xt72ng4gp18b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt72ng4gp18b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1976 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 23, 1976 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Georgia, October 23, 1976 1976 1976 2014 true xt72ng4gp18b section xt72ng4gp18b $1 .00 EBT. PTTCE .95   @*,4/J{4&
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Kentucky vs. Georgici——October 23, I976   {ij  .;. IIF; I,
UK Football Program: Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-     ,4‘' It
dress—Mem0ria| Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506.     rlll    
· · . · · . · · .   .il» 1  •/   J    
Editoi;;LtSt§ré.. Russell Rice, editor, Ed Swift and Ellsworth Taylor, advisors, Jack Perry, tfytl /VV,   A   J tt., it   DD
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley.   ''/,   if    
National Advertising Representative; Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue, tf ill. I   I       Lt f l/’,
New York, N. Y. IOOI7 L *~ ·/”·’'»*- ` ‘ ”  ·
. 1 - • l Y _ _
CONTENTS _· ; "_.__ ;·'t_;'“
V Governor Carroll ...................................................................................................... 3      
President Singletary .................................................................. , ............................... 9   .._>'___     mt   .
Athletic Director Hagan .,...............................................,.............,............................ 9 ;-;*=··*·»¢g;w_,...,b`   `
Coach Fran Curci .......................................,...........,.,..,.........._........ , __,,_._,.._,,__.____.,_,, 14     "` ··   .-,__
The Early Years of College Football .....................................................,................. It     at
Masccts Of the SEC .................................... . .....,_,_,_______,_____,__________ _ _,______,_,,____________ 4t   _       
Life of a Cornerback ....,.,.,........................,. . .........,.............,...,........................,...,.. IOt .-Tj_`_;{,_ ,_    `_ `
Facts About UK ......................................... . ...........................................................,. 29       , .  ' r
The Arts at UK ..........,.......................................................,............................... 30-3l if   GT,    lg? ,»  {
Wildcat Assistant Coaches ................,..................................,............,....................... 32 V V Akelnxed dining in an ALL AMER_ I  
Meet the Wildcats ................................................,......................................... 33-34-35 . tCAN utmosphéret Setect Chbicé t t
UK ROSIIGF ............... . .... t................ .................. .. ..... . ........... ,...,, ........... ., ...... . .... . ...... .                
Lineups .......................................................,................................................,..... 38-39 S_i_Z_z_t_é on our Open. haurth t
\/isitor's Roster ...............................................................................,........................ 4l Charcoal gr"'. Choose {mm Over i
Visitor’s Picture Pages ........................................................................................ 42-43 26- Condiments for your Salud. t  
Wildcat Marching Band .....................,................................................... . ......... . ........ 45 `Tgmpttng Beverdéest Served from _  
Tailgating ..................,............................... . ......,.............,...................................... I3t . 4 ptmt to   ptmt for ull home. l·
SEC Football Coaches Over The Years .......... . ........................,...............................i.. l6t _ games.   _ Q
Collegiate Hall of Fame .............................. . .................,......................................... l9t I · V - 1
Blue—White Fund .....................,..............,.........,......,.......... 6I—62-63-64-65-66-67-68 — · D _ J 
Alumni Activity Line .......................,........................................................................ 76 V ‘     ` 
  . , . " . l
Faculty Members Alumni Members 941 w_ h t R6 d n l
Dean Marion E, McKenna, ’76 Dr. Ralph Angelucci, '78 Lextngzit Eigtuczy  
Prof. Daniel R. Reedy, '76 Thomas P. Bell, '76 Ptwnet i53_0750 l
Dr. N. J. Pisacano, ’77 ~ F
gn %EPl]€“ lgllfchun/Ig; Ex Officio Members Franklin Square Mall  
P nf Or ES mgen , Dr. Otis A. Singletory, Chairman F¤'¤¤l¤**<>* ***5 5 *
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  ‘ °     , _1   I President, University of Kentucky
, .t   yr •»   " A W n I ii  it L, _; Dr, Otis A, Singletory come to Lexington in l‘?69
1     \ I 1  T  ’  ·· '_ os the eighth president ot the University ot Kentucky,
Q I 1     which wos estoblished in l865 under provisions ot
l   J ‘   the Morrill Act ot l862 os the Agricultural ond
I W H  ‘°  Mechonicol College ot Kentucky University. ln l878,
  _ , t       i the school seporoted from KU ond become on inde-
,   ,     pendent institution supported by the Stote. lt hos
 ;., A     been known os the University ot Kentucky since l9l6.
l °“   V - > . Prior to ossuming the UK presidency, Dr. Single-
5  H  ilil T tory wos executive vice choncellor tor ocodemic
`   ottoirs ot the University ot Texcis, Austin. He eorlier
hod been director ot the Job Corps progrom tor the
s Q, _, _ Ottice ot Economic Opportunity, ond choncellor ot
      the University ot North Corolino ot Greensboro. His
,,, T mony honors include the UK Alumni Service Aword—
  · o recognition rorely bestowed upon o non—olumnus ot
  the University.
F _,   Pig ép F' . ,3 ,   7,;*,.
‘ 3*.   Q ` ’,e .
