oay men. The author, Dr. This is not asex manual, although taken many years for him to write this
1 (Professor) Kenneth D. George starts there is a chapter the reader will not little book. He’s been busy finding his
_ by telling the reader not to internalize want to miss on sex. Using actual own Mr. Right. He and his partner,
i society's homophobic messages that people, the author explores the entire Christopher Beck (an artist) have
i gays are "sick, deviant or abnormal". spectrum of the "do’s and don'ts" of found each other. They celebrated
i Gay men are entitled, in fact, empow- gay relationships. Vlfith chapters such their tenth wedding anniversary by
, ered to have a workable loving rela- as "Being Emotionally Intimate", enjoying a cruise on the Queen
tionship with another gay man. As "Becoming a Male Couple" and Elizabeth ll a Gay cruise. In their
book, Enchanted Love, we must Differences", be prepared to be chal- read that for yourself.
"Prepare to be the beloved". lenged.
As a gay doctor writing for gay If you are ayounger gay man, this GLSO welcomes book reviews for
men, Dr. George gives expert advice book will guide you in getting started publication. Email to Mary Crone at
on doing the real work of discovering on the right foot. If you are a mature Marycrone@aol.com or to our P.O.
who we are, and what our strengths gay man (what can I say?), then this Box 11471, Lex. Ky. 40575
1 “Family” Planning for the LGBT Community ‘
Saturday May 20th, 9am — 3 m
i P
North Branch Public Library , Russell Cave Road, Lexington, Ky i
9am — 10:30am lfllfii How to Buy a House , : l
i, it» Realtors, Bankers & Lawyers Tell All 6i
;‘f;tfl.i~;§?:i-:EL"ti'iii'f'lln'a ,/ ‘1“
. . egg
10:45am - 12:15pm Putting together a financial plan .. “’
Financial Planners give advice about saving for your future!
Lunch: 12:15pm — 1:30pm (on your own) i6
1:30pm-3:00pm Legally Securing your Partner in your Life.
' Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Benefactors - what the law does allow.
Cost $10 Suggested but not Required Donation to EPA—Bluegrass Chapter:
|_ To sign up: 859—296-7812 just leave a message & we’ll call you back. _ii
__——_=__——.———_-_—-——_— —————_————_—'__———-—————_—___——‘—____=__J
GLSO Page 5
W - .g.;_,..__, __> “_ A” .

 Life I 5 Short 80 what happens if you are not some change. In other words, it is
By Heinette F. Jones sorry when death occurs? What hap- severe enmeshment. The verbal
pens it you keep living your life the threat continues to bring about very
Life is short. This saying means way that you want to and you enjoy it, predictable reactions. The vengeful—
different things to different people, but and life is never short because it is a ness of the speaker is not easily rec-
the only times that l have heard it used lifetime, however long that may be? ognized when you have been told all .
in my family is when someone dies or What happens when you. remember of your life that death of another is the
when there is a major disagreement. the good times and bad times when punishment when you break really big
If the deceased was between the ages there isadeath, but you decline mem- (and ambiguous) rules. I do not
of nothing and 50, than life is short. bership to the life is short team of believe that a divine hand was ever
If one person can not be swayed soothsayers who have done their God involved in such a hurtful scheme and
to agree with all others, then life is a favor by allowmg him to share in it should never be attributed to love of
short. If there is a disagreement their plan and become their best any kind.
between two individuals of different friend? I hadn't intended to say these Life is a lifetime, which is a long
generations, then life is unmercifully things in the ICU waiting room, but I time because that is all that I've got at
short for the older person and time can said them because I could not listen to the moment and I intend to make the
onlybe restored with the absolute sub- the life is short speech one more time. best of it. This is probably close to
mission of the younger person. It is When I came out as a lesbian, what the statement, life is short, was
very peculiar how I.” e can only get and it was realized that I intended to truly meant to convey before it got
short for selected occasions and for stay out, life suddenly got so short for twisted into a power play guilt trip.
particular individuals. so many people that it is still a miracle
Last month my cousin's son died that. I am not my only liVing relative. Pride Month planning
and once again it was said that life is During the “m9 everybody and INS Thursday May 6
short. And as always, the words were stray dog were in danger of a short life.
not meant for the person who had No one had ever told me that so many 7Pm
died, but rather the words were meant lives rested in my hands and If I IOOk Pride Center
to point out the faults of the living. an unapproved turn, then all were 387 Waller Ave
As I sat in the ICU waiting room doomed. To date, not a one of them
listening to all the reasons why a has dIed‘ , , , NOW Accepfi'g "ownafions
young man's accidental death was BUI the fear was so ingrained In for ”‘9' wasso" and Raw’ow
cause for the defiant to become me at the time, thatl just knew that at Community Service. Awards
obedient, I couldn't help but wonder :3: rilgigdi:;::nihs?wfeone Mew:
. . a e was s o . . .