CLIFFORD O. HAGAN 1    .  ,1; J? *  
Director of Athletics   °*~»~.. y y ,_ T. s.r· ·~    
, ` i 1., £~>h"_’·   Q .·. vg   Ri  
. . f• »   s..»; ‘ T , *~¥·—»  
Clitt Hogon returned to his olmo moter Jonuory l,  _. ‘— .    “    
l972, os ossistont director ot othletics ond then wos "  `“£ `   ‘ `  Yi? — \___,,,, ff
nomed othletics director July l, l975. One ot the   T    {Ez ii   W T¥;~·.*§
oll—time greot bosketboll ployers ot UK, he ployed   ··i§ " T        
on teoms thot won 86 ot 9l gomes ond on NCAA   i     t,  "`
chompionship (l95l). The l954 teom, undeteoted      
y in 25 gomes, elected not to ploy in the notionol     _.,.   *
  tournoment. Hogon set o dozen SEC records ond on nl i ‘ VE ‘_i.  
i NCAA record ot 528 rebounds os o junior. He T   ·`  
l overoged 29 points o gome, led the notion in re-   ET    
  bounding, ond scored o then—UK record 5l points ..__m,    
  ogoinst Temple in lc?54. `    
  He wos Al|—Americon ot UK, Al|—Pro with the St.   ,,__   *
l Louis Howks ond ployencooch ot the Dollos Chop- t  .   ._    
‘ I orrols. He wos merged the i968 Texas Protessionol         '
Coocn ot the Yeor.    ‘»’  i;;5;’5; ;§?,2;gj;g§§;;-;izgg;g§‘j`f_§§;;_______   ,.j;i;Lt_g—;;; Q;
l       t .,   |
l  ti  '··~s   QT ?i%i?¥?€?°%?E€iii"'i — .—.i. .rQ¤;.iij’€I€?§¥5§?5%§$E&§.  `
i   ’  c.‘ . t   %%¥*’* ‘"”`  
l   ·‘e».    

T/¤' I   I
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I . . % 1.*S==:_‘· ·{_ j. _:.·‘.»·?=,,··:‘,·_;:. ;:·’=;§.=·:;==<¤··_·% _¤;=$;§·‘a-·:._&‘.- ‘. -‘£f·=·=’·‘ ,;,1 _’ .‘;‘$¤‘» ···- ;;;¥·=fi   ·,.,‘. r-.a;‘ I_·§=€·;=;==:=·;;·r;;js j*:.··=I·;:-:···i-;·=;.¢-=,;'r·; ‘· :_·=;—e*·‘;-·j-·;2¤5¤2;=/ _ . ·,"=~g‘o... . .................. $ 3.95 Wildcat" .,.,.._...........,. , ...,....................... $ I.95
2) PENNANT—R0yal/Colored Wildcat Z3) HAT—Cowbay Royal w/White K ....... S 6.00 33) FQQTBALL JERSEY.-Y¤uth,
Head 6x18 ..,.   ..,. . . r ......... · ,............ $ 1.75 24) TENNIS VISOR—R¤y¤I and White X5, 5, M, L, Navy __,_,_,,_..,........,....,.. ...5 4.95 ‘
3) PENNANT—Royal/Colored Wildcat w/Ky. Wildcats ..._     ...... . ................ $ 3.95 34) SWEATSH|RT_Y0uyhI Xg, gl Ml Ll
) It-lEerali;l`Jz>;3;   .._...   ..   .............. .5 2.25   LlgHTEl;—Bic Clic w/KyaWildcats .... g   NOW, White 0,. Lk giue _,,_______,__,_,_,, $ 4_75
4 — oya ite niversity I HTE ——·Zippo w/Wi cat .......,.... 5. 35) -I-_SHlR-I-;Y0uth XS S M L ,
Seal `l2x3O .....,.........,,. . ,,.......,.,..,,......... $ 2.50 27) LICENSE PLATE—White w/Blue h- N I I I I I 3_00
ss) PlLLOW—l6xl6 Corduroy, xrryui or Kentucky waidmrr ,,.,..,..,._................,, $ 2.00 36) ;;,éfT°E'R_°;;u,,"‘;,‘,`é;°)"‘é"é"‘,‘6",‘é$
6, SIZL.Zé?i’.£L%ir°Er;;r00;;..yrr;y. rI‘ "‘° ”’ L3?‘§I§,’$§.“IF.?i.T)’P..)IT ..,,. ... I 3.25 3,, j_¤g;,;*¤¤;,2e,,N rrrr ,29,, rrrrrrnr »  I I III-95 .
1007 D   ..... . .......... .. $13.95 ._ X ' U I I · · ·
7) pEW;ER¤;I;:LKARD_Jewe|Ed 29) ${25yF   8,95 Navy UHIIHECI Nylon ..........,. ..  , ..,,. .$ll.95 I
Ky Emblem- ....... . .,.. . ...,,,., . ..... . ,,., ,. .$2l.95 30) FOOTBALL JERSEY___Aduh' SI MI L, XL, 38) .lACKET——AdUll’, S, M, l-, Xl-, I
3) MUG_2Q.0I_ Ceramic in Blue, Navy 4 I     ,_,v   lrvvnvn N Alvlylnlllnnlyrr $ 6.95 Navy Flannel Lined Nylon ..... . ........,.... $16,25
White 01 Black . . ,. ...,,. .. .. ...,,.,.. $   3])     39) JACKET——Adult, S, M, L, XL,
9) G