::;e:?n::fn death IS equated wnh and actually knock on death's door. I WISVIWIG (:er
Itri ed to remember if anyone had waited and I held' my breath in antici- COVICQV‘T and CD Debut __
ever said that life was short during the 55:33 rOI the horrible day when death Mag 23 8 pm
good times when all was well and each out and yank somebodys
everyone was in agreerrient. But I butt across the threshold. Then one KQWTMCQU TfiQGTQV‘
could not recall a single time when the day I 99‘ tired OI waiting and lgot tired with
words were not used to provoke guilt, of holding my breath; I had a life to live Karen jot/leg, BQV Fl/ITV‘QII
remorse, and fear. For generations according to my plan. Eric, Bree, and Joni/Wig Chapman
those three words, life is short, have Over the years I have 90“ to
been used as a threat to mean that realize that the gUilt, from being told Room for Rent in nice house,
you are not living your life according to that life '3 SW, '5 ”(mpg more than a must be responsible person, HIV
the plan and when death occurs you very conlaglolls . emotlona' '0)" that OK, must be understanding of HIV.
are going to be sorry. spreads like Wildfire when certain fam- Please call for detai|s
ily members' become insecure due to 859-266-9699
GLSO Page 6

 Domestic Violence Elastic: gevhger. Somretstilc \titolSrtlre: in a lgvirhghgaslatriznstllip. Viotlfiincehof
, . a upo ran co r0. | any 0 pace WI n e
“'5 Not 1"“ A Stralglt “"ng desire for one person in a same sex community. Perpetrators
by Latonia relationship to want total power and of this type of violence should be
There is a secret hovering over control over the other individual. held accountable for their actions,
the lesbian/gay/bi/trans community. Perpetrators of domestic vio- and victims of the violence have the
People within the community do not Ience will go to all lengths to maintain right to a supportive network that
feel safe in their homes. Some do their power and control. The tactics embraces their experience and .
not feel safe on their jobs. Some used by perpetrators who are in empowers them to leave the situa- ‘
have even had to relocate as a result same sex relationships are not much tion.
of fear. We are not talking about the different than those used by perpe- The YWCA Spouse Abuse
fear and hatred generated by homo- trators in heterosexual relationships. Center is a place that can offer sup-
phobia and bigotry. We are talking There is an extreme level of posses- port to victims of same sex domestic
about the fear and humiliation gener- siveness and jealousy within these violence. It can offer safe shelter and
ated within the community. We are violent relationships. Intimidation is counseling. it can also provide legal
talking about the degradation and used to keep the victim in the rela- support to victims seeking protection
physical harm that exists within the tionship. Members of same sex rela- through the courts. The YWCA
intimate relationships that make up tionships also report being forced to Spouse Abuse Center helps all vic-
the community. We are talking about perform sexual acts against their will. tims of domestic violence.
the secret 0t domestic violence and Many victims suffer a great deal of A gay men's support group will
the impact it has on the same sex degradation and criticism. The same begin meeting in May. We will dis-
community, whether it is discussed cycle of violence that exists within cuss what domestic violence is and
or not. heterosexual relationships also the effects it has had on the lives of
Domestic violence can be exists within same sex relationships. the men who come to the group. It
described as the physical assault or Just as the violence and the tac- will be a time that victims can share
sexual assault, or the imminent fear tics used to maintain power and con- their experiences and empower one
Of physical assault or sexual assault trol are about the same, still there are another to be safe. We encourage
that occurs between married and some tools used in same sex rela- any gay man who is or was involved
unmarried couples. The National tionships that are exclusive. Many in a violent relationship to come to
Department 0t JUStiCe reports the victims in the same sex community the group for answeres to their ques-
incidence 0t domestic viotence for are reluctant to tell their stories for tions and for understanding.
heterosexual couples is 1 in 5 rela- fear of being "outed" to co-workers, We will also be starting a group
tionships. The National Coalition family members, and friends who do for women involved in the same vio-
Against Domestic violence reports not knowthe truth about their sexuality. lent relationships. This group will
that 1 in 4 same sex relationships It is also harder to talk about the begin meeting later in the summer.
‘ reports the same type 0t abuse. violence because many believe If you are interested in joining
Many Choose to mask the vio- homosexuality is wrong, therefore, the support group or just want more
Ience by perpetuating myths. "it the violence is a part of these unnat- information about same sex batter-
can't be domestic violence it two ural relationships. it comes with the ing, please contact LeTonia at the
people are the same gender. lt‘s JUSt territory. Beliefs and misinformation YWCA Spouse Abuse Center. All
a lover's quarrel." "Lesbians are like these make it difficult to seek information gathered will be kept
women, and everyone knows women help, even in the most desperate of confidential, as will the meeting
are non violent." “They are the times. Unfortunately, these types of place. The number to call is 1-800-
exact same size, it is an even fight." beliefs send a message that violence 544—2022. Please don't spend
These are only a few 0t the myths is acceptable within the same sex another day in fear and confusion.
surrounding the truth about same community, and should be expected. End the silence. Stop the VID-
sex domestic violence. The truth i8. Domestic violence has no place LENCE.
it does not matter about size, race,
GLSO page 7

8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:30 pm Bible Study 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Pride Month 7:00 pm LMCC Games ‘ ' g -.
7:00 pm Fairness Meeting (MCC) Group (Pride Center) Committee (Pride Center) Night 0/ “1",”; -' '. ‘
(Pride Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7:00 pm Men‘s Chums 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ‘ i" I, 1' I6]
Rehearsal (Pride Center) tba COLTS (The Phoenix) ' ‘9 ' _ '
7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ' I ' ' ‘ '
7 SUNDAY 8 9 10 ll 12 13
10:30 am LMCC 7:00 pm GLSO Board 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm (lay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Mentoring
10:45 am UU Church Meeting — open to the (hoop (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) 7:00 pm LMCC Movie Night Workshop Par: 11 (Pride 6 S t : I ur : I nt
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) public - (Pride Center) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Center)
1:00 pm Volleyball 8:00 pm AA Step Study .
Practice (Dunbar Center) 55 7 S. leestone
6:00 pm Dignity ' .
Lexrngton, Ky.
14 15 16 17 18 19 :20 253-0014
10:30 am LMCC 8:00pm AA Step Study 7:00pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men's Chorus 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Family Planning
10:45 am UU Church Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) 8:00 pm AA Step Study (Northside Library)
12:30 am CUUPS (,UU) 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA tba Social Concepts °
1:00 pm Volleyball Toga Party (Shillito featurlng the famous
Practice (Dunlbar Center) GLSO NEWS DEADLINE. Park)
SUBMIT ADDITIONS Alfalfa W eekend BrunCh
14932331430“ servmg blueberry
21 22 23 24 25 26 :27 t buckwheat pancakes,
10:30 am LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 8:00 pm Wishing Chair 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion 7:00 pm Men’s Chorus 7:30 pm ("jay/Lesbian AA - 1
11:45 am UU Church (Kart-itchy Theater) Group (Pride Center) Rehearsal (Pride Center) ' eggs be HCdICt ar r10 d,
12:15 am Inteniveave 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA -
Lunch (UU) Spanish omelettes
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) d
1:00pm Volleyball gourmet €SSCI'tS,
Practice (Dunlhar Center) d h
7:30 pm Song Writing an mUC more
Series (Carnegie Center)
28 29 30 _____ 31 __________ ~”—‘7r§riT/rgciviierafiermmnru—grafi All of our breads and
10:30 am LMCC 8:00pm AA Step Study 7:00 pm GLSO Discussion '
11:45 am UU Church Group (Pride Center) (168 S €118 are b aked dally
12 noon AIDS Walk For 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA - k° h
Lit’e (Red Mile) 1n 0111‘ ltC en
12:30 am CUUPS (UU) _
1:00 pm Volleyball
Practice (Dunlbar
MOIE413LEPEISTNEED13‘ I’ULUNTEERSE!'ERI’ DAT- CALL 25 2-286 7 Free Evenlng Parklng

Wasson Award
R ° lb ° ° d
am ow Community Servrlce Awar
These awards are for the individual (Wasson Award) or the community group
(Rainbow Award) that through volunteerism has done the most for the Lexington area
GLBT Community in the previous year or years. The awards will be presented at the
Banquet on Sunday, June 11. Anyone can nominate a person or group for these awards.
If you will write a paragraph giving reasons for your choice, you will increase the possi-
bility of receiving votes. Use the back of this form if you wish. Members of the Pride
Committee and representatives of each group will vote on the nominations in early June.
It needs to be in mailbox by May 31. Please send in your nomination(s) to
GLSO, P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, Ky. 40575.
And while you are at it, we are in need of new and renewing subscribers!
Thenewrsletter comes in a non revealing envelope, with only a box number as areturn address. so not even your mailman
willpltnow fer cure! This is an easy but important way to support our community. Lower rates are available for students
or anyone in need. All you have to do is send us this form and a check. These are the current projects offlthe CLSO:
The GLSO’News . ' The Pride Center ActOut . , V p ' .I .-
. DiscuSSion Group ‘ . Speakers Bureau . I PrideMOnrth . Iv
‘Pink‘Pages . , Social Concepts Social Events a I
‘ ‘ ‘ 'We are looking for more people and